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We studied the mechanism by which tubulin-colchicine complex (TC) inhibits microtubule polymerization in vitro by using the axoneme-directed polymerization system (Bergen, L. G., and Borisy, G. G. (1980) J. Cell Biol. 84, 141-150). With this system, the growth properties of each microtubule end can be determined from the direct visual analysis of changes in lengths of seeded microtubules. The rate of growth at both ends was inhibited equally by TC and the magnitude of the inhibition increased progressively with the molar ratio of TC to tubulin dimer (TC:T). At a TC:T ratio of approximately 0.12, all microtubule polymerization was inhibited at both ends. Therefore, substoichiometric poisoning of microtubule elongation is both a nonpolar and graded phenomenon. We determined the four association and dissociation rate constants in the presence and absence of TC and found that TC inhibits the overall growth of microtubules by reducing the association rate constants at both ends under conditions that do not alter the dissociation rate constants. Therefore, by an independent analytical method, we have confirmed Sternlicht and Ringel's hypothesis of TC action (Sternlicht, H., and Ringel, I. (1979) J. Biol. Chem. 254, 10540-10550), and have extended this hypothesis 1) by demonstrating that net growth of both ends are equally inhibited by TC, and 2) by determining which changes in the separate rate constants were responsible for the net inhibition.  相似文献   

Microtubule plus end dynamics, as well as interactions with the cell cortex and internal organelles, may be mediated by a 'plus end complex' of interacting proteins. Recent results suggest that centrosomes with different microtubule-releasing and anchoring properties underlie the development of various microtubule arrays.  相似文献   

+Gz induced loss of consciousness (G-LOC) is one of the most serious threats to aircrews flying high performance fighter aircraft. From the early beginning of use of our Centrifuge, use in selection was primary task. As a functional "endpoints" we use criteria: loss of peripheral vision, extreme pulse rate (above 180 b.p.m.), arrhythmias and loss of consciousness. The key-method in selection the candidate who tolerates +Gz stress on the best way is selection by common selective centrifuge "Test of linear increasing of acceleration" (TOLIA). We used gradual onset rate (GOR--0.1 G/s) and maximum/peak value: +5.5 Gz, +6.0 Gz and 7.0 Gz. Applied peak value depends on the goal of the test. The lowest peak value is for candidates planned for Air Academy, higher peak value is for those pilots planned for training to supersonic combat aircrafts and the highest peak value is for pilots who are planned to fly High performance combat aircrafts. We examined 2192 candidates in the last 20 years. Eleven subjects experienced G-LOC episodes. All episodes of G-LOC had occurred occasionally and without warning symptoms (loss of peripheral vision, gray out, blackout). The percentage of subjects having G-LOC episodes was 0.50%. Nine subjects experienced G-LOC during primary selection (+5.5 Gz), one G-LOC were observed at secondary selection (+6.0 Gz) and one G-LOC was observed during tertiary selection (+7 Gz). G-LOC is the only "endpoint" in the centrifuge selection which disqualifies the candidate at once and forever for planned flying duties. The other "endpoints" (loss of peripheral vision, heart rate above 180 b.p.m., arrhythmias) allow one more testing, not less than seven days later.  相似文献   

Comparative studies with tox plus and tox minus corynebacteriophages   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
The characteristics of nine inducible temperate corynebacteriophages designated alpha(tox+), beta(tox+), P(tox+), gamma(tox-), pi(tox+), K(tox-), rho(tox-), L(tox+), and delta(tox+) have been compared. Virion morphology and ability to recombine genetically with the well-studied phage beta(tox+) have been correlated with other properties of the phages, and the distribution of the genetic marker tox+ among related and relatively unrelated corynebacteriophages has been analyzed. The immunity specificity, host range, and plaque morphology of each phage were determined. The phages can be separated into five groups with different immunity specificities. Each type of host range previously recognized in mutants of phage beta(tox+) was present in one or more of the phages included in the present study, and the phages were found to produce plaques of several different morphological types. Representative phages with each of the five types of immunity specificity were further characterized with respect to virion morphology, ability to recombine with phage beta(tox+), latent period, average burst size, and neutralization by homologous and heterologous antiphage sera. All of these phages have polyhedral heads and long slender tails, but two distinct morphological types were distinguished by the sizes and proportions of the components of the virions. Only phages of the same morphological type as beta(tox+) were capable of genetic recombination with beta(tox+), but morphological similarity between phages was not sufficient to insure interfertility. The phages which recombined with beta(tox+) resembled one another in plaque morphology, latent period, and average burst size, whereas phages which failed to recombine with beta(tox+) differed in these characteristics. The phages capable of genetic recombination with beta(tox+) were found to differ from each other in immunity specificity, host range, neutralization by antiphage sera, and toxinogenicity. Thus, these latter characteristics are of limited value in establishing the extent of relatedness between corynebacteriophages. The genetic marker tox+ was not consistently correlated with any other property of the corynebacteriophages analyzed in this study. The most striking finding regarding the distribution of the tox+ marker is its presence both in beta(tox+) and delta(tox+), phages which fail to recombine genetically and which differ in virion morphology. The presence of the tox+ marker in genetically unrelated corynebacteriophages poses many questions concerning the origin(s) of tox+ and the evolution of the phage-host interactions which determine the ability of corynebacteria to synthesize diphtherial toxin.  相似文献   



Loratadine (Claritin®), an over the counter antihistamine in U.S. and UK, is acceptable for use without adverse side effects by aircrew with mild or moderate allergic or other situations requiring an antihistamine. Although +Gz (head to foot direction) tolerance testing for aircrew with loratadine has not been documented in the published literature, it is commonly accepted that loratadine dose not effect +Gz tolerance. The purpose of this study was to offer and validate a new evaluation method for +Gz tolerance testing with loratadine by using a near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS).


