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Genetic relatedness and group size in an aggregation economy   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Summary We use Hamilton's Rule to investigate effects of genetic relatedness on the predicted size of social groups. We assume an aggregation economy; individual fitness initially increases with group size, but in sufficiently large groups each member's individual fitness declines with further increments in the size of the group. We model two processes of group formation, designated free entry and group-controlled entry. The first model assumes that solitary individuals decide to join groups or remain alone; group size equilibrates when solitaries no longer choose to join. The second model allows group members to regulate the size of the group, so that the predicted group size results from members' decisions to repel or accept intruding solitaries. Both the Nash equilibrium group size and any change in the equilibrium caused by varying the level of relatedness depend on the particular entry rule assumed. The largest equilibrium group size occurs when solitaries choose between joining or not joining and individuals are unrelated. Increasing genetic relatedness may reduce and can never increase, equilibrium group size when this entry rule applies. The smallest equilibrium group size occurs when group members choose between repelling or accepting intruders and individuals are unrelated. Under this entry rule, increasing genetic relatedness can increase and can never decrease, equilibrium group size. We extend the models' predictions to suggest when individuals should prefer kin vs non-kin as members of the same group.  相似文献   

Social interactions in animal groups can buffer environmental stress and may enhance survival under unfavourable conditions. In the present study, the impact on starvation endurance of social group, access to larvae and cold shock is studied in the ant Temnothorax nylanderi Förster. Resource sharing is expected to lead to grouped workers surviving longer than isolated ones. Access to larvae may increase longevity if larvae serve as food, or may interfere with survival if they induce caring behaviour in workers. Cold shock serves as a stress factor and a negative influence on survival is expected. The results show that isolated workers have a shorter lifespan than grouped workers, which in turn live for a shorter period than grouped workers with larvae. Beneficial ‘group effects’ contribute to group survival and the presence of larvae increases worker survival because the workers presumably feed on the larvae. Thus, improved starvation endurance may reflect an additional benefit of a social lifestyle. Moreover, variance in survival is lower for grouped workers than for isolated workers: group members not only demonstrate improved survival, but also smaller within‐group differences. Although a negative influence on survival is the expected outcome, this type of thermal stress is found to have no direct impact on starvation endurance other than moderating the differences between isolated and grouped workers.  相似文献   

Tonic immobility and escape are adaptive anti-predator tactics used by many animals. Escape requires movement, whereas tonic immobility does not. If anti-predator tactics relate to weapon size, males with larger weapons may adopt tonic immobility, whereas males with smaller weapons may adopt escape. However, no study has investigated the relationship between weapon size and anti-predator tactics. In this study, we investigated the relationship between male weapon size and tonic immobility in the beetle Gnathocerus cornutus. The results showed that tonic immobility was more frequent in males with larger weapons. Although most studies of tonic immobility in beetles have focused on the duration, rather than the frequency, tonic immobility duration was not affected by weapon size in G. cornutus. Therefore, this study is the first, to our knowledge, to suggest that the male weapon trait affects anti-predator tactics.  相似文献   

Body size is a multi‐functional trait related to various fitness components, but the relative importance of different selection pressures is seldom resolved. In Carabus japonicus beetles, of which the larvae exclusively prey on earthworms, adult body size is related to the presence/absence of a larger congener and habitat temperature. In sympatry, C. japonicus consistently exhibits smaller body size which is effective for avoiding interspecific mating, but in allopatry, it shows size variation unrelated to temperature. Here, we show that this predator–size variation is attributed to prey–size variation, associated with high phylogenetic diversity in earthworm communities. In allopatry, the predator size was larger where larger prey occurred. Larger adult size may have been selected because larger females produce larger larvae, which can subdue larger prey. Thus, in the absence of a larger congener, variation in prey body size had a pronounced effect on geographic body size divergence in C. japonicus.  相似文献   

