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Rapid evolution of RNA editing sites in a small non-essential plastid gene   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Chloroplast RNA editing proceeds by C-to-U transitions at highly specific sites. Here, we provide a phylogenetic analysis of RNA editing in a small plastid gene, petL, encoding subunit VI of the cytochrome b6f complex. Analyzing representatives from most major groups of seed plants, we find an unexpectedly high frequency and dynamics of RNA editing. High-frequency editing has previously been observed in plastid ndh genes, which are remarkable in that their mutational inactivation does not produce an obvious mutant phenotype. In order to test the idea that reduced functional constraints allow for more flexible evolution of RNA editing sites, we have created petL knockout plants by tobacco chloroplast transformation. We find that, in the higher plant tobacco, targeted inactivation of petL does not impair plant growth under a variety of conditions markedly contrasting the important role of petL in photosynthesis in the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Together with a low number of editing sites in plastid genes that are essential to gene expression and photosynthetic activity, these data suggest that RNA editing sites may evolve more readily in those genes whose transitory loss of function can be tolerated. Accumulated evidence for this ‘relative neutrality hypothesis for the evolution of plastid editing sites’ is discussed.  相似文献   

RNA editing in higher plant plastids changes single cytidine residues to uridine through an unknown mechanism. In order to investigate the relation of editing to physiological processes and to other steps in plastid gene expression, we have tested the sensitivity of chloroplast RNA editing to heat shock and antibiotics. We show that heat shock conditions as well as treatment of plants with prokaryotic translational inhibitors can inhibit plastid RNA editing. Surprisingly, this inhibitory effect is confined to a limited number of plastid editing sites suggesting that some site-specific factor(s) but none of the general components of the plastid RNA editing machinery are compromised. Contrary to previous expectations, our results provide evidence for a role of plastid translation in RNA editing.  相似文献   

Computational prediction of RNA editing sites   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
MOTIVATION: Some organisms edit their messenger RNA resulting in differences between the genomic sequence for a gene and the corresponding messenger RNA sequence. This difference complicates experimental and computational attempts to find and study genes in organisms with RNA editing even if the full genomic sequence is known. Nevertheless, knowledge of these editing sites is crucial for understanding the editing machinery of these organisms. RESULTS: We present a computational technique that predicts the position of editing sites in the genomic sequence. It uses a statistical approach drawing on the protein sequences of related genes and general features of editing sites of the organism. We apply the method to the mitochondrion of the slime mold Physarum polycephalum. It correctly predicts over 90% of the amino acids and over 70% of the editing sites.  相似文献   

R Bock  M Hermann    H Kssel 《The EMBO journal》1996,15(18):5052-5059

RNA editing, catalyzed by the multiprotein editosome complex, is an essential step for the expression of most mitochondrial genes in trypanosomatid pathogens. It has been shown previously that Trypanosoma brucei RNA editing ligase 1 (TbREL1), a core catalytic component of the editosome, is essential in the mammalian life stage of these parasitic pathogens. Because of the availability of its crystal structure and absence from human, the adenylylation domain of TbREL1 has recently become the focus of several studies for designing inhibitors that target its adenylylation pocket. Here, we have studied new and existing inhibitors of TbREL1 to better understand their mechanism of action. We found that these compounds are moderate to weak inhibitors of adenylylation of TbREL1 and in fact enhance adenylylation at higher concentrations of protein. Nevertheless, they can efficiently block deadenylylation of TbREL1 in the editosome and, consequently, result in inhibition of the ligation step of RNA editing. Further experiments directly showed that the studied compounds inhibit the interaction of the editosome with substrate RNA. This was supported by the observation that not only the ligation activity of TbREL1 but also the activities of other editosome proteins such as endoribonuclease, terminal RNA uridylyltransferase, and uridylate-specific exoribonuclease, all of which require the interaction of the editosome with the substrate RNA, are efficiently inhibited by these compounds. In addition, we found that these compounds can interfere with the integrity and/or assembly of the editosome complex, opening the exciting possibility of using them to study the mechanism of assembly of the editosome components.  相似文献   

Identification of RNA editing sites in the SNP database   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The relationship between human inherited genomic variations and phenotypic differences has been the focus of much research effort in recent years. These studies benefit from millions of single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) records available in public databases, such as dbSNP. The importance of identifying false dbSNP records increases with the growing role played by SNPs in linkage analysis for disease traits. In particular, the emerging understanding of the abundance of DNA and RNA editing calls for a careful distinction between inherited SNPs and somatic DNA and RNA modifications. In order to demonstrate that some of the SNP database records are actually somatic modification, we focus on one type of these modifications, namely A-to-I RNA editing, and present evidence for hundreds of dbSNP records that are actually editing sites. We provide a list of 102 RNA editing sites previously annotated in dbSNP database as SNPs, and experimentally validate seven of these. Interestingly, we show how dbSNP can serve as a starting point to look for new editing sites. Our results, for this particular type of RNA editing, demonstrate the need for a careful analysis of SNP databases in light of the increasing recognition of the significance of somatic sequence modifications.  相似文献   

