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The Saccharomyces cerevisiae kinesin-related gene products Cin8p and Kip1p function to assemble the bipolar mitotic spindle. The cytoplasmic dynein heavy chain homologue Dyn1p (also known as Dhc1p) participates in proper cellular positioning of the spindle. In this study, the roles of these motor proteins in anaphase chromosome segregation were examined. While no single motor was essential, loss of function of all three completely halted anaphase chromatin separation. As combined motor activity was diminished by mutation, both the velocity and extent of chromatin movement were reduced, suggesting a direct role for all three motors in generating a chromosome-separating force. Redundancy for function between different types of microtubule-based motor proteins was also indicated by the observation that cin8 dyn1 double- deletion mutants are inviable. Our findings indicate that the bulk of anaphase chromosome segregation in S. cerevisiae is accomplished by the combined actions of these three motors.  相似文献   

To investigate chromosome segregation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, we examined a collection of temperature-sensitive mutants that arrest as large-budded cells at restrictive temperatures (L. H. Johnston and A. P. Thomas, Mol. Gen. Genet. 186:439-444, 1982). We characterized dbf8, a mutation that causes cells to arrest with a 2c DNA content and a short spindle. DBF8 maps to chromosome IX near the centromere, and it encodes a 36-kDa protein that is essential for viability at all temperatures. Mutational analysis reveals that three dbf8 alleles are nonsense mutations affecting the carboxy-terminal third of the encoded protein. Since all of these mutations confer temperature sensitivity, it appears that the carboxyl-terminal third of the protein is essential only at a restrictive temperature. In support of this conclusion, an insertion of URA3 at the same position also confers a temperature-sensitive phenotype. Although they show no evidence of DNA damage, dbf8 mutants exhibit increased rates of chromosome loss and nondisjunction even at a permissive temperature. Taken together, our data suggest that Dbf8p plays an essential role in chromosome segregation.  相似文献   

The accurate segregation of chromosomes requires the kinetochore, a complex protein machine that assembles onto centromeric DNA to mediate attachment of replicated sister chromatids to the mitotic spindle apparatus. This study reveals an important role for the yeast RSC ATP-dependent chromatin-remodeling complex at the kinetochore in chromosome transmission. Mutations in genes encoding two core subunits of RSC, the ATPase Sth1p and the Snf5p homolog Sfh1p, interact genetically with mutations in genes encoding kinetochore proteins and with a mutation in centromeric DNA. RSC also interacts genetically and physically with the histone and histone variant components of centromeric chromatin. Importantly, RSC is localized to centromeric and centromere-proximal chromosomal regions, and its association with these loci is dependent on Sth1p. Both sth1 and sfh1 mutants exhibit altered centromeric and centromere-proximal chromatin structure and increased missegregation of authentic chromosomes. Finally, RSC is not required for centromeric deposition of the histone H3 variant Cse4p, suggesting that RSC plays a role in reconfiguring centromeric and flanking nucleosomes following Cse4p recruitment for proper chromosome transmission.  相似文献   

Fission yeast mal2+ is required for chromosome segregation.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
By a screen designed to isolate new fission yeast genes required for chromosome segregation, we have identified mal2+. The conditionally lethal mal2-1 allele gives rise to increased loss of a nonessential minichromosome at the permissive temperature and leads to severe missegregation of the chromosomes at the nonpermissive temperature. Cloning by complementation and subsequent sequence analysis revealed that mal2 is a novel protein with a mass of 34 kDa. Cells containing a mal2 null allele were inviable, indicating that mal2+ is an essential gene. Fusion of mal2 protein to the green fluorescent protein (GFP) showed that mal2 was predominantly localized in the nucleus. Sensitivity to microtubule-destabilizing drugs and strong genetic interactions with alpha1-tubulin suggest an interaction of the mal2 protein with the microtubule system. Spindle formation and elongation were not detectably affected in the mal2-1 mutant as determined by indirect immunofluorescence. However, anomalous chromosome movement on the spindle leading to aberrant distribution of the chromosomal material was observed.  相似文献   

A mutant, ndc10-1, was isolated by anti-tubulin staining of temperature- sensitive mutant banks of budding yeast. ndc10-1 has a defect chromosome segregation since chromosomes remains at one pole of the anaphase spindle. This produces one polyploid cell and one aploid cell, each containing a spindle pole body (SPD. NDC10 was cloned and sequenced and is identical to CBF2 (Jiang, W., J. Lechnermn and J. Carbon. 1993. J. Cell Biol. 121:513) which is the 110-kD component of a centromere DNA binding complex (Lechner, J., and J. Carbon. 1991. Cell. 61:717-725). NDC10 is an essential gene. Antibodies to Ndc10p labeled the SPB region in nearly all the cells examined including nonmitotic cells. In some cells with short spindles which may be in metaphase, staining was also observed along the spindle. The staining pattern and the phenotype of ndc10-1 are consistent with Cbf2p/Ndc10p being a kinetochore protein, and provide in vivo evidence for its role in the attachment of chromosomes to the spindle.  相似文献   

