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Andrew L. Rypel 《Oikos》2014,123(3):279-289
A frequent assumption in invasion ecology is that invasive species have enhanced growth rates in their invasive ranges. However, invasions frequently occur in sub‐tropical and tropical environments where growth could be higher simply due to climatic conditions rather than novel habitat. In this study, a meta‐analysis of growth rates (length‐at‐age data) was completed for six invasive freshwater fish species: common carp Cyprinus carpio, largemouth bass Micropterus salmoides, brown trout Salmo trutta, brown bullhead Ictalurus nebulosus, flathead catfish Pylodictis olivaris and northern snakehead Channa argus. Significant effects of climate on growth were observed for all species except common carp, and following normalization of growth for climate effects, a range of growth responses between native and invasive populations were revealed. Two species (brown trout, flathead catfish) showed significantly increased growth rates in invasive compared to native ranges, but two species (common carp, largemouth bass) showed significantly faster growth in native ranges, and two other species (northern snakehead, brown bullhead) showed no difference in growth rates. No species showed both significantly enhanced growth rates and initial sizes in invasive compared to native ranges. Using the comparative method, countergradient growth variations were apparent for all species within their native ranges and for all but one species in invasive ranges. Invasive populations of freshwater fish do not always grow faster when invasive and future studies need to consider growth covariates (e.g. climate and countergradient growth) prior to comparing life‐history differences between invasive and native populations.  相似文献   

Microtia reconstruction: does the cartilage framework grow?   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The use of free rib cartilage ear frameworks in unilateral microtia reconstruction has prompted much discussion about their potential for growth. The senior author has reconstructed ear frameworks in 132 microtia patients, most of whom were under 3 years of age when surgery was initiated. Of this group, 29 were assessed for ear growth through comparison of the lead-plate model of the original normal ear to the normal ear growth and the reconstructed ear framework after a period of at least 2 years. Similarly, 14 reconstructed ears were compared to 14 normal ears at least 2 years after reconstruction. The perimeters of tracings made from the original lead plates and of tracings of normal and reconstructed ears were determined by image analysis techniques. The results demonstrated no significant difference in growth between normal ears and reconstructed ear frameworks after an interval of at least 2.5 years. Therefore, the reconstructed ear is growing at a rate similar to that of the normal ear.  相似文献   

Factors associated with soil acidity are considered to be limiting for plants in many parts of the world. This work was undertaken to investigate the role of the toxicity of hydrogen (H(+)) which seems to have been underconsidered by ecologists as an explanation of the reduced plant growth observed in very acid soils. Racial differences are reported in plant growth response to increasing acidity in the grass Holcus lanatus L. (Yorkshire-fog) and the tree Betula pendula Roth (Silver Birch). Soils and seeds were collected from four Scottish sites which covered a range of soils from acid (organic and mineral) to more base-rich. The sites and their pH (1:2.5 fresh soil:0.01 M CaCl(2)) were: Flanders Moss (FM), pH 3.2+/-0.03; Kippenrait Glen (KP), pH 4.8+/- 0.05; Kinloch Rannoch (KR), pH 6.1+/-0.16; and Sheriffmuir (SMM), pH 4.3+/-0.11. The growth rates of two races of H. lanatus, FM and KP, and three races of B. pendula (SMM, KP and KR) were measured in nutrient solution cultures at pH 2.0 (H. lanatus only), 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, and 5.6. Results showed races from acid organic soils (FM) were H(+)-tolerant while those from acid mineral soils (SMM) were Al(3+)-tolerant but not necessarily H(+)-tolerant. These results confirmed that populations were separately adapted to H(+) or Al(3+) toxicity and this was dependent upon the soil characteristics at their site of collection. The fact of plant adaptation to H(+) toxicity supports the view that this is an important factor in very acid soils.  相似文献   

Homocysteine is a sulfur-containing amino acid produced during the metabolism of methionine and elevated plasma levels of homocysteine have been linked to an increased risk of atherosclerosis and cardiovascular ischemic events by numerous authors. Several mechanisms by which elevated homocysteine impairs vascular function have been proposed including impairment of endothelial function and at least some of those mechanisms are induced via homocysteine-associated DNA hypomethylation. Oral administration of folic acid and B vitamins, required for remethylation of homocysteine to methionine, decreased plasma total homocysteine levels but clinical trials using folic acid and B vitamins did not confirm that the decreased plasma levels of homocysteine through diet or drugs may be paralleled by a reduction in cardiovascular risk. In our view a plausible explanation for the discordance between the epidemiologic studies and the results of the clinical trials may be related to the homocysteine-associated global DNA hypomethylation which cannot easily be reversed by homocysteine-lowering therapy.  相似文献   

