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安徽宽基蜉属一新种:蜉蝣目:细裳蜉科   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文报道在安徽汤口采集的宽基蜉属一新种——安徽宽基蜉。  相似文献   

首次报道发现于中国大陆地区的拟细裳蜉属Paraleptophlebia Lestage,并对中国新纪录种——弯拟细裳蜉Par-aleptophebia cincta(Retzius,1783)和一新种——奇异拟细裳蜉Paraleptophlebia magica sp.nov.的成虫作了描述和图示。  相似文献   

中国香港细蜉属三新种记述(蜉蝣目:细蜉科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
记述了采自中国香港的细蜉科Caenidae,细蜉属Caenis3新种:点刻细蜉Caenis aspera sp.nov.、双突细蜉Caenis bicornis sp.nov.和光滑细蜉Caenis lubrica sp.nov.。模式标本均保存在中国广州华南农业大学昆虫学系昆虫标本室。  相似文献   

我国大陆细蜉属Caenis共知5种,其中短铗细蜉Caenis parviforcipis(Zhou et al.)n.comb.由短尾蜉属Brachycercus转移而来;中华细蜉Caenis sinensis Gui et al.稚虫形态在本文中首次描述;另外从标本来看,已知的黑铗细蜉Caenis nigroforceps Zhou et al.实际为近岸细蜉Caenis rivulorum Eaton的新异名;本文描述1新种:花斑细蜉Caenis melanoleuca,sp.nov.;第5种黑点细蜉Caenis nigropunctata Klapalek也根据标本得到了确认。文中还给出了以上5种成虫和4种稚虫的检索表。所有标本都保存在南京师范大学生命科学学院。  相似文献   

本文报道在江苏宜兴采集的宽基蜉属Choroterpes两个新种:宜兴宽基蜉Choroterpes(Euthralus)yixingensis sp.nov.和弯铗宽基蜉Choroterpes(Euthralus)curviforeeps sp.nov.。本文对新种形态作了详细描述,附有形态特征图。模式标本保存在南京师范大学生物系。  相似文献   

本文报道弯握蜉属Drunella在中国的首次发现,并对该属一新种抚松弯握蜉Drunella fusongensis sp.nov.作了详细描述。模式标本采自吉林省抚松县,正模♂,配模♀,副模6♂♂,29♀♀,存放在南京师范大学生物系。弯握蜉属系Needham于1905年建立,迄今属中共有40种左右。其雄成虫的主要特征是:(1)生殖器尾铗的端节长度为宽度的2-4倍;(2)尾铗第2节最长,且明显向内弯  相似文献   

湖南省似动蜉属种类记述(蜉蝣目:扁蜉蝣科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国似动蜉属Cinygmina的种类已知3种。我们于1985~1986年在湖南省进行蜉蝣目昆虫调查时,采集到不少似动蜉属标本。经鉴定,除我国已知的3种外,还发现了一新种,定名为湖南似动蜉Cinygmina hunanensis。所有标本,包括新种模式标本,均用75%酒精保存,存放于南京师范大学生物系动物标本室。  相似文献   

周长发  郑乐怡 《昆虫学报》2003,46(6):755-760
似动蜉属Cinygmina是我国常见扁蜉科类群,分布广泛。本文对该属我国已知4种(湖南似动蜉C. hunanensis,斜纹似动蜉C. obliquistrita,红斑似动蜉C. rubromaculata,宜兴似动蜉C. yixingensis)和一新种(叉似动蜉Cinygmina furcata sp. Nov.)的鉴别特征作了对比和图示,并确认海南似动蜉C. hainanensis是红斑似动蜉C. rubromaculata的同物异名(新异名)。  相似文献   

本文报道短尾蜉属BrachycercusCrutis (1834)在中国的首次发现 ,并对该属一新种小铗短尾蜉Brachycercusparviforcipissp .nov .的形态特征作了详细描述 ,模式标本采自云南省昆明市松花坝水库。正模 :♂成虫 ,副模 :3♂成虫 ,采集时间 :VI 2 1996 ,采集人 :周长发和王备新 ,保存在南京师范大学生物系。综合利用小铗短尾蜉雄成虫的下列特征 ,可将它与同属已知的 19种区别开来 :1)触角色浅单一 ,梗节长度是柄节的三倍以上 ;2 )胸部背板棕色 ,前足腿节基部黑色 ,第一、第二、第九、第十节的腹部背板全部及其它每节背板的后缘为棕黑色 ,其他部分为淡黄色 ;3)与同属其它种相比 ,小铗短尾蜉的尾铗短小 ,不超过阳茎长度。  相似文献   

归鸿  鲁亮 《昆虫学报》1999,42(3):297-299
报道了采自江苏省南京紫金山麓四节蜉属一新种逸仙四节蜉Baetis yixiani sp.nov.(成虫、稚虫),该新种稚虫近似于B. laetificus,主要区别为前者腹部第1~7节有7对鳃,而后者腹部第2~7节只有6对鳃。模式标本保存于南京师范大学生物系。  相似文献   

记述璐蜡蝉科1中国新记录属:狭璐蜡蝉属Podoschtroumpfa Soulier-Perkins及采自云南的该属1新记录种:红带狭璐蜡蝉Podoschtroumpfa rubrolineata Liang,首次描述了该新记录种的雄性外生殖器特征,并提供了该新记录种的生境照片。  相似文献   

