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Chemically elicited guinea pig peritoneal exudate macrophages respond by superoxide (O2-) production to a large number of unrelated stimulants. It has been found that 8 out of 10 stimulants also induce arachidonic acid (20:4) liberation and thromboxane synthesis. The elicitation of O2- production by most stimulants was reduced or totally suppressed by three procedures that inhibit the activity of endogenous phospholipases: the use of drug p-bromophenacyl bromide, elevation of the cellular cyclic AMP level, and the removal of extracellular Ca2+. O2- production in response to concanavalin A, wheat germ agglutinin, and fMet-Leu-Phe were exquisitely sensitive to inhibition of phospholipase activity. Exogenously applied 20:4 as well as other unsaturated fatty acids (linolenic, linoleic, and oleic) induced massive and instantaneous O2- production in a dose-dependent manner. Saturated fatty acids (stearic) and methyl esters of unsaturated acids were inactive. Lysophosphoglycerides were also inactive. Incubation of macrophages with inhibitors of cyclooxygenase or lipoxygenase did not prevent the elicitation of O2- production by stimulants or fatty acids. On the contrary, O2- formation was enhanced by indomethacin and indomethacin by itself was capable of evoking O2- generation. Treatment of 20:4 with soybean lipoxygenase did not abolish its capacity to induce O2- production; native and lipoxygenase-treated 20:4 exhibited similar dose-response ratios. Purified 15-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid also elicited O2- production by macrophages with a potency comparable to but not exceeding that of 20:4. Equimolar amounts of prostaglandin E2 were inactive. These findings suggest that liberation of unsaturated fatty acid (principally, 20:4) from membrane phospholipids, as a consequence of phospholipase activation, is a necessary step in the elicitation of an oxidative burst in macrophages. O2- generation is stimulated by unesterified 20:4 and, possibly, by certain metabolites of 20:4. It appears that the lipoxygenase pathway may generate metabolites with stimulating capacity while the cyclooxygenase pathway is abortive.  相似文献   

Liver plasma membranes of hypophysectomized rats were purified, treated with 0.1 m Lubrol-PX and centrifuged at 165,000g for 1 h. The detergent solubilized 50% of the membrane protein; adenylate cyclase activity was present in the supernatant fraction. Optimal substrate concentration of the soluble enzyme was 0.32 mm ATP. Basal activity of 25 preparations of the solubilized enzyme ranged from 124 to 39 pmol cyclic AMP/mg protein/10 min. The solubilized enzyme retained the same sensitivity to activation by guanyl nucleotides as was present in the membrane preparation from which it was derived. Relative sensitivity of the solubilized enzyme with 0.1 mm nucleotides or -side was GDP > GTP > GMP > guanosine; GMP-PNP = GMP-PCP > ITP > GTP. GTP, GMP-PCP, GMP-PNP and other nucleotides were hydrolyzed by phosphohydrolases present in liver membranes that were solubilized with Lubrol-PX along with adenylate cyclase. The presence of the ATP regenerating system in the adenylate cyclase assay also aided in maintaining guanyl nucleotide concentrations. The degree of adenylate cyclase activation by guanyl nucleotides was not related to the sparing effects of nucleotides on substrate ATP hydrolysis. These findings demonstrate that activation of adenylate cyclase by nucleotides is a consequence of a nucleotide-enzyme interaction that is independent of membrane integrity.  相似文献   

Dialyzed fetal calf serum (FCS) was a poor source of serum supplement for in vitro cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) generation. Serum dialysate or biotin fully restored dialyzed FCS to activities comparable to FCS. It was concluded that the active principal in serum dialysate was biotin because its further dialysis was prevented by addition of avidin, a biotin binding protein. Avidin inhibited CTL generation only when added during the early stages of mixed lymphocyte cultures, whereas biotin could restore activity even if added at a later time. When FCS enriched in a fatty acid mixture, or in palmitic acid alone, was used as the serum supplement, avidin-mediated inhibition of CTL generation was markedly reduced. Avidin also inhibited CTL generation in cultures containing killed macrophages as the stimulating cell, and supplemented with Con-A-induced spleen cell supernatant, a source of helper factor(s). These experiments suggest that fatty acid biosynthesis and the attendant synthesis of structural lipids of appropriate fatty acid composition play a prominent role in the generation of CTL  相似文献   

