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Amylase released from mouse parotid fragments by the β-adrenergic agonist, isoproterenol, was associated with l) enhanced 45Ca++ efflux and 2) a dependence on the extracellular Na+ concentration. Monensin, a sodium ionophore, mimicked the effects of isoproterenol on 45Ca++ efflux. In the absence of extracellular sodium isoproterenol and monensin failed to significantly release 45Ca++. Complete inhibition of isoproterenol stimulated amylase release occurred when 75 per cent or greater of the extracellular Na+ was replaced by sucrose; carbachol stimulated amylase release was not affected. Tetracaine (0.2 mM to 1.0 mM) inhibited both isoproterenol and carbachol stimulated amylase release and inhibited the 45Ca++ uptake induced by carbachol. Monensin, a sodium ionophore, mimicked the effects of isoproterenol on amylase release; this effect was significantly reduced in the absence of extracellular Na+. It is proposed that a primary step in the release of amylase form mouse parotid gland in response to β-adrenergic stimulation is an increased influx of Na+ followed by release of intracellularly stored calcium.  相似文献   

Amylase activity in the saliva, salivary glands, serum, liver (perfused and non perfused) and pancreas was assayed and isoamylases were separated by electrophoresis in these organs using C57BR/cdJ and M. m. molossinus (Kor) mice. Amylase isozymes in the saliva, parotid gland, serum and liver were identical in both strains, respectively. Amylase activity in the liver was lower than that in the serum and liver amylase disappeared almost by perfusion. Major serum amylase was released from the parotid gland in intact animals.  相似文献   

1. Amylase biosynthesis and release in the rat parotid were studied under various conditions. Incorporation of [(3)H]leucine into amylase, extracted from the tissue by immunoadsorbent, was measured and found to be time-dependent and totally inhibited by the protein synthesis inhibitor puromycin. 2. Adrenaline, at a concentration (10mum) that gave maximum stimulation of release, inhibited [(3)H]leucine incorporation into both total protein and amylase. This effect was reversed by phentolamine. 3. Adrenaline (1mum) and isoproterenol (10mum) stimulated biosynthesis of total protein and amylase. These effects were blocked by propranolol, as were the effects on release. Dibutyryl cyclic AMP (2mm) mimicked the effects of isoproterenol and adrenaline (1mum) on both amylase biosynthesis and release. All the above stimulatory effects on amylase biosynthesis were only observed if the tissue was pretreated with effector before pulse-labelling with [(3)H]leucine. 4. Insulin (625muunits/ml initial concentration, 150muunits/ml final concentration) stimulated incorporation of [(3)H]leucine into total protein and amylase when added to the tissue at the same time as the leucine. 5. Carbamoylcholine (10mum) decreased [(3)H]leucine incorporation into total protein and amylase when both were added to the tissue simultaneously, but this effect was prevented by removal of effector and washing the tissue before addition of [(3)H]leucine. 6. Stimulation of beta-adrenergic receptors increased both amylase release and biosynthesis, but stimulation of alpha-receptors can inhibit biosynthesis without inhibiting release. Cholinergic agents can also inhibit amylase biosynthesis, but stimulate release. Insulin at approximately physiological concentration can increase incorporation of leucine into amylase without stimulating release. The system described therefore provides an excellent model for the further investigation of the mechanisms of these diverse effects.  相似文献   

Rat parotid cells were permeabilized with digitonin to examine their secretory dynamics. Cells were isolated by a modification of the method previously described by Hootman [1985). J. Biol. Chem. 260, 4186-4194) in which alpha-chymotrypsin was included. The final preparation consisted of approx. 40-60% single cells. The cells were 85-90% viable by trypan blue exclusion and secreted amylase when stimulated with isoproterenol. Digitonin (2 or 5 microM) was sufficient for permeabilization while 2 microM digitonin was somewhat more effective in maintaining cell integrity as indicated by lactate dehydrogenase release. Digitonin had minimal effects on intracellular granules in the whole cell and was, thus, relatively selective. The response of digitonin-permeabilized cells to calcium (without secretagogues) in the incubation medium was monitored by amylase release. For a wide range of applied free calcium concentrations (1 X 10(-7) M to 10(-4) M) a statistically significant increase in amylase secretion was observed. Control cells did not release amylase to a similar extent without secretagogue. Cyclic AMP (50 microM) significantly enhanced amylase secretion from digitonin-treated cells at all concentrations of free calcium tested. Neither calcium nor cyclic AMP alone was sufficient to stimulate maximal amylase release. Our results provide direct evidence for a model in which calcium and cyclic AMP work on separate pathways as interacting regulators of exocytosis.  相似文献   

