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1. Butterflies are frequently used in comparative studies of sexual selection because of their diverse mating systems. In Heliconius, the two major clades in the genus are characterised by contrasting pupal‐mating and adult‐mating strategies. Adult‐mating females are considered to be promiscuous whereas pupal‐mating females are thought to be monandrous. 2. Counting spermatophores in female Lepidoptera is a common method for assessing patterns of female remating. However, in pupal‐mating Heliconius butterflies spermatophores can become completely degraded, potentially leading to underestimation of female remating rates. 3. We qualitatively characterised the different states of spermatophore degradation, and showed that complete degradation takes approximately 3 weeks in captive‐bred H. erato females. 4. We counted spermatophores and/or assayed spermatophore degradation in > 500 Heliconius females across 28 species sampled from natural populations. Among pupal‐maters these observations yielded a few rare observations of double mating by recently eclosed females, but generally indicated a lack of rematings. In contrast, approximately 25% of sampled adult‐mating females remated at least once. 5. Using a novel statistical analysis, we estimated remating rates from patterns of spermatophore degradation or from counts stratified by age, as indicated by wing‐wear. This analysis showed no statistically significant evidence for remating for the pupal‐mating H. erato whereas significant remating rates were detected for adult‐mating species. 6. The present results support the established view of Heliconius mating systems in which pupal‐maters are largely monandrous, whereas adult‐maters are polyandrous.  相似文献   

Disassortative mating is a powerful mechanism stabilizing polymorphisms at sex chromosomes and other supergenes. The Alpine silver ant, Formica selysi, has two forms of social organization—single‐queen and multiple‐queen colonies—determined by alternate haplotypes at a large supergene. Here, we explore whether mate preference contributes to the maintenance of the genetic polymorphism at the social supergene. With mate choice experiments, we found that females and males mated randomly with respect to social form. Moreover, queens were able to produce offspring irrespective of whether they had mated with a male from the same or the alternative social form. Yet, females originating from single‐queen colonies were more fertile, suggesting that they may be more successful at independent colony founding. We conclude that the pattern of asymmetric assortative mating documented from mature F. selysi colonies in the field is not caused by mate preferences or major genetic incompatibilities between social forms. More generally, we found no evidence that disassortative mate preference contributes to the maintenance of polymorphism at this supergene controlling ant social organization.  相似文献   

Most hypotheses to explain nonrandom mating patterns invoke mate choice, particularly in species that display elaborate ornaments. However, conflicting selection pressures on traits can result in functional constraints that can also cause nonrandom mating patterns. We tested for functional load‐lifting constraints during aerial copulation in Rhamphomyia longicauda, a species of dance fly that displays multiple extravagant female‐specific ornaments that are unusual among sexual traits because they are under stabilizing selection. R. longicauda males provide females with a nuptial gift before engaging in aerial mating, and the male bears the entire weight of the female and nuptial gift for the duration of copulation. In theory, a male's ability to carry females and nuptial gifts could constrain pairing opportunities for the heaviest females, as reported for nonornamented dance flies. In concert with directional preferences for large females with mature eggs, such a load‐lifting constraint could produce the stabilizing selection on female size previously observed in this species. We therefore tested whether wild‐caught male R. longicauda collected during copulation were experiencing load‐lift limitations by comparing the mass carried by males during copulation with the male's wing loading traits. We also performed permutation tests to determine whether the loads carried by males during copulation were lighter than expected. We found that heavier males are more often found mating with heavier females suggesting that whereas R. longicauda males do not experience a load‐lift constraint, there is a strong relationship of assortative mating by mass. We suggest that active male mate choice for intermediately adorned females is more likely to be causing the nonrandom mating patterns observed in R. longicauda.  相似文献   

High male mating investment may favor selection on male mate choice particularly if females vary in quality. Terminal investment strategies constitute a maximal mating effort and have evolved independently in the absence of paternal investment in several spider taxa including the genus Argiope. To test for male mate preferences in the above context, we used the sexually cannibalistic spider A. bruennichi. We varied male state (mating status and post‐maturation age) as well as the competitive context and quantified male mate choice decisions between females of different states and developmental stages in binary choice tests. We found an overall adaptive preference for the virgin against the mated female regardless of male mating state. Furthermore, we demonstrated that older males paid more attention to female fecundity‐related traits than to mating status. In a second set of experiments, we offered males a choice between a virgin and a subadult female and varied the competitive context which had no effect on male decisions. Curiously, a preference for the virgin adult female was only apparent after exclusion of females that matured <3 d prior to the test. Repeated tests of males supported the hypothesis that males do not distinguish between a freshly matured virgin female and a subadult female. Our results show that male spiders execute mate choice based on information collected from female silk strands and that they integrate their own state into mating decisions.  相似文献   

