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A cytometric method for the estimation of end-point conjugation rates is developed and adapted to surface conjugation. This method improves the through-put of conjugation assays based on replica-plating and results in less noisy experimental data. Although conjugation on solid surfaces deviates from ideal conditions in which cells are continuously mixed, results show that, within the limits of high initial population densities and short mating times, end-point estimates of the conjugation rates are robust measurements. They are independent of the donor/recipient ratios and, to some extent, of the sampling time. Remixing the mating population in the course of a conjugation experiment results in a boost in the frequency of transconjugants.  相似文献   

A new procedure was used to conjugate lactose and dextran with BSA without using coupling or activating reagents. The method is simple, rapid and cheap. Reducing sugars covalently bind to proteins when lyophilized together and briefly heated to a high temperature.  相似文献   

Local functional differences of the cell surface were investigated in the formation of cell unions in conjugation of Blepharisma intermedium. When cells of this ciliate are treated by the gamone (the conjugation-inducing substance) of the complementary mating type, they first unite by cilia and then more intimately by the direct contact of cell bodies. The ciliary union was found to be formed by a specific contact between two morphologically distinguishable surfaces, the adoral zone of membranelles (AZM) of one cell and the anterior extension of the undulating membrane (extUM) of the other. The AZM gains the capacity to unite first and the extUM next. The extUM of gamone-treated cells sticks not only to the AZM but also to glass and some other artificial substrata under some conditions. These stickings are inhibited by cycloheximide which also inhibits the ciliary union. The role of specific contact between AZM and extUM in the cell recognition is discussed.  相似文献   

Genetic economy leads to symmetric distributions of chemically identical subunits in icosaherdal and helical viruses. Modification of the subunit genes of a variety of viruses has permitted the display of polypeptides on both the infectious virions and virus particles made in expression systems. Icosahedral chimeric particles of this type often display novel properties resulting in high local concentrations of the insert. Here we report an extension of this concept in which entire proteins were chemically cross-linked to lysine and cysteine residues genetically engineered on the coat protein of icosahedral Cowpea mosaic virus particles. Three exogenous proteins, the LRR domain of internalin B, the T4 lysozyme, and the Intron 8 gene product of the of the HER2 tyrosine kinase receptor were derivatized with appropriate bifunctional cross-linkers and conjugated to the virus capsid. Characterization of these particles demonstrated that (1) virtually 100% occupancy of the 60 sites was achieved; (2) biological activity (either enzyme or binding specificity) of the attached protein was preserved; (3) in one case (LRR-internalin B) the attached protein conformed with the icosahedral symmetry to the extent that a reconstruction of the derivatized particles displayed added density with a shape consistent with the X-ray structure of the attached protein. Strategies demonstrated here allow virus particle targeting to specific cell types and the use of an icosahedral virus as a platform for structure determination of small proteins at moderate resolution.  相似文献   

In this Opinion article, we describe a nanotechnology-based approach to immobilize and orient proteins onto surfaces using atomic clusters prepared by physical methods. This is relevant to future protein biochips where dilute arrays of protein binding sites, each designed to immobilize no more than one protein molecule, would be ideal. In the case of a surface consisting of size-selected atomic gold clusters, proteins containing free cysteine residues can chemisorb directly to the bare cluster surface, thus effecting oriented immobilisation. The selection of atomic gold clusters in the size range 1-100 atoms (<3nm in diameter) is intended to ensure that, typically, only one protein can bind directly to the cluster surface. These nanoclusters of a smaller size scale than that of the protein present minimal contact between the gold and the protein, and hence imply a reduced risk of protein denaturing compared with gold films or extended surfaces.  相似文献   

