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Past studies with spatially structured herbivore populations have emphasized the primacy of intrinsic factors (e.g., patch quality), patch geometry (e.g., patch size and isolation), and more recently landscape context (e.g., matrix composition) in affecting local population abundance and dispersal rate. However, few studies have examined the relative importance of each factor, or how they might interact to affect herbivore abundance or dispersal. Here, we performed a factorial field experiment to examine the independent and interactive effects of patch quality (plant biomass, leaf protein, leaf phenolics) and matrix composition [mudflat or non-host grass (Bromus inermis)] on planthopper (Prokelisia crocea) emigration from host-plant patches (prairie cordgrass, Spartina pectinata). In addition, a field survey was conducted to examine the relative importance of patch quality, geography, and matrix composition on planthopper occupancy and density. In the experiment, we found that rates of emigration from low and intermediate quality patches were, on average, 21% percent higher for patches embedded in brome than mudflat. In contrast, the emigration rate was unaffected by matrix composition in nutrient-rich patches. Within matrix types, plant quality had little effect on emigration. In the survey, planthopper density and the patch occupancy rate of planthoppers increased nonadditively with increasing patch size and the percentage of the surrounding matrix composed of mudflat. This study suggests that landscape-level factors, such as the matrix, may be more important than factors intrinsic to the patches.  相似文献   

Armitage AR  Fong P 《Oecologia》2004,139(4):560-567
We evaluated the effects of nutrient addition on interactions between the benthic microalgal community and a dominant herbivorous gastropod, Cerithidea californica (California horn snail), on tidal flats in Mugu Lagoon, southern California, USA. We crossed snail and nutrient (N and P) addition treatments in enclosures on two tidal flats varying from 71 to 92% sand content in a temporally replicated experiment (summer 2000, fall 2000, spring 2001). Diatom biomass increased slightly (~30%) in response to nutrient treatments but was not affected by snails. Blooms of cyanobacteria (up to 200%) and purple sulfur bacteria (up to 400%) occurred in response to nutrient enrichment, particularly in the sandier site, but only cyanobacterial biomass decreased in response to snail grazing. Snail mortality was 2–5 times higher in response to nutrient addition, especially in the sandier site, corresponding to a relative increase in cyanobacterial biomass. Nutrient-related snail mortality occurred only in the spring and summer, when the snails were most actively feeding on the microalgal community. Inactive snails in the fall showed no response to nutrient-induced cyanobacterial growths. This study demonstrated strongly negative upward cascading effects of nutrient enrichment through the food chain. The strength of this upward cascade was closely linked to sediment type and microalgal community composition.  相似文献   

Haynes KJ  Diekötter T  Crist TO 《Oecologia》2007,153(3):511-520
Few studies have disentangled the effects of the area and fragmentation of a focal habitat type on species that use multiple habitat types within a landscape. We experimentally investigated the effects of habitat area, habitat fragmentation, and matrix composition on the movement and distribution of Melanoplus femurrubrum. Adults of this grasshopper feed preferentially on grasses, but oviposit almost exclusively in soil dominated by forbs. We compared population densities among plots that were made to vary in the area and fragmentation of clover habitat and composition of the matrix (grass or bare ground) within which clover habitat was embedded. In addition, a mark-recapture survey was conducted to examine effects of habitat area, fragmentation, and matrix composition on loss of individuals from a plot’s clover habitat and movement between clover subplots within plots. Overall densities of adult M. femurrubrum (averaged over clover and matrix) were 2.2× higher in plots where the matrix was composed of grass as compared to bare ground, and 1.8× higher in plots with 64 compared to 16 m2 of clover habitat. Overall densities of nymphs were also positively influenced by greater clover area, but were unaffected by matrix composition. Within focal clover habitat embedded in grass matrix, adult densities were 2.1× higher in small clover subplots than large clover subplots. We conclude that the grass matrix had a positive effect on adult densities, but not nymph densities, because grass and forb-dominated habitats likely provide complementary resources only for adults. The aggregation of adults on small clover subplots within grass matrix was mainly attributed to a greater rate of emigration loss per unit area. In addition, this study emphasizes that a species’ response to changes in the area of a focal habitat type can depend significantly on the availability of complementary resources in the surrounding landscape. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