Premating isolation between incipient species is rarely studied in nature, even though mating tests in captivity may give an inaccurate picture of natural hybridization. We studied premating barriers between the warningly colored butterflies Heliconius erato and H. himera (Lepidoptera) in a narrow contact zone in Ecuador, where hybrids are found at low frequency. Eggs obtained from wild-mated females, supplemented with eggs and young larvae collected from the wild, were reared to adulthood. Adult color patterns of these progeny were then used to infer how their parents must have mated. Likelihood was used to estimate both the frequencies of potential parental genotypes from adult phenotypes collected in the wild, and the degree of assortative mating from the inferred parents. The frequencies of parental genotypes varied across the hybrid zone, but our statistical method allowed estimates of hybrid deficit and assortative mating to be integrated across all sites sampled. The best estimate of the frequency of F1 and backcross hybrid adults in the center of the hybrid zone was 10%, with support limits (7.1%, 13.0%; support limits are asymptotically equivalent to 95% confidence limits). Mating was highly assortative: in the center of the hybrid zone the cross-mating probability between H. erato and H. himera was only 5% (0.3%, 21.4%). Wild hybrids themselves mated with both pure forms, and the probabilities that they mated in any direction were not significantly lower than those among conspecifics. These results are consistent with earlier laboratory studies on mate choice, and suggest that selection against hybrids must be strong to prevent formation of a hybrid swarm. Unfortunately, the wide support limits on mating behavior precluded a measure of the strength of selection from these data alone. Our statistical approach provides a useful general method for estimating mate choice in the wild.  相似文献   

Because mating entails both costs and potential benefits to both sexes, males and females should be under selection to make optimal choices from among available potential mates. For example, in some cases, individuals may benefit by using information on potential mates' previous sexual histories to make mate choices. In such cases, the form and direction of these benefits may vary both between the sexes and based on the sexual history of the choosing individuals themselves. We investigated the effects of recent previous sexual history on the mate choice and mating behavior of both males and females of the crayfish Orconectes limosus. In one experiment, we found that opposite‐sex dyads comprising crayfish that had both mated 7–8 d previously with other conspecifics were significantly less likely to mate than dyads in which at least one crayfish was unmated. In a second experiment, we found that, when presented with a choice of tethered (but free to move) opposite‐sex conspecifics, only virgin females discriminated between males based on sexual history, showing a preference for virgin males over recently mated males. Mated females, mated males, and virgin males showed no preferences based on the sexual histories of potential mates. We discuss the implications of these inferences in the context of what was previously known about mating behavior and potential sperm limitation in crustaceans and other taxa.  相似文献   

In many species, males can increase their fitness by mating with the highest quality females. Female quality can be indicated by cues, such as body size, age and mating status. In the alpine grasshopper Kosciuscola tristis, males can be found riding on subadult females early in the season, and as the season progresses, males engage in fights over ovipositing females. These observations suggest that males may be competing for females that are either unmated (early season) or sperm‐depleted (late season). We thus hypothesised that male K. tristis may be choosy in relation to female mating status, and specifically, we predicted that males prefer females that are unmated. We conducted behavioural experiments in which males were given the choice of two females, one mated and one unmated. Contrary to our prediction, males did not mate preferentially with unmated females. However, copulation duration with unmated females was, on average, 24 times the length of copulation with mated females. While female K. tristis can reject mates, we did not observe any evidence of overt female choice during our trials. Females may gain additional benefits from mating multiply and may therefore not readily reject males. While our experiment cannot definitively disentangle female from male control over copulation duration, we suggest that males choose to invest more time in copula with unmated females, perhaps for paternity assurance, and that male mate assessment occurs during copulation rather than beforehand.  相似文献   

Abstract.— Mating has been found to be costly for females of some species because of toxic products that males transfer to females in their seminal fluid. Such mating costs seem paradoxical, particularly for species in which females mate more frequently than is necessary to fertilize their eggs. Indeed, some studies suggest that females may benefit from mating more frequently. The effect of male ejaculates on female life span and lifetime fecundity was experimentally tested in the variable field cricket, Gryllus lineaticeps. In field crickets, females will mate repeatedly with a given male and mate with multiple males. Females that were experimentally mated either repeatedly or multiply lived more than 32% longer than singly mated females. In addition, multiply mated females produced 98% more eggs than singly mated females. Because females received only sperm and seminal fluid from males in the experimental matings, these life‐span and fecundity benefits may result from beneficial seminal fluid products that males transfer to females during mating. Mating benefits rather than mating costs may be common in many animals, particularly in species where female mate choice has a larger effect on male reproductive success than does the outcome of sperm competition.  相似文献   