Lateral segregation of two types of photosystems in thylakoid membranes of green plants is one of the key factors that provide the stability and fine-tuning of the light quanta supply by pigment proteins and non-cyclic electron transport. Due to this specific feature of the membrane structural organization, the photosynthetic units function in the green plants with optimal performance. In this report a mesoscopic theory is outlined to address the physical aspects of segregation phenomenon. Results of theoretical studies and computer simulations suggest that charge mismatch and the size difference between two photosystems in grana are most responsible for their lateral segregation, which is driven by the screened electrostatic and lipid-induced interactions. Comparative simulations of photosystems of different sizes show the crucial dependence of their ordering on a geometrical parameter. It seems that the size effect alone may prevent photosystems from segregated arrangement in cyanobacterial thylakoids.  相似文献   

1. A novel capture-mark-recapture (CMR) method was used to build a multistate model of recruitment by young birds to a breeding population of common guillemots Uria aalge on the Isle of May, Scotland. Recruitment of a total of 2757 individually marked guillemots over 17 years was modelled as a process where individuals had to move from an unobservable state at sea, through a nonbreeding state present in the colony, to the breeding state. The probabilities of individuals returning to the colony in a given year, at age 2 and 3-4 years, were positively correlated with an environmental covariate, the winter North Atlantic Oscillation index (WNAO) in the previous years. 2. For 2 year olds, there was a negative relationship with breeding population size, suggesting that density dependence operated in this colony through limitation of food or some other resource. 3. Survival over the first 2 years of life varied with cohort, but was unrelated to the WNAO. Mean survival over this 2-year period was high at 0.576 (95% CI: 0.444; 0.708). 4. This high survival, combined with a low 'local' survival after age 5 years of 0.695 (0-654; 0.733) and observations of Isle of May chicks at other colonies, suggests that most surviving chicks return to the natal colony before deciding whether to recruit there or move elsewhere.  相似文献   

Mammalian herbivores can have pronounced effects on plant diversity but are currently declining in many productive ecosystems through direct extirpation, habitat loss and fragmentation, while being simultaneously introduced as livestock in other, often unproductive, ecosystems that lacked such species during recent evolutionary times. The biodiversity consequences of these changes are still poorly understood. We experimentally separated the effects of primary productivity and herbivores of different body size on plant species richness across a 10-fold productivity gradient using a 7-year field experiment at seven grassland sites in North America and Europe. We show that assemblages including large herbivores increased plant diversity at higher productivity but decreased diversity at low productivity, while small herbivores did not have consistent effects along the productivity gradient. The recognition of these large-scale, cross-site patterns in herbivore effects is important for the development of appropriate biodiversity conservation strategies.  相似文献   

Much of the theory on offspring size variation within a brood relies on unequal maternal allocation of resources to each embryo. However, maternal allocation strategies are subject to an inherent conflict between mothers and offspring: individual offspring, being more closely related to themselves than to their siblings, should always prefer a larger share of the available resources than that which is optimal from their mother's perspective. Thus, in species where mothers cannot unilaterally impose a resource allocation strategy, offspring can respond to this conflict by competing for more resources than is maternally optimal. Here we show that variation in offspring size within a brood can arise as a by‐product of competition between siblings over a common resource, even when 1) there are no competitive inequalities within families, and 2) maternal investment per brood is fixed. Moreover, we show that size variance among offspring increases with increasing levels of competition, brought about by decreasing relatedness among siblings. Conflict thus offers a simple, testable and, potentially general, explanation for the wide variability in offspring size seen in nature. This extends explanatory hypotheses for offspring size variation beyond those of maternal effects, under which most explanations have been subsumed to date.  相似文献   

Six bacteriophages with an elongated head and a short, noncontractile tail were compared by DNA-DNA hybridization, seroneutralization kinetics, mol% G+C and molecular weight of DNA, and host range. Three phage species could be identified. Phage species 1 containedEnterobacter sakazakii phage C2,Erwinia herbicola phages E3 and E16P, andSalmonella newport phage 7–11. These phages had a rather wide host range (4 to 13 bacterial species). DNA relatedness among species 1 phages was above 75% relative binding ratio (S1 nuclease method, 60°C) when labeled DNA from phage C2 was used, and above 41% when labeled DNA from phage E3 was used. Molecular weight of DNA was about 58×106 (C2) to 67 ×106 (E3). The mol% G+C of DNA was 43–45. Anti-C2 serum that neutralizes all phages of species 1 does not neutralize phages of the other two species. Species 2 contains only coliphage Esc-7-11, whose host range was only oneEscherichia coli strain out of 188 strains of Enterobacteriaceae studied; it was unrelated to the other two species by seroneutralization and DNA hybridization. DNA from phage Esc-7-11 had a base composition of 43 mol% G+C and a molecular weight of about 45×106. Species 3 contains onlyProteus mirabilis phage 13/3a. Its host range was limited to swarmingProteus species. Species 3 was unrelated to the other two species by seroneutralization and DNA hybridization. DNA from phage 13/3a had a base composition of 35 mol% G+C and molecular weight of about 53×106. It is proposed that phage species be defined as phage nucleic acid hybridization groups.  相似文献   

