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This article synthesizes several studies carried out at Fourleague Bay and connecting waterways of the western Terrebonne interdistributary basin of the Mississippi River delta plain, which is strongly impacted by the Atchafalaya River. Hydrologic and nutrient fluxes were measured over two tidal cycles in February, April, and September of 1982. Synoptic water quality sampling of nutrients, sediments, salinity, and chlorophyll a was carried out from April 1986 to August 1991 (17 events), during 1994 (12 events), and from 2000 to 2002 (8 events). Hydrology and nutrient dynamics of the region were controlled by winds associated with cold fronts and Atchafalaya River discharge during winter–spring, and tidal forces during summer–fall. Less than 5% of the water discharged from the Atchafalaya River entered Fourleague Bay, but nonetheless was the dominant source of nutrients, especially nitrate + nitrite (NO x ), and sediments. Nitrate + nitrite concentrations entering Fourleague Bay ranged from 33.3 to 118.0 μM, with highest levels occurring during peak river discharge. Fourleague Bay was a sink for DIN, with retention rates ranging from 184.4 to 704.2 μg-at m−2 h−1, but both a source and sink for DIP, with retention rates ranging from −2.7 to 14.9 μg-at m−2 h−1. Concentrations of DIN and DIP in the bay ranged from below detection limits to 49.0 and 29.1 μM, respectively, while chlorophyll a ranged from 6.1 to 49.4 μg/l. In the wetlands surrounding Fourleague Bay, chlorophyll a generally mirrored NO x and TSS, and generally peaked 2–15 km from riverine sources.  相似文献   

A 3-month field study was conducted to examine the effects of Atchafalaya River discharge on nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations in the Fourleague Bay system, to document patterns with salinity variation, to evaluate stoichiometric nutrient ratios of nitrogen and phosphorus in the river and bay, and to examine the relationship between estuarine freshwater residence time and export of total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP) to the Gulf of Mexico. During spring peak discharge of the Atchafalaya River, nutrient ratios in lower Fourleague Bay indicate potential phosphorus limitation with an average dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) to dissolved inorganic phosphorus (DIP) ratio of 32:1, primarily a result of high concentrations of nitrogen entering the northern bay from the Atchafalaya River and of fairly stable phosphorus concentrations. Ratios of DIN to phosphorus in the river were much higher (54:1), indicating a significant loss of nitrogen within the Fourleague Bay system. Freshwater residence time averaged approximately 7 days during the study and ranged from 2 to 100 days. TN export averaged 57% over the study and ranged from less than 3% at long residence times to greater than 80% at short residence times. TN export to the coastal ocean with respect to residence time is considerably less than has been shown in other studies. Nitrate + nitrite export averaged 49% for the 3-month study. Percentages of TP export were greater than TN, averaging 82% for the study period. By examining the Atchafalaya River delta as a natural analog for controlled river diversions, which are currently being used as coastal restoration tools, this study shows that discharging river water into highly productive shallow coastal estuarine and wetland systems can significantly reduce the amount of nitrogen exported to the Gulf of Mexico.  相似文献   

Y. Jun Xu 《Hydrobiologia》2006,560(1):133-143
Freshwater diversions from the lower Mississippi River into the region’s wetlands have been considered an alternative means for reducing nitrogen loading. The Atchafalaya River Swamp, the largest freshwater swamp in North America, carries the entire discharge of the Red River and 30% of the discharge of the Mississippi River, but it is largely unknown how much nitrogen actually can be retained from the overflowing waters of the Mississippi–Atchafalaya River system. Nitrogen discharge from the upper Mississippi River Basin has been implicated as the major cause for the hypoxia in the Northern Gulf of Mexico, which threatens not only the aquatic ecosystem health, but also Louisiana’s fishery industry, among other problems. This study was conducted to determine the change in organic nitrogen mass as water flows through the Atchafalaya River Swamp and into the Gulf of Mexico. By utilizing the river’s long-term discharge and water quality data (1978–2002), monthly and annual organic nitrogen fluxes were quantified, and their relationships with the basin’s hydrologic conditions were investigated. A total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN) mass input–output balance between the upstream (Simmesport) and downstream (Morgan City and Wax Lake Outlet) locations was established to examine the organic nitrogen removal potential for this large swamp. The results showed that on average, TKN input into the Atchafalaya was 200 323 tons year−1 and TKN output leaving the basin was 145 917 tons year−1, resulting in a 27% removal rate of organic nitrogen. Monthly TKN input and output in the basin were highest from March to June (input vs. output: 25 000 vs. 18 000 tons month−1) and lowest from August to November (8000 vs. 6000 tons month−1). There was a large variation in both annual and inter-annual organic nitrogen removals. The variability was positively correlated with the amount of inflow water at Simmesport, suggesting that regulating the river’s inflow at the Old River flood control structures may help reduce nitrogen loading of the Mississippi River to the Gulf of Mexico. Furthermore, the in-stream loss of organic nitrogen indicates that previous studies may have overestimated nitrogen discharge from the Mississippi–Atchafalaya River system.  相似文献   

