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A genetic melanotic neoplasm of Drosophila melanogaster   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The construction of mature fruiting bodies occurs during the culmination stage of development of Dictyostelium discoideum. These contain at least two different cell types, spores and stalks, which originate from an initially homogenous population of vegetative amoebas. As an attempt to identify proteins whose synthesis is regulated in each cell type during differentiation, we have analyzed the two-dimensional profiles of proteins synthesized by spore and stalk cells during the culmination stage. We have identified 5 major polypeptides which are specifically synthesized by spore cells during culmination and 9 which are only made by stalk cells. Furthermore, synthesis of about 20 polypeptides appears to be enriched either in the spore or in the stalk cells. We also show that synthesis of actin, a major protein synthesized during Dictyostelium development, is specifically inhibited in the spore cells during culmination. Synthesis of most of the cell type-specific proteins initiates at 19–20 hr, during culmination. Moreover, the proteins whose synthesis is induced after formation of tight aggregates, the time when the major change in gene expression occurs, are not specifically incorporated into spores or stalk cells, and appear to be synthesized by both cell types. We conclude that a new class of genes is expressed during the culmination stage in Dictyostelium, giving rise to specific patterns of protein synthesis in spore and stalk cells.  相似文献   

The integument of the Drosophila adult abdomen bears oriented hairs and bristles that indicate the planar polarity of the epidermal cells. We study four polarity genes, frizzled (fz), prickle (pk), Van gogh/strabismus (Vang/stbm) and starry night/flamingo (stan/fmi), and note what happens when these genes are either removed or overexpressed in clones of cells. The edges of the clones are interfaces between cells that carry different amounts of gene products, interfaces that can cause reversals of planar polarity in the clone and wild-type cells outside them. To explain, we present a model that builds on our earlier picture of a gradient of X, the vector of which specifies planar polarity and depends on two cadherin proteins, Dachsous and Fat. We conjecture that the X gradient is read out, cell by cell, as a scalar value of Fz activity, and that Pk acts in this process, possibly to determine the sign of the Fz activity gradient. We discuss evidence that cells can compare their scalar readout of the level of X with that of their neighbours and can set their own readout towards an average of those. This averaging, when it occurs near the edges of clones, changes the scalar response of cells inside and outside the clones, leading to new vectors that change polarity. The results argue that Stan must be present in both cells being compared and acts as a conduit between them for the transfer of information. And also that Vang assists in the receipt of this information. The comparison between neighbours is crucial, because it gives the vector that orients hairs--these point towards the neighbour cell that has the lowest level of Fz activity. Recently, it has been shown that, for a limited period shortly before hair outgrowth in the wing, the four proteins we study, as well as others, become asymmetrically localised in the cell membrane, and this process is thought to be instrumental in the acquisition of cell polarity. However, some results do not fit with this view--we suggest that these localisations may be more a consequence than a cause of planar polarity.  相似文献   

Melanotic neuroectodermal tumor of infancy is a rare pigmented neoplasm occurring in infants before 1 year of age. It is a rapidly growing tumor that most frequently affects the craniofacial skeleton. Although melanotic neuroectodermal tumor of infancy is benign in the vast majority of cases, inadequate excision, occasional multicentricity, and a small malignant potential result in a fairly high recurrence rate. On the basis of data obtained from the literature and our clinical experience, we advocate an aggressive surgical approach consisting of complete surgical excision when vital structures are not involved. Histopathologic confirmation of complete excision is mandatory to minimize the risk of recurrence and provide the patient with curative treatment and minimal morbidity.  相似文献   