Viruses have a coat to protect their genome. For about half of the known virus families, the coat is a ‘spherical’ or icosahedral capsid. The capsid can also play a role in binding to a host cell and in movement of the virus within it. Capsids are composed of hundreds of copies of individual components that must assemble rapidly and reproducibly on a biological timescale. Assembly implies stability, but many viruses also require a ‘switch’ that renders the capsid unstable so that the viral genome can be released. Although interfering with capsid assembly and stability could be an important target for antiviral therapeutics, no such therapeutics are currently available. We are just beginning to understand how to analyze the stability and the assembly kinetics of capsids.  相似文献   

1. Insects with complete metamorphosis (holometaboly) are extremely successful, constituting over 60% of all described animal species. Complete metamorphosis confers significant advantages because it enables organisms to optimise life‐history components through temporal partitioning, and thereby to exploit multiple ecological niches. Yet holometaboly can also impose costs, and several lineages have evolved life cycle modifications to avoid complete metamorphosis. 2. In this review, we discuss different strategies that have evolved that result in the loss of complete metamorphosis (type I and type II paedomorphosis). In addition, the ecological pressures and developmental modifications that facilitate this avoidance are considered, as well as the importance of life cycle complexity in life‐history evolution. 3. Interestingly, only female holometabolous insects have entirely avoided complete metamorphosis, and it is always the ancestrally juvenile morphology that is retained. These findings point to a strong sex‐biased trade‐off between investment in reproduction and development. While the loss of complete metamorphosis in females has occurred independently on several occasions across holometabolous insects, only a small number of species possessing this ability have been described. 4. Thus, complete metamorphosis, which originated only once in insects, appears to have been almost fully retained. This indicates that significant modifications to the holometabolan metamorphic ground plan are highly constrained, and suggests that the transition to complete metamorphosis is evolutionarily irreversible.  相似文献   

Improving enzyme properties: when are closer mutations better?   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Study of mutations that improve enzyme properties reveals that in many, but not all, cases closer mutations are more effective than distant ones. For enantioselectivity, substrate selectivity and new catalytic activity (catalytic promiscuity) closer mutations improved enzymes more effectively than distant ones. However, both close and distant mutations can improve activity, thermal stability and also probably stability toward organic solvents. Typical random mutagenesis methods, such as error-prone PCR, create greater numbers of distant mutations than close mutations because enzymes contain more amino acids distant from the active site than close to the active site. This suggests that instead of mutating the entire enzyme, focusing mutations near the substrate-binding site might dramatically increase the success rate in many directed evolution experiments.  相似文献   

Rates of photosynthesis vary with foliage age and typically decline from full-leaf expansion until senescence occurs. This age-related decline in photosynthesis is especially important in species that retain foliage for several years, yet it is not known whether the internal conductance to CO2 movement (g i) plays any role. More generally, g i has been measured in only a few conifers and has never been measured in leaves or needles older than 1 year. The effect of ageing on g i was investigated in Pinus pinaster, a species that retains needle for 4 or more years. Measurements were made in autumn when trees were not water limited and after leaf expansion was complete. Rates of net photosynthesis decreased with needle age, from 8 μmol m−2 s−1 in fully expanded current-year needles to 4.4 μmol m−2 s−1 in 3-year-old needles. The relative limitation due to internal conductance (0.24–0.35 out of 1) was in all cases larger than that due to stomatal conductance (0.13–0.19 out of 1). Internal conductance and stomatal conductance approximately scaled with rates of photosynthesis. Hence, there was no difference among year-classes in the relative limitations posed by internal and stomatal conductance or evidence that they cause the age-related decline in photosynthesis. There was little evidence that the age-related decline in photosynthesis was due to decreases in contents of N or Rubisco. The decrease in rates of photosynthesis from current-year to older needles was instead related to a twofold decrease in rates of photosynthesis per unit nitrogen and V cmax/Rubisco (i.e., in vivo specific activity).  相似文献   

Fever, like other mechanisms for defence against pathogens, may have positive and negative consequences for host fitness. In ectotherms, fever can be attained through modified behavioural thermoregulation. Here we examine potential costs of behavioural fever by holding adult, gregarious desert locusts at elevated temperatures simulating a range of fever intensities. We found no effect of fever temperatures on primary fitness correlates of survival and fecundity. However, flight capacity and mate competition were reduced, although there was no relation between time spent at fever temperatures and magnitude of the response. While these effects could indicate a direct cost of fever, they are also consistent with a shift towards the solitaria phase state that, in a field context, could be considered an adaptive life-history response to limit the impact of disease. These conflicting interpretations highlight the importance of considering complex defence mechanisms and trade-offs in an appropriate ecological context.  相似文献   

