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Despite the universality of branching patterns in marine modular colonial organisms, there is neither a clear explanation about the growth of their branching forms nor an understanding of how these organisms conserve their shape during development. This study develops a model of branching and colony growth using parameters and variables related to actual modular structures (e.g., branches) in Caribbean gorgonian corals (Cnidaria). Gorgonians exhibiting treelike networks branch subapically, creating hierarchical mother-daughter relationships among branches. We modeled both the intrinsic subapical branching along with an ecological-physiological limit to growth or maximum number of mother branches (k). Shape is preserved by maintaining a constant ratio (c) between the total number of branches and the mother branches. The size frequency distribution of mother branches follows a scaling power law suggesting self-organized criticality. Differences in branching among species with the same k values are determined by r (branching rate) and c. Species with rr/2 or c>r>0). Ecological/physiological constraints limit growth without altering colony form or the interaction between r and c. The model described the branching dynamics giving the form to colonies and how colony growth declines over time without altering the branching pattern. This model provides a theoretical basis to study branching as a simple function of the number of branches independently of ordering- and bifurcation-based schemes.  相似文献   

Climate change is fundamentally altering marine and coastal ecosystems on a global scale. While the effects of ocean warming and acidification on ecology and ecosystem functions and services are being comprehensively researched, less attention is directed toward understanding the impacts of human-driven ocean salinity changes. The global water cycle operates through water fluxes expressed as precipitation, evaporation, and freshwater runoff from land. Changes to these in turn modulate ocean salinity and shape the marine and coastal environment by affecting ocean currents, stratification, oxygen saturation, and sea level rise. Besides the direct impact on ocean physical processes, salinity changes impact ocean biological functions with the ecophysiological consequences are being poorly understood. This is surprising as salinity changes may impact diversity, ecosystem and habitat structure loss, and community shifts including trophic cascades. Climate model future projections (of end of the century salinity changes) indicate magnitudes that lead to modification of open ocean plankton community structure and habitat suitability of coral reef communities. Such salinity changes are also capable of affecting the diversity and metabolic capacity of coastal microorganisms and impairing the photosynthetic capacity of (coastal and open ocean) phytoplankton, macroalgae, and seagrass, with downstream ramifications on global biogeochemical cycling. The scarcity of comprehensive salinity data in dynamic coastal regions warrants additional attention. Such datasets are crucial to quantify salinity-based ecosystem function relationships and project such changes that ultimately link into carbon sequestration and freshwater as well as food availability to human populations around the globe. It is critical to integrate vigorous high-quality salinity data with interacting key environmental parameters (e.g., temperature, nutrients, oxygen) for a comprehensive understanding of anthropogenically induced marine changes and its impact on human health and the global economy.  相似文献   

The influence of high concentrations of mineral nitrogen, phosphorus and their mixtures on species structure of microbenthos of a sand intertidal zone of the White Sea was studies in field experiment. The increase in concentration of nutrients (in comparison with natural) reduces the species diversity and organism abundance in grazing chains, but stimulates the development of organisms of detrital food chain. At abnormally high concentration of nutrients the response of community does not strictly depend on chemical composition of fertilizers and N:P atomic ratio. The high concentration of nutrients act as distructive agent on the complex organized system and simultaneously as a specific trigger of self organization processes, which re resulted in formation of highly coherent commynity of r-strategists (bacteria and protists). After termination of the experiment and resetting of environment to the previous state, the new community for a long time (measured by dozens of generations of unicellular organisms) retains its structure.  相似文献   