To develop a methodology for bone-specific delivery of proteins, a bone-seeking aminobisphosphonate (aminoBP) was previously conjugated to a model protein, bovine serum albumin (BSA). The conjugates were shown to exhibit a high affinity to bone in vitro and in vivo. This study was conducted to determine whether the systemic delivery of proteins to bone can be increased by aminoBP conjugation. Two model proteins used for this study were BSA and lysozyme (LYZ). For each protein, an unmodified (i.e., control) and aminoBP-conjugated protein were (125)I-labeled and injected into rats, and the organ delivery of the proteins were determined. Intravenous (IV) injection of aminoBP-BSA resulted in a 2.0- to 3.7-fold increased delivery to bones as compared to the control protein in young rats. In osteopenic, ovariectomized rats, aminoBP conjugation enhanced the bone delivery of BSA by 2.2- to 7.5-fold. A 3.7- to 5.6-fold increased delivery was also observed for LYZ after IV injection in normal rats. In addition to IV route of administration, subcutaneous injection was also effective in delivering a higher amount of aminoBP-conjugated proteins to bone. We conclude that conjugating bone-seeking aminoBPs to proteins improved their delivery to mineralized tissues. The proposed targeting approach has the potential to improve the efficacy of recombinant proteins capable of stimulating bone formation by enhancing their localization to bones.  相似文献   

Nuclei and nucleoli isolated from calf liver contain acid-precipitable putrescine, spermidine and spermine conjugates. The polyamines are released upon peptide bond hydrolysis. All of the nuclear putrescine conjugate and a major portion of the polyamine conjugates are localized within the nucleolus. Nuclei and nucleoli also contain, in proportions consistent with the nucleolar/nuclear protein ratio, the putative conjugating enzyme, transglutaminase, as well as amine acceptor substrates to which radiolabeled putrescine can be conjugated by endogenous enzyme. Extraction of the isolated organelles with saline solutions of increasing ionic strength showed a differential distribution of the polyamine derivatives: all the covalently linked putrescine was associated with the less soluble components of the chromatin residue, while the spermidine and spermine conjugates were associated with several salt-extractable protein fractions as well as tightly bound to the chromatin pellet. Mono-gamma-glutamyl putrescine was detected after proteolytic digestion of the 600 mM NaCl fraction, further suggesting the enzymatic action of transglutaminase(s) in the conjugation process.  相似文献   

Proteins with N-terminal cysteine can undergo native chemical ligation and are useful for site-specific N-terminal labeling or protein semisynthesis. Recombinant production of these has usually been by site-specific cleavage of a precursor fusion protein at an internal cysteine residue. Here we describe a simpler route to producing these proteins. Overexpression in E. coli of several proteins containing cysteine as the second amino acid residue yielded products in which the initiating methionine residue had been completely cleaved by endogenous methionine aminopeptidase. While secondary modification of the terminal cysteine was a complicating factor, conditions were identified to eliminate or minimize this problem. Recombinant proteins produced in this way were suitable for site-specific modification of the amino terminus via native chemical ligation technology, as demonstrated by conjugation of a thioester-containing derivative of fluorescein to one such protein. The ability to directly produce proteins with N-terminal cysteine should simplify the application of native chemical ligation technology to recombinant proteins and make the technique more amenable to researchers with limited expertise in protein chemistry.  相似文献   

Ubiquitination is a widely studied regulatory modification involved in protein degradation, DNA damage repair, and the immune response. Ubiquitin is conjugated to a substrate lysine in an enzymatic cascade involving an E1 ubiquitin-activating enzyme, an E2 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme, and an E3 ubiquitin ligase. Assays for ubiquitin conjugation include electrophoretic mobility shift assays and detection of epitope-tagged or radiolabeled ubiquitin, which are difficult to quantitate accurately and are not amenable to high-throughput screening. We have developed a colorimetric assay that quantifies ubiquitin conjugation by monitoring pyrophosphate released in the first enzymatic step in ubiquitin transfer, the ATP-dependent charging of the E1 enzyme. The assay is rapid, does not rely on radioactive labeling, and requires only a spectrophotometer for detection of pyrophosphate formation. We show that pyrophosphate production by E1 is dependent on ubiquitin transfer and describe how to optimize assay conditions to measure E1, E2, and E3 activity. The kinetics of polyubiquitin chain formation by Ubc13–Mms2 measured by this assay are similar to those determined by gel-based assays, indicating that the data produced by this method are comparable to methods that measure ubiquitin transfer directly. This assay is adaptable to high-throughput screening of ubiquitin and ubiquitin-like conjugating enzymes.  相似文献   

