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Nitrogen distribution within a leaf canopy is an important determinant of canopy carbon gain. Previous theoretical studies have predicted that canopy photosynthesis is maximized when the amount of photosynthetic nitrogen is proportionally allocated to the absorbed light. However, most of such studies used a simple Beer's law for light extinction to calculate optimal distribution, and it is not known whether this holds true when direct and diffuse light are considered together. Here, using an analytical solution and model simulations, optimal nitrogen distribution is shown to be very different between models using Beer's law and direct–diffuse light. The presented results demonstrate that optimal nitrogen distribution under direct–diffuse light is steeper than that under diffuse light only. The whole‐canopy carbon gain is considerably increased by optimizing nitrogen distribution compared with that in actual canopies in which nitrogen distribution is not optimized. This suggests that optimization of nitrogen distribution can be an effective target trait for improving plant productivity.  相似文献   

A simple analytical scheme, involving the distribution of nitrogen, to scale up photosynthesis from leaf to canopy is proposed. The scheme is based on the assumption that there are two pools of nitrogen in leaves: nitrogen in photosynthetic, degradable structures (Np) and nitrogen in non-photosynthetic and non-degradable structures (Ns). The rate of photon-saturated photosynthesis, Fm, is assumed to be proportional to Np and is distributed inside the canopy similarly to photon flux density (PFD). Prior assumptions of an optimum distribution of nitrogen are not a prerequisite. Calculations made with the scheme lead to development of the hypothesis that the canopy can be treated as a ‘big leaf’ on the time scales involved in acclimation of photosynthesis to PFD. Simulations using parameters for tree species with different requirements for PFD show that shade-tolerant species may have denser canopies than sun-demanding species because of smaller amounts of non-photosynthetic structural nitrogen and/or supporting tissue in their leaves.  相似文献   

Abstract Field gas exchange measurements on intact peach (Prunus persica (L.) Batsch) leaves indicate that leaf nitrogen content (NL) and leaf weight per unit leaf area (Wa) are highly correlated with CO2 assimilation rate (A) and mesophyll conductance (gm). Therefore, NL and Wa were used to study seasonal relationships between leaf carboxylation capacity and natural light exposure in tree canopies. From mid-season onwards, NL and Wa were linearly correlated with light exposure expressed as the amount of time during a clear day that a leaf was exposed to a photosynthetic photon flux density (Q) of ≥ 100 μmol m?2 s?1. The data support the hypothesis that whole-tree photosynthesis is optimized by partitioning of photosynthetic capacity among leaves in deciduous tree canopies with respect to natural light exposure.  相似文献   

Acclimation of photosynthesis to light: a mechanistic approach   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  


Background and Aims

The distribution of photosynthetic enzymes, or nitrogen, through the canopy affects canopy photosynthesis, as well as plant quality and nitrogen demand. Most canopy photosynthesis models assume an exponential distribution of nitrogen, or protein, through the canopy, although this is rarely consistent with experimental observation. Previous optimization schemes to derive the nitrogen distribution through the canopy generally focus on the distribution of a fixed amount of total nitrogen, which fails to account for the variation in both the actual quantity of nitrogen in response to environmental conditions and the interaction of photosynthesis and respiration at similar levels of complexity.


A model of canopy photosynthesis is presented for C3 and C4 canopies that considers a balanced approach between photosynthesis and respiration as well as plant carbon partitioning. Protein distribution is related to irradiance in the canopy by a flexible equation for which the exponential distribution is a special case. The model is designed to be simple to parameterize for crop, pasture and ecosystem studies. The amount and distribution of protein that maximizes canopy net photosynthesis is calculated.

Key Results

The optimum protein distribution is not exponential, but is quite linear near the top of the canopy, which is consistent with experimental observations. The overall concentration within the canopy is dependent on environmental conditions, including the distribution of direct and diffuse components of irradiance.


The widely used exponential distribution of nitrogen or protein through the canopy is generally inappropriate. The model derives the optimum distribution with characteristics that are consistent with observation, so overcoming limitations of using the exponential distribution. Although canopies may not always operate at an optimum, optimization analysis provides valuable insight into plant acclimation to environmental conditions. Protein distribution has implications for the prediction of carbon assimilation, plant quality and nitrogen demand.  相似文献   