As the range of the invasive and highly polyphagous gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar) expands, it increasingly overlaps with forest areas that have been subject to invasion by non-native shrubs. We explored the potential for interactions between these co-occurring invasions through a gypsy moth feeding trial using the following three highly invasive, exotic shrubs: honeysuckle (Lonicera maackii), privet (Ligustrum sinense) and burning bush (Euonymus alatus). We compared these with two native shrubs: spicebush (Lindera benzoin) and pawpaw (Asimina triloba). We fed gypsy moth caterpillars foliage exclusively from one of the five shrubs and measured their relative consumptive rate (RCR), relative growth rate (RGR), and development time (DT). The RCR of gypsy moth was strongly influenced by the species of foliage (F = 31.9; P < 0.0001) with little or no consumption of honeysuckle and privet. Caterpillar RGR was influenced by the shrub species (F = 66.2; P < 0.0001), and those caterpillars fed spicebush, honeysuckle or privet lost weight over the course of the assay. Caterpillar DT was also significantly (F = 11.79, P < 0.0001) influenced by the shrub species and those fed honeysuckle, privet and spicebush died prior to molting. Overall, our data suggest that honeysuckle, privet, and spicebush could benefit (indirectly) from the invasion of gypsy moth, while burning bush and pawpaw could be negatively impacted due to direct effects (herbivory). Similarly, invading gypsy moth populations could be sustained on a shrub layer of burning bush and pawpaw in the event of canopy defoliation. Further field and laboratory analysis is needed to clarify herbivore resistance of invasive shrubs, and to investigate the potential interactions among co-occurring insect and plant invasions.  相似文献   

Habitat size, habitat isolation and habitat quality are regarded as the main determinants of butterfly occurrence in fragmented landscapes. To analyze the relationship between the occurrence of the butterfly Cupido minimus and these factors, patch occupancy of the immature stages in patches of its host plant Anthyllis vulneraria was studied in the nature reserve Hohe Wann in Bavaria (Germany). In 2001 and 2002, 82 A. vulneraria patches were surveyed for the presence of C. minimus larvae. The occurrence was largely affected by the size of the food plant patches. In a habitat model that uses multiple logistic regression, the type of management and habitat connectivity are further determinants of species distribution. Internal and temporal validation demonstrate the stability and robustness of the developed habitat models. Additionally, it was proved that the colonization rate of C. minimus was significantly influenced by the distance to the next occupied Anthyllis patch. Concerning long-term survival of (meta-) populations in fragmented landscapes, the results show that lower habitat quality may be compensated by higher connectivity between host plant patches. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Andrena hattorfiana is a rare solitary bee which has declined during the last decades throughout western Europe. It is specialised to forage pollen from plants of the family Dipsacaceae. Knowledge of distribution, dispersal propensity, and local population sizes is essential for successful conservation of A. hattorfiana. The investigated local bee populations (n = 78) were dominated by small local populations and 60% were smaller than 10 female individuals and 80% were smaller than 50 female individuals. The area of the median occupied habitat patch was 1.25 hectare and harboured 7 female bees. Mark-release-recapture studies of female A. hattorfiana revealed a sedentary behaviour. Among pollen-foraging female bees the average registered distance moved was 46 m. The patch emigration rate was about 2%, with an observed maximum colonization distance of 900 m. Only 10% of the individuals crossed areas without the pollen plant within grassland patches, such as unpaved roads, stone walls and small tree-stands, even if these areas were less than 10 m wide. This study shows that solitary bees can occur in local populations of extremely small size and they have a sedentary behaviour. These are features that usually increase the risk of local population extinction.  相似文献   

