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This paper is a review of the current status of technology for mammalian oocyte growth and development in vitro. It compares and contrasts the characteristics of the various culture systems that have been devised for the culture of either isolated preantral follicles or the oocyte-granulosa cell complexes from preantral follicles. The advantages and disadvantages of these various systems are discussed. Endpoints for the evaluation of oocyte development in vitro, including oocyte maturation and embryogenesis, are described. Considerations for the improvement of the culture systems are also presented. These include discussions of the possible effects of apoptosis and inappropriate differentiation of oocyte-associated granulosa cells on oocyte development. Finally, the potential applications of the technology for oocyte growth and development in vitro are discussed. For example, studies of oocyte development in vitro could help to identify specific molecules produced during oocyte development that are essential for normal early embryogenesis and perhaps recognize defects leading to infertility or abnormalities in embryonic development. Moreover, the culture systems may provide the methods necessary to enlarge the populations of valuable agricultural, pharmaceutical product-producing, and endangered animals, and to rescue the oocytes of women about to undergo clinical procedures that place oocytes at risk. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The present study examined the effect of epidermal growth factor (EGF) during in vitro maturation (IVM) and embryo culture on blastocyst development in the pig. In experiment 1, cumulus oocyte complexes were cultured in North Carolina State University (NCSU) 23 medium containing porcine follicular fluid, cysteine, hormonal supplements, and with or without EGF (0–40 ng/ml) for 20–22 hr. They then were cultured for an additional 20–22 hr without hormones. After maturation, cumulus-free oocytes were co-incubated with frozen-thawed spermatozoa for 5–6 hr. Putative embryos were transferred to NCSU 23 containing 0.4% BSA and cultured for 144 hr. In experiment 2, oocytes were matured in medium containing 10 ng/ml EGF, inseminated, and putative embryos were cultured in the presence of 0–40 ng/ml EGF. In experiment 3, oocytes were cultured in the presence of 0, 10 and 40 ng/ml EGF to examine the kinetics of meiotic maturation. In experiment 4, 2- to 4-cell and 8-cell to morula stage embryos derived from oocytes matured with 10 ng/ml EGF were transferred to the oviduct and uterus, respectively, of each of three recipient gilts (3 and 4 days post-estrus, respectively). The presence or absence of EGF during IVM did not affect cumulus expansion, nuclear maturation, fertilization parameters, or cleavage rate. However, compared to no addition (21%), presence of 1 (33%) and 10 ng/ml EGF (42%) during IVM increased (P < 0.01) the rate of blastocyst development in a concentration-dependent manner. Compared to 10 ng/ml EGF, higher concentrations (20 and 40 ng/ml) reduced (P < 0.01) blastocyst development in a concentration-dependent manner (35% and 24%, respectively). No difference was observed between no addition and 40 ng/ml EGF (22%). Compared to no addition and 10 ng/ml EGF, a significantly (P < 0.001) higher proportion (25% vs. 55%) of oocytes reached metaphase II stage 33 hr after IVM with 40 ng/ml EGF. However, no difference was observed at 44 hr. Transfer of embryos to six recipient gilts resulted in three pregnancies and birth of 18 piglets. The results show that EGF at certain concentrations in IVM medium can influence the developmental competence of oocytes. However, addition of EGF during the culture of pig embryos derived from oocytes matured in the presence of EGF is without effect. Birth of piglets provides evidence that embryos derived from oocytes matured in a medium containing EGF are viable. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 51:395–401, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The present study aims to analyze the cause-effect relationships among several in-vitro fertilization and pre-implantation embryo development variables in the mouse. Superovulation of hybrid (C57Bl/6JIco female X CBA/JIco male) female mice of 4-6 weeks of age was induced by a priming injection of pregnant mare's serum gonadotropin at the estrus stage of the estrous cycle followed after a 48-hr interval by human chrorionic gonadotropin. Ovulated cumulus-enclosed oocytes were inseminated with sperm from hybrid males of 12-16 weeks of age. The multiple linear regression analyses performed indicated that (a) total number of ovulated oocytes is a good predictor of both fertilization frequency and total number of cells in day-5 blastocysts; (b) fertilization frequency predicts percentage of day-5 blastocysts; (c) total number of cells in day-5 blastocysts is predicted by percentage of day-5 blastocysts; and (d) total number of cells in day-5 blastocysts predicts percentage of apoptotic cells, number of inner cell mass (ICM) and trophectoderm (TE) cells, and ICM/TE ratio in day-5 blastocysts. Mitotic index in day-5 blastocysts was positively correlated with total number of ovulated oocytes, percentage of ovulated cumulus-enclosed oocytes, fertilization frequency, percentage of day-5 blastocysts and total number of cells in day-5 blastocysts. On the contrary, it was negatively correlated with percentage of apoptotic cells in day-5 blastocysts.  相似文献   