Biological communities are remarkable in their ability to form cooperative ensembles that lead to coexistence through various types of niche partitioning, usually intimately tied to spatial structure. This is especially true in microbial settings where differential expression and regulation of genes allows members of a given species to alter their lifestyle so as to fill a functional role within the community. The resulting species interactions can involve feedback, as in the case of some bacterial consortia that participate in the cooperative degradation of a given resource in a succession of steps and in such a way that certain "later" species provide catalytic support for the primary degrader. We seek to capture the essential features of such spatially extended biological systems by introducing a lattice-based stochastic spatial model (interacting particle system) with cyclic local dynamics. Here, a given site progresses through a sequence of resource and species states in a prescribed order. Furthermore, this succession of states (at a site) is assumed to form a cyclic pattern due to a natural feedback mechanism. We explore conditions under which all the species are able to coexist and consider the extent to which this coexistence requires the development of spatio-temporal patterns, including spiral waves. This self-organization, if it occurs, results when synchronization of the dynamics at the microscopic level leads to macroscopic patterns. These patterns result in consumer-driven resource fluctuations that generate a form of spatio-temporal niche partitioning. As with most models of this complexity, we employ a mixture of mathematical analysis and simulations to develop an understanding of the resulting dynamics.  相似文献   

A review of the nature and accumulation of arsenic in marine organisms is presented. A study of the literature has revealed a lack of information about the mechanisms of uptake, molecular transformations, and biochemical associations of arsenic within organisms, and it remains unclear whether a few forms of arsenic are ubiquitous. The arsenic forms present in marine sediments and their role in the biogeochemical cycling of arsenic are also largely unknown.  相似文献   

Cold adaptation in marine organisms   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Animals from polar seas exhibit numerous so called resistance adaptations that serve to maintain homeostasis at low temperature and prevent lethal freezing injury. Specialization to temperatures at or below 0 degrees C is associated with an inability to survive at temperatures above 3-8 degrees C. Polar fish synthesize various types of glycoproteins or peptides to lower the freezing point of most extracellular fluid compartments in a non-colligative manner. Antifreeze production is seasonal in boreal species and is often initiated by environmental cues other than low temperature, particularly short day lengths. Most of the adaptations that enable intertidal invertebrates to survive freezing are associated with their ability to withstand ariel exposure. Unique adaptations for freezing avoidance include the synthesis of low molecular mass ice-nucleating proteins that control and induce extracellular ice-formation. Marine poikilotherms also exhibit a range of capacity adaptations that increase the rate of some physiological processes so as to partially compensate for the effects of low temperature. However, the rate of embryonic development in a diverse range of marine organisms shows no evidence of temperature compensation. This results in a significant lengthening of the time from fertilization to hatching in polar, relative to temperate, species. Some aspects of the physiology of polar marine species, such as low metabolic and slow growth rates, probably result from a combination of low temperature and other factors such as the highly seasonal nature of food supplies. Although neuromuscular function shows a partial capacity adaptation in Antarctic fish, maximum swimming speeds are lower than for temperate and tropical species, particularly for early stages in the life history.  相似文献   

Climate change has complex structural impacts on coastal ecosystems. Global warming is linked to a widespread decline in body size, whereas increased flood frequency can amplify nutrient enrichment through enhanced run-off. Altered population body-size structure represents a disruption in top-down control, whereas eutrophication embodies a change in bottom-up forcing. These processes are typically studied in isolation and little is known about their potential interactive effects. Here, we present the results of an in situ experiment examining the combined effects of top-down and bottom-up forces on the structure of a coastal marine community. Reduced average body mass of the top predator (the shore crab, Carcinus maenas) and nutrient enrichment combined additively to alter mean community body mass. Nutrient enrichment increased species richness and overall density of organisms. Reduced top-predator body mass increased community biomass. Additionally, we found evidence for an allometrically induced trophic cascade. Here, the reduction in top-predator body mass enabled greater biomass of intermediate fish predators within the mesocosms. This, in turn, suppressed key micrograzers, which led to an overall increase in microalgal biomass. This response highlights the possibility for climate-induced trophic cascades, driven by altered size structure of populations, rather than species extinction.  相似文献   

On the origin of pristane in marine organisms   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Phytol-U-(14)C was adsorbed on algae and ingested in this form by zooplanktonic copepods (two species of Calanus). The lipids of these animals were analyzed after 48 hr and found to contain radioactive pristane and radioactive phytanic acid. The conversion of phytol to pristane by the copepods is interpreted as a likely biological source of pristane in nature.  相似文献   

