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Two cases of hemimandibular reconstructions with revascularized free rib grafts are presented. The viability of the transplants was confirmed by bone scans and biopsy, even though the main nutrient vessels providing the intramedullary blood flow were not included in these grafts (and only the periosteal circulation was utilized). The removal of a rib graft without the nutrient vessel eliminates the need for a complicated posterior dissection, close to the costovertebral joint. Revascularized free bone grafts have a greater chance of survival, provide more rapid healing, offer less risk of absorption, and are more resistant to infection than conventional bone grafts.  相似文献   

Eight patients had reconstructive surgery for soft-tissue, associated Achilles tendon, and calcaneus defects on the posterior aspect of the ankle. In group A, those patients with skin, soft-tissue, and Achilles tendon loss were treated with free groin flaps that included sheets of the external oblique aponeurosis based on the superficial circumflex iliac vessel. The groin flap provided skin coverage, and the aponeurosis was rolled to form a tendon-like structure to replace the Achilles tendon. In group B, those patients with an additional calcaneus bone loss were treated with free iliac osteocutaneous flaps, together with the external oblique aponeurosis based on the deep circumflex iliac vessel. The iliac bone was then utilized to reconstruct the calcaneus defect. All composite free tissue transfers were successful, except in two group B patients who suffered partial skin loss. The advantages of this technique are (1) a single, one-stage procedure, (2) faster wound healing with fewer adhesions of the reconstructed Achilles tendon, and (3) good cosmesis and minimal morbidity at the donor site.  相似文献   

Lateral composite mandibular defects resulting from excision of advanced oral carcinoma often require mandible, intra-oral lining, external face, and soft-tissue bulk reconstruction. Ignorance of importance soft-tissue deficit in those patients may cause significant morbidity and functional loss. Such defects, therefore, can be reconstructed best with a double free flap technique. However, this procedure may not be feasible for every patient or surgeon. An alternative procedure is a free fibula osteoseptocutaneous flap combined with a pedicled pectoralis major myocutaneous flap. This combination was used in reconstruction of extensive composite mandibular defects in 14 patients with T3/T4 oral squamous cell carcinoma. All patients were men, and the average age was 54.3 years. The septocutaneous paddle of the fibula flap was used for the mucosal lining of the defects while the bony part established the rigid mandibular continuity. The pectoralis major flap then covered the external skin defect in the face and cheek, and the dead spaces left by the extirpated masticator muscles, buccal fat, and parotid gland. One free fibula flap failed totally, and one pectoralis major flap developed marginal necrosis. At the time of final evaluation, nine patients (64.3 percent) were alive, surviving an average of 25.7 months. All patients eventually regained their oral continence and an acceptable cosmetic appearance. In conclusion, the fibula osteoseptocutaneous flap plus regional myocutaneous flap choice is a successful and technically less demanding alternative to the double free flap procedures in reconstruction of extensive lateral mandibular defects.  相似文献   

Microsurgical reconstruction of composite through-and-through defects of the oral cavity involving mucosa, bone, and external skin has often required two free flaps or double-skin paddle scapular or radial forearm flaps for successful functional and aesthetic outcomes. A safe, reliable technique using a double-skin paddle fibular osteocutaneous flap to restore the intraoral lining, mandibular bone, and external skin is described. A large elliptical or rectangular skin paddle is designed 90 degrees to the longitudinal axis of the fibula, over the junction of the middle and distal thirds of the lower leg, based only on the posterolateral septocutaneous perforators. This skin flap can be draped anteriorly and posteriorly over the fibular bone to reconstruct both the intraoral defect and the external skin defect. The area between the two skin islands of the intraoral flap and the external flap is deepithelialized and left as a dermal bridge between the two skin islands, as opposed to the creation of two separate vertical skin paddles, each based on a septocutaneous perforator. The transverse dimension of the flap can be as great as 14 cm, extending to within 1 to 2 cm of the tibial crest anteriorly and as far as the midline posteriorly, and with a length of up to 26 cm, this flap should be more than sufficient for reconstruction of most through-and-through defects. This technique has allowed the successful reconstruction of large composite defects, with missing intraoral lining, mandibular bone, and external skin, for 16 patients, with 100 percent survival of both skin islands in all cases and without the development of any orocutaneous fistulae.  相似文献   

