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In the past decade, many aquatic invasive species have been introduced into Prince Edward Island, Canada, coastal waters, and they have had adverse effects on the aquaculture and fisheries industry. For instance, the mussel aquaculture industry has been overwhelmed by extremely high abundances of the invasive ascidian Styela clava in some areas. To understand and minimize the risk of spread of S. clava to other shellfish aquaculture sites, basic information on the reproductive biology of the ascidian is needed. This study investigated Styela gonad development, larval abundance and recruitment. Gonad development, using histological methods, indicated ovaries were ripe from late June through late October, 2004. Weekly water samples indicated larvae were present from 24 June to 29 October, with a distinct abundance peak in mid-August. Recruitment occurred from 24 June to 21 October. Timing of larval sampling was judged to be a crucial part of evaluating recruitment potential for monitoring purposes and a field experiment was carried out to document spatio-temporal larval concentrations. Data were gathered over 30 h sampling periods on 4 August and 14 September 2004. Water samples were taken simultaneously on an hourly basis at three depths: surface, 2 m and 4 m below the surface. Results indicated peaks in larval abundance were, in most cases, limited to a 3 h time interval in the early afternoon. Larval concentrations increased with water depth.  相似文献   

A seaweed community along 60 km of shoreline in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence has been studied for 5 years. Because of severe ice action along the shores, the algal flora is largely restricted to subtidal levels, which are accessible only during the ice-free months, April to early December. A total of 52 Rhodophyta, 50 Phaeophyta, 19 Chlorophyta and 5 Cyanophyta was identified, mostly occurring between mean low water and 10 m depth. The normally intertidal dominants Focus vesiculosus L. and Chondrus crispus Stackh. flourish at depths of 0–2.5 m and 2.5–5 m, respectively. Chondrus and Furcellaria lumbricalis (Huds.) Lamour. co-dominate the algal benthos at 5–7.5 m, and F. lumbricalis becomes prevalent at 7.5–10 m. Phyllophora truncata (Pallas) A. Zin. and Phyllophora pseudoceranoides (Gmel.) Newr. & A. Tayl. are the main perennials at 10–15 m, and often at 15–20 m as well. Below 15 m, the flora diminishes markedly, and at 20–25 m consists chiefly of Agarum cribrosum (Mert.) Bory, crustose corallines and Polysiphonia urceolata (Lightf. ex Dillw.) Grev. Laminarians other than Chorda occur only as scattered plants or small patches and do not exceed 1 m length. The algal community is relatively undiversified and is especially deficient in green algae. Despite higher surface-water temperatures during summer, the flora is essentially a cold-water one as is indicated by both composition and low R/P and (R+C)/P ratios of 1.06 and 1.45, respectively.  相似文献   

Lophocladia lallemandii (Montagne) F. Schmitz is an invasive red alga which has recently become widespread in the Mediterranean Sea. Temporal variability in biomass of L. lallemandii across a depth gradient (10-30 m depth), as well as invasive potential by means of its reproductive output and recruitment abilities was assessed. No variability was found across the depth gradient, suggesting a homogenous pattern of invasion between the sampled depths. In contrast, all variables displayed a clear temporal pattern with higher growth and reproductive output with increasing temperatures, both in shallow and deep populations. The high total and relative biomass values of L. lallemandii confirm the invasive nature of this species. Likely, the high potential reproductive output by means of tetrasporocysts (41.8 ± 9.34 cm−2), together with the high recruitment abilities (352 ind. m−2) explains the great colonization capacity of L. lallemandii which prevents any kind of manual eradication.  相似文献   

Predation on flatfish during the early juvenile stage is an important factor regulating year-class strength and recruitment. In this study, immunological dietary analysis was performed on green crabs (Carcinus maenas) collected from the Niantic River, Connecticut, in an effort to evaluate the predatory impact of this species on post-settlement winter flounder (Pseudopleuronectes americanus). Through the use of species-specific antiserum, winter flounder proteins were identified in 4.8% of the green crab stomachs analyzed (n = 313, size range = 14-74 mm carapace width, CW), revealing that crabs ≥ 29 mm CW are predators of post-settlement winter flounder in natural populations. The most significant factor underlying the predator-prey interaction was the relative size relationship between species, such that the incidence of winter flounder remains in the stomach contents of green crabs was positively correlated with predator-to-prey size ratio. Results from dietary analysis were incorporated into a deterministic model to estimate the average daily instantaneous mortality and cumulative mortality of winter flounder owing to green crab predation. Accordingly, green crabs may account for 0.4% to 7.7% (mean = 2.2%) of the daily mortality of winter flounder and consume 1.1% to 32.3% (mean = 10.2%) of the flounder year-class. Model simulations further indicate that variations in green crab abundance and size-structure account for the greatest variability in winter flounder mortality. Relative to other macro-crustacean predators, however, predation by green crabs has a minimal effect on winter flounder survival, due in large part to the low densities of these crabs in temperate estuaries.  相似文献   

