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苯丙氨酰-tRNA合成酶的进化与结构域丢失   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基因的复制、融合以及基因的水平转移是许多蛋白质包括氨酰 tRNA合成酶 (aminoacyl tRNAsynthetase ,AARS)进化过程中的常见事件。然而作者研究的结果显示 ,苯丙氨酰 tRNA合成酶 (phenylalanyl tRNAsynthetase,PheRS)的进化主要表现为一些结构域的丢失 ;并且这种结构域的丢失不影响PheRS的功能或活性。通常在生物从细菌到真核生物的进化过程中 ,其基因组的大小和基因的数目都有所增加 ,然而有趣的是 ,真核生物中PheRS的结构域类型和数目都明显少于细菌的PheRS。PheRS通过结构域的丢失而进化的现象 ,似乎与某些AARS功能由多重专一性向单一专一性的演化有着“异曲同工”之妙。  相似文献   

光敏色素是一类红光/远红光受体,在植物种子萌发到成熟的整个生长发育过程中均起重要的调节作用。光敏色素PHY-PAS1结构域存在于光敏色素基因家族的所有成员中,对调节发色团的光谱特性和光信号转导非常关键。光敏色素基因家族通过基因重复产生,而基因重复可能与物种形成有关。PHYP基因是裸子植物光敏色素基因家族发生第1次重复后产生的,并且以单拷贝形式存在。为了研究不同裸子植物PHYP基因编码蛋白的PHY-PAS1结构域在进化过程中是否受到相同的选择压力以及是否发生了适应性进化,该研究利用分支模型、位点模型以及分支.位点模型对裸子植物31条PHYP基因序列编码蛋白的PHY-PAS1结构域所受到的选择压力进行了分析。结果表明,在由PHY-PAS1结构域序列构建的系统树中,多数分支处于强烈的负选择压力下(ω〈1):有14个分支处于正选择压力下(ω〉1),其中13个分支发生在属内种间;与之相比,在较为古老的谱系中相对缺少这种正选择压力。  相似文献   

[目的]将嗜碱芽孢杆菌丙氨酸消旋酶OF4DadX的N-端结构域分别与多个不同种属的丙氨酸消旋酶C-端结构域重组,探究丙氨酸消旋酶C-端结构域功能.[方法]利用基因拼接构建丙氨酸消旋酶重组基因,通过镍亲和层析纯化酶蛋白,采用D-氨基酸氧化酶偶联法检测重组酶蛋白的酶学特性,借助分子筛和HPLC液相色谱分析其聚合状态及动力学...  相似文献   

大量研究显示,细菌与真核生物中的许多氨酰-tRNA合成酶(aaRS)在一些细菌与真核生物中的基因进化机制与模式、氨酰化途径和结构与功能的进化模式等方面往往有着明显的差异。通过对这些差异的深入研究,对于理解蛋白质的结构与功能的进化将是非常有帮助的。虽然造成这些差异的机制目前仍不清楚,但是,所有的这些差异似乎提示,在细菌与真核生物的一些基本生命活动过程中的某些方面,可能还存在着目前尚未被人们所认识到的较大差异。  相似文献   

结构域重组与序列复制、变异一起,推动了生命的进化。文章应用复杂网络理论比较分析了不同复杂程度的真核生物体中蛋白质结构域组的进化规律。结果表明大量的结构域(约34%)被基因组共享,而结构域的相邻二元组合却具有很大的物种特异性。结构域组合网络呈现无尺度特性,其幂率分布及平均连接度在一定程度上反映了物种的复杂性;网络的聚集系数远高于相同度分布的随机网络(P=0.0096),聚集系数与度呈现幂率分布,这说明网络服从模块化层次式组织规律。最后以人类基因组为例,初步探索了网络模块与功能的关系,发现网络模块中的结构域具有不同程度的功能一致性。  相似文献   

