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Key to understanding perception is the form of how sensory stimuli are represented in the evoked activity of the brain. Here, we addressed the question of which components of the evoked neuronal activity in the somatosensory cortex represent the stimulus features while trained monkeys discriminated the difference in frequency between two vibrotactile stimuli. We probed whether these cortical neuronal representations are essential to perception. The results show a strong link between the cortical representation of the stimulus and perception.  相似文献   

Pitch patterns, such as melodies, consist of two levels of structure: a global level, comprising the pattern of ups and downs, or contour; and a local level, comprising the precise intervals that make up this contour. An influential neuropsychological model suggests that these two levels of processing are hierarchically linked, with processing of the global structure occurring within the right hemisphere in advance of local processing within the left. However, the predictions of this model and its anatomical basis have not been tested in neurologically normal individuals. The present study used fMRI and required participants to listen to consecutive pitch sequences while performing a same/different one-back task. Sequences, when different, either preserved (local) or violated (global) the contour of the sequence preceding them. When the activations for the local and global conditions were contrasted directly, additional activation was seen for local processing in right planum temporale and posterior superior temporal sulcus (pSTS). The presence of additional activation for local over global processing supports the hierarchical view that the global structure of a pitch sequence acts as a "framework" on which the local detail is subsequently hung. However, the lateralisation of activation seen in the present study, with global processing occurring in left pSTS and local processing occurring bilaterally, differed from that predicted by the neuroanatomical model. A re-examination of the individual lesion data on which the neuroanatomical model is based revealed that the lesion data equally well support the laterality scheme suggested by our data. While the present study supports the hierarchical view of local and global processing, there is an evident need for further research, both in patients and neurologically normal individuals, before an understanding of the functional lateralisation of local and global processing can be considered established.  相似文献   

Summary Cells of Hyalophacus ocellatus are described which contain either a nuclear figure consisting of a double complement of highly condensed chromosomes arranged in pairs in the anterior half of the cell, or a huge posteriorly-placed nucleus consisting of long granular chromosomes which also show signs of pairing. These nuclear figures are quite unlike interphase nuclei or stages in mitosis and are thought to be stages in euglenoid meiosis.No evidence has been obtained for a sexual fusion of gametes or cells. Previous accounts of sexuality and autogamy in the Euglenineae are historically reviewed and critically discussed relative to the present observations.This paper is dedicated to Professor Dr. E. G. Pringsheim on the occasion of his 80th birthday, with gratitude both for his untiring advice on my research and for his friendship.  相似文献   

A prominent opacity is evident in the process zone of notched thin wafers of bone loaded in tension. Being recoverable upon unloading, this opaque zone can be stained only when the sample is under load, unlike the classically reported forms of damage which take up the stain in the unloaded state. Furthermore, despite the stain uptake, microcracks are absent in the stained area examined by high magnification optical microscopy and atomic force microscopy (AFM). Therefore, the size scale and the electric charge of the features involved in the process zone were probed at the submicron level by using a wide range of fluorescent dyes of different molecular weights and charges. It was observed that negatively charged dyes penetrate the process zone and that dyes greater than 10 kDa (about 10–20 nm in size) were unable to label the process zone. Digital image correlation (DIC) measurements indicated that the opacity initiates at about 1% principal strain and the strain accumulates up to 14%. While the opacity was largely recoverable upon unloading, the core regions which experienced large strains had permanent residual strains up to 2%, indicating that the observed deformation phenomenon can be interlocked within bone matrix without the formation of microcracks. Based on the similarity of size and their known affinity for negatively charged species, exposure of mineral nanoplatelets is proposed as prime candidates. Therefore, the deformation process reported here may be associated with debonding of mineral crystals from the neighboring collagen molecules. Overall, post-yield deformation of bone at the micron scale takes place by large strain events which are accommodated in bone matrix by the generation of nanoscale positively charged interfaces.  相似文献   