Moshe Coll 《Oecologia》1996,105(2):214-220
Omnivory (i.e., feeding at more than one trophic level) is common in many ecological communities. To date, most studies of omnivory have focused on systems that include omnivores that feed on several prey items, primarily in aquatic systems. Yet, many terrestrial insect predators feed not only on prey but also on plants. The difference between systems with plant-feeding omnivores and those with exclusively prey-feeding omnivores calls for special attention. The first step towards understanding the interactions between plant-feeding omnivores and their prey is to determine how omnivores respond to variations in plant properties. In this study, I investigated two major aspects of the interactions between the plant-feeding predatory bug Orius insidiosus and four host plants of its prey; the behavioral aspect, in which plants are selected for oviposition and the physiological aspect, in which plants differ in their suitability for the insect's growth, survival, and reproduction. No prey was offered to the omnivore during any of the experiments, but older nymphs and adults were fed prey eggs prior to their use in the experiments. Data show that O. insidiosus females almost completely rejected corn leaves for oviposition; nymph and adult survival was highest on bean; and female fecundity was higher on bean than tomato, pepper or corn foliage. the significance of the apparent ability of O. insidiosus to discriminate among plants and the observed correlation between oviposition preference and offspring performance in bean and in corn is discussed.  相似文献   

Evolutionary theory of plant defences against herbivores predicts a trade-off between direct (anti-herbivore traits) and indirect defences (attraction of carnivores) when carnivore fitness is reduced. Such a trade-off is expected in plant species that kill herbivore eggs by exhibiting a hypersensitive response (HR)-like necrosis, which should then negatively affect carnivores. We used the black mustard (Brassica nigra) to investigate how this potentially lethal direct trait affects preferences and/or performances of specialist cabbage white butterflies (Pieris spp.), and their natural enemies, tiny egg parasitoid wasps (Trichogramma spp.). Both within and between black mustard populations, we observed variation in the expression of Pieris egg-induced HR. Butterfly eggs on plants with HR-like necrosis suffered lower hatching rates and higher parasitism than eggs that did not induce the trait. In addition, Trichogramma wasps were attracted to volatiles of egg-induced plants that also expressed HR, and this attraction depended on the Trichogramma strain used. Consequently, HR did not have a negative effect on egg parasitoid survival. We conclude that even within a system where plants deploy lethal direct defences, such defences may still act with indirect defences in a synergistic manner to reduce herbivore pressure.  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted to examine the effects of habitat fragmentation on herbivore damage to individually tagged leaves of Betonica officinalis rosettes. Fragments of different size and corresponding control plots were established at three study sites in nutrient-poor calcareous grasslands in the northern Swiss Jura mountains. Leaf damage was recorded three times over the growing season (late spring, summer and early autumn). Five years after the initiation of the fragmentation, the density of rosettes did not differ between fragments and control plots. The number of leaves per rosette was higher in fragments than in control plots in summer but not in late spring and early autumn. The extent of leaf damage, expressed as proportion of leaf area removed by invertebrate herbivores, increased over the vegetation period. Leaf damage was greater in fragments than in control plots at two study sites, whereas the opposite (less strongly expressed) was found at the third site. Number of species and density (individuals per m2) of potential herbivores (gastropods and grasshoppers) were recorded in all fragments and control plots. Effects of fragmentation on the number of species and densities depended on plot size and differed between gastropods and grasshoppers. Leaf damage in fragments increased with increasing density of gastropods if the third site, which had lowest leaf damage, was excluded. Such a positive relationship was neither found in control plots nor for grasshopper densities. Thus, movement of gastropods in fragments was probably restricted which resulted in increased feeding pressure at least in two sites. However, even if our fragmentation experiment was well designed and replicated, the interpretation of these experimental results remains difficult because there was large site-to-site and seasonal variation.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that avocado idioblast oil cells play a defensive role against herbivorous insects. Toxicities of the intact avocado idioblast oil cells and the extracted idioblast oil were compared for three insect herbivores. Spodoptera exigua (Hübner) larvae are generalists that do not feed on avocados. By contrast, Sabulodes aegrotata (Guenée) and Pseudoplusia includens (Walker) larvae are generalist herbivores that readily feed on avocados. All bioassays were performed at a naturally occurring concentration of idioblast oil cells (2% w/w). Choice experiments showed that S. exigua larvae avoided diet treated with avocado idioblast oil cells and consume more control than treated diet. In contrast, idioblast oil cells had no significant antifeedant effects on the adapted S. aegrotata and P. includens larvae. Subsequent experiments designed to assess resistance mechanisms separated pre-ingestive (behavioral) and post-ingestive (physiological) effects of the avocado idioblast oil cells, and the extracted idioblast oil, on the two adapted herbivores. Post-ingestive adaptation was the mechanism that allows feeding. Because the impact of the avocado idioblast oil cells was greatest on the performance of non-adapted S. exigua, additional experiments determined that larvae fed diet containing the oil cells had higher mortality and reduced larval growth compared to controls. Developmental times were significantly prolonged for the survivors. Thus, increased mortality, reduced developmental rates, and antifeedant activity in the non-adapted insect indicate that defense against non-adapted herbivores may be an important function of idioblast cells in avocados.  相似文献   

