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New Zealand mud snails (NZMS) are exotic mollusks present in many waterways of the western United States. In 2009, NZMS were detected in Redwood Creek in Redwood National Park, CA. Although NZMS are noted for their ability to rapidly increase in abundance and colonize new areas, after more than 5 years in Redwood Creek, their distribution remains limited to a ca. 300 m reach. Recent literature suggests that low specific conductivity and environmental calcium can limit NZMS distribution. We conducted laboratory experiments, exposing NZMS collected from Redwood Creek to both natural waters and artificial treatment solutions, to determine if low conductivity and calcium concentration limit the distribution of NZMS in Redwood National Park. For natural water exposures, we held NZMS in water from their source location (conductivity 135 μS/cm, calcium 13 mg/L) or water from four other locations in the Redwood Creek watershed encompassing a range of conductivity (77–158 μS/cm) and calcium concentration (<5–13 mg/L). For exposures in treatment solutions, we manipulated both conductivity (range 20–200 μS/cm) and calcium concentration (range <5–17.5 mg/L) in a factorial design. Response variables measured included mortality and reproductive output. Adult NZMS survived for long periods (>4 months) in the lowest conductivity waters from Redwood Creek and all but the lowest-conductivity treatment solutions, regardless of calcium concentration. However, reproductive output was very low in all natural waters and all low-calcium treatment solutions. Our results suggest that water chemistry may inhibit the spread of NZMS in Redwood National Park by reducing their reproductive output.  相似文献   

Some introduced species succeed spectacularly, becoming far more abundant in their introduced than in their native range. 'Increased niche opportunities' and 'release from enemy regulation' are two hypotheses that have been advanced to explain the enhanced performance of introduced species in their new environments. Using an introduced bird species, the Yellowhammer Emberiza citrinella , which was first released in New Zealand in 1862, as a model, we tested some predictions based on these hypotheses. By quantifying habitat availability and quality, and measuring nest predation rates, we investigated whether increased niche opportunities or release from nest predation could explain the higher density of the Yellowhammer in New Zealand farmland, compared to farmland in their native Britain. Yellowhammer territory densities were over three times higher in New Zealand (0.40 territories per ha) than in comparable British farmland (0.12 territories per ha), and Yellowhammer densities remained significantly higher in New Zealand, after accounting for differences in habitat availability. The density and diversity of invertebrates, a key food resource for nestling Yellowhammers, was significantly lower in New Zealand than in Britain. Hence, these aspects of niche availability and quality cannot explain the higher density of Yellowhammers in New Zealand. Nest predation rates in New Zealand were similar to those in Britain, suggesting that release from nest predation also could not account for the higher density of Yellowhammers in New Zealand. Differences in winter survival, due to differences in winter food supply or the severity of the winter climate, along with release from other types of 'enemy' regulation are possible alternative explanations.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Incongruence between chloroplast and nuclear DNA phylogenies, and single additive nucleotide positions in internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences of polyploid Australian/New Zealand (NZ) Lepidium species have been used to suggest a bicontinental hybrid origin. This pattern was explained by two trans-oceanic dispersals of Lepidium species from California and Africa and subsequent hybridization followed by homogenization of the ribosomal DNA sequence either to the Californian (C-clade) or to the African ITS-type (A-clade) in two different ITS-lineages of Australian/NZ Lepidium polyploids.


Genomic in situ hybridization (GISH) was used to unravel the genomic origin of polyploid Australian/NZ Lepidium species. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with ribosomal DNA (rDNA) probes was applied to test the purported ITS evolution, and to facilitate chromosome counting in high-numbered polyploids.

Key Results

In Australian/NZ A-clade Lepidium polyploids, GISH identified African and Australian/NZ C-clade species as putative ancestral genomes. Neither the African nor the Californian genome were detected in Australian/NZ C-clade species and the Californian genome was not detected in Australian/NZ A-clade species. Five of the eight polyploid species (from 7x to 11x) displayed a diploid-like set of rDNA loci. Even the undecaploid species Lepidium muelleriferdinandi (2n = 11x = 88) showed only one pair of each rDNA repeat. In A-clade allopolyploids, in situ rDNA localization combined with GISH corroborated the presence of the African ITS-type.