Effects of pertussis toxin (PT) treatment on atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP)-mediated inhibition of adenylate cyclase and amylase release were investigated in rat parotid gland. Adenylate cyclase activity stimulated by GTPS in PT-treated membranes was much larger than that in normal membranes. ANP dose-dependently inhibited adenylate cyclase stimulated by GTPS in control rat parotid membranes, however in membranes prepared from PT-injected (in vivo) rat parotid gland, ANP did not inhibit adenylate cyclase. ANP(10–7M) inhibited cAMP accumulation stimulated by forskolin (10–6M) in control rat parotid acinar cells by about 34%, however, in PT-treated cells, the inhibitory effect of ANP was attenuated completely. In control cells, amylase release stimulated by isoproterenol (10–6M) and forskolin (10–6M) were also depressed by ANP (10–7M) by 27 and 30%, respectively. The inhibitory response of ANP on amylase release was completely attenuated by PT-treatment. Gi was detected as a ADP-ribosylated 41-KDa protein by incubation of parotid membranes with PT and [-32P]NAD. In rat parotid gland, these results suggested that ANP mediates adenylate cyclase/cAMP system and consequently reduces amylase release through ANP-C receptor coupled to Gi. (Mol Cell Biochem)139: 53–58, 1994)  相似文献   

The effect of the ionophore A-23187 was tested on isolated secretory granules of rat parotid gland. The ionophore caused extensive release of calcium from the granules without effecting release of amylase or other secretory proteins. It is therefore concluded that the role of calcium in the granules is probably not that of a stabilizing agent.  相似文献   

Cyclin-dependent kinase 5 (Cdk5) plays no apparent role in cell cycle regulation, and Cdk5 is not activated by cyclins but only p35 or p39. Although the enzymatic activity of Cdk5 is highest in the central nervous system, recent reports indicate that it also has important functions in non-neuronal cells. In the present study, we investigated whether Cdk5 and its activators are expressed in rat parotid acinar cells, whether a β-adrenergic agonist enhances the expression of Cdk5, and whether Cdk5 mediates amylase release. We found that Cdk5 and its activator, cyclin I, were expressed in rat parotid acinar cells, and that the expression of Cdk5 was enhanced by treatment of the cells with isoproterenol. Amylase release stimulated by isoproterenol was depressed by the addition of olomoucine, a Cdk5 inhibitor, or by the introduction of an anti-Cdk5 antibody. Cdk5 activity was enhanced by treatment with isoproterenol and this enhanced activity was attenuated by the addition of olomoucine. Olomoucine also attenuated both phosphorylation of Munc18c and translocation of Munc18c from the plasma membrane induced by isoproterenol. These results indicated that β-stimulation of rat parotid acinar cells enhanced the expression of Cdk5, and that this Cdk5 activation may mediate amylase release through phosphorylation of Munc18c.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To identify alpha-amylase crystalloid formations in parotid specimens obtained by fine needle aspiration. STUDY DESIGN: The study concerned three cases of sialadenitis with crystalloid formation observed between 1993 and 1998. In one of these cases, transmission electron microscopy, mass spectrometry and measurement of amylase activity were used to characterize the nature of the crystalloids. RESULTS: Light microscopy revealed the same crystalloid structure in all three cases. In one case, where the material was saved, a biochemical method made it possible to reveal high amylase activity, while protein electrophoresis and mass spectrometry were used to identify salivary alpha-amylase. CONCLUSION: Crystalloids of salivary alpha-amylase can be identified by May-Grünwald-Giemsa and Papanicolaou stain and can be rapidly confirmed through determination of amylase activity.  相似文献   

Studies were made on changes in the contents of α-amylase (EC in the pancreas and parotid gland of rats during postnatal devlopment, on the premature induction of this enzyme by hormones and on the existence of specific glucocorticoid receptors in these tissues.The amylase content in the pancreas increased from the 9th day after birth and reached the adult level on the 28th day, its content in the parotid gland increased rapidly from the 16th to 28th day after birth and then rose more gradually to the adult level.Injection of dexamethasone into rats 6–8 days after birth induced increase in the amylase of the pancreas but not the parotid gland. However, injection of dexamethasone into weanling rats 21–23 days after birth resulted in precocious induction of amylase in both tissues.Specific glucocorticoid receptors were detectable in the parotid gland of rats from 6 days after birth but were almost undetectable in the pancreas until adolescence.  相似文献   

