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Alveolar liquid clearance in multiple nonperfused canine lung lobes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Grimme, John D., Susan M. Lane, and Michael B. Maron.Alveolar liquid clearance in multiple nonperfused canine lung lobes. J. Appl. Physiol. 82(1):348-353, 1997.We evaluated the ability of canine isolatednonperfused lung lobes to absorb fluid from their air spaces bysimultaneously measuring alveolar liquid clearance (ALC) in three lobesremoved from the same dog. Autologous plasma was instilled in the airspaces of each lobe, and the increase in plasma protein concentrationresulting from fluid reabsorption was used to calculate ALC. ALC after4 h was 16.5 ± 0.6% (SE) of the instilled fluid volume underbaseline conditions and was 30.2 ± 1.3% after terbutaline(105 M) administration.These values were similar to those previously reported for intact dogs.Propranolol (104 M) andouabain (103 M) reduced ALCin terbutaline-stimulated lobes to 20.4 ± 0.8 and 3.9 ± 1.4%,respectively. There was no significant difference in ALC among thethree lobes under either baseline conditions or after terbutalineadministration. These data indicate that the sodium and water transportmechanisms of the canine alveolar epithelium remain viable during 4 hof nonperfusion and that there are no intrinsic differences in thetransport properties of individual lung lobes. The ability to studyseveral lobes simultaneously without the need for perfusion will allowfor the design of experiments in which multiple interventions can bestudied by using lung lobes from the same animal.


A substantial body of evidence indicates that active transport of ions is important in modulating the resolution process of pulmonary edema. The biochemical regulation of this ion transport mechanism is still under investigation. In this study we evaluated the effect of an adenosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate (cAMP) analogue [dibutyryl cAMP (DBcAMP)] and a phosphodiesterase inhibitor (aminophylline) given alone or together on lung liquid and protein clearance. To study lung liquid and protein clearance, we measured the removal of 100 ml of autologous serum from the air spaces of anesthetized and ventilated adult sheep. Either serum alone or serum mixed with 10(-3) M DBcAMP, 10(-3) M or 10(-5) M aminophylline, or 10(-3) M aminophylline plus 10(-3) M DBcAMP was instilled. After 4 h, the residual lung water was 73.5 +/- 8.7 ml when serum alone was instilled and 56.8 +/- 13.6 ml when aminophylline and DBcAMP were given together. Neither aminophylline nor DBcAMP alone increased lung liquid clearance. However, the increase in clearance cannot be explained by an increase in protein clearance or changes in the pulmonary hemodynamics. These data suggest that the cAMP second messenger system can stimulate lung liquid clearance in vivo.  相似文献   

Alveolar liquid and protein clearance from normal dog lungs   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
To determine whether liquid and protein clearance from the air spaces and lungs of anesthetized and unanesthetized dogs is the same as in sheep, we quantified these variables at three different time periods (4, 8, and 12 h) by instilling heparinized plasma (3 ml/kg) labeled with 125I-albumin into one lower lobe. Protein clearance, measured from the residual 125I-albumin in the lung homogenate, was slow and monoexponential (approximately 1%/h), similar to our previous data for protein clearance from the lungs in sheep. Lung liquid clearance in dogs, however, was 50% less than in previous experiments in sheep. Residual lung liquid (as percent of instilled) was 88.7 +/- 7.0 at 4 h, 70.5 +/- 9.1 at 8 h, and 64.0 +/- 5.8 at 12 h. At each time period, alveolar protein concentration increased by 0.6 +/- 0.4 g/dl at 4 h, 1.3 +/- 1.2 g/dl at 8 h, and 2.1 +/- 0.8 g/dl at 12 h. This increase in alveolar protein concentration was proportional to the volume of liquid removed from the lungs. beta-Adrenergic agonist therapy with terbutaline (10(-5) M mixed with the instilled plasma) doubled the volume of liquid cleared from the lungs over 4 h, and the alveolar protein concentration increased proportionally. However, lung liquid clearance in dogs that were treated with beta-agonists was proportionally (50%) less than in sheep treated with beta-agonists. The slower liquid clearance in dogs compared with sheep cannot be explained by differences in hemodynamics, pulmonary blood flow, anesthesia, mode of ventilation, or alveolar surface area.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Lung tissue of the white New Zealand rabbit was examined by transmission and scanning electron microscopy from the 23rd to the 30th day post conception (p.c.). The following results were obtained: 1. About day 23 p.c., when the development of capillaries increases, the "canalicular period" starts. This is followed by the "terminal sac period" characterized by the beginning of alveolarisation. On day 28 p.c. typical alveoles can be found. 2. The Pneumoplast is the stem cell of the pneumocyte type I as well as type II. They differentiate parallel in either one or the other. This stem cell of the entodermal origin has a single cilium. During the period of single cilia growth the cell is not mitotic. 3. The maturation of the lamellar body, typical of the pneumocyte type II, can be accomplished in a direct as well as in a indirect way of synthesis. Transitions between both are possible. 4. The most important factors of differentiation are collagenic induction substances beside nerval and humoral factors. Those humoral factors can be transported easier into the cells with advancing capillarisation as a result of the shortened distance of diffusion.  相似文献   

