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The gamma-globin chains of haemoglobin F are encoded by two non-allelic genes which synthesise two different gamma-chains referred to as G gamma and A gamma. Xmn I restricts on both sides of the genes and normally produces an 8.1-kilobase (kb) fragment containing both gamma-genes. A polymorphic site on the 5' end of the G gamma genes has been reported in some populations and it results in the production of a 7.0-kb fragment containing both gamma-genes. We investigated the Xmn I polymorphic site in normal individuals, haemoglobin S heterozygotes and sickle cell disease patients from three different regions of Saudi Arabia. In the eastern province, 10% of gamma-genes in normal individuals were linked to the 7.0-kb fragment while in the sickle cell disease patients and haemoglobin S heterozygotes the frequency of the polymorphic site was 0.932 and 0.625, respectively. In the south-western province, the frequency of the polymorphic site in normal individuals was 0.096 (similar to that in the eastern province) but in the sickle cell disease patients and sickle cell heterozygotes the frequency was 0.033 and 0.095, respectively. Finally, only 6 sickle cell disease patients from the north-western province were investigated and all had the gamma-globin gene linked to the 8.1-kb fragment. The results of this study in different regions of Saudi Arabia are presented and the possible significance of Xmn I polymorphism is suggested.  相似文献   

Apolipoprotein E (apoE) genotypes were determined in 165 Saudis. The prevalence of genotype, E3/E3, E3/E4 and E4/E4 was found to be 71, 27 and 2% respectively. The E3/E3 was the most prevalent genotype among the Saudis followed by E3/E4. However, other genotypes E2/E2, E2/E3 and E2/E4 were absent showing the absence of E2 allele in the test population. The high frequencies of the E3 allele (0.845) and E3/E3 genotype (0.71) and absence of E2 allele in Saudis under study are similar to those reported earlier for Native Americans, Mexican-Americans, Mayans, Cayapa, Mazatecan Indians and Mexican Mestizos populations.  相似文献   

Apolipoprotein E (apoE) genotypes were determined in 165 Saudis. The prevalence of genotype, E3/E3, E3/E4 and E4/E4 was found to be 71, 27 and 2% respectively. The E3/E3 was the most prevalent genotype among the Saudis followed by E3/E4. However, other genotypes E2/E2, E2/E3 and E2/E4 were absent showing the absence of E2 allele in the test population. The high frequencies of the E3 allele (0.845) and E3/E3 genotype (0.71) and absence of E2 allele in Saudis under study are similar to those reported earlier for Native Americans, Mexican-Americans, Mayans, Cayapa, Mazatecan Indians and Mexican Mestizos populations.  相似文献   

Summary Genomic DNA was extracted from mice of 15 strains (A/J, AKR, BALB/c, C3H/He, C57BL/6, CBA/J, CD-1, CF#1, DBA/2, ddY/DAO+, ddY/DAO, ICR, NC, NZB and NZW) for the examination of the difference in the structure of thed-amino-acid oxidase gene among the mouse strains. The DNAs were digested with restriction endonucleases and analyzed by Southern hybridization usingd-amino-acid oxidase cDNA as a probe. The 15 strains showed the same hybridization patterns in theEcoRV,BamHI orBglII digestion. In theEcoRI digestion, the DBA/2 strain showed a different hybridization pattern from the other 14 strains. In thePvuII andXbaI digestion, C3H/He, CBA/J, ddY/DAO+ and NC strains were different from the other 11 strains. In thePstI andHindIII digestion, restriction fragment length polymorphisms were observed, and the 15 strains were classified into four groups according to their hybridization patterns. These results indicate that the 15 strains of mice carry a structurally similard-amino-acid oxidase gene, but there is a variation in its inside sequence among the groups of the strains.  相似文献   

Two alleles of 10.1 and 8.1 kb of the human glycogen synthase gene have been revealed with the restriction enzyme EcoRI.  相似文献   

