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The Ground Tit is a large parid species endemic to the Tibetan Plateau. Here we describe its genetic breeding system based on 2 years of fieldwork on a population from Damshung, Tibet. Genetic relatedness and parentage were analysed using 16 microsatellite markers and sex was determined with a marker on the Z and W chromosomes. We established that 16 of 75 families (21%) were assisted by one or occasionally two male helpers, which in most cases were young from a previous brood of one or both of the breeding adults. The helpers typically stayed with their families throughout the breeding season. Helpers never obtained any paternity in their own families, but one helper was identified as the sire in the only instance of extra‐group (and extra‐pair) parentage detected. Thus, the level of extra‐group/extra‐pair parentage appears to be very low in this Ground Tit population, and sharing of reproduction within family groups is apparently absent. Our results contrast with the findings from another Ground Tit population in Gansu, further northeast in China, with respect to both the number and sex of helpers and the division of parentage within and among family groups. In Gansu, helpers regularly produced offspring and both extra‐pair and extra‐group paternity as well as maternity (egg dumping) was common. Differences in family structure, philopatry, territoriality and potential inclusive fitness benefits can probably explain this contrast, and are likely to reflect the relative costs and benefits of co‐operative breeding.  相似文献   

The social behaviour of carrion crows varies between populations. In northern Spain cooperatively breeding groups form through delayed natal dispersal and/or immigration of individuals (usually males) into the territory. In this population, carrion crows therefore breed as either unassisted pairs, pairs with nondispersing 1-2-year-old helpers (nondispersers), pairs with immigrant helpers or mixed groups (pairs with both immigrants and nondispersers). We used a microsatellite-based genotyping system to determine the parentage of 57 nestlings (19 broods). Polygamous mating was involved in 26% of the broods and reproduction was shared among group members of both sexes in at least three groups. Immigrants of both sexes can therefore gain access to mates by living in a group, while reproduction is unlikely to involve nondispersers. This implies that nondispersers and immigrants gain different sorts of benefits from group living and helping at the nest. Our genetic data confirmed that nondispersers associated with their parents on the natal territory and therefore that delayed natal dispersal leads to family formation in the carrion crow. Polygamous mating was not found in groups without immigrants, suggesting that, in this population, breeders lose parentage in their brood when sociality is extended beyond the limit of the nuclear family.Copyright 2002 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.   相似文献   

Social groups of acorn woodpeckers (Melanerpes formicivorus) range in size from unaided pairs to 15 adults. Behavioural indicators of mate guarding, assumed incest avoidance and observations of egg-laying indicate that social organization ranges from monogamous pairs to groups with up to seven male and three female putative cobreeders plus up to 10 nonbreeding helpers. In addition, groups occasionally lack a putative breeder throughout the breeding season. Here we report results from multilocus DNA fingerprinting of 372 nestlings from 123 nests in groups with putative cobreeders of one or both sexes. No extra-group fertilizations were found. Putative cobreeding males within social groups shared paternity. However, the most reproductively successful male was, on average, almost three times as successful as the next most successful and additional males only occasionally sired offspring. In contrast, cobreeding females shared parentage equally. Helpers never bred incestuously when their opposite-sex parent (or another relative, such as their uncle) held breeding status in the group. However, during breeding male vacancies, 14 nestlings were produced when helper males bred incestuously with their mother. Both male and female helpers usually became successful cobreeders with their same-sex parent following replacement of the opposite-sex breeder(s) by unrelated individuals.  相似文献   

STEVE ZACK 《Ibis》1986,128(2):214-233
Grey-backed Fiscal Shrikes Lanius excubitorius were studied over a 2j year period near Lake Naivasha, Kenya. Grey-backs are cooperative breeders, with group sizes ranging from two to II. Only one pair breeds per group, with all other group members aiding in the rearing of young. The study population ranged from 64 to 79 individuals that occurred in from 13 to 16 groups. Non-breeding helpers made up to 66% of the population, with male helpers being more numerous overall than females. The annual survival rate was 65%, with no differences detected between the survival of males and females, or of breeders and helpers. Only male helpers were observed to acquire breeding status within the natal territory. Some female helpers acquired breeding positions in territories adjacent to their natal territories. Group territorial displays occurred throughout the year but were most pronounced prior to breeding during rainy periods. Reproductive success was very low, with only 14.5% of the recorded breeding attempts leading to fledged young. Large groups (four or more birds) had greater reproductive success than small groups, but many factors other than, or in addition to, group size may have influenced this pattern. The breeding male contributed the most food to the incubating female and to the nestlings. Male helpers and the breeding female contributed more to nestlings than did female helpers. Observations on the post-fledging period indicate that socialization and establishment of dominance may be of importance in group-living species living in a restricted ecological and social setting.  相似文献   

