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The interaction of peroxynitrite, produced by ozonation of azide, with two heme peroxidases (horseradish peroxidase and lactoperoxidase) was studied. Enzymes retained full activity after incubation with peroxynitrite at neutral pH. Lactoperoxidase alone was found to catalyze peroxynitrite decomposition, whereas horseradish peroxidase accelerated peroxynitrite decomposition only in the presence of certain substrates. For example, in the presence of guaiacol the catalyzing effect was clear, but in the presence of trolox was only noticeable.  相似文献   

The underlying stereochemical mechanisms for the dramatic differences in autooxidation and hemin loss rates of fish versus mammalian hemoglobins (Hb) have been examined by determining the crystal structures of perch, trout IV, and bovine Hb at high and low pH. The fish Hbs autooxidize and release hemin approximately 50- to 100-fold more rapidly than bovine Hb. Five specific amino acid replacements in the CD corner and along the E helix appear to cause the increased susceptibility of fish Hbs to oxidative degradation compared with mammalian Hbs. Ile is present at the E11 helical position in most fish Hb chains whereas a smaller Val residue is present in all mammalian alpha and beta chains. The larger IleE11 side chain sterically hinders bound O(2) and facilitates dissociation of the neutral superoxide radical, enhancing autooxidation. Lys(E10) is found in most mammalian Hb and forms favorable electrostatic and hydrogen bonding interactions with the heme-7-propionate. In contrast, Thr(E10) is present in most fish Hbs and is too short to stabilize bound heme, and causes increased rates of hemin dissociation. Especially high rates of hemin loss in perch Hb are also due to a lack of electrostatic interaction between His(CE3) and the heme-6 propionate in alpha subunits whereas this interaction does occur in trout IV and bovine Hb. There is also a larger gap for solvent entry into the heme crevice near beta CD3 in the perch Hb (approximately 8 A) compared with trout IV Hb (approximately 6 A) which in turn is significantly higher than that in bovine Hb (approximately 4 A) at low pH. The amino acids at CD4 and E14 differ between bovine and the fish Hbs and have the potential to modulate oxidative degradation by altering the orientation of the distal histidine and the stability of the E-helix. Generally rapid rates of lipid oxidation in fish muscle can be partly attributed to the fact that fish Hbs are highly susceptible to oxidative degradation.  相似文献   

Peroxidases are heme enzymes found in bacteria, fungi, plants and animals, which exploit the reduction of hydrogen peroxide to catalyze a number of oxidative reactions, involving a wide variety of organic and inorganic substrates. The catalytic cycle of heme peroxidases is based on three consecutive redox steps, involving two high-valent intermediates (Compound I and Compound II), which perform the oxidation of the substrates. Therefore, the thermodynamics and the kinetics of the catalytic cycle are influenced by the reduction potentials of three redox couples, namely Compound I/Fe3+, Compound I/Compound II and Compound II/Fe3+. In particular, the oxidative power of heme peroxidases is controlled by the (high) reduction potential of the latter two couples. Moreover, the rapid H2O2-mediated two-electron oxidation of peroxidases to Compound I requires a stable ferric state in physiological conditions, which depends on the reduction potential of the Fe3+/Fe2+ couple. The understanding of the molecular determinants of the reduction potentials of the above redox couples is crucial for the comprehension of the molecular determinants of the catalytic properties of heme peroxidases.This review provides an overview of the data available on the redox properties of Fe3+/Fe2+, Compound I/Fe3+, Compound I/Compound II and Compound II/Fe3+ couples in native and mutated heme peroxidases. The influence of the electron donor properties of the axial histidine and of the polarity of the heme environment is analyzed and the correlation between the redox properties of the heme group with the catalytic activity of this important class of metallo-enzymes is discussed.  相似文献   

Neuroglobin (Ngb) is a newly discovered oxygen-binding heme protein that is primarily expressed in the brain of humans and other vertebrates. To characterize the structure/function relationships of this new heme protein, we have used resonance Raman spectroscopy to determine the structure of the heme environment in Ngb from mice. In the Fe(2+)CO complex, two conformations of the Fe-CO unit are present, one of which arises from an open conformation of the heme pocket in which the CO is not interacting with any nearby residue, and the other arises from a closed conformation where a positively charged residue near the CO group stabilizes the complex. For the Fe(2+)O(2) complex, we detect a single nu(Fe-OO) stretching mode at a frequency similar to that of oxymyoglobins and oxyhemoglobins of vertebrates (571 cm(-1)). Based on the Fe-C-O frequencies of the closed conformation of Ngb, a highly polar distal environment is indicated from which the O(2) off-rate is predicted to be lower than that of Mb. In the absence of exogenous ligands, a heme pocket residue coordinates to the heme iron, forming a six-coordinate complex, thereby predicting a low on-rate for exogenous ligands. These structural properties of the heme pocket of Ngb are discussed with respect to its proposed in vivo oxygen delivery function.  相似文献   

