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In the mud- and sandflat region of the outer Königshafen off List on Sylt, the effects of the outflow from a sewage treatment plant on the benthic diatom flora were investigated. The spectrum of shapes, biomass, and diversity was determined in relation to the concentrations of phosphate, silicate, and nitrogen compounds in the overlying and pore water. The biomass increased with the available quantities of nutrients, while the diversity reached a maximum at the intermediate concentrations. Every different set of nutrient concentrations is characterized by a different diatom community. Slight inputs of nutrients led to changes in the relative abundances of forms typical of the habitat. Moderate concentrations permitted the species that are normally present in winter to occur in summer as well. In the strongly eutrophic region, nutrient-loving species that are not locally present under normal conditions formed nearly monospecific populations. A relatively constant input of nutrients almost eliminated the seasonal variations. Navicula gregaria, Nitzschia sigma, and Nitzschia tryblionella proved to be tolerant of pollution, while the genera Achnanthes and Amphora were typical in the nutrient-poor regions. The nutrient budget, particularly that of the nitrogen compounds, was found to be predominant among the physical and chemical factors.  相似文献   

The effects of the polychaetes Marenzelleria sp. (Polychaeta, Spionidae), nonindigenous, rapidly increasing species in the Baltic Sea, on benthic nutrient fluxes, denitrification and sediment pore water nutrient concentration were studied in laboratory experiments using a flow-through setup with muddy sediment from coastal regions of the Gulf of Finland. In addition, different forms of sediment phosphorus (P), separated by chemical fractionation, were studied in three sediment layers. At a population density corresponding to about half the highest measured in the northern Baltic Sea, Marenzelleria sp. increased the fluxes of P and ammonium to the water column. No effect could be recorded for denitrification. Since the previously dominant species of the area, Monoporeia affinis, can enhance denitrification and lower the amount of dissolved P in the pore water, the replacement of M. affinis with Marenzelleria spp. may lead to increased P flux to the water column and decreased denitrification, further increasing the ammonium flux to the water column. However, sediment reworking by Marenzelleria spp. also oxidizes the surface sediment in the long run, improving its ability to retain P and support nitrification. Therefore, the impact of Marenzelleria spp. on sediment nutrient release may not be as drastic as the initial reactions seen in our experiments suggest.  相似文献   

Effect of post-irradiation ageing on onion seeds   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Seeds of onion (Allium cepa) cv. Ailsa Craig were exposed to various doses of gamma radiation (0, 10, 20, 40, 80 and 100 krad) and subjected to accelerated ageing (RH 100%, 42°C) for 12 h. Radiation doses significantly affected the percentage of normal seedlings, abnormality types (%) and seedling growth. Seed viability, conductivities of seed leachates, final germination (%), germination speed and time to reach 50% germination (T 50) were not affected by the seed irradiation. Accelerated ageing after irradiation had significant influence on seed viability, conductivities of seed leachates, final germination (%) and percentage of normal seedlings. Germination speed, T 50 and seedling growth were not affected by the accelerated ageing. However, all the parameters studied were significantly influenced by the interaction of radiation doses and accelerated ageing. Accelerated ageing generally enhanced the damaging effects of irradiation on seeds. Therefore, it was concluded that onion seeds should not be exposed to adverse environmental conditions after irradiation.  相似文献   

The effects of collecting season, collection site, laboratory pre-treatments and temperatures on seed viability and germination of Juniperus macrocarpa were investigated. Ripe cones were collected in four Sardinian dune systems, in two seasons, from plant and soil. Warm (W) and cold (C) stratifications, two combinations of them (W + C, C + W), and no pre-treatment (0) were applied. Seeds were incubated in a range of constant (10–25 °C) and an alternating (25/10 °C) temperature regime. Seed viability was low (ca. 40%) and varied significantly according to the collecting season. Seed germination was also low (ca. 10%), the 0 and W were the most effective pre-treatments on stimulating germination. The best germination temperature, without any pre-treatment, was 15 °C (ca. 20%). J. macrocarpa seeds are dormant and the achieved results suggested that the presence of secondary dormancy is induced by cold stratification. Spring appeared to be the best season for seed collecting, whereas autumn was the best for sowing. These results give new findings for restoration activities on this species.  相似文献   

Ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungi, in particular their spores and other resistant propagules, play an important role in secondary succession processes that facilitate regeneration after disturbance events. In this study, the effects of high and low wildfire frequencies (respectively short and long fire return intervals) on the resistant propagules communities (RPCs) of a Mediterranean open pine forest were compared. Soil samples were collected in four mountain sites with different fire return intervals and used to test ectomycorrhiza development in two hosts, Pinus pinaster and Quercus suber. RPCs were characterized by direct sequencing of fungal internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions from individual ECM root tips. Eighteen ECM species were detected in the bioassay. The most frequently found fungi were Cenococcum geophilum, Inocybe jacobi, Thelephora terrestris, Tomentella ellisii on both hosts and Rhizopogon luteolus and R. roseolus on maritime pine. A short fire return interval reduced the species richness of the ECM community found on Q. suber, promoted species like R. roseolus and reduced the abundance of other species (e.g. R. luteolus). The abundance of I. jacobi was positively affected by long fire return interval, but decreased significantly with recurrent fires. These results indicate that changes in fire frequency can alter the structure, composition and diversity of ECM communities, which could compromise the resilience of the ecosystem in highly disturbed areas.  相似文献   

Plantlets were succesfully regenerated from shoot cultures of Rauwolfia serpentina initiated from auxillary meristems on medium containing BA (4.44 M) + NAA (0.54 M). Rooting was initiated in White's basal medium supplemented with NAA (0.54 M). Tissue culture derived piants of R. serpentina (RSTC) were similar to normal plants (RS) in their morphological characteristics and chemical consitution. The biomass of the RSTC plants was higher (47.11 gms) than the normal plant (18.23 gms) on a dry weight basis. Five RSTC plants were cloned and the cloned plants were similar in biomass and alkaloid content to the normal plant.Abbreviations BA benzyl adenine - NAA naphthalene acetic acid - MS Murashige and Skoog - TLC thin layer chromatography - HPLC high performance liquid chromatography - F.W. fresh weight - D.W. dry weight - RS normal field grown plant established from stem cuttings - RSTC tissue culture plants established from shoot cultures - R reserpine - Aj ajmalicine - A ajmaline - S serpentine  相似文献   

Budding yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, is commonly used as a system to study cellular ageing. Yeast mother cells are capable of only a limited number of divisions before they undergo senescence, whereas newly formed daughters usually have their replicative age "reset" to zero. Accumulation of extrachromosomal ribosomal DNA circles (ERCs) appears to be an important contributor to ageing in yeast, and we describe a mathematical model that we developed to examine this process. We show that an age-related accumulation of ERCs readily explains the observed features of yeast ageing but that in order to match the experimental survival curves quantitatively, it is necessary that the probability of ERC formation increases with the age of the cell. This implies that some other mechanism(s), in addition to ERC accumulation, must underlie yeast ageing. We also demonstrate that the model can be used to gain insight into how an extra copy of the Sir2 gene might extend lifespan and we show how the model makes novel, testable predictions about patterns of age-specific mortality in yeast populations.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of native kelps, Laminaria longicruris de la Pylaie and L. digitata (Hudson) Lamouroux, and of the invasive alga, Codium fragile ssp. tomentosoides (Van Goor) Silva, on the composition and abundance of mobile benthic macrofauna and of turf algae by measuring the response of these assemblages to experimental removal of the respective macroalgal canopy. From June 2003 to November 2004, we censused macrofauna and measured canopy cover within 4 × 10 m strips of alternating Canopy Intact (control) and Canopy Removed treatments in both a Codium- and a Laminaria-dominated habitat in the rocky subtidal zone of a semi-protected embayment on the Atlantic coast of Nova Scotia, Canada. Macroalgal canopy cover fluctuated seasonally, peaking in September/October (69% cover in 2003; 55% cover in 2004) for Codium and in May 2004 (70% cover) for kelps, and with both canopy types reaching a winter minimum in January 2004 (22 and 28% cover, respectively). In both Codium and Laminaria habitats, significant effects of canopy removal on the overall macrofaunal assemblage were evident only during periods in which canopy cover in the Canopy Intact treatment was ≥ 50%. In the Codium habitat, 4 out of 11 characteristic taxa were more abundant in the Canopy Intact treatment, where taxonomic diversity also was higher. In contrast, 4 out of 11 characteristic taxa in the Laminaria habitat were more abundant in the Canopy Removed treatment and diversity was similar between treatments. Turf algae were sampled in November 2004 and, despite between-treatment differences in the light regime, there was no significant effect of canopy removal. Our results indicate that selection of algal habitats by mobile macrofauna is likely determined by the different shelter and foraging opportunities offered by these morphologically dissimilar ecosystem engineers.  相似文献   

