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Forest plantations of exotic conifers represent an important economic activity in NW Patagonia, Argentina. However, there is a remarkable lack of information on the impact of forestry on native biodiversity. We analyzed the effect of Pinus ponderosa plantations on bird communities, considering different stand management practices (dense and sparse tree covers), and different landscape contexts where they are planted (Austrocedrus chilensis forest and steppe). Ultimately we wished to assess in which way plantations may be designed and managed to improve biodiversity conservation. Bird richness and abundance did not change significantly in the steppe, although community composition did, and was partially replaced by a new community, similar to that of ecotonal forests. In contrast, in the A. chilensis forest areas, species richness decreased in dense plantations, but bird community composition remained relatively constant when replacing the native forest with pine plantations. Also, in A. chilensis forest, stand management practices aiming at maintaining low tree densities permit the presence of many bird species from the original habitat. In the steppe area in turn, both dense and sparse plantations are unsuitable for most steppe species, thus it is necessary to manage them at higher scales, maintaining the connectivity of the native matrix to prevent the fragmentation of bird populations. We conclude that pine plantations can provide habitat for a substantial number of native bird species, and this feature varies both with management practices and with the landscape context of areas where afforestation occurs.  相似文献   

Throughout Pinus ponderosaPseudotsuga menziesii forests of the southern Colorado Front Range, USA, intense logging and domestic grazing began at the time of Euro-American settlement in the late 1800s and continued until the early 1900s. We investigated the long-term impacts of these settlement-era activities on understory plant communities by comparing understory composition at a historically logged and grazed site to that of an environmentally similar site which was protected from past use. We found that species richness and cover within functional groups rarely differed between sites in either upland or riparian areas. Multivariate analyses revealed little difference in species composition between sites on uplands, though compositional differences were apparent in riparian zones. Our findings suggest that settlement-era logging and grazing have had only minor long-term impacts on understories of upland Front Range P. ponderosaP. menziesii forests, though they have had a greater long-term influence on riparian understories, where these activities were likely the most intense. This article was written and prepared by US Government employees on official time, and therefore it is in the public domain and not subject to copyright.  相似文献   

北亚热带3种森林群落对大气湿沉降重金属的调控   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
森林群落截留消纳沉降重金属的能力影响着森林集水区溪水输出重金属的情况,决定着小流域的水质安全。为评价北亚热带地区典型森林生态系统对大气降水中主要重金属离子的截留能力和分配特征,以浙江庙山坞林场3种典型森林群落(毛竹林、杉木林、青冈阔叶林)和森林集水区-小溪为研究对象,于2018年7月—2019年6月监测了12次降水事件,分析、比较和讨论了大气降水、林内穿透雨、树干茎流、枯透水、地表径流和集水区溪水中7种重金属(铅(Pb)、锌(Zn)、镉(Cd)、铜(Cu)、砷(As)、镍(Ni)和锰(Mn))的质量浓度和通量的动态变化。结果表明,大气降水中7种重金属,Pb、Cd、As、Cu、Zn、Mn和Ni的年均浓度分别为0.974、0.124、0.512、3.42、36.7、8.48和1.94μg/L,3种森林群落林冠层截留的干沉降重金属中Zn和Mn的比例最高,林冠层降水对重金属Mn和Zn的淋溶量极高,超过大气降水沉降量的2.78倍和54.2倍,同时截留了降水中的As和Ni;枯落物层对Mn、Cd和Zn表现出截留作用,对Cu和Ni有淋溶或释放的作用;3种森林群落的地表径流中Pb、Mn、Cd和Zn浓度明显降低,As和Ni的浓度略高于枯透水,但由于地表径流量非常小,土壤表层对降水中重金属均表现出极强的截留作用。3种森林群落对大气降水中的重金属均表现出极高的截留率,森林群落之间没有显著差异,其中青冈阔叶林的截留能力最强,杉木林较弱。而地表径流及土壤渗透水等汇集到森林集水区后,溪水中重金属Mn、Ni、Cd和Zn的浓度和通量均有大幅的增加,仅对重金属As和Cu呈现截留的作用,这可能与森林土壤重金属本底值偏高以及森林长期接收的重金属沉降在降水淋溶下从酸性土壤中大量溶出有关。  相似文献   

