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The ankyrin repeat and SOCS box (ASB) family is composed of 18 proteins from ASB1 to ASB18 and belongs to the suppressor of cytokine signaling (SOCS) box protein superfamily. ASB2 was recently shown to interact with a certain Cul-Rbx module to form an E3 ubiquitin (Ub) ligase complex, but the functional composition of the ASB-containing E3 Ub ligase complexes remains to be characterized. Here, we show that ASB proteins interact with Cul5-Rbx2 but neither Cul2 nor Rbx1 in cells. Mutational analysis revealed that the highly conserved amino acid sequences of the BC box and Cul5 box in the SOCS box of ASB proteins were essential for the interaction with Cul5-Rbx2. Although ASB proteins show slight divergences from the consensus sequences of the BC box and Cul5 box, all five tested ASB proteins bound to Cul5-Rbx2. Furthermore, all three tested ASB complexes containing Cul5-Rbx2 were found to have E3 Ub ligase activity. These findings suggest that the ASB family proteins interact with Cul5-Rbx2 to form E3 Ub ligases and play significant roles via a ubiquitination-mediated pathway.  相似文献   

Tan M  Zhao Y  Kim SJ  Liu M  Jia L  Saunders TL  Zhu Y  Sun Y 《Developmental cell》2011,21(6):1062-1076
SAG/RBX2/ROC2 protein is an essential RING component of SCF E3 ubiquitin ligase. The role of SAG during embryogenesis remains unknown. We report a critical role for SAG in controlling vascular and neural development by modulating RAS activity via promoting degradation of neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1). Mice mutant for Sag died at embryonic day 11.5-12.5 with severe abnormalities in vascular and nervous system. Sag inactivation caused Nf1 accumulation and Ras inhibition, which blocks embryonic stem (ES) cells from undergoing endothelial differentiation and inhibits angiogenesis and proliferation in teratomas. Simultaneous Nf1 deletion fully rescues the differentiation defects in Sag(-/-) ES cells and partially rescues vascular and neural defects in Sag(-/-) embryos, suggesting that the effects of Sag deletion may not be solely explained by Nf1 misregulation. Collectively, our study identifies NF1 as a physiological substrate of SAG-CUL1-FBXW7 E3 ligase and establishes a ubiquitin-dependent regulatory mechanism for the NF1-RAS pathway during embryogenesis.  相似文献   

RBX1 (RING box protein 1), also known as ROC1 (Regulator of Cullin 1), is an essential component of SCF (Skp1/Cullins/F-box) E3 ubiquitin ligases, which target diverse proteins for proteasome-mediated degradation. Our recent study showed that RBX1 silencing triggered a DNA damage response (DDR) leading to G(2)-M arrest, senescence, and apoptosis, with the mechanism remaining elusive. Here, we show that, in human cancer cells, RBX1 silencing causes the accumulation of DNA replication licensing proteins CDT1 and ORC1, leading to DNA double-strand breaks, DDR, G(2) arrest, and, eventually, aneuploidy. Whereas CHK1 activation by RBX1 silencing is responsible for the G(2) arrest, enhanced DNA damage renders cancer cells more sensitive to radiation. In Caenorhabditis elegans, RBX-1 silencing causes CDT-1 accumulation, triggering DDR in intestinal cells, which is largely abrogated by simultaneous CDT-1 silencing. RBX-1 silencing also induces lethality during development of embryos and in adulthood. Thus, RBX1 E3 ligase is essential for the maintenance of mammalian genome integrity and the proper development and viability in C. elegans.  相似文献   

The ankyrin repeat-containing protein with a suppressor of cytokine signaling box-2 (ASB2) gene was identified as a retinoic acid-response gene and a target of the promyelocytic leukemia-retinoic acid receptor-alpha oncogenic protein characteristic of acute promyelocytic leukemia. Expression of ASB2 in myeloid leukemia cells inhibits growth and promotes commitment, recapitulating an early step known to be critical for differentiation. Here we show that ASB2, by interacting with the Elongin BC complex, can assemble with Cullin5.Rbx1 to form an E3 ubiquitin ligase complex that stimulates polyubiquitination by the E2 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme Ubc5. This is a first indication that a member of the ASB protein family, ASB2, is a subunit of an ECS (Elongin C-Cullin-SOCS box)-type E3 ubiquitin ligase complex. Altogether, our results strongly suggest that ASB2 targets specific proteins to destruction by the proteasome in leukemia cells that have been induced to differentiate.  相似文献   