The beta S-globin gene haplotypes were investigated using restriction endonucleases Hinc II and Hind III in 22 sickle cell anaemia patients from the eastern province, 67 sickle cell anaemia patients from the south-western province and 4 sickle cell anaemia patients from north-western province. The beta S was found to be mainly linked to the haplotype + + - + + in the eastern province (50% homozygous and 45.45% heterozygous), and - - - - + haplotypes in the south-western (44.77% homozygous and 43.28% heterozygous) and north-western (100% homozygous) provinces. A comparison of the haematological values and clinical manifestations in patients with the two major haplotypes revealed significant differences, with the disease presenting more severely in the south-western compared to the eastern population. The level of Hb F was not significantly different in the two groups and no association could be demonstrated between the beta-globin gene haplotype and Hb F level. These results have led us to suggest that the haplotype + + - + + is in some way linked to a benign sickle cell anemia, though the exact mechanism leading to a benign disease is not clear.  相似文献   

Summary Direct gene analysis of the haptoglobin gene region was carried out by Southern blotting using an Hp cDNA as probe. Two types of polymorphism were observed: one due to intragenic duplication, is characterized by a constant fragment length difference of 1700bp observed with several enzymes and by complete correspondence with the protein molecular weight polymorphism; the second type, due to point mutation, was represented by two additional restriction sites for Eco RI and Pst I, with a frequency comparable to that of other genes. These two mutations segregated together in families, suggesting that the recently described Hp related gene is closely linked to the Hp gene. Moreover, they were completely associated with each other. The evolutionary significance of this finding is discussed.  相似文献   

Haplotypes derived from five polymorphic restriction sites were determined in 50 Carrier-Sekani and 70 Mvskoke chromosomes, and the results were integrated with those previously obtained for 11 South American Indian populations. Eleven haplotypes were identified in the Mvskokes, while five were observed in the Carrier-Sekani. As in South American natives, haplotype 2 (+----) and 6 (-++ -+) were the most prevalent among the Mvskoke (46% and 30%, respectively). In the Carrier-Sekani, haplotype 2 was also the most common, but haplotype 5 (-+ -++) was somewhat more frequent (18%) than 6 (12%). High heterozygosities, as well as genetic differentiation, were observed among these two North American and two other South American groups (Mapuche and Xavante). They could be due to non-Indian admixture in the Mvskoke and Mapuche, but the findings in the other two populations require some other type of explanation.  相似文献   

beta-Globin gene haplotypes obtained in Polynesian Samoans were similar to those described in Southern Chinese. An atypical HindIII restriction fragment length polymorphism detected with pRK29, a 3' beta-globin gene probe, was present at a gene frequency of 7% in Samoans. Haplotype patterns suggest that this polymorphism may have arisen by 1 or 2 mutational events. DNA haplotypes derived from the beta-globin gene cluster confirm nuclear and mitochondrial DNA data that Polynesian precursor populations were East Asian in origin.  相似文献   

The distribution of beta-globin cluster haplotypes has been studied in the populations of Corsica (France) and Sardinia (Italy). The analysis was carried out using five restriction fragment length polymorphism markers on chromosome 11 inside the beta-globin cluster using the restriction enzymes HincII and HindIII. The results show a remarkable heterogeneity within the two islands. However, the presence of rare haplotypes common to the most conservative areas (Nuoro and Corte) of the two islands is particularly interesting. These data support the hypothesis of a common origin of the populations of Sardinia and Corsica during the middle and upper Paleolithic periods and could be interpreted as a founder effect.  相似文献   

Haplotypes derived from five polymorphic restriction sites in the beta-globin gene cluster were investigated in 139 individuals from five different Brazilian Indian tribes by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Eight haplotypes were identified. Haplotypes 2 (+????) and 6 (?++?+) were the most frequent and were common to all tribes. Their prevalences ranged from 60% to 93% and from 3% to 18%, respectively. Average heterozy-gosity measured by the Gini-Simpson index is markedly reduced among these Brazilian Indians when compared with Europeans (56%), but much less (8%) in relation to Asiatics, suggesting the absence of an important bottleneck effect in the early colonization of South America. The coefficient of gene differentiation (GST′) was estimated as 0.082 among six Brazilian Indian tribes, but when only three Tupi-Mondé-speaking tribes were considered, this estimate was reduced to 0.030. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Haplotypes and subhaplotypes in the beta-globin gene cluster were identified in 146 and 156 chromosomes, respectively, of three tribes of Colombian Amerinds. Subhaplotype [+----] was a major one in Colombian Amerinds as in most human ethnic groups except Africans. A major subhaplotype [----+] in Africans was observed in only one chromosome. The framework 2 frequencies were very low (0.018-0.067). Haplotype [+----++], which is a major one in Europeans, but not in Asians, and [+-----+], which is a major one in Asians, but not in Europeans, were two major haplotypes. Subhaplotype data showed the closest genetic affinities between Colombian Amerinds and Polynesians, Micronesians, and Asians, but the haplotype data did not necessarily support this.  相似文献   