Three Asian species of the genus Hediste (Nereididae, Polychaeta, Annelida), including two new species, are reviewed. Hediste japonica (Izuka, 1908) was redescribed based on recently discovered type material and on additional specimens newly collected from the Ariake Sea in Japan and the west coast of Korea. Two new species, H .  diadroma and H. atoka , were described based on specimens collected from Japan. These three species are morphologically similar, but distinguishable by some differences in parapodial and chaetal morphology, at least at the sexually mature stage. The presence of homogomph falcigers and the absence of heterogomph spinigers are unique characteristics of H. japonica among this genus. Inconspicuous epitokous metamorphosis occurred as a slight enlargement of the eyes and parapodial ligules in mature adults of H. diadroma sp. nov. and H. japonica in combination with their reproductive swarming and pelagic larval development. The epitoke-specific sesquigomph spinigers were added in mature adults of H. diadroma sp. nov., while the number of ordinary homogomph spinigers increased in some adults of H. japonica. Epitokous metamorphosis in the Hediste species was compared with that in other nereidid genera. No epitokous metamorphosis was observed in H. atoka sp. nov., corresponding to its reproduction without swarming and to its development without a planktonic larval stage. Significant differences in paragnath numbers in the maxillary ring of the proboscis were found among the three species, suggesting different feeding habits. In Japan, the present distribution of H. japonica is restricted to muddy tidal flats in the inner part of the Ariake Sea, probably due to recent human impact, while the other two species are widespread.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2003, 137, 403−445  相似文献   

Abstract  Three new species of the mayfly genus Austrophlebioides Campbell and Suter are described from the Wet Tropics bioregion of north-eastern Australia: A . rieki sp. n., A . wooroonooran sp. n. and A . porphyrobranchus sp. n. The three species are similar, and are characterised in the male imago by the presence of a prominent ventral projection on each lobe of the penes and segment one of the claspers narrowing at about one-third length, and in the nymph by the absence of fine setae along the outer margin of the mandible between the median setal tuft and the outer incisor. The generic diagnosis of the nymphal stage is modified slightly to accommodate the three new species.  相似文献   

Farrodes nymphs are specialized periphyton/biofilm scrapers. Their maxillae are the most specialized mouthparts, but other elements, with their systems of variously modified setae, are designed to obtain and transport food particles to the pharynx with a minimum of loss. The morphology and adaptations of these mouthparts and related head areas, as well as associated musculature, are described.  相似文献   

全世界已知卵甲蝇属共4种,本文记述1新种,即神农架卵甲蝇Oocelyphus shennongjianus sp.nov.,文中还编制了卵甲蝇属检索表。  相似文献   

记述暇尖翅蝇属Spilolonchoptera2新种,即短尾暇尖翅蝇S.brevicaudata sp.nov.和杨氏暇尖翅蝇S.yangi sp.nov.。  相似文献   

记述采自中国大陆的阿果蝇属5新种和2新记录种:尖叶阿果蝇Amiota acutifoliolata sp.nov.,缺茎阿果蝇A.apenis sp.nov.,小叶阿果蝇A.minufoliolata sp.nov.,曲叶阿果蝇A.undulata sp.nov.,爪叶阿果蝇A.ungulfoliolata sp.nov.,须刺阿果蝇A.balaenodentata Takada,Beppu&Toda,1979和钩茎阿果蝇A.orchidea Okada,1968;这7种阿果蝇不能指派于本属已建立的7个种团中的任何一个。  相似文献   

The successful interspecific cross is reported for the first time between kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus L.), a diploid species (2n=36) and roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.), a tetraploid species (2n=72). Kenaf, grown for its bast fiber and also under investigation as a source of paper pulp, is fast-growing and well adapted to mechanical harvesting, but susceptible to root-knot nematodes. Roselle, also grown for its bast fiber, is slower growing, not well adapted to mechanical harvesting, but certain varieties are resistant to root-knot nematodes. Five hybrid plants were produced from the pollination of 4,445 flowers of kenaf with pollen from roselle; no hybrid plants were produced from 2,655 pollinations made in the reciprocal direction. One line of roselle was the parent of 3 of the 5 hybrids; one line of kenaf was the parent of 2 of these 3. The F1 hybrids were triploid, and varied in vigor, growth habit and vegetative morphology, but had similar flowers. Two of the F1 hybrids showed high pollen fertility, apparently as a result of restitution at first meiotic division leading to unreduced spores. These two hybrids each produced a small amount of seed, which gave rise to an F2 population of 22 plants. The F2 plants vary in vigor but are morphologically uniform, have thick leaves with mosaic sectors, and are presumably spontaneous allohexaploids. The theoretical possibilities of increasing the percentage of recovery of the F1 interspecific hybrids and of developing a synthesized hybrid variety useful for bast fiber and paper pulp are discussed. Research done cooperatively by Crops Research Division and Agricultural Engineering Research Division, Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), and the University of Florida Agricultural Experiment Station. Cytological investigations were carried out at the Department of Biological Sciences, Florida State University. Thanks are extended to the many individuals and organizations who supplied material for this study, and to M. Griffin Bell and E. Otho Richey, Agricultural Research Technicians, for their enthusiastic assistance.  相似文献   

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