In the first molecular study of a member of the threatened avian family, Mesitornithidae, we used nine polymorphic microsatellite loci to elucidate parentage, patterns of within-group kinship and occurrence of extra-group paternity in the subdesert mesite Monias benschi, of southwest Madagascar. We found this cooperatively breeding species to have a very fluid mating system. There was evidence of genetic monogamy and polygynandry: of the nine groups with multiple offspring, six contained one breeding pair with unrelated helpers and three contained multiple male and female breeders with related helpers. Although patterns of within-group kinship varied, there was a strong positive relationship between group size and relatedness, suggesting that groups form by natal philopatry. There was also a strong positive correlation between within-sex and between-sex relatedness, indicating that unlike most cooperatively breeding birds, philopatry involved both sexes. In contrast to predictions of kin selection and reproductive skew models, all monogamous groups contained unrelated individuals, while two of the three polygynandrous groups were families. Moreover, although between-group variation in seasonal reproductive success was related to within-group female relatedness, relatedness among males and between the sexes had no bearing on a group's reproductive output. While kin selection may underlie helping behaviour in females, factors such as direct long-term fitness benefits of group living probably determine helping in males. Of the 14 offspring produced by fully sampled groups, at least two were sired by males from neighbouring groups: one by a breeding male and one by a nonbreeding male, suggesting that males may augment their reproductive success through extra-group paternity.  相似文献   

The continental African Reed Warbler Acrocephalus baeticatus, like its relative the Seychelles Warbler Acrocephalus sechellensis, breeds in isolated patches. We studied the mating system of the African Reed Warbler to see whether this species, like the Seychelles Warbler, shows co-operative breeding. The African Reed Warbler is not polygynous. The majority breed monogamously (88%, n = 65), however in 12% of the territories three adult unrelated birds (mostly males) were observed participating in the brooding and feeding of nestlings, suggesting a polyandrous breeding system. Multilocus DNA fingerprinting revealed that the helping bird was unrelated to the pair birds. The percentage of nests with helpers was low compared to rates found in the Seychelles Warbler or Henderson Reed Warbler Acrocephalus vaughani taiti. This could be due to the scarcity of potential helpers or to the fact that, although limited, birds still had the opportunity to disperse within a meta-population structure in search of vacant territories. The presence of helpers was associated with increased hatching success due to lower predation rates, but not with increased fledging success. Another possible benefit of helping behaviour in this species could be improved predator detection and mobbing. Nest predation was high and warblers tended to build their nests in the highest, most dense reed patches available in their territory. There was no relation between habitat quality, measured as insect food availability, and the occurrence of helpers.  相似文献   

The degree to which group members share reproduction is dictated by both within-group (e.g. group size and composition) and between-group (e.g. density and position of neighbours) characteristics. While many studies have investigated reproductive patterns within social groups, few have simultaneously explored how within-group and between-group social structure influence these patterns. Here, we investigated how group size and composition, along with territory density and location within the colony, influenced parentage in 36 wild groups of a colonial, cooperatively breeding fish Neolamprologus pulcher. Dominant males sired 76% of offspring in their group, whereas dominant females mothered 82% of offspring in their group. Subordinate reproduction was frequent, occurring in 47% of sampled groups. Subordinate males gained more paternity in groups located in high-density areas and in groups with many subordinate males. Dominant males and females in large groups and in groups with many reproductively mature subordinates had higher rates of parentage loss, but only at the colony edge. Our study provides, to our knowledge, the first comprehensive quantification of reproductive sharing among groups of wild N. pulcher, a model species for the study of cooperation and social behaviour. Further, we demonstrate that the frequency of extra-pair parentage differs across small social and spatial scales.  相似文献   

