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The human eosinophil granule contains a number of cationic proteins that have been identified and purified to homogeneity, including the major basic protein (MBP), the eosinophil cationic protein (ECP), and the eosinophil-derived neurotoxin (EDN). Because of confusion in the literature regarding the distinctiveness of MBP and ECP, we investigated the immunochemical and physicochemical properties of these purified proteins by electrophoresis on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels (SDS-PAGE), by specific double antibody radioimmunoassays (RIA) for MBP and ECP, and by fractionation of acid-solubilized eosinophil granules on Sephadex G-50 columns. Analysis of a mixture of the three purified proteins by SDS-PAGE showed that they migrated as three distinct bands with differing m.w. Comparison by specific RIA for MBP and ECP did not demonstrate any appreciable immunochemical cross-reactivities among the three proteins. Sephadex G-50 column fractions of acid-solubilized eosinophil granules were analyzed by RIA and by SDS-PAGE analysis of individual column fractions. MBP, ECP, and EDN eluted at different volumes from Sephadex G-50 columns as determined by RIA and SDS-PAGE. Soluble extracts of eosinophil granules from patients with the hypereosinophilic syndrome contained between six and 64 times more MBP than ECP on a weight basis. These observations demonstrate that MBP, ECP, and EDN are distinctive cationic proteins of the human eosinophil granule and that eosinophil granules from patients with eosinophilia contain considerably greater quantities of MBP than ECP.  相似文献   

We examined the bactericidal activity of two proteins that are abundant in the cytoplasmic granules of human eosinophils, major basic protein (MBP) and eosinophil cationic protein (ECP). Unlike the human neutrophil's peptide defensins, both MBP and ECP killed stationary phase Staphylococcus aureus 502A in a simple nutrient-free buffer solution. Although MBP also killed Escherichia coli ML-35 with considerable efficacy under these experimental conditions, the in vitro activity of ECP against E. coli was considerably enhanced if mid-logarithmic phase bacteria replaced stationary phase organisms or if the assay medium was enriched with trypticase soy broth. The antibacterial activity of both eosinophil proteins was modulated by incubation time, protein concentration, temperature and pH. A pBR322-transformed derivative of E. coli ML-35 was used to examine the effects of ECP and MBP on integrity of the bacterial inner membrane (IM) and outer membrane. Although both MBP and ECP caused outer and inner membrane permeabilization when nutrients were present, only MBP was effective under nutrient-free conditions. Two proton ionophores (DNP and carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenyl hydrazone) protected E. coli from the bactericidal effects of ECP but not from MBP. These findings establish that MBP and ECP have bactericidal properties and suggest that these proteins kill E. coli by similar but nonidentical mechanisms marked by an attack on the target cell's membranes. In view of evidence that high concentrations of ECP and MBP exist in cytoplasmic granules whose contents are translocated to phagocytic vacuoles, we suggest that MBP and ECP contribute to the eosinophil's ability to kill ingested bacteria.  相似文献   

The eosinophil granule proteins, major basic protein (MBP) and eosinophil cationic protein (ECP), activate mast cells during inflammation; however the mechanism responsible for this activity is poorly understood. We found that some theoretical tryptase-digested fragments of MBP and ECP induced degranulation of human cord blood-derived mast cells (HCMCs). The spectrum of activities of these peptides in HCMCs coincided with intracellular Ca2+ mobilization activities in Mas-related G-protein coupled receptor family member X2 (MRGPRX2)-expressing HEK293 cells. Two peptides corresponding to MBP residues 99–110 (MBP (99–110)) and ECP residues 29–45 (ECP (29–45)), respectively, induced degranulation of HCMCs and intracellular Ca2+ mobilization in MRGPRX2-expressing HEK293 cells in a concentration-dependent manner. Stimulation with MBP (99–110) or ECP (29–45) induced the production of prostaglandin D2 by HCMCs. The activities of MBP (99–110) and ECP (29–45) in both HCMCs and MRGPRX2-expressing HEK293 cells were inhibited by MRGPRX2-specific antagonists. In conclusion, these results indicated that MBP and ECP fragments activate HCMCs, and it may occur via MRGPRX2. Our findings suggest that tryptase-digested fragments of eosinophil cationic proteins acting via the MRGPRX2 pathway may further our understanding of mast cell/eosinophil communication.  相似文献   