Although some yeast species, e.g. Saccharomyces cerevisiae, can grow under anaerobic conditions, Kluyveromyces lactis cannot. In a systematic study, we have determined which S. cerevisiae genes are required for growth without oxygen. This has been done by using the yeast deletion library. Both aerobically essential and nonessential genes have been tested for their necessity for anaerobic growth. Upon comparison of the K. lactis genome with the genes found to be anaerobically important in S. cerevisiae, which yielded 20 genes that are missing in K. lactis, we hypothesize that lack of import of sterols might be one of the more important reasons that K. lactis cannot grow in the absence of oxygen.  相似文献   

Taking advantage of the fact that static electricity in plastic Petri dishes will produce very long, thin migrating slugs ofDictyostelium discoideum, it was shown that these slugs moved particularly rapidly. This is consistent with the demonstration of Inouye and Takeuchi that speed varies with length for slugs migrating on agar. Based on these observations it is suggested that slug speed is controlled by both the resistance at the tip and some factor that correlates With slug size, such as the concentration of endogenously produced ammonia  相似文献   

Needle morphological, chemical and physiological characteristics of Norway spruce were studied in a forest chronosequence in Järvselja Experimental Forest, Estonia. Current‐year shoots were sampled from upper canopy positions in five stands, ranging in height from 1.8 to 33.0 m (corresponding age range was 10–85 years). A/Ci curves were determined to obtain maximum carboxylation rates (Vcmax) and maximum rates of electron transport (Jmax). Needle nitrogen (N) partitioning into photosynthetic functions was calculated from the values of Vcmax, Jmax and leaf chlorophyll concentration. All needle size parameters (length, width, thickness, volume and cross‐sectional areas of mesophyll and xylem) increased significantly with tree height. The needles of taller trees had lower mass‐based N and chlorophyll concentrations (21% and 43% difference between shortest and tallest stands, respectively), but higher dry mass per area (35%), dry mass per volume (18%), number of cells per mesophyll cross‐section area (40%) and partitioning of N into non‐photosynthetic functions (12%). Light saturated net assimilation rate, Vcmax, Jmax and stomatal conductance decreased with tree age (35%, 16%, 12% and 29% difference, respectively). A path analysis model describing tree age‐related reduction of photosynthetic capacity as a result of sink limitation provided the best fit to our data. However, since the path model corresponding to source limitation, where photosynthetic reduction derives from changes in needle structure and chemistry was not rejected, we conclude that the decline in photosynthesis with tree age results from several mechanisms (limited sink strength, stomatal and N limitation) operating simultaneously and sequentially.  相似文献   

Mating with relatives has often been shown to negatively affect offspring fitness (inbreeding depression). There is considerable evidence for inbreeding depression due to effects on naturally selected traits, particularly those expressed early in life, but there is less evidence of it for sexually selected traits. This is surprising because sexually selected traits are expected to exhibit strong inbreeding depression. Here, we experimentally created inbred and outbred male mosquitofish (Gambusia holbrooki). Inbred males were the offspring of matings between full siblings. We then investigated how inbreeding influenced a number of sexually selected male traits, specifically: attractiveness, sperm number and velocity, as well as sperm competitiveness based on a male's share of paternity. We found no inbreeding depression for male attractiveness or sperm traits. There was, however, evidence that lower heterozygosity decreased paternity due to reduced sperm competitiveness. Our results add to the growing evidence that competitive interactions exacerbate the negative effects of the increased homozygosity that arises when there is inbreeding.  相似文献   

Synopsis Most fish species (and sometimes different life stages within a species) exhibit behavioral temperature selection. In nature, thermal gradients provide habitat structure to which fish orient. Apparently, fish have evolved to fit into thermal niches to optimize physiological, ecological, and reproductive performance in their native habitats. However, man has perturbed many of these habitats to the point where previously advantageous thermal preference behavior may now be inappropriate. Thermal perturbations are the most obviously related examples of man's interference, but a fish's inherent thermal preference behavior can also magnify the biological effects of changes in dissolved oxygen, food supply, toxicants, and physical barriers. Environmental management should (1) consider thermal preference behavior when evaluating habitat suitability, (2) manage for needed temperature and thermal structure, and (3) give priority attention to minimizing degradation of preferred thermal habitat, especially when it is in short supply.  相似文献   

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