C. H. Fry 《Ibis》1972,114(1):1-14
In the colony-nesting bee-eater Merops bulocki of the northern savannas of Africa males preponderate in the proportion 1 -5 to 1 female, initial breeding occurs at varying ages, and adults of both sexes and all age classes, particularly one-year-old males, assist breeding pairs with nest excavation, incubation, and provisioning the pulli and fledglings. Up to three helpers can occur at one nest, and they may be siblings of a previous year's brood. Pair-bonds are for life, and bonds formed between the breeding pair and their helpers may endure until next season. Some evidence suggests that other gregarious open-country bee-eater species are similar in these respects but that forest and solitary-breeding savanna species have the sex ratio at parity and do not breed co-operatively. Breeding dispersion of savanna species is related to specific size, the largest (which forage most widely) nesting in the densest aggregates. Other instances of birds with comparable social organisations are briefly reviewed. The 80 species involved comprise broad systematic and ecological spectra and about 60 of them inhabit hot climates in America, Africa and Australia. It is suggested that co-operative breeding provides a reserve of experienced individuals whose recruitment to breeding permits (1) fine control of stable populations in non-seasonal habitats (tropical forest) within the capacity of the food resources; (2) crude adjustment of fluctuating populations in habitats with unpredictable rainfall (Australia), enabling them rapidly to recuperate from depression and to achieve the highest population level the improved food resources can sustain; and (3) regulation of populations in intermediate habitats (tropical savannas) by either means according to the dictates of immediate ecological circumstances.  相似文献   

Knowledge of cooperative breeding in birds from longitudinal studies is available only for a small proportion of species. This paper reports data from a 12‐year study on the Tibetan Ground Tit Pseudopodoces humilis. On average, 27.2% (range: 13.0–36.1%) of monogamous pairs in each year contained one (85.4%) or more (14.6%) male helpers, 83.7% of which were yearlings staying on natal territories. Most helpers (89.6%) helped once and then bred independently. Adults had male‐biased sex ratios, low annual survival rates (averaging 0.50) and shorter longevities (averaging 1.8 years) compared with low‐altitude avian cooperative breeders, suggesting that mate shortage promotes helping behaviour in this species. Incest occurred rarely (2.1% of pairs), probably because kin recognition occurs through year‐around living in family groups. There was a low level (3.1% of broods) of extra‐pair parentage, which could facilitate the maintenance of cooperative breeding.  相似文献   

The yellow mongoose Cynictis penicillata is a facultatively social species and provides an opportunity to study the evolution of social behaviour. We examined genetic structure, relatedness and helping behaviour in the yellow mongoose in natural habitat in the Kalahari Desert, where the species lives in small family groups of up to four individuals and shows no cooperative breeding; and in farmland in the Western Cape Province of South Africa, where they live in larger groups of up to 13 individuals, engage in numerous social interactions and show cooperative breeding. The farmland population showed significant inbreeding, and lower genetic variability than the desert population, but there was no evidence of a recent population bottleneck. The genetic relatedness between individuals within social groups and that between future potential helpers and pups were higher in the farmland population than in the desert population. However, based on a limited sample, helping effort (in the farmland population) was not preferentially directed towards kin. Thus, the origin of helping in the farmland population is consistent with kin selection, but in the absence of kin discrimination, future research should investigate whether long-term breeding opportunities or group augmentation contribute to maintaining cooperative breeding in this population.  相似文献   

As yet, cooperative breeding has been described only for some fish species. However, evidence is accumulating that it is widespread among Lake Tanganyika cichlids. We studied the cooperative breeding system of the substrate breeding cichlid Neolamprologus savoryi. Breeding groups typically consisted of a large breeding male with one to four breeding females and three to 33 helpers (mean group size: 14.3 members). Group size was significantly related to breeding male and female body sizes, and larger males had more breeding females and larger sized male helpers. The size of the largest female in the group was positively related to the number and sizes of secondary breeding females and female helpers. In case of multiple breeding females, these females usually divided the group's territory into sub‐territories, each with its own helpers (subgroups). Interspersed between groups, independent fish were detected defending an individual shelter (4.4% of all fish). In 9% of the groups no breeding female was present. All group members participated in territory defence and maintenance, and showed submissive behaviours to larger group members. As expected, the level of between‐subgroup conflicts was high compared with the level of within‐subgroup conflicts. We compare these results with data available from other cooperatively breeding fishes.  相似文献   