The localization of the guinea pig eosinophil major basic protein (MBP) within the cell was investigated by the use of immunoelectron microscopy and by isolation of the granule crystalloids. First, by immunoperoxidase electron microscopy, we found that the MBP of eosinophil granules is contained within the crystalloid core of the granule. Specific staining of cores was present when rabbit antiserum to MBP was used as the first stage antibody in a double antibody staining procedure, whereas staining was not seen when normal rabbit serum was used as the first stage antibody. Second, crystalloids were isolated from eosinophil granules by disruption in 0.1% Triton X-100 and centrifugation through a cushion of 50% sucrose. Highly purified core preparations yielded essentially a single band when analyzed by electrophoresis on polyacrylamide gels containing 1% sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS). The E1%1cm of the core protein was 26.8 +/- 1.0 (X +/- SEM); the E1%1cm for the MBP was 26.3. The core protein could not be distinguished from the MBP by radioimmunoassay (RIA) and essentially all of the protein in the core preparations could be accounted for as MBP. The results indicate that the MBP is contained in the core of the guinea pig eosinophil granule and that it is probably the only protein present in the core.  相似文献   

Summary Eosinophil granule major basic protein (MBP) is a potent toxin for mammalian cells and helminths, but the mechaism of its toxicity is not known. Here we tested whether MBP toxicity is exerted through its effect on the lipid bilayer of its targets. Liposomes prepared from synthetic phospholipids were used as targets for MBP and their properties examined by fluorescence and circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy. MBP caused a change in the temperature transition profiles of acidic liposomes (1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphatidyl serine or an equimolar mixture of 1,2-dimyristoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine and 1,2-dimyristoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphatidic acid) and induced their aggregation as shown by fluorescence resonance energy transfer experiments. The CD spectra and fluorescence characteristics of MBP itself were altered by its interaction with acidic lipids. Blue shifts in the emission maxima of the Trp, and of the dimethylaminonaphthyl moiety in acrylodan-labeled MBP, and a reduction in the effectiveness of quenching of Trp fluorescence by acrylamide were observed in the presence of acidic lipids. None of these effects were noted with zwitterionic lipids. This MBP : lipid bilayer interaction resulted in fusion and lysis of liposomes as indicated by the fluorescent indicator calcein. The results demonstrate that MBP associates with acidic lipids and that it disrupts, aggregates, fuses, and lyses liposomes prepared from such lipids. Such interaction might account for its wide range of toxicity.Abbreviations used Acrylodan 6-acryloyl-2-dimethylam-inonaphthalene - CD circular dichroism - DMPA 1,2-dimyrist-oyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphatidic acid - DMPC 1,2-dimyristoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine - DPH 1,6-diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene - DTT dithiothreitol - FRET fluorescence resonance energy transfer - HEPES N-2-hydroxyethyl piperazine-N-2-ethane sulfonic acid - K sv Stern-Volmer constant - K q bimolecular quenching coefficient - em emission wavelength - ex excitation wavelength - MBP major basic protein - MOPC 1-oleoyl-2-hydroxy-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine - NBD-PE N-(7-nitro-2,1,3-benzo-xadiazol-4-yl)-phosphatidylethanolamine - nMBP native major basic protein - PBS phosphate-buffered saline - POPC 1-palmit-oyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine - POPS 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphatidyl serine - raMBP reduced and alkylated major basic protein - RHO-PE rhodamine-phosphatidylethanolamine - Tes N-tris[hydroxymethyl]-methyl-2-amino-ethane-sulfonic acid - Tris tris[hydroxymethyl]-amino-methane We would like to thank Dr. Predrag J.K. Ilich for assistance with initial data analysis, Dr. Salah S. Sedarous for the lifetime data and for helpful discussions, Dr. S. Yu. Venyaminov for helpful discussions, Mr. Kenneth D. Peters and Mr. Peter J. Callahan for assistance with some of the illustrations, and Ms. Jill Wagner for performing the radioimmunoassays. We would also like to thank Ms. Jill Kappers for excellent secretarial work. This work was supported in part by a Fellowship grant from the American Heart Association, Minnesota Affiliate, and by grants from the National Institutes of Health AI 09728 and from the Mayo Foundation. RIA-G is a Fellow of the American Heart Association.  相似文献   

An immunoelectron microscopic technique using protein A-gold as a specific marker was used for precise intracellular localization of eosinophil granule proteins. Eosinophils from healthy individuals were isolated in metrizamide gradients. Eosinophil cationic protein (ECP) and eosinophil peroxidase (EPO) were clearly located in the matrix of the large crystalloid-containing granules. In addition, ECP was probably present in the small granules of eosinophils. Major basic protein (MBP) was present in the crystalloid structure of specific granules. This method can be applied in studies of eosinophil degranulation to trace the release of biological effector molecules.  相似文献   

