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Subsite mapping of enzymes. Studies on Bacillus subtilis amylase   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

Bactericidal action of nalidixic acid on Bacillus subtilis   总被引:21,自引:9,他引:12  
Cook, Thomas M. (Sterling-Winthrop Research Institute, Rensselaer, N.Y.), Karen G. Brown, James V. Boyle, and William A. Goss. Bactericidal action of nalidixic acid on Bacillus subtilis. J. Bacteriol. 92:1510-1514. 1966.-Nalidixic acid at moderate concentrations exerts a bactericidal action upon the gram-positive bacterium Bacillus subtilis. The synthesis of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) in B. subtilis is selectively inhibited by nalidixic acid at concentrations approximating the minimal growth inhibitory concentration. Higher concentrations (25 mug/ml) result in a 30 to 35% degradation of DNA. After extended exposure to nalidixic acid, protein synthesis is also depressed. Cells of B. subtilis treated with nalidixic acid exhibit characteristic morphological abnormalities including cell elongation and development of gram-negative areas. From the results presented, it can be concluded that the mode of action of nalidixic acid upon susceptible bacteria is similar for both gram-positive and gram-negative species.  相似文献   

Nucleotide sequence of the amylase gene from Bacillus subtilis.   总被引:57,自引:8,他引:49       下载免费PDF全文

The mutagenic interaction between ultraviolet irradiation and the alkylating agent N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine was studied in repair-competent and excision-deficient strains of Bacillus subtilis. Pre-exposure to low doses of MNNG with following treatment by low and intermediate doses of UV light increase the resistance of Bac. subtilis to UV radiation (antagonistic effect). Probably pre-exposition with MNNG leads to induction of enzymes reparation, UV damages being controlled with adaptive response genes.  相似文献   

【目的】实现地衣芽孢杆菌麦芽糖淀粉酶在枯草芽孢杆菌中的高效异源表达,并研究该重组酶的酶学性质。【方法】克隆巨大芽孢杆菌木糖异构酶基因的启动子区域及其调控蛋白,构建一个大肠杆菌/芽孢杆菌穿梭型诱导表达质粒,使用该诱导型启动子介导麦芽糖淀粉酶编码基因,实现其在枯草芽孢杆菌中的功能表达。对重组枯草芽孢杆菌的诱导条件进行优化,提高麦芽糖淀粉酶的产量。【结果】获得了诱导表达麦芽糖淀粉酶基因的重组枯草芽孢杆菌菌株。最适诱导温度为45°C,最适诱导剂添加浓度为1%,最适添加诱导剂时间为接种培养9 h后。重组酶蛋白分子量大小为67 k D,对该酶的酶学性质研究发现,以可溶性淀粉为底物,反应生成麦芽糖和葡萄糖,其中麦芽糖含量为60.42%。重组酶最适作用温度为45°C,最适作用p H为6.5,Ca2+、Co2+、EDTA对该重组麦芽糖淀粉酶具有激活作用。【结论】通过木糖诱导表达系统可以实现麦芽糖淀粉酶在枯草芽孢杆菌中的高效诱导型表达,酶活最高可达296.64 U/m L发酵液,在工业上有着较好的应用前景。  相似文献   

A segregated model was proposed to investigate the inherent relationships between growth, substrate consumption, cell differentiation and product formation in a Bacillus subtilis fermentation producing heterologous amylase in a 22-l bioreactor. The segregated model includes three distinguishable cell states and the transition from vegetative phase to sporangium and finally to mature spore. An age-based population balance model was applied to describe the maturity of sporangium toward the formation of spores. Parameters in the model were determined by fitting the model with experimental data. The model was able to predict the transient behavior of B. subtilis in both batch and fed-batch cultures.  相似文献   

A resident-plasmid cloning system developed for Bacillus subtilis has been used to isolate recombinant plasmids carrying DNA from Bacillus licheniformis which confer alpha-amylase activity on alpha-amylase-negative mutants of B. subtilis. These plasmids contain a 3550-bp insert at the EcoRI site of the plasmid pBD64. Subcloning various lengths of the B. licheniformis DNA has localised the gene to a 2550-bp BclI fragment. We present evidence that the cloned fragment codes for a B. licheniformis heat-stable alpha-amylase with a temperature optimum of 93 degrees C. The foreign gene is expressed efficiently in B. subtilis and is stably maintained.  相似文献   

