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Metastasis of malignant tumors is a major cause of morbidity and mortality. Inhibition of tumor growth in distant organs is of clinical importance. We have demonstrated that C11C1, a murine monoclonal antibody to the light chain region of high molecular weight kininogen (HK), reduces growth of murine multiple myeloma in normal mice and human colon cancer in nude mice. C11C1 inhibits angiogenesis by reducing tumor microvascular density by blocking binding of HK to endothelial cells. We now evaluate the anti-metastatic effect of C11C1 on C57BL/6 mouse lung metastatic model using B16F10 melanoma cells. The tail veins of mice were injected with 0.5 × 106 cells of melanoma B16F10. One group received C11C1 and the other received saline (control) intraperitoneally. When mice were killed at 28 days, 6 of 10 control mice had detectable metastatic pulmonary nodules which stained positive with an antibody against S-100 protein, a tumor antigen present in malignant melanoma cells. In the C11C1 groups, none of the mice showed metastatic foci in their lungs. We showed that C11C1 inhibits endothelial cell tube formation in a 3-D collagen fibrinogen gel model by inhibiting the rate of cleavage of HK by plasma kallikrein without changing the binding affinity for HK. These studies demonstrate that a monoclonal antibody to HK has the potential to prevent metastasis with minimal side effects.  相似文献   

Domain 5 of high molecular weight kininogen is antibacterial   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Antimicrobial peptides are important effectors of the innate immune system. These peptides belong to a multifunctional group of molecules that apart from their antibacterial activities also interact with mammalian cells and glycosaminoglycans and control chemotaxis, apoptosis, and angiogenesis. Here we demonstrate a novel antimicrobial activity of the heparin-binding and cell-binding domain 5 of high molecular weight kininogen. Antimicrobial epitopes of domain 5 were characterized by analysis of overlapping peptides. A peptide, HKH20 (His(479)-His(498)), efficiently killed the Gram-negative bacteria Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa and the Gram-positive Enterococcus faecalis. Fluorescence microscopy and electron microscopy demonstrated that HKH20 binds to and induces breaks in bacterial membranes. Furthermore, no discernible hemolysis or membrane-permeabilizing effects on eukaryotic cells were noted. Proteolytic degradation of high molecular weight kininogen by neutrophil-derived proteases as well as the metalloproteinase elastase from P. aeruginosa yielded fragments comprising HKH20 epitopes, indicating that kininogen-derived antibacterial peptides are released during proteolysis.  相似文献   

We have recently demonstrated that human high molecular weight kininogen (HMWK) is a pro-cofactor that is cleaved by kallikrein to yield a two-chain cofactor (HMWKa) and the nanopeptide bradykinin. This proteolysis enhances its association with an activating surface, an event necessary for expression of its cofactor activity. We now report that factor XIa is capable of hydrolyzing HMWK and releasing bradykinin in a purified system as well as cleaving and inactivating HMWK in a plasma environment during the contact-activation process. The profile of proteolysis differs from that produced by kallikrein and by factor XIIa in that the first cleavage by factor XIa yields 75- and 45-kDa polypeptides, whereas both factor XIIa and kallikrein initially produce 65- and 56-kDa species. Further proteolysis by all three enzymes eventually produces similar heavy chains (Mr = 65,000) and light chains (Mr = 45,000). However, the amount of factor XIa generated in plasma during contact activation further degrades the light chain of HMWK, eventually destroying its coagulant activity. Furthermore, in a purified system, enhancement of the degradation of HMWK coagulant activity by factor XIa was achieved when kallikrein was included in the incubation mixture, suggesting that the preferred substrate for factor XIa is the active form of HMWK (HMWKa), and not the pro-cofactor. These data suggest that factor XIa has the potential to act as a regulator of contact-activated coagulation by virtue of its ability to destroy the cofactor function of HMWK after its generation by either kallikrein, factor XIIa, or to a lesser extent, factor XIa, itself.  相似文献   