Order, form, pattern and organization are properties central to much living matter. The physicochemical processes by which an initially homogeneous solution of reacting chemicals or biochemicals might self-organize is hence a question of fundamental biological importance. In most cases, solutions of reacting chemicals in a test-tube do not self-organize. Because of this, for many years, it was not thought possible that reactive processes could result in self-organization. However, progressively over the last hundred years, it has been shown that this is not always the case, and under certain conditions, the combination of reaction with molecular diffusion can lead to macroscopic self-organization. In 'complex' systems comprised of populations of strongly coupled elements, new 'emergent' properties, such as self-organization, arise by way of the dynamics of the system. Self-organizing reaction-diffusion systems form a specific type of complex system. Here, I will give a personal overview of the conceptual and historical background to this approach with an emphasis on biological self-organization.  相似文献   

The role of iron in regulating light harvesting and photochemical energy conversion processes was examined in the marine unicellular chlorophyte Dunaliella tertiolecta and the marine diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum. In both species, iron limitation led to a reduction in cellular chlorophyll concentrations, but an increase in the in vivo, chlorophyll-specific, optical absorption cross-sections. Moreover, the absorption cross-section of photosystem II, a measure of the photon target area of the traps, was higher in iron-limited cells and decreased rapidly following iron addition. Iron-limited cells exhibited reduced variable/maximum fluorescence ratios and a reduced fluorescence per unit absorption at all wave-lengths between 400 and 575 nm. Following iron addition, variable/maximum fluorescence ratios increased rapidly, reaching 90% of the maximum within 18 to 25 h. Thus, although more light was absorbed per unit of chlorophyll, iron limitation reduced the transfer efficiency of excitation energy in photosystem II. The half-time for the oxidation of primary electron acceptor of photosystem II, calculated from the kinetics of decay of variable maximum fluorescence, increased 2-fold under iron limitation. Quantitative analysis of western blots revealed that cytochrome f and subunit IV (the plastoquinone-docking protein) of the cytochrome b6/f complex were also significantly reduced by lack of iron; recovery from iron limitation was completely inhibited by either cycloheximide or chloramphenicol. The recovery of maximum photosynthetic energy conversion efficiency occurs in three stages: (a) a rapid (3-5 h) increase in electron transfer rates on the acceptor side of photosystem II correlated with de novo synthesis of the cytochrome b6/f complex; (b) an increase (10-15 h) in the quantum efficiency correlated with an increase in D1 accumulation; and (c) a slow (>18 h) increase in chlorophyll levels accompanied by an increase in the efficiency of energy transfer from the light-harvesting chlorophyll proteins to the reaction centers.  相似文献   

This paper reviews original and literature data on the cryoresistance of the cells of marine organisms. The technology for the cryopreservation of these objects includes the selection of freezing conditions and the use, in addition to traditional cryoprotectants, of combinations of exogenous lipids, antioxidants, and disaccharide trehalose as a membrane stabilizing agent. We propose an approach for the preservation of marine invertebrate cells. The approach is based on the use of biologically active substances obtained from the tissues of marine organisms. Our results demonstrated the synergistic activity of these components of cryoprotective mixtures, and, at the same time, the specificity of antioxidant effects. An analysis of the factors that determine the choice of cryoprotectors was performed for various cell types. The development of the cryopreservation methods of marine organisms provides an opportunity for their wide application in both developmental biology and in marine biotechnology and serves as an important prerequisite for the cryobank creation.  相似文献   

Indicator organisms for estuarine and marine waters   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Abstract The use of indicator organisms for estuarine and coastal waters has been reviewed. The natural flora of the environment must be considered in selecting an indicator organism, but, more importantly, recent work which shows a viable but non-recoverable stage of pathogens entering the marine environment demonstrates that the conventional detection of indicator microorganisms is misleading, if not inaccurate. Results suggest that the newly developed epifluorescent/immunofluorescent direct detection of pathogens in the environment may be the most reliable method for determining public health hazards in marine and estuarine waters.  相似文献   

