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旅游与健康养生   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李滨 《蛇志》2009,21(3):254-255
随着人民物质生活水平的提高。人们越来越重视自己的身体健康和精神享受。旅游也是人们选择的一种健康养生方式,娱乐养生之道博大精深,利用旅游活动来调节心态.解郁强身,可称为旅游养生。旅游的形式有多种多样,比如:探亲旅行、商务旅行、修学旅行、考察旅行以及大量其他的旅游活动,这些旅游活动都含有促进身心健康的因素。旅游可以改善健康水平,并从若干量化指标给以验证,过去曾经有一项以“旅游与健康”为主题的调查,记录了外出旅游与很少旅游的人员各类分泌物的变化情况。  相似文献   

旅游生态足迹是一种定量测算旅游可持续发展的方法,对于全面评估旅游者对旅游地的生态环境响应有重要理论意义和现实价值。基于中国知网2004—2017年关于旅游生态足迹的面板数据,运用CiteSpace信息可视化分析软件,绘制国内旅游生态足迹的发文作者、发文机构以及关键词等内容的科学知识图谱,通过梳理该研究领域的发展现状,探讨其未来发展路径和研究方向。研究结果表明:(1)国内旅游生态足迹的发文数量整体呈现出增长趋势,研究作者群体逐渐增多,核心研究团队逐渐突显,但各研究机构的科研能力差距较大;(2)研究涉及学科领域较广,学科交叉性、多样性、综合性等特征明显;(3)旅游生态足迹模型、旅游生态承载力以及旅游可持续发展是该研究领域的核心关键词,区域旅游生态足迹的动态演变过程及其驱动机制、旅游生态系统服务的多功能性和旅游可持续发展路径等方面,将会是未来需要长期关注的研究话题。  相似文献   

巍巍高山有了水的汹涌才显示出其灵性,广袤的草原有了水的流淌才显示出生机。到一个有水的地方去旅游,是人们心中最滋润的享受。本用于控制和调配自然界的地表水和地下水,达到除害兴利目的而修建的水利工程,如今已成为一道靓丽的风景线。本期水利风景区的专题由中国生态学会旅游生态专业委员会胡恒学、刘韶杰同志特别策划,所有文章均由中国生态学会旅游生态专业委员会提供,所有图片由水利部水利风景区建设与管理领导小组办公室提供。  相似文献   

科研档案记录着科学技术研究的真实过程,是科研活动的重要环节,也是科研诚信和过程溯源的重要依据,对保证研究机构的可持续发展具有重要意义。结合军队基层单位科学技术研究档案的基本情况、主要做法和管理经验,阐述了科研档案的重要性,并针对基层科研单位科研档案管理与利用的发展趋势提出建议。  相似文献   

对旅游活动过程的水资源综合影响进行科学评估是制定旅游业水资源管理和保护措施、提升旅游水资源利用效率的重要前提和基础。为丰富和发展旅游业水资源影响的评价方法, 提出了旅游水足迹的概念, 即在一定区域范围内, 旅游活动中食、住、行、游、娱、购各环节消费的产品和服务的生产过程所消耗的水资源量。旅游水足迹评价则是对旅游水足迹各环节进行量化和分析的过程。进而分析了旅游水足迹的内涵, 确立了旅游水足迹评价的系统边界是以旅游六大要素直接相关的旅游活动过程产生的水足迹。在边界范围内从交通、住宿、餐饮、游览、购物五个方面构建了核算框架和核算方法。最后, 从旅游产品、企业、行业和区域四个层面分析了旅游水足迹评价的应用, 并对今后的研究重点进行了分析。  相似文献   

作为这种活动,跟我以前所参加的很多活动,还是有很大的不同的。以前旅游是主要目的,就是享受大自然,享受生活,休闲自己,开阔眼界等等。这次主要在于对保护区的一种了解,包括保护区的同志是怎样工作的,保护区的范围是什么样的,真正的保护区里边是跟我们日常见到的自然环境到底有什么区别,我想这是我们感受到的最大的不同。  相似文献   

中国的版图由两部分组成,除了960万平方公里的陆地外,还有300多万平方公里的蓝色国土—海域。近年来沿海各地利用沙滩、阳光和海水,相继开发了海滨浴场、冲浪、帆板、赛艇、潜水、游船、观察海滨滩涂、观察海底生态等适应人们回归自然心理的旅游产品,一时受到青眯。我们将此类回归自然的旅游产品纳入生态旅游产品的门类中,是要提醒海洋旅游的操作者和海洋旅游的参加者,在利用和享受海洋的同时,用生态旅游的要求来规范自己的行为,保护好海洋生态。  相似文献   