The application of assisted reproduction techniques to wild cats has been stalled by a lack of basic knowledge of the reproductive biology in these species. In this study, the ultrastructure of Siberian tiger (Panthera tigris altaica) cumulus-oocyte-complexes (COCs), as well as in vitro produced (IVP) zygotes and embryos were investigated, to estimate the normality of the manipulated reproduction processes. Adult female tigers were subjected to a purified porcine pFSH/pLH stimulation treatment followed by oocyte aspiration. According to morphological appearance at the stereomicroscopical level, COCs were classified as mature, immature, or degenerated, and then allocated into the following groups: presumptively immature COCs, which were in vitro matured (IVM-group) before fixation; presumptively mature COCs, which were either fixed after retrieval (pre-IVF-group), following in vitro insemination (IVF-group) or following in vitro insemination and subsequent in vitro culture (IVC-group). All specimens were processed for light and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Both the IVM- and pre-IVF-group included oocytes in meiotic stages ranging from prophase I to metaphase II, and some prophase I oocytes in the IVM-group were apparently in their growth phase. The IVF-group presented features of presumptive normal fertilization, but aberrations such as polynucleation were also noted. The IVC-group included cleavage stage embryos of which, however, many were polynucleated. In conclusion, the procedures used for stimulation, aspiration, and classification of COCs resulted in retrieval of a heterogeneous population of oocytes which, following IVF and IVC, displayed a high rate of developmental deviations.  相似文献   

The incidence of chromosomal anomalies in early bovine embryos derived from follicular oocytes fertilized in vitro using sperm separated by Percoll density gradient centrifugation was investigated. Overall, chromosomal anomalies were observed in 13.7% (138/1005) of embryos. There were 14 haploids (1.4%), 2 hypodiploids (0.2%), 6 hyperdiploids (0.6%), 101 triploids (10.0%), 12 tetraploids (1.2%), 2 diploid/triploid mosaics (0.2%), and 1 diploid/tetraploid mosaic (0.1%). The frequency of triploidy was caused mainly by polyspermy. There was a significant difference in the frequency of embryos with abnormal chromosomes between the two bulls used (P < 0.005), but Percoll centrifugation did not affect the observed incidence of anomalies. The frequency of chromosomal anomalies in embryos at each stage increased with delay or arrest of development. These results suggest that the incidence of chromosomal anomalies depended on the conditions of in vitro fertilization and the arrest of development.  相似文献   