Ephedra alata Decne is a perennial shrub and it is a very effective sand-binder. In Saudi Arabia, the species is associated with sand dunes formation, especially the mobile, non-saline and low moisture content ones. Its geographical distribution in Saudi Arabia includes the Northern, Eastern and Central regions. The aims of this study were to determine the effects of temperature, water potential and Sodium Chloride on germination of E. alata. Seeds were collected from King Khalid Centre of Wildlife Research and Development at Thumama (80 km north east of Riyadh), Saudi Arabia. Seeds were germinated at four alternating temperature regimes (8/22; 9/23; 13/27 and 18/35 °C). Seeds were also germinated under stress of aqueous Polyethylene Glycol (PEG) solutions mixed to create water potentials of 0; −0.3; −0.6; −1.2 and −1.5 MPa. Seed were also germinated in Sodium Chloride solutions of 0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2 and 0.3 mol l−1. Optimum germination was attained at 13/28 °C that corresponds to temperatures prevailing during spring time. Seeds germinated in Polyethylene Glycol solutions exhibited significantly lower germination than control especially when water potential fell below −0.3 MPa. Germination was also negatively affected by 0.1 mol l−1 Sodium Chloride solution or above. Results indicated that the germination temperature responses of the nondormant seeds synchronize the event of germination with the season when environmental conditions are more favorable for subsequent growth and seedling establishment. Germination was also sensitive to both water potential and salinity.  相似文献   

The Lippe is a lowland river located in the Western part of Germany and has been heavily impacted by coal mining activities ever since. Although mining activities significantly decreased during the last decades, the associated discharge of salt-enriched mine water into the river still poses a persistent threat to the local benthic invertebrate and diatom communities. To analyze the effect of salt pollution on invertebrate and diatom species, biological and chemical data were compiled for this study from a publicly available database. Changes in the community composition due to increased salt concentrations were explored by Non-Metrical-Multidimensional Scaling. Indicator species and salinity thresholds for single species and communities were identified using the method TITAN (Threshold Indicator Taxa Analysis). The method is an analytical approach to detect changes in frequency and abundance of species along an environmental gradient by combining the methods of change point analysis (nCPA) and indicator species analysis. The obtained salinity preferences and individual and community thresholds were compared to the literature and existing salinity classifications. For both diatoms and benthic invertebrates, Non-Metrical-Multidimensional Scaling showed a clear split between samples of high and low salinities. Significant salinity thresholds were determined for 50 invertebrate and 58 diatom species of which 23 respectively 18 species were described as ‘reliable’ indicators according to the specifications given by Baker and King (2010). A majority of salt-tolerant indicator organisms were invasive species. For both organism groups, major changes in community composition were detected at a conductivity value exceeding 900 μS/cm. A reduction of the average salinity to below this threshold may have positive effects on the overall species richness and the persistence of sensitive taxa in the river Lippe. Individual and community thresholds may however be data-dependent to a certain degree and subjected to fluctuations considering the potential interdependencies between salinity and additional physico-chemical and environmental parameters (e.g. water temperature, lime content).  相似文献   

Brackish-water and fresh-water bryozoans produce asexually derived dormant propagules that allow survival of unfavourable conditions and provide a potential means of dispersal. The propagules of brackish-water ctenostome bryozoans are called hibernacula. We monitored the life-cycle of the brackish-water ctenostome Victorella pavida Saville Kent, 1870 in its natural habitat and investigated, in laboratory cultures, the influence of temperature and salinity on the production and germination of hibernacula and on subsequent colony growth. V. pavida is a protected species in the UK, where its only locality is at Swanpool lagoon, Falmouth. Colonies were collected from Swanpool monthly from January 2004 to January 2005. Hibernaculum germination appeared to be triggered by increased water temperature (c. 13 °C) in the lagoon in March and April. In culture, germination was triggered by transfer from 5 °C to 19 °C in a range of salinities; subsequent colony growth was affected by salinity, with strongest growth at 13, 18 and 36 psu, and reduced growth at 5 and 9 psu. At 3.5 psu, hibernacula germinated, but there was no further development. At 36 psu there was an initial lag in growth, but after 30 d the colonies were comparable with those kept at 18 psu. Hibernaculum formation by colonies occurred from June to October, with production increasing towards October. Hibernacula appear not to have long-term viability but merely to permit survival from one year to the next. The results suggest that any changes in the hydrographic regime at Swanpool could have significant consequences for the survival of V. pavida.  相似文献   