Plant cells have specific microtubule structures involved in cell division and elongation. The tonneau1 (ton1) mutant of Arabidopsis thaliana displays drastic defects in morphogenesis, positioning of division planes, and cellular organization. These are primarily caused by dysfunction of the cortical cytoskeleton and absence of the preprophase band of microtubules. Characterization of the ton1 insertional mutant reveals complex chromosomal rearrangements leading to simultaneous disruption of two highly similar genes in tandem, TON1a and TON1b. TON1 proteins are conserved in land plants and share sequence motifs with human centrosomal proteins. The TON1 protein associates with soluble and microsomal fractions of Arabidopsis cells, and a green fluorescent protein–TON1 fusion labels cortical cytoskeletal structures, including the preprophase band and the interphase cortical array. A yeast two-hybrid screen identified Arabidopsis centrin as a potential TON1 partner. This interaction was confirmed both in vitro and in plant cells. The similarity of TON1 with centrosomal proteins and its interaction with centrin, another key component of microtubule organizing centers, suggests that functions involved in the organization of microtubule arrays by the centrosome were conserved across the evolutionary divergence between plants and animals.  相似文献   

The Arabidopsis genome was searched to identify predicted proteins containing armadillo (ARM) repeats, a motif known to mediate protein-protein interactions in a number of different animal proteins. Using domain database predictions and models generated in this study, 108 Arabidopsis proteins were identified that contained a minimum of two ARM repeats with the majority of proteins containing four to eight ARM repeats. Clustering analysis showed that the 108 predicted Arabidopsis ARM repeat proteins could be divided into multiple groups with wide differences in their domain compositions and organizations. Interestingly, 41 of the 108 Arabidopsis ARM repeat proteins contained a U-box, a motif present in a family of E3 ligases, and these proteins represented the largest class of Arabidopsis ARM repeat proteins. In 14 of these U-box/ARM repeat proteins, there was also a novel conserved domain identified in the N-terminal region. Based on the phylogenetic tree, representative U-box/ARM repeat proteins were selected for further study. RNA-blot analyses revealed that these U-box/ARM proteins are expressed in a variety of tissues in Arabidopsis. In addition, the selected U-box/ARM proteins were found to be functional E3 ubiquitin ligases. Thus, these U-box/ARM proteins represent a new family of E3 ligases in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

During Arabidopsis embryogenesis, the control of division between daughter cells is critical for pattern formation. Two embryo-defective (emb) mutant lines named quatre-quart (qqt) were characterized by forward and reverse genetics. The terminal arrest of qqt1 and qqt2 embryos was at the octant stage, just prior to the round of periclinal divisions that establishes the dermatogen stage . Homozygous embryos of a weaker allele of qqt1 were able to divide further, resulting in aberrant periclinal divisions. These phenotypic analyses support an essential role of the QQT proteins in the correct formation of the tangential divisions. That an important proportion of qqt1 embryos were arrested prior to the octant stage indicated a more general role in cell division. The analysis of QQT1 and QQT2 genes revealed that they belong to a small subgroup of the large family encoding ATP/GTP binding proteins, and are widely conserved among plants, vertebrates and Archaea. We showed that QQT1 and QQT2 proteins interact with each other in a yeast two-hybrid system, and that QQT1 and QQT2 tagged by distinct fluorescent probes colocalize with microtubules during mitosis, in agreement with their potential role in cell division and their mutant phenotype. We propose that QQT1 and QQT2 proteins participate in the organization of microtubules during cell division, and that this function is essential for the correct development of the early embryo.  相似文献   