The packaging of double-stranded DNA into bacteriophages leads to the arrangement of the genetic material into highly-packed and ordered structures. Although modern experimental techniques reveal the most probable location of DNA inside viral capsids, the individual conformations of DNA are yet to be determined. In the current study we present the results of molecular dynamics simulations of the DNA packaging into several bacteriophages performed within the framework of a coarse-grained model. The final DNA conformations depend on the size and shape of the capsid, as well as the size of the protein portal, if any. In particular, isometric capsids with small or absent portals tend to form concentric spools, whereas the presence of a large portal favors coaxial spooling; slightly and highly elongated capsids result in folded and twisted toroidal conformations, respectively. The results of the simulations also suggest that the predominant factor in defining the global DNA arrangement inside bacteriophages is the minimization of the bending stress upon packaging.  相似文献   

Wild ostriches were observed while feeding alone or in groups of up to four birds, and their vigilance (proportion of time with the head up) recorded. Individual vigilance declined as group size increased, mainly through a decrease in the frequency with which the head was raised. Males were more vigilant than females, mainly because they kept their heads up for longer. Vigilance was influenced more by the presence than by the vigilance of a companion. When a head would stay down for a long time was impossible for a predator to predict. It is concluded that grouping by ostriches when feeding results in only a slight reduction in the group's vulnerability to successful predator attack, but in a considerable decrease in individual vulnerability.  相似文献   

Changes in granulosa cell lysosomal and mitochondrial functions in relation to follicular size and to the stage of atresia were studied by fluorescent emission spectra and intensity using flow cytometry. Antral follicles were grouped by size in two groups: small, 3-6 mm and large, >6mm in diameter, and classified into three stages of atresia: non-atretic, initially atretic and advanced atretic. Differences in Rhodamine 123 (Rh123) and Acridine Orange (AO) fluorescent intensity indicated that changes in mitochondrial function are the primary mechanism of granulosa cell death in atretic follicles 3-6 mm in diameter, while its role in granulosa cell death in >6 mm atretic follicles seemed to be less important. However, modifications in lysosomal function (shown by a decrease in fluorometric intensity of AO incubated granulosa cells) were mainly associated with cell death in large atretic follicles. Our results support the hypothesis that the pathway of granulosa cell death during follicular atresia depends on the state of energy metabolism or on the production of hypoxic conditions related to follicular size. Changes in mitochondrial membrane potential and production of permeability transition pores were the main changes found in small follicles, while lysosomal function destabilization seemed to be the major cause of granulosa cell death during atresia in large follicles.  相似文献   

Temporally consistent individual differences in behavior impact many ecological processes. We simultaneously examined the effects of individual variation in prey activity level, covering behavior, and body size on prey survival with predators using an urchin–lobster system. Specifically, we tested the hypothesis that slow‐moving purple sea urchins (Strongylocentrotus purpuratus) and urchins who deploy extensive substrate (pebbles and stones) covering behavior will out‐survive active urchins that deploy little to no covering behavior when pitted against a predator, the California spiny lobster (Panulirus interruptus). We evaluated this hypothesis by first confirming whether individual urchins exhibit temporally consistent differences in activity level and covering behavior, which they did. Next, we placed groups of four urchins in mesocosms with single lobster and monitored urchin survival for 108 hr. High activity level was negatively associated with survival, whereas urchin size and covering behavior independently did not influence survival. The negative effect of urchin activity level on urchin survival was strong for smaller urchins and weaker for large urchins. Taken together, these results suggest that purple urchin activity level and size jointly determine their susceptibility to predation by lobsters. This is potentially of great interest, because predation by recovering lobster populations could alter the stability of kelp forests by culling specific phenotypes, like foraging phenotypes, from urchin populations.  相似文献   