康希睿  张涵丹  王小明  陈光才 《生态学报》2020,40(19):6958-6968
森林群落在净化空气、截留沉降污染物、改善地表水质等方面具有重要作用。本研究以北亚热带地区3种典型森林群落(毛竹林、杉木林、青冈阔叶林)为研究对象,通过分析沉降污染物(NH4+-N、NO3--N、NO2--N、TP和SO42-)在大气降水、林内穿透雨、树干茎流、枯透水和地表径流中的浓度和通量变化特征,探讨不同森林群落对氮、磷、硫的截留净化作用和分配特征。结果表明,该区域大气降水中NH4+-N、NO3--N、NO2--N、TP和SO42-年均浓度分别为1.06、0.61、0.04、0.07、1.84 mg/L,其年均pH为5.88;各森林群落林冠层能够调升降雨的pH且全年稳定,对TP和NH4+-N均有吸附作用,截留率分别为79.09%-84.68%和30.88%-69.36%;而枯落物层则是林下氮、磷、硫的主要释放源,对NH4+-N、NO3--N、TP和SO42-均具有淋溶作用;此外,由地表径流(输出)与大气降水(输入)的对比分析可知,各林地对沉降污染物中氮、磷、硫的截留率均超过98%;3种森林群落对沉降污染物中氮、磷、硫的截留能力依次为:青冈阔叶林 > 毛竹林 > 杉木林,阔叶林对沉降污染物的净化能力要高于毛竹林及针叶的杉木林。  相似文献   

The population dynamics of Betula pubescens and Picea abies in a boreal forest near Kvikkjokk, northern Sweden, are governed by a process of storm gap regeneration similar to the gap regeneration described for boreo-nemoral forests. Cumulative age distribution curves, interpreted as static survivorship curves, lead to a simple theory of differential survival based on properties of the species, i.e. shade tolerance and relative growth rate. The theory is sustained by diameter and height distributions and by the spatial distributions of logs and of trees in different life-phases. Species of the field and ground layers respond differentially to gap formation and the ensuing successional stages. Browsing by moose (Alces alces) may prevent tree species, mainly Sorbus aucuparia, Betula pubescens and Pinus sylvestris, from developing into a tree layer. The regeneration ability for tree species growing in a stand at 460 m a.s.l. is limited compared with the regeneration at 330 m a.s.l., and typical storm gap formation involving more than one tree seems to occur rarely if at all, while overthrown trees with exposed rootplates are uncommon. Spruce at 460 m a.s.l. shows also a lower growth rate and a lower height/diameter ratio compared to the lower situated stands.  相似文献   

Kinkazan Island, a sanctuary island that has been conserved for over 100 years, is inhabited by a Sika deer population of high density (60 km−2). AFagus crenata forest, a climax forest of this region, was composed of only large sized trees (30–60 cm diameter breast height) and lacked young trees. However, many saplings were found inside a deer proof fence, indicating this forest had a potential to produce seedlings. They were tentatively protected by shrubs ofLeucothoe grayana var.glabra, an upalatable ericaceous shrub, but did not exceed the shrub height. Heavy browsing by the deer suppressed recruitment of saplings ofF. crenata. The forest will be reduced without population control of the deer.  相似文献   

