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The arthropod compound eye is one of the three main types of eyes observed in the animal kingdom. Comparison of the eyes seen in Insecta, Crustacea, Myriapoda and Chelicerata reveals considerable variation in terms of overall cell number, cell positioning, and photoreceptor rhabdomeres, yet, molecular data suggest there may be unexpected similarities. We review here the role of Pax6 in eye development and evolution and the relationship of Pax6 with other retinal determination genes and signaling pathways. We then discuss how the study of changes in Pax6 primary structure, in the gene networks controlled by Pax6 and in the relationship of Pax6 with signaling pathways may contribute to our insight into the relative role of conserved molecular-genetic mechanisms and emergence of evolutionary novelty in shaping the ommatidial eyes seen in the Arthropoda.  相似文献   

The Pax3/7 gene family has a fundamental and conserved role during neural crest formation. In people, PAX3 mutation causes Waardenburg syndrome, and murine Pax3 is essential for pigment formation. However, it is unclear exactly how Pax3 functions within the neural crest. Here we show that pax3 is expressed before other pax3/7 members, including duplicated pax3b, pax7 and pax7b genes, early in zebrafish neural crest development. Knockdown of Pax3 protein by antisense morpholino oligonucleotides results in defective fate specification of xanthophores, with complete ablation in the trunk. Other pigment lineages are specified and differentiate. As a consequence of xanthophore loss, expression of pax7, a marker of the xanthophore lineage, is reduced in neural crest. Morpholino knockdown of Pax7 protein shows that Pax7 itself is dispensable for xanthophore fate specification, although yellow pigmentation is reduced. Loss of xanthophores after reduction of Pax3 correlates with a delay in melanoblast differentiation followed by significant increase in melanophores, suggestive of a Pax3-driven fate switch within a chromatophore precursor or stem cell. Analysis of other neural crest derivatives reveals that, in the absence of Pax3, the enteric nervous system is ablated from its inception. Therefore, Pax3 in zebrafish is required for specification of two specific lineages of neural crest, xanthophores and enteric neurons.  相似文献   

Cadherins are crucial for tissue cohesion, separation of cell layers and cell migration during embryogenesis. To investigate the role of classical type II Xcadherin-6 (Xcad-6), we performed loss-of-function studies by morpholino oligonucleotide injections. This resulted in severe eye defects which could be rescued with murine cadherin-6. In the absence of Xcadherin-6, morphological alterations and a decrease in cell proliferation were observed with eye cup formation. Eye field transplantations of Xcadherin-6 depleted donors yielded grafts that failed to form a proper neuroepithelium in a wildtype environment. At later developmental stages Xcadherin-6 deficient eyes showed lamination defects in the outer neural retina, a reduced thickness of the ganglion cell layer (GCL) and a fragmented retina pigment epithelium (RPE). Thus, Xcadherin-6 is essential early in eye development for structural organization and growth of the neuroepithelium before it differentiates into neural retina and RPE.  相似文献   

The tyrosine kinase receptor cKit and its ligand stem cell factor (SCF) are well known mediators in proliferation, survival, and positive chemotaxis of different cell types in the hematopoietic system. However, and in spite of previous reports showing robust expression of cKit and SCF in the brain during development, their possible function in the cerebral cortex has not been clarified. In this study, embryonic knockdown expression of cKit in the rat cortex by in utero electroporation of specific RNAi resulted in delayed radial migration of cortical neurons. In conditional Nestin‐cKit KO homozygous mutants, radial migration in the cortex was also delayed. The opposite phenotype was observed after overexpressing cKit in the cortex: radial migration was accelerated. Callosal fibers electroporated with cKit RNAi were also delayed in their extension within the contralateral cortex and eventually failed to innervate their target area. In vitro experiments showed that, whereas SCF was able to promote migration of cortical neurons, it had no effect on cortical neurite outgrowth. In summary, our results demonstrate that (1) cKit is necessary for radial migration of cortical neurons, probably through SCF binding and (2) cKit is necessary for the correct formation of the callosal projection, most likely by a mechanism not involving SCF. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol 73: 871–887, 2013  相似文献   

Ena/VASP proteins mediate the effects of guidance cues on the actin cytoskeleton. The single C. elegans homolog of the Ena/VASP family of proteins, UNC-34, is required for the migrations of cells and growth cones. Here we show that unc-34 mutant alleles also interact genetically with Wnt mutants to reveal a role for unc-34 in the establishment of neuronal polarity along the C. elegans anterior-posterior axis. Our mutant analysis shows that eliminating UNC-34 function results in neuronal migration and polarity phenotypes that are enhanced at higher temperatures, revealing a heat-sensitive process that is normally masked by the presence of UNC-34. Finally, we show that the UNC-34 protein is expressed broadly and accumulates in axons and at the apical junctions of epithelial cells. While most mutants lacked detectable UNC-34, three unc-34 mutants that contained missense mutations in the EVH1 domain produced full-length UNC-34 that failed to localize to apical junctions and axons, supporting the role for the EVH1 domain in localizing Ena/VASP family members.  相似文献   

