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Subtidal benthic communities show distinct patterns of community structure related to substrate angle. Suspension-feeding invertebrate communities often dominate vertical and undercut rock surfaces, while macroalgae dominate horizontal surfaces. One factor that may shape this pattern is sea urchin grazing, which is often more intense on horizontal surfaces. The native Gulf of Maine ascidian Aplidium glabrum, like other native ascidians, is generally restricted to vertical and undercut rock walls, whereas the introduced ascidian Botrylloides violaceous is often abundant on horizontal surfaces. We tested the hypothesis that this pattern could be due to differing predation intensity on these two ascidians by Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis, a dominant omnivore in the Gulf of Maine. Feeding preference of S. droebachiensis on the native A. glabrum vs. B. violaceous was estimated in the laboratory and in field experiments. Laboratory results show that S. droebachiensis prefers to feed on the native ascidian A. glabrum over B. violaceous. In the field, potential differences in the impact of S. droebachiensis on the two species were masked by the much greater growth rate of B. violaceus compared to A. glabrum. These results may help explain observed patterns in ascidian distribution in the Gulf of Maine, and ultimately the overall success of B. violaceus as a major invader throughout New England.  相似文献   

Over the past 30 years southern New England, USA has been invaded by several species of ascidians, including Botrylloides violaceus, Diplosoma listerianum, Styela clava, and Ascidiella aspersa. These species have become dominate in coastal embayments and marinas but are usually absent from more open water coastal areas. A colonial ascidian, Didemnum sp. has invaded southern New England during the past 10 years and we first observed this species in eastern Long Island Sound in 2000. It has become the dominant at several field sites while remaining in low abundance at others. We conducted an experiment at two places, a protected marina and an open coast site, to examine its ability to compete with the established fouling community. Small colonies of Didemnum were transplanted onto panels with communities that varied in age from one to four weeks old and these treatments along with controls with only Didemnum were exposed at both sites. In most treatments Didemnum became a dominant species in the communities at both sites but it reached higher abundances at the open coast site. Potential causes of the observed differences are predation on other species of ascidians at the open coast site reducing recruitment of these species and competition, lower tolerance for elevated temperatures at the marina site, or other environmental parameters that might affect growth rates.  相似文献   

Two non-indigenous botryllid ascidian species - Botryllus schlosseri (golden star tunicate) and Botrylloides violaceus (violet tunicate) - have become established in British Columbia (BC), Canada. One species, B. schlosseri, is native to Europe while the other, B. violaceus, is native to Asia. Environmental tolerances of both species are poorly understood. We examined the effects of temperature and salinity on growth, survival, and reproduction of these species in the laboratory in order to characterize their environmental tolerances and preferences. Laboratory-raised juvenile colonies were studied using a two-factorial experimental design with five levels of temperature (5, 10, 15, 20, 25 °C) and five levels of salinity (14, 20, 26, 32, 38‰). Both B. schlosseri and B. violaceus possessed broad temperature and salinity tolerances, but B. schlosseri was slightly more euryhalinal than B. violaceus. Generally, B. schlosseri survived environmental conditions of 10-25 °C and 14-38‰, exhibited positive growth at 10-25 °C and 20-38‰, and attained its largest colony sizes at 15-20 °C and 20-38‰. Botrylloides violaceus tolerated environmental conditions between 5-25 °C and 20-38‰, demonstrated positive growth at 15-25 °C and 26-38‰, and attained its largest colony sizes at 20-25 °C and 26-38‰. Results from the laboratory experiment were then used in a modeling exercise to determine the coastal areas of BC that these organisms might be likely to exist in or invade, based on near-surface temperatures and salinities. The model predicted that no areas were totally unsuitable for survival and growth of either species (based solely on temperature and salinity tolerances), with the most suitable locations being along the west coast of Vancouver Island, a region with significant shellfish aquaculture activity.  相似文献   