High molecular weight (HMW) kininogen is known to be a large plasma protein and cleaved by plasma proteinase kallikrein, then it generates four fragments in the blood coagulation cascade: heavy chain, bradykinin, fragment 1.2, and light chain. The fragment 1.2 has also been found in the basic protein fraction of bovine milk as a bioactive protein which promotes osteoblast proliferation. The milk basic protein has been shown to be a multi functional edible protein which promotes bone formation and inhibits bone resorption. In the present study, we purified the fragment 1.2 from bovine plasma and assessed it could promote osteoblast proliferation and posses the activity after pepsin digestion. Purified plasma HMW kininogen did not promote the proliferation, however, the kallikrein-cleaved HMW kininogen promoted the proliferation. The fragment 1.2, purified from the proteolysate, also promoted the proliferation. The pepsin digestion was performed according to the method of the assessment of allergenesity of genetically modified crops. After pepsin digestion, the fragment 1.2 generated resistant fragments and showed the promoting activity of osteoblast proliferation. These results suggest that the enzymatically-digested fragments of bovine HMW kininogen are able to be a naturally occurred active protein that promotes the bone formation by oral administration.  相似文献   

High molecular weight kininogen is a cofactor of the surface-dependent phase of the blood-clotting cascade. Unique sequence-binding sites are exposed on the surface of this glycoprotein which complex prekallikrein or factor XI with high affinity and specificity (Tait and Fujikawa, 1987). A sequence comprising 31-residues (residues 565–595 of the mature kininogen molecule) retains full binding activity for prekallikrein but the sequence 569–595 (27 residues) shows only 25% of this binding affinity (Vogelet al., 1990). Thus, the key structural features required for protein recognition reside in the 31-residue sequence but these features are likely compromised (or absent) in the 27-residue sequence. To determine the conformation of the prekallikrein-binding domain, peptides comprising the 31- and 27-residue sequences were prepared by solid-phase methods and their structures determined by circular dichroism, fluorescence polarization, and 2D-NMR techniques. Fluorescence emission spectra, polarization, and anisotropy measurements of the single Trp residue present in both peptides show that the 31-residue peptide contains an ordered microenvironment at its amino terminus, which is not present in the 27-residue peptide. This structural ordering is characterized by movement of the Trp residue into a more polar environment. Further, the 31-residue peptide possesses a higher limit anisotropy, longer rotational relaxation time, and shows a higher polarization value even at elevated temperatures. Circular dichroic spectra of both peptides in the far UV region are essentially identical and indicate that both peptides contain predominantly -turn elements, but also contain some -helix, -sheet, and random coil character. The structural elements of both peptides are unchanged in urea solution, but the negative ellipticity absorption band in the near UV region assignable to Trp is eliminated in acid solution upon protonation of the neighboring -Asp-Asp-Asp- triplet. In the two peptides, the spin system of each amino acid has been assigned through 2D-1H scalar coupling correlated experiments; pure absorption NOESY experiments were used to determine through-space connectivities. The results are entirely consistent with the previous experiments in that both peptides contain predominantly -turn elements and the amino terminus of the 31-residue peptide is highly ordered in comparison with the 27-mer; in fact, this region is likely to be helical in nature. In addition to the turn and sheet elements, the 31-mer shows long-range connectivities which are not present in the 27-mer. Hence, the 31-mer likely folds in solution forming a unique domain. By inference, the N-terminal segment of the 31-residue peptide contributes in large part to its fourfold increase in affinity for prekallikrein.  相似文献   

