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Fostering was studied in females of an African rodent Saccostomus campestris , the pouched mouse, which, contrary to most other rodents, is a solitary species. Females will only tolerate their own offspring and other adults are viciously attacked at all times except during the short period of pro-oestrus, when a male will be temporarily accepted.
Alien pups (n = 857) of different age-groups (0–30 days) were introduced to lactating females (n = 191) with their own pups (n = 1053) of different age-groups (0–20 days) over a period of three years. The total number of pups per female was made up to 10 (e.g. 7 own + 3 alien or 4 own + 6 alien).
The 'foster mother' readily accepted and successfully reared alien pups provided they were less than 21 days of age when introduced. Weaned alien pups, introduced when 25 or 30 days old, were viciously attacked by the foster mother and had to be removed, althoughin the breeding colony, pups that were allowed to remain with their mother after weaning were not attacked. It appears that up to weaning-age, female Saccostomus campestris may not distinguish between may not distinguis between their own and alien offspring, but rather between suckling and weaned pups.  相似文献   

Pre- and post-natal growth of the pouched mouse ( Saccostomus campestris ) were investigated and growth curves were calculated as described by Stevens (1951). Measured values of foetal weights put into Huggett & Widdas' equation (1951) revealed that the actual correction factor for species with a gestation period of 50 days or shorter was different from the one given by Huggett & Widdas. Therefore, the calculated value of specific growth velocity for pouched mice was lower than when using the correction factor given by Huggett & Widdas (1951).
Ninety percent of the asymptotic body weight was attained at an average age of 135.2 and 143.1 days for males and females, respectively, while 90% of the asymptotic body length was achieved when males and females were 71.9 and 69.3 days old, respectively. Post-natal growth rates of females and males were not significantly different from each other, and the average rate of weight increase for male and female pouched mice was lower than for other rodents studied (see Case, 1978).
Ages at which tooth eruption, eye-opening and eye usage occurred were also recorded.  相似文献   

Pouched mice were kept under controlled conditions of illumination (10D:14L) and temperature (22 +/- 2 degrees C). Age at vaginal opening, first oestrus and first conception did not differ significantly between juvenile females raised singly, in single-sex groups of 5, or with an adult male. After the introduction of a male, sterile cycles and/or matings before first conception were experienced by all females whether they were raised singly or in single-sex groups. Of 10 females raised with a male, 4 conceived at their first mating. Onset of puberty in juvenile females raised with an adult female was delayed, while in juvenile females raised with their families (mother, father and litter mates) only vaginal opening was delayed. However, when raised in family groups without the father, vaginal opening as well as first oestrus were delayed. Grouping of females after weaning, with or without a male, did not change the oestrous cycle pattern. Females in these groups cycled independently of each other and the females grouped with a male also mated and conceived independently of each other. Pregnancy was blocked in 7 of 8 females when the stud male was removed and a strange male was introduced. In females exposed to a succession of males, pregnancy was blocked up to 4 times.  相似文献   

The Afrotropical pouched mouse Saccostomus campestris displays sexual disparity in the use of daily torpor; males reluctantly enter torpor. We tested the hypothesis that males may compensate for a limited heterothermic capacity with lower basal and resting metabolic rates relative to females. We also investigated the association between gonadal activity (testosterone) and the propensity for daily torpor. Body temperature and oxygen consumption were measured at various ambient temperatures and were compared between sexes under ad libitum and restricted-diet treatments. Whereas no significant sex differences were observed in body temperature and oxygen consumption under ad libitum treatment, there were pronounced differences in heterothermic responses under food restriction. Females employed torpor more frequently and also had lower minimum torpor body temperatures (ca. 25 degrees C) than males (ca. 29 degrees C). Testosterone inhibited torpor in males, whereas the majority of saline-treated animals employed torpor under both ad libitum and restricted-diet treatments. This study demonstrated that the limited capacity of male S. campestris to enter torpor is a consequence of reproductive activity and that opportunistic breeding and the absence of seasonal testes regression compromises the capacity to conserve energy through daily torpor.  相似文献   