While few species introduced into a new environment become invasive, those that do provide critical information on ecological mechanisms that determine invasions success and the evolutionary responses that follow invasion. Aedes albopictus (the Asian tiger mosquito) was introduced into the naturalized range of Aedes aegypti (the yellow fever mosquito) in the United States in the mid‐1980s, resulting in the displacement of A. aegypti in much of the south‐eastern United States. The rapid displacement was likely due to the superior competitive ability of A. albopictus as larvae and asymmetric mating interference competition, in which male A. albopictus mate with and sterilize A. aegypti females, a process called “satyrization.” The goal of this study was to examine the genomic responses of a resident species to an invasive species in which the mechanism of character displacement is understood. We used double‐digest restriction enzyme DNA sequencing (ddRADseq) to analyse outlier loci between selected and control lines of laboratory‐reared A. aegypti females from two populations (Tucson, AZ and Key West, Florida, USA), and individual females classified as either “resisted” or “mated with” A. albopictus males via mating trials of wild‐derived females from four populations in Florida. We found significant outlier loci in comparing selected and control lines and between mated and nonmated A. aegypti females in the laboratory and wild‐derived populations, respectively. We found overlap in specific outlier loci between different source populations that support consistent genomic signatures of selection within A. aegypti. Our results point to regions of the A. aegypti genome and potential candidate genes that may be involved in mating behaviour, and specifically in avoiding interspecific mating choices.  相似文献   

Sexual selection in animals has been mostly studied in species in which males are signalers and females are choosers. However, in many species, females are (also) signalers. In species with non‐signaling females, virgin females are hypothesized to be less choosy than mated females, as virgins must mate to realize fitness and the number of available males is generally limited. Yet, when females signal to attract males, mate limitation can be overcome. We tested how virgin and mated females differ in their calling behavior, mating latency, and in mate choice, using the tobacco budworm Chloridea (Heliothis) virescens as an example for a species in which females are not only choosers but also signalers. We found that virgin females signaled longer than mated females, but virgin and mated signaling females were equally ready to mate, in contrast to non‐signaling females. However, we found that virgin signaling females showed weaker mate preference than mated females, which can be explained by the fact that females increase their fitness with multiple matings. Mated females may thus further increase their fitness by more stringent mate selection. We conclude that signaling is a crucial aspect to consider when studying female mate choice because signaling may affect the number of available mates to choose from.  相似文献   

Female multiple mating (polyandry) is widespread across Insecta, even if mating can be costly to females. To explain the evolution and maintenance of polyandry, several hypotheses, mainly focusing on the material (direct) and/or the genetic (indirect) benefits, have been proposed and empirically tested in many species. Considering only the direct benefits, repeatedly‐mated females are expected to exhibit the same fitness as multiply‐mated females under the same mating frequency. In the present study, we compare the fitness of females received monandrous repeated mating (MM) and polyandrous multiple mating (PM) in a polyandrous leaf beetle Galerucella birmanica and assess female mate preference with regard to polyandry or monandry. Our data indicate that the longevity and the egg‐laying duration of MM females are significantly longer than that of PM females. MM females produce significantly more hatched eggs than PM females over their lifetime under the same mating frequency, which results from the high hatching rate of eggs produced by MM females. PM females mated with novel virgin males in the second mating suffer decreased longevity and lifetime fecundity compared with PM females mated with novel mated males in the second mating. Once‐mated females are more likely to re‐mate with familiar males than novel males. By contrast to expectations, the results of the present study suggest that repeated mating provides females with more direct benefits than multiple mating in G. birmanica, and females prefer to re‐mate with familiar males. The possible causes of this finding are discussed.  相似文献   

