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张辰欢  康春全  黄心怡  陆洪良 《生态学报》2021,41(18):7204-7211
为检验入侵性龟类是否在某些功能表现上较土著龟类具显著优势,将相同孵化环境中孵出的红耳滑龟和乌龟幼体在不同测试温度下测定其运动(游泳和翻身)和心率表现。结果显示:所检测的两种龟幼体功能指标均随测试温度的变化而变化;红耳滑龟幼体比乌龟幼体具有较快的游泳速度和心率,但较慢的翻身速度。此外,通过比较来自不同养殖群体的两种龟幼体发现:低纬度的海口养殖群个体比高纬度的海宁养殖群个体具有较快的心率、较好的运动表现。结合已发表的临界高低温数据对不同指标构建热功能曲线发现:红耳滑龟幼体游泳速度的热表现宽度大于乌龟幼体,翻身反应的热表现宽度反而较小;海宁养殖群的游泳速度和翻身反应的热表现宽度大于海口养殖群个体。表明:较强游泳能力及能在较宽的热范围内实现较好的游泳表现、较高代谢水平可能有助于入侵性红耳滑龟在新环境中快速扩散、与其它物种竞争取胜并实现其成功入侵。红耳滑龟未表现出较快的翻身速度可能与因其相对较扁平的体型而导致的翻身较难有关。  相似文献   

社会学习是动物的一种可塑性行为表型,能使动物个体获得提高其适合度的行为模式。母体对幼体的食性形成具有重要的影响。本文以栖息于青藏高原的根田鼠作为研究对象,在实验室条件下,根田鼠母体怀孕后期及哺乳期分别供给以0.01%糖精或0.1%橘子汁处理的食物,当幼体断乳时,同时供给断乳幼体糖精和橘子汁分别处理的食物,测定其食物选择。结果表明:根田鼠母体在怀孕期和哺乳期摄食经橘子汁处理的食物,断乳幼体在同时供给经橘子汁处理的食物和糖精处理的食物时,断乳幼体喜食经橘子汁处理的食物;而母体在怀孕期和哺乳期摄食经糖精处理的食物,断乳幼体在同时供给根田鼠断乳幼体经橘子汁处理和糖精处理的食物时,断乳幼体喜食经糖精处理的食物。说明根田鼠在断乳后仍喜食母体在怀孕期和哺乳期摄食过的食物种类。根田鼠栖息于季节性变化剧烈的环境中,幼体通过母体尽早学习食物选择是一种可塑性表型方式,利于其获得适应栖息地的行为模式。  相似文献   

捕食风险是两栖动物幼体表型和生活史进化重要的选择压力之一。红瘰疣螈Tylototriton shanjing为云南山地环境中典型的有尾两栖类,山地环境水体水量的迅速减少常导致红瘰疣螈在幼体发育阶段捕食风险增加。本研究通过实验,观察红瘰疣螈幼体的体长和体质量在不同捕食风险环境中的变化、变态时体型以及完成变态发育的时间差异,探讨捕食风险对红瘰疣螈幼体个体早期发育的影响。实验设计4个不同的捕食风险处理:无任何捕食者的无捕食组、有同种个体化学信号的同种异体组、有同种尾受伤个体化学信号的断尾组、有入侵物种——克氏原螯虾Procambarus clarkii信息的外来物种组。结果显示,红瘰疣螈幼体在不同捕食风险环境中的生长发育过程不同。在生长发育前期,所有处理组的幼体生长均相似,而在中后期,有捕食风险存在的3个处理组生长发育显著加快,最终变态时的体长和体质量要比无捕食风险组更长和更重,体型更大。幼体在有捕食风险存在的处理组完成变态的时间要比无捕食风险组显著更短。这表明,红瘰疣螈幼体在面对捕食风险增加时,通过在胚后发育后期加快生长和缩短发育时间,尽快完成变态,离开幼体发育水体来适应高捕食风险的水环境。  相似文献   