Recently a number of groups have introduced computational methods for the detection of A-to-I RNA editing sites. These approaches have resulted in finding thousands of editing sites within the genomic repeats, as well as a few novel genetic recoding sites. We review these recent advancements, emphasizing the principles underlying the various methods used. Possible directions for extending these methods are discussed.  相似文献   

RNA editing in flowering plant mitochondria alters numerous C nucleotides in a given mRNA molecule to U residues. To investigate whether neighbouring editing sites can influence each other we analyzed in vitro RNA editing of two sites spaced 30 nt apart. Deletion and competition experiments show that these two sites carry independent essential specificity determinants in the respective upstream 20-30 nucleotides. However, deletion of a an upstream sequence region promoting editing of the upstream site concomitantly decreases RNA editing of the second site 50-70 nucleotides downstream. This result suggests that supporting cis-/trans-interactions can be effective over larger distances and can affect more than one editing event.  相似文献   

RNA editing revises the genetic code at precise locations, creating single base changes in mRNA. These changes can result in altered coding potential and modifications to protein function. Sequence analysis of the Shab potassium channel of Drosophila melanogaster revealed five such RNA editing sites. Four are constitutively edited (I583V, T643A, Y660C and I681V) and one undergoes developmentally regulated editing (T671A). These sites are located in the S4, S5-S6 loop and the S6 segments of the channel. We examined the biophysical consequences of editing at these sites by creating point mutations, each containing the genomic (unedited) base at one of the five sites in the background of a channel in which all other sites are edited. We also created a completely unedited construct. The function of these constructs was characterized using two-microelectrode voltage clamp in Xenopus oocytes. Each individual 'unediting' mutation slowed the time course of deactivation and the rise time during channel activation. Two of the mutants exhibited significant hyperpolarized shifts in their midpoints of activation. Constructs that deactivated slowly also inactivated slowly, supporting a mechanism of closed-state inactivation. One of the editing sites, position 660, aligns with the Shaker 449 residue, which is known to be important in tetraethylammonium (TEA) block. The aromatic, genomically-encoded residue tyrosine at this position in Shab enhances TEA block 14 fold compared to the edited residue, cysteine. These results show that both the position of the RNA editing site and the identity of the substituted amino acid are important for channel function.  相似文献   

A computational analysis of RNA editing sites was performedon protein-coding sequences of plant mitochondrial genomes fromArabidopsis thaliana, Beta vulgaris, Brassica napus, and Oryzasativa. The distribution of nucleotides around edited and uneditedcytidines was compared in 41 nucleotide segments and included1481 edited cytidines and 21,390 unedited cytidines in the 4genomes. The distribution of nucleotides was examined in 1,2, and 3 nucleotide windows by comparison of nucleotide frequencyratios and relative entropy. The relative entropy analyses indicatethat information is encoded in the nucleotide sequences in the5 prime flank (–18 to –14, –13 to –10,–6 to –4, –2/–1) and the immediate 3prime flanking nucleotide (+1), and these regions may be importantin editing site recognition. The relative entropy was largewhen 2 or 3 nucleotide windows were analyzed, suggesting thatseveral contiguous nucleotides may be involved in editing siterecognition. RNA editing sites were frequently preceded by 2pyrimidines or AU and followed by a guanidine (HYCG) in themonocot and dicot mitochondrial genomes, and rarely precededby 2 purines. Analysis of chloroplast editing sites from a dicot,Nicotiana tabacum, and a monocot, Zea mays, revealed a similardistribution of nucleotides around editing sites (HYCA). Thesimilarity of this motif around editing sites in monocots anddicots in both mitochondria and chloroplasts suggests that amechanistic basis for this motif exists that is common in thesedifferent organelle and phylogenetic systems. The preferredsequence distribution around RNA editing sites may have an importantimpact on the acquisition of editing sites in evolution becausethe immediate sequence context of a cytidine residue may rendera cytidine editable or uneditable, and consequently determinewhether a T to C mutation at a specific position may be correctedby RNA editing. The distribution of editing sites in many protein-codingsequences is shown to be non-random with editing sites clusteredin groups separated by regions with no editing sites. The sporadicdistribution of editing sites could result from a mechanismof editing site loss by gene conversion utilizing edited sequenceinformation, possibly through an edited cDNA intermediate.  相似文献   

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