The serratus anterior muscle has been suggested as a versatile and reliable flap for reconstruction of head and neck and extremity injuries. The adipofascial layer overlying the serratus anterior muscle is the anatomic layer, which is supplied by the same branch of thoracodorsal artery. Even though great progress has occurred in the prevention of postoperative adhesion of extremity injuries, the problem has not been completely solved and is still of special importance in complex injuries. Between March of 1995 and February of 1996, seven patients underwent reconstructive operation as a result of soft-tissue defects of the upper or lower extremities or the scalp. We transferred free adipofascial tissue overlying the serratus anterior muscle in three patients and both serratus anterior muscle and adipofascial tissue in four patients. A free adipofascial flap overlying serratus anterior muscle was transferred when a gliding surface was required, owing to the exposure of tendons and neurovascular structures. The average duration from operation to follow-up examination was 8 months (from 4 to 16 months). The results of the operations were satisfactory in functional and cosmetic aspects. This kind of flap was very effective in reconstruction of soft-tissue defects and gliding surfaces for these reasons: easy dissection, the capability of obtaining a long vascular pedicle, large-sized flap, composite flap including muscle or rib, and the fact that there was no serious functional or cosmetic deficit at the donor site.  相似文献   

Large composite oromandibulomaxillary defects resulting from oncologic resection can be challenging to reconstruct with a single flap, and functional outcomes remain anecdotal. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the authors' surgical experience and scientifically analyze and describe the functional outcomes associated with the use of the vertical rectus abdominis myocutaneous flap for reconstruction of these defects. The records of seven patients (mean age, 62 years) who underwent composite resection including hemimandibulectomy, partial maxillectomy, partial pharyngectomy, and floor-of-mouth resection followed by immediate free vertical rectus abdominis myocutaneous flap reconstruction at The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center (1998 to 2002) were retrospectively reviewed. The tumor type was squamous cell carcinoma in all seven cases; four patients had T4 primary lesions and three had local recurrences. Radiotherapy was used preoperatively in each of the three recurrent cases (mean dose, 70.6 Gy) and postoperatively in three of the four patients with primary tumors (mean dose, 63.0 Gy). The mean length of hospitalization was 8.7 days. There were no major flap complications, fistulas, or donor-site complications. Partial flap necrosis (4 percent of flap area) occurred in one patient and dehiscence of the neck incision occurred in another. Both cases were managed with surgical débridement and closure. A third patient developed a 0.75-cm superficial suture line abscess that healed with dressing changes. The mean postoperative follow-up was 15 months. Six of the seven patients remained tube dependent for their nutrition despite some swallowing improvement; one patient returned to full oral intake. The most common swallowing deficit was impaired laryngeal excursion, which occurred in all six patients evaluated with videofluoroscopic examination and resulted in risk for aspiration in patients and frank aspiration in 83 percent. Speech was intelligible on routine follow-up visits in all patients except one. Four patients died as a result of their cancer, one was alive with metastatic disease, and two were alive with no evidence of disease at last follow-up. The goal for patients undergoing extensive composite oromandibulomaxillary resection for advanced cancer is to restore structure, minimize postoperative morbidity, and optimize the quality of remaining life. Reconstruction with the free vertical rectus abdominis myocutaneous flap achieves early wound healing, allows timely delivery of adjuvant therapy, and can be accomplished with predictable success and minimal morbidity. To our knowledge, this study represents the first to scientifically analyze and quantify swallowing function following free vertical rectus abdominis myocutaneous flap reconstruction for large oromandibulomaxillary defects. Understanding of the specific physiologic swallowing deficits that typically occur after such reconstructions will provide clinicians with important surgical and reconstructive information to enable future improvements in functional success in a population for whom the prognosis is poor and treatment options are limited.  相似文献   