王乐  柴建华 《遗传学报》1994,21(2):81-95
与脂质运输有关的载脂蛋白基因构成一个复杂的多基因家族。为探讨这种演化时间长的基因家族的进化规律,本文首先建立了一种在非均衡进化速率条件下计算系统发生树中任意分支长度的简易方法,并可在此基础上算出无根分支系统树中分歧年代的期望值。进一步对本文科10个种属共26种载脂蛋白的系统演作作了实际分析,结果提示:①ApoA-I'ApoA-IV,ApoE及ApoA-II的共同祖先可能在奥陶纪水生脊椎动物中就已存  相似文献   

叶绿体是半自主性细胞器,其生长和增殖受核基因组和自身的基因组2套遗传系统的控制、关于叶绿体的起源有2种学说,近年来.大量叶绿体基因组全序列被测定,以及分子生物学的研究结果为内共生起源学说提供了更多证据。相对于线粒体,叶绿体DNA的结构更趋于保守一,叶绿体与核基因组所编码的蛋白质互相协调来维持叶绿体的正常功能。在进化过程中,基因可能从叶绿体大量转移到细胞核中。叶绿体基因组的信息常常表现出“母性遗传”特征.因而,使之更具生物反应器的优势。  相似文献   

Wnt基因族的进化马德如(南开大学分子生物学研究所,天津300071)关键词Wnt基因,分子进化一八十年代以来大量证据表明,原癌基因(protooncogenes)在细胞分化和胚胎发育中有重要作用。其中突出的例证是1982年由Nusse和Varmus...  相似文献   

Coronaviruses (CoVs) have very large RNA viral genomes with a distinct genomic architecture of core and accessory open reading frames (ORFs). It is of utmost importance to understand their patterns and limits of homologous and nonhomologous recombination, because such events may affect the emergence of novel CoV strains, alter their host range, infection rate, tissue tropism pathogenicity, and their ability to escape vaccination programs. Intratypic recombination among closely related CoVs of the same subgenus has often been reported; however, the patterns and limits of genomic exchange between more distantly related CoV lineages (intertypic recombination) need further investigation. Here, we report computational/evolutionary analyses that clearly demonstrate a substantial ability for CoVs of different subgenera to recombine. Furthermore, we show that CoVs can obtain—through nonhomologous recombination—accessory ORFs from core ORFs, exchange accessory ORFs with different CoV genera, with other viruses (i.e., toroviruses, influenza C/D, reoviruses, rotaviruses, astroviruses) and even with hosts. Intriguingly, most of these radical events result from double crossovers surrounding the Spike ORF, thus highlighting both the instability and mobile nature of this genomic region. Although many such events have often occurred during the evolution of various CoVs, the genomic architecture of the relatively young SARS-CoV/SARS-CoV-2 lineage so far appears to be stable.  相似文献   

Evolutionary change of the numbers of homeobox genes in bilateral animals   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
It has been known that the conservation or diversity of homeobox genes is responsible for the similarity and variability of some of the morphological or physiological characters among different organisms. To gain some insights into the evolutionary pattern of homeobox genes in bilateral animals, we studied the change of the numbers of these genes during the evolution of bilateral animals. We analyzed 2,031 homeodomain sequences compiled from 11 species of bilateral animals ranging from Caenorhabditis elegans to humans. Our phylogenetic analysis using a modified reconciled-tree method suggested that there were at least about 88 homeobox genes in the common ancestor of bilateral animals. About 50-60 genes of them have left at least one descendant gene in each of the 11 species studied, suggesting that about 30-40 genes were lost in a lineage-specific manner. Although similar numbers of ancestral genes have survived in each species, vertebrate lineages gained many more genes by duplication than invertebrate lineages, resulting in more than 200 homeobox genes in vertebrates and about 100 in invertebrates. After these gene duplications, a substantial number of old duplicate genes have also been lost in each lineage. Because many old duplicate genes were lost, it is likely that lost genes had already been differentiated from other groups of genes at the time of gene loss. We conclude that both gain and loss of homeobox genes were important for the evolutionary change of phenotypic characters in bilateral animals.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial genome of grape (Vitis vinifera), the largestorganelle genome sequenced so far, is presented. The genomeis 773,279 nt long and has the highest coding capacity amongknown angiosperm mitochondrial DNAs (mtDNAs). The proportionof promiscuous DNA of plastid origin in the genome is also thelargest ever reported for an angiosperm mtDNA, both in absoluteand relative terms. In all, 42.4% of chloroplast genome of Vitishas been incorporated into its mitochondrial genome. In orderto test if horizontal gene transfer (HGT) has also contributedto the gene content of the grape mtDNA, we built phylogenetictrees with the coding sequences of mitochondrial genes of grapeand their homologs from plant mitochondrial genomes. Many incongruentgene tree topologies were obtained. However, the extent of incongruencebetween these gene trees is not significantly greater than thatobserved among optimal trees for chloroplast genes, the commonancestry of which has never been in doubt. In both cases, weattribute this incongruence to artifacts of tree reconstruction,insufficient numbers of characters, and gene paralogy. Thisfinding leads us to question the recent phylogenetic interpretationof Bergthorsson et al. (2003, 2004) and Richardson and Palmer(2007) that rampant HGT into the mtDNA of Amborella best explainsphylogenetic incongruence between mitochondrial gene trees forangiosperms. The only evidence for HGT into the Vitis mtDNAfound involves fragments of two coding sequences stemming fromtwo closteroviruses that cause the leaf roll disease of thisplant. We also report that analysis of sequences shared by bothchloroplast and mitochondrial genomes provides evidence fora previously unknown gene transfer route from the mitochondrionto the chloroplast.  相似文献   

