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To contribute to the understanding of glutamate synthase and of beta subunit-like proteins, which have been detected by sequence analyses, we identified the NADPH-binding site out of the two potential ADP-binding regions found in the beta subunit. The substitution of an alanyl residue for G298 of the beta subunit of Azospirillum brasilense glutamate synthase (the second glycine in the GXGXXA fingerprint of the postulated NADPH-binding site) yielded a protein species in which the flavin environment and properties are unaltered. On the contrary, the binding of the pyridine nucleotide substrate is significantly perturbed demonstrating that the C-terminal potential ADP-binding fold of the beta subunit is indeed the NADPH-binding site of the enzyme. The major effect of the G298A substitution in the GltS beta subunit consists of an approximately 10-fold decrease of the affinity of the enzyme for pyridine nucleotides with little or no effect on the rate of the enzyme reduction by NADPH. By combining kinetic measurements and absorbance-monitored equilibrium titrations of the G298A-beta subunit mutant, we conclude that also the positioning of its nicotinamide portion into the active site is altered thus preventing the formation of a stable charge-transfer complex between reduced FAD and NADP(+). During the course of this work, the Azospirillum DNA regions flanking the gltD and gltB genes, the genes encoding the GltS beta and alpha subunits, respectively, were sequenced and analyzed. Although the Azospirillum GltS is similar to the enzyme of other bacteria, it appears that the corresponding genes differ with respect to their arrangement in the chromosome and to the composition of the glt operon: no genes corresponding to E. coli and Klebsiella aerogenes gltF or to Bacillus subtilis gltC, encoding regulatory proteins, are found in the DNA regions adjacent to that containing gltD and gltB genes in Azospirillum. Further studies are needed to determine if these findings also imply differences in the regulation of the glt genes expression in Azospirillum (a nitrogen-fixing bacterium) with respect to enteric bacteria.  相似文献   

Human C-reactive protein (CRP) can activate the classical pathway of complement and function as an opsonin only when it is complexed to an appropriate ligand. Most known CRP ligands bind to the phosphocholine (PCh)-binding site of the protein. In the present study, we used oligonucleotide-directed site-specific mutagenesis to investigate structural determinants of the PCh-binding site of CRP. Eight mutant recombinant (r) CRP, Y40F; E42Q; Y40F, E42Q; K57Q; R58G; K57Q, R58G; W67K; and K57Q, R58G, W67K were constructed and expressed in COS cells. Wild-type and all mutant rCRP except for the W67K mutants bound to solid-phase PCh-substituted bovine serum albumin (PCh-BSA) with similar apparent avidities. However, W67K rCRP had decreased avidity for PCh-BSA and the triple mutant, K57Q, R58G, W67K, failed to bind PCh-BSA. Inhibition experiments using PCh and dAMP as inhibitors indicated that both Lys-57 and Arg-58 contribute to PCh binding. They also indicated that Trp-67 provides interactions with the choline group. The Y40F and E42Q mutants were found to have increased avidity for fibronectin compared to wild-type rCRP. We conclude that the residues Lys-57, Arg-58, and Trp-67 contribute to the structure of the PCh-binding site of human CRP. Residues Tyr-40 and Glu-42 do not appear to participate in the formation of the PCh-binding site of CRP, however, they may be located in the vicinity of the fibronectin-binding site of CRP.  相似文献   

C-reactive protein (CRP) is a cyclic pentameric protein whose major binding specificity, at physiological pH, is for substances bearing exposed phosphocholine moieties. Another pentameric form of CRP, which exists at acidic pH, displays binding activity for oxidized LDL (ox-LDL). The ox-LDL-binding site in CRP, which is hidden at physiological pH, is exposed by acidic pH-induced structural changes in pentameric CRP. The aim of this study was to expose the hidden ox-LDL-binding site of CRP by site-directed mutagenesis and to generate a CRP mutant that can bind to ox-LDL without the requirement of acidic pH. Mutation of Glu(42), an amino acid that participates in intersubunit interactions in the CRP pentamer and is buried, to Gln resulted in a CRP mutant (E42Q) that showed significant binding activity for ox-LDL at physiological pH. For maximal binding to ox-LDL, E42Q CRP required a pH much less acidic than that required by wild-type CRP. At any given pH, E42Q CRP was more efficient than wild-type CRP in binding to ox-LDL. Like wild-type CRP, E42Q CRP remained pentameric at acidic pH. Also, E42Q CRP was more efficient than wild-type CRP in binding to several other deposited, conformationally altered proteins. The E42Q CRP mutant provides a tool to investigate the functions of CRP in defined animal models of inflammatory diseases including atherosclerosis because wild-type CRP requires acidic pH to bind to deposited, conformationally altered proteins, including ox-LDL, and available animal models may not have sufficient acidosis or other possible modifiers of the pentameric structure of CRP at the sites of inflammation.  相似文献   