We studied the time course of volume and protein reabsorption of a 2-ml hydrothorax using whole (WP) or diluted (DP) homologous plasma injected into the right pleural cavity in anesthetized spontaneously breathing supine rabbits. Animals were killed at 5 (WP, n = 4; DP, n = 3), 36 (WP, n = 3; DP, n = 4), 55 (WP, n = 4), 90 (WP, n = 8; DP, n = 4), and 150 (WP, n = 4; DP, n = 5) min after the injection. The volume and protein content of the pleural liquid in control conditions (n = 12) amounted to 0.35 +/- 0.015 (SE) ml/kg and 1.8 +/- 0.27 g/100 ml, respectively, which are not significantly different at 90 min (n = 7). Pleural liquid volume decreased at a similar rate during WP or DP reabsorption according to the equation V = 0.84 +/- 0.05 X e-0.02t, with net reabsorptive flow expressed as dV/dt. The globulin quantity (Q) of the pleural liquid for WP and DP, respectively, decreased according to the equations Qwp = 1 + 1.5 X e-0.04t and Qdp = 0.7 + 0.6 X e-0.03t. Assuming a major lymphatic globulin clearance and no filtration into the cavity, we obtained lymph flow using the equation VL = dQ/dt X l/C where dQ/dt is calculated from the equations for Qwp and Qdp and C represents globulin concentration. The Starling flow (Vs) was then calculated by the equation Vs = dV/dt-VL. With increasing time, lymph flow was found to decrease progressively and was not significantly different from net flow with DP, which implied a Starling flow value of zero. During WP reabsorption, lymph flow initially exceeded the net flow, with the difference disappearing at approximately 60 min; accordingly, Starling filtration flow decreased progressively, becoming zero at the same time.  相似文献   

Short-term mechanical ventilation with high tidal volume (HVT) causes mild to moderate lung injury and impairs active Na+ transport and lung liquid clearance in rats. Dopamine (DA) enhances active Na+ transport in normal rat lungs by increasing Na+-K+-ATPase activity in the alveolar epithelium. We examined whether DA would increase alveolar fluid reabsorption in rats ventilated with HVT for 40 min compared with those ventilated with low tidal volume (LVT) and with nonventilated rats. Similar to previous reports, HVT ventilation decreased alveolar fluid reabsorption by ~50% (P < 0.001). DA increased alveolar fluid reabsorption in nonventilated control rats (by ~60%), LVT ventilated rats (by approximately 55%), and HVT ventilated rats (by ~200%). In parallel studies, DA increased Na+-K+-ATPase activity in cultured rat alveolar epithelial type II cells (ATII). Depolymerization of cellular microtubules by colchicine inhibited the effect of DA on HVT ventilated rats as well as on Na+-K+-ATPase activity in ATII cells. Neither DA nor colchicine affected the short-term Na+-K+-ATPase alpha1- and beta1-subunit mRNA steady-state levels or total alpha1- and beta1-subunit protein abundance in ATII cells. Thus we reason that DA improved alveolar fluid reabsorption in rats ventilated with HVT by upregulating the Na+-K+-ATPase function in alveolar epithelial cells.  相似文献   