The theory of family-group dynamics predicts that group structure, helping behaviour and social interactions among group members should vary with the opportunities of subordinates to breed independently. We investigated experimentally whether unrelated mature helpers in the cooperatively breeding cichlid Neolamprologus pulcher reduce costly social and cooperative behaviour and choose to disperse and breed independently when offered vacant breeding sites. As predicted by the ecological constraints hypothesis,when breeding substrate was available, (i) helpers spent more time in dispersal areas and it was mainly large helpers that left the group to breed independently; (ii) all helpers invested less in costly submissive behaviours towards other group members and large helpers reduced help, supporting the 'pay-to-stay' hypothesis; and (iii) large helpers, particularly those that dispersed and bred, increased more in body mass in the treatment than those without breeding options, suggesting status-dependent strategic growth of helpers.We conclude that helpers of N. pulcher decide whether to stay and pay or disperse and breed in response to constraints on independent breeding.  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》1988,36(5):1341-1351
Cooperatively breeding splendid fairy-wren,s Malurus splendens, were tested with songs recorded from individuals of known social and kin relationships. Both males and females sang and responded aggressively to songs of wrens from other social groups. Wrens responded similarly to songs of non-kin and songs of close kin in the absence of social familiarity with them. Breeding females responded more intensely to songs of helpers from other groups than to songs of helpers in their own group. The songs of male and female helpers elicited similar responses by breeding females. The response to other females may be associated with competition for breeding status and helpers. Two females sometimes breed in social groups with two older females; no interference was observed. Song may allow individuals to recognize other wrens in their group and to direct their behaviour towards non-dispersing relatives by location and social familiarity rather than by kinship identifiers.  相似文献   

Chestnut-bellied starlings (Spreo pulcher) live in social groups of 10–30 individuals and during their breeding seasons maintain group ranges which show little overlap with neighbouring groups. A social group may contain two to six breeding pairs, non-breeding adults of both sexes, and immatures. Each breeding female has her own nest and she alone incubates. The parents and up to 12 other starlings feed the nestlings. Individual helpers may successively or simultaneously attend the nests of different breeders. The percentage of nests attended within a group differs for helpers of different sex, age and breeding status: immatures of 1–2 years and non-breeding adult males help most and adult females least. Nests with more helpers have higher fledging success than those with fewer helpers. These results are discussed with reference to the tentative benefits of helping behaviour and kinship relationships within the social group.  相似文献   

Most cooperative breeding bird species live in family groups that are formed through the prolonged association of offspring with their parents. Research into cooperative families has in particular investigated the balance between cooperation and conflict over reproductive decisions. As a consequence of this research focus, social interactions among group members outside the breeding season are rarely studied, despite the fact that they are likely to be crucial for social decisions. We investigated the social dynamics and ranging behaviour of the family group living cooperatively breeding apostlebird ( Struthidea cinerea ) outside the breeding season. Group size changed between, but not within, the seasons, being smaller during the breeding season than in the winter season. This change in group size was a consequence of breeding groups merging after breeding, then splitting again before the next breeding season. While breeding groups used small, non-overlapping home ranges (      = 113 ha) around the nesting site, during winter groups moved up to 1200 ha (      = 598 ha), and interacted frequently with up to four other winter groups. In particular large groups often joined together during winter and spent up to 50% of their time associating with other large winter groups. This apparent fission-fusion system facilitated the exchange of group members, offering the possibility to form new breeding coalitions and new groups. The results of this study suggest that behaviour outside the breeding season can be of considerable importance to the social dynamics of both families and cooperative breeding in such systems.  相似文献   

Grooming is the most common form of affiliative behavior in primates that apart from hygienic and hedonistic benefits offers important social benefits for the performing individuals. This study examined grooming behavior in a cooperatively breeding primate species, characterized by single female breeding per group, polyandrous matings, dizygotic twinning, delayed offspring dispersal, and intensive helping behavior. In this system, breeding females profit from the presence of helpers but also helpers profit from staying in a group and assisting in infant care due to the accumulation of direct and indirect fitness benefits. We examined grooming relationships of breeding females with three classes of partners (breeding males, potentially breeding males, (sub)adult non-breeding offspring) during three reproductive phases (post-partum ovarian inactivity, ovarian activity, pregnancy) in two groups of wild moustached tamarins (Saguinus mystax). We investigated whether grooming can be used to regulate group size by either "pay-for-help" or "pay-to-stay" mechanisms. Grooming of breeding females with breeding males and non-breeding offspring was more intense and more balanced than with potentially breeding males, and most grooming occurred during the breeding females' pregnancies. Grooming was skewed toward more investment by the breeding females with breeding males during the phases of ovarian activity, and with potentially breeding males during pregnancies. Our results suggest that grooming might be a mechanism used by female moustached tamarins to induce mate association with the breeding male, and to induce certain individuals to stay in the group and help with infant care.  相似文献   