Pax2 is essential for the development of the urogenital system, neural tube, otic vesicle, optic cup and optic tract [Dressler, G.R., Deutsch, U., et al., 1990. PAX2, a new murine paired-box-containing gene and its expression in the developing excretory system. Development 109 (4), 787-795; Nornes, H.O., Dressler, G.R., et al., 1990. Spatially and temporally restricted expression of Pax2 during murine neurogenesis. Development 109 (4), 797-809; Eccles, M.R., Wallis, L.J., et al., 1992. Expression of the PAX2 gene in human fetal kidney and Wilms’ tumor. Cell Growth Differ 3 (5), 279-289]. Within the visual system, a loss-of-function leads to lack of choroid fissure closure (known as a coloboma), a loss of optic nerve astrocytes, and anomalous axonal pathfinding at the optic chiasm [Favor, J., Sandulache, R., et al., 1996. The mouse Pax2(1Neu) mutation is identical to a human PAX2 mutation in a family with renal-coloboma syndrome and results in developmental defects of the brain, ear, eye, and kidney. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 93 (24), 13870-13875; Torres, M., Gomez-Pardo, E., et al., 1996. Pax2 contributes to inner ear patterning and optic nerve trajectory. Development 122 (11), 3381-3391]. This study is directed at determining the effects of ectopic Pax2 expression in the chick ventral optic cup past the normal developmental period when Pax2 is found. In ovo electroporation of Pax2 into the chick ventral optic cup results in the formation of colobomas, a condition typically associated with a loss of Pax2 expression. While the overexpression of Pax2 appears to phenocopy a loss of Pax2, the mechanism of the failure of choroid fissure closure is associated with a cell fate switch from ventral retina and retinal pigmented epithelium (RPE) to an astrocyte fate. Further, ectopic expression of Pax2 in RPE appears to have non-cell autonomous effects on adjacent RPE, creating an ectopic neural retina in place of the RPE.  相似文献   

The appendicularian, Oikopleura dioica, is a planktonic chordate. Its simple and transparent body, invariant cell lineages and short life cycle of 5 days make it a promising model organism for studies of chordate development. Here we describe the cell migration that occurs during development of the O. dioica larva. Using time-lapse imaging facilitated by florescent labeling of cells, three cell populations exhibiting long-distance migration were identified and characterized. These included (i) a multinucleated oral gland precursor that migrates anteriorly within the trunk region and eventually separates into the left and right sides, (ii) endodermal strand cells that are collectively retracted from the tail into the trunk in a tractor movement, and (iii) two subchordal cell precursors that individually migrate out from the trunk to the tip of the tail. The migration of subchordal cell precursors starts when all of the endodermal strand cells enter the trunk, and follows the same path but in a direction opposite to that of the latter. Labeling of these cells with a photoconvertible fluorescent protein, Kaede, demonstrated that the endodermal strand cells and subchordal cell precursors have distinct origins and eventual fates. Surgical removal of the trunk from the tail demonstrated that the endodermal strand cells do not require the trunk for migration, and that the subchordal cell precursors would be attracted by the distal part of the tail. This well-defined, invariant and traceable long-distance cell migration provides a unique experimental system for exploring the mechanisms of versatile cell migration in this simple organism with a chordate body plan.  相似文献   

A prominent feature of glial cells is their ability to migrate along axons to finally wrap and insulate them. In the embryonic Drosophila PNS, most glial cells are born in the CNS and have to migrate to reach their final destinations. To understand how migration of the peripheral glia is regulated, we have conducted a genetic screen looking for mutants that disrupt the normal glial pattern. Here we present an analysis of two of these mutants: Notch and numb. Complete loss of Notch function leads to an increase in the number of glial cells. Embryos hemizygous for the weak Notch(B-8X) allele display an irregular migration phenotype and mutant glial cells show an increased formation of filopodia-like structures. A similar phenotype occurs in embryos carrying the Notch(ts1) allele when shifted to the restrictive temperature during the glial cell migration phase, suggesting that Notch must be activated during glial migration. This is corroborated by the fact that cell-specific reduction of Notch activity in glial cells by directed numb expression also results in similar migration phenotypes. Since the glial migration phenotypes of Notch and numb mutants resemble each other, our data support a model where the precise temporal and quantitative regulation of Numb and Notch activity is not only required during fate decisions but also later during glial differentiation and migration.  相似文献   

目的: 以小鼠为实验动物研究精神分裂症易感基因Sox11对皮层神经元迁移的影响。方法: 应用实时荧光定量PCR、原位杂交等技术明确发育期 (E14.5, P0, P7, P14) Sox11于大脑皮层的表达模式;应用质粒构建、转染、胚胎电转、免疫荧光染色等技术,对不同时期 (E17.5, P0, P4, P7) 的小鼠分别转染对照shRNA质粒、mSox11 shRNA质粒和mSox11 shRNA干扰恢复后质粒,研究Sox11在神经元放射性迁移中的作用。结果: 与对照组神经元相比,转染mSox11 shRNA的神经元迁移明显延迟。当对照组神经元有一部分已经到达新皮层的表层时,大部分转染mSox11 shRNA的神经元仍停留在新皮层中间区;使用大鼠Sox11基因 (rSox11) 过表达载体对小鼠Sox11基因的干扰进行恢复后,神经元迁移完成后的分布情况与对照基本一致。小鼠Sox11干扰后和干扰恢复后,室管膜下区 (SVZ)、中间区 (IZ) 和皮层板 (CP) 内迁移神经元分布具有显著性差异 (P<0.01)。结论: Sox11可以促进皮层神经元的迁移,提示Sox11在小鼠皮层神经元迁移过程中发挥重要功能。  相似文献   

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