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Xanthine oxidase (EC and xanthine dehydrogenase (EC 1.1.1. 204) are both members of the molybdenum hydroxylase flavoprotein family and represent different forms of the same gene product. The two enzyme forms and their reactions are often referred to as xanthine oxidoreductase (XOR) activity. Physiologically, XOR is known as the rate-limiting enzyme in purine catabolism but has also been shown to be able to metabolize a number of other physiological compounds. Recent studies have also demonstrated its ability to metabolize xenobiotics, including a number of anticancer compounds, to their active metabolites. During the past 10 years, evidence has mounted to support a role for XOR in the pathophysiology of inflammatory diseases and atherosclerosis as well as its previously determined role in ischemia-reperfusion injury. While significant progress has recently been made in our understanding of the physiological and biochemical nature of this enzyme system, considerable work still needs to be done. This paper will review some of the more recent work characterizing the interactions and the factors that influence the interactions of XOR with various physiological and xenobiotic compounds.  相似文献   

The evolutionarily conserved, cofactor-dependent, enzyme xanthine oxidoreductase exists in both cell-associated and circulatory forms. The exact role of the circulating form is not known; however, several putative physiological and pathological functions have been suggested that range from purine catabolism to a mediator of acute respiratory distress syndrome. Regulation of gene expression, cofactor synthesis and insertion, post-translational conversion, entry into the circulation, and putative physiological and pathological roles for human circulating xanthine oxidoreductase are discussed.  相似文献   

Reactive oxygen species are generated by various biological systems, including NADPH oxidases, xanthine oxidoreductase, and mitochondrial respiratory enzymes, and contribute to many physiological and pathological phenomena. Mammalian xanthine dehydrogenase (XDH) can be converted to xanthine oxidase (XO), which produces both superoxide anion and hydrogen peroxide. Recent X-ray crystallographic and site-directed mutagenesis studies have revealed a highly sophisticated mechanism of conversion from XDH to XO, suggesting that the conversion is not a simple artefact, but rather has a function in mammalian organisms. Furthermore, this transition seems to involve a thermodynamic equilibrium between XDH and XO; disulfide bond formation or proteolysis can then lock the enzyme in the XO form. In this review, we focus on recent advances in our understanding of the mechanism of conversion from XDH to XO.  相似文献   

We have detected xanthine oxidoreductase activity in unfixed cryostat sections of rat and chicken liver, rat duodenum, and bovine mammary gland using the tissue protectant polyvinyl alcohol, the electron carrier 1-methoxyphenazine methosulfate, the final electron acceptor Tetranitro BT, and hypoxanthine as a substrate. Enzyme activity was localized in rat duodenum at lateral membranes and brush borders of enterocytes and in goblet cells and mucus. Hepatocytes in pericentral areas and especially sinusoidal cells showed high activity in rat liver. Xanthine oxidoreductase was also detected in epithelial cells and milk lipid globules of lactating bovine mammary gland, which is known to contain large quantities of the oxidase form of the enzyme. Chicken liver, which contains an inconvertible dehydrogenase form, also showed high activity in sinusoidal cells. Therefore, we conclude that the tetrazolium reaction demonstrates both the dehydrogenase and the oxidase form of xanthine oxidoreductase. Control activity, in the absence of hypoxanthine or in the presence of the competitive inhibitor allopurinol, was low in all tissues studied. Addition of O2 or NAD to the incubation medium did not change the specific reaction in bovine mammary gland or chicken liver, implying that the dehydrogenase and the oxidase form are not dependent on their natural electron acceptors in this tetrazolium salt reaction. We conclude that the present light microscopic method gives specific and precise localization of xanthine oxidoreductase activity in situ.  相似文献   