Pouched mice ovulate spontaneously and have a 4-day cycle (3-5 days). The variation was caused by prolonged oestrus. The vagina opened at about 34 days of age and the first oestrus was experienced at 44 days of age. Females experienced several sterile cycles before their first conception, which occurred at an age of about 56 days. The gestation period in most cases was 21 days and implantation occurred about 4-5 days after mating. The females were not receptive post partum. Litter size varied from 3 to 13 with a mean of 7.1 in young primiparous females and 7.9 in adult multiparous females, indicating that fecundity did not increase with age or parity in this species. Mortality of young was highest during the first 2 days post partum. The young were not attached to the nipples and were weaned at 25 days of age. Females did not cycle during lactation. After lactation most females exhibited one or two oestrous cycles without mating or became oestrous and mated without conceiving, resulting in a litter interval of about 53 days.  相似文献   

The anatomy and histology of pouched mouse ovaries were studied during the oestrous cycle, pregnancy and lactation along with the relationship between the ovarian structures and circulating concentrations of progesterone. The structure of the ovaries resembled that of most rodents. Follicular development indicated that ovulation takes place on the night between pro-oestrus and oestrus, i.e. at the time when mating normally occurs. Corpora lutea were accumulating in cyclic females, while successively disappearing during pregnancy, leaving only the set formed after conception. After parturition luteal regression was rapid. Theca interna, included in the corpora lutea, formed glandular stromal tissue after regression of the luteal tissue formed from granulosa cells. The progesterone profile of non-pregnant females indicated a short but functional luteal phase (peak at metoestrus) during the cycle. During pregnancy three peaks of progesterone stood out: (1) when implantation starts, (2) when older sets of corpora lutea showed rejuvenation and placental signs were found in the vaginal smears, and (3) 3 days before expected parturition when luteal development (as judged by histology) reached a peak. The placenta may participate in but not 'take over' the progesterone production during later stages of pregnancy. Very low concentrations of peripheral progesterone during lactation and a very low level of follicular development at that time support an earlier suggestion of a lactational anoestrus in pouched mice.  相似文献   

Pouched mice (Saccostomus campestris) were born in captivity during January and March and subsequently maintained under long photoperiod (14 h light: 10 h dark) at 25°C. During their first winter (July) and the following summer (January) the pouched mice were exposed to natural photoperiod in an unheated laboratory for 3 weeks prior to measurement. The pouched mice continued to grow during the study, and were significantly heavier after summer exposure than after winter exposure 6 months earlier. Although this increase in body mass would result in a decline in their surface area to volume ratio there was no significant decline in minimal thermal conductance (C m) and winter-exposed pouched mice had a relatively lowerC m than expected. Meanwhile the smaller, winter-exposed animals displayed a significantly higher capacity for non-shivering thermogenesis, together with higher levels of basal metabolism than summer individuals. These differences were not solely attributable to the contrasting body mass of each group and it is therefore clear thatS. campestris can increase thermoregulatory heat production, and modify heat loss following exposure to short photoperiod and cold during their first winter. Despite the significant increase in metabolism, the overall energy requirements of small, winter-exposed animals were significantly lower than those for heavier pouched mice following exposure to summer conditions. These results suggest that growing pouched mice can effectively adapt to lower temperature conditions during their first winter, yet accrue considerable overall savings in total energy requirements as a result of their smaller body mass.  相似文献   

Attempts were made to induce pregnancy in androgen-treated immature rats. Treatment with PMSG alone, which causes ovulation in normal immature rats, failed to cause ovulation in androgenized rats. However, treatment with PMSG plus LHRH was effective in causing ovulation. After ovulation, some of the normal and androgenized rats mated. Normal mated rats became pregnant but androgenized mated rats did not. However, when a pituitary gland was transplanted from a normal rat into the kidney capsule of an androgenized rat to maintain functional corpora lutea, implantation occurred in some of the mated animals. The positive decidual reaction in the uteri of such androgenized rats was similar to that observed in normal rats. These results suggest that the uterine sensitivity to blastocyst implantation of androgenized immature rats may be normal.  相似文献   

In an earlier study (Generoso et al., 1987), it was observed that the mutagen, ethylene oxide (EtO), produced remarkable increases in the incidence of developmental abnormalities and death of fetuses when early zygotic stages were exposed. This is a major finding in experimental induction of embryopathy, implicating genetic damage to the zygotes as the likely cause. In the subsequent study reported here, 3 other mutagens--ethyl methanesulfonate (EMS), ethyl nitrosourea (ENU), and triethylene melamine (TEM), were studied for embryopathic effects following exposure of dictyate oocytes, prefertilization oviducal eggs and sperm, early pronuclear zygotes, zygotes undergoing pronuclear DNA synthesis, and two-cell embryos. All 4 mutagens produced developmental abnormalities among living fetuses following exposure of early pronuclear zygotes (the only stage studied for this endpoint in this report). With respect to stage specificity and gestational timing of death of conceptuses, EMS and EtO on one hand and ENU and TEM on the other, are very similar to one another. EMS, like EtO, produced a high incidence of midgestation and late fetal deaths only in prefertilization oviducal eggs and sperm and in early pronuclear eggs. In contrast, ENU and TEM produced high losses of conceptuses in all postmating stages studied but death occurred primarily prior to or around the time of implantation. Thus, the frequency of induction and the expression of embryopathy, which ranged from early embryonic preimplantation and late fetal deaths to subtle fetal anomalies, are dependent upon the stage exposed and the mutagen used.  相似文献   