Effects of atmospheric frontal passages on intraocular pressure (IOP) in patients with open-angle glaucoma are statistically investigated to show the meteorotropism of this disease. Changes in IOP caused by frontal passages are evident; the response is not identical in all the patients near the day of the passage of a warm front, while on the third day following the passage of the front a well pronounced drop in IOP occurs. Anomalous increases of IOP over several months' duration occurred in the years 1986–7. This finding is explained in relation to the hypothesis of environmental contamination in Central Europe by radioactive cesium nuclides due to the Chernobyl accident.  相似文献   

Sea level rise and changes in precipitation can cause saltwater intrusion into historically freshwater wetlands, leading to shifts in microbial metabolism that alter greenhouse gas emissions and soil carbon sequestration. Saltwater intrusion modifies soil physicochemistry and can immediately affect microbial metabolism, but further alterations to biogeochemical processing can occur over time as microbial communities adapt to the changed environmental conditions. To assess temporal changes in microbial community composition and biogeochemical activity due to saltwater intrusion, soil cores were transplanted from a tidal freshwater marsh to a downstream mesohaline marsh and periodically sampled over 1 year. This experimental saltwater intrusion produced immediate changes in carbon mineralization rates, whereas shifts in the community composition developed more gradually. Salinity affected the composition of the prokaryotic community but did not exert a strong influence on the community composition of fungi. After only 1 week of saltwater exposure, carbon dioxide production doubled and methane production decreased by three orders of magnitude. By 1 month, carbon dioxide production in the transplant was comparable to the saltwater controls. Over time, we observed a partial recovery in methane production which strongly correlated with an increase in the relative abundance of three orders of hydrogenotrophic methanogens. Taken together, our results suggest that ecosystem responses to saltwater intrusion are dynamic over time as complex interactions develop between microbial communities and the soil organic carbon pool. The gradual changes in microbial community structure we observed suggest that previously freshwater wetlands may not experience an equilibration of ecosystem function until long after initial saltwater intrusion. Our results suggest that during this transitional period, likely lasting years to decades, these ecosystems may exhibit enhanced greenhouse gas production through greater soil respiration and continued methanogenesis.  相似文献   


Most of the atolls found worldwide are under microtidal regimes, and their circulation mechanisms are widely documented and well known. Here, we describe the flushing mechanisms of a small-sized mesotidal atoll, based on water-level, wave and current data obtained during two different periods (total of 60 d). Rocas is the only atoll in the South Atlantic Ocean and is built primarily of coralline algae. Two reef passages connect the atoll lagoon to the ocean. Synchronous current profilers were deployed at the two reef passages, one inside and one outside the atoll, to characterize the influence of tides and waves on the circulation. Results showed that wind waves drove a setup on the exposed side of the atoll and that currents were predominately downwind, causing outflow at both reef passages. Waves breaking on the windward side supplied water to the atoll causing the lagoon water level to rise above ocean water level, driving the outflow. However, unlike microtidal atolls, at Rocas Atoll the water level drops significantly below the reef rim during low tides. This causes the reef rim to act as a barrier to water pumping into the lagoon by waves, resulting in periodic activation of the wave pumping mechanism throughout a tidal cycle. As result, inflow occurs in the wider passage during 27% of each tidal cycle, starting at low tides and reversing direction during mid-flood tide when the water level exceeded approximately 1.6 m (while overtopping the atoll’s rim). Our findings show that tides play a direct role in driving circulation on a mesotidal atoll, not only by modulating wave setup but also by determining the duration of wave pumping into the lagoon.