The regulation by light of the composition of the photosynthetic apparatus was investigated in photomorphogenic mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. cv. Landsberg erecta. Leaf chlorophyll, photosynthesis, photosystem II function, and ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase-oxygenase and photosystem II contents were determined for plants grown under high- or low-irradiance growth regimes. Although certain mutant lines had altered chloroplast composition compared to the wild type, all photoreceptor mutants tested were capable of light-dependent changes in chloroplast composition and photosynthetic function, indicating that photoreceptors do not play a central role in the regulation of acclimation at the level of the chloroplast. However, the clear acclimation defect in a det1 signal transduction mutant indicates that photoreceptor-controlled responses either share regulatory components with acclimation, or are important in the expression of components which in turn regulate acclimation. We suggest that the COP/DET/FUS regulatory cluster is a focus for multiple signal transduction pathways, including some of the metabolic signals which form the basis for the acclimatory response. Received: 22 April 1999 / Accepted: 6 June 1999  相似文献   

滇青冈幼苗的光合和生长对不同生长光强的适应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了3种光强(全日照的80%、20%和2%)下生长的滇青冈幼苗的光合-光强响应和生长状况。结果表明:3种光强生境滇青冈幼苗光饱和点和最大净光合速率没有显著差异,20%和2%生长光强下光补偿点显著低于80%生长光强。3种光强生境幼苗的光合饱和点在400~450μmol·m-2·s-1左右,光补偿点也很低(6~10μmol·m-2·s-1),表现出阴生植物的特征。但滇青冈幼苗较强的耐荫能力,是以牺牲生长为代价的。在2%的弱光生境中滇青冈幼苗比叶重显著降低,单位面积和单位干重叶绿素含量均显著增多,具有利用较强辐射的潜力,一旦林窗出现就可以利用增加的辐射提高光合速率,及时进入快速高生长。  相似文献   

Comparative ecophysiology of leaf and canopy photosynthesis   总被引:22,自引:7,他引:15  
Leaves and herbaceous leaf canopies photosynthesize efficiently although the distribution of light, the ultimate resource of photosynthesis, is very biased in these systems. As has been suggested in theoretical studies, if a photosynthetic system is organized such that every photosynthetic apparatus photosynthesizes in concert, the system as a whole has the sharpest light response curve and is most adaptive. This condition can be approached by (i) homogenization of the light environment and (ii) acclimation of the photosynthetic properties of leaves or chloroplasts to their local light environments. This review examines these two factors in the herbaceous leaf canopy and in the leaf. Changes in the inclination of leaves in the canopy and differentiation of mesophyll into palisade and spongy tissue contribute to the moderation of the light gradient. Leaf and chloroplast movements in the upper parts of these systems under high irradiances also moderate light gradients. Moreover, acclimation of leaves and chloroplasts to the local light environment is substantial. These factors increase the efficiency of photosynthesis considerably. However, the systems appear to be less efficient than the theoretical optimum. When the systems are optically dense, the light gradients may be too great for leaves or chloroplasts to acclimate. The loss of photosynthetic production attributed to the imperfect adjustment of photosynthetic apparatus to the local light environment is most apparent when the photosynthesis of the system is in the transition between the light-limited and light-saturated phases. Although acclimation of the photosynthetic apparatus and moderation of light gradients are imperfect, these markedly raise the efficiency of photosynthesis. Thus more mechanistic studies on these adaptive attributes are needed. The causes and consequences of imperfect adjustment should also be investigated.  相似文献   

Light gradients within tree canopies play a major role in the distribution of plant resources that define the photosynthetic capacity of sun and shade leaves. However, the biochemical and diffusional constraints on gas exchange in sun and shade leaves in response to light remain poorly quantified, but critical for predicting canopy carbon and water exchange. To investigate the CO2 diffusion pathway of sun and shade leaves, leaf gas exchange was coupled with concurrent measurements of carbon isotope discrimination to measure net leaf photosynthesis (An), stomatal conductance (gs) and mesophyll conductance (gm) in Eucalyptus tereticornis trees grown in climate controlled whole‐tree chambers. Compared to sun leaves, shade leaves had lower An, gm, leaf nitrogen and photosynthetic capacity (Amax) but gs was similar. When light intensity was temporarily increased for shade leaves to match that of sun leaves, both gs and gm increased, and An increased to values greater than sun leaves. We show that dynamic physiological responses of shade leaves to altered light environments have implications for up‐scaling leaf level measurements and predicting whole canopy carbon gain. Despite exhibiting reduced photosynthetic capacity, the rapid up‐regulation of gm with increased light enables shade leaves to respond quickly to sunflecks.  相似文献   