Sulfonamide resistance in Neisseria meningitidis is mediated by altered forms of the chromosomal gene for the drug target enzyme dihydropteroate synthase. Sulfonamides have been used for decades both for prophylaxis and the treatment of meningococcal disease, and resistance is common. Two types of resistance determinants have been identified, and regions important for drug insusceptibility to the corresponding enzyme have been defined by site-directed mutagenesis. Both types of resistance traits have spread among strains of N. meningitidis of different serogroups and serotypes, and the large differences at the nucleotide level in a comparison of the resistance genes with the dhps genes of susceptible meningococci indicate the origin of one or maybe both types in other Neisseria species. One sulfonamide-sensitive strain of N. meningitidis was found to have a mosaic dhps gene with a central part identical to the corresponding part of a gonococcal strain. This observation supports the idea of an interspecies transfer of genetic material in Neisseria species as a mechanism for the development of chromosomally mediated resistance.  相似文献   

Rouhier N  Gelhaye E  Jacquot JP 《FEBS letters》2002,511(1-3):145-149
Six mutants (Y26A, C27S, Y29F, Y29P, C30S and Y26W/Y29P) have been engineered in order to explore the active site of poplar glutaredoxin (Grx) (Y26CPYC30). The cysteinic mutants indicate that Cys 27 is the primary nucleophile. Phe is a good substitute for Tyr 29, but the Y29P mutant was inactive. The Y26A mutation caused a moderate loss of activity. The YCPPC and WCPPC mutations did not improve the reactivity of Grx with the chloroplastic NADP-malate dehydrogenase, a well known target of thioredoxins (Trxs). The results are discussed in relation with the known biochemical properties of Grx and Trx.  相似文献   

To probe the structure of the quinol oxidation site in loop VI/VII of the Escherichia coli cytochrome bd, we substituted three conserved residues (Gln249, Lys252, and Glu257) in the N-terminal region and three glutamates (Glu278, Glu279, and Glu280) in the first internal repeat. We found that substitutions of Glu257 by Ala or Gln, and Glu279 and Glu280 by Gln, severely reduced the oxidase activity and the expression level of cytochrome bd. In contrast, Lys252 mutations reduced only the oxidase activity. Blue shifts in the 440 and 630 nm peaks of the reduced Lys252 mutants and in the 561 nm peak of the reduced Glu257 mutants indicate the proximity of Lys252 to the heme b(595)-d binuclear center and Glu257 to heme b(558), respectively. Perturbations of reduced heme b(558) upon binding of aurachin D support structural changes in the quinol-binding site of the mutants. Substitutions of Lys252 and Glu257 caused large changes in kinetic parameters for the ubiquinol-1 oxidation. These results indicate that Lys252 and Glu257 in the N-terminal region of the Q-loop are involved in the quinol oxidation by bd-type terminal oxidase.  相似文献   

Fibronectin's RGD-mediated binding to the alpha5beta1 integrin is dramatically enhanced by a synergy site within fibronectin III domain 9 (FN9). Guided by the crystal structure of the cell-binding domain, we selected amino acids in FN9 that project in the same direction as the RGD, presumably toward the integrin, and mutated them to alanine. R1379 in the peptide PHSRN, and the nearby R1374 have been shown previously to be important for alpha5beta1-mediated adhesion (Aota, S., M. Nomizu, and K.M. Yamada. 1994. J. Biol. Chem. 269:24756-24761). Our more extensive set of mutants showed that R1379 is the key residue in the synergistic effect, but other residues contribute substantially. R1374A decreased adhesion slightly by itself, but the double mutant R1374A-R1379A was significantly less adhesive than R1379A alone. Single mutations of R1369A, R1371A, T1385A, and N1386A had negligible effects on cell adhesion, but combining these substitutions either with R1379A or each other gave a more dramatic reduction of cell adhesion. The triple mutant R1374A/P1376A/R1379A had no detectable adhesion activity. We conclude that, in addition to the R of the PHRSN peptide, other residues on the same face of FN9 are required for the full synergistic effect. The integrin-binding synergy site is a much more extensive surface than the small linear peptide sequence.  相似文献   