P. R. Evans  G. W. Lathbury 《Ibis》1973,115(4):572-585
The visible migration of birds of prey at Gibraltar is analysed from records kept throughout the spring passages of 1967–70 and the autumn passages of 1967–69. In early spring most visible passage is noted in the afternoons, whereas radar observations by Houghton (1970) indicate passage in the mornings. Later in the year an additional burst of visible passage sometimes occurs in the early morning, but it is concluded that most morning movements take place above visible range. Visible migration is recorded on most days of westerly wind during the migration seasons at Gibraltar. Passage is rarely seen when the winds are easterly. It is argued that under the latter conditions a strong upcurrent of air (standing wave) is formed over Gibraltar, and that this carries nearly all migrants above visible range.
Observations of visible passage elsewhere in the Straits suggest that, in spring, raptors of all species cross on a broad front from Tangier to Ceuta, except Honey Buzzards, which probably cross chiefly near Ceuta. In autumn, all species from northern Europe cross chiefly between Tarifa and to the east of Gibraltar, while birds from western Iberia probably cross mainly near Tarifa.
The periods of passage of the common migrant species are summarised.
On the basis of visual observations and published radar results, it is argued that raptors can compensate for lateral drift by the wind and so fly on chosen courses; but that in very strong cross-winds, e.g. the easterly Levanters, they may have to let themselves be drifted off-course.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to conduct a probabilistic ecological risk assessment for tributyltin (TBT) in surface waters of the Chesapeake Bay watershed. Ecological risk was characterized by comparing the probability distributions of environmental exposure concentrations with the probability distributions of species response data determined from laboratory studies. The overlap of these distributions was a measure of risk to aquatic life. Tributyltin exposure data from the Chesapeake Bay watershed were available from over 3600 water column samples from 41 stations in nine basins from 1985 through 1996. Most of the stations were located in the Virginia waters of Chesapeake Bay, primarily the James, Elizabeth and York Rivers. In Maryland waters of the Bay, various marina, harbor and river systems were also sampled. As expected, the highest environmental concentrations of tributyltin (based on 90th percentiles) were reported in and near marina areas. The sources of TBT causing these high concentrations were primarily boat hulls and painting/depainting operations. Lower concentrations of TBT were reported in open water areas, such as the Potomac River, Choptank River and C and D Canal, where the density of boats was minimal. Temporal data from a ten year data base (1986-1996) from two areas in Virginia showed that TBT water column concentrations have declined since 1987 legislation prohibited the use of TBT paints on recreation boats (<25?m). Acute saltwater and freshwater TBT toxicity data were available for 43 and 23 species, respectively. Acute effects for saltwater species were reported for concentrations exceeding 420?ng/L; the lowest acute value for a freshwater species was 1110?ng/L. The acute 10th percentiles for all saltwater and freshwater species were 320 and 103?ng/L, respectively. The order of sensitivity from most to least sensitive for saltwater trophic groups and corresponding acute 10th percentiles were as follows: zooplankton (5?ng/L), phytoplankton (124?ng/L), benthos (312?ng/L) and fish (1009?ng/L). For freshwater species, the order of sensitivity from most to least sensitive trophic groups and corresponding acute 10th percentiles were: benthos (44?ng/L), zooplankton (400?ng/L), and fish (849?ng/L). Chronic data for both saltwater and freshwater species were limited to a few species in each water type. Based on these limited data, the saltwater and freshwater chronic 10th percentiles were 5 and 102?ng/L, respectively. Limited mesocosm and microcosm studies in saltwater suggested that TBT concentrations less than 50?ng/L did not impact the structure and function of biological communities. The saltwater acute (320?ng/L) and chronic (5?ng/L) 10th percentiles were used to determine ecological risk because all exposure data were from saltwater areas of the Chesapeake Bay watershed. Highest ecological risk was reported for marina areas in Maryland waters of Chesapeake Bay and for areas in Virginia such as the Elizabeth River, Hampton Creek and Sarah Creek. Low ecological risk was reported for areas such as the Potomac River, Choptank River, C and D Canal and Norfolk Harbor. Regulation of TBT on recreational watercraft in 1987 has successfully reduced water column concentrations of this organometallic compound. However, various studies have showed that TBT may remain in the sediment for years and continue to be source for water column exposures.  相似文献   