Amylase release from the rat parotid gland is mainly mediated in a cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA)-dependent manner. In the present study, amylase release mediated in cAMP-dependent and PKA-independent manners was investigated with a cAMP-regulated guanine nucleotide exchange factor (cAMP-GEF: Epac)-selective cAMP analogue, 8CPT-2Me-cAMP. The Epac was localized in the intracellular and the plasma membrane fractions. PKA activation by 8CPT-2Me-cAMP was 100-fold lower than that by cAMP. The amylase release (% of the total) from the intact parotid acinar cells was 16 and 3.6% by isoproterenol (1microM) and 8CPT-2Me-cAMP (200microM), respectively, and that from the saponin-permeabilized cells was 15 and 3% by cAMP (100microM) and 8CTP-2Me-cAMP (10microM), respectively. H-89 inhibited cAMP-induced amylase release, but did not inhibit 8CPT-2Me-cAMP-induced amylase release. These results indicated that amylase release by beta-adrenergic stimulation is mediated through both the cAMP/PKA and cAMP/Epac signal pathways.  相似文献   

Propranolol inhibited cyclic AMP (cAMP) accumulation stimulated by 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine (IBMX) or forskolin in rat parotid acinar cells. The inhibition by propranolol was highly potent; 10(-7) M propranolol was sufficient for the maximum inhibition (approx. 50% at 5 min). The inhibitory effect was observed in both intact and saponin-permeabilized parotid cells, but the effect was more prominent in permeabilized cells than in intact cells. Other beta-blockers, like alprenolol and atenolol, were as effective as propranolol, but butoxamine (beta 2-selective) was slightly less effective. The inhibition by propranolol was similarly detected in the cells prepared from pertussis-toxin-pretreated rats, suggesting that inhibitory guanine nucleotide regulatory protein (Gi) is not involved in the inhibitory mechanism. Propranolol also inhibited the exocytosis of amylase stimulated by IBMX or forskolin. In the presence of propranolol and IBMX, the responsiveness of saponin-permeabilized cells to exogenous cAMP was markedly increased, indicating that propranolol neither promotes the degradation of cAMP nor prevents the inhibitory effect of IBMX on cAMP phosphodiesterase.  相似文献   

The effects of vinblastine and colchicine on pancreatic acinar cells were studied by use of in vitro mouse pancreatic fragments. Vinblastine inhibited the release of amylase stimulated by bethanechol, caerulein, or ionophore A23187. Inhibition required preincubation with vinblastine,and maximum inhibition was observed after 90 min. Inhibition was relatively irreversible and could not be overcome by a high concentration of stimulant. Inhibition could also be produced by colchicine although longer preincubation was required and inhibition was only partial. Uptake of [3H]vinblastine and [3H]colchicine by pancreatic fragments was measured and found not to be responsible for the slow onset of inhibition by these drugs. In incubated pancreas, microtubules were present primarily in the apical pole of the cell and in association with the Golgi region. Vinblastine, under time and dose conditions that inhibited the release of stimulated amylase, also reduced the number of microtubules. The only other consistent structural effects of vinblastine were the presence of vinblastine- induced crystals and an increased incidence of autophagy. The remainder of cell structure was not affected nor were overall tissue ATP and electrolyte contents or the stimulant-induced increase in 45Ca++ efflux. It is concluded that the antisecretory effects of vinblastine and colchicine are consistent with a microtubular action, but that acinar cell microtubules are more resistant to the drugs than many other cell types.  相似文献   

Studies were made on changes in the contents of alpha-amylase (EC in the pancreas and parotid gland of rats during postnatal development, on the premature induction of this enzyme by hormones and on the existence of specific glucocorticoid receptors in these tissues. The amylase content in the pancreas increased from the 9th day after birth and reached the adult level on the 28th day, its content in the parotid gland increased rapidly from the 16th to the 28th day after birth and then rose more gradually to the adult level. Injection of dexamethasone into rats 6--8 days after birth induced increase in the amylase of the pancreas but not the parotid gland. However, injection of dexamethasone into weanling rats 21--23 days after birth resulted in precocious induction of amylase in both tissues. Specific glucocorticoid receptors were detectable in the parotid gland of rats from 6 days after birth but were almost undetectable in the pancreas until adolescence.  相似文献   

