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The problem of structural identifiability of compartmental systems receiving constant input rates of tracer material is studied, and the relationship between this steady-state problem and that of identification using the impulse response is sought. Input connectability of the compartmental system allows exogenous inputs to produce arbitrary steady-state values anywhere in state space, resulting in sufficient conditions for the structural identifiability of the system when direct measurements can be made for every compartment. Because of the steady-state nature of the problem, the systems concept of output connectability is shown to play no role in this identification scheme. The importance of constant-infusion tracer experiments is demonstrated for a compartment model describing volatile fatty acid production and conversion in ruminants.  相似文献   

The paper presents a sufficient and necessary condition for unique structural identifiability of linear compartmental models. By virtue of this result unique identifiability can be tested via the analysis of some submodels of the original model. Thus, the identifiability problem is reduced step by step to simpler and, finally, to rather trivial problems. In addition to the knowledge of the symbolic expression of the transfer-function matrix, the proposed method of full-rank submodels requires only some numerical rank determinations, and hence allows for a quick and interactive test for unique structural identifiability. The procedure also gives a lower bound on the number of different solutions.  相似文献   

The identification of a linear compartment model, which may describe a chemical or biological process, is a difficult task, since the available data is generally limited. In this paper we propose a method for determining the state transition matrix by minimizing a given quadratic criterion. To solve the resulting matrix equation, an assumption has to be made which constitutes a necessary condition for the identifiability of the model. Moreover when this assumption is satisfied, it is shown that the knowledge of one line or one column of the transition matrix is sufficient to define it completely.  相似文献   

Modelling has proved an essential tool for addressing research into biotechnological processes, particularly with a view to their optimization and control. Parameter estimation via optimization approaches is among the major steps in the development of biotechnology models. In fact, one of the first tasks in the development process is to determine whether the parameters concerned can be unambiguously determined and provide meaningful physical conclusions as a result. The analysis process is known as 'identifiability' and presents two different aspects: structural or theoretical identifiability and practical identifiability. While structural identifiability is concerned with model structure alone, practical identifiability takes into account both the quantity and quality of experimental data. In this work, we discuss the theoretical identifiability of a new model for the acetic acid fermentation process and review existing methods for this purpose.  相似文献   

A structural identifiability analysis is performed on a mathematical model for the coupled transmission of two classes of pathogen. The pathogens, classified as major and minor, are aetiological agents of mastitis in dairy cows that interact directly and via the immunological reaction in their hosts. Parameter estimates are available from experimental data for all but four of the parameters in the model. Data from a longitudinal study of infection are used to estimate these unknown parameters. A novel approach and application of structural identifiability analysis is combined in this paper with the estimation of cross-protection parameters using epidemiological data.  相似文献   

In this paper methods from differential algebra are used to study the structural identifiability of biological and pharmacokinetics models expressed in state-space form and with a structure given by rational functions. The focus is on the examples presented and on the application of efficient, automatic methods to test for structural identifiability for various input-output experiments. Differential algebra methods are coupled with Gr?bner bases, Lie derivatives and the Taylor series expansion in order to obtain efficient algorithms. In particular, an upper bound on the number of derivatives needed for the Taylor series approach for a structural identifiability analysis of rational function models is given.  相似文献   

What is a good (useful) mathematical model in animal science? For models constructed for prediction purposes, the question of model adequacy (usefulness) has been traditionally tackled by statistical analysis applied to observed experimental data relative to model-predicted variables. However, little attention has been paid to analytic tools that exploit the mathematical properties of the model equations. For example, in the context of model calibration, before attempting a numerical estimation of the model parameters, we might want to know if we have any chance of success in estimating a unique best value of the model parameters from available measurements. This question of uniqueness is referred to as structural identifiability; a mathematical property that is defined on the sole basis of the model structure within a hypothetical ideal experiment determined by a setting of model inputs (stimuli) and observable variables (measurements). Structural identifiability analysis applied to dynamic models described by ordinary differential equations (ODEs) is a common practice in control engineering and system identification. This analysis demands mathematical technicalities that are beyond the academic background of animal science, which might explain the lack of pervasiveness of identifiability analysis in animal science modelling. To fill this gap, in this paper we address the analysis of structural identifiability from a practitioner perspective by capitalizing on the use of dedicated software tools. Our objectives are (i) to provide a comprehensive explanation of the structural identifiability notion for the community of animal science modelling, (ii) to assess the relevance of identifiability analysis in animal science modelling and (iii) to motivate the community to use identifiability analysis in the modelling practice (when the identifiability question is relevant). We focus our study on ODE models. By using illustrative examples that include published mathematical models describing lactation in cattle, we show how structural identifiability analysis can contribute to advancing mathematical modelling in animal science towards the production of useful models and, moreover, highly informative experiments via optimal experiment design. Rather than attempting to impose a systematic identifiability analysis to the modelling community during model developments, we wish to open a window towards the discovery of a powerful tool for model construction and experiment design.  相似文献   