赵文  王巧晗  张琳  包杰 《生态学报》2010,30(11):3065-3072
报道了不同温度、盐度和饵料条件下西藏拟溞的摄食强度、西藏拟溞对不同饵料生物蛋白核小球藻(Chlorellapyrenoidesa)、牟氏角毛藻(Chaetoceros muelleri)、湛江等鞭金藻(Isochrysis zhanjiangensis)、亚心形扁藻(Platymonas subcordiformis)、盐藻(Dunaliella salina)、新月拟菱形藻(Nitzschiella closterium)的选择性以及摄食节律。结果表明,在适温范围(2 20℃)内,西藏拟溞的滤水率、摄食率随着温度的升高而增加,14 16℃为西藏拟溞的适宜温度。在盐度20时,西藏拟溞的摄食率最高,幼、成溞对等鞭金藻的摄食率分别为1.88 ng C/(ind.h)和3.46 ng C/(ind.h)。西藏拟溞对角毛藻的滤水率和摄食率均随着龄期增加而增加,而对等鞭金藻呈相反趋势,但二者的日粮均随体长增大而减小。幼、成溞的滤水率和摄食率随食物密度变化的趋势基本一致,均是在盐藻密度为1×106 ind./L时均最高,分别为0.194、0.221 mL/(ind.h)和0.030μgC/(ind.h)和0.034μgC/(ind.h)。幼溞对6种藻的食物选择性为角毛藻小球藻盐藻扁藻金藻拟菱形藻;成溞为扁藻角毛藻盐藻金藻小球藻拟菱形藻。幼溞、成溞均对角毛藻和盐藻的选择性较好。西藏拟溞的幼溞和成溞对牟氏角毛藻的摄食有相同的节律,在15:00 17:00和01:00 03:00时有两个摄食高峰,在09:00 11:00和23:00 01:00有两个低谷。  相似文献   

摄食对原尾蜥虎代谢率的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过测定摄食后原尾蜥虎成体的耗氧量变化,研究摄食特殊热动力作用(SDA).蜥虎分为摄食黄粉虫幼虫实验组和禁食对照组,两组动物平均体重无显著差异.测定耗氧量前,将所有动物在30℃恒温室内禁食3天.用容积为300 ml的封闭式呼吸室测定两组蜥虎在30℃条件下连续3天的耗氧量,测定间隔时间为4~12 h.禁食组动物实验期间的耗氧量无显著的时间变异,实验组动物耗氧量的时间变异显著,这些结果表明摄食影响原尾蜥虎的代谢率.实验组动物摄食4 h后耗氧量已显著大于禁食组,摄食40 h后两组动物的耗氧量无显著差异.原尾蜥虎达到SDA峰值的平均时间约为20.0 h,SDA峰值耗氧量是禁食对照组动物耗氧量的1.5倍.原尾蜥虎单次摄食实验中的SDA具有进食后耗氧量迅速增加、达到峰值后下降至摄食前水平的典型模式.  相似文献   

食物条件对日本蟳幼体存活与变态的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
This paper studied the effects of different kind and density of baits and different starvation duration on Charybdis japonica larvae. The results showed that the preferable baits of zoaea-1 were Chaetoceros sp. and Isochysisgalbana, and their proper feeding density were 20 × 10^4 cell· ml^-1. The preferable bait of the larvae after zoaea-1 was Artemia salina nauplius, and its proper feeding density for zoaea-2 and zoaea-3 was 2 - 3 ind· ml^-1. The point of no-return for zoaea-1 of Charybdisjapoptica was about 66 hours. 18 hours starvation did not affect the growth of the larvae, but their livability would be decreased, and their metamorphism would be suspended along with the starvation duration.  相似文献   

摄食对印度蜓蜥代谢率的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过测定摄食后印度蜓蜥雌性成体的耗氧量变化 ,研究摄食特殊热动力作用 (SDA)。动物分为摄食黄粉虫幼虫实验组和禁食对照组 ,两组蜥蜴平均体重无显著差异。测定耗氧量前 ,将所有动物在 3 0℃恒温室内禁食 3d。用容积为 3 0 0ml的封闭式呼吸室测定两组蜥蜴在 3 0℃条件下连续 3d的耗氧量 ,测定间隔时间为 4~ 2 5h。禁食组动物实验期间的耗氧量无显著的时间变异 ,实验组动物耗氧量的时间变异显著 ,这些结果表明摄食影响印度蜓蜥的代谢率。实验组动物摄食 8h后耗氧量已显著大于禁食组 ,摄食 3 0h后两组动物的耗氧量无显著差异。印度蜓蜥达到SDA峰值的平均时间约为 1 2 7h ,SDA峰值耗氧量是禁食对照组动物耗氧量的 1 6倍。印度蜓蜥单次摄食实验中的SDA具有进食后耗氧量迅速增加 ,达到峰值后下降至摄食前水平的典型模式。  相似文献   