Invasive ascidians are a growing concern for ecologists and natural resource managers, yet few studies have documented their short- and long-term temporal patterns of abundance. This study focuses on the invasion of the Gulf of Maine by the colonial ascidians Botryllus schlosseri, Botrylloides violaceus, Diplosoma listerianum and Didemnum sp. A. We examined the time of arrival and potential vectors for these four invasive ascidians using survey data (collected from 1969 onwards) and literature documentation. We also compared the dominance and seasonal patterns of abundance of these species using data from two identical panel studies; one conducted from 1979 to 1980, the other from 2003 to 2005. Didemnum and Botrylloides were most likely first introduced into the Damariscotta River, Maine in the early 1970's through oyster aquaculture while Botryllus and Diplosoma were probably transported by commercial and recreational vessels. The overall abundance of colonial ascidians has increased since 1979 and 1980. Botryllus was the only invasive colonial ascidian present during the 1979 to 1980 study and accounted for an average of 6.16% cover on panels. From 2003 to 2005, the more recently arrived colonial ascidians Botrylloides and Didemnum accounted for 7.38% and 2.08% cover respectively, while Botryllus covered only 1.16%. Our results reveal a shift in seasonal abundance between 1979 to 1980 and 2003 to 2004. In 1979 and 1980, colonial ascidians had the highest percent cover in fall and winter while in 2003 and 2005 they had highest percent cover in summer and fall. Seasonal patterns of space occupation by colonial ascidians were correlated with seasonal changes in seawater temperature.  相似文献   

Over the last 50 yrs seven non-native ascidians have settled in The Netherlands, concentrated in the two periods 1974-1977 and 1991-2004 (i.e., Styela clava, Aplidium glabrum, Diplosoma listerianum, Didemnum sp., Botrylloides violaceus, Molgula complanata and Perophora japonica). The year of the introduction of B. violaceus remains a matter of dispute because many of the Botrylloides specimens that are recorded in western Europe, have been identified as the closely resembling species B. leachi. Only Didemnum sp. has become a true invasive species and has become a threat to native ecosystems, especially in the province of Zeeland, by its ability to overgrow virtually all hard substrata present. This includes rocks, stones, sand, algae and almost all sessile marine animals. The sudden population expansion of the didemnid from 1996 onward, coincided with the cold winter of 1995-1996, which caused decreased population sizes of many marine animals. The resulting increase in the availability of suitable substrates for settlement and the strong decrease of grazing sea urchins, may have triggered the population expansion. Studying its population dynamics, the optimal growing temperature for Didemnum sp. appears to be 14-18 °C. Virtually all colonies die when the water temperature gets colder than 5 °C. Colonies growing on live marine animals seem to be more resistant to the cold, than those growing on rocks, stones and plants. Two potential predators of the didemnid have also been recorded in Dutch waters: the gastropods Trivia arctica and Lamellaria sp.  相似文献   