Human eosinophils contain several distinctive proteins including eosinophil granule MBP and the membrane-associated CLC protein (lysophospholipase). Human basophils also contain these proteins, indicating biochemical similarities between eosinophils and basophils. To determine whether MBP or CLC protein is present in connective tissue mast cells, we studied human lung and cutaneous mast cells by immunofluorescence by utilizing specific antibodies to CLC and MBP. Cytocentrifuge slides of enriched lung mast cells and mast cells in sections of formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded cutaneous tissue from urticaria pigmentosa lesions were stained for CLC and MBP. Neither pulmonary nor cutaneous mast cells stained for CLC protein or MBP. In contrast, lung and cutaneous eosinophils in the same preparations showed bright staining for both proteins. The failure to find CLC protein and MBP in mast cells provides additional evidence of dissimilarity between mast cells and basophils, and an immunochemical means to distinguish between them.  相似文献   

Eosinophil granule major basic protein (MBP) and neutrophils have each been implicated in the inflammatory late phase events of allergic disease. Based on this association and flow cytometric evidence presented in this report for MBP binding to neutrophils, we examined the ability of MBP to activate human neutrophils. Incubation of neutrophils with 0.5 to 3.0 microM MBP at room temperature produced a concentration-dependent chemiluminescence (CL) response that peaked after 50 to 70 min. Reduced-and-alkylated MBP, eosinophil cationic protein, and eosinophil-derived neurotoxin did not induce CL. MBP-induced CL was abrogated in the absence of Ca2+ and was absent in neutrophils isolated from two individuals with chronic granulomatous disease. MBP also stimulated release of superoxide anion (O2-) and lysozyme but not beta-glucuronidase or lactate dehydrogenase. Additionally, 1.5 microM MBP in combination with FMLP or platelet-activating factor stimulated a synergistic increase in O2- release from cytochalasin B-treated neutrophils. The degree of synergism with FMLP or platelet-activating factor was inversely related (p less than 0.005) to the level of MBP-induced O2- release. These results indicate that MBP activates neutrophils in a noncytolytic fashion and provide evidence that eosinophil-neutrophil collaboration may contribute to the pathogenesis observed in allergic late phase reactions.  相似文献   

Myelin from the central nervous system contains an unusual basic protein, which can induce experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis. The basic protein from human brain was digested with trypsin and other enzymes and the sequence of the 170 amino acids was determined. The localization of the encephalitogenic determinants was described. Possible roles for the protein in the structure and function of myelin are discussed.  相似文献   

Bovine amyloid protein AA: isolation and amino acid sequence analysis   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Amyloid-laden renal glomeruli were selectively isolated from a cow with a history of multiple organ inflammatory diseases which terminated in amyloid-induced glomerulopathy and severe proteinuria. Lyophilized amyloid fibrils obtained by water extraction procedures were dissolved in 6M guanidine hydrochloride and gel filtered on Sepharose CL6B and Sephacryl S-300 Superfine columns for slab gel electrophoresis, analytic isoelectric focusing, and amino acid sequence analyses. Electrophoresis of material from the major retarded peak of the elution profile revealed that bovine protein AA moves as one band with an apparent molecular mass of about 14,000 Daltons. Several distinct bands between approximately pH 4.0 and 5.0 were observed when this material was evaluated by analytic isoelectric focusing, thus having a pattern resembling that of human and dog protein AA. A blocked N-terminus was demonstrated when protein from the major retarded peak was subjected to amino acid sequencing, but cyanogen bromide cleavage followed by gel filtration produced 3 peptide fragments for amino acid sequence analysis. These peptides had a high degree of homology with positions 4-14, 18-24 and 25-49 of human protein AA. An apparent complete homology between bovine protein AA and protein AA from other species was apparent at positions 35-45, providing further evidence that this is a functionally significant part of the serum protein AA (SAA) molecule.  相似文献   

The complete amino acid sequence (186 amino acid residues) of a basic cytosolic protein from bovine brain has been determined. It was previously described as a phosphatidylethanolamine binding protein. Computer analyses have been used to calculate its hydropathy profile and to predict its secondary structure. Comparison with other proteins did not detect any significant sequence similarity, except for a short region which presents 53% sequence homology with bovine phosphatidylcholine transfer protein.  相似文献   