Seven-day-old chick embryo neural retina (NR), telencephalon (T), optic lobe (OL), and rembencephalon (Ro) were dissociated, and the resulting cell suspensions were allowed to reaggregate in vitro during 3 days either independently or in different binary combinations. Interactions could be detected by the comparison of the activity of the enzymes of the cholinergic system, choline acetyltransferase (CAT) and acetylcholinesterase (ACE), in “pure” and “combined” aggregates.The results clearly show that the activity of both enzymes in embryonic neural cells can be modified selectively by interactions between different cell populations. Thus, combined NR-OL aggregates show an increase in CAT without changes in ACE, NR-T an increase in CAT and a decrease in ACE, T-Ro a decrease in both CAT and ACE, and OL-T no changes at all. Experiments in which NR and OL cells were combined in different proportions indicate that the interactions require the presence of defined numbers of cells from each kind. Isochronous and heterochronous combinations of 7- and 10-day-old NR and OL cells show that the interactive capacities of the cells change with development.  相似文献   

Using P element-mediated mutagenesis we have isolated 20 X-linked lethal mutations, representing at least 14 complementation groups, which exhibit melanotic tumor phenotypes. We present the systematic analysis of this interesting group of lethal mutations that were selected for their visible melanotic or immune response. The lethal and melanotic tumor phenotypes of each lethal(1) aberrant immune response (air) mutation are pleiotropic effects of single genetic lesions. Lethality occurs throughout the larval and early pupal periods of development and larval development is extended in some air mutants. The air mutant lethal syndromes include abnormalities associated with the brain, haematopoietic organs, gut, salivary glands, ring glands, and imaginal discs. Additional characterization of the melanotic tumor mutations Tuml and tu(1)Szts have indicated that the melanotic tumor phenotype is similar to that observed in the air mutants. These studies have led to the proposal that two distinct classes of melanotic tumor mutations exist. Class 1 includes mutants in which melanotic tumors result from "autoimmune responses" or the response of an apparently normal immune system to the presence of abnormal target tissues. The Class 2 mutants display obvious defects in the haematopoietic organs or haemocytes, manifested as overgrowth, and the resulting aberrant immune system behavior may contribute to melanotic tumor formation.  相似文献   

Using P element-mediated mutagenesis we have isolated 20 X-linked lethal mutations, representing at least 14 complementation groups, which exhibit melanotic tumor phenotypes. We present the systematic analysis of this interesting group of lethal mutations that were selected for their visible melanotic or immune response. The lethal and melanotic tumor phenotypes of each lethal(1) aberrant immune response (air) mutation are pleiotropic effects of single genetic lesions. Lethality occurs throughout the larval and early pupal periods of development and larval development is extended in some air mutants. The air mutant lethal syndromes include abnormalities associated with the brain, haematopoietic organs, gut, salivary glands, ring glands, and imaginal discs. Additional characterization of the melanotic tumor mutations Tuml and tu(1)Szts have indicated that the melanotic tumor phenotype is similar to that observed in the air mutants. These studies have led to the proposal that two distinct classes of melanotic tumor mutations exist. Class 1 includes mutants in which melanotic tumors result from “autoimmune responses” or the response of an apparently normal immune system to the presence of abnormal target tissues. The Class 2 mutants display obvious defects in the haematopoietic organs or haemocytes, manifested as overgrowth, and the resulting aberrant immune system behavior may contribute to melanotic tumor formation.  相似文献   

Summary A sex-linked, temperature-sensitive melanotic tumor mutation inDrosophila melanogaster, tu (1) Sz ts, was mapped at 34.3±and localized to bands 10A10-11 of the polytene chromosomes. At 26°Ctu-Sz ts larvae develop melanotic tumors whereas 18°C is non-permissive for tumor formation. Tumorigenesis at 26°C involves the encapsulation of abnormal caudal fat body regions by precociously differentiated hemocytes. Low temperature blocks the development of the abnormal adipose cells and the overlying aberrant tissue surfaces but does not inhibit precocious differentiation of the hemocytes to the lamellocytic form. This phenotypic difference at the two temperatures indicates that lamellocyte encapsulation to form melanotic tumors is directed against abnormal tissue surfaces. On the basis of these observations and an earlier study (Rizki and Rizki 1979) we propose that hereditary melanotic tumors inD. melanogaster are a calss of autoimmune disorders in which affected tissue surfaces arouse the body's cellmediated defense response.  相似文献   