In the absence of exogenous electron donors monofunctional heme peroxidases can slowly degrade hydrogen peroxide following a mechanism different from monofunctional catalases. This pseudo-catalase cycle involves several redox intermediates including Compounds I, II and III, hydrogen peroxide reduction and oxidation reactions as well as release of both dioxygen and superoxide. The rate of decay of oxyferrous complex determines the rate-limiting step and the enzymes’ resistance to inactivation. Homologous bifunctional catalase-peroxidases (KatGs) are unique in having both a peroxidase and high hydrogen dismutation activity without inhibition reactions. It is demonstrated that KatGs follow a similar reaction pathway as monofunctional peroxidases, but use a unique post-translational distal modification (Met+-Tyr-Trp adduct) in close vicinity to the heme as radical site that enhances turnover of oxyferrous heme and avoids release of superoxide. Similarities and differences between monofunctional peroxidases and bifunctional KatGs are discussed and mechanisms of pseudo-catalase activity are proposed.  相似文献   

The formation of chlorohydrins, bromohydrins, and iodohydrins from 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (POPC) by the myeloperoxidase-hydrogen peroxide-halide system was evaluated by means of matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionisation time-of-flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometry. This approach allows to detect different kinds of the halogenation reaction even in one mass spectrum. Using a mixture of Cl-, Br-, I-, and SCN- at physiological concentrations, a bromination of POPC dominates by the MPO-hydrogen peroxide-halide system. Hypothiocyanite does apparently not react with the double bond of POPC, but increasing amounts of SCN- cause a decrease of the bromohydrin peaks. An interconversion between different hypohalous acids produced by the myeloperoxidase-hydrogen peroxide-halide system determines the pattern of halogenohydrins in POPC. Especially, hypochlorous acid is able to oxidise Br- to hypobromous acid.  相似文献   

The formation of compound I is the first step in the reaction mechanism of plant heme peroxidases. This intermediate stores two oxidizing equivalents from hydrogen peroxide as an oxyferryl iron center and a radical, either on the porphyrin ring or on a tryptophan residue. Site-directed mutagenesis has proved to be a most useful tool for the identification of the intermediates involved and the resulting nature of the compound I formed. Although there is no doubt that an acid-base mechanism operates in heme peroxidase during the formation of compound I, the roles of several distal pocket residues are currently the subject of intensive research. It is now generally accepted that the conserved distal histidine in the active site of heme peroxidases is the acid-base catalyst that promotes the heterolytic cleavage of hydrogen peroxide. Other residues, such as the distal arginine and asparagine, participate in a range of roles assisting catalysis by the distal histidine. Recent advances in the elucidation of the mechanism at the molecular level are discussed. Another aspect related to the nature of compound I is the location of the radical center. Novel radical species have been detected in the reactions of ascorbate peroxidase, lignin peroxidase and several mutants of horseradish peroxidase. Detailed kinetic and spectroscopic studies of these radical species have provided important insights about the factors that control porphyrin-protein radical exchange. The wide range of data being obtained on compound I will lead to an understanding of its vital function in peroxidase catalysis and the physiological roles played by these enzymes.  相似文献   

Heme-containing peroxidases secreted by fungi are a fascinating group of biocatalysts with various ecological and biotechnological implications. For example, they are involved in the biodegradation of lignocelluloses and lignins and participate in the bioconversion of other diverse recalcitrant compounds as well as in the natural turnover of humic substances and organohalogens. The current review focuses on the most recently discovered and novel types of heme-dependent peroxidases, aromatic peroxygenases (APOs), and dye-decolorizing peroxidases (DyPs), which catalyze remarkable reactions such as peroxide-driven oxygen transfer and cleavage of anthraquinone derivatives, respectively, and represent own separate peroxidase superfamilies. Furthermore, several aspects of the “classic” fungal heme-containing peroxidases, i.e., lignin, manganese, and versatile peroxidases (LiP, MnP, and VP), phenol-oxidizing peroxidases as well as chloroperoxidase (CPO), are discussed against the background of recent scientific developments.  相似文献   