Rhythms at slow (<1 Hz) frequency of alternating Up and Down states occur during slow-wave sleep states, under deep anaesthesia and in cortical slices of mammals maintained in vitro. Such spontaneous oscillations result from the interplay between network reverberations nonlinearly sustained by a strong synaptic coupling and a fatigue mechanism inhibiting the neurons firing in an activity-dependent manner. Varying pharmacologically the excitability level of brain slices we exploit the network dynamics underlying slow rhythms, uncovering an intrinsic anticorrelation between Up and Down state durations. Besides, a non-monotonic change of Down state duration is also observed, which shrinks the distribution of the accessible frequencies of the slow rhythms. Attractor dynamics with activity-dependent self-inhibition predicts a similar trend even when the system excitability is reduced, because of a stability loss of Up and Down states. Hence, such cortical rhythms tend to display a maximal size of the distribution of Up/Down frequencies, envisaging the location of the system dynamics on a critical boundary of the parameter space. This would be an optimal solution for the system in order to display a wide spectrum of dynamical regimes and timescales.  相似文献   

Wolfe (1986, Psychol. Rev. 93, 269-282) proposed a model of human binocular vision based on the assumption of two functionally distinct classes of binocular neuron. These neurons may be regarded as logical AND and OR gates. In the present paper we assess the evidence relevant to this assumption. We find that while both types of binocular neuron have been described in the cortex of cat and monkey, there is no indication that they form functionally separate populations. Critical analysis of the psychophysical evidence for AND and OR channels in human vision suggests that much of the data presented in favor of an AND channel is subject to alternative interpretations. We conclude that the available data are not consistent with the existence of separate channels as proposed by Wolfe.  相似文献   

The formation of Cu(II)-bleomycin complexes as a function of pH has been studied using circular dichroism, absorption, electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy, and potentiometric titration. Our data support the following points: the formation of Cu(II)-bleomycin complexes occurs in a three-step process: a first complex (I) is formed at pH 1.2, which most probably involves the pyrimidine nitrogen, the secondary amine nitrogen, and two water molecules as the four in-plane ligands of copper. A second complex (II) is formed at pH 2.5, through the further coordination of the peptide nitrogen of histidine residue, and histidine imidazole nitrogen giving rise to the release of two protons. The fixation, in apical position, of the alpha-amino nitrogen of beta-aminoalanine occurs in a last step through the release of one additional proton. A value of 2.7 has been obtained for the pK of formation of this third complex, which is the species present at physiological pH. In the Cu(II)-depbleomycin system only one complex (II') has been detected.  相似文献   

Neuropsychological and imaging studies have shown that the left supramarginal gyrus (SMG) is specifically involved in processing spatial terms (e.g. above, left of), which locate places and objects in the world. The current fMRI study focused on the nature and specificity of representing spatial language in the left SMG by combining behavioral and neuronal activation data in blind and sighted individuals. Data from the blind provide an elegant way to test the supramodal representation hypothesis, i.e. abstract codes representing spatial relations yielding no activation differences between blind and sighted. Indeed, the left SMG was activated during spatial language processing in both blind and sighted individuals implying a supramodal representation of spatial and other dimensional relations which does not require visual experience to develop. However, in the absence of vision functional reorganization of the visual cortex is known to take place. An important consideration with respect to our finding is the amount of functional reorganization during language processing in our blind participants. Therefore, the participants also performed a verb generation task. We observed that only in the blind occipital areas were activated during covert language generation. Additionally, in the first task there was functional reorganization observed for processing language with a high linguistic load. As the visual cortex was not specifically active for spatial contents in the first task, and no reorganization was observed in the SMG, the latter finding further supports the notion that the left SMG is the main node for a supramodal representation of verbal spatial relations.  相似文献   