The rate of introduction of exotic marine species has dramatically increased during the 19th and 20th centuries. Exemplifying this trend, the marine gastropod Ocinebrellus inornatus was first detected outside its native range in 1924 on the American Pacific coast, then in 1995 on the French Atlantic coast. To determine the origin of the French populations of this invasive species, we compared a French population with populations collected in Asia—the native range—and with a population collected in the United States. Analyses of mitochondrial DNA and allozyme polymorphism revealed that the French and American populations were closely related and substantially differentiated from the Asian populations. According to our results, the most likely scenario is that the source population of the French Atlantic coast populations was located in the United States. Indeed, taken altogether, the genetic structure of Asian populations, the time lag separating the introduction on the American Pacific coast from the introduction on the French Atlantic coast and the high level of genetic diversity in the two introduced areas (indicating an absence of major founder events) are hardly compatible with a scenario in which French population resulting only from primary introduction events from the native area. Finally, although similar, the French and American populations were not identical. Thus, even if the main source population of the French populations was located in the United States, the genetic structure of French populations may have been modified by cryptic and recurrent introduction events directly from Asia.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a study about the influence of the porphyrin metal center and meso ligands on the biological effects of meso-tetrakis porphyrins. Different from the cationic meso-tetrakis 4-N-methyl pyridinium (Mn(III)TMPyP), the anionic Mn(III) meso-tetrakis (para-sulfonatophenyl) porphyrin (Mn(III)TPPS4) exhibited no protector effect against Fe(citrate)-induced lipid oxidation. Mn(III)TPPS4 did not protect mitochondria against endogenous hydrogen peroxide and only delayed the swelling caused by tert-BuOOH and Ca2+. Fe(III)TPPS4 exacerbated the effect of the tert-BuOOH, and both porphyrins did not significantly affect Fe(II)citrate-induced swelling. Consistently, Fe(III)TPPS4 predominantly promotes the homolytic cleavage of peroxides and exhibits catalytic efficiency ten-fold higher than Mn(III)TPPS4. For Mn(III)TPPS4, the microenvironment of rat liver mitochondria favors the heterolytic cleavage of peroxides and increases the catalytic efficiency of the manganese porphyrin due to the availability of axial ligands for the metal center and reducing agents such as glutathione (GSH) and proteins necessary for Compound II (oxomanganese IV) recycling to the initial Mn(III) form. The use of thiol reducing agents for the recycling of Mn(III)TPPS4 leads to GSH depletion and protein oxidation and consequent damages in the organelle.  相似文献   

Molecular markers including inter simple sequence repeats (ISSR) and 18S rDNA gene sequence markers were combined with a detailed morphological analysis to seek characters that discriminate four taxa of Portulaca oleracea s.l. These taxa were identified as the microspecies Portulaca nitida, Portulaca oleracea, Portulaca rausii and Portulaca granulatostellulata. Morphological characters did not provide a clear distinction among the four taxa of P. oleracea s.l. It was found that mixed populations of the taxa occur in several locations and morphological similarities between the microspecies were detected. ISSR analysis indicates that gene flow among populations of different taxa was high and most of the genetic variation (61.9%) occurs within population. These results are inconsistent with the general characteristics of P. oleracea as a self- or 5% cross-pollinated species. A close relationship between P. oleracea, P. rausii and P. granulatostellulata was supported by ISSR and 18S rDNA gene sequence. The ISSR and 18s data support the specific status of P. nitida as a recently evolved taxon. We conclude that P. oleracea exists as a polymorphic species and is not divisible into microspecies based on seed surface as the primary morphological trait, and inter simple sequence repeats (ISSR) and 18S rDNA gene sequence markers. We suggest that the taxa do not merit specific rank as morphological characters and absence of a breeding barrier fail to separate the different populations when they become sympatric.  相似文献   

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