Molecular simulation studies on the interaction between nanoparticles (NPs) and cell membranes have been limited by small NP size of several nanometres. In this work, by using a simplified lipid model, we study the endocytosis of large NPs with a size being enlarged to 37.5 nm. It is found that the effect of NP size on endocytosis dynamics depends on the membrane–NP interaction. As the interaction strength between NP and lipid changes, different wrapping modes are observed. For the system with weak membrane–NP attraction, the wrapping process is controlled by the membrane bending, and thus large size of NPs (within the range of NP size we studied) would promote the wrapping dynamics. While for the case with strong membrane–NP adhesion, the wrapping process is dominated by lipid diffusion and small NPs show a larger wrapping rate. In this wrapping mode, the membrane–NP adhesion drives small NPs to move towards the membrane as the wrapping process proceeds. For relatively larger NPs, however, the membrane moves towards the NPs instead. We also find that for the second wrapping mode, the rapid wrapping rate, especially with the hydrophobic ligands on the hydrophilic NP would impose significant perturbations on membrane stability, and consequently, membrane pores may be induced during the process of NP endocytosis.  相似文献   

 The relationship between stand biomass production, and tree age and size is generally a curve with a maximum. To understand why wood production decreases in the final stages of stand development, the influence of increasing tree size on foliage chemical composition and substrate requirement for foliage construction in terms of glucose [CC, g glucose (g dry mass) –  1] was investigated in the evergreen conifer Picea abies (L.) Karst. Because it was already known that irradiance affects both foliage morphology and chemistry in this species, and it was expected that the foliage in large overstory trees would intercept on average more light than that in saplings in understory, irradiance was measured in the sampling locations and included in the statistical models. CC of needles increased with increasing total tree height (TH) and was independent of relative irradiance. A major reason for increasing CC with increasing TH was a greater proportion of carbon-rich lignin in the needles in large trees. However, lignin did not fully account for the observed changes in CC, and it was necessary to assume that certain other carbon-rich secondary metabolites such as terpenes also accumulate in the foliage of large trees. Enhanced requirements for needle mechanical strength as evidenced by greater lignin concentrations in large trees were attributed to increased water limitations with increasing tree height. Because water relations may also control the sink capacities for assimilate usage, apart from the mechanical requirements, they may provide an explanation for the accumulation of other energetically expensive compounds in the needles as well. Biomass partitioning within the shoot was another foliar parameter modified in response to increasing tree size. The proportion of shoot axes, which serve to provide needles with mechanical support and to supply them with water, decreased with increasing TH. This may limit water availability in the needles, and/or manifest a lower water requirement of the needles containing proportionally more supporting and storage substances, and consequently, less physiologically active compounds such as proteins. Probably the same factors which caused CC of the needles to depend on TH, were also responsible for greater CC of the shoot axes in larger trees. These results collectively suggest that increasingly more adverse water relations with increasing tree size may provide a mechanistic explanation for the decline in foliar biomass and its functional activity during stand ageing. Received: 9 April 1996 / Accepted: 14 January 1997  相似文献   

Single cells of the feeder-layer-dependent mouse embryonal carcinoma (EC) cell line, NG2, can spontaneously give rise to colonies containing a wide variety of differentiated cell types in vitro. When cultured with retinoic acid at a concentration of 10(-7) M, single NG2 cells irreversibly differentiated to parietal endoderm, as identified by morphological criteria and immunohistochemical staining. Parietal endoderm was also the first product of spontaneous differentiation. However, when retinoic acid was added to monolayer groups of NG2 cells, not all of the cells were induced to differentiate. The parietal-endoderm cells which did form were generally found at the periphery of cell colonies, as is the case during spontaneous differentiation. Differentiation in the centre of these colonies yielded a variety of cell types over a 21-day period. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that retinoic acid induces the differentiation of EC cells by accelerating cellular response to intrinsic stimuli, rather than by overriding these stimuli.  相似文献   

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