Water samples and particulate materials settling under the pack ice were collected in an ice-covered area near the Terra Nova Bay Italian Station during late summer 1995, in order to study short-term changes in the biochemical composition of particulate organic matter. At the end of the study period the phytoplankton biomass increase (up to >3.0 μg chlorophyll-a l−1) was probably related to the intrusion under the pack ice of chlorophylls-enriched surface waters coming from the near ice-free area. Such increase was associated also with a notable increase in particulate organic matter concentrations, as well as in particulate organic matter vertical fluxes (up to >100 mg C m−2 day−1). Proteins were the most abundant biochemical class of particulate organic matter (on average about 49%), followed by lipids (29%) and carbohydrates (22%). By contrast, organic matter collected in the sediment trap was characterized by the dominance of lipids (about 55% of the total biopolymeric carbon flux) over carbohydrates (28%) and proteins (17%). The hydrolizable particulate biopolymeric carbon accounted for about 23% of total biopolymeric carbon. This value was about one-half of that found in ice-free waters, suggesting that the suspended particulate organic material under the pack ice was less digestible than in ice-free waters or was already partially digested. Despite this, and the decay of labile organic compounds in the sediment trap during the deployment, material settling towards the sea bottom under the pack ice in Terra Nova Bay, owing to its high lipid content, might represent an important high-quality food source for benthic consumers. Finally, assuming as possible the intrusion under sea ice of primary organic matter-enriched waters, we hypothesize the occurrence of a “fertilization” effect deriving from ice-melting areas towards under-ice waters, supplying the latter with an additional rate of primary organic matter. Accepted: 18 February 1999  相似文献   

Some methodological aspects are discussed of the investigation of acute infarct myocarditis (AIM) in relation to weather fronts. Results of a new method of analysis are given. Data were analysed from about the hour of the onset of symptoms, and led to the diagnosis of AIM either immediately or within a few hours or days (3019 cases observed over 4.5 years during 1982–1986 in Plzen, Czechoslovakia). Weather classification was based on three factors (the type of the foregoing front, the type of the subsequent front, the time section of the time interval demarcated by the passage of the surfaces of the fronts). AIM occurrence increased in particular types of weather fronts: (i) by 30% during 7–12 h after a warm front, if the time span between fronts exceeded 24 h; (ii) by 10% in time at least 36 h distant from the foregoing cold or occlusion front and from the succeeding warm or occlusion front; (iii) by 20% during 0–2 h before the passage of the front, provided the foregoing front was not warm and the interval between fronts exceeded 5 h. AIM occurrence decreased by 15%–20% for time span between fronts > 24 h at times 6–11, 6–23 and 6–35 h before a coming warm or occlusion front (for interfrontal intervals 25–48, 49–72 and possibly > 72 h), and also at 12–23 and possibly 12–35 h before a cold front (for intervals 49–72 and possibly > 72 h), if the foregoing front was cold or an occlusion front.  相似文献   