Related to Ubiquitin (RUB)/Nedd8 is a ubiquitin-like protein that covalently attaches to cullins, a subunit of the SCF (for Skp, Cdc53p/Cul1, and F-box protein) complex, an E3 ubiquitin ligase, and has been shown to be required for robust function of the complex. The effects of reducing protein levels for two Rub proteins, RUB1 and RUB2, were characterized in Arabidopsis thaliana. T-DNA insertional null lines homozygous at a single RUB-encoding locus were analyzed and found to have a wild-type phenotype. A double mutant was never recovered. More than one-quarter of the progeny from the self-fertilization of plants with a single functional RUB-encoding gene died as embryos at the two-cell stage. Outcrosses demonstrated reduced inheritance of the null allele from both the male and female parent. Hemigglutinin-tagged forms of RUB1 and RUB2 conjugate to the same cullin protein, CUL1, and produce the same conjugation pattern. To further understand the function of the RUB proteins, a construct designed to produce a double-stranded RUB1 mRNA was introduced into plants, and three lines with reduced levels of RUB1- and RUB2-encoding mRNA and RUB1/2 protein content were analyzed in detail. Mature plants were severely dwarfed, seedlings were insensitive to auxin in root assays, and dark-grown seedlings had a partial triple-response phenotype that was suppressed when seedlings were grown on ethylene perception or synthesis inhibitors. The dsrub lines produced threefold to fivefold more ethylene than the wild type. This study illustrates that RUB1 and RUB2 are genetically and biochemically redundant and demonstrates that RUB1/2 proteins are essential for early embryonic cell divisions and that they regulate diverse processes.  相似文献   

Ubiquitin-mediated proteolysis regulates the activity of diverse receptor systems. Here, we identify Smurf2, a C2-WW-HECT domain ubiquitin ligase and show that Smurf2 associates constitutively with Smad7. Smurf2 is nuclear, but binding to Smad7 induces export and recruitment to the activated TGF beta receptor, where it causes degradation of receptors and Smad7 via proteasomal and lysosomal pathways. IFN gamma, which stimulates expression of Smad7, induces Smad7-Smurf2 complex formation and increases TGF beta receptor turnover, which is stabilized by blocking Smad7 or Smurf2 expression. Furthermore, Smad7 mutants that interfere with recruitment of Smurf2 to the receptors are compromised in their inhibitory activity. These studies thus define Smad7 as an adaptor in an E3 ubiquitin-ligase complex that targets the TGF beta receptor for degradation.  相似文献   

Members of the Alb3/Oxa1/YidC protein family function as insertases in chloroplasts, mitochondria, and bacteria. Due to independent gene duplications, all organisms possess two isoforms, Oxa1 and Oxa2 except gram-negative bacteria, which encode only for one YidC-like protein. The genome of Arabidopsis thaliana however, encodes for eight different isoforms. The localization of three of these isoforms has been identified earlier: Alb3 and Alb4 located in thylakoid membranes of chloroplasts while AtOxa1 was found in the inner membrane of mitochondria. Here, we show that the second Oxa1 protein, Oxa1b as well as two Oxa2 proteins are also localized in mitochondria. The last two isoforms most likely encode truncated versions of Oxa-like proteins, which might be inoperable pseudogenes. Homozygous mutant lines were only obtained for Oxa1b, which did not reveal any significant phenotypes, while T-DNA insertion lines of Oxa1a, Oxa2a and Oxa2b resulted only in heterozygous plants indicating that these genes are indispensable for plant development. Phenotyping heterozygous lines showed that embryos are either retarded in growth, display an albino phenotype or embryo formation was entirely abolished suggesting that Oxa1a and both Oxa2 proteins function in embryo formation although at different developmental stages as indicated by the various phenotypes observed.  相似文献   

The suppressor of cytokine signaling (SOCS) proteins are thought to exert their function through the recruitment of interacting-proteins to the ubiquitin/proteasome degradation pathway. All SOCS proteins bind an Elongin BC E3 ubiquitin ligase complex through the common Socs-box. Here, we show that haem-oxidized IRP2 ubiquitin ligase-1 (HOIL-1), another E3 ubiquitin ligase, interacts with SOCS6. The Ubl domain of HOIL-1 and the SH2 and Socs-box domains of SOCS6 are required for the interaction. HOIL-1 expression stabilizes SOCS6 and induces the ubiquitination and degradation of proteins associated with SOCS6. These data suggest that SOCS proteins may interact with different E3 ubiquitin ligases in addition to a common Elongin BC E3 complex.  相似文献   