Xanthine oxidoreductase (xanthine dehydrogenase + xanthine oxidase) is a complex enzyme that catalyzes the oxidation of hypoxanthine to xanthine, subsequently producing uric acid. The enzyme complex exists in separate but interconvertible forms, xanthine dehydrogenase and xanthine oxidase, which generate reactive oxygen species (ROS), a well known causative factor in ischemia/reperfusion injury and also in some other pathological states and diseases. Because the enzymes had not been localized in human corneas until now, the aim of this study was to detect xanthine oxidoreductase and xanthine oxidase in the corneas of normal post-mortem human eyes using histochemical and immunohistochemical methods. Xanthine oxidoreductase activity was demonstrated by the tetrazolium salt reduction method and xanthine oxidase activity was detected by methods based on cerium ion capture of hydrogen peroxide. For immunohistochemical studies. we used rabbit antibovine xanthine oxidase antibody, rabbit antihuman xanthine oxidase antibody and monoclonal mouse antihuman xanthine oxidase/xanthine dehydrogenase/aldehyde oxidase antibody. The results show that the enzymes are present in the corneal epithelium and endothelium. The activity of xanthine oxidoreductase is higher than that of xanthine oxidase, as clearly seen in the epithelium. Further studies are necessary to elucidate the role of these enzymes in the diseased human cornea. Based on the findings obtained in this study (xanthine oxidoreductase/xanthine oxidase activities are present in normal human corneas), we hypothesize that during various pathological states, xanthine oxidase-generated ROS might be involved in oxidative eye injury.  相似文献   

Xanthine oxidoreductase (XOR) was purified in the presence of dithiothrietol from camel milk with yields of up to 22.2mg/l that were comparable to those obtained from bovine and human milk sources. On SDS-PAGE, the freshly purified camel milk XOR had a protein flavin (A280/A450) ratio of 5.3 +/- 0.4 and appeared homogenous with a single major band of approximately Mr 145.3 KDa. Surprisingly, in all the batches (n = 8) purified camel milk XOR showed no detectable activity towards xanthine or NADH. The molybdenum content of camel XOR was comparable to human and goat milk enzymes. After resulphuration, camel milk XOR gave a specific activity of 1.1 nmol/min/mg and 13.0 nmol/min/mg enzyme towards pterin (fluorimetric assay) and xanthine (spectrophotometric assay) respectively. This activity was markedly lower than that of human, bovine and goat enzymes obtained under the same conditions. These findings suggest that the molybdo-form of camel enzyme is totally under desulpho inactive form. It is possible that camel neonates are equipped with an enzymic system that reactivates XOR in their gut and consequently generates antibacterial reactive oxygen species.  相似文献   

Inhibitors of xanthine oxidoreductase block conversion of xanthine to uric acid and are therefore potentially useful for treatment of hyperuricemia or gout. We determined the crystal structure of reduced bovine milk xanthine oxidoreductase complexed with oxipurinol at 2.0 A resolution. Clear electron density was observed between the N2 nitrogen of oxipurinol and the molybdenum atom of the molybdopterin cofactor, indicating that oxipurinol coordinated directly to molybdenum. Oxipurinol forms hydrogen bonds with glutamate 802, arginine 880, and glutamate 1261, which have previously been shown to be essential for the enzyme reaction. We discuss possible differences in the hypouricemic effect of inhibitors, including allopurinol and newly developed inhibitors, based on their mode of binding in the crystal structures.  相似文献   

Reactive oxygen species (ROS) generated by xanthine oxidoreductase (XOR) were toxic to B lymphoma-derived Raji cells (positive for 8A monoclonal antibody, mAb). The sensitivity of these malignant cells to the hypoxanthine/XOR system was higher than that observed in peripheral human lymphocytes. The understanding of the mechanisms of cytotoxicity induced by XOR-produced ROS is essential in view of a possible clinical application. Cell death mostly had the feature of apoptosis and post-apoptotic necrosis and depended on the activity of XOR. Catalase, but not superoxide dismutase, protected cells from the toxicity of XOR, thus indicating that cell damage depended on the production of hydrogen peroxide. The toxicity of ROS was selectively targeted to malignant Raji cells by antibody-XOR conjugation, either directly, with an 8A-XOR conjugate, or indirectly, with an 8A mAb plus an anti-mouse IgG-XOR. Both direct and indirect immunotoxins induced apoptotic death to target cells in a dose-dependent manner. These conjugates showed no aspecific cytotoxicity in conditions very similar to the ex vivo treatment of cell suspension for bone marrow transplantation. Moreover, the prevalence of apoptotic death over necrosis may reduce the in vivo inflammatory response and its local and systemic consequences, thus becoming relevant in the construction of immunotoxins with therapeutic potential.  相似文献   