We describe an intein based method to site-specifically conjugate Quantum Dots (QDs) to target proteins in vivo. This approach allows the covalent conjugation of any nanostructure and/or nanodevice to any protein and thus the targeting of such material to any intracellular compartment or signalling complex within the cells of the developing embryo. We genetically fused a pleckstrin-homology (PH) domain with the N-terminus half of a split intein (IN). The C-terminus half (IC) of the intein was conjugated to QDs in vitro. IC-QD's and RNA encoding PH-IN were microinjected into Xenopus embryos. In vivo intein-splicing resulted in fully functional QD-PH conjugates that could be monitored in real time within live embryos. Use of Near Infra Red (NIR)-emitting QDs allowed monitoring of QD-conjugates within the embryo at depths where EGFP is undetectable demonstrating the advantages of QD's for this type of experiment. In conclusion, we have developed a novel in vivo methodology for the site-specific conjugation of QD's and other artificial structures to target proteins in different intracellular compartments and signaling complexes.  相似文献   

Post-translational modification of target proteins by ubiquitin (Ub) and ubiquitin-like (Ubl) proteins is a critical mechanism for regulating protein functions affecting diverse cellular processes. Ub/Ubl proteins are conjugated to lysine residues in substrate proteins through an adenosine triphosphate (ATP)-dependent enzymatic cascade involving enzyme 1 (E1)-activating enzyme, E2-conjugating enzyme, and E3 ligase. The amount of adenosine monophosphate (AMP) produced in the first step, involving E1-mediated Ub/Ubl activation, represents an accurate measure of Ub/Ubl transfer during the process. Here we describe a novel bioluminescent assay platform, AMP-Glo, to quantify Ub/Ubl conjugation by measuring the AMP generated. The AMP-Glo assay is performed in a two-step reaction. The first step terminates the ubiquitination reaction, depletes the remaining ATP, and converts the AMP generated in the ubiquitination reaction to adenosine diphosphate (ADP), and in the second step the ADP generated is converted to ATP, which is detected as a bioluminescent signal using luciferase/luciferin, proportional to the AMP concentration and correlated with the Ub/Ubl transfer activity. We demonstrate the use of the assay to study Ub/Ubl conjugation and screen for chemical modulators of enzymes involved in the process. Because there is a sequential enhancement in light output in the presence of E1, E2, and E3, the AMP-Glo system can be used to deconvolute inhibitor specificity.  相似文献   

The reversible, oriented immobilization of proteins on solid surfaces is a prerequisite for the investigation of molecular interactions and the controlled formation of supramolecular assemblies. This paper describes a generally applicable method using a synthetic chelator thioalkane that can be self-assembled on gold surfaces. The reversible binding of an anti-lysozyme F(ab) fragment modified with a C-terminal hexahistidine extension was monitored and the apparent dissociation constants determined using surface plasmon resonance. Infra-red spectroscopy demonstrated that the secondary structure of the protein was unaffected by the immobilization process. The retention of functionality of the immobilized protein was also successfully demonstrated. Given the mild reaction conditions and reversibility, this method of oriented immobilization of proteins opens possibilities for the development of biosensors.  相似文献   

The interaction of proteins with solid surfaces   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The interaction of proteins with solid surfaces is a fundamental phenomenon with implications for nanotechnology, biomaterials and biotechnological processes. Kinetic and thermodynamic studies have long indicated that significant conformational changes may occur as a protein encounters a surface; new techniques are measuring and modeling these changes. Combinatorial and directed evolution techniques have created new peptide sequences that bind specifically to solid surfaces, similar to the natural proteins that regulate crystal growth. Modeling efforts capture kinetics and thermodynamics on the colloidal scale, but detailed treatments of atomic structure are still in development and face the usual challenges of protein modeling. Opportunities abound for fundamental discovery, as well as breakthroughs in biomaterials, biotechnology and nanotechnology.  相似文献   