Recent genetic studies in Drosophila have identified signals that direct cell movement, mechanisms that transduce such signals within migrating cells and some of the molecular machinery underlying cell motility. Activation of the fibroblast growth factor receptor signaling pathway is required for migration of the cells of the developing respiratory system and mesoderm. A signal dependent on 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutanyl Coenzyme A reductase attracts migrating primordial germ cells to the somatic gonad, whereas the phosphohydrolase, phosphatidic acid phosphatase type 2, repels germ cells. In the female germline, the migratory path of border cells is directed by the homophilic adhesion molecule E cadherin.  相似文献   

Plant cells interact during development through diverse mechanisms that range from genetically encoded signals to physical stresses. Pollen self-incompatibility is the best understood cell interaction in plants. Analysis of genes that appear to be involved in specific developmental signals, such as liguleless1 from maize and GLABROUS1 from Arabidopsis, will provide clues as to the nature of cell interactions in plant development. Recent data suggest that intercellular connections may be more similar in plants and animals than previously thought.  相似文献   

The location of proteins on the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) of Drosophila virilis was investigated by Me3 psoralen photoreaction of mitochondria isolated from embryos. After photoreaction the mtDNA was purified and the pattern of DNA cross-linking was determined by electron microscopy of the DNA under totally denaturing conditions. The transcribed regions of the mtDNA molecule contained some uncross-linked regions, but such regions were infrequent and randomly distributed. In contrast, the A + T-rich region around the origin of replication of the mtDNA was usually protected from psoralen cross-linking. The data were best fit by two protected sites, each approximately 400 base pairs, compared to the four 400 base pair sites observed in the equivalent region of D. melanogaster mtDNA [Potter et al. (1980) Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 77, 4118-4122]. Thus this region of the mtDNA appears to be involved in a DNA-protein structure that is highly conserved even though the DNA sequence has diverged rapidly relative to protein-coding sequences.  相似文献   

Analysis of the cell lineage of the Drosophila retina is reported. Mitotic recombination within the white locus results in the formation of small red spots in white eyes; these are found under the dissecting microscope. The spot frequency is low (never more than 130 eyes) so that there can be no doubt that each spot is a single clone. Eyes bearing a clone are serially sectioned and all retinula and all pigment cells scored as white or white+. We describe the constitution of 101 clones and examine the disposition of the marked cells in the retinal lattice. The clones are apparently random combinations of the marked cell types—for example, two-celled clones containing one pigment and one retinula cell are frequently found. Our results appear to rule out fixed cell lineage as a determinative mechanism in ommatidial development.  相似文献   

Cell condensation in chondrogenic differentiation.   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Reduction of intercellular spaces in the areas of prospective cartilage and bone formation (precartilage condensation) precedes chondrogenesis and may represent an important step in the process of cartilage differentiation during limb skeletogenesis. We have attempted to clarify the role of the microenvironment established during cell condensation, taking advantage of a tissue culture model system that allows condensation (i.e., increased cell density due to cell aggregation) and chondrogenic differentiation (i.e., synthesis of cartilage-specific extracellular matrix proteins, such as type II collagen and acquisition of a chondrocyte morphology) of chick embryo cartilage-derived undifferentiated cells. To prevent condensation cells were grown in carboxymethylcellulose and changes in the differentiation pathway were evaluated. In another series of experiments, we have separated single cells from the aggregated cells and analyzed their differentiation properties. Morphological analyses and the evaluation of type II collagen expression, at both the protein and the mRNA level, show that a reduced rate of cell clustering and cell to cell contact parallels a reduction of cell recruitment into the differentiation program. On the basis of our results, we suggest that the following cascade of events regulates the early stages of chondrocyte differentiation: (a) the acquisition of the ability to establish cell to cell contacts, (b) the formation of a permissive environment capable of activating the differentiation program, and (c) the expression of differentiation markers.  相似文献   

Y T Ip  K Maggert    M Levine 《The EMBO journal》1994,13(24):5826-5834

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