Marine organisms including bacteria, fungi, algae, sponges, echinoderms, mollusks, and cephalochordates produce a variety of products with antifungal activity including bacterial chitinases, lipopeptides, and lactones; fungal (-)-sclerotiorin and peptaibols, purpurides B and C, berkedrimane B and purpuride; algal gambieric acids A and B, phlorotannins; 3,5-dibromo-2-(3,5-dibromo-2-methoxyphenoxy)phenol, spongistatin 1, eurysterols A and B, nortetillapyrone, bromotyrosine alkaloids, bis-indole alkaloid, ageloxime B and (-)-ageloxime D, haliscosamine, hamigeran G, hippolachnin A from sponges; echinoderm triterpene glycosides and alkene sulfates; molluscan kahalalide F and a 1485-Da peptide with a sequence SRSELIVHQR; and cepalochordate chitotriosidase and a 5026.9-Da antifungal peptide. The antiviral compounds from marine organisms include bacterial polysaccharide and furan-2-yl acetate; fungal macrolide, purpurester A, purpurquinone B, isoindolone derivatives, alterporriol Q, tetrahydroaltersolanol C and asperterrestide A, algal diterpenes, xylogalactofucan, alginic acid, glycolipid sulfoquinovosyldiacylglycerol, sulfated polysaccharide p-KG03, meroditerpenoids, methyl ester derivative of vatomaric acid, lectins, polysaccharides, tannins, cnidarian zoanthoxanthin alkaloids, norditerpenoid and capilloquinol; crustacean antilipopolysaccharide factors, molluscan hemocyanin; echinoderm triterpenoid glycosides; tunicate didemnin B, tamandarins A and B and; tilapia hepcidin 1-5 (TH 1-5), seabream SauMx1, SauMx2, and SauMx3, and orange-spotted grouper β-defensin. Although the mechanisms of antifungal and antiviral activities of only some of the aforementioned compounds have been elucidated, the possibility to use those known to have distinctly different mechanisms, good bioavailability, and minimal toxicity in combination therapy remains to be investigated. It is also worthwhile to test the marine antimicrobials for possible synergism with existing drugs. The prospects of employing them in clinical practice are promising in view of the wealth of these compounds from marine organisms. The compounds may also be used in agriculture and the food industry.  相似文献   

