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Welcome Bay and Chaguaramas Bay in the northwest peninsula of Trinidad contain large marinas and smaller sections of bathing beaches. Bacteriological surveys were conducted at both bays to assess water quality and to determine potential sources of pollution. These surveys were conducted during the wet season of 1996 and the dry season of 1997. Eleven sample stations were established at Welcome Bay and 12 at Chaguaramas Bay. Freshwater samples were collected from rivers and drains within the survey area. Marine water samples were collected from marinas, bathing beaches and inshore and outer areas at both bays. Five water samples were collected from each sampling station during the wet season of 1996 and six during the dry season of 1997. The membrane filter technique was used to determine faecal coliform and Escherichia coli levels in all samples. There was a seasonal effect on water quality, with significantly higher faecal coliform levels in the wet season, when water quality was not in compliance with international standards. This represents a potential health risk in bathing areas. Water quality was better at the outer area of both bays. Water quality at the inner bay areas was most likely adversely affected by land-based sources of pollution identified in this study. These sources include three drains and two rivers, which discharged into the bays. Yachts were apparently not a source of sewage pollution: there was no significant relationship between yacht number and faecal coliform levels.  相似文献   

Until recently, sewage from Morecambe was macerated, but otherwise untreated, and discharged at high water via a short outfall pipe into Morecambe Bay adjacent to a recognized bathing water. In March 1997, a new biological sewage treatment plant came on-line and the effluent was discharged via a longer outfall pipe into the Bay south of Heysham. The effect of the new sewage treatment on the quality of the bathing waters was monitored by testing sea water collected from the three EU designated bathing waters on Morecambe Bay: Morecambe North, Morecambe South and Heysham. After sewage treatment came on-line, the numbers of faecal coliforms and faecal streptococci were lower at Morecambe North and Morecambe South but higher at Heysham. Although the changes in numbers were not always statistically significant, they were sufficient to affect compliance with the EU Bathing Water Directive Imperative (mandatory) standards. Compliance improved markedly at Morecambe North and South but declined at Heysham, the closest bathing site to the new outfall. Numbers of thermophilic campylobacters were similar in both years, which is suggestive of their sources being different from those of the indicator bacteria. Campylobacter lari and urease-positive thermophilic campylobacters (UPTC) were the only species of Campylobacter isolated from Morecambe's bathing waters. Very low numbers of Salmonella were found, with Salm, arizonae the only species isolated.  相似文献   

The highly-impacted Bilbao estuary was studied toquantify the response of estuarine communities tostress. Total heterotrophic biomass, a measure ofsediment infauna, declined sharply from the mouth tothe upper reaches of the estuary. Differentstatistical methods selected the depletion ofdissolved oxygen (DO) at the bottom of the watercolumn as the main correlate with the observedpattern. Biomass size-spectra (BSS) of estuarinecommunities suggested that `unimpacted' sites at themouth of the estuary had a high proportion of biomassin the larger size classes under regular andpredictable environmental conditions. In contrast, inthe impacted middle and inner parts of the estuarybiomass was concentrated in the smaller size classes,indicating a clear effect of stressful environmentalconditions on larger bodied organisms.A progressive increase of DO values has beenforecasted by the local Water Authority after thecompletion of a sewerage plan for the whole estuary,and predictions of water quality criteria were used toestimate community biomass figures following thismanagement. In order to predict the recovery at thelevel of individual species, several bioassays withthe native species Nereis diversicolor andScrobicularia plana were performed. Results obtainedwith the latter, more-sensitive species, suggest thatchemical contamination in sediments from the Bilbaoestuary has the potential to cause deleterious effectson indigenous benthic organisms, which could delayfaunal recovery in some parts of the estuary oncewater-oxic conditions improve.  相似文献   

