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The impact of elevated CO2 on terrestrial ecosystem C balance, both in sign or magnitude, is not clear because the resulting alterations in C input, plant nutrient demand and water use efficiency often have contrasting impacts on microbial decomposition processes. One major source of uncertainty stems from the impact of elevated CO2 on N availability to plants and microbes. We examined the effects of atmospheric CO2 enrichment (ambient+370 μmol mol?1) on plant and microbial N acquisition in two different mesocosm experiments, using model plant species of annual grasses of Avena barbata and A. fatua, respectively. The A. barbata experiment was conducted in a N‐poor sandy loam and the A. fatua experiment was on a N‐rich clayey loam. Plant–microbial N partitioning was examined through determining the distribution of a 15N tracer. In the A. barbata experiment, 15N tracer was introduced to a field labeling experiment in the previous year so that 15N predominantly existed in nonextractable soil pools. In the A. fatua experiment, 15N was introduced in a mineral solution [(15NH4)2SO4 solution] during the growing season of A. fatua. Results of both N budget and 15N tracer analyses indicated that elevated CO2 increased plant N acquisition from the soil. In the A. barbata experiment, elevated CO2 increased plant biomass N by ca. 10% but there was no corresponding decrease in soil extractable N, suggesting that plants might have obtained N from the nonextractable organic N pool because of enhanced microbial activity. In the A. fatua experiment, however, the CO2‐led increase in plant biomass N was statistically equal to the reduction in soil extractable N. Although atmospheric CO2 enrichment enhanced microbial biomass C under A. barbata or microbial activity (respiration) under A. fatua, it had no significant effect on microbial biomass N in either experiment. Elevated CO2 increased the colonization of A. fatua roots by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, which coincided with the enhancement of plant competitiveness for soluble soil N. Together, these results suggest that elevated CO2 may tighten N cycling through facilitating plant N acquisition. However, it is unknown to what degree results from these short‐term microcosm experiments can be extrapolated to field conditions. Long‐term studies in less‐disturbed soils are needed to determine whether CO2‐enhancement of plant N acquisition can significantly relieve N limitation over plant growth in an elevated CO2 environment.  相似文献   

Microbial responses to three years of CO2 enrichment (600 μL L–1) in the field were investigated in calcareous grassland. Microbial biomass carbon (C) and soil organic C and nitrogen (N) were not significantly influenced by elevated CO2. Microbial C:N ratios significantly decreased under elevated CO2 (– 15%, P = 0.01) and microbial N increased by + 18% (P = 0.04). Soil basal respiration was significantly increased on one out of 7 sampling dates (+ 14%, P = 0.03; December of the third year of treatment), whereas the metabolic quotient for CO2 (qCO2 = basal respiration/microbial C) did not exhibit any significant differences between CO2 treatments. Also no responses of microbial activity and biomass were found in a complementary greenhouse study where intact grassland turfs taken from the field site were factorially treated with elevated CO2 and phosphorus (P) fertilizer (1 g P m–2 y–1). Previously reported C balance calculations showed that in the ecosystem investigated growing season soil C inputs were strongly enhanced under elevated CO2. It is hypothesized that the absence of microbial responses to these enhanced soil C fluxes originated from mineral nutrient limitations of microbial processes. Laboratory incubations showed that short-term microbial growth (one week) was strongly limited by N availability, whereas P was not limiting in this soil. The absence of large effects of elevated CO2 on microbial activity or biomass in such nutrient-poor natural ecosystems is in marked contrast to previously published large and short-term microbial responses to CO2 enrichment which were found in fertilized or disturbed systems. It is speculated that the absence of such responses in undisturbed natural ecosystems in which mineral nutrient cycles have equilibrated over longer periods of time is caused by mineral nutrient limitations which are ineffective in disturbed or fertilized systems and that therefore microbial responses to elevated CO2 must be studied in natural, undisturbed systems.  相似文献   