The effect of feeding level ( F L; 0·5 to 4% dry diet mass per wet fish body mass) and feeding frequency (once every 4 days to twice per day) on postprandial metabolic response was investigated in southern catfish Silurus meridionalis at 27·5° C. The results showed that there was no significant difference in the specific dynamic action (SDA) coefficient among the groups of different feeding levels ( P  > 0·05). The duration increased from 26·0 to 40·0 h and the peak metabolic rate increased from 207·8 to 378·8 mg O2 kg−1 h−1 when the feeding level was increased from 0·5 to 4%. The relationship between the peak metabolic rate ( R P, mg O2 kg−1 h−1) and F L could be described as: R P = 175·4 + 47·3 F L( r 2 = 0·943, n  = 40, P  < 0·001). The relationship between the SDA duration ( D , h) and F L could be described as D =30·97 F L0·248 ( r 2=0·729, n =40, P  < 0·001).  相似文献   

We measured oxygen consumption in juvenile Chinese striped-necked turtles (Ocadia sinensis) after they ingested food, either as a single meal or as double meals, to examine the influence of meal type and feeding frequency on specific dynamic action (SDA). Temporal variation in oxygen consumption after feeding was evident in the ingesting turtles but not in the unfed control turtles. In the single-meal experiment, the peak metabolic rate and the integrated SDA response (the whole energetic cost for the processes of digestion) both did not differ between turtles ingesting mealworms and shrimps when the influence of variation in ingested energy was removed, and the time to reach peak metabolic rate was not affected by meal type and the amount of food ingested. Turtles in the double-meal experiment ingested more energy and hence had a prolonged duration of SDA response than did those in the single-meal experiment, but the integrated SDA response did not differ between both experimental treatments when the influence of variation in ingested energy was removed. Our results show that meal type and feeding frequency have important consequences on the SDA response of juvenile O. sinensis. As the integrated SDA response remained remarkably constant either between turtles ingesting different food or between turtles ingesting the same food but at different frequencies when the influence of variation in ingested energy was removed, we therefore conclude that the energetic cost associated with ingestion is primarily determined by energy content of food ingested in juvenile O. sinensis.  相似文献   

Specific dynamic action (SDA), the increase in metabolism stemming from meal digestion and assimilation, varies as a function of meal size, meal type, and body temperature. To test predictions of these three determinants of SDA, we quantified and compared the SDA responses of nine species of anurans, Bombina orientalis, Bufo cognatus, Ceratophrys ornata, Dyscophus antongilli, Hyla cinerea, Kassina maculata, Kassina senegalensis, Pyxicephalus adspersus, and Rana catesbeiana subjected to meal size, meal type, and body temperature treatments. Over a three to seven-fold increase in meal size, anurans experienced predicted increases in postprandial rates of oxygen consumption the duration of elevated and SDA. Meal type had a significant influence on the SDA response, as the digestion and assimilation of hard-bodied, chitinous crickets, mealworms, and superworms required 76% more energy than the digestion and assimilation of soft-bodied earthworms, waxworms, and neonate rodents. Body temperature largely effected the shape of the postprandial metabolic profile; peak increased and the duration of the response decreased with an increase in body temperature. Variation in body temperature did not significantly alter SDA for four species, whereas both H. cinerea and R. catesbeiana experienced significant increases in SDA with body temperature. For 13 or 15 species of anurans ranging in mass from 2.4 to 270 g, SMR, postprandial peak and SDA scaled with body mass (log–log) with mass exponents of 0.79, 0.93, and 1.05, respectively.  相似文献   

Specific dynamic action (SDA) and incorporation of carbon into protein, lipids, and polysaccharides were measured in copepodite CV and adult female Calanus finmarchicus during the spring/summer growth season in Raunefjorden, Norway. Organic carbon from the food (Rhodomonas baltica) was allocated differently in the two developmental stages. Copepodites incorporated 50-80% of the carbon into lipids and only 7-22% into protein. Carbon incorporation into protein was higher in females, constituting 23% in May at 7 °C and 34% in June at 11 °C. This resulted in significant differences in the magnitude of SDA, measured as the increase in oxygen consumption during and after an 8-h feeding event. On average, the rate of carbon incorporation into protein was 2 times higher and the magnitude of SDA was 2.5 times higher in females than in copepodites. There was a significant correlation between the magnitude of SDA and carbon incorporation into protein suggesting that SDA is linked to protein synthesis. When comparing ATP equivalents of the magnitude of SDA with ATP equivalents of the total amount of carbon incorporated, more energy was produced than consumed. This supports speculations of an energy demand associated with a rapid turnover of newly synthesised protein.  相似文献   