Organic pollutants exhibiting endocrine disrupting activity (Endocrine Disruptors--EDs) are prevalent over a wide range in the aquatic ecosystems; most EDs are resistant to environmental degradation and are considered ubiquitous contaminants. The actual potency of EDs is low compared to that of natural hormones, but environmental concentrations may still be sufficiently high to produce detrimental biological effects. Most information on the biological effects and mechanisms of action of EDs has been focused on vertebrates. Here we summarize recent progress in studies on selected aspects of endocrine disruption in marine organisms that are still poorly understood and that certainly deserve further research in the near future. This review, divided in four sections, focuses mainly on invertebrates (effects of EDs and mechanisms of action) and presents data on top predators (large pelagic fish and cetaceans), a group of vertebrates that are particularly at risk due to their position in the food chain. The first section deals with basic pathways of steroid biosynthesis and metabolism as a target for endocrine disruption in invertebrates. In the second section, data on the effects and alternative mechanisms of action of estrogenic compounds in mussel immunocytes are presented, addressing to the importance of investigating full range responses to estrogenic chemicals in ecologically relevant invertebrate species. In the third section we review the potential use of vitellogenin (Vtg)-like proteins as a biomarker of endocrine disruption in marine bivalve molluscs, used worldwide as sentinels in marine biomonitoring programmes. Finally, we summarize the results of a recent survey on ED accumulation and effects on marine fish and mammals, utilizing both classical biomarkers of endocrine disruption in vertebrates and non-lethal techniques, such as non-destructive biomarkers, indicating the toxicological risk for top predator species in the Mediterranean. Overall, the reviewed data underline the potential to identify specific types of responses to specific groups of chemicals such as EDs in order to develop suitable biomarkers that could be useful as diagnostic tools for endocrine disruption in marine invertebrates and vertebrates.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigate the type and quantity of selenium compounds in fish and marine organisms, using ion-pair reversed phase LC–ICP-MS, developed and applied for the analysis of Atlantic cod, Atlantic salmon, Greenland halibut, Atlantic herring, blue mussel, common crab, scallop, calanus, and Euphasia super. Of the samples examined, the lowest level of selenium was found in farmed Atlantic salmon (0.17 mg Se kg−1 dm). The total selenium extraction efficiency by phosphate buffer was 2.5 times higher in sea plankton and shellfish samples than in fish samples. Analysis of Se species in each hydrolysate obtained by proteolysis showed the presence of selenomethionine, which constituted 41.5% of the selenium compounds detected in hydrolysates of Atlantic herring and 98.4% of those in extracts of Atlantic salmon. Inorganic compounds, such as selenates and selenites, were detected mainly in sea plankton and shellfish samples (<0.13 mg Se kg−1 wm), although no correlation was found between the presence of inorganic compounds and total selenium concentration. The accuracy of the total selenium determination was validated using a certified reference material (oyster tissue (NIST 1566b)). A lyophilised powder of cod (Gadus morhua) was used to validate speciation analysis, enzymatic hydrolysis of lyophilised powder of cod recovered 54 ± 6% of total selenium, and SeMet constituted 83.5 ± 5.28% of selenium detected in hydrolysates. The chromatographic detection limits were, respectively, 0.30 ng mL−1, 0.43 ng mL−1, 0.54 ng mL−1, 0.55 ng mL−1, 0.57 ng mL−1 and 0.72 ng mL−1 for selenate, selenomethionine, selenite, Se-methyl-selenocysteine, selenocystine and selenomethionine selenoxide.The data on selenium concentrations and speciation presented here could be useful in estimating levels of selenium intake by seafood consumption.  相似文献   

Sweijd  N. A.  Bowie  R. C. K.  Evans  B. S.  Lopata  A. L. 《Hydrobiologia》2000,420(1):153-164
Biochemical and molecular species identification techniques have a broad range of applications in the management and conservation of marine organisms. While species boundaries are not always clearly defined, phylogeneticists utilise autapomorphic characters to distinguish phylogenetic species. Genetic markers discriminate between marine taxa when traditional morphological distinctions are unclear. The applications of these techniques can be divided into four general categories. Firstly, compliance enforcement, which often depends on genetic identification techniques to enable officials to identify the species to which regulations pertain. Secondly, quality control applications, to allow for the testing of marine products to guard against fraudulent substitution with less valuable species, which is particularly pertinent since processing often obliterates identifiable features. Thirdly, a variety of applications to ecological and life-history studies and conservation management are reported. Here, the genetic identification techniques of species from cryptic life-cycle stages or of morphologically indistinct species are an indispensable tool for marine scientists, conservators and managers. Lastly, the application of genetic techniques for sourcing population origin is briefly discussed. The biochemical and molecular techniques applied to species identification all exploit phenotypic or genotypic polymorphisms that are sampled using either tertiary level protein based methods or primary level DNA based methods. In this review, examples of the applications along with the total protein, allozyme, serological, PCR and other DNA based methodologies are briefly described and some generalities with regard to their use are presented.  相似文献   

Cosmeceuticals, derived from the words ‘cosmetic and pharmaceutical’, have drug-like benefits and contain active ingredients such as vitamins, phytochemicals, enzymes, antioxidants, and essential oils. Cosmeceuticals have attracted increased attention because of their beneficial effects on human health. Bioactive substances derived from marine organisms have diverse functional roles as a secondary metabolite and these properties can be applied to the developments of novel pharmaceuticals and cosmeceuticals. Recently, extensive studies have been conducted on the general aspects of the chemical structures, physical and biochemical properties, and biotechnological applications of bioactive substances derived from marine organisms. In this review, we have discussed recent progresses in the biotechnological applications of bioactive substances from marine organisms as cosmeceuticals.  相似文献   

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