The abundance and spatial distribution of copepod species werecompared in the euhaline region of the polluted estuary of Bilbao[mean biological oxygen demand (BOD): 49748.05 kg day–1in 1996] and the unperturbed estuary of Urdaibai. Sampling wasperformed at fixed salinity sites, where data of temperature,dissolved oxygen saturation, particulate organic matter, Secchidisk depth and chlorophyll were also obtained. Differences betweenthe estuaries and within the estuaries for environmental variablesand copepod abundances were tested statistically. The dominantspecies Acartia clausi and Paracalanus parvus differed significantlyin abundance between estuaries, and most of neritic speciesdiminished more drastically with decreasing salinity in Bilbaoby the effect of pollution. The different responses observedamong species in relation to pollution and water desalinationare discussed. The lack of the brackish-water species in Bilbaoindicated that water quality worsening upward the estuary ofBilbao not only limited the penetration of neritic species butalso prevented the development of autochthonous estuarine species.At the outer euhaline region of Bilbao, however, pollution wasfound to be low enough to enhance the development of tolerantneritic species that are favoured under moderate pollution conditions.Results indicate that comparisons of copepod abundances anddistributions with salinity in estuaries may be a useful toolto evaluate the health of the different estuarine pelagic habitats.  相似文献   

Aims: Water quality at two Florida beaches was compared using faecal indicator bacteria measurements, microbial source tracking (MST) methods for detecting human source pollution and the assessment of pathogen presence. These values were also compared before and after remediation of wastewater infrastructure at one beach. Methods and Results: Faecal coliforms, Escherichia coli and enterococci were enumerated in estuarine water and sediment samples. PCR assays for the human‐associated esp gene of Enterococcus faecium and human polyomaviruses (HPyVs) were used to detect human sewage. Culturable Salmonella and enteric viruses were also analysed. MST identified human sewage contamination at one beach, leading to repair of a sewer main and relocation of portable restrooms. Exceedances of Florida recreational water regulatory standards were significantly reduced after remediation (by 52% for faecal coliforms and 39% for enterococci), and the frequency of detection of MST markers decreased. Coxsackie virus B4 and HPyVs were codetected following a major sewage spill, but Salmonella was not detected during the study. Conclusions: These data indicate that infrastructure remediation significantly reduced pollution from human sewage at the impacted beach. Significance and Impact of the Study: A comprehensive microbial water quality study that can identify contamination sources through the use of MST markers and close collaboration with local/and state agencies can result in tangible actions to improve recreational water quality and safety.  相似文献   

Two freshwater bathing sites, the Crook O'Lune and the University Boathouse, on the River Lune in the north-west of England, were monitored over a 2 year period for the faecal indicators, faecal coliforms and faecal streptococci, the pathogens, Salmonella and Campylobacter, and compliance with the EU Directive on Bathing Water Quality. Faecal indicator numbers showed no seasonal variation, with numbers in the bathing season similar to those in the non-bathing season. They were consistently above the EU Guideline and Imperative standards so that if the EU Bathing Water Quality Directive (76/160/EEC) were applied, neither site would comply. Faecal indicator numbers in the sediments were an order of magnitude higher than in the overlying water. Campylobacter numbers showed seasonal variation in the water with higher counts in winter than in the summer, although numbers were low. Higher numbers were found in the sediments but there was no seasonal variation. Analysis of various inputs showed that indicators and campylobacters came from a mixture of sources, namely a sewage treatment works, agricultural run-off, streams and mallards. Microbial numbers in the water at the Crook O'Lune, which is closer to the sources of pollution, were twice those at the Boathouse. In the sediments they were six to eight times higher. Faecal coliforms were all identified as Escherichia coli of which 80% were a single biotype. Faecal streptococci were all enterococci of which 55% were E. avium, 38% E. faecalis and 7% E. durans. Salmonella was not isolated from either the water column or the sediments. Campylobacters were mainly Camp. jejuni, followed by Camp. coli, UPTC and Camp. lari.  相似文献   