Bonamia ostreae is a protistan parasite of the European flat oyster, Ostrea edulis. Though direct transmission of the parasite can occur between oysters, it is unclear if this represents the complete life cycle of the parasite, and the role of a secondary or intermediate host or carrier species cannot be ruled out. In this preliminary study, benthic macroinvertebrates and zooplankton from a B. ostreae-endemic area were screened for the presence of parasite DNA, using polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Eight benthic macroinvertebrates and nineteen grouped zooplankton samples gave positive results. Certain species, found positive for the parasite DNA, were then used in laboratory transmission trials, to investigate if they could infect na?ve oysters. Transmission of B. ostreae was effected to two na?ve oysters cohabiting with the brittle star, Ophiothrix fragilis.  相似文献   

Criconemella onoensis (Luc) Luc and Raski increased to high (458-1,290/100 cm³) soil population densities in four fields planted to cover crops of sorghum-sudangrass (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench × S. arundinaceum (Desv.) Stapf var. sudanense (Stapf) Hitchc. ''Funk FP-4'') during the summer of 1984 in southeastern Florida. Three pathogenicity tests conducted in the greenhouse with C. onoensis on potato (Solanum tuberosum L. ''La Rouge'') using three different methods (inoculation, chemical treatment of infested soil, or pasteurization of infested soil) revealed no significant (P = 0.10) differences in plant growth, despite significant (P = 0.05) differences in population densities of C. onoensis between treated and control pots in each test. In these three tests, the maximum initial density of C. onoensis used was 720/100 cm³ soil and the maximum final density was 686/100 cm³ soil. Application of 933 liters/ha of Vapam to a field site with a pretreatment density of 1,120 C. onoensis/100 cm³ soil significantly (P = 0.05) reduced populations compared with untreated control plots, but yields remained higher in control plots. Apparently C. onoensis has no significant effect on potato growth at the population densities tested.  相似文献   

The hydrocarbon composition of the marine diatom Pleurosigma strigosum isolated from coastal Mediterranean sediments is described. A suite of five C(25) highly branched isoprenoid (HBI) alkenes with 2-5 double bonds were detected together with n-C(21:4) and n-C(21:5) alkenes and squalene. The analysis by (1)H and (13)C NMR spectroscopy of two isolated HBI alkenes allowed the structural identification of a novel C(25) HBI triene (2,6,10,14-tetramethyl-7-(3-methylpent-4-enyl)-pentadeca-5E,13-diene) and the first identification in diatom cells of 2,6,10,14-tetramethyl-7-(3-methylpent-4-enyl)-pentadec-5E-ene, an HBI previously detected in marine sediments and particulate matter. The other minor C(25) HBIs detected were a tetraene and a pentaene that have been previously identified in other diatoms from the genera Haslea and Rhizosolenia, and one other C(25) tetraene that could not be structurally identified. The structures of the HBI alkenes of P. strigosum were compared with those of C(25) homologues previously identified in three other Pleurosigma sp. (Pleurosigma intermedium, Pleurosigma planktonicum and Pleurosigma sp.). Unlike most structures previously reported, none of the HBI alkenes produced by P. strigosum showed an unsaturation at C7-C20, or E/Z isomerism of the trisubstituted double bond at C9-C10 (whenever present).  相似文献   

Summer-active (continental) and summer-dormant (Mediterranean) tall fescue morphotypes are each adapted to different environmental conditions. Endophyte presence provides plant parasitic nematode resistance, but not with all endophyte strains and cultivar combinations. This study sought to compare effects of four nematode genera on continental and Mediterranean cultivars infected with common toxic or novel endophyte strains. A 6-mon greenhouse study was conducted with continental cultivars, Kentucky 31 (common toxic) and Texoma MaxQ II (novel endophyte) and the Mediterranean cultivar Flecha MaxQ (novel endophyte). Endophyte-free plants of each cultivar were controls. Each cultivar × endophyte combination was randomly assigned to a control, low or high inoculation rate of a mixed nematode culture containing stunt nematodes (Tylenchorhynchus spp.), ring nematodes (Criconemella spp.), spiral nematodes (Helicotylenchus spp.), and lesion nematodes (Pratylenchus spp.). Endophyte infection had no effect on nematode population densities. The cultivar × endophyte interaction was significant. Population densities of stunt nematode, spiral nematode, and ring nematodes were higher for Flecha MaxQ than other cultivar × endophyte combinations. Novel endophyte infection enhances suitability of Flecha MaxQ as a nematode host.  相似文献   