Despite an expanding interest in animal personalities, the influence of social interactions and sex differences on individual differences in behaviour remains poorly understood. Using the social zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata), we tested for behavioural differences in exploration of a novel environment and objects, between individuals of both sexes in relation to a social context; the presence of three male companions, three female companions or no companion birds. We predicted that the presence of conspecific companions should result in focal birds reacting to novelty by exploring more extensively because the companion birds contribute to anti-predator vigilance behaviour and because social isolation often causes behavioural inhibition in social species. We found that exploratory behaviour of focal individuals was significantly reduced in the presence of conspecific companions, irrespective of the companion's sex. Moreover, we found a weak trend towards females being more exploratory than males, irrespective of the social context. These results demonstrate the importance of considering the social context in animal personality studies and of exploring sex differences in personalities.  相似文献   

We investigated patterns of relatedness and reproduction in a population of striped hyenas in which individuals are behaviourally solitary but form polyandrous spatial groups consisting of one adult female and multiple adult males. Group-mate males were often close relatives, but were unrelated or distantly related in some cases, indicating that male coalitions are not strictly a result of philopatry or dispersal with cohorts of relatives. Most male-female pairs within spatial groups were unrelated or only distantly related. Considering patterns of relatedness between groups, relatedness was significantly higher among adult males living in non-neighbouring ranges than among neighbouring males. Mean relatedness among male-female dyads was highest for group-mates, but relatedness among non-neighbouring males and females was also significantly higher than among dyads of opposite-sex neighbours. Female-female relatedness also increased significantly with increasing geographic separation. These unusual and unexpected patterns may reflect selection to settle in a nonadjacent manner to reduce inbreeding and/or competition among relatives for resources (both sexes), or mates (males). Finally, resident males fathered the majority of the resident female's cubs, but extra-group paternity was likely in 31% of the cases examined, and multiple paternity was likely in half of the sampled litters.  相似文献   

Cooperation among genetically unrelated individuals can arise when pairs of individuals interact repeatedly in the Prisoner’s Dilemma. However, the conditions allowing the evolution of reciprocal cooperation become extremely restrictive as the size of the cooperative group increases, because defectors can exploit cooperators more efficiently in larger groups. Here we consider three strategies: Tit for Tat, defector, and loner. Loner beats defector in a non-cooperative world. However, a cooperative strategy Tit for Tat (TFT0) that stops cooperation after the first iteration when there is at least one defector in the group, can invade a world of loners, even in sizable groups, if both the TFT0 and the defector strategies arise at the same frequency by mutation.  相似文献   

We assessed whether prior foraging by wild herbivores affected foraging behaviour of cattle in Laikipia rangeland, Kenya, during February 2001, August 2001 and February 2002. The study compared cattle bite rate, step rate and bites per step in plots exclusively accessible to cattle and those accessible to cattle and large wild herbivores. During February 2001 when conditions were dry, cattle bite rate was 18–19% lower, step rate 25–26% higher, and bites per step 36% lower in plots shared by cattle and wildlife compared to those exclusively accessible to cattle. Differences in these measured foraging behaviour parameters were strongly correlated with reductions in herbage cover in plots accessible to wild herbivores. Plot differences in herbage cover and the measured foraging behaviour parameters were not significant in the subsequent trials when conditions were wet, suggesting that wild herbivore impacts reported here are short-term within season and dependent on weather conditions (and plant productivity). With reduced herbaceous plant cover in wildlife grazed realms in the dry season, cattle respond with increased travel and reductions in bite rate and bites per step, suggesting that wild herbivores can seasonally affect foraging behaviour of cattle. It remains to be demonstrated whether or not these altered behaviours of cattle affect weight gains or other measures of performance.  相似文献   

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