Summary We tested the hypothesis that generally higher levels of herbivory on bittercress in sun vs in shade, especially by leaf miners, were related to the earlier phenological development of plants in the sun. Naturally-occurring plants in the sun were taller and had longer leaves than did those in the shade during the first three weeks of the growing season, which corresponded with the timing of adult fly oviposition. We divided individual bittercress plants from the sun into three parts: one part was transplanted into willow shade immediately after snow melt; the other two parts were replanted in the sun and one of these was sprayed with insecticide. The transplant experiment had two primary results. First, bittercress transplanted into the shade suffered significantly higher levels of insect damage than either treatment in the sun. Leaf-mining in the shade also increased and equalled that observed in the sun. These results strongly support the phenology hypothesis; higher damage in the sun is due, at least in part, to the earlier development of plants in sun vs in shade early in the season. Second, the ramets with the greatest damage, e.g. the shade treatment, initiated significantly fewer rosettes than did ramets in the other two treatments. The decrease in vegetative reproduction may have been due to the direct effects of increased insect herbivory on these shade plants. This result is particularly interesting because so little information is available on below-ground, vegetative reproductive response to chronic, above-ground foliage loss to native herbs caused by insect herbivores.  相似文献   

Summary We studied interactions among collards, Brassica oleracea var. acephala, the diamondback moth (DBM), Plutella xylostella (Lepidoptera: Yponomeutidae) and its parasitoid Diadegma insulare (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) by manipulating plant nitrogen (N) concentrations in field and laboratory experiments. Parasitoid abundance strongly reflected DBM abundance and was related to total leaf N. Parasitism rates were high (70.7%) and density-independent. Wasp sex ratios varied markedly (3–93% female) in response to the herbivores, the plants, or both. Higher proportions of female wasps emerged from DBM larvae on plants with high leaf N than on unfertilized plants. More female wasps also emerged from larvae parasitized as larger instars. We suggest that wasps have the potential to control DBM populations through long-term numerical responses mediated by variable sex ratios.  相似文献   

Sagers CL  Goggin FL 《Oecologia》2007,151(3):464-472
The isotopic enrichment between an animal and its diet can vary among and within living systems, but the sources of variation are not yet fully understood. Some studies have found that diet quality or an animal’s nutritional status can influence the degree of trophic enrichment, while others have dismissed nutrition as a contributing factor. We evaluated the effects of nutrient and water availability on carbon and nitrogen isotopic enrichment in a specialized plant–herbivore system. Aphids are largely sedentary and rely exclusively on nitrogen-poor phloem sap of their host for nutrition. We grew potato aphids [Macrosiphum euphorbiae (Aphididae)] on an accepted host, pumpkin [Cucurbita pepo L. (Cucurbitaceae)], in a glasshouse environment. Twelve pumpkin plants growing under high- and low-watering regimes were inoculated at 4 weeks of age with aphids. During the course of the experiment we collected leaves, phloem sap, aphids and honeydew (i.e., aphid exudates). We found no trophic enrichment between aphids and their phloem sap diet, but significant carbon enrichment of honeydew relative to aphids (2.5‰) and phloem sap (2.1‰). Honeydew was also enriched in nitrogen compared to the phloem sap (1.2‰). Watering treatment had a substantial impact on trophic enrichment. Correlations among tissues, an indication of uniform trophic enrichment among samples, were significant only for the carbon isotopic composition, and then only for plants and aphids grown in the low-water treatment. Diet quality also influenced the degree of isotopic enrichment; trophic enrichment for both carbon and nitrogen isotopic composition increased as diet quality (C/N) declined. We conclude that the degree of trophic enrichment is variable due, in part, to diet quality, but that the scale of variation is small.  相似文献   