? Successful genetic transformation of plants by Agrobacterium tumefaciens requires the import of bacterial T-DNA and virulence proteins into the plant cell that eventually form a complex (T-complex). The essential components of the T-complex include the single stranded T-DNA, bacterial virulence proteins (VirD2, VirE2, VirE3 and VirF) and associated host proteins that facilitate the transfer and integration of T-DNA. The removal of the proteins from the T-complex is likely achieved by targeted proteolysis mediated by VirF and the plant ubiquitin proteasome complex. ? We evaluated the involvement of the host SKP1/culin/F-box (SCF)-E3 ligase complex and its role in plant transformation. Gene silencing, mutant screening and gene expression studies suggested that the Arabidopsis homologs of yeast SKP1 (suppressor of kinetochore protein 1) protein, ASK1 and ASK2, are required for Agrobacterium-mediated plant transformation. ? We identified the role for SGT1b (suppressor of the G2 allele of SKP1), an accessory protein that associates with SCF-complex, in plant transformation. We also report the differential expression of many genes that encode F-box motif containing SKP1-interacting proteins (SKIP) upon Agrobacterium infection. ? We speculate that these SKIP genes could encode the plant specific F-box proteins that target the T-complex associated proteins for polyubiquitination and subsequent degradation by the 26S proteasome.  相似文献   

Kaposi's sarcoma associated-herpes virus encodes two proteins, MIR (modulator of immune recognition) 1 and 2, which are involved in the evasion of host immunity. MIR1 and 2 have been shown to function as an E3 ubiquitin ligase for immune recognition-related molecules (e.g. major histocompatibility complex class I, B7-2, and ICAM-1) through the BKS (bovine herpesvirus 4, Kaposi's sarcoma associated-herpes virus, and Swinepox virus) subclass of plant homeodomain (PHD) domain, termed the BKS-PHD domain. Here we show that the human genome also encodes a novel BKS-PHD domain-containing protein that functions as an E3 ubiquitin ligase and whose putative substrate is the B7-2 co-stimulatory molecule. This novel E3 ubiquitin ligase was designated as c-MIR (cellular MIR) based on its functional and structural similarity to MIR1 and 2. Forced expression of c-MIR induced specific down-regulation of B7-2 surface expression through ubiquitination, rapid endocytosis, and lysosomal degradation of the target molecule. This specific targeting was dependent upon the binding of c-MIR to B7-2. Replacing the BKS-PHD domain of MIR1 with the corresponding domain of c-MIR did not alter MIR1 function. The discovery of c-MIR, a novel E3 ubiquitin ligase, highlights the possibility that viral immune regulatory proteins originated in the host genome and presents unique functions of BKS-PHD domain-containing proteins in mammals.  相似文献   

Ubiquitination plays important roles in plant growth and development. Whereas ubiquitin-dependent protein degradation and modulation in the cytoplasm and nucleus are well established in plants, ubiquitination events mediated by E3 ubiquitin ligases at the plasma membrane are largely unknown. Here, it is demonstrated that the suppressor of premature senescence and cell death SENESCENCE-ASSOCIATED UBIQUITIN LIGASE 1 (SAUL1), a plant U-box armadillo repeat (PUB-ARM) E3 ubiquitin ligase, localizes at the plasma membrane. Among the members of the PUB-ARM protein family, this localization is unique to SAUL1 and its two closest homologues. A novel armadillo repeat domain was identified at the SAUL1 C-terminus that directs specific association with the plasma membrane and is crucial for SAUL1 function in vivo. The data suggest that a small subgroup of PUB-ARM proteins including SAUL1 have functions at the plasma membrane probably by modifying target proteins by ubiquitination.  相似文献   

