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Two growth experiments were conducted with juvenile red abalone, Haliotis rufescens and Japanese abalone, Haliotis discus hannai. The first experiment was set up to determine if nutrient levels used for co-culture of the Rhodophyte, Pacific dulse (Palmaria mollis) directly affected abalone growth. No significant differences (ANOVA; P=0.117) were found in growth of abalone cultured in either ambient seawater alone or seawater supplemented with different NaNO3 loads (1176, 1765, 2353, and 2942 μM day−1 NO3-N), NaH2PO4 (83.3 μM day−1 PO4), and a modified version of Guillard and Ryther's [Gran. Can. J. Microbiol. 8, (1962) 229] f medium containing Fe, Zn, Mn, Cu, Mo, and Co.The second experiment was designed to determine the effect of different nutrient levels on the nutritional value of P. mollis when fed to abalone. P. mollis was cultured with different NaNO3 loads (1176, 1765, 2353, and 2942 μM day−1 NO3-N) and NaH2PO4 (83.3 μM day−1 PO4) in the presence or absence of f medium trace metals (Fe, Zn, Mn, Cu, Mo, and Co). H. discus hannai showed the highest LGR and SGR when fed on P. mollis supplemented with nitrate loads ranging from 1176 to 2353 μM day−1 NO3-N. In contrast, H. rufescens showed the highest linear growth rate (LGR) when fed on P. mollis supplemented with higher nitrate loads of 2353 to 2942 μM day−1 NO3-N, while nitrate load had no significant effect on specific growth rate (SGR). Both abalone species grew better on P. mollis supplied with 0.75f+Zn (day−1) metal solution [Gran. Can. J. Microbiol. 8 (1962) 229] compared to those without trace metal additions, with H. discus hannai showing a further improvement in food conversion efficiencies (FCE).The present work shows that understanding and manipulating the culture environment of P. mollis can significantly affect growth, FCE, and daily food consumption (DFC) of H. discus hannai and H. rufescens.  相似文献   

A new protozoan of the genus Perkinsus is described from the muscle and hemolymph of the blacklip abalone, Haliotis ruber, from South Australia. It occurs in the muscle of the adductor and mantle, and free and in brownish masses in the hemolymph. Cells cultured in thioglycollate medium produced a prezoosporangium which stained blue-black with iodine. The parasite differs from Perkinsus marinus, the only other member of the class, in having a much larger trophozoite, an eosinophilic vacuoplast when present, a short discharge tube, and appears to be uninfective to oysters.  相似文献   

In its natural environment, the South African abalone, Haliotis midae, occurs at average monthly water temperatures between 12 and 21 °C. In the present study we aimed to describe selected physiological and molecular responses of winter acclimated, cultured H. midae after acute and chronic exposure to 16, 19 and 22 °C.  相似文献   

The genetic structure of black abalone populations in the southern California Islands and central California coast was investigated by protein electrophoresis. Detailed sampling of San Nicolas Island (SN) permitted investigation of microgeographic genetic differentiation among local geomorphological features. In addition, temporal genetic differentiation was assessed by comparing juveniles and adults at three islands, San Miguel (SM), Santa Cruz (SC) and San Nicolas (SN). Mainland and island locations were genetically differentiated based on allele frequency differences and the presence of private alleles in some island populations. Although microgeographic genetic structure among sites on SN was weak and not statistically significant, heterozygosity varied among sites, with diversity decreasing from west to east. In addition, investigation among cohorts showed that adults were genetically differentiated among island locations, whereas no differences among juveniles were detected. Genetic differentiation between adult and juvenile abalones was detected at SC but not SM or SN. These data are generally consistent with local recruitment augmented by relatively more gene flow among island populations than among island and mainland populations, and possible selection acting on immigrant recruits.  相似文献   

Animals in wave-exposed habitats must constantly contend with the hydrodynamic forces of lift and drag. In this study, we investigated aspects of the metabolic response of Haliotis iris to simulated wave forces varying in magnitude up to 9.6 N applied to the shell at 69° to horizontal, alternately from anterior and posterior directions, with a period of 10s. Shell adductor muscle activity (electromyogram, EMG), heart rate, and oxygen consumption were monitored during force application and during extended recovery. EMG spiking was absent at zero force, but increased markedly with increasing force, in synchrony with the wave cycle. In contrast, heart rate was unaffected by wave forces and varied by only 5% over the whole range of applied forces. During force application, oxygen consumption increased by 10-25% above resting rates and remained elevated throughout a 5-hour recovery period, indicating a switch to anaerobic metabolism. It is concluded that living in a wave-swept environment is metabolically costly for abalone although this may be compensated by improved food availability and more efficient ventilation induced by external flow.  相似文献   