Recruitment is an important process in regulating many marine benthic communities and many studies have examined factors controlling the dispersal and distribution of larval immigrants. However, benthic species also have early post-settlement life-stages that are dramatically different from adult and larval stages. Predation on these stages potentially impacts measured recruitment and the benthic populations and communities that ultimately develop.We examined the consequences of post-settlement predation on 1-day-old to 1-month-old recruits of sessile invertebrates at two field sites in southern New England. One site (Breakwater) was in a protected area with few predators and the other (Pine Island) was <1 km away in an open coast area with three different predator guilds: small and large invertebrates and fish. The Breakwater site had been dominated for >10 years by colonial and solitary ascidians. These species were absent from the Pine Island site which was dominated by bryozoans. Our goal was to examine whether post-settlement predation influenced the development and subsequent structure of the epifaunal community.Here we examine long-term changes in community development resulting from post-settlement predation, and contrast these results to those of earlier experiments examining the reductions in observed recruitment by post-settlement predation. Our first long-term experiment examined natural community development at the two sites and whether transplanted communities changed when exposed to the different levels of predation at these sites. The communities that developed at both sites were consistently different from each other and similar to resident communities at their respective sites. On panels transplanted from the Breakwater to Pine Island, solitary ascidians and the colonial ascidian, Botryllus schlosseri, suffered high mortalities on both caged and uncaged treatments, indicative of predation by small predators that could enter cages. Some solitary ascidians did survive inside cages and the colonial ascidian, Botrylloides violaceus, became dominant on all transplanted treatments. On panels transplanted from Pine Island to the Breakwater, ascidians invaded and dominated all treatments except those that were originally caged at Pine Island.In the second long-term experiment, natural communities were allowed to develop on panels exposed at the Breakwater for 1, 2, 3, and 4 weeks. Each set was transplanted to three treatments at Pine Island: open uncaged pilings, caged pilings to exclude fish and large invertebrates, and racks suspended above the bottom to exclude all predators. When 1-week-old communities were transplanted, after 2-3 weeks only bryozoans were found on the open and caged pilings, while colonial ascidians dominated the suspended rack treatment. When older 2-week-old communities were transplanted, colonial ascidians also became dominant in the caged piling treatment and when 3- and 4-week-old communities were transplanted colonial ascidians dominated all three treatments. Solitary ascidians were never abundant on open pilings exposed to fish and large benthic invertebrate predators.Post-settlement predator-prey interactions involved newly settled and juvenile life-stages of a variety of prey species and many invertebrate and vertebrate predator species. The effects of these interactions on recruitment did result in differences in the development and eventual species composition of the communities, even though predators had little if any effect on the adults of the prey species.  相似文献   

Fusion trials between metamorphs of the aplousobranch compound ascidian Diplosoma listerianum indicated that chimera formation was not dependent on relatedness. Similar, high rates of union were observed between full siblings, half siblings, unrelated individuals from the same population, and individuals from two geographically distant localities. This is in contrast to the well-studied ascidian genus Botryllus, in which a highly polymorphic allorecognition system governing the fusion–non-fusion reaction (colony specificity) largely limits fusion to close relatives. Fusion in Botryllus establishes a vascular chimera throughout which stem cells may circulate, promoting cell lineage competition between the fusion partners. The restriction of fusion to close kin in Botryllus is thought to reduce the inclusive fitness costs of competitive interactions between cell lineages within the chimera. In contrast to Botryllus, modules (zooids) of a D. listerianum colony are not interlinked by blood vessels, seemingly precluding the exchange of stem cells. The apparent absence of strict colony specificity in D. listerianum is thus in keeping with the predictions of the Botryllus model for the maintenance of allorecognition polymorphism. However, colony specificity has been reported in other species of aplousobranch ascidian that also lack a common vascular system. In these, the threat of migrating blood-borne stem cells cannot be responsible for the presence of colony specificity. One possibility, requiring experimental investigation, is that stem cells could perhaps migrate between zooids by another route, such as through the matrix of the colonial tunic. Even in the absence of stem cell exchange, cheating on the costs of colony maintenance and defence could also produce selective forces favouring colony specificity. In compound ascidians, this could involve unequal contribution to extrazooidal structures, principally the tunic and related tissues. This consideration seems potentially relevant to the lack of discrimination during fusion in D. listerianum, since extrazooidal somatic investment in this species appears minimal, severely limiting the scope for this other form of cheating. The various possible modes of exploitative interaction between fused colonies are not mutually exclusive, and offer fundamentally similar explanations for colony specificity. If none of them can be shown to occur in non-botryllid species possessing colony specificity, the generality of the Botryllus model may require re-evaluation.  相似文献   