A Levy  P Kuppusamy  J M Rifkind 《Biochemistry》1990,29(40):9311-9316
Electron paramagnetic resonance spectra of methemoglobin reveal that, in addition to the major tetragonal high-spin aqueous complex and the low-spin hydroxide complex, three other complexes associated with the interaction of the distal histidine are resolved. These are a rhombic high-spin and two classes of low-spin bis-histidine complexes. By freeze-quenching experiments it is shown that the rhombic high-spin and one of the low-spin bis-histidine complexes (B) are at equilibrium with the dominant species. Incubation in the 210-260 K temperature range shifts the total equilibrium toward a low-energy state with the distal histidine coordinated to the iron (complex C).  相似文献   

The mode of binding of aromatic ligands in the substrate binding site on the distal heme side in heme peroxidases is well understood. However, the mode of diffusion through the extended hydrophobic channel and the regulatory role of the channel are not yet clear. To provide answers to these questions, the crystal structure of the complex of lactoperoxidase and 3-amino-1,2,4-triazole (amitrole) has been determined, which revealed the presence of two ligand molecules, one in the substrate binding site and the second in the hydrophobic channel. The binding of ligand in the channel induced a remarkable conformational change in the side chain of Phe254, which flips from its original distant position to interact with the trapped ligand in the hydrophobic channel. As a result, the channel is completely blocked so that no ligand can diffuse through it to the substrate binding site. Another amitrole molecule is bound to lactoperoxidase in the substrate binding site by replacing three water molecules, including the crucial iron-bound water molecule, W1. In this arrangement, the amino nitrogen atom of amitrole occupies the position of W1 and interacts directly with ferric iron. As a consequence, it prevents the binding of H2O2 to heme iron. Thus, the interactions of amitrole with lactoperoxidase obstruct both the passage of ligands through the hydrophobic channel as well as the binding of H2O2. This explains the amitrole toxicity. From binding studies, the dissociation constant (K d) for amitrole with lactoperoxidase was found to be approximately 5.5 × 10−7 M, indicating high affinity.  相似文献   

We investigated the potential role of the co-substrate, thiocyanate (SCN-), in modulating the catalytic activity of myeloperoxidase (MPO) and other members of the mammalian peroxidase superfamily (lactoperoxidase (LPO) and eosinophil peroxidase (EPO)). Pre-incubation of SCN- with MPO generates a more complex biological setting, because SCN- serves as either a substrate or inhibitor, causing diverse impacts on the MPO heme iron microenvironment. Consistent with this hypothesis, the relationship between the association rate constant of nitric oxide binding to MPO-Fe(III) as a function of SCN- concentration is bell-shaped, with a trough comparable with normal SCN- plasma levels. Rapid kinetic measurements indicate that MPO, EPO, and LPO Compound I formation occur at rates slower than complex decay, and its formation serves to simultaneously catalyze SCN- via 1e- and 2e- oxidation pathways. For the three enzymes, Compound II formation is a fundamental feature of catalysis and allows the enzymes to operate at a fraction of their possible maximum activities. MPO and EPO Compound II is relatively stable and decays gradually within minutes to ground state upon H2O2 exhaustion. In contrast, LPO Compound II is unstable and decays within seconds to ground state, suggesting that SCN- may serve as a substrate for Compound II. Compound II formation can be partially or completely prevented by increasing SCN- concentration, depending on the experimental conditions. Collectively, these results illustrate for the first time the potential mechanistic differences of these three enzymes. A modified kinetic model, which incorporates our current findings with the mammalian peroxidases classic cycle, is presented.  相似文献   

A reliable procedure is proposed for assigning the electronic structures for large biologically-relevant systems, where the size of the model confines one to the use of density functional theory (DFT) methods, and where the risk of over-interpreting DFT-derived molecular orbitals and spin densities still exists. The proposed approach focuses on the use of the only DFT-derived parameter that is unanimously recognized to be reliable: the geometry. We examine DFT-derived O-O bond lengths in formally ferrous-dioxygen models, and compare them to bond lengths in free, non metal-bound, dioxygen, superoxide and peroxide moieties. Likewise, we compare the N-O bond lengths within ferrous-nitrosyl {FeNO}7 models, with the same parameter in free NO+, NO*, and HNO species. This allows a calibrated, straightforward way of assigning the electronic structure in systems where electromerism makes detailed single-reference molecular orbital analysis unreliable.  相似文献   