A regression of different physiological responses against body size enables populations or stock cultures of various size ranges to be compared. Thus, the aim of the present work was to evaluate the physiological responses from juvenile green abalone (Haliotis fulgens), grouped according to size, in a standard controlled culture condition within their optimal range to create the balanced growth equation within an allometric relation, providing a basic framework for physiological research into H. fulgens. Feed intake, absorption efficiency, respiration and excretion were measured as functions of dry tissue weight (DTW) in juvenile abalone acclimated on a balanced diet. The daily feed intake (I) was related to body mass by the relationship I (mg day−1)=24.25W0.59. Absorption efficiency averaged 87% and was independent of body size. The equation relating daily respiration rate (R) to body mass was R (ml O2 day−1)=12.013W0.704, including night correction. The rate of ammonia excretion (U) was related to dry tissue weight by the equation U (μmol N-NH4 day−1)=43.57W0.85. The energetic value of food was 18.8 J mg−1. The low feeding activity (<1% of abalone live weight per day) was compensated for by a relatively high absorption efficiency and a depression of 23% in the metabolic rate during diurnal activity. Gross and net growth efficiencies were constant throughout the size range, with average values of 36.4% and 41.5%, respectively. Values of the O/N ratio, with an average of 31.5, showed a higher use of proteins from the diet as an energy source for the size range studied.  相似文献   

When ectotherms are exposed to high temperatures, cellular oxygen demand increases. When oxygen demand exceeds oxygen availability, animals may experience functional hypoxia regardless of environmental oxygen levels.  相似文献   

The black abalone (Haliotis cracherodii) has been severely depleted across much of its historic range by a combination of overexploitation and disease. Natural recovery of extirpated populations along the southern California coast will depend on the extent to which remnant populations can serve as larval sources to geographic locations formerly supporting abalone populations. Population genetic analyses of mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit one (COI) DNA sequences, four nuclear microsatellites, and 142 amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLPs) were used to evaluate connectivity among populations of H. cracherodii sampled from the central California coast and four islands in the Southern California Bight. Global divergence among populations was significant at COI and the AFLP loci. The Hka28 microsatellite locus and AFLP data showed significant divergence in multiple pairwise population comparisons and exhibited a signal of isolation by distance. Although estimates of gene flow based on genetic analyses must be interpreted with caution, the observed level of interpopulation genetic divergence suggests that larval dispersal is restricted, and natural recovery of decimated H. cracherodii populations along the coast of California is unlikely to occur in the near future.  相似文献   

We developed an age determination method for larval and newly metamorphosed post-larval abalone Haliotis discus hannai in a laboratory experiment and determined the age of field caught individuals. Laboratory experiments showed that competent veliger larvae (4 days after fertilization) had a radula and regularly added rows of radular teeth with age in the absence of metamorphosis. Under environmentally relevant temperatures (17-22 °C), the number of rows of radular teeth increased linearly with age, but slopes of the regression lines were different among temperatures. Rows of radular teeth were added more slowly at lower temperatures. The effect of temperature on the development rate of the radula was quantified by the regression and the temperature coefficient, Q10. The radular development of newly metamorphosed post-larvae, which had not acquired a peristomal shell (adult shell), was comparable with that of veliger larvae, although older post-larvae had a larger number of rows of radula than those of the same age of veliger larvae. From these results, an age determination method of veliger larvae and newly metamorphosed post-larvae was established, using the number of rows of radular teeth. The age of veliger larvae and newly metamorphosed post-larvae was determined by the age determination method for samples collected in August to October of 2003 and 2004 for which the thermal history of the coastal water of Miyagi Prefecture Japan was available. Only 9.1% of veliger larvae (n = 8) captured in the field had formed a radula and these were estimated to be 4-6 days old. The remaining 90.9% of larvae (n = 80) that had not formed a radula were classified as younger than 4 days old. All newly metamorphosed post-larvae (n = 24) that had metamorphosed on substrata were estimated to be 4-6 days old. Results of the field study indicate that these abalone metamorphosed within a few days after the acquisition of competence (4 days after fertilization) at this site, which has suitable crustose algal habitat.  相似文献   