A double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized, crossover protocol was used to administer 10 mg of loratadine or placebo in nine healthy subjects. The subjects didn't wear anti-G suit. The +Gz exposure profiles consisted of, in series, a gradual onset ran (0.1 G·sec-1) to the subject's visual end-point (peripheral light loss) or loss of consciousness (GLOC), and rapid onset run (1.0 G·sec-1) to the subject's same end-point. In this study, G-level tolerance was defined as the +Gz level at visual end-point and/or at GLOC. As a subject's G-duration tolerance, we measured the total time (seconds) during rapid onset run. Otherwise, to confirm the effect of loratadine on +Gz tolerance, we measured the cerebral NIRS variables (hemoglobin concentration changes and tissue oxygenation index) as a new quantitative method for +Gz tolerance during a centrifuge experiments.


No significant differences were observed in +Gz tolerance (+Gz level, duration time and NIRS variables) between subjects taking loratadine and placebo.


Our results demonstrate that loratadine has no detectable effect on +Gz tolerance by using a new method with cerebral NIRS variables and the traditional method with +Gz level and duration time. This study represents the first use of a quantitative parameter such as cerebral NIRS variables to assess the effects of a drug on acceleration tolerance.

Summary In order to investigate the mechanism of replication of viroids and virusoids, we have compared the replication intermediates of three members of each group in nucleic acid extracts of infected plants. Viroids were avocado sunblotch viroid (ASBV), citrus exocortis viroid (CEV) and coconut cadang cadang viroid (CCCV). Virusoids were from velvet tobacco mottle virus (VTMoV), solanum nodiflorum mottle virus (SNMV) and lucerne transient streak virus (LTSV). Analysis of intermediates was by the Northern hybridization technique with single-strand DNA and RNA probes prepared from recombinant DNA clones. The results obtained are discussed in terms of current models of viroid and virusoid replication. The plus RNA species consisted of an oligomeric series up to decamers based on the unit of full-length viroid or virusoid, which was always the major component, except for CEV where only monomer and dimer species were found. In the case of ASBV and the virusoids of VTMoV and SNMV, a minor, multimeric series of components (X-bands) was superimposed on the main oligomeric series. The complementary minus species proved more difficult to detect and characterise, with each viroid and virusoid exhibiting a unique pattern on Northern hybridization. However, they all had greater than unit-length minus species. In addition, minus species analogous to the plus X-bands were found in ASBV and CEV. The experimental difficulties encountered in this work are discussed in terms of the problem of detecting minus species by Northern analysis in the presence of excess complementary plus species.  相似文献   

There are many factors affecting pilots' +Gz-tolerance. Recently, attention of the aviation community has been focused on lay-off and it's impact on +Gz-tolerance. Pilots of the Polish Air Force (PAF) have dealt with that problem for several years now. The aim of the study was to provide insight on how lay-off periods with different duration impact +Gz-tolerance. Methods: 95 male jet pilots from the PAF participated in the study. Every one had at least two weeks lay-off period (non-medical reasons). Subjects were divided into four groups according to the length of lay-off period (2-4 weeks; 5-13 weeks; 14-26 weeks; 27-154 weeks), All pilots were subjected to a centrifuge exposure in GOR (0.1 G/s) or ROR (1.0 G/s) profiles, depending on the pre-lay-off exposure. Post-lay-off exposures were carried out directly after lay-off. 18 jet pilots without any lay-off constituted the control group. Results: The difference between pre- and post-lay-off G-tolerance limit (-0,93 +/- 0,53) was statistically significant (p<0.01) only for one group, where lay-off period ranged between two and four weeks. No statistically significant differences were found where influence of other factors like total and yearly flight hours, heart rate gain (AHR) or physical activity measured as maximal oxygen intake were considered. Conclusions: 2-4 weeks of lay-off period decreases +Gz tolerance is statistically significant manner. Subsequent increase of lay-off period does not result in mean tolerance changes for group, however in certain individuals critical decrement of +Gz tolerance occurs. Total and last year flying hours, physical fitness does not modify impact of lay-off period on +Gz tolerance.  相似文献   