A 21-year-old multiparous female exhibiting 31–41 day menstrual cycles was given hFSH (225 IU/day, Metrodin 75, from cycle day 3 through 9 (menses = day 1) and hCG (10,000 IU, Profasi, on day 10 to stimulate follicular development. At 35 h after hCG, under isoflurane (AErrane) anesthesia, follicles were aspirated by controlled suction under transvaginal ultrasound guidance. Metaphase II oocyctes (n = 11) were placed in modified human tubal fluid (mHTF, 100 μl) medium under oil at 37°C in humidified 5% CO2. Frozen semen, collected by voluntary ejaculation, was thawed (70°C H2O bath, 6 sec), diluted slowly, centrifuged, and resuspended in mHTF, and 160,000 motile spermatozoa/ml were added at 6 h after oocyte recovery. At 21 h postinsemination (p.i.) eight oocytes were at the two-cell stage, five were cryopreserved, and three were cultured to the six- to eight-cell stage in mHTF with granulosa cells before transcervical uterine transfer at 47 h p.i. using a Teflon catheter. Micronized progesterone (400 mg/d) was orally administered for 10 weeks posttransfer (p.t.). Ultrasound examination revealed a single fetus at 15 weeks p.t., and unassisted delivery of a live 1.37 kg female infant occurred at 29 weeks. Am. J. Primatol. 41:247–260, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Swiss white mice were superovulated, mated, and sacrificed to recover two-cell embryos that were cultured in Ham's F-10 supplemented with 15% fetal serum. In 16 experiments, media enriched with fetal bovine serum (FBS) supported blastocyst development from 80% ± 19% (mean ± S.D.) of two-cell embryos. Culture media + FBS was the positive control when 74 batches of heat-inactivated human fetal cord serum (hFCS) were tested. Statistical analyses indicated two distinct populations: 49 hFCS promoted blastocyst formation and 25 hFCS grew fewer blastocysts. In five studies, 35/47 two-cell embryos recovered from mice oviducts in media + FBS and immediately incubated formed blastocysts (75% ± 10%). In six comparison studies where the recovered embryos stood at room temperature for 30 minutes before incubation, only 18/57 (29% ± 21%) became blastocysts. When the colony was housed for 1 week in rooms with Shell No Pest Strips as treatment for mites, only 11/125 two-cell embryos became blastocysts (9%). In contrast, animals housed in quarters decontaminated with chlorine bleach had reduced breeding efficiency and produced fewer two-cell embryos. We conclude that (1) Ham's F-10 + FBS is an excellent positive control to test new batches of hFCS; (2) hFCS that supports blastocyst formation from ≥75% of two-cell embryos is adequate for human use; (3) pesticide treatment of breeding colonies and cooling of murine embryos during harvest both impaired in vitro blastocyst development; and (4) chlorine bleach cleansing of animal quarters reduced the number of successful matings.  相似文献   

牛体内,外受精胚胎玻璃化冷冻保存技术的研究初报   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用3种培养液即输卵管合成液(SOF)、TCM199和CRlaa对牛体外受精后的卵母细胞进行培养,结果卵裂率分别达85%、67%和72%,囊胚发育率分别为37%、21%和30%。对所获得的囊胚利用EFS玻璃化溶液进行冷冻保存。在10%EG中预处理5min后再移入EFS40平衡30s二步法冷冻保存的胚胎,其1解冻后继续发育率高达86%,与对照组91%相比无显性差异(P>0.05)。而EFS30二步  相似文献   