Chis OT  Banga JR  Balsa-Canto E 《PloS one》2011,6(11):e27755
Analysing the properties of a biological system through in silico experimentation requires a satisfactory mathematical representation of the system including accurate values of the model parameters. Fortunately, modern experimental techniques allow obtaining time-series data of appropriate quality which may then be used to estimate unknown parameters. However, in many cases, a subset of those parameters may not be uniquely estimated, independently of the experimental data available or the numerical techniques used for estimation. This lack of identifiability is related to the structure of the model, i.e. the system dynamics plus the observation function. Despite the interest in knowing a priori whether there is any chance of uniquely estimating all model unknown parameters, the structural identifiability analysis for general non-linear dynamic models is still an open question. There is no method amenable to every model, thus at some point we have to face the selection of one of the possibilities. This work presents a critical comparison of the currently available techniques. To this end, we perform the structural identifiability analysis of a collection of biological models. The results reveal that the generating series approach, in combination with identifiability tableaus, offers the most advantageous compromise among range of applicability, computational complexity and information provided.  相似文献   



Mathematical models provide abstract representations of the information gained from experimental observations on the structure and function of a particular biological system. Conferring a predictive character on a given mathematical formulation often relies on determining a number of non-measurable parameters that largely condition the model's response. These parameters can be identified by fitting the model to experimental data. However, this fit can only be accomplished when identifiability can be guaranteed.


We propose a novel iterative identification procedure for detecting and dealing with the lack of identifiability. The procedure involves the following steps: 1) performing a structural identifiability analysis to detect identifiable parameters; 2) globally ranking the parameters to assist in the selection of the most relevant parameters; 3) calibrating the model using global optimization methods; 4) conducting a practical identifiability analysis consisting of two (a priori and a posteriori) phases aimed at evaluating the quality of given experimental designs and of the parameter estimates, respectively and 5) optimal experimental design so as to compute the scheme of experiments that maximizes the quality and quantity of information for fitting the model.


The presented procedure was used to iteratively identify a mathematical model that describes the NF-κB regulatory module involving several unknown parameters. We demonstrated the lack of identifiability of the model under typical experimental conditions and computed optimal dynamic experiments that largely improved identifiability properties.  相似文献   

While a choice of techniques exists for checking the deterministic (structural) identifiability of a specific linear, time-invariant model from a specific experiment, and some progress has been made towards topological criteria for identifiability, no method at present available allows quick and reliable checking of a range of models for globally unique identifiability from a range of experiments. Even individual cases are sometimes difficult and tedious to check. The reasons are examined by exhaustive case-by-case analysis of single-input experiments on all possible three-compartment models. All patterns of loss to the environment are covered, and all combinations of observed compartments. Catalogues of minimal observation sets for globally unique identifiability, and of nonuniquely identifiable cases, are presented. The structural causes of nonuniqueness are discussed by reference to examples from the latter catalogue. Methods are given for shortening the derivation of the structural equations giving rise to nonunique parameters. From the diversity of behavior found, it is concluded that the prospects of obtaining a comprehensive set of necessary and sufficient structural conditions for globally unique identifiability are poor.  相似文献   

A recent paper published in PLOS Computational Biology [1] introduces the Scaling Invariance Method (SIM) for analysing structural local identifiability and observability. These two properties define mathematically the possibility of determining the values of the parameters (identifiability) and states (observability) of a dynamic model by observing its output. In this note we warn that SIM considers scaling symmetries as the only possible cause of non-identifiability and non-observability. We show that other types of symmetries can cause the same problems without being detected by SIM, and that in those cases the method may lead one to conclude that the model is identifiable and observable when it is actually not.  相似文献   

This paper considers the implications of a structural identifiability analysis on a series of fundamental three-compartment epidemic model structures, derived around the general SIR (susceptible–infective–recovered) framework. The models represent various forms of incomplete immunity acquired through natural infection, or from administration of a birth targeted vaccination programme. It is shown that the addition of a vaccination campaign has a negative effect on the structural identifiability of all considered models. In particular, the actual proportion of vaccination coverage achieved, an essential parameter, cannot be uniquely estimated from even ideal prevalence data.  相似文献   