The effects of temperature acclimation and acute temperature change were investigated in postprandial green shore crabs, Carcinus maenas. Oxygen uptake, gut contractions and transit rates and digestive efficiencies were measured for crabs acclimated to either 10 °C or 20 °C and subsequently exposed to treatment temperatures of 5, 15, or 25 °C. Temperature acclimation resulted in a partial metabolic compensation in unfed crabs, with higher oxygen uptake rates measured for the 10 °C acclimated group exposed to acute test temperatures. The Q10 values were higher than normal, probably because the acute temperature change prevented crabs from fully adjusting to the new temperature. Both the acclimation and treatment temperature altered the characteristics of the specific dynamic action (SDA). The duration of the response was longer for 20 °C acclimated crabs and was inversely related to the treatment temperature. The scope (peak oxygen consumption) was also higher for 20 °C acclimated crabs with a trend towards an inverse relationship with treatment temperature. Since the overall SDA (energy expenditure) is a function of both duration and scope, it was also higher for 20 °C acclimated crabs, with the highest value measured at the treatment temperature of 15 °C. The decline in total SDA after acute exposure to 5 and 25 °C suggests that both cold stress and limitations to oxygen supply at the temperature extremes could be affecting the SDA response. The contractions of the pyloric sac of the foregut region function to propel digesta through the gut, and contraction rates increased with increasing treatment temperature. This translated into faster transit rates with increasing treatment temperatures. Although pyloric sac contractions were higher for 20 °C acclimated crabs, temperature acclimation had no effect on transit rates. This suggests that a threshold level in pyloric sac contraction rates needs to be reached before it manifests itself on transit rates. Although there was a correlation between faster transit times and the shorter duration of the SDA response with increasing treatment temperature, transit rates do not make a good proxy for calculating the SDA characteristics. The digestive efficiency showed a trend towards a decreasing efficiency with increasing treatment temperature; the slower transit rates at the lower treatment temperatures allowing for more efficient nutrient absorption. Even though metabolic rates of 10 °C acclimated crabs were higher, there was no effect of acclimation temperature on digestive efficiency. This probably occurred because intracellular enzymes and digestive enzymes are modulated through different control pathways. These results give an insight into the metabolic and digestive physiology of Carcinus maenas as it makes feeding excursions between the subtidal and intertidal zones.  相似文献   

以新鲜泥鳅(Misgurus anguillicanndotus)肉块为饵料,采用麻醉灌喂的方法,在(25.0±0.5)℃条件下,研究了瓦氏黄颡鱼(Pelteobagrus vachelli)幼鱼[体重(7.03±0.15)g,n=42]不同摄食水平(饵料分别为体重的0%、1%、2%、4%和8%)对餐后代谢反应的影响.结果显示,在不同摄食水平下,瓦氏黄颗鱼摄食代谢均呈现先上升后下降的整体变化趋势;摄食水平由1%增加到8%,实验鱼的SDA耗能、SDA时间和摄食代谢峰值(PMR)分别从3.09 kJ/kg、8 h和56.08 mg O_2/kg·h增加到47.21 kJ/kg、36 h和97.25 mgO_2/kg·h;其中,8%(饱足摄食水平)和4%摄食水平组的代谢率在峰值水平能够持续20 h左右.瓦氏黄颡鱼最大运动代谢率(MMR)为166.5 mg O_2/kg·h,显著大于饱食组PMR(P<0.05).本研究还表明,随摄食水平上升,瓦氏黄颡鱼通过PMR的增加和SDA时间的延长来满足SDA耗能增加的需求;从摄食4%组和8%组相似的梯形摄食代谢曲线,可以看出瓦氏黄颡鱼在高摄食水平条件(>4%)下限制了摄食代谢的上升;PMR相对于静止代谢上升倍率较小,暗示其摄食占据的代谢空间较小,进而保留了大量剩余代谢空间用于运动和其他生理活动,这可能与其活跃的觅食活动习性有关.  相似文献   

Summary The influence of food density on respiration rate was measured for two cladoceran plankton species, Daphnia galeata and Bosmina longirostris, over the range 0 to 2.5 mg C 1-1, using the modified Winkler technique in order to examine how this affects the respiration rate and whether the functional response is the same in the two species. The respiration rate for animals of equivalent body size did not differ significantly between the two species in the absence of food, but was significantly lower in Bosmina longirostris than Daphnia galeata at high food density. Within a species, the response of respiration rate to changing food density did not differ among individuals of different body size. The respiration rate of D. galeata increased with increasing food density and reached a plateau at a high food density. A similar response curve was also found with the respiration rate of B. longirostris, although the response was less conspicuous. This response curve cannot be explained by the energy cost of known feeding behavior in cladocerans. Since the respiration rate related linearly with the assimilation rate, increase in food density seemed to increase the respiration rate by increasing the energetic cost required to process food biochemically, known as specific dynamic action.  相似文献   

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