Variations in prosome length and width, dry weight and condition factor of female Acartia clausi copepods were studied at three salinities (35, 34 and 33 psu) in the euhaline region of two estuaries (Bilbao and Urdaibai) of the Basque coast, with different level of anthropogenic impact. Effect of the environmental variables upon the morphology of A. clausi females on a small geographic scale is discussed. In general, biometric variables showed no significant differences between the two estuaries, but dry weight and condition factor were significantly higher in the estuary of Urdaibai at 35 and 34 psu, whilst at 33 psu they were higher in Bilbao. Body dimensions decreased significantly with decreasing salinity in both estuaries, however, no similar trends were observed for dry weight and condition factor. Temperature appeared the main variable to account size variations, but once eliminated seasonal effect of the temperature body size was related with oxygen concentration in the estuary of Bilbao and with salinity in Urdaibai. This study reveals that morphological characteristics of A. clausi not are only dependent on the temperature, but also, within a limited geographical zone, on local differences in environmental variables, mainly salinity and oxygen concentration.  相似文献   

In view of various studies looking for the merit of coliphages as indicators of water pollution with viruses originating from faecal material, a small agricultural community (population of approximately 1500 inhabitants of all ages, 2-3 km from Haifa) was selected in order to understand these bacteriophage ecology (F-RNA and somatic coliphages) in its sewer and oxidation pond system. Along the sewer lines, it was possible to isolate constantly both bacteriophage types (F-RNA and somatic coliphages) at 10(2)-10(4) plaque-forming units (pfu) ml(-1). The average numbers of somatic and F-RNA phages isolated from oxidation pond were 10(3)-10(4) pfu ml(-1); however, somatic coliphages were undetectable for several months (April-August). Significant high correlation (0.944 < R(2) < 0.99) was found between increased anionic detergent concentrations and F-RNA coliphage numbers. Infants less than 1 year old excreted both phage types and few only F-RNA coliphages (at high numbers > 10(5) pfu g(-1)) for up to 1 year. The excretion of F-RNA coliphages was highly linked to Escherichia coli F(+) harborage in the intestinal track as found in their faecal content. Finally, three bacterial hosts E. coli F(+), F(-) and CN(13) tested for survivability in sewage filtrate revealed that E. coli F(+) had the highest survivability under these conditions. Presence of somatic and F male-specific phages in sewer lines of a small community are influenced by several factors such as: anionic detergents, nutrients, temperature, source (mainly infants), shedding and survival capability of the host strain. Better understanding of coliphages ecology in sewer systems can enhance our evaluation of these proposed indicator/index microorganisms used in tracking environmental pollution of water, soil and crop contamination with faecal material containing enteric viruses.  相似文献   

We have previously documented that faecal indicator bacteria (Escherichia coli, faecal coliform, enterococci) recommended by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) to establish recreational water quality standards are naturally found in high concentrations in the surface and subsurface of soils in Hawaii. Rain, the source of all streams in Hawaii, washes the soil sources of faecal bacteria into all the streams of Hawaii, at concentrations which consistently exceed the USEPA recreational water quality standards. The objective of this study was to test the hypothesis that faecal bacteria are able to establish themselves in the soil environments of tropical islands by conducting the same study in Guam, a tropical pacific island with warmer temperatures and higher humidity than Hawaii. The same methods and study design used in Hawaii was used in Guam. The results of the study conducted in Guam revealed that all streams contain consistently high concentrations of faecal coliform, E. coli, and enterocci which exceeded the old USEPA recreational water quality standard of 200 faecal coliform/100 ml as well as the new water quality standards of 126 E. coli/100 ml or 33 enterococci/100 ml. These same faecal indicator bacteria were recovered in high concentrations in surface and subsurface (18-36 cm depth) soil samples in Guam. Limited coastal water analysis showed that most coastal marine waters contain low concentrations of faecal bacteria but coastal waters impacted by stream run-off showed elevated levels of faecal bacteria. The results of this study support the hypothesis that environmental conditions in the tropical areas of the world can support the growth and establishment of populations of faecal bacteria in the soil. Thus, soil becomes an environmental, non-faecal source of faecal indicator bacteria. These results indicate that USEPA water quality standards may not be directly applicable to tropical island environments.  相似文献   