The nuclear genomes of African and Australian/NZ C-clade species were detected by GISH in allopolyploid Australian/NZ Lepidium species of the A-clade, supporting their hybrid origin. The presumed hybrid origin of Australian/NZ C-clade taxa could not be confirmed. Hence, it is assumed that Californian ancestral taxa experienced rapid radiation in Australia/NZ into extant C-clade polyploid taxa followed by hybridization with African species. As a result, A-clade allopolyploid Lepidium species share the Californian chloroplast type and the African ITS-type with the C-clade Australian/NZ polyploid and African diploid species, respectively.Key words: Lepidium, Brassicaceae, FISH, GISH, hybridization, polyploidy, long-distance dispersal, ITS, rDNA, Australia, New Zealand  相似文献   

BackgroundAn increasing trend of oropharyngeal cancer (OPC) has been reported in several countries with different demographic characteristics, and often attributed to increases in human papillomavirus (HPV) infection. The survival of patients with OPC has steadily improved, especially for those with positive HPV status. This study assessed the incidence, trends, and survival of OPC in Aotearoa New Zealand (NZ) by age at diagnosis, sex and ethnicity.MethodsThe study included all 2109 patients resident in NZ with a primary diagnosis of oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma from 2006 to 2020, identified from the National Cancer Registry. We assessed age-standardised incidence rate (ASR), annual percent change (APC) and overall and relative survival rates.ResultsThe average annual incidence of OPC was 2.2 per 100,000 population. There was a steady increase of 4.9% per year over 15 years. Although the incidence rates were higher in males over the study period, the overall rate of increase was similar in males (4.9%) and in females (4.3%). The incidence was highest in the 50–69-year group (8.8/100,000 population). This age group had an incidence that increased by 7.5% per year to 2018, and then declined. The main increase in rates was seen between the birth cohort of 1946–50 and that of 1956–60. The increase in incidence was seen in Māori and Pākehā/European populations, but no increase was seen in Pacific or Asian populations. The 5-year overall relative survival rate improved from 69% in 2006‐13 to 78% in 2014–20. Survival rates were lower in older patients, females, and Māori patients.ConclusionThis study confirmed a substantial increase in OPC incidence in NZ, with some evidence to suggest a recent slowing in this increase. Māori and Pākehā/European had the highest incidence, while Pacific and Asian populations showed the lowest rates and no increase over the study period. Survival rates have improved over time, but remained lower in some demographic groups.  相似文献   

The theory of fluctuating resource availability proposes that the susceptibility of a plant community to invasion by new species (i.e., invasibility) depends upon conditions of intermittent resource enrichment coinciding with the presence of invading propagules. We compared the response of a rapidly invading forb (Hieracium pilosella L.) between different experimental treatments in a short tussock grassland in New Zealand, over 6–12 years, to determine whether the theory explains differences in invasibility. The theory predicts that environments subject to periodic resource enrichment will be more invasible than those with more stable resource-supply rates. In our study, H. pilosella did not increase more rapidly in treatments subject to periodic resource pulses (fertiliser and water) than in those with more stable resource supplies. Also contrary to the predictions of the theory, the rate of invasion of H. pilosella did not increase following an increase in the rate of supply of water or nutrient resources, or following treatments that temporarily reduced resource uptake in the community, including grazing. H. pilosella did not increase immediately following abrupt increases in water and nutrient supply and removal of the dominant grass species with herbicide, as predicted by the theory, although temporary increases in resident exotic guilds indicated that the intensity of competition for resources was reduced. Neither H. pilosella nor resident exotic guilds showed increased cover growth rates following resumed grazing. The rate of invasion by H. pilosella was not correlated with species richness, a result consistent with one of the predictions of the theory. Therefore, short-lived events that temporarily reduced or suspended competition did not appear to determine the invasion success of this particular species in this region. In New Zealands perennial short tussock grasslands, the characteristics of the resident plant community may be more critical than resource fluctuations in determining invasion success of H. pilosella. Invasion of H. pilosella may be most successfully controlled here by promoting a successional physiognomic shift to a taller, shrub-and-tussock-dominated canopy that competitively excludes low-growing forbs.  相似文献   