Color polymorphisms are associated with variation in other traits which may affect individual fitness, and these color‐trait associations are expected to contribute to nonrandom mating in polymorphic species. The red‐backed salamander (Plethodon cinereus) exhibits a polymorphism in dorsal pattern: striped and unstriped, and previous studies have suggested that they may mate nonrandomly. However, the mechanism(s) contributing to this behavior remain unclear. Here we consider the role that male preference may have in driving mating behavior in P. cinereus. We limit our focus to striped individuals because this morph is most likely to be choosy given their dominant, aggressive behavioral profiles relative to unstriped males. Specifically, we evaluated (a) whether striped males preferentially associate with females with respect to her dorsum color, size, and body condition and (b) if so, whether female traits are evaluated via visual or chemical cues. We also considered whether the frequency of another male social behavior, nose taps, was associated with mate preferences. We found that striped male P. cinereus nose tapped more often to preferred females. However, males only assessed potential mates via chemical cues, preferring larger females overall. Reproductive phenology data on a sample of gravid females drawn from the same population indicated that the color morphs do not differ in reproductive traits, but larger females have greater fecundity. Given our findings, we conclude that female P. cinereus are under fecundity selection, mediated by male preference. In this manner, male mating behavior contributes to observations of nonrandom mate associations in this population of P. cinereus.  相似文献   

Mate choice for novel partners should evolve when remating with males of varying genetic quality provides females with fitness‐enhancing benefits. We investigated sequential mate choice for same or novel mating partners in females of the cellar spider Pholcus phalangioides (Pholcidae) to understand what drives female remating in this system. Pholcus phalangioides females are moderately polyandrous and show reluctance to remating, but double‐mated females benefit from a higher oviposition probability compared to single‐mated females. We exposed mated females to either their former (same male) or a novel mating partner and assessed mating success together with courtship and copulatory behaviours in both sexes. We found clear evidence for mate discrimination: females experienced three‐fold higher remating probabilities with novel males, being more often aggressive towards former males and accepting novel males faster in the second than in the first mating trial. The preference for novel males suggests that remating is driven by benefits derived from multiple partners. The low remating rates and the strong last male sperm precedence in this system suggest that mating with novel partners that represent alternative genotypes may be a means for selecting against a former mate of lower quality.  相似文献   

Males of the green-veined white butterfly (Pieris napi L.) transfer large ejaculates that represent on average 15% of their body mass when mating for a first time. Shortly after mating a male is able to transfer only a small ejaculate when mating a second time. Male ejaculate production plays a crucial role in the mating system ofP. napi because females use male-derived nutrients for egg production and somatic maintenance. Here we study how timing of female rematings and copulation duration are influenced by the mating history of their mates and, also, study if females exert mate choice to minimize their mating costs. Mating with a recently mated male increased female mating costs by increasing time in copula and mating frequency. Virgin females that mated with virgin males remated after an average of 6 days, whereas virgin females that mated with recently mated males remated after an average of 2 days. Moreover, copulations involving recently mated males lasted on average almost 7 h, whereas copulations involving virgin males lasted on average 2 h. Recently mated males were eager to remate, in spite of the fact that the size of the ejaculate they transfer is small and that they remain in copula for a long time. Hence it seems that males are more successful in the sexual conflict over mating decisions and that females do not minimize mating costs by choosing to mate preferentially with virgin males.  相似文献   

A growing body of literature is recognizing that males may also play a role in the mating process by behaving non‐randomly toward potential female mates during courtship. In numerous species, discrete color polymorphisms in males are inferred to represent alternative mating tactics, which often correspond with concomitant asymmetries in ecology and behavior. In terms of their mating behavior, these ecological outcomes of a color polymorphism should affect a morph's likelihood and frequency of encountering females in a population, possibly favoring the evolution of morph‐specific mating preferences. Knowledge of how male morphs contribute to a species’ overall mating dynamics will improve our understanding of how sexual selection shapes phenotypic diversity in color polymorphic systems. We conducted a mate choice experiment to evaluate the extent and morph specificity of non‐random mating preferences by male ornate tree lizards, Urosaurus ornatus. We observed the behavior of blue and yellow males in an experimental arena in response to a choice between an orange or yellow female. We found that blue males preferred yellow females over orange females, and although yellow males visited females more often than blue males overall, their attention was not morph‐specific. Given male morph differences in choosiness, and their differences in social dominance, we conclude that female throat color may be partly under sexual selection in U. ornatus. However, a lack of concordance between male and female mating preferences (drawn from an earlier study) suggests that overall mating dynamics may serve to maintain, rather than enhance, color morph differences in this species.  相似文献   

For many species, mating is a necessary yet costly activity. The costs involved can have an important influence on the evolution of life histories and senescence. Females of many species mate multiply, and this behaviour can inflict a longevity cost. Most studies investigating the effects of multiple mating on female survival have been conducted on insects, and the effects in other taxa are largely unknown. We investigate the effects of both a single mating and a second mating on longevity in female dumpling squid (Euprymna tasmanica), a species in which both sexes mate multiply. Through comparing the longevity of virgin, once‐mated and twice‐mated females, we found that a single mating reduced female life span by 15 days on average. A second mating resulted in an additional 8 day (on average) longevity cost, despite no difference in total clutch mass, number of clutches, single egg mass or number of eggs per clutch between once‐mated and twice‐mated females. This demonstrates a cost to multiple mating which may be independent of the cost of egg production. Furthermore, total clutch mass and female life span were positively correlated, whereas female life span decreased with increasing average water temperature. The presence of an additive effect of reproduction on longevity suggests that multiple mating in cephalopods may have benefits that outweigh these costs, or that there is a conflict in optimal mating frequency between males and females.  相似文献   