Calcification and primary production responses to irradiance in the temperate coralline alga Lithothamnion corallioides were measured in summer 2004 and winter 2005 in the Bay of Brest. Coralline algae were incubated in dark and clear bottles exposed to different irradiances. Net primary production reached 1.5 μmol C g−1 dry wt h−1 in August and was twice as high as in January–February. Dark respiration showed significant seasonal variations, being three-fold higher in summer. Maximum calcification varied from 0.6 μmol g−1 dry wt h−1 in summer 2004 to 0.4 μmol g−1 dry wt h−1 in winter 2005. According to PE curves and the daily course of irradiance, estimated daily net production and calcification reached 131 μg C g−1 dry wt and 970 μg CaCO3 g−1 dry wt in summer 2004, and 36 μg C g−1 dry wt and 336 μg CaCO3 g−1 dry wt in winter 2005. The net primary production of natural L. corallioides populations in shallow waters was estimated at 10–600 g C m−2 y−1, depending on depth and algal biomass. The mean annual calcification of L. corallioides populations varied from 300 to 3000 g CaCO3 m−2. These results are similar to those reported for tropical coralline algae in terms of carbon and carbonate productivity. Therefore, L. corallioides can be considered as a key element of carbon and carbonate cycles in the shallow coastal waters where they live.  相似文献   

Hemocyanin and phenoloxidase belong to the type-3 copper protein family, sharing a similar active center whereas performing different roles. In this study, we demonstrated that purified hemocyanin (450 kDa) from the spiny lobster Panulirus argus shows phenoloxidase activity in vitro after treatment with trypsin, chymotrypsin and SDS (0.1% optimal concentration), but it is not activated by sodium perchlorate or isopropanol. The optimal pHs of the SDS-activated hemocyanin were 5.5 and 7.0. Hemocyanin from spiny lobster behaves as a catecholoxidase. Kinetic characterization using dopamine, L-DOPA and catechol shows that dopamine is the most specific substrate. Catechol and dopamine produced substrate inhibition above 16 and 2 mM respectively. Mechanism-based inhibition was also evidenced for the three substrates, being less significant for L-DOPA. SDS-activated phenoloxidase activity is produced by the hexameric hemocyanin. Zymographic analysis demonstrated that incubation of native hemocyanin with trypsin and chymotrypsin, produced bands of 170 and 190 kDa respectively, with intense phenoloxidase activity. Three polypeptide chains of 77, 80 and 89 kDa of hemocyanin monomers were identified by SDS-PAGE. Monomers did not show phenoloxidase activity induced by SDS or partial proteolysis.  相似文献   

In this study, hypoxia inducible factor-1α (HIF-1α) and hypoxia inducible factor-1β (HIF-1β) from small abalone Haliotis diversicolor were cloned. The cDNA of H. diversicolor HIF-1α (HdHIF-1α) is 2833 bp encoding a protein of 711aa and H. diversicolor HIF-1β (HdHIF-1β) is 1919 bp encoding a protein of 590aa. Similar to other species' HIF-1, HdHIF-1 has one basic helix–loop–helix (bHLH) domain and two Per-Arnt-Sim (PAS) domains, and HdHIF-1α has a oxygen-dependent degradation domain (ODDD) with two proline hydroxylation motifs and a C-terminal transactivation domain (C-TAD) with an asparagine hydroxylation motif. Under normoxic conditions, HdHIF-1α and HdHIF-1β mRNAs were constitutively present in all examined tissues. Under hypoxia (2.0 mg/L DO at 25 °C) stress, HdHIF-1α expression was up-regulated in gills at 4 h, 24 h and 96 h, and in hemocytes at 24 h and 96 h, while HdHIF-1β remained relatively constant. Under thermal stress (31 °C), HdHIF-1α expression was significantly increased in gills at 4 h, and hemocytes at 0 h and 4 h, while HdHIF-1β expression still remained relatively constant. These results suggested that HIF-1α may play an important role in adaption to poor environment in H. diversicolor.  相似文献   

Intact caeca of the marine borer, Bankia setacea (Tryon), were incubated in vitro with (1-14C)- and (6-14C)-glucose. The specific yields of 14CO2 from (1-14C)- and (6-14C)-glucose were found to be 9 and 1% respectively. From these values the contribution of the pentose cycle to the overall glucose metabolism was calculated as 3%. Glucose is catabolized mainly via the Embden-Meyerhof pathway.  相似文献   