The colonial ascidian Didemnum sp. has colonized northwestern Atlantic coastal habitats from southern Long Island, New York, to Eastport, Maine. It is also present in offshore habitats of the Georges Bank fishing grounds. It threatens to alter fisheries habitats and shellfish aquacultures.Observations in a tide pool at Sandwich, MA from December 2003 to February 2006 show that Didemnum sp. tolerates water temperatures ranging from ≤ 1 to > 24 °C, with daily changes of up to 11 °C. It attaches to pebbles, cobbles, and boulders, and it overgrows other tunicates, seaweeds, sponges, and bivalves. From May to mid July, colonies appear as small patches on the bottoms of rocks. Colonies grow rapidly from July to September, with some growth into December, and they range in color from pink to pale yellow to pale orange. Colony health declines from October through April, presumably in response to changes in water temperatures, and this degenerative process is manifested by color changes, by the appearance of small dark brown spots that represent clumps of fecal pellets in the colony, by scavenging by periwinkles, and by a peeling-away of colonies from the sides of cobbles and boulders. At Sandwich, colonies died that were exposed to air at low tide. The species does not exhibit this seasonal cycle of growth and decline in subtidal habitats (40-65 m) on the Georges Bank fishing grounds where the daily climate is relatively stable and annual water temperatures range from 4 to 15 °C. Experiments in the tide pool with small colony fragments (5 to 9 cm2) show they re-attach and grow rapidly by asexual budding, increasing in size 6- to 11-fold in the first 15 days. Didemnum sp. at Sandwich has no known predators except for common periwinkles (Littorina littorea) that graze on degenerating colonies in the October to April time period and whenever colonies are stressed by desiccation.The tendencies of the ascidian (1) to attach to firm substrates, (2) to rapidly overgrow other species, (3) to tolerate a wide temperature range, (4) to be free from predation, and (5) to spread by colony fragmentation combine to make it a potential threat to benthic marine habitats and aquacultures. Didemnum sp. is known to overgrow mussels, oysters, and sea scallops, and it likely envelops other bivalves too.  相似文献   

Recruitment patterns of sessile species often do not reflect the composition of the local propagule pool. This is, among other processes, attributed to the stimulation or inhibition of settlement by resident species. In an experimental study, we evaluated the effects of different densities of the ascidian Diplosoma listerianum on the settlement of the hydrozoan Obelia sp. For this, we monitored the cover of the dominant fouler Obelia sp. on vertically orientated PVC tiles, which were either bare or pre-seeded with two different densities (sparse or dense) of Diplosoma colonies, over the course of 8 weeks. The settlement tiles were deployed at two study sites in La Herradura Bay, Chile. The presence of D. listerianum enhanced the settlement or the growth or both of the colonial hydrozoan, but this effect disappeared within 4–8 weeks. Furthermore, we tested whether the initial enhancement of Obelia sp. by Diplosoma colonies goes back to the fact that larvae, which reject the ascidian tunic as a settlement substratum after a first contact, colonize nearby surfaces because of their limited mobility. However, we found no support for this assumption. We rather suggest that D. listerianum facilitated colonization indirectly by the accumulation of organic material in its vicinity and/or by its pumping activity. Initial resident-mediated enhancement of the hydrozoan was overridden by processes such as competition between later colonizers within the course of weeks and we could not detect any lasting effects of D. listerianum on the structure of the developing communities.  相似文献   

严涛  韩帅帅  王建军  林和山  曹文浩 《生态学报》2017,37(20):6647-6655
海鞘生长快,繁殖迅速,能产生大量在短时间内附着的幼虫,是海洋污损生物群落中的重要成员,对海上人工设施会产生严重危害。污损性海鞘主要由悉尼海鞘(Ascidia sydneiensis)、史氏菊海鞘(Botryllus schlosseri)、米氏小叶鞘(Diplosoma listerianum)、柄瘤海鞘(Styela clava)、红贺海鞘(Herdmania momus)等9科29属103种组成,其中在太平洋海域64种、印度洋23种、大西洋44种,而北冰洋海域仅3种;另外,其附着污损具有明显的地域性和季节特点,并与深度有关。今后应加强污损性海鞘的生态调查和分类研究,阐明深海及两极海域附着污损特点,揭示幼虫附着变态过程的分子调控机理,完善幼虫采集培养技术,以期更好地掌握海鞘生物学特性与生态特点,丰富和发展海洋生态学内容,并为海洋污损生物的防除奠定基础,促进海洋经济产业的发展。  相似文献   