The determination and analysis of complete genome sequences has led to the suggestion that horizontal gene transfer may be much more extensive than previously appreciated. Many of these studies, however, rely on evidence that could be generated by forces other than gene transfer including selection, variable evolutionary rates, and biased sampling.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli have evolved adaptive systems to resist strongly acidic habitats in part through the production of 2 biochemically identical isoforms of glutamate decarboxylase (GAD), encoded by the gadA and gadB genes. These genes occur in E. coli and other members of the genospecies (e.g., Shigella spp.) and originated as part of a genomic fitness island acquired early in Escherichia evolution. The present duplicated gad loci are widely spaced on the E. coli chromosome, and the 2 genes are 97% similar in sequence. Comparison of the nucleotide sequences of the gadA and gadB in 16 strains of pathogenic E. coli revealed 3.8% and 5.0% polymorphism in the 2 genes, respectively. Alignment of the homologous genes identified a total of 120 variable sites, including 21 fixed nucleotide differences between the loci within the first 82 codons of the genes. Twenty-three phylogenetically informative sites were polymorphic for the same nucleotides in both genes suggesting recent gene conversions or intergenic recombination. Phylogenetic analysis based on the synonymous substitutions per synonymous site indicated 2 cases in which specific gadA and gadB alleles were more closely related to one another than to other alleles at the corresponding locus. The results indicate that at least 3 gene conversion events have occurred after the gad gene duplication in the evolution of E. coli. Despite multiple gene conversion events, the upstream regulatory regions and the 5' end of each gene remains distinct, suggesting that maintaining functionally different gad genes is important in this acid-resistance mechanism in pathogenic E. coli.  相似文献   