Specific and saturable binding of 125I-bovine albumin to rat adipocytes in suspension was observed (apparent Kd 2.09 ± 0.52 × 10?6 M; 8.58 ± 2.49 × 106 sites per cell; mean ± SEM). The binding was rapid and reversible for at least 10 min, suggesting that endocytosis of albumin was minor under assay conditions. Pre-incubation of cells with epinephrine bitartrate caused an apparent increase in number and decrease in affinity of the adipocyte binding sites for albumin. These findings suggest that a specific and saturable interaction of albumin with the adipocyte surface may play a role in the cellular uptake and release of free fatty acids.  相似文献   

The activity of chymase was markedly inhibited by fatty acids with carbon chain lengths of 14-22 at doses greater than 0.02 microM, irrespective of the number of double bonds. Cis acids with a carbon chain length of 18, such as stearic acid, oleic acid, linoleic acid, and linolenic acid were potent inhibitors, whereas the trans isomer of oleic acid, elaidic acid, showed less inhibitory activity. The extent of inhibition by oleyl alcohol was almost the same as that by oleic acid, suggesting that the acid moiety itself was not necessary for the inhibition; but a fatty acid with a terminal functional amide, oleamide, showed little inhibitory activity. The inhibition was noncompetitive and was reversible, and the Ki value of oleic acid was 2.7 microM. Stearic acid and oleic acid inhibited all chymotrypsin-type serine endopeptidases tested. The ID50 values of these fatty acids for atypical mast cell protease were higher than those for the other chymotrypsin-type serine endopeptidases tested. Other proteases, such as papain, trypsin, collagenase, and carboxypeptidase A, except cathespin D, were not affected by stearic or oleic acid.  相似文献   

Gossypol, a polyphenolic binaphthalene -dialdehyde reputed to exert contraceptive action in males, reversibly inhibits adenylate cyclase [ATP pyrophosphate lyase (cyclizing), EC] in a concentration-dependent manner. In membranes prepared from a variety of organs, the half-maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50) ranges from 75 microM (rat Leydig tumor cells) to 250 microM (rat liver membranes). Kinetic studies using partially purified catalytic subunit isolated from bovine testis show that gossypol is competitive with ATP with an apparent Ki of 110 microM. These data suggest that gossypol inhibition of adenylate cyclase is due to direct interaction at the nucleotide-binding domain of the catalytic subunit of the enzyme.  相似文献   

Liver plasma membrane phospholipid distribution, protein conformation, and 5′-nucleotidase, Mg2+-adenosine triphosphatase and (Na+ + K+)-adenosine triphosphatase specific activities, were shown to depend on pituitary status and treatment with bovine growth hormone.In whole liver homogenates, hypophysectomy produced a decrease in the proportion of phosphatidyl serine, lysophosphatidyl choline, and phosphatidic acid and diphosphatidyl glycerol and an increased proportion of phosphatidyl ethanolamine. The phospholipid distribution in liver plasma membranes was the same for normal and hypophysectomized rats. Plasma membranes obtained from bovine growth hormone-treated hypophysectomized rats had approximately 50%, more phosphatidyl serine than membranes obtained from untreated hypophysectomized or normal rats.Plasma membranes from hypophysectomized rats had 75% of the 5′-nucleotidase, the same level of (Na+ + K+)-adenosine triphosphatase, and twice the Mg2+-adenosine triphosphatase of membranes from normal rats. Twelve hours after administration of bovine growth hormone to hypophysectomized rats, (Na+ + K+)-adenosine triphosphatase had almost doubled and Mg2+-adenosine triphosphatase decreased by 50%. 5′-Nucleotidase remained unchanged. Twenty-four hours after bovine growth hormone administration, both (Na+ + K+)-adenosine triphosphatase and 5′-nucleotidase had increased. Mg2+-adenosine triphosphatase was 23% of the baseline level of untreated hypophysectomized rats. Treatment for 3 days or 5 days increased the 5′-nucleotidase 2-fold.Circular dichroism spectra of liver plasma membranes isolated from hypophysectomized rats consistently showed greater negative ellipticity in the far ultraviolet range (250-190 nm) than those from normal rats or rats treated with bovine growth hormone.  相似文献   