科学研究工作是从科研的选题立项开始的。优化科研选题,提高选题质量,直接关系着科研工作的质量和效益。因此,在策化科研选题的过程中,必须持严肃、慎重、科学的态度,以保证科研选题的最优化。回顾总结卫生部兰州生物制品研究所多年来科研工作的实践,优化科研选题,提高科研效益,要重视正确处理好五个方面的关系,即:在选题的目的性上,要正确处理社会效益和经济效益的关系;在选题的来源上,要正确处理专家、组织推荐选题与科研人员自定选题的关系;在选题的计划性上,要正确处理出科研成果与形成单位科研特色的关系;在选题的科学性上,要正确处理创新性与可行性的关系;同时在选题的实施过程中,还要正确处理发挥研究人员个体优势与研究群体优势的关系  相似文献   

生态旅游区的景观生态问题及其调控   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
姬晓娜  朱泮民 《生态学杂志》2007,26(11):1884-1889
目前,在生态旅游开发过程中存在着许多生态破坏现象,严重影响生态旅游的可持续发展,是生态旅游区建设中亟待重视的问题。本文总结了当前我国生态旅游区在发展生态旅游过程中存在的生态破坏问题,并运用景观生态学、旅游生态学的原理和方法提出了解决生态旅游区生态问题的景观生态调控对策和措施,包括进行旅游景观生态规划、设计合理的旅游生态管理容量、对旅游景观结构进行生态化设计、构建景观生态安全格局、加强旅游生态教育和旅游环境监测等方面。  相似文献   

茂兰位于贵州省东南部,这里有茂密原始的喀斯特森林,它的原生性与 其完好的保护状态使之成为极其重要的自然资源,它有独特多样的喀斯特地貌,有种类繁多的动植物类型,这里林木苍翠,山水奇异,是科研与旅游的理想场所。  相似文献   

Bird tours are a multi-million dollar business in North America and Europe and birding destinations across the world. A typical professionally-led bird trip (operated by a European or North American bird tour company) to Ecuador today costs between $289–$363/day and lasts between 10–15 days and visits several destinations. The typical neotropical rainforest tour package offered by ecolodges aimed at bird tour groups is a three-day, three-night package. Assuming birders and bird tour groups seek to maximise the number of new bird species observed each day a Monte Carlo simulation of diminishing returns using birder's lists available at www.Birding.com suggests diminishing returns occur only on the fifth day. We conclude that ecolodges throughout Ecuador are underselling themselves and should promote longer stays for birders and bird tour groups at their lodges.  相似文献   

《Lab animal》2001,30(6):30-35
What attracts individuals to laboratory animal research? Why do they stay? What do they enjoy about dealing with rodents and other small animals on a day-to-day basis? And why do they think it's a career others will enjoy, too? Here, we profile several lab animal professionals.  相似文献   

Sequencing of the human genome has ushered in a new era of biology. The technologies developed to facilitate the sequencing of the human genome are now being applied to the sequencing of other genomes. In 2004, a partnership was formed between Washington University School of Medicine Genome Sequencing Center's Outreach Program and Washington University Department of Biology Science Outreach to create a video tour depicting the processes involved in large-scale sequencing. "Sequencing a Genome: Inside the Washington University Genome Sequencing Center" is a tour of the laboratory that follows the steps in the sequencing pipeline, interspersed with animated explanations of the scientific procedures used at the facility. Accompanying interviews with the staff illustrate different entry levels for a career in genome science. This video project serves as an example of how research and academic institutions can provide teachers and students with access and exposure to innovative technologies at the forefront of biomedical research. Initial feedback on the video from undergraduate students, high school teachers, and high school students provides suggestions for use of this video in a classroom setting to supplement present curricula.  相似文献   

H Herzog  E P Oliveto 《Steroids》1992,57(12):617-623
A firsthand historical account of some of the significant contributions of the steroid research group at the Schering Corporation (Bloomfield, NJ, USA) to the discovery and/or development of important therapeutic agents is presented. These include the discovery of the antiinflammatory corticosteroid drugs prednisone, prednisolone, and betamethasone, all of which, more than 30 years after their introduction, continue to enjoy wide use in human and animal medical practice throughout the world.  相似文献   