The growth rate of abalone post larvae of Haliotis rufescens fed ad libitum with a benthic monoalgal diatom culture maintained as monocultures on a semi-commercial scale, was evaluated and correlated with the biochemical composition of the diatoms. The cell size (7.0 × 4.0 μm to 21.0 × 7.5 μm), protein percentage (7.42% to 13.66%), and ash content (49.03% to 59.61%) were different among diatom strains; lipid percentage, nitrogen free extract, and energy content (Kcal g−1) were similar among diatom strains. The values of essential and non-essential amino and fatty acids composition differed among diatom strains. Differences in the abalone shell length and orthogonal analyses revealed postlarval growth was dependent on the quality of the food source. Postlarvae abalone displaying the longest shell lengths were fed Nitzschia thermalis var. minor and Amphiprora paludosa var. hyalina (1,712.0 ± 61 μm and 1,709 ± 67 μm, respectively), followed by Navicula incerta (1,413.3 ± 43 μm). The fatty acid content of benthic diatoms and abalone growth rate were not correlated.  相似文献   

We investigated the germination requirements of the species Stachys germanica L. subsp. bithynica (Boiss.) Bhattacharjee (Lamiaceae). We studied the effects of scarification, short-time moist chilling (+4 °C) for 15 and 30 days, and various doses of gibberellic acid (GA3; 0, 100, 150 and 250 ppm), Kinetin (KIN; 50 ppm) and a combination of 250 ppm GA3 and 50 ppm KIN. The hormone and moist chilling treatments were carried out under both continuous darkness (20 °C) and photoperiodic (20/10 °C; 12/12 h, respectively) conditions. Seeds failed to germinate in response to short-time moist chilling treatments with distilled water under both continuous darkness and photoperiodic conditions. Seeds were found to have dormancy. Treatments with GA3 or a combination of GA3 and KIN were successful at breaking seed dormancy. A maximum of 37% of the seeds germinated after GA3 application in all series. When only KIN was applied at a 50 ppm concentration, germination (12%) was found only with moist chilling for 30 days under continuous darkness. The highest germination rates were found in seeds treated with combination of 250 ppm GA3 and 50 ppm KIN. In the combination treatments, while the moist chilling treatments for 15 days resulted in 68 and 73% germination, respectively, these rates were up to 95% in the moist chilling treatments for 30 days under continuous darkness and photoperiodic conditions. Mean germination time (MGT) in GA3 and KIN combinations was lower than in other treatments. Scarification with 80% sulphuric acid did not promote germination. The characteristics of physiological dormancy of S. germanica ssp. bithynica seeds are consistent with conditions of existence in the in alpine habitat of this species.  相似文献   

Thioglucosidase activity was demonstrated in partially-purified preparations from several Cruciferae oilseeds, both in the presence and absence of ascorbic acid. The amount of activation by ascorbic acid differed among the enzyme preparations from different species. Buffer composition and pH were found to significantly affect enzyme activity, the turret rape enzyme showing a second optimum at pH 7·1 in the presence of ascorbic acid and sodium phosphate buffer. Disc electrophoresis on polyacrylamide gel revealed distinct isoenzyme patterns from crude extracts of all nine species or varieties studied. Some differences in the patterns were noted from electrophoresis of partially-purified preparations. Ascorbic acid was found to affect isoenzyme patterns and the rate of development of equivalent isoenzymes from yellow mustard and from turret rape.  相似文献   

Waterborne transmission of the oocyst stage of Toxoplasma gondii can cause outbreaks of clinical toxoplasmosis in humans and infection of marine mammals. In water-related environments and soil, free-living amoebae are considered potential carriers of various pathogens, but knowledge on interactions with parasitic protozoa remains elusive. In the present study, we assessed whether the free-living Acanthamoebacastellanii, due to its phagocytic activity, can interact with T. gondii oocysts. We report that amoebae can internalize T. gondii oocysts by active uptake. Intracellular oocysts in amoebae rarely underwent phagocytic lysis, retained viability and established infection in mice. Interaction of T. gondii with amoebae did not reduce the infectivity and pathogenicity of oocysts even after prolonged co-cultivation. Our results show that uptake of oocysts by A. castellanii does not restrain the transmission of T. gondii in a murine infection model.  相似文献   

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