This study was designed to investigate the effect of the kinetics of nuclear maturation in bovine oocytes on early embryo development and to examine whether the time of insemination of mature oocytes affects the oocytes' ability to support events of early embryo development. The time required for completion of nuclear maturation was influenced by gonadotropins used to supplement the maturation medium. Luteinizing hormone (LH) enhanced the speed of nuclear maturation when compared to follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). Oocytes completing their nuclear maturation early (by 16 hours after the initiation of culture) were more likely to complete the first embryonic cell cycle (78% in LH vs. 43% in FSH) and develop to the blastocyst stage (47% in LH vs. 34% in FSH). As the age of the oocytes at the time of MII arrest increased (extrusion of the polar body by 20 or 24 hours), a decrease in their ability to cleave and develop to the blastocyst stage was observed. Differences in the oocyte's ability to decondense chromatin and form pronuclei were also observed. Early maturing oocytes started forming pronuclei earlier than their later maturing counterparts. The time of insemination of mature oocytes played an equally important role. Generally, when insemination of mature oocytes was delayed for 8 hours, higher proportions of fertilized oocytes developed to advanced preimplantation stages than did the oocytes inseminated immediately after metaphase II arrest. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 47:456–467, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Ovaries of five adult female African green monkeys were stimulated by repeated administrations of equine chorionic gonadotrophin (eCG), followed by a single administration of human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG). Oocytes were collected from enlarged follicles 28 h after hCG administration and incubated in vitro for 288 h. Oocytes that had extruded the first polar body were inseminated with spermatozoa that had been incubated for 4 to 6 h in medium with caffeine and dibutyryl cyclic AMP. Of these oocytes, 66% were fertilized and the incidence of polyspermy was 37%. Eighty-two percent of the fertilized eggs cleaved, with some developing into expanded blastocysts. Am. J. Primatol. 43:43–50, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to compare bovine and ovine oocytes in terms of (1) developmental rates following maturation, fertilization, and culture in vitro, (2) the quality of blastocysts produced in vitro, assessed in terms of their ability to undergo cryopreservation, and (3) the ultrastructural morphology of these blastocysts. In vitro blastocysts were produced following oocyte maturation/fertilization and culture of presumptive zygotes in synthetic oviduct fluid. In vivo blastocysts were used as a control from both species. In Experiment 1, the cleavage rate of bovine oocytes was significantly higher than that of ovine oocytes (78.3% vs. 58.0%, respectively, P < 0.001). The overall blastocyst yield was similar for both species (28.7% vs. 29.0%). However, when corrected for cleavage rate, significantly more ovine oocytes reached the blastocyst stage at all time-points (36.6% vs. 50.0% on day 8, for bovine and ovine, respectively, P < 0.001). Following vitrification, there was no difference in survival between in vivo produced bovine and ovine blastocysts (72 hr: 85.7% vs. 75.0%). However, IVP ovine blastocysts survived at significantly higher rates than IVP bovine blastocysts at all time points (72 hr: 47.4% vs. 18.1%, P < 0.001). At the ultrastructural level, compared with their in vivo counterparts, IVP blastocysts were characterized by a lack of desmosomal junctions, a reduction in the microvilli population, an increase in the average number of lipid droplets and increased debris in the perivitelline space and intercellular cavities. These differences were more marked in bovine IVP blastocysts, which also displayed electron-lucent mitochondria and large intercellular cavities. These observations may in part explain the species differences observed in terms of cryotolerance. In conclusion, the quality of ovine blastocysts was significantly higher than their bovine counterparts produced under identical in vitro conditions suggesting inherent species differences between these two groups affecting embryo quality.  相似文献   

This work compares the ability of rat zygotes fertilized in vitro or in vivo to develop into viable embryos. All oocytes were from adult cyclic females. After the first cleavage, the zygotes were transferred to oviducts of pseudopregnant recipients. Their fate was examined on day 13 at laparotomy and again on day 20. Ninety-five of 146 in vivo fertilized zygotes developed into normal sized 13-day fetuses and 72 (55%) to apparently normal near-term fetuses. Forty-six of 135 in vitro fertilized zygotes developed up to day 13, and 30 (24%) developed to term. It appears that the probability that in vitro fertilized rat zygotes will develop into viable embryos is about half the chance of in vivo fertilized zygotes. Since the two types of zygotes were morphologically identical, the morphological appearance of the two-cell stage is not an adequate criterion for judging developmental potential.  相似文献   

雷公藤多甙对小鼠卵母细胞成熟和体外受精的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用超排卵技术研究雷公藤多甙(GTW)对小鼠卵母细胞的成熟和体外受精以及脏器等的影响,GTW对小鼠卵母细胞生发泡破裂没有影响,但可以抑制卵母细胞第一极体的释放,影响卵母细胞的存活率并可降低体外受精率和超排卵的卵母细胞数量。GTW可以破坏卵母细胞成熟,降低卵母细胞的体外受精能力,影响小鼠的正常生殖功能。  相似文献   