The reproductive response involving egg number and size was studied for the egg carrying copepod Euterpina acutifrons in two estuaries with different nutritional environment (Bilbao and Mundaka). To characterise the available food for copepods, the concentration of particulate organic matter (POM), the combined concentration (PGL) and proportion of particulate protein, carbohydrate and lipids and the concentration of chlorophyll a were measured in the <20 μm seston fraction. Data on female size (prosome length) and abiotic factors, such as temperature, salinity and oxygen saturation in water, were also obtained to relate them to reproductive and nutritional variables. Correlation and stepwise regression analyses indicated that temperature via female size was the main factor controlling brood volume in a temporal context, whilst the nutritional environment had a secondary role. Nevertheless, the nutritional environment caused noticeable between-estuary differences in the reproductive response of this species. ANOVA tests showed that E. acutifrons clutch size and brood volume were significantly bigger in the estuary of Bilbao, which was richer in both total (POM) and labile (PGL) organic particulate matter than the estuary of Mundaka. In contrast, egg size, female size and phytoplanktonic food quantity did not differ significantly between estuaries. These results suggest that the organic enrichment with particles of detritical-heterotrophic origin enhanced E. acutifrons clutch size and brood volume in Bilbao. Egg size was closely related to phytoplankton in both estuaries, but a clear trade-off between egg size and number per clutch was observed only in Mundaka. Thus, we suggest that the reduction of egg number in order to increase egg size might happen only under food-limiting conditions, but not in organically rich and quite constant nutritional environments such as found those in Bilbao.  相似文献   

肠球菌作为近岸海域粪便污染的指示细菌和条件致病菌,在海水中的生长与消亡对水质监测以及公众健康具有重要影响.本文简述肠球菌在海水中的生理及分布特征,综述肠球菌在关键环境因子和生物因子影响下的消亡规律,并着重介绍肠球菌在细胞和分子水平的消亡机制与消亡动力学模型,同时对肠球菌的研究方向进行展望.通过构建肠球菌浓度预测模型,以...  相似文献   

Compliance monitoring of bathing waters at La Grève de Lecq on the North coast of Jersey revealed a significant deterioration in water quality between 1992 and 1993, as indexed by presumptive coliform, presumptive Escherichia coli and streptococci concentrations. During the 1993 bathing season the beach failed to attain the compliance with the EC Guideline criteria for presumptive E. coli and streptococci. A bacteriological survey of the stream catchment draining to the beach revealed that: (i) concentrations of faecal indicator organisms were enhanced at high discharge after rainfall; and (ii) a captive water fowl population, which expanded between 1990 and 1993, was a potential source of faecal pollution. Strategies for catchment management are discussed.  相似文献   

Aims:  Microbial water quality and possible human sources of faecal pollution were assessed in a Florida estuary that serves shellfishing and recreational activities.
Methods and Results:  Indicator organisms (IO), including faecal coliforms, Escherichia coli and enterococci, were quantified from marine and river waters, sediments and oysters. Florida recreational water standards were infrequently exceeded (6–10% of samples); however, shellfishing standards were more frequently exceeded (28%). IO concentrations in oysters and overlaying waters were significantly correlated, but oyster and sediment IO concentrations were uncorrelated. The human-associated esp gene of Enterococcus faecium was detected in marine and fresh waters at sites with suspected human sewage contamination. Lagrangian drifters, used to determine the pathways of bacterial transport and deposition, suggested that sediment deposition from the Ochlockonee River contributes to frequent detection of esp at a Gulf of Mexico beach.
Conclusions:  These data indicate that human faecal pollution affects water quality in Wakulla County and that local topography and hydrology play a role in bacterial transport and deposition.
Significance and Impact of the Study:  A combination of IO enumeration, microbial source tracking methods and regional hydrological study can reliably inform regulatory agencies of IO sources, improving risk assessment and pollution mitigation in impaired waters.  相似文献   

Aims: To assess the presence of viral pathogens in bathing water samples and to evaluate the interdependency of bacterial indicator counts and viral detection. Methods and Results: Bathing water samples of 16 beaches collected along a Portuguese Coastal area were screened for the hepatitis A virus (HAV) and norovirus genogroup I (NVGI) using RT‐PCR technique. Bacteriological water quality was also assessed, according to European regulations. HAV and NVGI were detected in 95% and 27% of the water samples, respectively, whereas bacteriological quality was good in all but one sample, according to current water quality regulations. Conclusions: All water samples would be considered of excellent quality according to the most recent European regulations. No relationship between viral detection and regulatory‐based bacterial indicators was found. Significance and Impact of the Study: The current results reinforce the importance of increased surveillance for pathogenic viruses in bathing waters.  相似文献   