A solid-phase conjugation method utilizing carrier protein bound to an ion exchange matrix was developed. Ovalbumin was adsorbed to an anion exchange matrix using a batch procedure, and the immobilized protein was then derivatized with iodoacetic acid N-hydroxysuccinimid ester. The activated protein was conjugated with glutathione, the conjugation ratio determined by acid hydrolysis, and amino acid analysis performed with quantification of carboxymethyl cysteine. Elution of conjugates from the resin by a salt gradient revealed considerable heterogeneity in the degree of derivatization, and immunization experiments with the eluted conjugates showed that the more substituted conjugates gave rise to the highest titers of glutathione antibodies. Direct immunization with the conjugates adsorbed to the ion exchange matrix was possible and gave rise to high titers of glutathione antibodies. Conjugates of ovalbumin and various peptides were prepared in a similar manner and used for production of peptide antisera by direct immunization with the conjugates bound to the ion exchanger. Advantages of the method are its solid-phase nature, allowing fast and efficient reactions and intermediate washings, and the ability to release conjugates from the solid phase under mild conditions.  相似文献   

Bisphosphonate conjugation to proteins as a means to impart bone affinity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Growth factors are endogenous proteins capable of stimulating new bone formation, but their clinical benefit for systemic stimulation of bone mass has not been demonstrated. The critical challenge is to deliver a significant dose of the proteins to bone after intravenous injection. This challenge may be overcome by derivatizing proteins with ligands that exhibit a high bone affinity (e.g., bisphosphonates). To demonstrate the feasibility of this approach, 1-amino-1,1-diphosphonate methane (aminoBP) was conjugated to a model protein, albumin. The conjugation was performed by (1) converting the amino group of aminoBP to a thiol group using 2-iminothiolane, (2) derivatizing the albumin amino groups with a thiol-reactive sulfosuccinimidyl-4-(N-maleimidomethyl)-1-cyclohexane carboxylate, and (3) reacting the derivatized albumin with thiolated aminoBP. Typically, 1-4 aminoBP molecules per albumin were obtained. The conjugated albumin exhibited a high affinity to hydroxyapatite that was proportional to the extent of conjugation. The conjugates were shown to exhibit a high affinity to bone matrix in vitro in a serum-containing medium. Once bound to bone matrix, the conjugates were found to desorb more slowly than the unmodified albumin, especially from bone whose organic matrix was removed by ashing. In conclusion, conjugation of bisphosphonates to albumin was shown to impart a high bone affinity to the protein, and such conjugates can be potentially targeted to bone.  相似文献   

We provide a detailed protocol for designing water-soluble CdSe-ZnS quantum dots (QDs) based on cap exchange of the native hydrophobic shell with dihydrolipoic acid (DHLA) ligands, and the preparation of functional QD bioconjugates for use in immunoassays. Our conjugation strategy is based on non-covalent self-assembly between DHLA-capped QDs and protein appended with either an electrostatic attachment domain (namely, the basic leucine zipper) or a polyhistidine tag. These bioconjugates combine the properties of the QD and attached biomolecule to create structures with desirable luminescent and biologically specific properties. This method also allows the preparation of mixed surface conjugates, which results in the conjugates gaining multiple biological activities. Conjugation of DHLA-capped QDs to maltose binding protein (MBP), the immunoglobulin-G-binding beta2 domain of streptococcal protein G (PG) and avidin will be described. MBP and PG were modified by genetic fusion with either a charged leucine zipper or a polyhistidine interaction domain.  相似文献   

The double-stranded oligodeoxyribonucleotides with single internucleotide disulfide linkages were successfully used for covalent trapping of cysteine containing protein. In particular, an efficient conjugation of DNA methyltransferase SsoII to sequence-specific decoys was demonstrated. The obtained results assume that synthetic oligodeoxyribonucleotides bearing a new trapping site can be used as new tools to study and manipulate biological systems.  相似文献   

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