R A Cohen  P Cuatrecasas 《Life sciences》1976,19(10):1537-1542
Stimulation of adenylate cyclase activity occurs in membranes prepared from toad erythrocytes preincubated briefly (at 37° or 4°) with ultraviolet light-inactivated Sendai virus. Stimulation occurs with as few as five virions per cell, and it is blocked by pretreating the virus with the membrane glycolipid, ganglioside GM1. Virus treatment also alters modulation of adenylate cyclase by hormones, nucleotides and sodium fluoride. Interactions of viral envelope antigens with plasma membrane components may thus elicit functional changes possibly important in the pathogenesis of viral infections.  相似文献   

The effects of external pH on the efflux of protons from illuminated spinach chloroplasts have been studied by monitoring the rates of proton-pumping electron transport under a variety of steady-state conditions. Phosphorylation-coupled proton efflux through the ATP synthase (CF0-CF1), determined from the rates of ATP formation and that portion of the total electron transport attributable to phosphorylation, is strongly dependent upon pH over the range 6–9, with little activity below pH 7 and half-maximal activity at pH ≈ 7.6. Noncoupled proton efflux through the ATP synthase, determined in the absence of ADP and phosphate, was also strongly pH sensitive, with little activity below pH 7.5 and half-maximal activity at pH ~- 7.9. When proton efflux via CF0 was prevented by triphenyltin, the rate of passive proton leakage across the membrane was very low and practically insensitive to external pH indicating that the major pH-sensitive pathway(s) for proton efflux in the light involves CF0 · CF1. Modification of CF1 sulfhydryls by Ag+ resulted in an apparent increase in proton efflux via the normally coupled CF0 · CF1 pathway (half-maximal activity = pH 7.6), whereas modification by Hg2+ resulted in an apparent increase in proton efflux via the noncoupled CF0 · CF1 pathway (half-maximal activity = pH 7.9).  相似文献   

Partially purified liver plasma membranes were fractionated further on sucrose layers. Three membrane populations, numbered Peaks 1, 2 and 3, were isolated at densities of 1.23, 1.16, and 1.03, respectively. Peaks 1 and 2 were enriched to a similar degree in 5′-nucleotidase activity, a plasma membrane marker, relative to membranes in Peak 3. Electron micrographs indicated that Peak 1 possessed desmosomes and bile canaliculi, while Peak 2 contained large vesicles as well as smaller vesicular structures attached to membranes. The latter have been attributed to hepatocyte sinusoidal surfaces. All three membrane fractions contained adenylate cyclase activity with the highest specific activity found in Peak 2. The enzyme in all three peaks was F sensitive with higher sensitivity in Peaks 1 and 2. Glucagon sensitivity of adenylate cyclase in Peak 2 membranes was four times that of Peak 1. Only Peak 2 membranes were sensitive to epinephrine. The Peak 2 membranes were three times more sensitive to glucagon than the partially purified membranes from which they were derived. These findings indicate that, while both bile canalicular and sinusoidal faces of hepatocytes possess adenylate cyclase, the sinusoidal fraction is more sensitive to glucagon. Solubilized adenylate cyclase of the Peak 2 membranes, obtained as the 165,000g supernate of membranes treated with Lubrol-PX, was sensitive to stimulation by guanyl nucleotide analogs. Guanyl nucleotide sensitivity thus resides in the catalytic site and is not dependent on membrane integrity. All three membrane fractions possessed similar activities of nucleotide phosphohydrolase activity.  相似文献   