Reduced soil N availability under elevated CO2 may limit the plant's capacity to increase photosynthesis and thus the potential for increased soil C input. Plant productivity and soil C input should be less constrained by available soil N in an N2‐fixing system. We studied the effects of Trifolium repens (an N2‐fixing legume) and Lolium perenne on soil N and C sequestration in response to 9 years of elevated CO2 under FACE conditions. 15N‐labeled fertilizer was applied at a rate of 140 and 560 kg N ha?1 yr?1 and the CO2 concentration was increased to 60 Pa pCO2 using 13C‐depleted CO2. The total soil C content was unaffected by elevated CO2, species and rate of 15N fertilization. However, under elevated CO2, the total amount of newly sequestered soil C was significantly higher under T. repens than under L. perenne. The fraction of fertilizer‐N (fN) of the total soil N pool was significantly lower under T. repens than under L. perenne. The rate of N fertilization, but not elevated CO2, had a significant effect on fN values of the total soil N pool. The fractions of newly sequestered C (fC) differed strongly among intra‐aggregate soil organic matter fractions, but were unaffected by plant species and the rate of N fertilization. Under elevated CO2, the ratio of fertilizer‐N per unit of new C decreased under T. repens compared with L. perenne. The L. perenne system sequestered more 15N fertilizer than T. repens: 179 vs. 101 kg N ha?1 for the low rate of N fertilization and 393 vs. 319 kg N ha?1 for the high N‐fertilization rate. As the loss of fertilizer‐15N contributed to the 15N‐isotope dilution under T. repens, the input of fixed N into the soil could not be estimated. Although N2 fixation was an important source of N in the T. repens system, there was no significant increase in total soil C compared with a non‐N2‐fixing L. perenne system. This suggests that N2 fixation and the availability of N are not the main factors controlling soil C sequestration in a T. repens system.  相似文献   

Increased belowground carbon (C) transfer by plant roots at elevated CO2 may change properties of the microbial community in the rhizosphere. Previous investigations that focused on total soil organic C or total microbial C showed contrasting results: small increase, small decrease or no changes. We evaluated the effect of 5 years of elevated CO2 (550 ppm) on four extracellular enzymes: β‐glucosidase, chitinase, phosphatase, and sulfatase. We expected microorganisms to be differently localized in aggregates of various sizes and, therefore analyzed microbial biomass (Cmic by SIR) and enzyme activities in three aggregate‐size classes: large macro‐ (> 2 mm), small macro‐ (0.25–2 mm), and microaggregates (< 0.25 mm). To estimate the potential enzyme production, we activated microorganisms by substrate (glucose and nutrients) amendment. Although Ctotal and Cmic as well as the activities of β‐glucosidase, phosphatase, and sulfatase were unaffected in bulk soil and in aggregate‐size classes by elevated CO2, significant changes were observed in potential enzyme production after substrate amendment. After adding glucose, enzyme activities under elevated CO2 were 1.2–1.9‐fold higher than under ambient CO2. This indicates the increased activity of microorganisms, which leads to accelerated C turnover in soil under elevated CO2. Significantly higher chitinase activity in bulk soil and in large macroaggregates under elevated CO2 revealed an increased contribution of fungi to turnover processes. At the same time, less chitinase activity in microaggregates underlined microaggregate stability and the difficulties for fungal hyphae penetrating them. We conclude that quantitative and qualitative changes of C input by plants into the soil at elevated CO2 affect microbial community functioning, but not its total content. Future studies should therefore focus more on the changes of functions and activities, but less on the pools.  相似文献   