The Guadeloupean racoon has been chosen as the emblematic species of the Parc National de Guadeloupe because of its supposed endemic specificity. However, its taxonomic position is not clearly defined. At what period did this animal colonize Guadeloupe and how it reached the island remain unsolved questions. To clarify these points, insular and continental individuals (Procyon lotor), coming from five localities and belonging to three subspecies, were compared using molecular (sequencing of a 294-bp of the left domain of the mtDNA control region) and chromosomal (C, G and R karyotypes) analyses. Genetic distance between the Guadeloupean racoon and lotor subspecies from Virginia and Maryland was very short (mean sequence divergence between haplotypes equals to 1.46%). A four times higher distance was found between P. l. lotor and P. l. pallidus, a continental subspecies inhabiting Arizona than between P. l. lotor and Procyon minor. A neighbour-joining phenogram is proposed; the Guadeloupean haplotype is on a branch close to the one clustering P. l. lotor from the East coast whereas the haplotype from Arizona diverged earlier. These results strongly suggest that the Guadeloupean racoon is included in the P. lotor species. Moreover, no differences were found between P. lotor and P. minor karyotypes, again suggesting a high genetic homogeneity between the two taxa. Furthermore, comparison of the control region variability within Procyon with intra- and interspecific variability observed in other Carnivores, clearly strengthens the hypothesis that P. minor is conspecific with P. lotor. These results imply that the taxonomic status of the Guadeloupean racoon should be revised. In a biogeographic perspective, it is suggested that the racoon has been recently introduced in Guadeloupe by man with individuals coming from the east coast of the USA. The consequences of these results for conservation of the racoon in Guadeloupe, and more generally, the definition and the use of the subspecies as a unit of conservation are discussed.  相似文献   

Biological invasions have significantly affected New Zealand?s native species and ecosystems. Most prominent are the effects of exotic mammals and plants, whereas few invertebrate invasions are known to have major effects on native ecosystems. Exceptions are the well-known cases of Vespula wasps in Nothofagus forest ecosystems and Eriococcus scale insects in Leptospermum shrublands. This limited impact is surprising because over 2000 exotic invertebrates have become established in New Zealand, among them many pests of exotic crop plants. The low impact of exotic invertebrates that invaded forests and other native ecosystems in New Zealand is in contrast to the situation in other parts of the world where many invertebrates have become important pests. We provide an overview of known invasions by exotic invertebrates in New Zealand, and explore in more detail several examples of invasive species, including herbivores, predators, parasitoids, decomposers and other groups in forests, grasslands, and other terrestrial ecosystems. Several hypotheses have been proposed to explain the comparative scarcity of such invasions that affect New Zealand?s indigenous ecosystems. There is a common view that New Zealand?s native species and ecosystems are inherently resistant to exotic invertebrate invaders, and there is some evidence to support this view. As a result of the high level of endemism in New Zealand?s flora, many native plants are phylogenetically distant from the host plants of many plant-feeding invaders. This provides some protection. Less host-specific plant-feeding insects, generalist predators, parasitoids and decomposers are less affected by such constraints, and these groups are perhaps more represented among the successful invaders of natural ecosystems. However, the shortage of studies on invader impacts on native species and ecosystems, compared with studies on economically important crops and production ecosystems, means that an unbiased comparison is not possible at this time. Furthermore, many invaders go through extended lag phases where their impacts are not easily noticed until they become more abundant and create more damage. Likewise, indirect effects of invaders, through more complex interactions in food webs, as well as impacts on ecosystem functions such as decomposition and pollination, are more subtle and difficult to detect without careful study. There is clearly a need for more research to determine more accurately which exotic invertebrates are already present, what their direct and indirect impacts are, and what generalisations and predictions about threats to native species and ecosystems are possible.  相似文献   

The postpharyngeal gland (PPG) was thought to be restricted to ants where it serves a crucial function in the generation of the colony odour. Recently, head glands that closely resemble the PPG of ants were discovered in females of a solitary digger wasp, the European beewolf. The function of this gland necessarily differs from ants: beewolf females apply the secretion of their PPG onto the bodies of paralysed honeybees that serve as larval provisions in order to delay fungus growth. Since ants and digger wasps are not closely related, the occurrence of this gland in these two taxa might either be due to convergent evolution or it is a homologous organ inherited from a common ancestor. Here we test the hypothesis that the PPGs of both taxa are homologous by comparing characteristics of chemical composition and physiology of the PPG of beewolves and ants. Based on reported characteristics of the PPG content of ants, we tested three predictions that were all met. First, the PPG of beewolves contained mainly long-chain hydrocarbons and very few compounds with functional groups. Second, the composition of hydrocarbons in the beewolf PPG was similar to that of the hemolymph. Taking the structure of the gland epithelium and the huge requirements of beewolf females for gland secretion into account this result suggests that the content of the PPG is also sequestered from the hemolymph in beewolves. Third, the chemical composition of the PPG and the cuticle was similar in beewolves since cuticular hydrocarbons derive either from the hemolymph or the PPG. Taking the considerable morphological similarities into account, our results support the hypothesis of a homologous origin of the PPG in beewolves and ants.  相似文献   