Alam M  Vance DE  Lehner R 《Biochemistry》2002,41(21):6679-6687
Triacylglycerol hydrolase is a microsomal enzyme that hydrolyzes stored cytoplasmic triacylglycerol in the liver and participates in the lipolysis/re-esterification cycle during the assembly of very-low-density lipoproteins. The structure-activity relationship of the enzyme was investigated by site-directed mutagenesis and heterologous expression. Expression of human TGH in Escherichia coli yields a protein without enzymatic activity, which suggests that posttranslational processing is necessary for the catalytic activity. Expression in baculovirus-infected Sf-9 cells resulted in correct processing of the N-terminal signal sequence and yielded a catalytically active enzyme. A putative catalytic triad consisting of a nucleophilic serine (S221), glutamic acid (E354), and histidine (H468) was identified. Site-directed mutagenesis of the residues (S221A, E354A, and H468A) yielded a catalytically inactive enzyme. CD spectra of purified mutant proteins were very similar to that of the wild-type enzyme, which suggests that the mutations did not affect folding. Human TGH was glycosylated in the insect cells. Mutagenesis of the putative N-glycosylation site (N79A) yielded an active nonglycosylated enzyme. Deletion of the putative C-terminal endoplasmic reticulum retrieval signal (HIEL) did not result in secretion of the mutant protein. A model of human TGH structure suggested a lipase alpha/beta hydrolase fold with a buried active site and two disulfide bridges (C87-C116 and C274-C285).  相似文献   

Lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) acyltransferases of Neisseria meningitidis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae were identified which share homology with other prokaryotic and eukaryotic LPA acyltransferases. In Escherichia coli, the conversion of LPA to phosphatidic acid, performed by the 1-acyl-sn-glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase PlsC, is a critical intermediate step in the biosynthesis of membrane glycerophospholipids. A Tn916-generated mutant of a serogroup B meningococcal strain was identified that exhibited increased amounts of capsular polysaccharide, as shown by colony immunoblots, and a threefold increase in the number of assembled pili. The single, truncated 3.8 kb Tn916 insertion in the meningococcal mutant was localized within a 771 bp open reading frame. The gonococcal equivalent of this gene was identified by transformation with the cloned meningococcal mutant gene. In N. gonorrhoeae, the mutation increased piliation fivefold. The insertions were found to be within a gene that was subsequently designated nIaA (n eisserial L PA acyltransferase). The predicted neisserial LPA acyltransferases were homologous (>20% identity,>40% amino acid similarity) to the family of PlsC protein homologues. A cloned copy of the meningococcal nIaA gene complemented in trans a temperature-sensitive E. coli PlsCts? mutant. Tn916 and Ω-cassette insertional inactivations of the neisserial nIaA genes altered the membrane glycerophospholipid compositions of both N. meningitidis and N. gonorrhoeae but were not lethal. Therefore, the pathogenic Neisseria spp. appear to be able to utilize alternative enzyme(s) to produce phosphatidic acid. This hypothesis is supported by the observation that, although the amounts of mature glycerophospholipids were altered in the meningococcal and the gonococcal nIaA mutants, glycerophospholipid synthesis was detectable at significant levels. In addition, acyltransferase enzymatic activity, while reduced in the gonococcal nIaA mutant, was increased in the meningococcal nIaA mutant. We postulate that the pathogenic Neisseria spp. are able to utilize alternate acyltransferases to produce glycerophospholipids in the absence of nIaA enzymatic activity.Implementation of these secondary enzymes results in alterations of glycerophospholipid composition that lead to pleiotropic effects on the cell surface components, including effects on capsule and piliation.  相似文献   



Previous work, by us and others, has shown that mammalian galectins-1 have a growth-inhibitory activity for mammalian cells which is apparently independent of their β-galactoside binding site.


We have made recombinant human galectin-1 as a bacterial fusion protein with an N-terminal hexahistidine tag. This protein displays both haemagglutination and growth-inhibitory activities, even in the presence of the hexahistidine tag. Site-directed mutagenesis of this protein has confirmed the independent nature of the protein sites responsible for the two biological activities. Mutant proteins were created, which displayed each activity in the absence of the other.


Human galectin-1 possesses a growth-inhibitory site, which is not part of the β-galactoside binding site. A surface loop, comprising amino acid residues 25–30, and joining two internal β-strands, forms part of the growth-inhibitory site. This region is relatively close to the N-terminus of the protein, and N-terminal substitutions or extensions also affect growth-inhibitory activity. Further experiments will be necessary to fully define this site.  相似文献   