Several contemporary micromanipulation techniques, such as sperm microinjection, nuclear transfer, and gene transfer by pronuclear injection, require removal of cumulus cells from oocytes or zygotes at various stages. In humans, the cumulus cells are often removed after 15–18 hr of sperm-oocyte coincubation to assist the identification of the fertilization status. This study was designed to evaluate the function of cumulus cells during oocyte maturation, fertilization, and in vitro development in cattle. Cumulus cells were removed before and after maturation and after fertilization for 0,7,20, and 48 hr. The cumulus-free oocytes or embryos were cultured either alone or on cumulus cell monolayers prepared on the day of maturation culture. Percentages of oocyte maturation, fertilization, and development to cleavage, morula, and blastocyst stages and to expanding or hatched blastocysts were recorded for statistical analysis by categorical data modeling (CATMOD) procedures. Cumulus cells removed before maturation significantly reduced the rate of oocyte maturation (4–26% vs. 93–96%), fertilization (0–9% vs. 91–92%), and in vitro development at all stages evaluated. Cumulus cells removed immediately prior to in vitro fertilization (IVF) or 7 hr after IVF reduced the rates of fertilization (58–60% and 71%, respectively, vs. 91–92% for controls), cleavage development (40–47% and 53–54% vs. 74–78% for controls), and morula plus blastocyst development (15% and 24% vs. 45%, P < 0.05). Cumulus cell co-culture started at various stages had no effect on fertilization and cleavage development but significantly improved rates of embryo development to morula or blastocyst stages (P < 0.05). Cumulus cell removal at 20 hr after IVF resulted in similar development to controls (P > 0.05) at all stages tested in this study. The intact state of surrounding cumulus cells of oocytes or embryos appears to be beneficial before or shortly after insemination (at or before 7 hr of IVF) but not essential at 20 hr after IVF. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the fertility of buffalo semen for in vitro embryo production (IVEP) by comparing the effectiveness of refrigerated versus frozen semen. Three OPU sessions were held at 30-day intervals. For oocyte fertilization three buffalo bulls were used, one per session. At each OPU-IVEP session, one ejaculate was collected and divided into two equal aliquots. Each aliquot was either refrigerated at 5ºC/24 hours or frozen. A TRIS extender containing 10% low density lipoproteins, 0.5% lecithin and 10 mM acetylcysteine was used adding 7% glycerol for freezing. Sperm motility/kinetic was evaluated by CASA and sperm membrane integrity by the hypoosmotic swelling test. The evaluations were performed at 0 h (post final dilution at 37ºC), at 4 and 24 hs post-incubation at 5ºC and post-thaw. At 24 hs incubation and immediately post thaw sperm cells were used for in vitro fertilization of buffalo oocytes equally distributed between both groups. Cleavage rates and embryo development were followed. The embryo/matured and embryo/cultured rates were 25.4 x 14.0% and 29.4 x 18.5% (P<0.05), for chilled and frozen semen, respectively. It is concluded that cooled semen can be used for in vitro embryo production in buffalo and that a better efficiency may be expected for cooled compared to frozen semen.  相似文献   

In vitro production (IVP) has been shown to affect embryonic gene expression and often result in large offspring syndrome (LOS) in cattle and sheep. To dissect the effects of in vitro maturation, fertilization and culture on bovine embryos, we compared the expression profiles of single blastocysts generated by: (1) in vitro maturation, fertilization and culture (IVF); (2) in vivo maturation, fertilization and in vitro culture (IVD); and (3) in vivo maturation, fertilization and development (AI). To conduct expression profiling, total RNA was isolated from individual embryos, linearly amplified and hybridized to a custom bovine cDNA microarray containing approximately 6,300 unique genes. There were 306, 367, and 200 genes differentially expressed between the AI and IVD, IVF and IVD, and AI and IVF comparisons, respectively. Interestingly, 44 differentially expressed genes were identified between the AI embryos and both the IVF and IVD embryos, making these potential candidates for LOS. There were 60 genes differentially expressed between the IVF embryos and the AI and IVD embryos. The Gene Ontology category "RNA processing" was over-represented among the genes that were down-regulated in the IVF embryos, indicating an effect of in vitro oocyte maturation/fertilization on the ability to transcribe maternal RNA stores. A culture effect on the expression of genes involved in translation was also observed by the comparison of AI with IVD embryos.  相似文献   

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