Increases in atmospheric CO2 and tropospheric O3 may affect forest N cycling by altering plant litter production and the availability of substrates for microbial metabolism. Three years following the establishment of our free‐air CO2–O3 enrichment experiment, plant growth has been stimulated by elevated CO2 resulting in greater substrate input to soil; elevated O3 has counteracted this effect. We hypothesized that rates of soil N cycling would be enhanced by greater plant productivity under elevated CO2, and that CO2 effects would be dampened by O3. We found that elevated CO2 did not alter gross N transformation rates. Elevated O3 significantly reduced gross N mineralization and microbial biomass N, and effects were consistent among species. We also observed significant interactions between CO2 and O3: (i) gross N mineralization was greater under elevated CO2 (1.0 mg N kg?1 day?1) than in the presence of both CO2 and O3 (0.5 mg N kg?1 day?1) and (ii) gross NH4+ immobilization was also greater under elevated CO2 (0.8 mg N kg?1 day?1) than under CO2 plus O3 (0.4 mg N kg?1 day?1). We used a laboratory 15N tracer method to quantify transfer of inorganic N to organic pools. Elevated CO2 led to greater recovery of NH4+15N in microbial biomass and corresponding lower recovery in the extractable NO3? pool. Elevated CO2 resulted in a substantial increase in NO3?15N recovery in soil organic matter. We observed no O3 main effect and no CO2 by O3 interaction effect on 15N recovery in any soil pool. All of the above responses were most pronounced beneath Betula papyrifera and Populus tremuloides, which have grown more rapidly than Acer saccharum. Although elevated CO2 has increased plant productivity, the resulting increase in plant litter production has yet to overcome the influence of the pre‐existing pool of soil organic matter on soil microbial activity and rates of N cycling. Ozone reduces plant litter inputs and also appears to affect the composition of plant litter in a way that reduces microbial biomass and activity.  相似文献   

Leaf 15N signature is a powerful tool that can provide an integrated assessment of the nitrogen (N) cycle and whether it is influenced by rising atmospheric CO2 concentration. We tested the hypothesis that elevated CO2 significantly changes foliage δ15N in a wide range of plant species and ecosystem types. This objective was achieved by determining the δ15N of foliage of 27 field‐grown plant species from six free‐air CO2 enrichment (FACE) experiments representing desert, temperate forest, Mediterranean‐type, grassland prairie, and agricultural ecosystems. We found that within species, the δ15N of foliage produced under elevated CO2 was significantly lower (P<0.038) compared with that of foliage grown under ambient conditions. Further analysis of foliage δ15N by life form and growth habit revealed that the CO2 effect was consistent across all functional groups tested. The examination of two chaparral shrubs grown for 6 years under a wide range of CO2 concentrations (25–75 Pa) also showed a significant and negative correlation between growth CO2 and leaf δ15N. In a select number of species, we measured bulk soil δ15N at a depth of 10 cm, and found that the observed depletion of foliage δ15N in response to elevated CO2 was unrelated to changes in the soil δ15N. While the data suggest a strong influence of elevated CO2 on the N cycle in diverse ecosystems, the exact site(s) at which elevated CO2 alters fractionating processes of the N cycle remains unclear. We cannot rule out the fact that the pattern of foliage δ15N responses to elevated CO2 reported here resulted from a general drop in δ15N of the source N, caused by soil‐driven processes. There is a stronger possibility, however, that the general depletion of foliage δ15N under high CO2 may have resulted from changes in the fractionating processes within the plant/mycorrhizal system.  相似文献   