On a site on the west slope of the Wank in the northern Alps changes in water potential, osmotic potential and transpiration rate were measured in spruce trees during the dry summer months of 1991. The pattern of decrease in water potential and osmotic potential on days of varying evaporative demand from trees of widely different decline conditions was used to describe the relative ability of the trees to withstand drought stress. Stress diagrams served as a tool for interpreting the state of health of each tree. The criterion is independent of the water situation of the tree and the other external conditions of the respective experiment. These diagrams clearly show that the foliage of spruces with high needle losses reaches the limit of endurance relatively early. For equal evaporative demand much lower turgor levels were observed in spruces with high needle loss compared to undamaged trees. Associated with the occurrence of low turgor values was the shedding of green needles. The abscission zone was shown in sections. The accumulation of highly fluorescent substances in the bundle sheath cells of the same material was described. Incomplete to non-existent stomatal control over water loss was attributed to modifications in the cell walls of the stomata which appear to alter the ability of the guard cells to sense changes in either atmospheric or cellular hydration. Our studies point to the following situation: air pollution directly affects stomatal control, the loss of stomatal control changes the drought avoidance abilities of the foliage and, as a consequence, low turgor levels occur and premature needle abscission is induced. As site water balance decreases, either due to a dry year or to poor moisture holding abilities of the soil, these conditions become apparent.  相似文献   

除草剂在桉树人工林中的应用越来越普遍,但关于除草剂对桉树人工林林下植物和土壤微生物群落的影响知之甚少。通过桉树人工林低剂量高频率(LHF)、中剂量中频率(MMF)、高剂量低频率(HLF)除草剂喷施试验,并与人工除草(MT)为对照,比较分析不同剂量、不同频率除草剂施用对林下植物和土壤微生物群落的影响。结果表明,施用除草剂导致桉树人工林林下植物种类和功能群组成发生显著变化,但并未显著降低林下植物群落物种丰富度和多样性,随除草剂施用频率的降低及恢复时间的增加,物种丰富度及多样性指数呈恢复趋势。除草剂施用也导致土壤养分含量降低。除草剂通过对林下植物群落和土壤养分的负面影响间接影响土壤微生物群落。LHF显著降低藤本植物而显著提高蕨类植物功能群的重要值,从而显著降低了微生物群落、真菌和放线菌的磷脂脂肪酸(PLFA)含量。MMF显著降低木本和藤本植物而显著提高禾草植物功能群的重要值,导致土壤微生物群落和放线菌的PLFA含量显著降低。HLF未显著影响林下植物及土壤微生物群落,但土壤全磷含量显著降低,速效磷含量也大幅下降。施用除草剂显著降低了土壤微生物生物量碳、氮的含量。因此,生产上应减少除草剂的施用,...  相似文献   

Tree decline and deaths have been observed among 15 to 20-year-old Scots pines (Pinus sylvestris L.) in a dry heath forest in southwestern Finland. The sudden decline in height growth, the dieback of leading shoots and the yellowing of needles in young shoots in the upper part of the tree are typical symptoms of the decline of these young pines. Needle ultrastructure and chemical composition of Scots pines with or without decline and fluctuations of them in different seasons were studied. Afflicted trees were found to suffer from a deficiency in calcium and magnesium with low concentration of foliar nitrogen and phosphorus observed in all the trees studied. Ultrastructural study revealed changes characteristic of different seasons and measured nutrient status of needles. A clear reduction of membrane system in chloroplasts, especially related to Mg deficiency, was observed in most samples. The symptoms related to N deficiency, the translucent appearance of the cytoplasm and chloroplast stroma, and the elongated chloroplasts, as well as swelling of mitochondria, indicating P deficiency, were also found in the needles sampled from this forest decline area. The present study showed that it is possible to detect specific nutrient deficiency symptoms in needle ultrastructure in field samples and for use as sensitive indicators of unbalanced nutrient status.  相似文献   

Canopy gap area/age distributions and growth mechanisms were examined in a virgin subalpine forest in the White Mountains, New Hampshire, USA. The gap area distribution was negative exponential in form. Whithin gap tree ages varied widely in response to stepwise gap expansion caused by windthrow of peripheral trees or death of standing mature Picea rubens at gap edges. As a consequence, the density of small gaps may have been underestimated and the density of large gaps overestimated. The estimates of canopy turnover time, 303 yr, and of patch birth rate on an area basis, 3.3×10-3 ha new patches/ha land area/yr, were not affected by the gap expansion phenomenon. However, any estimate of patch birth rate as numbers of new patches formed per year would have been too low. Because of increasingly widespread Picea death, the patch area/age distribution of this forest may not currently be in steady-state.  相似文献   