Summary The adrenal medulla appears to exert a regulatory influence on adrenocortical steroidogenesis. We have therefore studied the morphology of rat, porcine and bovine adrenals in order to characterize the contact zones of adrenomedullary and adrenocortical tissues. The distribution of chromaffin cells located within the adrenal cortex and of cortical cells located within the adrenal medulla was investigated. Chromaffin cells were characterized by immunostaining for synaptophysin and chromogranin A, both being considered specific for neuroendocrine cells. Cortical cells were characterized by immunostaining for 17-hydroxylase, an enzyme of the steroid pathway. Cellular contacts of chromaffin cells and cortical cells were examined at the electron microscopical level. In rat and porcine adrenals, rays of chromaffin cells, small cell clusters and single chromaffin cells or small invaginations from the medulla could be detected in all three zones of the cortex. Chromaffin cells often spread in the subcapsular space of the zona glomerulosa. In porcine and bovine adrenals, 17-hydroxylase immunoreactive cells were localized within the medulla. Single cortical cells and small accumulations of cells were spread throughout this region. At the ultrastructural level, the chromaffin cells located within the cortex in pig and rat adrenals formed close cellular contacts with cortical cells in all three zones. Our morphological data provide evidence for a possible paracrine role of chromaffin cells; this may be important for the neuroregulation of the adrenal cortex.  相似文献   



The speed and accuracy of decision-making have a well-known trading relationship: hasty decisions are more prone to errors while careful, accurate judgments take more time. Despite the pervasiveness of this speed-accuracy trade-off (SAT) in decision-making, its neural basis is still unknown.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) we show that emphasizing the speed of a perceptual decision at the expense of its accuracy lowers the amount of evidence-related activity in lateral prefrontal cortex. Moreover, this speed-accuracy difference in lateral prefrontal cortex activity correlates with the speed-accuracy difference in the decision criterion metric of signal detection theory. We also show that the same instructions increase baseline activity in a dorso-medial cortical area involved in the internal generation of actions.


These findings suggest that the SAT is neurally implemented by modulating not only the amount of externally-derived sensory evidence used to make a decision, but also the internal urge to make a response. We propose that these processes combine to control the temporal dynamics of the speed-accuracy trade-off in decision-making.  相似文献   

Increasing genome data are coming out. Genome size estimation plays an essential role in guiding genome assembly. Several months ago, other researchers were the first to publish a draft genome of the red gromwell (i.e. Lithospermum erythrorhizon). However, we considered that the genome size they estimated and assembled was incorrect. This study meticulously estimated the L. erythrorhizon genome size to should be ∼708.74 Mb and further provided a reliable genome version (size ≈ 693.34 Mb; contigN50 length ≈ 238.08 Kb) to support our objection. Furthermore, according to our genome, we identified a gene family of the alkannin/shikonin O-acyltransferases (i.e. AAT/SAT) that catalysed enantiomer-specific acylations in the alkannin/shikonin biosynthesis (a characteristic metabolic pathway in L. erythrorhizon’s roots) and further explored its evolutionary process. The results indicated that the existing AAT/SAT were not generated from only one round of gene duplication but three rounds; after different rounds of gene duplication, the existing AAT/SAT and their recent ancestors were under positive selection at different amino acid sites. These suggested that a combined power from gene duplication plus positive selection plausibly propelled AAT/SAT’s functional differentiation in evolution.  相似文献   

In II adult cats, areas 17, 18, 19 as well as the lateral suprasylvian area were separately injected with L-[5-3H] proline and their efferent projections to the frontal cortex were autoradiographically searched. Only area 19 and lateral suprasylvian area showed such projections; terminal sites were localized in the ventral and dorsal banks of the cruciate sulcus and in the adjacent mesial surface of the brain. The possibility that these labeled regions may correspond to the monkey's frontal eye field is discussed.  相似文献   

Over the past decade chemical processing and engineering of musculoskeletal tissue (tendon and bone) has improved dramatically. The use of bone allograft and xenograft in reconstructive orthopedic and maxillofacial surgeries is increasing, yet severe complications can occur if the material is contaminated in any way. A novel tissue sterilization process, BioCleanse®, has been developed to clean and sterilize musculoskeletal tissue for implantation. The present study was designed to determine the effect of this novel cleaning process on the biomechanical properties of bovine cortical bone prior to implantation. The mechanical properties of treated bovine bone material were compared to human samples with respect to failure under compression, shear and three-point bending. The data demonstrate that bovine bone treated with the novel sterilization procedure has favorable biomechanical properties compared to that of human bone treated in a similar fashion.  相似文献   

Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology - While physiological loading on lower long bones changes during bone development, the bone cross section either remains circular or slowly changes from...  相似文献   

The influence of large predators on lower trophic levels in oligotrophic, structurally complex, and frequently disturbed aquatic environments is generally thought to be limited. We looked for effects of large predators in two semi-permanent, spikerush-dominated marshes by excluding large fish (>12 mm body depth) and similarly sized herpetofauna from 1 m2 cages (exclosures) for 2 weeks. The exclosures allowed for colonization by intermediate (in size and trophic position) consumers, such as small fish, shrimp, and crayfish. Exclosures were compared to control cages that allowed large fish to move freely in and out. At the end of the experiment, intermediate-consumer densities were higher in exclosures than in controls at both sites. Decapod crustaceans, especially the riverine grass shrimp (Palaemonetes paludosus), accounted for the majority of the response. Effects of large fish on shrimp were generally consistent across sites, but per capita effects were sensitive to estimates of predator density. Densities of intermediate consumers in our exclosures were similar to marsh densities, while the open controls had lower densities. This suggests that these animals avoided our experimental controls because they were risky relative to the surrounding environment, while the exclosures were neither avoided nor preferred. Although illuminating about the dynamics of open-cage experiments, this finding does not influence the main results of the study. Small primary consumers (mostly small snails, amphipods, and midges) living on floating periphyton mats and in flocculent detritus (“floc”) were less abundant in the exclosures, indicative of a trophic cascade. Periphyton mat characteristics (i.e., biomass, chlorophyll a, TP) were not clearly or consistently affected by the exclosure, but TP in the floc was lower in exclosures. The collective cascading effects of large predators were consistent at both sites despite differences in drought frequency, stem density, and productivity.  相似文献   

The mammalian cerebral cortex is characterized by intense spontaneous activity, depending on brain region, age, and behavioral state. Classically, the cortex is considered as being driven by the senses, a paradigm which corresponds well to experiments in quiescent or deeply anesthetized states. In awake animals, however, the spontaneous activity cannot be considered as 'background noise', but is of comparable-or even higher-amplitude than evoked sensory responses. Recent evidence suggests that this internal activity is not only dominant, but also it shares many properties with the responses to natural sensory inputs, suggesting that the spontaneous activity is not independent of the sensory input. Such evidence is reviewed here, with an emphasis on intracellular and computational aspects. Statistical measures, such as the spike-triggered average of synaptic conductances, show that the impact of internal network state on spiking activity is major in awake animals. Thus, cortical activity cannot be considered as being driven by the senses, but sensory inputs rather seem to modulate and modify the internal dynamics of cerebral cortex. This view offers an attractive interpretation not only of dreaming activity (absence of sensory input), but also of several mental disorders.  相似文献   

Unfertilized eggs of many species of animals contain cortical granules, which are specialized secretory granules that upon fertilization release their contents from the egg. The unfertilized eggs of the sea urchin, Strongylocentrotus purpuratus, contain cortical granules that all display an identical and elaborate internal morphology. It has been assumed that they all contain identical components. In this report we present immunocytochemical data which indicate that the cortical granule population of S. purpuratus eggs is heterogeneous. Two monoclonal antibodies are shown to react to the spiral lamellae region of approximately 20% of the cortical granules, implying that the contents of the reactive granules differ from the contents of the majority of the population. An egg protein of greater than 320 kDa is recognized by the antibody. These antibodies also stain a 130-kDa protein expressed on the surface of primary mesenchyme cells in later development. Both antibodies recognize a post-translational modification of this protein. This suggests that an antigenically similar epitope is present both on the 130-kDa primary mesenchyme cell-specific protein and in the cortical granules. To determine if the primary mesenchyme and cortical granule proteins are related, a fusion protein antibody specific for a region of the 130-kDa protein was used to stain unfertilized eggs. This antibody did not stain cortical granules. Thus, 20% of the cortical granules contain a molecule that has an epitope antigenically similar to the post-translational modification recognized in primary mesenchyme cells by the monoclonal antibodies.  相似文献   

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