Variation in the photosynthetic function ofAbies amabilis foliage within a canopy was examined and related to three different processes that affect foliage function: foliage aging, sun-shade acclimation that occurred while foliage was expanding, and reacclimation after expansion was complete. Foliage produced in the sun had higher photosynthesis at light saturation (A max, mol·m-2·s-1), dark respiration (mol·m-2·s-1), nitrogen content (g·m-2), chlorophyll content (g·m-2), and chlorophylla:b ratio, and a lower chlorophyll to nitrogen ratio (chl:N), than foliage produced in the shade. As sun foliage becomes shaded, it becomes physiologically similar to shade foliage, even though it still retains a sun morphology. Shaded sun foliage exhibited lowerA max, dark respiration, nitrogen content, and chlorophylla:b ratio, and a higher chl:N ratio than sun foliage of the same age remaining in the open. However, shaded sun foliage had a higher chlorophyll content than sun foliage remaining in the open, even though true shade foliage had a lower chlorophyll content than sun foliage. This anomaly arises because as sun foliage becomes shaded, it retains a higher nitrogen content than shade foliage in a similar light environment, but the two forms have similar chl:N ratios. Within the canopy, most physiological indicators were more strongly correlated with the current light environment than with foliage age or leaf thickness, with the exception of chlorophyll content.A max decreased significantly with both decreasing current light environment of the foliage and increasing foliage age. The same trend with current light and age was found for the chlorophylla:b ratio. Foliage nitrogen content also decreased with a decrease in current light environment, but no distinct pattern was found with foliage age. Leaf thickness was also important for predicting leaf nitrogen content: thicker leaves had more nitrogen than thinner leaves regardless of light environment or age. The chl:N ratio had a strong negative correlation with the current light environment, and, as with nitrogen content, no distinct pattern was found with foliage age. Chlorophyll content of the foliage was not well correlated with any of the three predictor variables: current light environment, foliage age or leaf thickness. On the other hand, chlorophyll content was positively correlated with the amount of nitrogen in a leaf, and once nitrogen was considered, the current light environment was also highly significant in explaining the variation in chlorophyll content. It has been suggested that the redistribution of nitrogen both within and between leaves is a mechanism for photosynthetic acclimation to the current light environment. Within theseA. amabilis canopies, both leaf nitrogen and the chl:N ratio were strongly correlated with the current light environment, but only weakly with leaf age, supporting the idea that changing light is the driving force for the redistribution of nitrogen both within and between leaves. Thus, our results support previous theories on nitrogen distribution and partitioning. However,A max was significantly affected by both foliage age and the current light environment, indicating that changes in light alone are not enough to explain changes inA max with time.  相似文献   

Summary A model of daily canopy photosynthesis was constructed taking light and leaf nitrogen distribution in the canopy into consideration. It was applied to a canopy of Solidago altissima. Both irradiance and nitrogen concentration per unit leaf area decreased exponentially with increasing cumulative leaf area from the top of the canopy. The photosynthetic capacity of a single leaf was evaluated in relation to irradiance and nitrogen concentration. By integration, daily canopy photosynthesis was calculated for various canopy architectures and nitrogen allocation patterns. The optimal pattern of nitrogen distribution that maximizes the canopy photosynthesis was determined. Actual distribution of leaf nitrogen in the canopy was more uniform than the optimal one, but it realized over 20% more photosynthesis than that under uniform distribution and 4.7% less photosynthesis than that under the optimal distribution. Redeployment of leaf nitrogen to the top of the canopy with ageing should be more effective in increasing total canopy photosynthesis in a stand with a dense canopy than in a stand with an open canopy.  相似文献   

The amount of photosynthetically-active photon flux density incident upon a leaf and the nitrogen content of that leaf strongly affect the photosynthetic carbon gain of that leaf. Therefore, the canopy structure of a stand, affecting the light climate in the canopy, and the leaf nitrogen distribution pattern in the canopy, affect the carbon gain of the whole canopy. This review discusses the results of studies directed to this problem and obtained so far in open and in dense canopies of stands of herbaceous, monocotyledonous or dicotyledonous, plants in their growing or flowering stages. It is found that the leaf nitrogen distribution pattern in the canopy is vertically non-uniform, and in dense stands more strongly so than in open stands. The leaf nitrogen distribution pattern in most canopies closely approaches an optimal pattern in that it maximizes whole canopy potential carbon gain as calculated for the actual total leaf nitrogen content and leaf area index of the stand. The resulting increase in potential carbon gain as compared to a uniform leaf nitrogen distribution pattern is considerable and it is larger in dense stands than in open stands. For at least some dense stands simulation studies show that with the available total leaf nitrogen content, whole canopy carbon gains could still be considerable higher had a lower leaf area index been developed.  相似文献   