A new route to peroxynitrite: a role for xanthine oxidoreductase   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Peroxynitrite, a potent oxidising, nitrating and hydroxylating agent, results from the reaction of nitric oxide with superoxide. We show that peroxynitrite can be produced by the action of a single enzyme, xanthine oxidoreductase (XOR), in the presence of inorganic nitrite, molecular oxygen and a reducing agent, such as pterin. The effects of oxygen concentration on peroxynitrite production have been examined. The physiologically predominant dehydrogenase form of the enzyme is more effective than the oxidase form under aerobic conditions. It is proposed that XOR-derived peroxynitrite fulfils a bactericidal role in milk and in the digestive tract.  相似文献   

The localization of xanthine oxidoreductase activity was investigated in unfixed cryostat sections of various rat tissues by an enzyme histochemical method which specifically demonstrates both the dehydrogenase and oxidase forms of xanthine oxidoreductase. High activity was found in epithelial cells from skin, vagina, uterus, penis, liver, oral and nasal cavities, tongue, esophagus, fore-stomach and small intestine. In addition activity was demonstrated in sinusoidal cells of liver and adrenal cortex, endothelial cells in various organs and connective tissue fibroblasts. Xanthine oxidoreductase produces urate which is a scavenger of oxygen-derived radicals. Because the enzyme is found in epithelial and endothelial cells which are subject to relatively high oxidant stress, it is postulated that in these cells xanthine oxidoreductase is involved in the antioxidant enzyme defense system. In addition, a possible role for the enzyme in proliferation and differentiation processes is discussed.  相似文献   

Studies have been made on the possible involvement of malondialdehyde (MDA) and (E)-4-hydroxynon-2-enal (HNE), two terminal compounds of lipid peroxidation, in modifying xanthine oxidoreductase activity through interaction with the oxidase (XO) and/or dehydrogenase (XDH) forms. The effect of the two aldehydes on XO (reversible, XO(rev), and irreversible, XO(irr)) and XDH was studied using xanthine oxidase from milk and xanthine oxidoreductase partially purified from rat liver. The incubation of milk xanthine oxidase with these aldehydes resulted in the inactivation of the enzyme following pseudo-first-order kinetics: enzyme activity was completely abolished by MDA (0.5-4 mM), while residual activity (5% of the starting value) associated with an XO(irr) form was always observed when the enzyme was incubated in the presence of HNE (0.5-4 mM). The addition of glutathione to the incubation mixtures prevented enzyme inactivation by HNE. The study on the xanthine oxidoreductase partially purified from rat liver showed that MDA decreases the total enzyme activity, acting only with the XO forms. On the contrary HNE leaves the same level of total activity but causes the conversion of XDH into an XO(irr) form.  相似文献   

The O2-utilizing (type O, oxidase) form of xanthine oxidoreductase is primarily responsible for its ferroxidase activity. This form of xanthine oxidoreductase has 1000 times the ferroxidase activity of the serum ferroxidase caeruloplasmin. It has the ability to catalyse the oxidative incorporation of iron into transferrin at very low Fe2+ and O2 concentrations. Furthermore, the pH optimum of the ferroxidase activity of the enzyme is compatible with the conditions of pH that normally exist in the intestinal mucosa, where it has been proposed that xanthine oxidoreductase may facilitate the absorption of ionic iron. Modification of the molybdenum (Mb) centres of the enzyme in vitro by treatment with cyanide, methanol or allopurinol completely abolishes its ferroxidase activity. The feeding of dietary tungsten to rats, which prevents the incorporation of molybdenum into newly synthesized intestinal xanthine oxidoreductase, results in the progressive loss of the ferroxidase activity of intestinal-mucosa homogenates. Removal of the flavin centres from the enzyme also results in the complete loss of ferroxidase activity; however, the ferroxidase activity of the flavin-free form of the enzyme can be restored with artificial electron acceptors that interact with the molybdenum or non-haem iron centres. The presence of superoxide dismutase or catalase in the assay system results in little inhibition of the ferroxidase activity of xanthine oxidoreductase.  相似文献   