Using DNA fingerprinting we estimated the reproductive success of 49 adult birds belonging to 16 breeding groups of the sexually monomorphic brown skua (Calharacta lonnbergi) from the Chatham Islands (New Zealand). This population has a variable mating system, breeding in both monogamous and polyandrous groups. The parentage of 45 chicks produced over three breeding seasons was unequivocally determined using the multilocus probes 33.15 and 33.6. We found no evidence of either extra-pair or extra-group fertilization and there was no evidence to suggest egg dumping by females in any breeding group. Consequently, in the case of pairs, parentage of all chicks was assigned to the resident adult birds. In addition, band sharing analysis indicated that members of communal groups were not close relatives. In the 10 communally breeding groups examined, multiple paternity within a clutch was recorded on two of the 12 occasions in which two chicks were reared. Analysis of the parentage of offspring belonging to different groups, from different years, demonstrated that the number of chicks produced by some adult males varied considerably between seasons. In contrast, the reproductive success of other individuals was constant; for example, one male produced two chicks in each of the three seasons it was studied, while other males in communal groups did not produce any chicks during the course of this study. Fitness is a lifetime parameter, and any assessment of it requires studies over at least the average lifetime of an individual. The findings presented in this study suggest that, for brown skuas, there are significant differences in the reproductive success of some adult males in different breeding seasons. These results indicate that estimates of reproductive fitness based on only a single breeding season's data can be seriously inaccurate. Should temporal changes in paternity (and/or maternity) be shown to be common phenomena in other species, then such results would have major implications for the interpretation of parentage studies.  相似文献   

To compare the social structure of primitively social wasps with that of communal breeding vertebrates, we used a new technique based on micro videocameras applied to the nest envelope to study the organization of behavior in Malaysian colonies of the stenogastrine wasp Eustenogaster fraterna. The reproductive division of labor in this species appears to be different from that reported so far in other species of Stenogastrinae: it is at a very primitive stage because the helpers work less hard and take fewer risks than the egg-layers. Nevertheless, the very low-risk tasks performed by the helpers (nest guarding and supply of abdominal secretion to the young larvae) are important for the colonies. Behavioral characters and ovarian development of the helpers suggest that females are only temporary helpers and that they wait to start their own production of offspring in the hope of inheriting the nest. Females of the same colony can be highly related, but in some colonies we found low-related individuals. The social organization of these wasps resembles that of vertebrate groups with helpers at the den, i.e., in the small number of individuals, the division of labor with limited reproductive inhibition, and the prolonged external work of the reproductive individuals. However, the main drive to sociality in these insects appears to be different, being based mainly on problems connected with short adult life and long immature brood development.  相似文献   

Incest is rare in the cooperatively breeding acorn woodpecker (Melanerpes formicivorus) despite a polygynandrous mating system in which nearly all group members are close relatives. Here we test the relative importance of avoiding matings between close relatives (incest avoidance) and within-sex competition for breeding opportunities (reproductive competition) in determining the mating system of acorn woodpeckers by examining how reproductive roles change following breeding vacancies. In 83% of cases in which helpers of the same sex were present in the group, reproductive vacancies were resolved when new unrelated immigrants filled the vacancy to the exclusion of resident same-sex helpers, who generally emigrated or did not breed while they remained in the group. Helpers of the opposite sex, especially when male, were significantly more likely to remain in their natal group and in about half the cases inherited and bred following reproductive vacancies. This result was not explainable by reproductive competition, since the number of immigrants was often less than or equal to the number of same-sex helpers in the group. Apparent incest resulted in 5% of cases. The time required to resolve reproductive vacancies was significantly longer for groups with helpers of the same sex as the vacancy. These results confirm that both incest avoidance and reproductive competition are important factors determining reproductive roles within groups of this highly social species.  相似文献   

Care of offspring by individuals other than the mother is ubiquitous in callitrichid primates. In spite of its widespread occurrence, however, there is considerable taxonomic variation in the timing and intensity of parental effort by breeding males and nonbreeding juvenile group members. These differences may be attributable to generic and specifies differences in the costs of reproduction for females or in ecological constraints on travel and foraging. We present data on patterns of infant carrying in social groups of two taxa of callitrichid primates (Callithrix and Leontopithecus) throughout the first 3 months of infant life. We evaluated patterns of care in small groups (two or fewer juvenile or subadult helpers) and in large groups (three or more helpers in addition to the breeding adult male and female). Group size had little effect on levels of maternal carrying effort in either marmosets or lion tamarins, and mothers ceased carrying infants by 3 months of age. Carrying efforts by fathers were significantly reduced in groups with many helpers relative to small groups. Helpers carried at consistent rates during the second and third months of infant life in Leontopithecus, while in Callithrix, carrying by helpers peaked during the second month. These results suggest that if helpers reduce energetic demands on lactating females, the mechanism by which helpers reduce these burdens is independent of maternal carrying effort.  相似文献   

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