Community respiration and primary production were measured in a dense intertidal Zostera noltii bed on the Banc d’Arguin, Mauritania (West Africa) under aerial and submerged conditions. Metabolism was studied in situ in dark and transparent benthic chambers. CO2 fluxes in the air were measured over a series of short-term incubations (3 min) using an infrared gas analyzer. Dissolved inorganic carbon fluxes were calculated from concentration changes during one-hour underwater incubations. Air and underwater irradiance levels were measured every minute throughout the experiments. Carbon respiration was lower in the air (2.2 mmol m−2 h−1) than underwater (5.0 mmol m−2 h−1); similarly, a production-irradiance model fitted to the data indicated that gross maximal photosynthetic rate was markedly lower during emergence (6.0 mmol C m−2 h−1) than under water (42.7 mmol C m−2 h−1). The δ13C values observed in shoots indicated a decrease in atmospheric CO2 contribution, compared to dissolved inorganic carbon, in Z. noltii metabolism along a depth gradient within a single location. As the seagrass bed remains under a thin layer of water at low tide at the studied site, the large difference in primary production can be mainly attributed to photosynthesis inhibition by high pH and oxygen concentration, as well as to the negative feedback of self-shading by seagrass leaves during emersion. The observed differences in respiration can be explained by the oxygen deficit at night during low tide near the sediment surface, a deficit that is consistent with the abundance of anoxia-tolerant species.  相似文献   

A novel selenium-dependent glutathione peroxidase (Se-GPX) was cloned from abalone Haliotis discus hannai Ino (HdhGPx) by homology cloning with degenerate primers and RACE techniques. The full length of HdhGPx cDNA was 963 bp with a 669 bp open reading frame (ORF) encoding 222 amino acids and a 101 bp eukaryotic selenocysteine insertion sequence (SECIS) in 3′ untranslated region (UTR). It was showed that HdhGPx has a characteristic codon at 235TGA237 that corresponds to selenocysteine (SeC) as U72. Sequence characterization revealed that HdhGPx contains a characteristic GPx signature motif 2 (96LGLPCNQF103), an active site motif (179WNFEKF184). In addition, two potential N-glycosylation sites (112NGTE115 and 132NLTQ135) were identified in HdhGPx. 3D modeling analysis showed that the overall structure of HdhGPx monomer had more similarity to human GPx3 than human GPx1. Relatively higher-level mRNA expression was detected in hepatopancreas, mantle and gonad by real-time PCR assays. The relative expression levels of HdhGPx mRNA in hepatopancreas and haemocytes were detected by real-time PCR in abalone fed with nine different diets containing graded levels of selenium (0.15, 1.32 and 48.7 mg kg− 1), zinc (6.69, 33.85 and 710.63 mg kg− 1) and iron (29.17, 65.7 and 1267.2 mg kg− 1) for 20 weeks, respectively. The results showed that the expressions of HdhGPx mRNA were statistically higher at adequate dietary selenium (1.32 mg kg− 1), zinc (33.85 mg kg− 1) and iron (65.7 mg kg− 1) than those in low dietary minerals, respectively. But HdhGPx mRNA expression levels were down-regulated by high contents of dietary selenium (48.7 mg kg− 1), zinc (710.63 mg kg− 1) and iron (1267.2 mg kg− 1), respectively. These results indicated that adequate dietary minerals could increase the mRNA expression of HdhGPx, and then to increase the total antioxidant capacities in abalone.  相似文献   

The archaeogastropod Haliotis iris possesses paired bipectinate gills and normally four to six shell holes. In still water, endogenous water flow entered the branchial chamber anteriorly to the left of the head and was exhaled primarily from the three most posterior holes. The first or second anterior aperture was occasionally weakly inhalant. Cardiac interaction superimposed an oscillatory component upon ciliary ventilation but did not augment mean flow. At normal endogenous flow rates 49% of oxygen was extracted from the branchial flow, increasing to 71% at lower flows. In still water, normoxic was 0.47 μmol g−1 h−1. Oxyregulation occurred down to with partial oxyregulation down to 45 Torr (P crit), and oxyconformity below this. The oxyregulatory plateau was absent in artificially ventilated animals but normoxic was higher (0.65 μmol g−1 h−1). Endogenous ventilation was unaffected by hypoxia to 15 Torr. Heart rate decreased by ~20% at 26 Torr before falling more steeply. Oxygen uptake from the branchial ventilation stream fully accounted for normoxic In hypoxia (<30 Torr), no uptake occurred from the head or foot despite extensive eversion of the epipodium. Blood oxygen measurements excluded the right mantle as a significant gas exchange organ. Changes in oxygen uptake caused by changes in the velocity of external water currents support the concept of induced ventilation and suggest that in still water aerobic respiration was ventilation-limited. Although ciliary ventilation appears adequate to support resting aerobic metabolism, induced ventilation may provide increased aerobic scope for activity and repayment of oxygen debt. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

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