Fire has been a major driver of forest loss in New?Zealand. A conceptual model has been proposed in which positive feedbacks between vegetation, fire and soils can arrest regeneration of recurrently burned wet forest landscapes. We used vegetation data collected across three topographically similar landscapes ? Awana, Glenfern and Windy Hill ? on Great Barrier Island to (1) describe current vegetation composition and structure and predict future change in composition and (2) assess evidence for interactions between fire and soils slowing regeneration in these landscapes. Compositional data were analysed via classification and ordination, and we used transition matrix models to explore how vegetation composition may change in the future. The vegetation in the three landscapes spans repeatedly burned scrubland dominated by m?nuka (Leptospermum scoparium) and exotic fire-dependent woody species such as Hakea sericea, to intact mature forest. Scrubland vegetation tends to be found on north-facing upper slopes and ridges ? drier sites where fire has been more frequent and rendered soil conditions (e.g. organic matter and moisture) poor for plant growth. There is a slow reinvasion of forest species into the Leptospermum and Kunzea scrubland from gullies and other remnant patches, with wind-dispersed species preceding fleshy-fruited bird-dispersed ones. In the absence of fire in the next few decades the landscapes will continue to move back towards forest. More fires, however, will further degrade these landscapes by removing remaining fertile topsoils from ridges and slopes and by favouring exotic species adapted to recruit from seed and/or resprout vegetatively after fire.  相似文献   

The parcelling model of reciprocity predicts that grooming partners will alternate between giving and receiving grooming within grooming bouts, and that each partner will perform approximately as much grooming as it receives within each bout (‘time matching’). Models of allogrooming based on biological markets theory predict that individuals of lower dominance rank will exchange grooming for tolerance from high-rankers, and therefore an inverse relation will be found between grooming partners' dominance rank distance and how closely they match each other's grooming contributions within each bout. We used weighted logistic regression and weighted least-squares regression to test these predictions using data from female white-faced capuchins, Cebus capucinus, and bonnet macaques, Macaca radiata. Only 5-7% of macaque grooming bouts, and 12-27% of capuchin grooming bouts, were reciprocated. However, (1) the duration of grooming by the first groomer significantly predicted whether the groomee would reciprocate at all, and (2) when bouts were reciprocated, the duration of grooming by the first groomer significantly predicted the duration of grooming by the second groomer. Grooming was most balanced among females of similar dominance ranks. Both the time-matching and rank-related effects were weak, although significant. These results indicate that although some form of time matching may be a general characteristic of grooming in female-bonded primate species, time matching accounts for relatively little of the variation in the distribution of grooming within bouts. We also draw attention to weighted regression as a technique that avoids pseudoreplication while using all available data.  相似文献   

The expansion of humans into previously unoccupied parts of the globe is thought to have driven the decline and extinction of numerous vertebrate species. In New Zealand, human settlement in the late thirteenth century AD led to the rapid demise of a distinctive vertebrate fauna, and also a number of ''turnover'' events where extinct lineages were subsequently replaced by closely related taxa. The recent genetic detection of an Australian little penguin (Eudyptula novaehollandiae) in southeastern New Zealand may potentially represent an additional ‘cryptic’ invasion. Here we use ancient-DNA (aDNA) analysis and radiocarbon dating of pre-human, archaeological and historical Eudyptula remains to reveal that the arrival of E. novaehollandiae in New Zealand probably occurred between AD 1500 and 1900, following the anthropogenic decline of its sister taxon, the endemic Eudyptula minor. This rapid turnover event, revealed by aDNA, suggests that native species decline can be masked by invasive taxa, and highlights the potential for human-mediated biodiversity shifts.  相似文献   