Zhang Y  Feng S  Chen F  Chen H  Wang J  McCall C  Xiong Y  Deng XW 《The Plant cell》2008,20(6):1437-1455
The human DDB1-CUL4 ASSOCIATED FACTOR (DCAF) proteins have been reported to interact directly with UV-DAMAGED DNA BINDING PROTEIN1 (DDB1) through the WDxR motif in their WD40 domain and function as substrate-recognition receptors for CULLIN4-based E3 ubiquitin ligases. Here, we identified and characterized a homolog of human DCAF1/VprBP in Arabidopsis thaliana. Yeast two-hybrid analysis demonstrated the physical interaction between DCAF1 and DDB1 from Arabidopsis, which is likely mediated via the WD40 domain of DCAF1 that contains two WDxR motifs. Moreover, coimmunoprecipitation assays showed that DCAF1 associates with DDB1, RELATED TO UBIQUITIN-modified CUL4, and the COP9 signalosome in vivo but not with CULLIN-ASSOCIATED and NEDDYLATION-DISSOCIATED1, CONSTITUTIVE PHOTOMORPHOGENIC1 (COP1), or the COP10-DET1-DDB1 complex, supporting the existence of a distinct Arabidopsis CUL4 E3 ubiquitin ligase, the CUL4-DDB1-DCAF1 complex. Transient expression of fluorescently tagged DCAF1, DDB1, and CUL4 in onion epidermal cells showed their colocalization in the nucleus, consistent with the notion that the CUL4-DDB1-DCAF1 complex functions as a nuclear E3 ubiquitin ligase. Genetic and phenotypic analysis of two T-DNA insertion mutants of DCAF1 showed that embryonic development of the dcaf1 homozygote is arrested at the globular stage, indicating that DCAF1 is essential for plant embryogenesis. Reducing the levels of DCAF1 leads to diverse developmental defects, implying that DCAF1 might be involved in multiple developmental pathways.  相似文献   

EMB506 is a chloroplast protein essential for embryo development, the function of which is unknown. A two-hybrid interaction screen was performed to provide insight into the role of EMB506. A single interacting partner, AKRP, was identified among a cDNA library from immature siliques. The AKR gene (Zhang et al., 1992, Plant Cell 4, 1575-1588) encodes a protein containing five ankyrin repeats, very similar to EMB506. Protein truncation series demonstrated that both proteins interact through their ankyrin domains. Using reverse genetics, we showed that loss of akr function resulted in an embryo-defective (emb) phenotype indistinguishable from the emb506 phenotype. Transient expression of the signal peptide of AKRP fused to green fluorescent protein demonstrated the chloroplast localization of AKRP. The ABI3 promoter was used to express AKR in a seed-specific manner in order to analyse the post-embryonic effect of AKR loss of function in akr/akr seedlings. Homozygous fertile and viable akr/akr plants were obtained. These plants exhibited mild to severe defects in chloroplast and leaf cellular organization. We conclude that EMB506 and AKRP are involved in crucial and tightly controlled events in plastid differentiation linked to cell differentiation, morphogenesis and organogenesis during the plant life cycle.  相似文献   

Cho SK  Ryu MY  Song C  Kwak JM  Kim WT 《The Plant cell》2008,20(7):1899-1914
Ubiquitination is involved in diverse cellular processes in higher plants. In this report, we describe Arabidopsis thaliana PUB22 and PUB23, two homologous U-box-containing E3 ubiquitin (Ub) ligases. The PUB22 and PUB23 genes were rapidly and coordinately induced by abiotic stresses but not by abscisic acid. PUB22- and PUB23-overexpressing transgenic plants were hypersensitive to drought stress. By contrast, loss-of-function pub22 and pub23 mutant plants were significantly more drought-tolerant, and a pub22 pub23 double mutant displayed even greater drought tolerance. These results indicate that PUB22 and PUB23 function as negative regulators in the water stress response. Yeast two-hybrid, in vitro pull-down, and in vivo coimmunoprecipitation experiments revealed that PUB22 and PUB23 physically interacted with RPN12a, a subunit of the 19S regulatory particle (RP) in the 26S proteasome. Bacterially expressed RPN12a was effectively ubiquitinated in a PUB-dependent fashion. RPN12a was highly ubiquitinated in 35S:PUB22 plants, but not in pub22 pub23 double mutant plants, consistent with RPN12a being a substrate of PUB22 and PUB23 in vivo. In water-stressed wild-type and PUB-overexpressing plants, a significant amount of RPN12a was dissociated from the 19S RP and appeared to be associated with small-molecular-mass protein complexes in cytosolic fractions, where PUB22 and PUB23 are localized. Overall, our results suggest that PUB22 and PUB23 coordinately control a drought signaling pathway by ubiquitinating cytosolic RPN12a in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

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