The abiotic environment influences a variety of ecological processes, including the emergence, transmission, and distribution of disease. In the oceans, increased temperatures associated with climate change are hypothesized to decrease host resistance and/or increase pathogen growth, virulence, or infectivity. Colonial organisms, such as corals, could face a unique challenge with respect to temperature and disease stress: heterogeneous within-colony distribution of constitutive and temperature-induced resistance to infection. This could facilitate disease if warming temperatures promote pathogen growth while decreasing resistance of some areas of the coral colony. Here, an experiment was used to test the hypothesis that temperature-induced disease resistance is heterogeneous within colonies of the sea fan coral, Gorgonia ventalina. Resistance, measured as activity of antifungal metabolites, increased (approx. 30%) with temperature only in young edge tissue, not in older center tissue, consistent with patterns of infection in older, larger sea fan colonies on Caribbean reefs.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies are an important tool in the study of botryllid ascidians’ immunology and developmental biology. Here we describe the development of a panel of 38 monoclonal antibodies that are specific to Botryllus schlosseri (Ascidiacea; subfamily Botryllinae) cell surface antigens. Many of these hybridomas recognize (by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and immunohistochemistry) epitopes of Botrylloides subpopulations (SP) II and III from the Mediterranean coast of Israel and show, on blood cell smear assays, reactions with subsets of Botryllus circulating blood cells. Fluorescence-activated cell sorting analyses using antibodies positive for botryllid tissues revealed up to 3.6% positive cells. ELISA screenings were performed with 64 new monoclonal antibodies on 5 different individual botryllid ascidian colonies (B. schlosseri, Botrylloides). The positive antibodies in this panel identified a large number of different antigenic determinants, some of which distinguish Botryllus versus Botrylloides colonies, and other, different colonies within these two species, or different cell types within tissues, embryos, and buds of individual colonies. Only 21 monoclonal antibodies tested positive with all colonies. Cross-reactivity with at least one Botrylloides colony was recorded in 49 hybridomas that identified Botryllus cells. This wide panel of monoclonal antibodies is the first such detailed set of monoclonals available for studies on botryllid ascidians.  相似文献   

Recent studies have revealed that many marine invertebrates are closely associated with diverse microorganisms, frequently resulting in the production of compounds of biomedical interest. Thus far, ascidians have not been widely examined for the presence of bacterial associations, although the production of secondary metabolites is well documented. In the present study, we examined the gonad of Molgula manhattensis and the tunic surfaces of Botryllus schlosseri, Didemnum sp., and Botrylloides violaceus for the presence of associated bacteria. These ascidians are common inhabitants of the coastal ocean of Cape Cod, Massachusetts. We used denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) as well as cloning and sequencing of 16S rDNA to analyze the microbial communities. There is a strong evidence that spiroplasma-like bacteria colonize the gonad of the solitary ascidian M. manhattensis. The bacteria might be vertically transmitted and may be involved in the production of secondary metabolites that deter predators of the ascidians. The bacterial communities found on the tunic surfaces of the colonial ascidians were found to be more diverse. However, in all cases the bacterial communities were predominated by alpha-proteobacteria. Alpha-proteobacteria related to the obtained sequences have been identified as symbionts in a variety of hosts, suggesting a specific role for these bacteria. However, based on our data it is difficult to differentiate between persistently and only transiently associated bacteria. Overall, this study demonstrates that ascidian species are associated with diverse bacterial populations. Future studies will aim to elucidate the precise relationships between bacteria and ascidians and to identify bioactive compounds that might be produced as a result of these relationships.  相似文献   