Third instar tobacco hornworms (Manduca sexta L.: Sphingidae) on low dietary potassium had a lower relative growth rate than individuals on diets with potassium concentrations reflecting those in host-plants, due to decreased consumption rate, lower efficiencies of conversion of ingested and digested food (ECI and ECD), and a prolonged growth/feeding phase. Furthermore, these larvae, when placed on a diet with a moderate potassium concentration through the fourth stadium, ended up being smaller due to lower ECI and less biomass gained, and had a prolonged growth phase, which suggest an irreversible cost of the previous low potassium diet. Third instar hornworms on high potassium diets had lower ECI and ECD, and they had a prolonged growth phase. These individuals, when placed on a moderate potassium diet in the fourth stadium, gained less biomass, than those previously offered hostplant-like-potassium diets. Body potassium concentrations (% dw) at the end of the third stadium were similar among treatment groups. With increasing potassium concentrations in the diet, utilization efficiencies of potassium decreased and potassium concentrations in the frass increased. Correspondingly, water content (% fw) of the newly-molted fourth instar larvae declined with increasing potassium, indicating a passive loss of water during potassium excretion. Low and high dietary potassium reduced survivorship of third instar larvae; fourth instar caterpillars previously fed the low potassium diet also had poor survivorship. We conclude that, within the normal range of potassium concentrations in the hostplants, caterpillar performance is largely unaffected by potassium concentration, but that potassium-poor and potassium-rich diets, such as those hornworms may sometimes experience, can reduce growth and survivorship.  相似文献   

Summary Patchiness in herbivore attack is a well-documented phenomenon. When neighboring plants suffer vastly different levels of attack, then one suspects genotypic differences among plants to be the underlying mechanism. In this study, I use common garden experiments in two natural, but divergent, habitats at the Cedar Creek Natural History Area in central Minnesota to determine the role of plant genotype, environment and gender in plant resistance to a specialist herbivore. Resistance was measured by larval survivorship and weight. Eight clones ofRhus glabra were selected and 12 equal-aged ramets were dug up and planted in two gardens (each garden received 6 ramets per clone). First instarBlepharida rhois (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) larvae of known parentage were transferred to ramets and censused every other day. At the end of the experiment, larvae were collected and weighed. Analysis of variance was used to determine the importance of plant genotype, environment and gender on larval mortality and weight. The experiment was repeated in its entirety one month later. Both plant genotype and environment significantly affected larval survivorship in the first run of the experiment. No interactions were significant. Results from the second run indicated marginally significant genotype and environment main effects, and a genotype by environment interaction in larval survivorship. There was a significant genotype by environment interaction in larval weight on the same run. In neither run did clone gender have significant affects on resistance.  相似文献   

1. Worldwide concern about the consequences of climate change has prompted efforts to understand and predict the responses of populations to changes in temperature. 2. A heat wave can adversely affect organisms, may affect different life stages differently, and could decrease populations. In this study, green peach aphid [Myzus persicae (Sulzer)] nymphs, reproductive adults, and late‐reproductive adults were exposed to a heat wave, defined as 5 °C above the control temperature regime for five consecutive days. 3. The negative effects of experimental warming on development, reproduction, and survival negatively affected population growth. Nymphs and reproductive adults were more severely impacted than late‐reproductive adults. 4. Experiments designed to mimic temperature regimes can assess the direct effects of climate change on individuals and populations. Our study highlights the importance of assessing the life stage‐specific responses to heat stress.  相似文献   