This study evaluates the influence of diet and physical exercise on plasma lipid concentrations — total cholesterol (TC), triglyceride (TG), high density lipoprotein-cholesterol (HDL-C), and the TC:HDL-C ratio, in a homogeneous (age, sex and anxiety levels) group of young pilots divided into the following groups: A. uncontrolled diet and exercise programme; B. controlled diet and uncontrolled exercise programme; C. controlled diet and exercise programme (n=90). The dietary intake was a typical Mediterranean diet, which was supervised by the Flight Surgeon. The exercise was based on a physical training programme for pilots, directed by the Physical Training Officer. The State-Trait Anxiety Inventory test was performed to evaluate the anxiety levels. This test was supervised by a psychologist. The results showed a marked difference in all the lipid parameters studied between groups with an ad libitum diet versus groups with a controlled diet, this difference being demonstrated by TC and TG concentrations lower in the group with a controlled diet, than in the group with an ad libitum diet. A difference in HDL-C concentrations and TC :HDL-C ratio was found between groups with regular physical training (high HDL-C concentration and low TC:HDL-C ratio) versus groups with unlimited exercise (low HDL-C concentrations and high TC: HDL-C ratio). No differences in the state and trait of anxiety were found among any of the groups. Nevertheless, all the pilots showed a considerable increase in their anxiety state over their own anxiety trait.  相似文献   

The effect of disulfide-reducing agent dithiothreitol (DTT) on the plus and minus agglutinins ofChlamydomonas reinhardtii gametes was studied. Live gametes of mating-type plus (mt +) lost their flagellar agglutinability by DTT treatment without any loss of cell motility and concurrently released into the medium agglutinin in an inactive form. DTT treated cells also lost completely their cell body-agglutinin. By contrast, the mating-type minus (mt -) gametes neither lost their agglutinability nor released agglutinin into the medium by DTT even at very high concentrations. In vitro experiments showed that plus agglutinin in solution is just as sensitive as that in vivo to DTT, whereas minus agglutinin is totally insensitive, and the sulfhydryl-oxidizing agent diamide restores the plus agglutinin activity immediately and completely. Isolated flagella from themt + gametes were also inactivated by DTT, but they retained the inactivated agglutinin on the surfaces. The results indicate that plus agglutinin, but not minus agglutinin, possesses disulfide bonds which are essential for the recognition/adhesion activity.Abbreviations mt +/- mating-type plus or minus - DTT dithiothreitol  相似文献   

A synthesis of (plus or minus)-myo-inositol 1-phosphate   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Condensation of 2-amino-2-deoxy-D-galactopyranose with D-glucuronic acid or D-mannurono-6,3-lactone gave, after ion-exchange chromatography, the 2-deoxy-2-(D-glycofuranosylurono-6,3-lactone)amino-D-galactose derivatives 1 or 2, respectively, characterized as crystalline hexaacetates.  相似文献   

Two objective methods and one subjective method for measuring +Gz tolerance (inertial vector in a head-to-foot direction) were compared on the human centrifuge. Direct eye-level blood pressure (Pa), blood flow velocity in the superficial temporal artery (Qta), and subjective visual symptoms were used to determine tolerance to rapid onset acceleration (1 G/s) on the USAFSAM human centrifuge. Seven "relaxed" subjects with extensive centrifuge experience were exposed to gradually increasing +Gz plateaus until the subject reported 100% loss of peripheral centrifuge gondola lights (PLL) and 50% loss of central light (CLD); viz., blackout. Zero forward Qta occurred 6 s (range 4-9 s) before subjective blackout and when mean eye-level blood pressure had reached 20 +/- 1 mmHg (SE). The results of this study indicate that flow changes in the superficial temporal artery reflect flow changes in the retinal circulation during +Gz stress.  相似文献   

Autonomous parvoviruses are thought to uniquely encapsidate single-stranded DNA of minus polarity. In contrast, the defective adeno-associated viruses separately encapsidate equal amounts of plus and minus DNA strands. We reexamined the uniqueness of minus strand encapsidation for the autonomous parvoviruses. Although we found that Kilham rat virus and H-1 virus encapsidate varying but small amounts of complementary-strand DNA, it was unexpected to find that LuIII virus encapsidated equal amounts of plus and minus DNA. The extracted LuIII DNA possessed properties of double-stranded replicative-form DNA, including insensitivity to S1 endonuclease, cleavage by restriction enzymes, and conversion to unit-length, single-stranded DNA when electrophoresed under denaturing conditions. However, the inability of this DNA to form single-stranded DNA circles when denatured and then renatured in the presence of formamide and the lack of double-stranded DNA circle formation after treatment with exonuclease III and reannealing shows a lack of sequence homology of the 3' and 5' termini of LuIII DNA, in contrast to adeno-associated virus DNA. Digestion of LuIII double-stranded DNA with EcoRI and HincII and separation of plus and minus DNA strands on composite agarose-acrylamide gels identified a heterogeneity present only in the plus DNA strand. These results suggest that strand specificity of viral DNA encapsidation is not a useful property for differentiation between the autonomous and defective parvoviruses. Furthermore, encapsidation by LuIII of equal amounts of complementary DNA strands in contrast to encapsidation of minus strands by H-1 virus, when propagated in the same host cell type, suggests that selection of strands for encapsidation is a virus-coded rather than host-controlled event.  相似文献   

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