Successional dynamics in Mediterranean forests have been modulated by anthropogenic disturbances during thousands of years, especially in areas densely populated since ancient times. Our objective is to determine whether pine tree cover (early-successional species) and oak tree cover (late-successional species), used as a surrogate of successional stage of peri-urban fragmented forests in the Vallès lowlands (Catalonia, NE, Spain), are primarily determined by (1) climate and topography; (2) anthropogenic disturbances; (3) patch structure; or (4) patch dynamics from 1956 to 1993. Quercus spp. and Pinus spp. tree cover were separately recorded on 252 randomly selected plots of 100 m2, within forest patches ranging in size from 0.25 to 218 ha. Multiple linear regressions indicated that forest patch history is the most important variable determining oak and pine tree cover: new forest patches showed higher pine and lower oak tree cover than recently split patches (i.e. those that became fragmented from large forest areas after 1956). Patches already existing as such in 1956 (pre-existent patches) showed higher pine cover than recently split patches. Oak cover increased and pine cover decreased with increasing forest connectivity of the patch. Finally, highly frequented forests were related to high cover of pines. Climatic and topographic variables were not significant. We conclude that pine and oak cover in these peri-urban forests are mainly determined by recent patch dynamics, but also by the spatial pattern of patches. However, human-induced disturbance can modulate this as there is some evidence for pine being associated with a high human frequentation.  相似文献   

Summary The osmotic potentials of needles were compared from numerous trees that had been classified according to needle loss along an altitude profile. With the increasing degree of damage of the trees, the maximum and minimum values deviated more strongly above and below the common mean of all samples. The level of water content of the needles unequivocally reflected the vitality of the trees. Experiments covering a whole vegetation period were performed on a tree pair selected from a natural stand. They were designed to demonstrate differences in water balance between the healthy and damaged state of the trees. For the damaged tree, measurements of the water potentials of single needles showed a greater reduction of potential during the course of the day compared to the healthy tree. Recovery in the evenings was slower and often incomplete. The osmotic potentials of damaged and healthy shoots measured in individual needles also differed both predawn and especially after transpiration stress. Depending on weather and soil desiccation, the differences were more or less pronounced. In the damaged tree, the rises in potential after saturation of the twigs fell far short of the healthy tree. Reduction of water potential, osmotic potential and relative water content under comparable stress conditions suggest a reduced tolerance of drought by damaged trees. In the context of earlier experiments this result was ascribed to a lack of stomatal control, and long-term pollution effects were thus explained as a specific disturbance of hydroregulation.  相似文献   

Holzmueller EJ  Jose S  Jenkins MA 《Oecologia》2008,155(2):347-356
Exotic diseases have fundamentally altered the structure and function of forest ecosystems. Controlling exotic diseases across large expanses of forest has proven difficult, but fire may reduce the levels of diseases that are sensitive to environmental conditions. We examined Cornus florida populations in burned and unburned QuercusCarya stands to determine if burning prior to anthracnose infection has reduced the impacts of an exotic fungal disease, dogwood anthracnose, caused by Discula destructiva. We hypothesized that fire has altered stand structure and created open conditions less conducive to dogwood anthracnose. We compared C. florida density, C. florida health, and species composition and density among four sampling categories: unburned stands, and stands that had burned once, twice, and 3 times over a 20-year period (late 1960s to late 1980s). Double burn stands contained the greatest density of C. florida stems (770 stems ha−1) followed by triple burn stands (233 stems ha−1), single burn stands (225 stems ha−1) and unburned stands (70 stems ha−1; P < 0.01). We observed less crown dieback in small C. florida trees (<5 cm diameter at breast height) in burned stands than in unburned stands (P < 0.05). Indicator species analysis showed that burning favored species historically associated with QuercusCarya forests and excluded species associated with secondary succession following nearly a century of fire suppression. Our results suggest that fire may mitigate the decline of C. florida populations under attack by an exotic pathogen by altering forest structure and composition. Further, our results suggest that the burns we sampled have had an overall restorative effect on forest communities and were within the fire return interval of the historic fire regime. Consequently, prescribed fire may offer a management tool to reduce the impacts of fungal disease in forest ecosystems that developed under historic burning regimes.  相似文献   