The present study was performed to investigate the adjustment of the constituents of the light and dark reactions of photosynthesis to the natural growth irradiance in the leaves of an overstorey species, Betula pendula Roth, a subcanopy species Tilia cordata P. Mill., and a herb Solidago virgaurea L. growing in a natural plant community in Järvselja, Estonia. Shoots were collected from the site and properties of individual leaves were measured in a laboratory, by applying a routine of kinetic gas exchange and optical measurements that revealed photosystem II (PSII), photosystem I (PSI), and cytochrome b6f densities per leaf area and the distribution of excitation (or chlorophyll, Chl) between the two photosystems. In parallel, N, Chl and ribulose-bisphosphate carboxylase-oxygenase (Rubisco) content was measured from the same leaves. The amount of N in photosynthetic proteins was calculated from the measured contents of the components of the photosynthetic machinery. Non-photosynthetic N was found as the residual of the budget. Growth in shade resulted in the decrease of leaf dry mass to a half of the DW in sun leaves in each species, but the total variation, from the top to the bottom of the canopy, was larger. Through the whole cross-section of the canopy, leaf dry weight (DW) and Rubisco content per area decreased by a factor of four, N content by a factor of three, but Chl content only by a factor of 1.7. PSII density decreased by a factor of 1.9, but PSI density by a factor of 3.2. The density of PSI adjusted to shade to a greater extent than the density of PSII. In shade, the distribution of N between the components of the photosynthetic machinery was shifted toward light-harvesting proteins at the expense of Rubisco. Non-photosynthetic N decreased the most substantially, from 54% in the sun leaves of B. pendula to 11% in the shade leaves of T. cordata. It is concluded that the redistribution of N toward light-harvesting Chl proteins in shade is not sufficient to keep the excitation rate of a PSII centre invariant. Contrary to PSII, the density of PSI – the photosystem that is in immediate contact with the carbon assimilation system – shade-adjusts almost proportionally with the latter, whereas its Chl antenna correspondingly increases. Even under N deficiency, a likely condition in the natural plant community, a substantial part of N is stored in non-photosynthetic proteins under abundant irradiation, but much less under limiting irradiation. At least in trees the general sequence of down-regulation due to shade adjustment is the following: (1) non-protein cell structures and non-photosynthetic proteins; (2) carbon assimilation proteins; (3) light reaction centre proteins, first PSI; and (4) chlorophyll-binding proteins.  相似文献   

In a previous study (Yin et al. 2000. Annals of Botany 85: 579-585), a generic logarithmic equation for leaf area index (L) in relation to canopy nitrogen content (N) was developed: L=(1/ktn)1n(1+ktnN/nb). The equation has two parameters: the minimum leaf nitrogen required to support photosynthesis (nb), and the leaf nitrogen extinction coefficient (ktn). Relative to nb, there is less information in the literature regarding the variation of ktn. We therefore derived an equation to theoretically estimate the value of ktn. The predicted profile of leaf nitrogen in a canopy using this theoretically estimated value of ktn is slightly more uniform than the profile predicted by the optimum nitrogen distribution that maximizes canopy photosynthesis. Relative to the optimum profile, the predicted profile is somewhat closer to the observed one. Based on the L-N logarithmic equation and the theoretical ktn value, we further quantified early leaf area development of a canopy in relation to nitrogen using simulation analysis. In general, there are two types of relations between L and N, which hold for canopies at different developmental phases. For a fully developed canopy where the lowest leaves are senescing due to nitrogen shortage, the relationship between L and N is described well by the logarithmic model above. For a young, unclosed canopy (i.e. L < 1.0), the relation between L and N is nearly linear. This linearity is virtually the special case of the logarithmic model when applied to a young canopy where its total nitrogen content approaches zero and the amount of nitrogen in its lowest leaves is well above nb. The expected patterns of the L-N relationship are discussed for the phase of transition from young to fully developed canopies.  相似文献   

Summary Relationships between leaf nitrogen content and within canopy light exposure were studied in mature nectarine peach trees (Prunus persica cv. Fantasia) that had received 0, 112, 196, 280 or 364 kg of fertilizer nitrogen per hectare per year for the previous 3 years. The relationships between light saturated leaf CO2 assimilation rates and leaf nitrogen concentration were also determined on trees in the highest and lowest nitrogen fertilization treatments. The slope of the linear relationship between leaf N content per unit leaf area and light exposure was similar for all nitrogen treatments but the y-intercept of the relationship increased with increasing N status. The slope of the relationship between leaf N content per unit leaf area and light saturated CO2 assimilation rates was greater for the high N trees than the low N trees, but maximum measured leaf CO2 assimilation rates were similar for both the high and low N treatments. A diagrammatic model of the partitioning of leaf photosynthetic capacity with respect to leaf light exposure for high and low nitrogen trees suggests that the major influence of increased N availability is an increase in the photosynthetic capacity of partially shaded leaves but not of the maximum capacity of highly exposed leaves.  相似文献   