1. A method is described for the isolation of rat parotid acinar cells by controlled digestion of the gland with trypsin followed by collagenase. As judged by Trypan Blue exclusion, electron microscopy, water, electrolyte and ATP concentrations and release of amylase and lactate dehydrogenase, the cells are morphologically and functionally intact. 2. A method was developed for perifusion of acinar cells by embedding them in Sephadex G-10. Release of amylase was stimulated by adrenaline (0.1-10muM), isoproternol (1 or 10 MUM), phenylephrine (1 muM), carbamoylcholine (0.1 or 1 muM), dibutyryl cycle AMP (2 MM), 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine (1mM) and ionophore A23187. The effects of phenylephrine, carbamoylcholine and ionophore A23187 required extracellular Ca2+, whereas the effects of adrenaline and isoproterenol did not. 3. The incorporation of 45Ca into parotid cells showed a rapidly equilibrating pool (1-2 min) corresponding to 15% of total Ca2+ and a slowly equilibrating pool (greater than 3h) of probably a similar dimension. Cholinergic and alpha-adrenergic effectors and ionophore A23187 and 2,4-dinitrophenol increased the rate of incorporation of 45Ca into a slowly equilibrating pool, whereas beta-adrenergic effectors and dibutyryl cyclic AMP were inactive. 4. The efflux of 45Ca from cells into Ca2+-free medium was inhibited by phenylephrine and carbamoylcholine and accelerated by isoproterenol, adrenaline (beta-adrenergic effect), dibutyryl cyclic AMP and ionophore A23187. 5. A method was developed for the measurement of exchangeable 45Ca in mitochondria in parotid pieces. Incorporation of 45Ca into mitochondria was decreased by isoproterenol, dibutyryl cyclic AMP or 2,4-dinitrophenol, increased by adrenaline, and not changed significantly by phenylephrine or carbamoylcholine. Release of 45Ca from mitochondria in parotid pieced incubated in a Ca2+-free medium was increased by isoproterenol, adrenaline, dibutyryl cyclic AMP or 2,4-dinitrophenol and unaffected by phenylephrine or carbamoylcholine. 6. These findings are compatible with a role for Ca2+ as a mediator of amylase-secretory responses in rat parotid acinar cells, but no definite conclusions about its role can be drawn in the absence of knowledge of the molecular mechanisms involved, their location, and free Ca2+ concentration in appropriate cell compartment(s).  相似文献   

An antiserum against purified rat parotid amylase was used to localize the protein in parotid glands of developing and adult rats. The unlabeled antibody peroxidase-antiperoxidase method and the protein A-gold colloid technique were used at the light and electron microscope levels, respectively. Immunoreactive amylase was detected in a few scattered cells in the glands of 2-day-old rats. During the following days the number of cells stained immunocytochemically for amylase increased rapidly; at 15 days of age all acinar cells revealed amylase, but the intensity of immunostaining varied from cell to cell. Electron microscopically, amylase was localized in the secretory granules, and by using a more concentrated antiserum, in the rough endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi complex. At early stages of development the acinar cells contained fewer and smaller secretory granules than in adult animals; the gold particles indicative of amylase were randomly distributed over the secretory granules. In the glands of adult rats, amylase was distributed inhomogeneously within the secretory granules. In the majority of secretory granules gold colloid particles were located over the electron-dense portions of the granules. However, secretory granules in which an amylase-rich shell surrounded an amylase-poor or amylase-negative "core" were not infrequent.  相似文献   

The undecapeptides, substance P and eledosin, caused a rapid, concentration-dependent increase in K+ efflux and amylase release from parotid tissue slices. The effects were not blocked by β-adrenergic, α-adrenergic, or cholinergic anatagonists. Incubation buffer calcium was required for stimulation of K+ efflux and amylase release. The action of the undecapeptides was independent of any effects on parotid cyclic AMP or cyclic GMP levels. Since the actions of the undecapeptides were Ca2+ dependent and no effects on cyclic nucleotide levels were discerned it was concluded that Ca2+ plays a primary role in agonist regulation of K+ efflux from the parotid.  相似文献   

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