Human beta-hexosaminidase (EC is a lysosomal enzyme that hydrolyzes terminal N-acetylhexosamines from GM2 ganglioside, oligosaccharides, and other carbohydrate-containing macromolecules. There are two major forms of hexosaminidase: hexosaminidase A, with the structure alpha(beta a beta b), and hexosaminidase B, 2(beta a beta b). Like other lysosomal proteins, hexosaminidase is targeted to its destination via glycosylation and processing in the rough endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus. Phosphorylation of specific mannose residues allows binding of the protein to the phosphomannosyl receptor and transfer to the lysosome. In order to define the structure and placement of the oligosaccharides in mature hexosaminidase and thus identify candidate mannose 6-phosphate recipient sites, the major tryptic/chymotryptic glycopeptides from each isozyme were purified by reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography. Two major concanavalin A binding glycopeptides, localized to the beta b chain, and one non concanavalin A binding glycopeptide, localized to the beta a chain, were found associated with the beta-subunit in both hexosaminidase A and hexosaminidase B. A single major concanavalin A binding glycopeptide was found to be associated with the alpha subunit of hexosaminidase A. The oligosaccharide structures were determined by nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry. Two of them, the alpha and one of the beta b glycans, contained a Man3-GlcNAc2 structure, while the remaining one on the beta b chain was composed of a mixture of Man5-7-GlcNAc2 glycans. The unique glycopeptide associated with the beta a chain contained a single GlcNAc residue. Thus, all three mature polypeptides comprising the alpha and beta subunits of hexosaminidase contain carbohydrate, the structures of which have the appearance of being partially degraded in the lysosome. In the alpha chain we found only one possible site for in vivo phosphorylation. In the beta it is unclear if only one or all three of the sites could have contained phosphate. However, mature placental hexosaminidase A and B can be rephosphorylated in vitro. This requires the presence of an oligosaccharide containing an alpha 1,2-linked mannose residue. Only the single Man6-7 (of the Man5-7-GlcNAc2 glycans) containing site on the beta b chain retains this type of residue. Therefore, this site may act as the sole in vitro substrate in both of the mature isozymes for the phosphotransferase.  相似文献   

Using a cDNA probe encoding the nucleolar protein N038 of Xenopus laevis, we have isolated clones that code for the corresponding mammalian protein from cDNA libraries of mouse embryonal carcinoma and fetal liver cells. The murine cDNA-derived amino acid sequence defines a polypeptide of 292 amino acids (including the initial methionine) of a total molecular weight of 32560 and identifies a single 1.5 kb mRNA on Northern blot hybridization. This polypeptide, which is highly homologous to the Xenopus protein N038, displays an organization in three major domains: (1) an aminoterminal portion of 119 amino acids, which shows a striking homology to nucleoplasmin of Xenopus; (2) a central portion of 68 amino acids that contains two extended acidic domains, a shorter of 13 residues and a longer of 29 residues, separated by an interval enriched in positively charged amino acids; (3) a carboxyterminal portion of 105 amino acids, which is almost identical to the reported partial amino acid sequence of human and rat nucleolar protein termed B23. The sequence comparisons show that the murine protein is the mammalian counterpart to the nucleolar protein N038 of Xenopus and is compatible with the idea that both proteins N038 represent the amphibian and murine equivalents to the human and rat nucleolar phosphoprotein B23. Special sequence features and predicted conformations of this protein are discussed in relation to the specific localization and the possible functions of this major nucleolar protein.  相似文献   

The complete amino acid sequence of one of the major wheat protein iso-inhibitors of α-amylase was determined. The sequence was deduced from analysis of fragments and peptides derived from the protein by cleavage with cyanogen bromide and by digestion with trypsin, chymotrypsin, thermolysin and the Staphylococcus aureus V8 protease. The molecule consists of a single polypeptide chain of 123 residues. Both serine and alanine were found in position 65, and further minor examples of microheterogeneity were observed in four other residues.  相似文献   

N Geisler  U Plessmann  K Weber 《FEBS letters》1985,182(2):475-478
The first complete amino acid sequence of a neurofilament protein has been established. Porcine NF-L contains 548 residues corresponding to a molecular mass of approximately 62 kDa. This value is noticeably smaller than the 68-72 kDa estimates from gel electrophoresis. Sequence comparison among the 6 non-epithelial intermediate filament (IF) proteins of warm-blooded vertebrates shows that the three NF proteins are the most remote members. Additionally and unexpectedly they reveal among each other lower sequence identity than the three non-neuronal IF proteins GFAP, desmin, and vimentin where the last two are particularly closely related. Certain schemes of IF protein evolution are discussed.  相似文献   

Major basic protein (MBP) purified from guinea pig eosinophils elicited histamine release from rat peritoneal mast cells at concentrations higher than 3 micrograms/ml both in the presence and in the absence of extracellular Ca2+. After reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography, it was revealed that MBP was composed of two different proteins with quite similar molecular weights and pI values, although the amino acid compositions were slightly different. The partial amino acid sequence of one of these MBPs was determined and the primers for the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) were synthesized according to the partial amino acid sequence. Using these primers and the cDNAs obtained from guinea pig eosinophils, the PCR was carried out in order to synthesize the hybridization probe of MBP for screening the cDNA library. After screening with 8 x 10(5) clones, a positive clone, which encoded a full length of pre-proMBP, was obtained. According to the sequencing data of this clone, it was revealed that pre-proMBP was composed of 3 domains; signal peptide, acidic domain and mature MBP. The predicted pI value of mature MBP was 11.7, though that of proMBP was 7.8. The homology in the amino acid sequence between guinea pig proMBP and human proMBP was 49.4%, while guinea pig mature MBP was more homologous (58%) to human mature MBP.  相似文献   

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