Epidermal growth factor increases lung liquid clearance in rat lungs   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Epidermal growthfactor (EGF) has been reported to stimulate the proliferation ofepithelial cells and increase Na+flux andNa+-K+-ATPasefunction in alveolar epithelial cell monolayers. Increases inNa+-K+-ATPasein alveolar type II cells (AT2) have been associated with increasedactive Na+ transport and lungedema clearance across the rat alveolar epithelium in a model ofproliferative lung injury. Thus we tested whether administration ofaerosolized EGF to rat lungs would increase activeNa+ transport and lung liquidclearance. Sixteen adult Sprague-Dawley male rats were randomized tothree groups. To a group of six rats, an aerosol generated from 20 µgof EGF in saline was delivered to the lungs, to a second group of fiverats only aerosolized saline was delivered, and a third group of fiverats without treatment served as the control. Forty-eight hourspostaerosolization of rat lungs with EGF there was an ~40% increasein active Na+ transport and lungliquid clearance compared with control rats, in the absence of changesin22Na+,[3H]mannitol, andalbumin permeabilities. TheNa+-K+-ATPaseactivity in AT2 cells harvested from these lungs was increased in ratsthat received aerosolized EGF compared with AT2 cells from both controlrats and rats receiving aerosolized saline. These results support thehypothesis that in vivo delivery of EGF aerosols upregulates alveolarepithelialNa+-K+-ATPaseand increases lung liquid clearance in rats.


Alveolar liquid pressure (Pliq) was measured by micropipettes in conjunction with a servo-nulling pressure measuring system in isolated air-inflated edematous dog lungs. Pliq was measured in lungs either washed with a detergent (0.01% Triton X-100) or subjected to refrigeration for 2-3 days followed by ventilation for 3 h. At 55% of total lung capacity (TLC, the volume at a transpulmonary pressure (Ptp) of 25 cmH2O before treatment), in both the Triton-washed and the ventilated lung, Ptp increased from 5 to 11 cmH2O, whereas Pliq, decreased from -3 to -11 cmH2O relative to alveolar air pressure. Similar increases in Ptp and decreases in Pliq were obtained at higher lung volumes. Alveolar surface tension (T) was estimated from the Laplace equation for a spherical air-liquid interface, assuming that the radius of curvature varies as (volume)n, for -1/3 less than n less than 1/3. For uniform expansion of alveoli (n = 1/3), estimated T was 6 and 18 dyn/cm at 55 and 85% TLC, respectively, before treatment and increased to 23 and 40 dyn/cm following either Triton washing or ventilation. If pericapillary interstitial fluid pressure (Pi) equaled Pliq in edematous lungs, increases in T might reduce Pi and increase extravascular fluid accumulation in lungs made stiff by either Triton washing or cooling and ventilation using large tidal volumes.  相似文献   

Alveolar hyperoxic injury in rabbits receiving exogenous surfactant   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We have previously demonstrated that instillation of a calf lung surfactant extract (CLSE) in rabbits after exposure to 100% O2 for 64 h mitigates the progression of lung pathology after return to room air (J. Appl. Physiol. 62: 756-761, 1987). In the present study, we investigated whether we could prevent or reduce the onset and development of hyperoxic lung injury by sequential instillations of CLSE during the hyperoxic exposure. Rabbits were exposed to 100% O2. CLSE (125 mg, approximately 170 mumol of phospholipid) was suspended in 10 ml of sterile saline and instilled intratracheally into their lungs, starting at 24 h in O2, a time at which no physiological or biochemical injury was detected, and at 24-h intervals thereafter. Control rabbits breathed 100% O2 and received either equal volumes of saline or no instillations at all. CLSE-instilled rabbits had higher arterial PO2 (Pao2) values throughout the exposure period and survived longer when compared with saline controls [120 +/- 4 vs. 102 +/- 4 (SE) h; n greater than or equal to 10; P less than 0.05]. At 72 h in O2, CLSE-instilled rabbits had significantly higher lavageable alveolar phospholipid levels (12.5 +/- 1.5 vs. 5 +/- 1 mumol/kg) and total lung capacities (41 +/- 2 vs. 25 +/- 3.5 ml/kg) and lower levels of alveolar protein (24 +/- 3 vs. 52 +/- 8 mg/kg), minimum surface tension (2 +/- 1 vs. 26.1 dyn/cm), and lung wet-to-dry weights (5.9 +/- 0.2 vs. 6.5 +/- 0.3). After 72 h in O2, lungs from both CLSE- and saline-instilled rabbits showed evidence of diffuse hyperoxic injury. However, atelectasis was less prominent in the former. We concluded that instillation of CLSE limits the onset and development of hyperoxic lung injury to the alveolar epithelium of rabbits.  相似文献   

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