Assay of mono ADP-ribosyltransferase activity by using guanylhydrazones   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Guanylhydrazones of p-nitrobenzaldehyde and methylglyoxal serve as acceptors of ADP-ribosyl groups for the reactions catalyzed by cholera toxin. The absorption spectrum of the ADP-ribosylated p-nitrobenzylidine aminoguanidine is similar to that of a 1:1 mixture of ADP-ribose and p-nitrobenzylidine aminoguanidine. Results from fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry prove that the product is mono-ADP-ribosylated. ADP-ribosylation lowers the pKa of the p-nitrobenzylidine aminoguanidine by 0.7-0.8 pH unit. Assay methods are developed for measuring the ADP-ribosyltransferase reaction by following the rate of disappearance of p-nitrobenzylidine aminoguanidine by high-performance liquid chromatography or spectrophotometrically by monitoring the absorbance increase at 370 nm accompanying ADP-ribosylation of p-nitrobenzylidine aminoguanidine. The high-performance liquid chromatographic system can be utilized to measure ADP-ribosyltransferase activity in animal tissues. By using this procedure, the presence and quantitation of an ADP-ribosyltransferase in a homogenate of rabbit skeletal muscle is reported.  相似文献   

The pH profile for the uptake of l-glutamic acid by the Ehrlich ascites tumor cell arises largely as a sum of the decline with falling pH of a slow, Na+-dependent uptake by System A, and an increasing uptake by Na+-independent System L. The latter maximizes at about pH 4.5, following approximately the titration curve of the distal carboxyl group. This shift in route of uptake was verified by (a) a declining Na+-dependent component. (b) an almost corresponding decline in the 2-(methylamino)-isobutyric acid-inhibitable component, (c) a rising component inhibited by 2-aminonorbornane-2-carboxylic acid. Other amino acids recognized as principally reactive with Systems A or L yielded corresponding inhibitory effects with some conspicuous exceptions: 2-Aminoisobutyric acid and even glycine become better substrates of System L as the pH is lowered; hence their inhibitory action on glutamic acid uptake is not lost. The above results were characterized by generally consistent relations among the half-saturation concentrations of the interacting amino acids with respect to: their own uptake, their inhibition of the uptake, one by another, and their trans stimulation of exodus, one by another.A small Na+-dependent component of uptake retained by l-glutamic acid but not by d-glutamic acid at pH 4.5 is inhibitable by methionine but by neither 2-(methylamino)-isobutyric acid nor the norbornane amino acid. We provisionally identified this component with System ASC, which transports l-glutamine throughout the pH range studied. No transport activity specific to the anionic amino acids was detected, and the unequivocally anionic cysteic acid showed neither significant mediated uptake nor inhibition of the uptake of glutamic acid or of the norbornane amino acid.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae was grown in the presence of 5% (w.v) Glucose and converter to protoplasts. The total particulate material obtained from lysed protoplasts was fractionated by sucrose density gradient ultracentrifugation and the distribution of adenylate cyclase throughout the gradient determined. Adenylate cyclase activity was found to be larger associated whith intracellular particulate fractions. Little activity was found in the plasma membrane-rich fraction.The adenylate cyclase activity was found to be inhibited by F?, pyrophosphate and aminophylline, whereas glucagon, 5-hydroxytryptamine and concanavalin A were without effect.The enzymic activity appeared to be modulated by “catabolite repressors” (glucose, fructose and α-methylglucoside) as well as by acetate. A possible role for adenylate cyclase in regulating the levels of cyclic AMP in the cell during glucose repression is suggested.  相似文献   

We investigated UV-induced unscheduled DNA synthesis (UDS) in skin fibroblasts from seven unrelated patients with clinically apparent Werner's syndrome (WS). WS cells exhibited greatly abbreviated in vitro lifespans, the extents of which ranged from about 20 to 50% of the normal. However, WS cells in early and senescent phases of growth showed the same quantity of DNA repair following UV exposure as did normal fibroblasts.  相似文献   

Of the 12 possible isomers of tetramethyl uric acid, 6 are obtained by methylation with diazomethane and 4 by on column methylation with trimethylphenyl ammonium hydroxide. Elution patterns on three different columns, quantitative data, and mass spectra are presented. In addition, elution data and the mass spectrum of 8-methoxy-1,3,8-trimethylxanthine are given. The results may be useful for studies of incorporation of [13C]glycine and other stable isotope precursors into uric acid.  相似文献   