The soil nitrogen cycle was investigated in a pre‐established Lolium perenne sward on a loamy soil and exposed to ambient and elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations (350 and 700 μL L?1) and, at elevated [CO2], to a 3 °C temperature increase. At two levels of mineral nitrogen supply, N– (150 kgN ha?1 y?1) and N+ (533 kgN ha?1 y?1), 15N‐labelled ammonium nitrate was supplied in split applications over a 2.5‐y period. The recovery of the labelled fertilizer N was measured in the harvests, in the stubble and roots, in the macro‐organic matter fractions above 200 μm in size (MOM) and in the aggregated organic matter below 200 μM (AOM). Elevated [CO2] reduced the total amount of N harvested in the clipped parts of the sward. The harvested N derived from soil was reduced to a greater extent than that derived from fertilizer. At both N supplies, elevated [CO2] modified the allocation of the fertilizer N in the sward, in favour of the stubble and roots and significantly increased the recovery of fertilizer N in the soil macro‐organic matter fractions. The increase of fertilizer N immobilization in the MOM was associated with a decline of fertilizer N uptake by the grass sward, which supported the hypothesis of a negative feedback of elevated [CO2] on the sward N yield and uptake. Similar and even more pronounced effects were observed for the native N mineralized in the soil. At N–, a greater part of the fertilizer N organized in the root phytomass resulted in an underestimation of N immobilized in dead roots and, in turn, an underestimation of N immobilization in the MOM. The 3 °C temperature increase alleviated the [CO2] effect throughout much of the N cycle, increasing soil N mineralization, N derived from soil in the harvests, and the partitioning of the assimilated fertilizer N to shoots. In conclusion, at ambient temperature, the N cycle was slowed down under elevated [CO2], which restricted the increase in the aboveground production of the grass sward, and apparently contributed to the sequestration of carbon belowground. In contrast, a temperature increase under elevated [CO2] stimulated the soil nitrogen cycle, improved the N nutrition of the sward and restricted the magnitude of the soil C sequestration.  相似文献   

Although soil organisms play an essential role in the cycling of elements in terrestrial ecosystems, little is known of the impact of increasing atmospheric CO2 concentrations on soil microbial processes. We determined microbial biomass and activity in the soil of multitrophic model ecosystems housed in the Ecotron (NERC Centre for Population Biology, Ascot, UK) under two atmospheric CO2 concentrations (ambient vs. ambient + 200 ppm). The model communities consist of four annual plant species which naturally co-occur in weedy fields and disturbed ground throughout southern England, together with their herbivores, parasitoids and soil biota. At the end of two experimental runs lasting 9 and 4.5 months, respectively, root dry weight and quality showed contradictory responses to elevated CO2 concentrations, probably as a consequence of the different time-periods (and hence number of plant generations) in the two experiments. Despite significant root responses no differences in microbial biomass could be detected. Effects of CO2 concentration on microbial activity were also negligible. Specific enzymes (protease and xylanase) showed a significant decrease in activity in one of the experimental runs. This could be related to the higher C:N ratio of root tissue. We compare the results with data from the literature and conclude that the response of complex communities cannot be predicted on the basis of oversimplified experimental set-ups.  相似文献   

free air carbon dioxide enrichment (FACE) and open top chamber (OTC) studies are valuable tools for evaluating the impact of elevated atmospheric CO2 on nutrient cycling in terrestrial ecosystems. Using meta‐analytic techniques, we summarized the results of 117 studies on plant biomass production, soil organic matter dynamics and biological N2 fixation in FACE and OTC experiments. The objective of the analysis was to determine whether elevated CO2 alters nutrient cycling between plants and soil and if so, what the implications are for soil carbon (C) sequestration. Elevated CO2 stimulated gross N immobilization by 22%, whereas gross and net N mineralization rates remained unaffected. In addition, the soil C : N ratio and microbial N contents increased under elevated CO2 by 3.8% and 5.8%, respectively. Microbial C contents and soil respiration increased by 7.1% and 17.7%, respectively. Despite the stimulation of microbial activity, soil C input still caused soil C contents to increase by 1.2% yr?1. Namely, elevated CO2 stimulated overall above‐ and belowground plant biomass by 21.5% and 28.3%, respectively, thereby outweighing the increase in CO2 respiration. In addition, when comparing experiments under both low and high N availability, soil C contents (+2.2% yr?1) and above‐ and belowground plant growth (+20.1% and+33.7%) only increased under elevated CO2 in experiments receiving the high N treatments. Under low N availability, above‐ and belowground plant growth increased by only 8.8% and 14.6%, and soil C contents did not increase. Nitrogen fixation was stimulated by elevated CO2 only when additional nutrients were supplied. These results suggest that the main driver of soil C sequestration is soil C input through plant growth, which is strongly controlled by nutrient availability. In unfertilized ecosystems, microbial N immobilization enhances acclimation of plant growth to elevated CO2 in the long‐term. Therefore, increased soil C input and soil C sequestration under elevated CO2 can only be sustained in the long‐term when additional nutrients are supplied.  相似文献   