On the basis of ichthyoplankton surveys made in June 2004–2005 and 2007, June–July 2010, and July 2011 in these bays and beyond them (in open waters of the White Sea Basin and adjacent areas of the Gorlo) larvae of White Sea herring were absent. Principal aggregations of larvae are found in the Kandalaksha Bay in June 2004–2005 and 2007. In the Onega Bay and in the Dvina Bay surveyed in June 2007 abundance of larvae was ratter low and in June–July 2010 and July 2011 in these bays and beyond them (in open waters of the White Sea Basin and adjacent areas of the Gorlo) larvae of White Sea herring were absent. Within the Kandalasksha Bay, from year to year, there were two disconnected aggregations of larvae. The space between them was situated in the open part of the bay along the transect of the Chupa Estuary and the Umba Estuary. One of the aggregations of larvae occupied the tail of the bay, and the second aggregation occupied the ante-mouth and mouth areas of the Chupa Estuary. It is supposed that these aggregations result from spawning of two independent spawning groups of the White Sea herring spawning in isolated regions of the Kandalaksha Bay. Presence of the bulk of larvae of the White Sea herring within the limits of the Kandakaksha Bay and their almost complete absence at the boundary of the bay with the White Sea Basin and at the boundaries between the Onega Bay and the Dvina Bay and the Basin support the hypothesis on the absence of an exchange with larvae between stocks of the White Sea herring spawning in large bays of the White Sea. The larvae are retained within shallow waters of the Kandalaksha Bay by the system of two-layer water circulation in the areas of spawning of herring in bays and gulfs of the estuarine type. Their drift outside of the Onega Bay and the Dvina Bay may be delimited by frontal divides at their boundaries with the Basin.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to determine some effects of commercial and recreational traffic on the resuspension of sediment in Navigation Pool No. 9 of the Upper Mississippi River. Fifty commercial vessel passages were examined at five different main channel locations and at side channels that were adjacent to each of the main channel locations. Sixteen recreational vessel passages were examined at one main channel location and its adjacent side channel and at a channel located in the backwaters. The backwater channel was not directly influenced by navigation in the main channel. Changes in total non-filterable residue (TNFR) and average particle size of suspended silts were used to assess some effects of navigation. Seventy-eight percent of the commercial vessel passages resulted in significant increases of TNFR and/or average particle size in the water column. In the main channel, TNFR increased from 3.4% to 15% above ambient levels; in the side channels, increases ranged from 2.5% to 21.7%. The average diameter of the resuspended silts increased by 0.21 to 2.34 m. In the main channel, 50% of the recreational vessel passages caused increased TNFR and all passages increased average particle size. In the backwater channel, all of the recreational passages caused increases in TNFR and average particle size. Total resuspended sediment transported downstream ranged from an estimated 0.82 to 1015.7 mTons/passage in the main channel for commercial vessels, 0.39 to 0.64 mTons/passage in the main channel for recreational vessels, 0.22 to 28.12 mTons/passage in side channels due to commercial vessels in the main channel, and 0.54 to 2.08 mTons/ passage in the backwater channel for recreational vessels. Bed-sediment composition, location of the vessels in the channel, channel geometry, the number of successive passages, and vessel speed were identified as factors that affected the magnitude of the resuspension.  相似文献   

Segers  Hendrik  Rong  Su 《Hydrobiologia》1998,379(1-3):175-181
The relationship of species abundance to eight environmental variables was tested for 24 common species of crustacean zooplankton collected in the Atchafalaya River Basin during the summer of 1994. Stepwise regressions (α = 0.05) revealed significant relationships between zooplankton abundance and at least one environmental variable for 18 species ( R2 = 0.14-0.61, p < 0.0435-0.0001). The majority of these species' peak abundances were correlated with variables indicative of seasonal changes in floodplain habitat, as the Atchafalaya river receded, water temperature increased, and/or phytoplanktonic photosynthesis increased. Surface water temperature and the percent saturation of dissolved oxygen showed the most significant relationships, but specific conductance, current velocity, and Secchi disk depths were also related to abundance patterns of certain taxa. A principal components analysis of species abundances provided further insight into the partitioning of temporally-distinct zooplanton assemblages, showing that several species ( Bosmina longirostris, Daphnia parvula, Eurytemora affinis, and Ceriodaphnia quadrangula) predominated during early summer, and were supplanted by a distinct late-summer assemblage ( Diaphanosoma birgei, Moina micrura, Mesocyclops edax, and Daphnia lumholtzi) as time progressed. The transitional assemblage was dominated by Simocephalus serrulatus, Macrocyclops albidus, Microcyclops rubellus, and Thermocyclops inversus, all of which were most abundant in the hypoxic conditions characteristic of the latter stages of the Atchafalaya River flood-pulse. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Restoration of oyster reef habitat in the Inland Bays of Delaware was accompanied by an effort to detect and determine relative abundance of the bivalve pathogens Perkinsus marinus, Haplosporidium nelsoni, and QPX. Both the oyster Crassostrea virginica and the clam Mercenaria mercenaria were sampled from the bays. In addition, oysters were deployed at eight sites around the bays as sentinels for the three parasites. Perkinsus marinus prevalence was measured with a real-time, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (PCR) methodology that enabled high-throughput detection of as few as 31 copies of the ribosomal non-transcribed spacer region in 500 ng oyster DNA. The other pathogens were assayed using PCR with species-specific primers. Perkinsus marinus was identified in Indian River Bay at moderate prevalence ( approximately 40%) in both an artificial reef and a wild oyster population whereas sentinel oysters were PCR-negative after 3-months exposure during summer and early fall. Haplosporidium nelsoni was restricted to one oyster deployed in Little Assawoman Bay. QPX and P. marinus were not detected among wild clams. While oysters in these bays have historically been under the greatest threat by MSX, it is apparent that P. marinus currently poses a greater threat to recovery of oyster aquaculture in Delaware's Inland Bays.  相似文献   