Despite periods of extensive government-funded control, fluctuating commercial exploitation and ongoing recreational hunting, little is known about how red deer (Cervus elaphus scoticus L?nnberg) in New?Zealand respond to the cessation of harvesting in terms of population growth rate and resource use. We describe the population dynamics and resource use of red deer in a montane catchment over 5?years (1962?67) following cessation of intensive government-funded control in 1961. Locations and sex?age classes of deer were observed monthly along a fixed route in the Harper-Avoca catchment, inland Canterbury. A total of 2036 red deer groups were observed. The number of groups observed annually increased during the study but no trends in median (2 or 3) or modal (1 or 2) group sizes were found. Population growth rates (r) of deer were extraordinarily high in the first two years (e.g. 2.33 ? 0.22 for adult females and 1.61 ? 0.23 for adult males), but decreased in subsequent years and were not biologically possible without substantial immigration and/or changes in detectability of deer. Sexual segregation and selection of vegetation types (alpine grassland, montane grassland, and forest) and 10 topographic landforms showed stronger intra-annual than inter-annual patterns. Segregation was greatest in spring and summer, least in the rut, and variable in winter. In all seasons, sexual segregation was greatest at 25- and 50-ha scales, moderate at 100-ha, and absent at the 500- and 1000-ha scales. Selection of vegetation types also varied seasonally, with deer of both sexes preferring montane grasslands in spring and summer and alpine grasslands in the rut. Backslopes were preferred landforms in spring and summer, spurs during spring and the rut, and hollows during the rut. Our results highlight the need to consider spatial scale, immigration, and detectability in the design of red deer culling and harvesting programmes. Studies of home-range size and use, migration patterns, dispersal rates and distances are required to better understand the impacts of red deer on New?Zealand ecosystems and the effects of management on red deer populations.  相似文献   

The mosquito-borne disease avian malaria (Plasmodium spp.) has impacted both captive populations and wild individuals of native New Zealand bird species. However, whether or not it is a cause of concern to their wild populations is still unclear. In Hawaii, the disease has been a major factor in the population declines of some native forest bird species, often limiting their elevational distribution due to an inverse relationship between force of infection and elevation. While studies have investigated latitudinal patterns of infection in New Zealand, elevational patterns are unexplored. To address this, a survey was conducted in Nelson Lakes National Park, a site experiencing native bird declines in which disease has been suggested as playing a role, to investigate whether there is a similar inverse relationship in New Zealand. Results from blood samples (n = 436) collected over three seasons across a broad elevational range (650–1400 m) support there being such a relationship. In addition, an overall higher prevalence in non-native (14.1%) versus native birds (1.7%) may indicate differential impacts on these two groups, while particularly high prevalence in non-native Turdus spp. supports previous suggestions that they are key reservoir hosts for the disease. Overall, these findings add weight to the hypothesis that avian malaria is playing a role in ongoing declines of native New Zealand birds.  相似文献   

Viviparity has evolved numerous times among squamate reptiles; however, the combination of viviparity and nocturnality is apparently rare among lizards. We used time‐lapse photography to examine evidence for diurnal activity in a viviparous lizard often described as nocturnal, the gecko Woodworthia ‘Otago/Southland’ from southern New Zealand (family Diplodactylidae). Evidence for diurnal emergence was extensive. Females have a higher incidence of basking compared to males, although no difference was detected between females in different reproductive conditions. Temperature loggers inserted into calibrated copper models were used to compare the body temperatures available to geckos in two basking positions and in two retreat types. Models in basking positions reached higher mean temperatures than models in retreats, although there was no significant effect of basking position or retreat type on model temperatures. Collectively, our results indicate that pregnant geckos that bask consistently could reduce gestation length by at least 14 days compared with females that remain in retreats. Extensive basking in this species adds to the growing evidence of diurno‐nocturnality in many New Zealand lepidosaurs, including other viviparous geckos. Our results lead us to question whether viviparity in lizards is ever compatible with ‘pure’ nocturnality in a cool climate. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, ●● , ●●–●●.  相似文献   