Lack of unique structural identifiability for parameters of dynamic system models is a very common situation with practical experimental schemes, particularly when studying biological systems. However, for well-structured (e.g., multicompartmental) models, it is often possible to localize unidentifiable parameters between finite limits (“interval identifiability”), using the same data base, and under certain conditions these limits nearly coincide. Two new results in this area are presented: (1) The smallest ranges on all unidentifiable rate constants and pool sizes of the most general n-compartment mammillary system are derived, in an easy-to-program algorithmic form, for the common case of input forcing and output measurements in the central pool only. From these results we see why elimination rate constants (“leaks”) are difficult to distinguish from zero, whereas exchange rate constants between pools, and pool sizes, may be bounded very tightly in certain circumstances. (2) The notion of quasiidentifiability, or sufficient identifiability for practical purposes, is introduced to quantify these circumstances. Each of the rate constants between central and peripheral pools, and all pool sizes, are quasiidentifiable if the magnitude of the ratio of the coefficient to the eigenvalue of the slowest mode is very much greater than the largest coefficient in the sum-of-exponentials response function. Also quasiidentifiability is a necessary condition for applicability of noncompartmental analysis to estimate pool sizes and residence times of mammillary systems with “leaky” noncentral pools.  相似文献   

Metabolic flux analysis using carbon labeling experiments (CLEs) is an important tool in metabolic engineering where the intracellular fluxes have to be computed from the measured extracellular fluxes and the partially measured distribution of 13C labeling within the intracellular metabolite pools. The relation between unknown fluxes and measurements is described by an isotopomer labeling system (ILS) (see Part I [Math. Biosci. 169 (2001) 173]). Part II deals with the structural flux identifiability of measured ILSs in the steady state. The central question is whether the measured data contains sufficient information to determine the unknown intracellular fluxes. This question has to be decided a priori, i.e. before the CLE is carried out. In structural identifiability analysis the measurements are assumed to be noise-free. A general theory of structural flux identifiability for measured ILSs is presented and several algorithms are developed to solve the identifiability problem. In the particular case of maximal measurement information, a symbolical algorithm is presented that decides the identifiability question by means of linear methods. Several upper bounds of the number of identifiable fluxes are derived, and the influence of the chosen inputs is evaluated. By introducing integer arithmetic this algorithm can even be applied to large networks. For the general case of arbitrary measurement information, identifiability is decided by a local criterion. A new algorithm based on integer arithmetic enables an a priori local identifiability analysis to be performed for networks of arbitrary size. All algorithms have been implemented and flux identifiability is investigated for the network of the central metabolic pathways of a microorganism. Moreover, several small examples are worked out to illustrate the influence of input metabolite labeling and the paradox of information loss due to network simplification.  相似文献   

In this paper some structural properties of a strongly connected compartmental system are illustrated. In particular a suitable set of “cycles” and “paths” associated to the compartmental graph is constructed, such that an application exists between the parameter space and the space of sycles and paths, whose suitable restriction is a bijection. It is shown that this set contains the minimum number of functions necessary to uniquely identify the parametrization vector, and its relevance in identifiability analysis is illustrated.  相似文献   

Identifiability of statistical models is a fundamental regularity condition that is required for valid statistical inference. Investigation of model identifiability is mathematically challenging for complex models such as latent class models. Jones et al. used Goodman's technique to investigate the identifiability of latent class models with applications to diagnostic tests in the absence of a gold standard test. The tool they used was based on examining the singularity of the Jacobian or the Fisher information matrix, in order to obtain insights into local identifiability (ie, there exists a neighborhood of a parameter such that no other parameter in the neighborhood leads to the same probability distribution as the parameter). In this paper, we investigate a stronger condition: global identifiability (ie, no two parameters in the parameter space give rise to the same probability distribution), by introducing a powerful mathematical tool from computational algebra: the Gröbner basis. With several existing well-known examples, we argue that the Gröbner basis method is easy to implement and powerful to study global identifiability of latent class models, and is an attractive alternative to the information matrix analysis by Rothenberg and the Jacobian analysis by Goodman and Jones et al.  相似文献   

In this paper we identify biologically relevant families of models whose structural identifiability analysis could not be performed with available techniques directly. The models considered come from both the immunological and epidemiological literature.  相似文献   

Some a priori and a posteriori aspects of the identifiability problem for unidentifiable models are discussed. It is argued that the nation of identifiability from parameter bounds has a minor a priori structural relevance. The parameter bounds rationale may prove a useful a posteriori numerical notion. However, its practical potentiality needs careful evaluation, as the use of point estimates automatically builds into the model some hidden structural constraints. Examples are given.  相似文献   

In this paper we develop a comprehensive approach to determining the parametric structure of models. This involves considering whether a model is parameter redundant or not and investigating model identifiability. The approach adopted makes use of exhaustive summaries, quantities that uniquely define the model. We review and generalise previous work on evaluating the symbolic rank of an appropriate derivative matrix to detect parameter redundancy, and then develop further tools for use within this framework, based on a matrix decomposition. Complex models, where the symbolic rank is difficult to calculate, may be simplified structurally using reparameterisation and by finding a reduced-form exhaustive summary. The approach of the paper is illustrated using examples from ecology, compartment modelling and Bayes networks. This work is topical as models in the biosciences and elsewhere are becoming increasingly complex.  相似文献   

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