[目的]人类腺病毒(40/41)与人类急性胃肠炎显著相关,被用作娱乐水体中人类病毒污染的指示生物.粪大肠菌群(FC)作为传统的细菌指示生物,用来估计水环境中病原微生物的潜在风险.了解水传播的病原微生物的时空分布对公众健康和疾病的预防具有十分重要的意义.[方法]于2008年5月到10月,在中国10个典型海水浴场共采集30个表层海水样品,分别用定量PCR和细胞培养的方法分析人类腺病毒和FC.[结果]腺病毒的含量为1.7×106-1.1×108基因拷贝/L,其阳性检出率为30%,而普通PCR的阳性检出率为26.7%.其中7个海水浴场的FC超出了景观娱乐水质标准(2 000 CFU/L).时间分布趋势表明,人类腺病毒从8月份到10月份的污染较其他月份严重(P<0.05).在该实验条件下,不论是在同一浴场的不同站位还是在不同浴场,腺病毒的空间分布差异都不明显(P>0.05).同样,FC在不同浴场的时空分布也无明显差异(P>0.05),但是其分布与离岸距离的远近显著相关(P<0.05).此外,在我们所研究的浴场,细菌和病毒这两种指示生物之间并没有相关性.[结论]为避免在游泳季节胃肠道疾病的大规模爆发,必须加强卫生设施建设和肠道细菌、病毒两种指示生物的监测.  相似文献   

A series of investigations are underway which have quantified the contribution of faecal indicators delivered to nearshore coastal waters from the sewerage system and riverine inputs. Studies have been completed in Jersey, Staithes, Yorkshire, South Wales and the North-west. The research protocols have involved quantification of high and low flow faecal indicator delivery from the sewerage system and riverine sources as well as construction of nonpoint source models designed to predict faecal indicator delivery from diffuse, catchment sources. These investigations suggest a dynamic, but predictable, balance between inputs from the sewerage system and from 'catchment' sources. The sewerage system dominates during low flow conditions but is often overtaken by riverine inputs during high flow conditions after rainfall. Many bathing beach locations exhibit non-compliance after rainfall when stream inputs, rather than sewerage inputs, commonly dominate. The implications of this input pattern is that routine monitoring data may not provide information relevant to new infrastructure planning designed to achieve bathing beach compliance. This suggests that the present scientific information base is insufficient to underpin the extensive UK infra-structure investment programmes designed to ensure compliance with existing EU Directive 76/160/EEC standards. Furthermore, results to date, suggest that management attention must expand from its historical focus on infra-structure provision to incorporate diffuse sources of faecal indicator loading which present a new set of management and modelling challenges.  相似文献   

Water quality is affected by a complex combination of natural and anthropogenic factors. To assess watershed integrity on a larger scale and for an optimal, cost-effective integrated watershed management, defining linkages between upstream watershed land cover and riverine water quality is essential. A correct upstream area calculation is an absolute necessity to reach conclusive results, but remains problematic in human influenced catchments. Especially sewer infrastructures (including wastewater treatment plants) are difficult to incorporate. We developed a method that allows us to integrate the sewer system in the upstream calculations and applied it on the Nete catchment in Belgium. Our results show strong changes in results compared to standard runoff methods. We conclude that if sewer systems are not incorporated in upstream area calculation, the impact of human activities on the water quality at a catchment scale estimates will be severely biased. A thorough understanding of the evaluated catchment and a correct translation of the different hydrological flow paths in the upstream area calculation is absolutely necessary to gain reliable results.  相似文献   