We previously reported that the binding of two-chain high molecular weight kininogen (HKa) to endothelial cells may occur through interactions with endothelial urokinase receptors. Since the binding of urokinase to urokinase receptors activates signaling responses and may stimulate mitogenesis, we assessed the effect of HKa binding on endothelial cell proliferation. Unexpectedly, HKa inhibited proliferation in response to several growth factors, with 50% inhibition caused by approximately 10 nM HKa. This activity was Zn(2+) dependent and not shared by either single-chain high molecular weight kininogen (HK) or low molecular weight kininogen. HKa selectively inhibited the proliferation of human umbilical vein and dermal microvascular endothelial cells, but did not affect that of umbilical vein or human aortic smooth muscle cells, trophoblasts, fibroblasts, or carcinoma cells. Inhibition of endothelial proliferation by HKa was associated with endothelial cell apoptosis and unaffected by antibodies that block the binding of HK or HKa to any of their known endothelial receptors. Recombinant HK domain 5 displayed activity similar to that of HKa. In vivo, HKa inhibited neovascularization of subcutaneously implanted Matrigel plugs, as well as rat corneal angiogenesis. These results demonstrate that HKa is a novel inhibitor of angiogenesis, whose activity is dependent on the unique conformation of the two-chain molecule.  相似文献   

Plasma kallikrein kinin system (KKS) activation along with its cellular receptors expression are increased after injury and in patients with septic shock, hypotensive bacteremia and rhesus monkey infected with Salmonella typhimurium. KKS signaling cascade is activated by activated factor XII (FXIIa, Hageman factor)- and prolylcarboxypeptidase (PRCP)-dependent pathways on endothelial cells. Among the many entities that comprise the KKS, high molecular weight kininogen (HK), a bradykinin precursor, is critical in the assembly and activation of this system. HK is primarily expressed in the liver and secreted into the bloodstream. The activation of the KKS influences the permeability of the endothelium by liberating bradykinin (BK) from HK. BK is a potent inflammatory peptide which stimulates constitutive bradykinin B2 and inducible B1 receptors to release nitric oxide and prostacyclin. Regardless of the triggers, PK can only be activated on HK bound to the artificial negatively charged or to cell membrane surfaces. Since LPS has a negatively charged moiety and the ability to induce inflammatory responses in human, we determined the interaction between LPS and HK. HKH19 (HK cell binding site) and heparin inhibited LPS binding to HK with IC50s of 15 nM and 20 μg/ml, respectively. C1-inhibitor and N-acetylglucosamine glycan inhibited LPS binding to HK with IC50s of about 10 μg/ml and 10 mM, respectively. This novel study underscores the implication of HK in infection. We propose that HKH19, heparin, and C1-inhibitor present therapeutic potential for the treatment of sepsis and hypotensive bacteremia.  相似文献   

Human high molecular mass kininogen (HK) participates as nonenzymatic cofactor in the contact system. Here, we show that recombinant domain D5 of HK (rD5) prolongs the clotting time of the intrinsic pathway of coagulation and attenuates the generation of bradykinin. Further studies indicate that a correct fold of domain D5 within HK is required for the activation of the contact system. The folding of rD5 seems to be modulated by the metal ions Zn2+, Ni2+, and Cu2+ as a specific antibody directed against the zinc-binding site in HK binds to HK and rD5 in a metal ion concentration dependent manner. The finding that these three metal ions specifically affect contact activation suggests that they regulate the accessibility of rD5 for negatively charged surfaces. Support for the assumption that the observed phenomena are due to conformational changes was obtained by fluorescence spectroscopy of rD5, demonstrating that its fluorescence spectrum was changed in the presence of ZnCl2. Moreover, negative staining electron microscopy experiments suggest that the zinc-induced changes in D5 also affect the conformation of the entire HK protein. The present data emphasize the role of zinc and other metal ions in the regulation of contact activation.  相似文献   