The effect of elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration (Ca) on soil carbon and nitrogen accumulation and soil microbial biomass and activity in a native Florida scrub oak community was studied. The plant community, dominated by Quercus myrtifolia Willd. and Q. geminata Small, was exposed for 2 years to elevated Ca in open‐top chambers. Buried subsoil bags were retrieved after 1 year of exposure to elevated Ca. In addition, soil cores were taken twice from the chambers within two weeks in July 1998 (the first after a long dry spell and the second after 25 mm of rainfall) and divided into rhizosphere and bulk soil. Soil organic matter accumulation (excluding roots) into the buried subsoil bags was lower in elevated than in ambient Ca. Concentrations of soluble carbon and ninhydrin‐reactive nitrogen (Nninh) in the rhizosphere soil were reduced by elevated Ca for the first sampling date and unaffected for the second sampling date. Microbial activity, measured as fluorescein diacetate (FDA) hydrolysis, decreased in elevated Ca for the first sampling date. Microbial biomass carbon and nitrogen in the bulk soil were unaffected by elevated Ca. There was no effect of elevated Ca on bacterial numbers in the rhizosphere.  相似文献   

We measured soil CO2 flux over 19 sampling periods that spanned two growing seasons in a grassland Free Air Carbon dioxide Enrichment (FACE) experiment that factorially manipulated three major anthropogenic global changes: atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration, nitrogen (N) supply, and plant species richness. On average, over two growing seasons, elevated atmospheric CO2 and N fertilization increased soil CO2 flux by 0.57 µmol m?2 s?1 (13% increase) and 0.37 µmol m?2 s?1 (8% increase) above average control soil CO2 flux, respectively. Decreases in planted diversity from 16 to 9, 4 and 1 species decreased soil CO2 flux by 0.23, 0.41 and 1.09 µmol m?2 s?1 (5%, 8% and 21% decreases), respectively. There were no statistically significant pairwise interactions among the three treatments. During 19 sampling periods that spanned two growing seasons, elevated atmospheric CO2 increased soil CO2 flux most when soil moisture was low and soils were warm. Effects on soil CO2 flux due to fertilization with N and decreases in diversity were greatest at the times of the year when soils were warm, although there were no significant correlations between these effects and soil moisture. Of the treatments, only the N and diversity treatments were correlated over time; neither were correlated with the CO2 effect. Models of soil CO2 flux will need to incorporate ecosystem CO2 and N availability, as well as ecosystem plant diversity, and incorporate different environmental factors when determining the magnitude of the CO2, N and diversity effects on soil CO2 flux.  相似文献   

We report changes in nitrogen cycling in Florida scrub oak in response to elevated atmospheric CO2 during the first 14 months of experimental treatment. Elevated CO2 stimulated above-ground growth, nitrogen mass, and root nodule production of the nitrogen-fixing vine, Galactia elliottii Nuttall. During this period, elevated CO2 reduced rates of gross nitrogen mineralization in soil, and resulted in lower recovery of nitrate on resin lysimeters. Elevated CO2 did not alter nitrogen in the soil microbial biomass, but increased the specific rate of ammonium immobilization (NH4+ immobilized per unit microbial N) measured over a 24-h period. Increased carbon input to soil through greater root growth combined with a decrease in the quality of that carbon in elevated CO2 best explains these changes. These results demonstrate that atmospheric CO2 concentration influences both the internal cycling of nitrogen (mineralization, immobilization, and nitrification) as well as the processes that regulate total ecosystem nitrogen mass (nitrogen fixation and nitrate leaching) in Florida coastal scrub oak. If these changes in nitrogen cycling are sustained, they could cause long-term feedbacks to the growth responses of plants to elevated CO2. Greater nitrogen fixation and reduced leaching could stimulate nitrogen-limited plant growth by increasing the mass of labile nitrogen in the ecosystem. By contrast, reduced nitrogen mineralization and increased immobilization will restrict the supply rate of plant-available nitrogen, potentially reducing plant growth. Thus, the net feedback to plant growth will depend on the balance of these effects through time.  相似文献   