This study monitored the carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations and temperatures of three 43-seat tour buses with high-passenger capacities in a course of a three-day, two-night school excursion. Results showed that both driver zones and passenger zones of the tour buses achieved maximum CO2 concentrations of more than 3000 ppm, and maximum daily average concentrations of 2510.6 and 2646.9 ppm, respectively. The findings confirmed that the CO2 concentrations detected in the tour buses exceeded the indoor air quality standard of Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration (8 hr-CO2: 1000 ppm) and the air quality guideline of Hong Kong Environmental Protection Department (1 hr-CO2: 2500 ppm for Level 1 for buses). Observations also showed that high-capacity tour bus cabins with air conditioning system operating in recirculation mode are severely lacking in air exchange rate, which may negatively impact transportation safety. Moreover, the passenger zones were able to maintain a temperature of between 20 and 25°C during travel, which effectively suppresses the dispersion of volatile organic compounds. Finally, the authors suggest that in the journey, increasing the ventilation frequency of tour bus cabin, which is very beneficial to maintain the travel safety and enhance the quality of travel.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To compare the long term survival of a group of athletes taking prolonged vigorous physical exercise to that of the general population. DESIGN--Follow up of a cohort of participants in the Dutch eleven cities ice skating tour (a race and recreational tour) over a distance of 200 kilometers. SETTING--Data on participation from the organising committee and data on mortality from all municipalities in The Netherlands. SUBJECTS--2259 Male athletes. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Comparison of all cause mortality in male participants in the tour with that in the general population of The Netherlands. RESULTS--The standardised mortality ratio for all participants during 32 years of follow up was 0.76 (95% confidence interval 0.68 to 0.85), and 0.90 (0.48 to 1.44) for participants in the race, and 0.72 (0.60 to 0.86) for participants in the recreational tour who finished within the time limit. CONCLUSIONS--The capacity for prolonged and vigorous physical exercise, particularly if the exercise is recreational, is a strong indicator of longevity.  相似文献   

This paper describes the clinical investigation centres devoted to technological innovation. Their objectives and the topic areas are detailed and also the main actors involved in the process of socio-economic development (research and industrial grants, certification organisms, clinical evaluation, etc.). An overall tour of the present instruments at the disposal of academic laboratories and companies is therefore made. National and international contextual elements of health technologies are provided as well.  相似文献   

A guided tour through much of photosynthesis research as I saw it, 1936–2001, is presented here. For earlier perspectives, see Myers 1974 (Plant Physiol 54: 420–426) and 1996 (Photosynth Res 50: 195–208). This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Neurological sciences in the U.S.S.R. are healthy but have middle-age spread, as judged from an intensive personal tour of facilities as a guest of the Soviet Academy of Sciences during the autumn of 1963. Many of the recent Western enthusiasms in ultrastructure, cytogenetics and molecular genetics appear not to have inflamed many imaginations. However, Soviet neurologists are contributing to the same types of electrophysiological research as are current in the West. The full realization of the talents of many well-trained young investigators is hindered by the strong emphasis on Pavlovian theory and technique, the rigid multi-layered structure of research institutes, and the relative isolation from undergraduate medical schools of most research.  相似文献   

晋秀龙  陆林  覃逸明 《生态学报》2009,29(12):6834-6842
在琅琊山风景区通过实地实验,分析了游憩活动对琅琊山风景区两种草地植物紫花苜蓿(Medicago sativa L.)和白三叶(Trifolium repens L.)种子发芽率的影响.结果表明:(1)游憩活动强度与两种植物种子发芽率呈负线性相关.近游道、中距离游道和远距离游道的3个实验组,紫花苜蓿种子平均发芽率依次为31.29%、39.41%、55.21%;白三叶依次为8.42%、14.62%、23.89%.距游道越远的实验组种子的发芽率越高,距游道最远的实验组和最近的实验组的种子发芽率差异显著.(2)柏油、水泥、台阶和泥质4种游道实验区的种子平均发芽率,紫花苜蓿依次为37.20%、40.27%、41.28%、48.13%;白三叶依次为10.37%、10.92%、14.23%、27.05%.旅游和游憩活动量较少的游道实验区种子的发芽率高于游憩活动量较大的游道实验区.此外,相同游道、相同实验位置的两种植物种子发芽率亦存在显著差异,表明不同植物种子萌发受到旅游活动的干扰存在差异.  相似文献   

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