Based on microhistological analyses of faecal material, we compared the early dry season diets of greater one-horned rhinoceros Rhinoceros unicornis, swamp deer Cervus duvauceli and hog deer Axis porcinus, which inhabit the same alluvial grassland habitat complex in lowland Nepal. Their diets were quite similar, both at the forage category level and within subcategories of graminoids and woody plants. Early successional tall grasses, especially Saccharum spontaneum, were the dominant food of all three species, underlining the key role of the threatened alluvial floodplains in large mammal conservation in South Asia. The two deer species ate significantly more graminoids (>66.5%) than did rhino (45.5%), and although they did not differ in proportions of graminoids, swamp deer ate significantly more late successional tall grasses (Narenga porphyrocoma and Themeda spp.) and short grasses (mainly Imperata cylindrica) than hog deer. The two deer consumed almost equal proportions of woody browse (ca. 10%), significantly less than that of rhino (33.0%). The prediction of the Jarman–Bell hypothesis, that large-bodied herbivores are less selective and subsist on lower quality graminoids than smaller ruminants, was not supported by the data. Based on this and previous studies in the same area we propose a conceptual model where the larger megaherbivores (rhino and elephant Elephas maximus) facilitate the smaller swamp deer and hog deer during the monsoonal growing season, while the smaller and more selective deer species outcompete the larger during the dry season when food is more limited. Owing to the all-year sprouting ability of S. spontaneum, facilitation may occur also in the dry season with low numbers of megaherbivores, thus accentuating competitive exclusion at higher deer densities.  相似文献   

以成都云顶山柏木(Cupressus funebris)人工林为对象,采用典型样地法研究不同林分密度(1100、950、800、650、500株/hm~2)对林下物种多样性和土壤理化性质及林下物种多样性与土壤理化性质相关性的影响。结果表明:共发现维管植物168种,隶属75科140属。随林分密度的降低,灌木层多样性指数呈先增后减的单峰变化,在密度650株/hm~2出现峰值,草本层多样性指数呈先增后减再增再减的双峰变化,在密度950株/hm~2和650株/hm~2出现峰值。同时发现光照为影响林下植物多样性的重要因素。林分密度对土壤全氮、全钾、速效钾、有机质影响显著,有机质、全氮、全钾、速效钾随林分密度降低呈先增后减的变化趋势。钾、氮、有机质与林下植被物种多样性关系最密切。结论:林分密度650株/hm~2为云顶山柏木人工林最适密度,该密度能较好的提高林下物种多样性和土壤肥力。  相似文献   

以四川省新津文峰山马尾松(Pinus massoniana)人工林为研究对象,用典型抽样法探究5种林分密度(A:1000株/hm~2;B:1125株/hm~2;C:1250株/hm~2;D:1375株/hm~2;E:1500株/hm~2)对林下植被物种多样性和生物量的影响及林下植被物种多样性和生物量的相关性。结果显示:(1)共调查到植物124种,隶属于74科115属,灌木层物种少于草本层。(2)灌木或草本层在不同林分密度下的优势种都较一致。(3)灌木层物种丰富度指数D值、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数H值及草本层4个多样性指数均在密度B、E分别有最大和最小值;灌木层D值随密度增大而先增后减,其他3个指数变化规律不明显。灌、草层J_(sw)值较稳定。(4)灌木层生物量比草本层多。总体上灌、草层地上生物量大于地下生物量,都在密度B达最大;灌木地下生物量保持较稳定,而草本层变化幅度较大。(5)除灌木层J_(sw)值与该层各生物量呈负相关外,其余各指标均显示正相关。不同林分密度对马尾松林下植物多样性和生物量产生不同的影响,经综合研究分析认为,林分密度1125株/hm~2相对更利于该地马尾松人工林的可持续健康发展。  相似文献   