Unique sequence-binding sites are exposed on the surface of high molecular weight kininogen which complex prekallikrein or factor XI with high affinity and specificity. A sequence comprising 31 residues of the mature kininogen molecule (Asp565-Lys595) retains full binding activity for prekallikrein (K D =20 nM) and assumes a complex folded structure in solution which is stabilized by long-range interactions between N- and C-terminal residues. The sequence Trp569-Lys595 (27 residues) shows only 28% of this binding affinity and lacks the key structural features required for protein recognition (Scarsale, J. N., and Harris, R. B.,J. Prot. Chem. 9, 647–659, 1990). We were thus able to predict that N- or C-terminal truncations of the binding-site sequence would disrupt the conformational integrity required for binding. Two new peptides of 20- and 22- residues have now been synthesized and their solution phase structures examined. These peptides are N- and C-terminal truncations, respectively, of the 27-residue sequence and correspond to the sequences Asp576-Lys595 and Trp569-Asp590 of high molecular weight kininogen. The results of fluorescence emission and circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopies in the range 25–90°C and from differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) all substantiate the idea that the C-terminal truncation peptide binds prekallikrein 35-fold poorer than the 31-residue peptide because it is relatively unoredered and possesses a less stable structure. Surprisingly, the N-terminal truncation peptide (20-mer) shows structural stability even at elevated temperatures and, like the 31-residue peptide, undergoes cold-induced denaturation observable in the DSC. 2D-NMR analysis of the 20-residue peptide revealed two distinct structures; one conformer possesses a more compact, folded structure than the other. However, the predicted structures assumed by either conformer are very different from those of either the 31- or 27-residue peptides. Hence, the binding affinity of the 20-residue peptide is 60-fold poorer than that for the 31-residue peptide because it assumes a nonproductive binding conformation(s).  相似文献   

High molecular weight kininogen (HMWK) functions as a cofactor for activation of plasma serine zymogens and as an inhibitor of tissue cysteine proteases. Cell surfaces to which HMWK binds may provide sites for regulation of these systems. Localization of these HMWK-dependent processes at sites of vascular injury may depend on its binding to specific receptors on endothelial cells. In culture, passaged human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) bind anti-HMWK antibody to the cell surface and contain 171 +/- 75 ng of HMWK/10(8) cells. [35S]Methionine-labeled HUVEC in culture synthesize a 120-kDa protein immunoisolated using an anti-kininogen antibody, and a 3500-nucleotide message for human HMWK was detected by Northern blot in RNA extracted from HUVEC. HUVEC also express unoccupied binding sites for HMWK on their surface. 125I-HMWK specifically binds to HUVEC in a reaction requiring Zn2+. 125I-HMWK binding to HUVEC is saturable at 4 degrees C but not at 23 degrees C. 125I-HMWK binds to HUVEC with equal affinity as unlabeled HMWK. Kallikrein, factor XII, fibrinogen, fibronectin, and thrombin do not inhibit 125I-HMWK binding to HUVEC. 125I-HMWK-HUVEC binding remains fully reversible at 60 min following the addition of a 50-fold molar excess HMWK. HUVEC express 9.3 +/- 2.0 X 10(5) (mean +/- S.E.) HMWK binding sites/cell (Kd = 52 +/- 13 nM). Both added and cell-bound 125I-HMWK migrate at 120 kDa on sodium dodecyl sulfate gel electrophoresis, suggesting that the protein remains uncleaved upon binding to the HUVEC surface. These studies indicate that HUVEC synthesize HMWK and the HUVEC surface has a site for its expression. By synthesizing and localizing HMWK to the cell surface, endothelial cells may contribute to the activation of plasma's contact serine zymogens and regulation of tissue cysteine proteases.  相似文献   

The involvement of the high molecular weight rat kininogen in the activation of the rat contact system by kaolin-cephalin, kaolin, sulfatides and ellagic acid has been investigated, using a rat plasma congenitally devoid of this kininogen. Coagulation times induced by these activators were shorter in normal as well as in deficient rat plasma than in normal human plasma. Coagulation times were prolonged in deficient rat plasma, when the incubation times was three min or less. By kaolin or cephalin-kaolin, this prolongation disappeared when the incubation time reached ten min. The activation of plasma prekallikrein developed slowly in deficient plasma with all the triggers but reached control level after ten min of incubation. By kaolin-cephalin, the activation of Hageman factor was weak and slow in deficient plasma during the ten min of incubation. In rat, high molecular weight kininogen plays thus a role in the activation of the contact system by these triggers. But this role seems to be less important than in human plasma.  相似文献   