Soil carbon is returned to the atmosphere through the process of soil respiration, which represents one of the largest fluxes in the terrestrial C cycle. The effects of climate change on the components of soil respiration can affect the sink or source capacity of ecosystems for atmospheric carbon, but no current techniques can unambiguously separate soil respiration into its components. Long‐term free air CO2 enrichment (FACE) experiments provide a unique opportunity to study soil C dynamics because the CO2 used for fumigation has a distinct isotopic signature and serves as a continuous label at the ecosystem level. We used the 13C tracer at the Duke Forest FACE site to follow the disappearance of C fixed before fumigation began in 1996 (pretreatment C) from soil CO2 and soil‐respired CO2, as an index of belowground C dynamics during the first 8 years of the experiment. The decay of pretreatment C as detected in the isotopic composition of soil‐respired CO2 and soil CO2 at 15, 30, 70, and 200 cm soil depth was best described by a model having one to three exponential pools within the soil system. The majority of soil‐respired CO2 (71%) originated in soil C pools with a turnover time of about 35 days. About 55%, 50%, and 68% of soil CO2 at 15, 30, and 70 cm, respectively, originated in soil pools with turnover times of less than 1 year. The rest of soil CO2 and soil‐respired CO2 originated in soil pools that turn over at decadal time scales. Our results suggest that a large fraction of the C returned to the atmosphere through soil respiration results from dynamic soil C pools that cannot be easily detected in traditionally defined soil organic matter standing stocks. Fast oxidation of labile C substrates may prevent increases in soil C accumulation in forests exposed to elevated [CO2] and may consequently result in shorter ecosystem C residence times.  相似文献   

In this review, we discuss the potential for mycorrhizal fungi to act as a source or sink for carbon (C) under elevated CO2 and nitrogen deposition. Mycorrhizal tissue has been estimated to comprise a significant fraction of soil organic matter and below-ground biomass in a range of systems. The current body of literature indicates that in many systems exposed to elevated CO2, mycorrhizal fungi might sequester increased amounts of C in living, dead and residual hyphal biomass in the soil. Through this process, the fungi might serve as a negative feedback on the rise in atmospheric CO2 levels caused by fossil fuel burning and deforestation. By contrast, a few preliminary studies suggest that N deposition might increase turnover rates of fungal tissue and negate CO2 effects on hyphal biomass. If these latter responses are consistent among ecosystems, C storage in hyphae might decline in habitats surrounding agricultural and urban areas. When N additions occur without CO2 enrichment, effects on mycorrhizal growth are inconsistent. We note that analyses of hyphal decomposition under elevated CO2 and N additions are extremely sparse but are critical in our understanding of the impact of global change on the cycling of mycorrhizal C. Finally, shifts in the community composition of arbuscular and ectomycorrhizal fungi with increasing CO2 or N availability are frequently documented. Since mycorrhizal groups vary in growth rate and tissue quality, these changes in species assemblages could produce unforeseeable impacts on the productivity, survivorship, or decomposition of mycorrhizal biomass.  相似文献   