Extensive composite defects of the oromandibular area are usually created after the surgical treatment of T3 and T4 cancers, requiring complex reconstructive plastic surgical procedures. The preferred treatment method for this type of defect is reconstruction with two free flaps. The use of the vascularized fibula osteoseptocutaneous flap for the bone and inner lining defect is well known and accepted. Among the flaps that can be used for the outer lining and soft-tissue reconstruction, the two most commonly used have been the forearm flap and the rectus abdominis myocutaneous flap. However, these flaps have some disadvantages that restrict their use for this purpose. The forearm flap is usually too thin to cover the fibular bone and reconstruction plate, and the rectus abdominis myocutaneous flap can cause a subclinical reduction in abdominal strength. Both radial forearm and rectus abdominis myocutaneous flaps are difficult to harvest during tumor excision. Because of these drawbacks, over the past several years the authors have preferred to use the anterolateral thigh flap for outer face, neck, and submandibular region reconstructions. From October of 1998 to June of 2000, 22 extensive composite mandibular defect reconstructions using the free anterolateral thigh flap, combined with the vascularized free fibula osteoseptocutaneous flap, were performed at the Chang Gung Memorial Hospital. Complete flap survival was 90.9 percent (40 of 44 flaps). Complete loss was seen in an anterolateral thigh flap, which was then reconstructed with a pectoralis major myocutaneous pedicled flap (2.3 percent). There were five venous problems: three in osteoseptocutaneous free fibula flaps, the other two in anterolateral thigh flaps; all were revised immediately. However, the skin islands of two osteoseptocutaneous free fibula flaps and one anterolateral thigh flap developed partial necrosis (6.8 percent). The other complications were compartment syndrome in the leg in one patient, external carotid artery rupture in one patient, three donor-site infections in two patients, three neck wound infections, and one myocardial insufficiency; all were treated properly. Thirteen patients underwent revision procedures 6 months after the first operation. These procedures included debulking of the flap or revision of the mouth angle or both. Trismus or intraoral contraction was noted in none of these patients. In conclusion, the free anterolateral thigh flap combined with the vascularized fibula osteoseptocutaneous flap seems to be a good choice in the reconstruction of the extensive composite defects of the oromandibular region aesthetically and functionally.  相似文献   

The trapezius osteomyocutaneous island flap has evolved in postablative head and neck reconstruction as a versatile and hardy local flap which can provide intraoral lining, well-vascularized bone, and muscle bulk for the reconstruction of a complex defect. This investigative study examines the anatomy of 20 osteomyocutaneous flaps in 10 fresh cadavers and in 8 clinical patients. In our series, 80 percent (type I) of the major vascular pedicle arose from the thyrocervical trunk. In 20 percent (type II), the major pedicle arose separately from the subclavian artery. The regions perfused by the vascular trunk were further examined with microopaque and Prussian blue injections through the transverse cervical artery. Consistent areas of cutaneous staining as well as bony staining were noted over the shoulder, arm, and back and into the scapula itself. Experience with eight clinical applications of this osteomyocutaneous flap resulted in successful healing with an excellent aesthetic and functional result. Long-term follow-up was maintained on the patients for up to 36 months. Panorex radiographs and biopsies of the grafted bone were obtained on several patients. These disclosed evidence of bony remodeling and viable bone tissue. Tetracycline labeling also revealed evidence of active bony turnover.  相似文献   

Prosthetic rehabilitation is essential for maintaining postoperative oral function after maxillary reconstruction. However, the maxillary prosthesis becomes unstable in some patients because of extensive palatomaxillary resection and drooping of the transferred flap. In such patients, maintaining sufficient oral function is difficult, especially if the patient is edentulous. To achieve prosthetic retention, the authors performed microvascular maxillary reconstruction with a slit-shaped fenestration in the midline of the hard palate. Maxillary defects after subtotal or total maxillectomy were reconstructed with rectus abdominis musculocutaneous flaps in five patients. Defects of the nasal lining and palate were reconstructed with the single cutaneous portion of the flap, and a slit-shaped fenestration was left between the cutaneous portion of the flap and the edge of the remaining hard palate. Postoperatively, patients were fitted with maxillary prostheses that had a flat projection for the palatal fenestration. In all patients, the prosthesis was stable enough for mastication and prevented nasal regurgitation. Speech function was rated as excellent on Hirose's scoring system for Japanese speech ability. The authors believe that their method of palatomaxillary reconstruction is both simple and reliable.  相似文献   

Reconstruction of heel and sole defects by free flaps   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
One latissimus dorsi musculocutaneous flap and five radial forearm flaps were used in reconstruction of weight-bearing parts of the heel and sole, the follow-up period being 7 to 38 months. Additional injuries such as forefoot amputations or amputations of the other leg were present in four patients. There was no flap loss. The latissimus dorsi flap proved to be too bulky and showed recurrent ulcerations, several reoperations were necessary, and definite healing has not occurred. The five forearm flaps gave good results, with a walking range from 2 hours to unimpeded walking. Complications included fissuring at the edges of one large flap and a local infection which was successfully treated. Cutaneous sensation returned in all but one flap, where it was reduced preoperatively due to a meningomyelocele. The results indicate that the fasciocutaneous radial forearm flap should be taken into consideration for reconstruction of weight-bearing areas of the heel and sole. Shortcomings of this flap include an unsightly donor defect and possible hair growth on the flap.  相似文献   

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