The Mediterranean cypress (Cupressus sempervirens) is a multi-purpose tree widely used in the Mediterranean region. An anthropogenic range expansion of cypress has taken place at the northern margin of the range in Italy in recent decades, driven by ornamental planting in spite of climatic constraints imposed by low winter temperature. The expansion has created new habitats for pathogens and pests, which strongly limit tree survival in the historical (core) part of the range. Based on the enemy release hypothesis, we predicted that damage should be lower in the expansion area. By comparing tree and seed cone damage by pathogens and pests in core and expansion areas of Trentino, a district in the southern Alps, we showed that tree damage was significantly higher in the core area. Seed cones of C. sempervirens are intensively colonized by an aggressive and specific pathogen (the canker fungus Seiridium cardinale, Coelomycetes), associated with seed insect vectors Megastigmus wachtli (Hymenoptera Torymidae) and Orsillus maculatus (Heteroptera Lygaeidae). In contrast, we observed lower tree damage in the expansion area, where a non-aggressive fungus (Pestalotiopsis funerea, Coelomycetes) was more frequently associated with the same insect vectors. Our results indicate that both insect species have a great potential to reach the range margin, representing a continuous threat of the arrival of fungal pathogens to trees planted at extreme sites. Global warming may accelerate this process since both insects and fungi profit from increased temperature. In the future, cypress planted at the range margin may then face similar pest and pathogen threats as in the historical range.  相似文献   

In the short term, grazing will mainly affect plant biomass and forage quality. However, grazing can affect plant species composition by accelerating or retarding succession at longer time-scales. Few studies concerning interactions among herbivores have taken the change in plant species composition into account. In a salt-marsh system, the long-term effects of exclusion of a large herbivore (cattle) on the abundance of a small herbivore (hare) were studied. Excluding cattle grazing for 30 years resulted in large changes in vegetation composition. In general, the cover of tall-growing species increased in the absence of cattle grazing. These long-term changes negatively affected hare grazing intensity. Hares preferentially fed on Festuca rubra and negatively selected tall growing plants, such as Elymus athericus, both in cattle-grazed and long-term ungrazed areas. However, the intensity of hare grazing was not related to the cover of F. rubra. The cover of tall-growing plants (E. athericus, Atriplex prostrata and Juncus maritimus) appeared to be the best predictor and hare grazing intensity decreased sharply with an increase of the cover of tall plants. When cover of tall plants did not increase, hare grazing intensity was not affected. The study shows that the time-scale of the experiment is of prime importance in studying interactions between herbivores. Species that do not seem to influence the abundance of one another or are competing for the same resources on a short time-scale might well be facilitating each other when looking at larger time-scales while taking plant species replacement into account.  相似文献   

Summary Life table experiments were conducted on the generalist suspension feeder Daphnia galeata, using as food the two green algae (Chlorophyta) Scenedesmus acutus and Oocystis lacustris. Oocystis was hypothesized to be a lower quality food because it is convered with a thick sheath, believed to reduce digestibility. Results showed that Oocystis is a lower quality food for Daphnia, but only at relatively low food concentrations (0.15 mg C/L) and not at higher concentrations (1.0 mg C/L). At 0.15 mg C/L, Daphnia intrinsic rate of increase (r) when grown on Oocystis was only half that when grown on Scenedesmus. Daphnia r was similar at 0.15 mg C/L Oocystis and 0.075 mg C/L Scenedesmus, indicating that Daphnia requires twice as much Oocystis as Scenedesmus to achieve the same fitness. Intrinsic rate of increase was lower on Oocystis mainly because age at first reproduction was greatly delayed compared to that on Scenedesmus (13.6 vs 7.3 d). In addition, juvenile growth and survivorship were reduced on Oocystis compared with Scenedesmus. Clutch sizes were similar on the two foods, indicating that once individuals reached adulthood, the two foods were similar in quality. In contrast, at high food concentrations (1.0 mg C/L), the two algae were similar in quality for both juveniles and adults, and r was not significantly different on the two foods. Ingestion and assimilation rate experiments whowed that Daphnia consumes the two algae at identical rates, and that adults assimilate the two algae at similar rates. However, juveniles assimilate Oocystis at much lower rates than Scenedesmus, possibly accounting for reduced juvenile growth and delay in age at maturity at low concentrations. Thus, Daphnia exhibits an ontogenetic shift in its ability to utilize Oocystis, and this can result in juvenile bottlenecks in which survival and growth of young age classes are of critical importance in determining population dynamics. Because food quality effects were manifested primarily in juveniles and at low concentrations, food quality effects in nature will depend on phytoplankton abundance and age-structure of Daphnia populations.  相似文献   

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