Crystal structures are reported for the endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS)–arginine–CO ternary complex as well as the neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) heme domain complexed with l-arginine and diatomic ligands, CO or NO, in the presence of the native cofactor, tetrahydrobiopterin, or its oxidized analogs, dihydrobiopterin and 4-aminobiopterin. The nature of the biopterin has no influence on the diatomic ligand binding. The binding geometries of diatomic ligands to nitric oxide synthase (NOS) follow the {MXY} n formalism developed from the inorganic diatomic–metal complexes. The structures reveal some subtle structural differences between eNOS and nNOS when CO is bound to the heme which correlate well with the differences in CO stretching frequencies observed by resonance Raman techniques. The detailed hydrogen-bonding geometries depicted in the active site of nNOS structures indicate that it is the ordered active-site water molecule rather than the substrate itself that would most likely serve as a direct proton donor to the diatomic ligands (CO, NO, as well as O2) bound to the heme. This has important implications for the oxygen activation mechanism critical to NOS catalysis.  相似文献   

Oxygen and other molecules of similar size take part in a variety of protein reactions. Therefore, it is critical to understand how these small molecules penetrate the protein matrix. The protein system studied in this case is horseradish peroxidase (HRP). We have converted the native HRP into a phosphorescent analog by replacing the heme prosthetic group by Pd-mesoporphyrin. Oxygen readily quenches the phosphorescence of Pd porphyrins, and this can be used to characterize oxygen diffusion through the protein matrix. Our measurements indicate that solvent viscosity and pH modulate the accessibility of the heme pocket relative to small molecules. The binding of the substrate benzohydroxamic acid (BHA) to the protein drastically impedes oxygen access to the heme pocket. These results indicate that, first, the penetration of small molecules through the protein matrix is a function of protein dynamics, and second, there are specific pathways for the diffusion of these molecules. The effect of substrate and pH on protein dynamics has been investigated with the use of molecular dynamics calculations. We demonstrate that the model of a "fluctuating entry point," as suggested by Zwanzig (J Chem Phys 1992;97:3587-3589), properly describes the diffusion of oxygen through the protein matrix.  相似文献   

HemAT from Bacillus subtilis (HemAT-Bs) is a heme-containing O(2) sensor protein that acts as a chemotactic signal transducer. Binding of O(2) to the heme in the sensor domain of HemAT-Bs induces a conformational change in the protein matrix, and this is transmitted to a signaling domain. To characterize the specific mechanism of O(2)-dependent conformational changes in HemAT-Bs, we investigated time-resolved resonance Raman spectra of the truncated sensor domain and the full-length HemAT-Bs upon O(2) and CO dissociation. A comparison between the O(2) and CO complexes provides insights on O(2)/CO discrimination in HemAT-Bs. While no spectral changes upon CO dissociation were observed in our experimental time window between 10ns and 100μs, the band position of the stretching mode between the heme iron and the proximal histidine, ν(Fe-His), for the O(2)-dissociated HemAT-Bs was lower than that for the deoxy form on time-resolved resonance Raman spectra. This spectral change specific to O(2) dissociation would be associated with the O(2)/CO discrimination in HemAT-Bs. We also compared the results obtained for the truncated sensor domain and the full-length HemAT-Bs, which showed that the structural dynamics related to O(2) dissociation for the full-length HemAT-Bs are faster than those for the sensor domain HemAT-Bs. This indicates that the heme proximal structural dynamics upon O(2) dissociation are coupled with signal transduction in HemAT-Bs.  相似文献   

The accessibility of the heme binding site of two apomyoglobins, i.e. tuna and sperm whale apomyoglobin, has been evaluated by quenching the fluorescence of their ANS-conjugates. The quenching pattern obtained by using charged and uncharged quenchers revealed that the heme pocket of tuna apomyoglobin is more accessible than that of sperm whale. Moreover, a larger number of positively charged groups is present in the heme pocket of tuna apomyoglobin as indicated by comparing the extent of quenching produced by iodide and cesium ion. The relaxation time of ANS bound to tuna apomyoglobin is lower than that of the same chromophore bound to sperm whale globin thus indicating that there is some localized flexibility in the tuna globin.  相似文献   