Temperate forests are characterised by variable light quality (i.e. spectral composition of light) at or near the forest floor. These understory environments have a high concentration of green light, as red and blue light are preferentially absorbed by upper canopy leaves. Understory species may be well-adapted for using green light to drive photosynthesis. Angiosperms have been shown to use green light for photosynthesis, but this ability has not been demonstrated in shade-dwelling bryophytes. In this study, net photosynthetic rate (PN) of three temperate understory species of moss (Dichodontium pellucidum (Hedw.) Schimp., Leucobryum albidum (Brid. ex P.Beauv) Lindb. and Amblystegium serpens (Hedw.) Schimp.) was measured under green, red?+?blue, and red?+?blue?+?green light to assess green light use efficiency. All three species were capable of photosynthesising beyond their respiratory demands using solely green light, with higher green light use efficiency measured in plants collected from areas with greater canopy cover, suggesting growth in a green light concentrated environment increases green light use efficiency. Each species was also collected from sites differing in their degree of canopy cover and grown under three light treatments (high light, low light, and green light). Photosynthetic efficiency (chlorophyll fluorescence), tissue nitrogen and carbon isotope concentrations were assessed after a short growth period. Growth conditions had little effect on leaf chemistry and monochromatic green light did not significantly degrade photosynthetic efficiency. This study provides the first evidence to date of positive net ‘green light photosynthesis’ in mosses.  相似文献   

The regulation by light of the composition of the photosynthetic apparatus was investigated in Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. cv. Landsberg erecta. When grown in high- and low-irradiance white light, wild-type plants and photomorphogenic mutants showed large differences in their maximum photosynthetic rate and chlorophyll a/b ratios; such changes were abolished by growth in red light. Photosystem I (PSI) and PSII levels were measured in wild-type plants grown under a range of light environments; the results indicate that regulation of photosystem stoichiometry involves the specific detection of blue light. Supplementing red growth lights with low levels of blue light led to large increases in PSII content, while further increases in blue irradiance had the opposite effect; this latter response was abolished by the hy4 mutation, which affects certain events controlled by a blue-light receptor. Mutants defective in the phytochrome photoreceptors retained regulation of photosystem stoichiometry. We discuss the results in terms of two separate responses controlled by blue-light receptors: a blue-high-fluence response which controls photosystem stoichiometry; and a blue-low-fluence response necessary for activation of such control. Variation in the irradiance of the red growth light revealed that the blue-high-fluence response is attenuated by red light; this may be evidence that photosystem stoichiometry is controlled not only by photoreceptors, but also by photosynthetic metabolism.Abbreviations BHF blue-high-fluence - BLF blue-low-fluence - Chl chlorophyll - FR far-red light - LHCII light-harvesting complex of PSII - Pmax maximum photosynthetic rate - R red light - Rubisco ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase This work was supported by Natural Environment Research Council Grant No. GR3/7571A. We would like to thank H. Smith (Botany Department, University of Leicester) and E. Murchie (INRA, Versailles) for helpful discussions.  相似文献   

Based on short-term experiments, many plant growth models – including those used in global change research – assume that an increase in temperature stimulates plant respiration (R) more than photosynthesis (P), leading to an increase in the R/P ratio. Longer-term experiments, however, have demonstrated that R/P is relatively insensitive to growth temperature. We show that both types of temperature response may be reconciled within a simple substrate-based model of plant acclimation to temperature, in which respiration is effectively limited by the supply of carbohydrates fixed through photosynthesis. The short-term, positive temperature response of R/P reflects the transient dynamics of the nonstructural carbohydrate and protein pools; the insensitivity of R/P to temperature on longer time-scales reflects the steady-state behaviour of these pools. Thus the substrate approach may provide a basis for predicting plant respiration responses to temperature that is more robust than the current modelling paradigm based on the extrapolation of results from short-term experiments. The present model predicts that the acclimated R/P depends mainly on the internal allocation of carbohydrates to protein synthesis, a better understanding of which is therefore required to underpin the wider use of a constant R/P as an alternative modelling paradigm in global change research.  相似文献   

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