In this study we assessed the water transport strategies and the abundance of alien and native tree species at a regional scale in Córdoba Mountains, Central Argentina. The aims of this study were: (i) to analyse whether alien and native tree species show divergent water transport strategies; and (ii) to explore whether species abundances of alien and natives are associated with specific trait attributes. Eight alien species and 12 native species were recorded in 50 complete vascular plant vegetation relevés. Water transport strategies were assessed through the following functional traits: minimum leaf water potential, potential water content of wood, effective leaf area, leaf area per sapwood area and wood density. Also, resource use strategies were assessed throughout the measurement of specific leaf area. We found that alien species had a higher efficiency in water transport (i.e. higher minimum leaf water potential and lower wood density values) and faster resource acquisition and use (higher specific leaf area values) than native species. We did not find evidence suggesting that the relative abundance of species was associated to water transport strategies and faster resource acquisition and use. Alien species seem to differ from natives in specific functional attributes that are absent in the resident community and might allow aliens to use more resources and at a higher rate than native species. Finally, our results show the potential of a trait‐based predictive framework for alien species, and the possible effects on ecosystem functions.  相似文献   

We describe and illustrate three new species of chewing lice in the genus Philopteroides parasitic on passerines (Order Passeriformes, families Acanthizidae, Rhipiduridae and Petroicidae) from New Zealand. They are: Philopteroides pilgrimisp. n. from Gerygone igata igata; Philopteroides fuliginosussp. n. from Rhipidura fuliginosa placabilis and Rhipidura fuliginosa fuliginosa; and Philopteroides macrocephalussp. n. from Petroica macrocephala macrocephala and Petroica macrocephala dannefaerdi. The identity of Docophorus lineatus Giebel, 1874 is discussed based on its morphology and host association. We also transfer Tyranniphilopterus beckeri to the genus Philopteroides, and provide a key to identify adults of 12 of the 13 species now included in Philopteroides.  相似文献   


Cereal‐based bait containing 20 ppm brodifacoum was used in bait stations continuously from December 1997 to August 2000 in the Rotoiti Nature Recovery Project area, for controlling brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula), ship rat (Rattus rattus), and house mouse (Mus musculus) populations. Concurrently (and before and after), baits containing brodifacoum, bromadiolone, flocoumafen, coumatetralyl, or warfarin were also used in St Arnaud village and on farms immediately adjacent to the project area. Brodifacoum residues were detected in the livers of 234 mammals from eight species, and two birds from two species captured alive, and a further seven birds from five species found dead in the project area (cause of death unknown). The highest concentration of brodifacoum residues in mammalian livers was recorded during the period brodifacoum was used in the project area. However, residues were present in the livers of some individuals at least 24 months after brodifacoum use in the project area stopped. These residues may have persisted in animals surviving brodifacoum use in the project area, and/or been transported into the area by animals moving to and from the adjacent village and farms, where brodifacoum use continued. Residues of flocoumafen, coumatetralyl, or warfarin, used only in the village and on farms, were also detected in the livers of animals captured up to at least 8 km from the nearest source. The results concur with other studies cautioning against indiscriminate or prolonged use of persistent anticoagulants for vertebrate pest control. However, the risks from such pesticides must be balanced against the demonstrable benefits of reducing pest abundance.  相似文献   

Estimates of total parasite species richness, for given host groups in given geographical areas, are always much higher than the numbers of known parasite species on which they are based. The discrepancy is a reflection of our limited current knowledge of parasite diversity. This is illustrated by a comparison of the parasite faunas of New Zealand fish species with those of Canadian fish; the latter have been well studied by fish parasitologists, and provide a standard for comparisons. More parasite species are known per host species for Canadian fish than for New Zealand fish, for both marine and freshwater fishes. This difference remains after correcting for differences in study effort, i.e. in the number of published studies per fish species. There are also more parasite species per fish species in Canada than in New Zealand when parasite species richness is expressed as number of species per unit of host body length. For freshwater fish, the difference can be explained by the restricted phylogenetic origins and geographical isolation of New Zealand fish species. For marine fish, however, there is no a priori reason to expect a difference in parasite species richness between fish in New Zealand and Canadian waters, and the observed difference probably results from a lack of appropriate parasitological surveys in New Zealand. If the true species richness of the parasite faunas of New Zealand marine fish species approaches that of their Canadian counterparts, then most of the diversity and ecosystem function of fish parasites in New Zealand remains unknown.  相似文献   

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