The effect of CO2 concentration on plant growth and the size of the rhizosphere denitrifier population was investigated for ryegrass grown at 3 different soil pH values (pH 4.3, 5.9 and 7.0). Soil microcosms were planted with ryegrass and maintained under constant growth conditions at either ambient (450ppm) or elevated (720ppm) CO2 concentration. At harvest, the rhizosphere soil was collected and subjected to a potential denitrification assay to provide an estimate of the size of the denitrifier population present. Ryegrass dry matter production varied across the pH range studied and contrary to other studies, elevated CO2 concentration did not consistently increase growth. Plant growth was reduced by ≈ 35% and 23% at pH 4.3 and pH 5.9, respectively, under elevated CO2 concentration. At pH 7.0, however, plant growth was increased by ≈ 45% under elevated CO2. Potential denitrification rates within the rhizosphere followed a similar pattern to plant growth in the different treatments, suggesting that plant growth and the size of denitrifier population within the rhizosphere are coupled. This study investigates the relationship between plant growth and rhizosphere denitrification potential, thereby providing an estimate of the size of the denitrifier population under increased CO2 concentration and soil pH.  相似文献   

The nature of the interaction between drought and elevated CO2 partial pressure (pCa) is critically important for the effects of global change on crops. Some crop models assume that the relative responses of transpiration and photosynthesis to soil water deficit are unaltered by elevated pCa, while others predict decreased sensitivity to drought at elevated pCa. These assumptions were tested by measuring canopy photosynthesis and transpiration in spring wheat (cv. Minaret) stands grown in boxes with 100 L rooting volume. Plants were grown under controlled environments with constant light (300 µmol m?2 s?1) at ambient (36 Pa) or elevated (68 Pa) pCa and were well watered throughout growth or had a controlled decline in soil water starting at ear emergence. Drought decreased final aboveground biomass (?15%) and grain yield (?19%) while elevated pCa increased biomass (+24%) and grain yield (+29%) and there was no significant interaction. Elevated pCa increased canopy photosynthesis by 15% on average for both water regimes and increased dark respiration per unit ground area in well‐watered plants, but not drought‐grown ones. Canopy transpiration and photosynthesis were decreased in drought‐grown plants relative to well‐watered plants after about 20–25 days from the start of the drought. Elevated pCa decreased transpiration only slightly during drought, but canopy photosynthesis continued to be stimulated so that net growth per unit water transpired increased by 21%. The effect of drought on canopy photosynthesis was not the consequence of a loss of photosynthetic capacity initially, as photosynthesis continued to be stimulated proportionately by a fixed increase in irradiance. Drought began to decrease canopy transpiration below a relative plant‐available soil water content of 0.6 and canopy photosynthesis and growth below 0.4. The shape of these responses were unaffected by pCa, supporting the simple assumption used in some models that they are independent of pCa.  相似文献   

1. There have been no reports of the long-term responses of the desiccation-tolerant (DT) plants to elevated CO2. Xerophyta scabrida is a DT woody shrub, which loses chlorophylls and thylakoids during desiccation: a so-called poikilochlorophyllous desiccation-tolerant species (PDT). When the leaves of X. scabria are allowed to desiccate, the species shows many of the normal features of (P)DT plants.
2. However, the duration of photosynthesis in X. scabria is prolonged by 300% when the measurements are made at 700 as opposed to 350p.p.m. CO2. The implication is that the carboxylating enzymes must still have been active at this time to enable appreciable photosynthetic activity. This response could have far-reaching implications for the success of such species in a future climate.
3. Lichens and mosses, representing the homoiochlorophyllous DTs (HDT), retain their chlorophyll content and photosynthetic apparatus during desiccation. We show the desiccation responses of two common HDT species ( Cladonia convoluta and Tortula ruralis ) to elevated CO2 for comparison. Both HDT species showed increased net CO2 uptake in the material grown at high CO2 by more than 30% in moss and by more than 50% in lichen. It is concluded that desiccation-tolerant plants will be among the main beneficiaries of a high CO2 future.  相似文献   

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