Jamet  Jean-Louis  Bogé  Gérard  Richard  Simone  Geneys  Claude  Jamet  Dominique 《Hydrobiologia》2001,457(1-3):155-165
The abundance and the diversity of the zooplankton community were studied during an annual cycle in three shallow bays differently affected by anthropogenic inputs of Toulon area in the northwest Mediterranean Sea (France). Environmental variables of water quality were also considered. Our results discriminated Little Bay from the La Garonne and Niel Bay. Little Bay, heavely perturbed by anthropogenic inputs, had high chlorophyll a levels, abundant zooplankton, a low diversity index, a high dominance Index and a single dominant species (Oithona nana). La Garonne Bay and Niel Bay, much less polluted, had low chlorophyll a levels, low zooplankton abundance, low dominance Index and high diversity index and eveness. In addition, O. nana occurred rarely in the latter bays. Zooplankton successions were also different between Little Bay and the two other bays.  相似文献   

Climate change‐associated sea level rise is expected to cause saltwater intrusion into many historically freshwater ecosystems. Of particular concern are tidal freshwater wetlands, which perform several important ecological functions including carbon sequestration. To predict the impact of saltwater intrusion in these environments, we must first gain a better understanding of how salinity regulates decomposition in natural systems. This study sampled eight tidal wetlands ranging from freshwater to oligohaline (0–2 ppt) in four rivers near the Chesapeake Bay (Virginia). To help isolate salinity effects, sites were selected to be highly similar in terms of plant community composition and tidal influence. Overall, salinity was found to be strongly negatively correlated with soil organic matter content (OM%) and C : N, but unrelated to the other studied environmental parameters (pH, redox, and above‐ and below‐ground plant biomass). Partial correlation analysis, controlling for these environmental covariates, supported direct effects of salinity on the activity of carbon‐degrading extracellular enzymes (β‐1, 4‐glucosidase, 1, 4‐β‐cellobiosidase, β‐D‐xylosidase, and phenol oxidase) as well as alkaline phosphatase, using a per unit OM basis. As enzyme activity is the putative rate‐limiting step in decomposition, enhanced activity due to salinity increases could dramatically affect soil OM accumulation. Salinity was also found to be positively related to bacterial abundance (qPCR of the 16S rRNA gene) and tightly linked with community composition (T‐RFLP). Furthermore, strong relationships were found between bacterial abundance and/or composition with the activity of specific enzymes (1, 4‐β‐cellobiosidase, arylsulfatase, alkaline phosphatase, and phenol oxidase) suggesting salinity's impact on decomposition could be due, at least in part, to its effect on the bacterial community. Together, these results indicate that salinity increases microbial decomposition rates in low salinity wetlands, and suggests that these ecosystems may experience decreased soil OM accumulation, accretion, and carbon sequestration rates even with modest levels of saltwater intrusion.  相似文献   

Harmful algal blooms (HABs) occur frequently in the South China Sea (SCS), causing enormous economic losses in aquaculture. We analyzed historical HAB records during the period from 1980 to 2003 in SCS. We found that HABs-affected areas have expanded and the frequency of HABs varied during this period. The seasonal and annual variations, as well as causative algal species of HABs are different among the four regions. Areas with frequent HABs include the Pearl River Estuary (China), the Manila Bay (the Philippines), the Masinloc Bay (the Philippines), and the western coast of Sabah (Malaysia). HABs occurred frequently during March–May in the northern region of SCS, May–July in the eastern region, July in the western region, and year-round in the southern region. Among the species that cause HABs, Noctiluca scintillans dominated in the northern region, and Pyrodinium bahamense in the southern and eastern regions. Causative species also varied in different years for the entire SCS. Both P. bahamense and N. scintillans were the dominant species during 1980–2003. Some species not previously recorded formed blooms during 1991–2003, including Phaeocystis globosa, Scrippsiella trochoidea, Heterosigma akashiwo, and Mesodinium rubrum. Variations in HABs are related to various regional conditions, such as a reversed monsoon wind in the entire SCS, river discharges in the northern area, upwelling in Vietnam coastal waters during southwest winds and near Malaysia coastal waters during northeast winds, and eutrophication from coastal aquaculture in the Pearl River estuary, Manila Bay, and Masinloc Bay. Handling editor: D. Hamilton  相似文献   