The effect of kallikrein and factor XIa proteolysis of high molecular weight kininogen (HK) was investigated. Circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy showed that cleavage of HK by plasma kallikrein or urinary kallikrein, both of which result in an active cofactor (HKa), results in conformational change that is characterized by increase in CD ellipticity at 222 nm. This suggests an increase in organized secondary structures. By contrast, cleavage of HK by factor XIa which results in an inactive cofactor (HKi) is characterized by a dramatic decrease in CD ellipticity at 222 nm suggesting an entirely different type of conformational change. The intrinsic fluorescence of HK is enhanced after cleavage by all three proteases. These conformational changes may play a role in determining the structure and function of HKa and HKi.  相似文献   

AimsAntitumour effects of pentapeptide (LH) derived from donkey serum albumin hydrolysates were tested against tumour cells both in vitro and in vivo. The mechanism of LH induced tumour cell apoptosis was investigated.Main methodsHuman promyelocytic leukaemia cells (HL 60) were cultured to observe inhibition in vitro. Two animal models, a solid tumour and a non-entity myeloid leukaemia tumour, were used to determine the effect of LH in vivo. The former, fifty BALB/c nude mice were transplanted with HL 60 cells. The tumours were isolated completely and weighed after treatment. The latter, fifty BALB/c mice were injected intravenously with transplantable erythroblastic leukaemia cells (EL9611 cells). The survival time of mice was recorded and organs were used for histological study. The mechanism about tumour cell apoptosis was evaluated using fluorescence-activated cell sorting and transmission electron microscope for morphological assays.Key findingsThe LH inhibited tumour cell proliferation and the inhibitions were dependent on both the concentration and the dose; the best inhibition rate was up to 70% of the untreated control in vitro.It markedly inhibited the growth of a transplanted tumour with HL 60 cells in an immune-deficient nude mouse model. LH was also able to prolong the survival time of leukaemia mice with transplanted EL9611 cells and prevent the infiltration of leukaemia cells to the main internal organs.SignificanceThe LH peptide is an excellent inhibitor of tumour cell growth. These data provide the experimental foundation to use the LH peptide as a candidate for antitumour drugs in the future.  相似文献   

High molecular weight kininogen (HKg) and T kininogen (TKg) were detected and localized by immunocytochemistry in adult rat hypothalamus. In addition, kininogens were measured by their direct radioimmunoassay (RIA) or by indirect estimation of kinins released after trypsin hydrolysis and high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) separation of bradykinin (BK) and T kinin. A specific HKg immunoreactivity demonstrated with antibodies directed against the light chain (LC) of HKg was colocated with SRIF in neurons of hypothalamic periventricular area (PVA) projecting to external zone (ZE) of median eminence (ME). Heavy chain (HC) immunoreactivity which could be related to HKg or to low molecular weight kininogen (LKg) was detected in some other systems: i) parvocellular neurons of suprachiasmatic (SCN) and arcuate nuclei containing SRIF, ii) magnocellular neurons (mostly oxytocinergic) of paraventricular (PVN) and supraoptic (SON) nuclei, iii) neurons of dorsomedian and lateral hypothalamic areas. TKg immunostaining was restricted to magnocellular neurons of PVN, SON, accessory nuclei (mostly vasopressinergic) and to parvocellular neurons of SCN (vasopressinergic). TKg projections are directed towards the internal zone (ZI) of ME, but very few immunoreactive terminals are detectable in neurohypophysis. TKg staining parallels with vasopressin during water deprivation, and is undetectable in homozygous Brattleboro rats. In some magnocellular neurons, TKg and HC (related to HKg or LKg) are coexpressed. TKg, was also detected in hypothalamus and cerebellum extracts by direct RIA, and BK and T kinin were identified after trypsin hydrolysis. HKg and LKg can act as precursor of BK which can play a physiological role as releasing factor, neuromodulator--neurotransmitter,--or modulator of local microcirculation in hypothalamus. The three kininogens are also potent thiolprotease inhibitors which could modulate both the maturation processes of peptidic hormones and their inactivation and catabolism.  相似文献   