To understand the evolution of photosynthetic bacteria it is necessary to understand how the main groups within Bacteria have evolved from a common ancestor, a critical issue that has not been resolved in the past. Recent analysis of shared conserved inserts or deletions (indels) in protein sequences has provided a powerful means to resolve this long-standing problem in microbiology. Based on a set of 25 indels in highly conserved and widely distributed proteins, all main groups within bacteria can now be defined in clear molecular terms and their relative branching orders logically deduced. For the 82 presently completed bacterial genomes, the presence or absence of these signatures in various proteins was found to be almost exactly as predicted by the indel model, with only 11 exceptions observed in 1842 observations. The branching order of different bacterial groups as deduced using this approach is as follows: low G+C Gram-positive (Heliobacterium chlorum) ↔ high G+C Gram-positive ↔ Clostridium–Fusobacterium–ThermotogaDeinococcus–Thermus ↔ green nonsulfur bacteria (Chloroflexus aurantiacus) ↔ Cyanobacteria ↔ SpirochetesChlamydia–Cytophaga–Flavobacteria–green sulfur bacteria (Chlorobium tepidum) ↔ AquifexProteobacteria (δ and ∈) ↔ Proteobacteria (α) ↔ Proteobacteria (β) and ↔ Proteobacteria (γ). The Heliobacterium species, which contain an Fe–S type of reaction center (RC 1) and represent the sole photosynthetic phylum from the Gram-positive or monoderm bacteria (i.e., bounded by only a single membrane), is indicated to be the most ancestral of the photosynthetic lineages. Among the Gram-negative or diderm bacteria (containing both inner and outer cell membranes) the green nonsulfur bacteria, which contain a pheophytin-quinone type of reaction center (RC 2), are indicated to have evolved first. The later emerging photosynthetic groups which contain either one or both of these reaction centers could have acquired such genes from the earlier branching lineages by either direct descent or by means of lateral gene transfer. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Mosaic genome design, considered evidence of horizontal gene transfer, is prominent in T-even phage tail fiber genes involved in host recognition. The possibility of direct gene transfer was assessed through superinfection with two virulent phages T2 and PP01, which caused host recognition shift. Two recombinant phages designated as TPr03 and TPr04 were isolated. PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis and sequence analysis suggested that 18% of the TPr03 and 38% of the TPr04 genome derived from PP01. Both isolates showed host ranges identical to PP01. The results suggested the possibility of generating various recombinant phages by intentional dual infections and of the occasional occurrence in nature of generation of phage showing new characteristics through superinfection, followed by the genomic recombination.  相似文献   

The rise of functional diversity through gene duplication contributed to the adaption of organisms to various environments. Here we investigate the evolution of putative cellulases of the subfamily 2 of glycoside hydrolase family 5 (GH5_2) in the Cerambycidae (longhorned beetles), a megadiverse assemblage of mostly xylophagous beetles. Cerambycidae originally acquired GH5_2 from a bacterial donor through horizontal gene transfer (HGT), and extant species harbor multiple copies that arose from gene duplication. We ask how these digestive enzymes contributed to the ability of these beetles to feed on wood. We analyzed 113 GH5_2, including the functional characterization of 52 of them, derived from 25 species covering most subfamilies of Cerambycidae. Ancestral gene duplications led to five well-defined groups with distinct substrate specificity, allowing these beetles to break down, in addition to cellulose, polysaccharides that are abundant in plant cell walls (PCWs), namely, xyloglucan, xylan, and mannans. Resurrecting the ancestral enzyme originally acquired by HGT, we show it was a cellulase that was able to break down glucomannan and xylan. Finally, recent gene duplications further expanded the catalytic repertoire of cerambycid GH5_2, giving rise to enzymes that favor transglycosylation over hydrolysis. We suggest that HGT and gene duplication, which shaped the evolution of GH5_2, played a central role in the ability of cerambycid beetles to use a PCW-rich diet and may have contributed to their successful radiation.  相似文献   

Arylalkylamine N-acetyltransferase (aaNAT), considered a potential new insecticide target, catalyzes the acetylation of arylalkylamine substrates such as serotonin and dopamine and, hence, mediates diverse functions in insects. However, the origin of insect aaNATs (iaaNATs) and the evolutionary process that generates multiple aaNATs in mosquitoes remain largely unknown. Here, we have analyzed the genomes of 33 species to explore and expand our understanding of the molecular evolution of this gene family in detail. We show that aaNAT orthologs are present in Bacteria, Cephalochordata, Chondrichthyes, Cnidaria, Crustacea, Mammalia, Placozoa, and Teleoste, as well as those from a number of insects, but are absent in some species of Annelida, Echinozoa, and Mollusca as well as Arachnida. Particularly, more than 10 aaNATs were detected in the Culicinae subfamily of mosquitoes. Molecular evolutionary analysis of aaNAT/aaNAT-like genes in mosquitoes reveals that tandem duplication events led to gene expansion in the Culicinae subfamily of mosquitoes more than 190 million years ago. Further selection analysis demonstrates that mosquito aaNATs evolved under strongly positive pressures that generated functional diversity following gene duplication events. Overall, this study may provide novel insights into the molecular evolution of the aaNAT family in mosquitoes.  相似文献   

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