Sexual isolation, the reduced tendency to mate, is one of the reproductive barriers that prevent gene flow between different species. Various species‐specific signals during courtship contribute to sexual isolation between species. Drosophila albomicans and D. nasuta are closely related species of the nasuta subgroup within the Drosophila immigrans group and are distributed in allopatry. We analyzed mating behavior and courtship as well as cuticular hydrocarbon profiles within and between species. Here, we report that these two species randomly mated with each other. We did not observe any sexual isolation between species or between strains within species by multiple‐choice tests. Significant difference in the courtship index was detected between these two species, but males and females of both species showed no discrimination against heterospecific partners. Significant quantitative variations in cuticular hydrocarbons between these two species were also found, but the cuticular hydrocarbons appear to play a negligible role in both courtship and sexual isolation between these two species. In contrast to the evident postzygotic isolation, the lack of sexual isolation between these two species suggests that the evolution of premating isolation may lag behind that of the intergenomic incompatibility, which might be driven by intragenomic conflicts.  相似文献   

We examined the female mating choice of Cryptolaemus montrouzieri Mulsant (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) when exposed to a male with which she had mated before vs. a novel male which she never encountered. After first mating, most females chose to remate with the same male and showed a shorter mating latency period to copulation with the familiar male as compared to a new male. Then, we allowed a female to mate once, 5× with the same, or 5× with different males to evaluate how different mating patterns influence the females’ reproductive performance and offspring fitness. Mating 5× with the same male or different males improved female egg production, but had no effect on hatching rate or offspring fitness. Our findings suggest that female C. montrouzieri are able to distinguish between familiar and unfamiliar males and prefer to mate with the former. Further, multiple mating appears to offer material benefits to female C. montrouzieri specifically by increasing fecundity.  相似文献   

The mating behavior of the quasi-gregarious egg parasitoid Trissolcus basalis (Wollaston) was investigated under field conditions. Trissolcus basalis has female-biased sex ratios and is a protandrous species, with males emerging 1–2 days before females. Males competed aggressively for control of the egg mass, with one male assuming dominance and control of the egg mass, although changes in dominance occurred at least once on each egg mass observed. Typical mating behavior involved the dominant male mating his sisters immediately upon their emergence from the egg mass. These behaviors are characteristic of an inbreeding species that manifests local mate competition. However, several aspects of the mating behavior of T. basalis are inconsistent with that of an inbreeding species. Over 18% of emerging females were not mated by the dominant male upon emergence, 13% of females were not observed to be mated at all and may have left their natal site as virgins, 25% of females were mated multiple times and sometimes by multiple males, females remained near the natal site for up to several hours after emergence before emigrating, and males dispersed away from the natal site during female emergence. Trissolcus basalis may be a predominantly inbreeding species but its emergence and mating behavior suggest that low-frequency outbreeding is also likely to occur.  相似文献   

The navel orangeworm, Amyelois transitella (Walker) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae, Phycitini), is an economically important pest of nut crops in California, USA. Improved management will require better understanding of insect dispersal, particularly relative to when mating occurs. A previous study demonstrated a more robust laboratory flight capacity compared to other orchard moth pests, but it was unclear how mating affects dispersal, and how dispersal affects fecundity. In this study, 1‐ and 2‐day‐old females were allowed to fly overnight on a flight mill either before or after mating, respectively, and were then allowed to oviposit. Data on fecundity were compared between treatments to minimally handled or tethered‐only control females. Females that mated before flight flew longer and covered a greater distance than those flying prior to mating. However, timing of flight relative to mating did not affect fecundity, nor did any measure of flight performance. There was no effect on fecundity when females were forced to fly for designated durations from 3 min to 2 h. Together, our data revealed no obvious trade‐off between flight activity and reproductive output. Distances measured on the flight mills (mean ca. 15 km for mated females) may overestimate net displacement in the field where flight tracks are often meandering. The results suggest that most females mate and oviposit in or near their natal habitat, but that some may disperse potentially long distances to oviposit elsewhere.  相似文献   

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