The major component of the cytoskeleton of the parasitic hemoflagellate Trypanosoma brucei is a membrane skeleton which consists of a single layer of tightly spaced microtubules. This array encloses the entire cell body, and it is apposed to, and connected with, the overlying cell membrane. The microtubules of this array contain numerous microtubule-associated proteins. Prominent among those is a family of high molecular weight, repetitive proteins which consist to a large extent of tandemly arranged 38-amino acid repeat units. The binding of one of these proteins, MARP-1, to microtubules has now been characterized in vitro and in vivo. MARP-1 binds to microtubules via tubulin domains other than the COOH-termini used by microtubule-associated proteins from mammalian brain, e.g., MAP2 or Tau. In vitro binding assays using recombinant protein, as well as transfection of mammalian cell lines, have established that the repetitive 38-amino acid repeat units represent a novel microtubule-binding motif. This motif is very similar in length to those of the mammalian microtubule-associated proteins Tau, MAP2, and MAP-U, but both its sequence and charge are different. The observation that the microtubule-binding motifs both of the neural and the trypanosomal proteins are of similar length may reflect the fact that both mediate binding to the same repetitive surface, the microtubule, while their sequence and charge differences are in agreement with the observation that they interact with different domains of the tubulins.  相似文献   

We have reported that prothrombin (1 microm) is able to replace high molecular weight kininogen (45 nm) as a cofactor for the specific binding of factor XI to the platelet (Baglia, F. A., and Walsh, P. N. (1998) Biochemistry 37, 2271-2281). We have also determined that prothrombin fragment 2 binds to the Apple 1 domain of factor XI at or near the site where high molecular weight kininogen binds. A region of 31 amino acids derived from high molecular weight kininogen (HK31-mer) can also bind to factor XI (Tait, J. F., and Fujikawa, K. (1987) J. Biol. Chem. 262, 11651-11656). We therefore investigated the role of prothrombin fragment 2 and HK31-mer as cofactors in the binding of factor XI to activated platelets. Our experiments demonstrated that prothrombin fragment 2 (1 microm) or the HK31-mer (8 microm) are able to replace high molecular weight kininogen (45 nm) or prothrombin (1 microm) as cofactors for the binding of factor XI to the platelet. To localize the platelet binding site on factor XI, we used mutant full-length recombinant factor XI molecules in which the platelet binding site in the Apple 3 domain was altered by alanine scanning mutagenesis. The recombinant factor XI with alanine substitutions at positions Ser(248), Arg(250), Lys(255), Leu(257), Phe(260), or Gln(263) were defective in their ability to bind to activated platelets. Thus, the interaction of factor XI with platelets is mediated by the amino acid residues Ser(248), Arg(250), Lys(255), Leu(257), Phe(260), and Gln(263) within the Apple 3 domain.  相似文献   

Cleavage of high molecular weight kininogen (HK) by plasma kallikrein results in a light chain and a heavy chain (HK). The light chain has two domains: D6, which binds (pre)kallikrein, and D5, which binds to anionic surfaces, including heparin as well as zinc. Initially, HK was thought to be important for surface-activated coagulation. HKa or D5 binds to the urokinase receptor on endothelial cells, thereby enhancing the conversion of prourokinase to urokinase by kallikrein, and, thus, cell-associated fibrinolysis. HKa or D5 is antiadhesive by competing with vitronectin binding to the urokinase receptor and/or forming a complex with vitronectin. D5 inhibits endothelial cell migration, proliferation, tube formation and angiogenesis, thus modulating inflammation and neovascularization.  相似文献   

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