Summary Pool sizes of ATP and ADP were analysed in freeze-stopped, lyophilised homogenates of needles from Norway spruce [Picea abies (L.) Karst.]. Control experiments in which possible changes in adenylate pools during sample acquisition were investigated did not reveal significant differences between needles taken from branches in situ or within a 30-min period after cutting off a branch. In addition, pool sizes of ADP and ATP were not affected by changes in light intensity (between 60 and 1500 E*-m-2*s-1), which inevitably occur when samples have to be taken from the upper region of older trees. Levels of ATP and ADP showed considerable seasonal changes (May through October) with the highest ratios of ATP/ADP in developing needles. In general, there was a tendency towards increased ratios of ATP/ADP with increasing needle age. This observation was corroborated by analyses of needles from spruce trees of different age and growing under different conditions. Needles from declining trees or from trees specifically fumigated with low concentrations of ozone and sulphur dioxide had significantly increased ratios of ATP/ADP compared to controls. The results are discussed with respect to physiological responses connected with natural senescence and induced ageing.  相似文献   

Stand development and regeneration were studied during a 33-year period (1965-1998) in a 1-ha plot in a seral Picea glehnii forest in northern Japan. P. glehnii was mono-dominant in the upper canopy layer, but its understory trees were rarely found in 1965. Other species were scarcely observed in 1965. Many recruited saplings of Abies sachalinensis which had grown to > 5 cm diameter at breast height (DBH) by 1998 had become dominant in the understory layer. Mortality of P. glehnii canopy trees was low. Therefore, the stand basal area increased during the census period due to the growth of surviving canopy trees. Stand development brought about intense competition among trees by increasing local crowding for each tree, and promoted dominance of larger trees and suppression of smaller trees. Although growth rates of understory trees of the two conifers decreased with the increase in local crowding, the growth rate of A. sachalinensis was consistently higher than that of P. glehnii at all extents of local crowding. The recruitment rate (growing to 5 cm DBH) of the two conifers was less affected by local crowding. However, the number of recruits of P. glehnii was only about a quarter of that of A. sachalinensis during the census period because the regeneration of P. glehnii was largely restricted to fallen logs and within 1 m of the base of any live tree > 20 cm DBH. Therefore, our long-term study suggests that A. sachalinensis will dominate over P. glehnii in the seral forest because of higher recruitment and growth rates of the former than the latter in the understory.An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

The effects of understory dwarf bamboo (Sasa kurilensis) on soil water and the growth of overstory trees were studied in a dense secondary forest of Betula ermanii in northern Japan. Four plots were established in a Betula ermanii forest with Sasa kurilensis in the understory. The Sasa was removed in two of the plots. The annual increment of the trunk diameter for each tree was measured in the first two years from the commencement of the experiment. Soil water potential was similar in the plots following significant rainfall, but was found to be greater in the plot without Sasa between rainfall events. This suggests that the removal of Sasa slows the reduction of soil water after rainfall. The relative growth rate of the trunk diameter of Betula ermanii increased with tree size in all of the plots because taller trees strongly suppressed smaller ones in the dense forest. The growth rates of Betula ermanii were higher in the plots without Sasa. However, the difference in growth rates between all of the plots tended to be smaller in smaller size classes, possibly because smaller trees were strongly suppressed by larger ones, irrespective of the presence/absence of Sasa. Therefore, the removal of Sasa increased soil water and encouraged the growth of larger Betula ermanii in dense forest during the first two years after the Sasa was removed. The present study suggests that Sasa can reduce the growth of larger Betula ermanii in dense forest by limiting available soil water to these trees.  相似文献   

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