Valledor M  Hu Q  Schiller P  Myers RS 《IUBMB life》2012,64(8):684-689
In vivo site-directed mutagenesis by single-stranded deoxyribonucleic acid recombineering is a facile method to change the color of fluorescent proteins (FPs) without cloning. Two different starting alleles of GFP were targeted for mutagenesis: gfpmut3* residing in the Escherichia coli genome and egfp carried by a bacterial/mammalian dual expression lentiviral plasmid vector. Fluorescent protein spectra were shifted by subtle modification of the chromophore region and residues interacting with the chromophore of the FP. Eight different FPs (Violeta, Azure, Aqua, Mar, Celeste, Amarillo, Mostaza, and Bronze) were isolated and shown to be useful in multicolor imaging and flow cytometry of bacteria and transgenic human stem cells. To make in vivo site-directed mutagenesis more efficient, the recombineering method was optimized using the fluorescence change as a sensitive quantitative assay for recombination. A set of rules to simplify mutant isolation by recombineering is provided.  相似文献   

The principal transport protein for T4 in human blood, thyroxine-binding globulin (TBG), binds T4 with an exceptionally high affinity (Ka = 10(10) M(-1)). Its homology to the superfamily of the serpins has recently been used in the design of chimeric proteins, providing experimental evidence that an eight-stranded beta-barrel domain encompasses the ligand-binding site. We have now characterized the T4 binding site by site-directed mutagenesis. Sequence alignment of TBG from several species revealed a phylogenetically highly conserved stretch of amino acids comprising strands 2B and 3B of the beta-barrel motif. Mutations within this region (Val228Glu, Cys234Trp, Thr235Trp, Thr235Gln, Lys253Ala, and Lys253Asp), designed to impose steric hindrance or restriction of its mobility, had no significant influence on T4 binding. However, binding affinity was 20-fold reduced by introduction of an N-linked glycosylation site at the turn between strands 2B and 3B (Leu246Thr) without compromising the proper folding of this mutant as assessed by immunological methods. In most other serpins, this glycosylation site is highly conserved and has been shown to be crucial for cortisol binding of corticosteroid-binding globulin, the only other member of the serpins with a transport function. The ligand-binding site could thus be located to a highly aromatic environment deep within the beta-barrel. The importance of the binding site's aromatic character was investigated by exchanging phenylalanines with alanines. Indeed, these experiments revealed that substitution of Phe249 in the middle of strand 3B completely abolished T4 binding, while the substitution of several other phenylalanines had no effect.  相似文献   

Increased levels of a 65-kDa stress protein (Msp65) were observed in group B Neisseria meningitidis grown under stationary-growth conditions. Electron microscopy showed two apposing rings of seven subunits, a structure typical of Escherichia coli GroEL. Msp65 was not found in either the periplasmic space or the outer membrane. Several important differences between the GroEL analogs of N. meningitidis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae are discussed.  相似文献   

CD38 is a ubiquitous protein originally identified as a lymphocyte antigen and recently also found to be a multifunctional enzyme participating in the synthesis and metabolism of two Ca(2+) messengers, cyclic ADP-ribose (cADPR) and nicotinic acid adenine dinucleotide phosphate. It is homologous to Aplysia ADP-ribosyl cyclase, where the crystal structure has been determined. Residues of CD38 corresponding to those at the active site of the Aplysia cyclase were mutagenized. Changing Glu-226, which corresponded to the catalytic residue of the cyclase, to Asp, Asn, Gln, Leu, or Gly eliminated essentially all enzymatic activities of CD38, indicating it is most likely the catalytic residue. Photoaffinity labeling showed that E226G, nevertheless, retained substantial NAD binding activity. The secondary structures of these inactive mutants as measured by circular dichroism were essentially unperturbed as compared with the wild type. Other nearby residues were also investigated. The mutants D147V and E146L showed 7- and 19-fold reduction in NADase activity, respectively. The cADPR hydrolase activity of the two mutants was similarly reduced. Asp-155, on the other hand, was crucial for the GDP-ribosyl cyclase activity since its substitution with either Glu, Asn, or Gln stimulated the activity 3-15-fold, whereas other activities remained essentially unchanged. In addition to these acidic residues, two tryptophans were also important, since all enzyme activities of W125F, W125Y, W189G and W189Y were substantially reduced. This is consistent with the two tryptophans serving a substrate positioning function. A good correlation was observed when the NADase activity of all the mutants was plotted against the cADPR hydrolase activity. Homology modeling revealed all these critical residues are clustered in a pocket near the center of the CD38 molecule. The results indicate a strong structural homology between the active sites of CD38 and the Aplysia cyclase.  相似文献   