We analyzed beta-globin gene cluster haplotypes and deletional alpha+-thalassemia (-alpha3.7kb) in 54 Babinga pygmy subjects from Congo-Brazzaville. The beta(S)-globin gene frequency was 0.065 and that of the deletional alpha-globin gene (-alpha3.7kb) was 0.29. Eighty-five percent of the beta(S) chromosomes and 13% of the beta(A) chromosomes were associated with the Bantu haplotype, 10% of beta(A) chromosomes with the Senegal haplotype, and the remaining beta chromosomes with atypical haplotypes. None of the chromosomes were of the Benin haplotype. These results are clearly of anthropological and evolutionary interest. They also support earlier observations that alpha+-thalassemia is prevalent at a high frequency in African populations.  相似文献   

The Hpa I restriction endonuclease site polymorphism that results in some human beta globin genes being contained in a 13-kilobase (kb) DNA restriction fragment rather than in the usual 7.6-kb fragment has been reported to be in linkage disequilibrium with the beta S mutation. The frequency of the 13-kb fragment among Baltimore black sickle cell (SS) disease patients (58%) is lower than that reported for San Francisco black SS disease patients (87%) and similar to that reported for such New York patients (59%). There is, then, considerable heterogeneity among American black populations. Therefore, for the purposes of prenatal diagnosis, the frequency in the particular population at risk should be established. When the frequency of association of the 13-kb fragment and the beta S mutation is low, the linkage phase must also be established. When the linkage phase is known, the Hpa I pattern alone can exclude SS disease 54% of the time for Baltimore AS X AS couples.  相似文献   

The study was aimed at the screening of human chromosomal DNA for restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) at the human thyroglobulin (hTg) gene locus. The RFLP screening was performed in a typical way. As hybridization probes were used 5 Pst I fragments of hTg cDNA of the total length 5.1 kb pairs cloned in pBR 322. One not described polymorphism was found by using the probe hTg 10, (nucleotides from position 4830 to 5810 in the 3' flanking region of hTg). Restriction enzyme Msp I identified a single two allele polymorphism: A1: 3.5 kb and A2: 2.5 kb. Of 32 unrelated healthy individuals two were homozygous for 3.5 kb, one was homozygous 2.5 kb and 29 were heterozygous for both 3.5 kb. and 2.5 kb. Thus, the frequencies of the 3.5 and 2.5 kb Msp I alleles were 0.52 and 0.48 respectively.  相似文献   

A novel restriction fragment length polymorphism in inbred rats was detected by Southern blot analysis with rat growth hormone cDNA as a probe. Four alleles, characterized by PstI fragments of 1.2, 1.1, 0.9, and 0.7 kb, respectively, were detected in 27 strains examined. The same distribution of polymorphisms was observed on digestion of DNAs of these strains with three other enzymes, PvuII, HindIII, and BamHI. Moreover, the same differences in length of allelic restriction fragments were obtained with these restriction enzymes as with PstI. These findings suggested that the polymorphism was caused by insertion or deletion of variable DNA segments in the second intron of the growth hormone gene. Linkage analyses using backcross progeny provided no evidence for close linkage between the restriction fragment length polymorphism locus and 10 other loci examined.  相似文献   

Beta-globin gene cluster haplotype frequencies of 169 Khalkhs and 145 Buryats were estimated, and their characteristics were compared with those of Evenkis, Oroqens, Koreans, Japanese, and three Colombian Amerindian groups. The present study suggests that Colombian Amerindians diverged first from Asian populations and then Buryats diverged from other Asian populations.  相似文献   

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