AIMS: To investigate the survival of cultivable bacteria in the tropical Bangpakong estuary (Eastern Thailand) under different salinities and light conditions. METHODS AND RESULTS: Dark and light microcosm experiments using membrane diffusion chambers were carried out under three different experimental conditions, namely (i) low salinity, (ii) progressive mixing with brackish water and (iii) fast mixing with high salinity water spiked with raw urban sewage. Faecal coliforms declined faster than faecal enterococci, as shown by survival T90 values ranging from 82.2 +/- 4.2 to 14.5 +/- 0.8 h and 97.5 +/- 0.4-20.6 +/- 1.2 h, respectively. The survival of freshwater heterotrophic bacteria was higher but variable (121.2 +/- 5.0-30.1 +/- 14.3 h), whereas that of heterotrophic marine bacteria was rather stable (81.5 +/- 4.2-44.6 +/- 2.5 h). CONCLUSIONS: Overall survival was higher in low salinities. Light had a further deleterious effect, since it accelerated the decay of faecal indicators, particularly in high salinities. Faecal enterococci had a higher resistance to environmental conditions compared with faecal coliforms. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: This study is relevant to the understanding of the behaviour of different faecal indicator bacteria and the optimization of sewage treatment plants aimed at the reduction and/or elimination of faecal load discharged into estuarine waters submitted to salinity variations.  相似文献   

The release of untreated sewage introduces non‐indigenous microbial populations of uncertain composition into surface waters. We used massively parallel 454 pyrosequencing of hypervariable regions in rRNA genes to profile microbial communities from eight untreated sewage influent samples of two wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) in metropolitan Milwaukee. The sewage profiles included a discernible human faecal signature made up of several taxonomic groups including multiple Bifidobacteriaceae, Coriobacteriaceae, Bacteroidaceae, Lachnospiraceae and Ruminococcaceae genera. The faecal signature made up a small fraction of the taxa present in sewage but the relative abundance of these sequence tags mirrored the population structures of human faecal samples. These genera were much more prevalent in the sewage influent than standard indicators species. High‐abundance sequences from taxonomic groups within the Beta‐ and Gammaproteobacteria dominated the sewage samples but occurred at very low levels in faecal and surface water samples, suggesting that these organisms proliferate within the sewer system. Samples from Jones Island (JI – servicing residential plus a combined sewer system) and South Shore (SS – servicing a residential area) WWTPs had very consistent community profiles, with greater similarity between WWTPs on a given collection day than the same plant collected on different days. Rainfall increased influent flows at SS and JI WWTPs, and this corresponded to greater diversity in the community at both plants. Overall, the sewer system appears to be a defined environment with both infiltration of rainwater and stormwater inputs modulating community composition. Microbial sewage communities represent a combination of inputs from human faecal microbes and enrichment of specific microbes from the environment to form a unique population structure.  相似文献   

The fecundity and hatching success of Acartia clausi were analysed at fixed salinity sites (35, 34 and 33 psu) in two nearby estuaries (Bilbao and Urdaibai, Basque coast, Bay of Biscay) from March to June 1997. Field incubations were conducted to estimate egg production rates and hatching success, and the size of eggs and experimental females measured. Water temperature and dissolved oxygen saturation were also determined, as well as seston samples to quantify food abundance and quality. Between-estuary and within-estuary differences were tested statistically, and correlation and regression analyses were used to determine relationships between reproductive and environmental variables. Egg production rates were higher in the organically enriched estuary of Bilbao; this denoting that food supply controls the fertility of A. clausi in these systems. Temporal patterns of egg production differed between estuaries, and were associated with different nutritional factors in each estuary. Within the salinity range analysed, egg production reached higher values at intermediate salinity (≈34 psu) in both estuaries. This was interpreted as the result of the interaction between the positive effect of food increase, and the negative effect of physicochemical conditions with decreasing salinity. Egg size variations mainly occurred temporally in relation to female size, but no clear trade-off between egg size and egg number was observed in any case. A drop in hatching success in Bilbao, mainly in waters of <34 psu, was related to the oxygen depletion caused by organic pollution. This indicates that organic enrichment in Bilbao has opposite effects on the reproductive success, because it enhances egg production but reduces offspring survival.  相似文献   

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