An autolysin-deficient mutant of Bacillus subtilis was completely tolerant to 5 h incubation with 50-100 micrograms cycloserine ml-1 whereas the wild-type was rapidly lysed and killed by 12 micrograms ml-1. Lysis also did not occur when low concentrations of beta-lactams were added to exponentially growing cultures of the mutant, but over 90% of the bacteria were killed within 90-120 min. Protein, lipid and peptidoglycan synthesis as well as growth were inhibited after about 60 min. At this time, but not earlier, small amounts of these three cell components appeared in culture supernatants. Earlier, at about 20-30 min, the intracellular pools of amino acids started to decline rapidly and there was a temporary apparent increase in the rate of lipid synthesis. Neither of the latter phenomena occurred with cycloserine, with which protein and lipid synthesis declined only slowly and the rate of peptidoglycan synthesis was 80% inhibited within 30 min. Only occasional cells with damaged walls were seen 30-90 min after addition of either beta-lactams or cycloserine to the cultures. It thus seems unlikely that wall hydrolysis or penetration by residual autolysins in the mutant are responsible for mass cell death caused by the beta-lactams.  相似文献   

A new alpha-amylase (EC from Bacillus subtilis was purified by affinity chromatography. The molecular weight of the purified enzyme, estimated from sodium dodecyl sulphate/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis, was 93000, which is very different from the molecular weights of two well-characterized amylases from B. subtilis. Electrofocusing showed an isoelectric point of 5. Amylase shows a broad maximum of activity between pH 6 and 7; maximal inhibition of enzyme by wheat-protein alpha-amylase inhibitors is displayed at pH 7.  相似文献   

从云南腾冲热海热泉中分离到23株产高温淀粉酶的菌株,选取酶活最高的一株菌株进行生长特征、16S rRNA基因测序及系统进化分析表明,该菌株为嗜热的地衣芽孢杆菌(Bacillus licheniformis),并命名为B.1icheniformis Tamy6。该菌株生长范围为37~70℃,最适生长温度为55℃。对该菌所产高温淀粉酶的性质研究表明:该酶在70℃具有最高催化效率,在98℃保温30min,仍有45%的活力,其最适反应pH为5.0。通过Native-PAGE酶谱分析表明菌株Tamy6的粗酶液中含有一种类型的淀粉酶。通过TLC分析水解淀粉产物表明,其产物主要为葡萄糖、麦芽糖及3~5个葡萄糖基的寡糖,说明菌株Tamy6所产淀粉酶为高温α-淀粉酶。  相似文献   

A recombinant Bacillus subtilis strain (ATCC 31784) haboring the plasmid pC194 with a thermostable -amylase gene was cultured in a 22-l B. Braun Biostat C fermenter. Traditional batch operations suffer from low cell mass and protein productions because a high initial glucose concentration causes substrate inhibition and also product inhibition due to acetate accumulation. An exponential fed-batch strategy to prevent these inhibitions was developed in this work. The host strain is auxotrophic for phenylalanine, tyrosine and tryptophan. Due to low solubilities of tyrosine and tryptophan in the feed stream, tyrosine and tryptophan were dissolved separately in ammonia water to form a second feed stream. By dual feeding both streams at different exponential feed rates, a high cell density of 17.6 g/l and a final -amylase activity of 41.4 U/ml and the overall biomass yield of 0.39 g cell/g glucose were achieved.  相似文献   

An additional amylase, besides the typical alpha-amylase, was detected for the first time in the cytoplasm of B. subtilis SUH4-2, an isolate from Korean soil. The corresponding gene (bbmA) encoded a maltogenic amylase (MAase) and its sequence was almost identical to the yvdF gene of B. subtilis 168, whose function was unknown. Southern blot analysis using bbmA as the probe indicated that this gene was ubiquitous among various B. subtilis strains. In an effort to understand the physiological function of the bbmA gene in B. subtilis, the expression pattern of the gene was monitored by measuring the beta-galactosidase activity produced from the bbmA promoter fused to the amino terminus of the lacZ structural gene, which was then integrated into the amyE locus on the B. subtilis 168 chromosome. The promoter was induced during the mid-log phase and fully expressed at the early stationary phase in defined media containing beta-cyclodextrin (beta-CD), maltose, or starch. On the other hand, it was kept repressed in the presence of glucose, fructose, sucrose, or glycerol, suggesting that catabolite repression might be involved in the expression of the gene. Production of the beta-CD hydrolyzing activity was impaired by the spo0A mutation in B. subtilis 168, indicating the involvement of an additional regulatory system exerting control on the promoter. Inactivation of yvdF resulted in a significant decrease of the beta-CD hydrolyzing activity, if not all. This result implied the presence of an additional enzyme(s) that is capable of hydrolyzing beta-CD in B. subtilis 168. Based on the results, MAase encoded by bbmA is likely to be involved in maltose and beta-CD utilization when other sugars, which are readily usable as an energy source, are not available during the stationary phase.  相似文献   

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