Selective impairment of B cell function by Neisseria meningitidis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Spleen cells from CBA/J mice infected with Neisseria meningitidis displayed depressed in vitro plaque-forming cell (PFC) responses to T-dependent (sheep red blood cell; SRBC) and T-independent (TNP-LPS, TNP-Ficoll) antigens. The inhibition was observed over a wide range of antigen concentrations. The decreased responsiveness of splenocytes from infected mice was due to a selective impairment of B-cell function since helper-T-cell activity was intact in infected mice as shown by the ability of T-enriched lymphocytes to cooperate with normal B-enriched lymphocytes in the generation of an anti-SRBC response, accessory macrophage function was preserved since adherent spleen cells from bacteria-injected mice were shown to produce normal or increased levels of IL-1 and were able to cooperate with normal non-adherent spleen cells in the generation of PFC against SRBC. Addition of peritoneal cells from normal animals or extraneous IL-1 both failed to restore normal PFC responses in cultures of splenocytes from infected mice. Finally, B-enriched lymphocytes from infected mice produced poor anti-SRBC responses when cultured with either Con A supernatant or T-enriched lymphocytes from normal or infected mice. Cell-mixing experiments failed to detect the presence of suppressor cells in cultures of unfractionated spleen cells or B-enriched lymphocytes from infected mice. Therefore, the immunological unresponsiveness associated with a Neisseria meningitidis infection was attributed to a meningococcus-induced defect(s) in B-cell function. In vivo polyclonal B-cell activation leading to clonal exhaustion did not play a major role in the depression of humoral responses since meningococcal infection induced little or no polyclonal Ig secretion.  相似文献   

Human glutamate carboxypeptidase II [GCPII (EC] is recognized as a promising pharmacological target for the treatment and imaging of various pathologies, including neurological disorders and prostate cancer. Recently reported crystal structures of GCPII provide structural insight into the organization of the substrate binding cavity and highlight residues implicated in substrate/inhibitor binding in the S1' site of the enzyme. To complement and extend the structural studies, we constructed a model of GCPII in complex with its substrate, N-acetyl-l-aspartyl-l-glutamate, which enabled us to predict additional amino acid residues interacting with the bound substrate, and used site-directed mutagenesis to assess the contribution of individual residues for substrate/inhibitor binding and enzymatic activity of GCPII. We prepared and characterized 12 GCPII mutants targeting the amino acids in the vicinity of substrate/inhibitor binding pockets. The experimental results, together with the molecular modeling, suggest that the amino acid residues delineating the S1' pocket of the enzyme (namely Arg210) contribute primarily to the high affinity binding of GCPII substrates/inhibitors, whereas the residues forming the S1 pocket might be more important for the 'fine-tuning' of GCPII substrate specificity.  相似文献   

A gene encoding valine dehydrogenase (Vdh) has been cloned from Streptomyces albus, a salinomycin producer, and expressed in Escherichia coli. The S. albus Vdh is composed of 364 amino acids that showed high homology with several other amino acid dehydrogenases as well as Vdhs from Streptomyces spp. and leucine and phenylalanine dehydrogenases (Ldh and Pdh) from Bacillus spp. A protein of 38 kDa, corresponding to the approximate mass of the predicted S. albus Vdh product (38.4 kDa) exhibiting specific Vdh activity, was observed when the S. albus vdh gene was overexpressed in E. coli under the controlled T7 promoter and was subsequently purified to homogeneity. Among branched- and straight-chain amino acids, L-valine and L-alpha-aminobutyrate were the preferred substrates for the enzyme. Lys-79 and Lys-91 of S. albus Vdh were highly conserved in the corresponding region of NAD(P)(+)-dependent amino acid dehydrogenase sequences. To elucidate the functional roles of the lysyl residues, the Lys residues have individually been replaced with Ala by site-directed mutagenesis. Kinetic analyses of the Lys-79 and Lys-91-mutated enzymes revealed that they are involved in the substrate binding site and catalysis, respectively, analogous to the corresponding residues in the homologous Ldh and Pdh.  相似文献   

The commonly used purification procedures for Transferrin-binding protein B (TbpB) are based on an affinity chromatography step using resins onto which human transferrin had been immobilized. These protocols involve protein elution using denaturing buffer solutions. Here we present an improved protocol which permits protein elution under nondenaturing conditions using chelating agents such as phosphate or compounds containing a pyrophosphate group. Furthermore, isothermal titration calorimetry experiments of the purified protein with holotransferrin have been shown to be a reliable method to assess the purity and activity of the purified material.  相似文献   

Abstract Fourteen Tn 916 mutants of Neisseria meningitidis strain NMB were identified as auxotrophs. Among these were eight amino acid auxotrophs, with five different phenotypes, and three isolates restricted in carbon source utilization, growing in the presence of glucose but not on L-lactate, D-lactate, pyruvate, or casamino acids as principal carbon sources.  相似文献   

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