The entomopathogen Bacillus sphaericus is one of the most effective biolarvicides used to control the Culex species of mosquito. The appearance of resistance in mosquitoes to this bacterium, however, remains a threat to its continuous use in integrated mosquito control programs. Previous work showed that the resistance to B. sphaericus in Culex colonies was associated with the absence of the 60-kDa binary toxin receptor (Cpm1/Cqm1), an alpha-glucosidase present in the larval midgut microvilli. In this work, we studied the molecular basis of the resistance developed by Culex quinquefasciatus to B. sphaericus C3-41. The cqm1 genes were cloned from susceptible (CqSL) and resistant (CqRL/C3-41) colonies, respectively. The sequence of the cDNA and genomic DNA derived from CqRL/C3-41 colony differed from that of CqSL one by a one-nucleotide deletion which resulted in a premature stop codon, leading to production of a truncated protein. Recombinant Cqm1S from the CqSL colony expressed in Escherichia coli specifically bound to the Bin toxin and had α-glucosidase activity, whereas the Cqm1R from the CqRL/C3-41 colony, with a deletion of three quarters of the receptor’s C-terminal lost its α-glucosidase activity and could not bind to the binary toxin. Immunoblotting experiments showed that Cqm1 was undetectable in CqRL/C3-41 larvae, although the gene was correctly transcribed. Thus, the cqm1R represents a new allele in C. quinquefasciatus that confers resistance to B. sphaericus.  相似文献   

Biofouling ascidians are ubiquitous in coastal ecosystems and are among the main colonizers of aquaculture gear. Our study tested the hypothesis that the transport, removal, and transfer of fouling ascidian species by aquaculturists provide a mechanism for concentration and distribution of harmful-algal cells to new areas. Wild-caught specimens of common, biofouling ascidian species (Styela clava, Ciona intestinalis, Molgula manhattensis, Botrylloides violaceus, Didemnum vexillum, and Botryllus schlosseri) were exposed individually to cultured strains of co-occurring harmful algae (Prorocentrum minimum, Alexandrium fundyense, Alexandrium monilatum, Karenia brevis, Aureococcus anophagefferens, or Heterosigma akashiwo) at simulated bloom cell densities of each HAB species. After feeding, ascidians were transferred to ultrafiltered seawater. Immediately after exposure, and after 24 and 48 h in ultrafiltered seawater, biodeposits were collected and observed microscopically for the presence of intact, potentially viable cells. Subsamples of biodeposits were transferred into culture tubes with ultrafiltered seawater and monitored for algal growth during 8 weeks. Cells of all HAB species were found to pass intact through the ascidian digestive system, remained viable, and in many cases were capable of re-establishing populations at least 48 h post-ingestion. The results of our study will inform industry and managers of the potential threat and ecological impact of spreading biofouling ascidians, and practices to mitigate adverse impacts. Additionally, these management practices have been formally incorporated into a new cost-share program developed to help shellfish producers prevent the further spread of ascidians and associated HAB species.  相似文献   

Abstract A central tenet of life‐history theory is the presence of a trade‐off between the size and number of offspring that a female can produce for a given clutch. A crucial assumption of this trade‐off is that larger offspring perform better than smaller offspring. Despite the importance of this assumption empirical, field‐based tests are rare, especially for marine organisms. We tested this assumption for the marine invertebrate, Diplosoma listerianum, a colonial ascidian that commonly occurs in temperate marine communities. Colonies that came from larger larvae had larger feeding structures than colonies that came from smaller larvae. Colonies that came from larger larvae also had higher survival and growth after 2 weeks in the field than colonies that came from smaller larvae. However, after 3 weeks in the field the colonies began to fragment and we could not detect an effect of larval size. We suggest that offspring size can have strong effects on the initial recruitment of D. listerianum but because of the tendency of this species to fragment, offspring size effects are less persistent in this species than in others.  相似文献   