Xanthine oxidoreductase (XOR) is a 300-kDa homodimer that can exist as an NAD+-dependent dehydrogenase (XD) or as an O2-dependent oxidase (XO) depending on the oxidation state of its cysteine thiols. Both XD and XO undergo limited cleavage by chymotrypsin and trypsin. Trypsin selectively cleaved both enzyme forms at Lys184, while chymotrypsin cleaved XD primarily at Met181 but cleaved XO at Met181 and at Phe560. Chymotrypsin, but not trypsin, cleavage also prevented the reductive conversion of XO to XD; thus the region surrounding Phe560 appears to be important in the interconversion of the two forms. Size exclusion chromatography showed that disulfide bond formation reduced the hydrodynamic volume of the enzyme, and two-dimensional gel electrophoresis of chymotrypsin-digested XO showed significant, disulfide bond-mediated, conformational heterogeneity in the N-terminal third of the enzyme but no evidence of disulfide bonds between the N-terminal and C-terminal regions or between XOR subunits. These results indicate that intrasubunit disulfide bond formation leads to a global conformational change in XOR that results in the exposure of the region surrounding Phe560. Conformational changes within this region in turn appear to play a critical role in the interconversion between the XD and XO forms of the enzyme.  相似文献   

Xanthine oxidoreductase (XOR) could contribute to the pathogenesis of metabolic syndrome through the oxidative stress and the inflammatory response induced by XOR-derived reactive oxygen species and uric acid. Hyperuricemia is strongly linked to hypertension, insulin resistance, obesity and hypertriglyceridemia. The serum level of XOR is correlated to triglyceride/high density lipoprotein cholesterol ratio, fasting glycemia, fasting insulinemia and insulin resistance index. Increased activity of endothelium-linked XOR may promote hypertension. In addition, XOR is implicated in pre-adipocyte differentiation and adipogenesis. XOR and uric acid play a role in cell transformation and proliferation as well as in the progression and metastatic process. Collected evidences confirm the contribution of XOR and uric acid in metabolic syndrome. However, in some circumstances XOR and uric acid may have anti-oxidant protective outcomes. The dual-face role of both XOR and uric acid explains the contradictory results obtained with XOR inhibitors and suggests caution in their therapeutic use.  相似文献   

Xanthine oxidoreductase (XOR) generates proinflammatory oxidants and secondary nitrating species, with inhibition of XOR proving beneficial in a variety of disorders. Electrophilic nitrated fatty acid derivatives, such as nitro-oleic acid (OA-NO2), display anti-inflammatory effects with pleiotropic properties. Nitro-oleic acid inhibits XOR activity in a concentration-dependent manner with an IC50 of 0.6 microM, limiting both purine oxidation and formation of superoxide (O2.). Enzyme inhibition by OA-NO2 is not reversed by thiol reagents, including glutathione, beta-mercaptoethanol, and dithiothreitol. Structure-function studies indicate that the carboxylic acid moiety, nitration at the 9 or 10 olefinic carbon, and unsaturation is required for XOR inhibition. Enzyme turnover and competitive reactivation studies reveal inhibition of electron transfer reactions at the molybdenum cofactor accounts for OA-NO2-induced inhibition. Importantly, OA-NO2 more potently inhibits cell-associated XOR-dependent O2. production than does allopurinol. Combined, these data establish a novel role for OA-NO2 in the inhibition of XOR-derived oxidant formation.  相似文献   

The XOR activity in human plasma was measured by quantifying the XOR-derived uric acid (UA) in plasma using the high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) equipped with a UV detector. Chromatographic separation consisted of the mobile phase (a mixture of 0.1% trifluoroacetic acid in Milli-Q water and 0.085% trifluoroacetic acid in acetonitrile in a mix ratio of 99:1) running through a Zorbax StableBond SB-C(18) column at a flow-rate of 1 ml/min. Deproteinization with heat-treatment of plasma samples after the reaction was used in the assay to avoid splitting of the UA and xanthine peaks caused by acid deproteinization that could interfere the accurate determination of human plasma XOR activity in our case. Based on the examination of the dependence of XOR activity on added amounts of xanthine and reaction times, the amount of xanthine and reaction time for XOR activity assay were determined to prevent the errors caused by the limiting effect of substrates and plateau phase of the reaction. Using this method, human plasma XOR activities of 25 healthy people were measured. The average human plasma XOR activity was 2.1+/-0.8 (x10(-3) U/ml).  相似文献   

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