A series of six experiments was performed to examine the influence of postnatal-gonadal-hormone exposure on home-cage activity in Rockland-Swiss albino mice. Intact females were more active than their male counterparts and gonadectomy in adulthood, while reducing levels of the behavior in both sexes, did not eliminate the gender difference. Males that were castrated on the day of birth were more active than animals castrated 5, 10, or 25 days later. Also, females treated with testosterone propionate on the day of birth were less active than oil-treated controls and females exposed to the steroid 10 days after birth. Thus, perinatal exposure to gonadal hormones suppresses adult levels of home-cage activity in mice.  相似文献   

The elimination of suppressor cells by aclacinomycin, which could be the mechanism by which immune responses are enhanced after its administration, was studied in mice in which tolerance had been induced by the injection of high doses of sheep red blood cells (SRBC). We observed that tolerance could not be induced in aclacinomycin-treated mice, and that aclacinomycin inhibited the expression of tolerance to SRBC. This drug also diminished the capacity of spleen cells from SRBC-tolerant mice to inhibit the response of normal animals upon adoptive transfer, indicating that suppressor cells had been eliminated from the tolerant spleen cell population. The efficiency of the elimination of suppressor cells for DTH reactions appears greater than that of suppressor cells for plaque-forming cell responses.  相似文献   

In a previous study we showed that ornithine aminotransferase (OAT) exhibits concentration-dependent self-association in two stages (45,000 Mr monomers aggregate to form 140,000–150,000 Mr trimers; the trimers then aggregate to form higher-molecular-weight complexes). In an attempt to characterize further the molecular mechanisms involved in OAT aggregation, the present study examined the effects of basic amino acids and keto acids on the aggregation process. These experiments showed that basic amino acids (ornithine and lysine) inhibit the association of monomers to form trimers, apparently by interaction with carboxyl groups on the surfaces of the monomers. The aggregation of trimers to form higher-molecular-weight assemblies is not affected by basic amino acids, and neither aggregation stage is affected by the keto acids, α-ketoglutarate, or oxaloacetate. We also found that two different OAT preparations (one fresh, the other 18 months old) differed in aggregation characteristics; the older preparation showed reduced self-affinity at both aggregation stages, but both preparations had similar catalytic efficiencies. Electrophoretic studies indicated that the older preparation contained variants of the enzyme monomer with greater electronegativity than did the fresh preparation. We conclude, therefore, that OAT purification exposes ionically labile but catalytically insignificant domains on the monomer surface, and the loss of positively charged groups from such regions diminishes the OAT aggregation potential.  相似文献   

A 2.8-fold accumulation of ceramide was demonstrated in cultured skin ftbroblasts from a patient with Farber's disease, an inborn error of metabolism in which acid ceramidase activity is deficient. To investigate the role of acid ceramidase in the metabolism of ceramide in fibroblasts, we have investigated the lysosomal degradation of ceramide that was taken up by fibroblasts from an exogenous lipid suspension. Fluorescent 4-nitrobenz-2-oxa-1,3-diazole-7-aminododecanoyl-sphingosine (NBD-ceramide) from an exogenous ceramide suspension was incorporated into the intracellular structures of fibroblasts at 37 °C. Study of the cellular uptake of exogenous [3H]oleylsphingosine showed that the rate of ceramide accumulation was nearly identical in Farber's disease and normal fibroblasts. The deficiency of acid ceramidase in Farber's fibroblasts resulted in the decrease of cellular degradation and uptake of ceramide and the increase of retention time of ceramide in these diseased cells. Studies of subcellular fractionation of these fibroblasts showed that the accumulated ceramide was located in the lysosomal fraction. As a result, the density of the lysosomal fraction of Farber's fibroblasts was found to be less than that of controls. These results suggest the defect of cellular metabolism in this inherited disease is located within the lysosome.  相似文献   

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