This paper describes and discusses the impacts of the passage of cold fronts on the vertical structure of the Carlos Botelho (Lobo-Broa) Reservoir as demonstrated by changes in physical, chemical, and biological variables. The data were obtained with a continuous system measuring 9 variables in vertical profiles in the deepest point of the reservoir (12 m) coupled with climatological information and satellite images, during a 32-day period in July and August, 2003. During periods of incidence of cold fronts the reservoir presented vertical mixing. After the dissipation of the cold fronts a period of stability followed with thermal, chemical, and biological (chlorophyll-a) stratification. Climatological data obtained during the cold front passage showed lower air temperature, higher wind speed and lower solar radiation. The response of this reservoir can exemplify a generalized process in all shallow reservoirs in the Southeast Brazil and could have several implications for management, particularly in relation to the phytoplankton population dynamics and development of cyanobacterial blooms. Using this as a basis, a predictive model will be developed with the aim of advancing management strategies specially for the drinking water reservoirs of the Metropolitan Region of S?o Paulo.  相似文献   

Migration of green sturgeon, Acipenser medirostris, in the Sacramento River   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Adult green sturgeon, Acipenser medirostris, were collected in San Pablo Bay, California, and surgically implanted with ultrasonic acoustic tags from 2004 to 2006. An array of automated acoustic monitors was maintained in the Sacramento River to record movements of these fish. We presumed movements to known spawning areas (based on previous green sturgeon egg collections) or areas with potential spawning habitat (characterized by substrate, flow, and temperature criteria) represented a “spawning migration.” Three separate annual “spawning migrations” were recorded involving 15 individuals. The majority of the Sacramento River migrants entered the system in the months of March and April. Two different patterns of “spawning migration” and out-migration were observed. Six individuals potentially spawned, over-summered and moved out of the river with the first fall flow event. This is believed to be the common behavior of the green sturgeon. Alternatively, nine individuals promptly moved out of the Sacramento River before 1 September, and any known flow or temperature cue. Some green sturgeon appeared to be impeded on their upstream movement by the 15 May closure of the Red Bluff Diversion Dam, and at least five passed under the dam gates during downstream migration. A delay in the closure of the Red Bluff Diversion Dam would likely allow upstream passage of spawning green sturgeon, further, the potential mortality affects of downstream passage beneath the Red Bluff Diversion Dam should be assessed. Specific protection should be also given to the large aggregation of green sturgeon located in the reach of the Sacramento River adjacent to the Glen Colusa Irrigation District pumping facility.  相似文献   

Summary Between January and March 1989 during EPOS leg 3, a hydrographic survey was carried out in the southeastern Weddell Sea on transects across the continental shelf and slope off Kapp Norvegia and Halley Bay. This data set represents oceanographic conditions during Antarctic summer. Winter observations were obtained during the Winter Weddell Gyre Study in September and October 1989. During summer the water in the surface layer is relatively warm and of low salinity. In the area of Halley Bay exceptionally warm conditions were encountered with sea surface temperatures of nearly +1°C. Over the upper continental slope a frontal zone separates Eastern Shelf Water from Antarctic Surface Water in the near surface layer and from Warm Deep Water in the deeper layers. The horizontal pressure gradient associated with the front produces the high velocity core of the Antarctic Coastal Current. In winter Antarctic Surface Water is replaced by colder Winter Water of higher salinity. Measurements from current meters moored off Kapp Norvegia and Vestkapp are used to describe the mean features of the current field and its fluctuations. At Kapp Norvegia annual mean current speeds range from 10 to 20 cm/s. The geostrophic current shear indicates that the speed of the current core decreases towards Halley Bay. The currents show significant seasonal variations with strong interannual differences. These compare well with the variations of the wind field observed at the Georg von Neumayer Station. Superimposed are higher frequency fluctuations with an energetic range between 5 and 15 days which is found in the wind measurements as well. A considerable part of the current velocity variance is due to the tides. The oceanographic conditions are strongly influenced by the local bottom topography. A topographic rise at the shelf edge off Kapp Norvegia reduces horizontal advection and allows a patch of cold Winter Water to be preserved into the summer. In contrast, a patch of Warm Deep Water was found on the shelf of Halley Bay. This illustrates rather heterogeneous conditions in the near bottom layers due to differences in the exchange rate with the open ocean as well as with the near surface layers.Data presented here were collected during the European Polarstern Study (EPOS) sponsored by the European Science Foundation  相似文献   

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