Predator-prey interactions have been found at all levels within ecosystems. Despite their ecological ubiquity and importance, the process of transition to a stable coexistent state has been poorly verified experimentally. To investigate the stabilization process of predator-prey interactions, we previously constructed a reproducible experimental predator-prey system between Dictyostelium discoideum and Escherichia coli, and showed that the phenotypically changed E. coli contributed to stabilization of the system. In the present study, we focused on the transition to stable coexistence of both species after the phenotypic change in E. coli. Analysis of E. coli cells isolated from co-culture plates as single colony enabled us to readily identify the appearance of phenotypically changed E. coli that differed in colony morphology and growth rate. It was also demonstrated that two types of viscous colony, i.e., the dense-type and sparse-type, differing in spatial distribution of both species emerged probabilistically and all of the viscous colonies maintained stably were of the sparse-type. These results suggest that the phenotypically changed E. coli may produce two types of viscous colonies probabilistically. The difference in spatial distribution would affect localized interactions between both species and then cause probabilistic stabilization of predator-prey interactions.  相似文献   

In most ascidians, metamorphosis of tadpole-like swimming larvae is accompanied by dynamic changes in their shape to form sessile adults. The mechanisms underlying ascidian metamorphosis have been debated for a long time. Although recent molecular studies have revealed the presence of various molecules involving in this process, the basic mechanism of the metamorphic events is still unclear. For example, it has not been solved whether all metamorphic events are organized by the same single pathway or by multiple, independent pathways. In the present study, we approached this question using the ascidian Ciona intestinalis. When the papillae and preoral lobes of the larvae were cut off, the papillae-cut larvae initiated certain trunk metamorphic events such as the formation of an ampulla, body axis rotation and adult organ growth without other metamorphic events. This observation indicates that metamorphic events can be divided into at least two groups, events initiated in the papillae-cut larva and events not initiated in this larva. In addition to this observation, we have isolated a novel mutant, tail regression failed (trf), which shows similar phenotypes to those of papillae-cut larvae. The phenotypes of trf mutants are basically different from those of swimming juvenile mutants (Sasakura, Y., Nakashima, K., Awazu, S., Matsuoka, T., Nakayama, A., Azuma, J., Satoh, N., 2005. Transposon-mediated insertional mutagenesis revealed the functions of animal cellulose synthase in the ascidian Ciona intestinalis. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 102, 15134-15139.), which also show abnormal metamorphosis. These findings suggest a model by which ascidian metamorphic events can be classified into four groups initiated by different pathways.  相似文献   

We assessed the microbial diversity and microenvironmental niche characteristics in the didemnid ascidian Lissoclinum patella using 16S rRNA gene sequencing, microsensor and imaging techniques. L. patella harbors three distinct microbial communities spatially separated by few millimeters of tunic tissue: (i) a biofilm on its upper surface exposed to high irradiance and O2 levels, (ii) a cloacal cavity dominated by the prochlorophyte Prochloron spp. characterized by strong depletion of visible light and a dynamic chemical microenvironment ranging from hyperoxia in light to anoxia in darkness and (iii) a biofilm covering the underside of the animal, where light is depleted of visible wavelengths and enriched in near-infrared radiation (NIR). Variable chlorophyll fluorescence imaging demonstrated photosynthetic activity, and hyperspectral imaging revealed a diversity of photopigments in all microhabitats. Amplicon sequencing revealed the dominance of cyanobacteria in all three layers. Sequences representing the chlorophyll d containing cyanobacterium Acaryochloris marina and anoxygenic phototrophs were abundant on the underside of the ascidian in shallow waters but declined in deeper waters. This depth dependency was supported by a negative correlation between A. marina abundance and collection depth, explained by the increased attenuation of NIR as a function of water depth. The combination of microenvironmental analysis and fine-scale sampling techniques used in this investigation gives valuable first insights into the distribution, abundance and diversity of bacterial communities associated with tropical ascidians. In particular, we show that microenvironments and microbial diversity can vary significantly over scales of a few millimeters in such habitats; which is information easily lost by bulk sampling.  相似文献   

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