Mutational study of the bacterial hemoglobin distal heme pocket   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ligand binding experiments on three mutants in the distal heme pocket of Vitreoscilla hemoglobin (GlnE7His, ProE8Ala, and GlnE7His,ProE8Ala) were used to probe the role of GlnE7 and ProE8 in the pocket's unusual structure. The oxygen dissociation constants for the wild type, E8Ala mutant, and E7His mutant proteins were 4.5, 4.7, and 1.7microM, respectively; the K(d) for the double mutant was not determinable by our technique. Visible-Soret spectra of the carbonyl and cyanyl forms and FT-IR of the carbonyl form of the E8 mutant were similar to those of the wild type; the opposite was true for the GlnE7His and GlnE7His,ProE8Ala mutants, which also differed from wild type in the visible-Soret spectra of their oxidized forms. Models of the effects of the mutations on distal pocket structure were consistent with the experimental findings, particularly the larger effects of the GlnE7His change.  相似文献   

Actinomycetes secrete into their surroundings a suite of enzymes involved in the biodegradation of plant lignocellulose; these have been reported to include both hydrolytic and oxidative enzymes, including peroxidases. Reports of secreted peroxidases have been based upon observations of peroxidase-like activity associated with fractions that exhibit optical spectra reminiscent of heme peroxidases, such as the lignin peroxidases of wood-rotting fungi. Here we show that the appearance of the secreted pseudoperoxidase of the thermophilic actinomycete Thermomonospora fusca BD25 is also associated with the appearance of a heme-like spectrum. The species responsible for this spectrum is a metalloporphyrin; however, we show that this metalloporphyrin is not heme but zinc coproporphyrin. The same porphyrin was found in the growth medium of the actinomycete Streptomyces viridosporus T7A. We therefore propose that earlier reports of heme peroxidases secreted by actinomycetes were due to the incorrect assignment of optical spectra to heme groups rather than to non-iron-containing porphyrins and that lignin-degrading heme peroxidases are not secreted by actinomycetes. The porphyrin, an excretory product, is degraded during peroxidase assays. The low levels of secreted peroxidase activity are associated with a nonheme protein fraction previously shown to contain copper. We suggest that the role of the secreted copper-containing protein may be to bind and detoxify metals that can cause inhibition of heme biosynthesis and thus stimulate porphyrin excretion.  相似文献   

Vanadate ions are shown to inhibit horseradish, squash, and rat intestinal peroxidases by following the reaction spectrophotometrically in a wide range of vanadate concentrations. I50 in phosphate buffer were 43, 9.4, and 535 μM, respectively. No inhibitory effect was found on cow milk lactoperoxidase and beef liver catalase. Gel filtration of peroxidases in the presence of vanadate, as carried out by radioactive48V for horseradish peroxidases (either in aerobic or anoxic conditions) and neutron activation analysis (NAA) for squash peroxidase, demonstrated a binding of vanadium to these enzymes in stoichiometric amounts. Electron paramagnetic resonance spectra of the eluted peaks for the former peroxidase indicated that vanadium is in the +5 oxidation state, but an equilibrium between V (V) and V (IV) in the assay conditions cannot be discarded. Although the inhibitory mechanism remains obscure, some hypotheses are considered. The potential implications that the inhibitory effect of vanadium might have on plant and animal metabolism are also discussed.  相似文献   

Oxidation of SCN-, Br-, and Cl- (X-) by horseradish peroxidase (HRP) and other plant and fungal peroxidases results in the addition of HOX to the heme vinyl group. This reaction is not observed with lactoperoxidase (LPO), in which the heme is covalently bound to the protein via two ester bonds between carboxylic side chains and heme methyl groups. To test the hypothesis that the heme of LPO and other mammalian peroxidases is protected from vinyl group modification by the hemeprotein covalent bonds, we prepared the F41E mutant of HRP in which the heme is attached to the protein via a covalent bond between Glu41 and the heme 3-methyl. We also examined the E375D mutant of LPO in which only one of the two normal covalent heme links is retained. The prosthetic heme groups of F41E HRP and E375D LPO are essentially not modified by the HOBr produced by these enzymes. The double E375D/D225E mutant of LPO that can form no covalent bonds is inactive and could not be examined. These results unambiguously demonstrate that a single heme-protein link is sufficient to protect the heme from vinyl group modification even in a protein (HRP) that is normally highly susceptible to this reaction. The results directly establish that one function of the covalent heme-protein bonds in mammalian peroxidases is to protect their prosthetic group from their highly reactive metabolic products.  相似文献   

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