Methyl-benzimidazole-2-ylcarbamate (MBC) inhibits the mitotic cell cycle of Saccharomyces cerevisiae at a stage subsequent to DNA synthesis and before the completion of nuclear division (Quinlan, R. A., C. I. Pogson, and K, Gull, 1980, J Cell Sci., 46: 341-352). The step in the cell cycle that is sensitive to MBC inhibition was ordered to reciprocal shift experiments with respect to the step catalyzed by cdc gene products. Execution of the CDC7 step is required for the initiation of DNA synthesis and for completion of the MBC-sensitive step. Results obtained with mutants (cdc2, 6, 8, 9, and 21) defective in DNA replication and with an inhibitor of DNA replication (hydroxyurea) suggest that some DNA replication required for execution of the MBC-sensitive step but that the completion of replication is not. Of particular interest were mutants (cdc5, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, and 23) that arrest cell division after DNA replication but before nuclear division since previous experiments had not been able to resolve the pathway of events in this part of the cell cycle. Execution of the CDC17 step was found to be a prerequisite for execution of the MBC- sensitive step; the CDC13, 16 and 23 steps are executed independently of the MBC-sensitive step; execution of the MBC-sensitive step is prerequisite for execution of the MBC-sensitive step; execution of the MBC-sensitive step is prerequisite for execution of the CDC14 and 23 steps. These results considerably extend the dependent pathway of events that constitute the cell cycle of S. cerevisiae.  相似文献   

The HXT2 gene of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae was identified on the basis of its ability to complement the defect in glucose transport of a snf3 mutant when present on the multicopy plasmid pSC2. Analysis of the DNA sequence of HXT2 revealed an open reading frame of 541 codons, capable of encoding a protein of Mr 59,840. The predicted protein displayed high sequence and structural homology to a large family of procaryotic and eucaryotic sugar transporters. These proteins have 12 highly hydrophobic regions that could form transmembrane domains; the spacing of these putative transmembrane domains is also highly conserved. Several amino acid motifs characteristic of this sugar transporter family are also present in the HXT2 protein. An hxt2 null mutant strain lacked a significant component of high-affinity glucose transport when under derepressing (low-glucose) conditions. However, the hxt2 null mutation did not incur a major growth defect on glucose-containing media. Genetic and biochemical analyses suggest that wild-type levels of high-affinity glucose transport require the products of both the HXT2 and SNF3 genes; these genes are not linked. Low-stringency Southern blot analysis revealed a number of other sequences that cross-hybridize with HXT2, suggesting that S. cerevisiae possesses a large family of sugar transporter genes.  相似文献   

A single copy of a reporter gene cassette, such as PGKP-lacZ-LEU2 (promoter-reporter-marker gene) cassette, was inserted into one of 32 positions along chromosome III in Saccharomyces cerevisiae with an interval of approximately 10 kb. The amounts of translational gene product (beta-galactosidase) synthesized by the cassette-transformed cells were then determined. The region specificity in chromosome III could be demonstrated in gene expression: two higher-expressed regions (hot regions), 133 and 199 (MAT) regions, and seven lower-expressed regions (cold regions). For the steady and high production of polypeptide, foreign gene products, by yeast, we would like to state that we hope for an insertion of the artificially prepared gene cassette [(promoter)-(foreign gene)-(marker gene) ] into a hot region, such as 199 (MAT) region of chromosome III.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1989,109(6):3355-3366
Nuclear DNA movement in the yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, was analyzed in live cells using digital imaging microscopy and corroborated by the analysis of nuclear DNA position in fixed cells. During anaphase, the replicated nuclear genomes initially separated at a rate of 1 micron/min. As the genomes separated, the rate of movement became discontinuous. In addition, the axis defined by the segregating genomes rotated relative to the cell surface. The similarity between these results and those previously obtained in higher eukaryotes suggest that the mechanism of anaphase movement may be highly conserved. Before chromosome separation, novel nuclear DNA movements were observed in cdc13, cdc16, and cdc23 cells but not in wild-type or cdc20 cells. These novel nuclear DNA movements correlated with variability in spindle position and length in cdc16 cells. Models for the mechanism of these movements and their induction by certain cdc mutants are discussed.  相似文献   

Glucose uptake mutants have not been previously obtained in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, possibly because there seem to be at least two transport systems, of low and high affinities. We showed that snf3 (sucrose nonfermenting) mutants did not express high-affinity glucose uptake. Furthermore, their growth was completely impaired on low concentrations of glucose in the presence of antimycin A (which blocks respiration). Several genes which complemented the original snf3 gene were obtained on multicopy plasmids. Some of them, as well as plasmid-carried SNF3 itself, conferred a substantial increase in high-affinity glucose uptake in both snf3 and wild-type hosts. The effects of glucose on the expression of such a plasmid-determined high-affinity uptake resembled those in the wild type. Other genes complementing snf3 seemed to cause an increase in low-affinity glucose uptake. We suggest that SNF3 may function specifically in high-affinity glucose uptake, which is needed under some conditions of growth on low glucose concentrations. SNF3 itself or the other complementing genes may specify components of the glucose uptake system.  相似文献   

JNM1, a novel gene on chromosome XIII in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, is required for proper nuclear migration. jnm1 null mutants have a temperature-dependent defect in nuclear migration and an accompanying alteration in astral microtubules. At 30 degrees C, a significant proportion of the mitotic spindles is not properly located at the neck between the mother cell and the bud. This defect is more severe at low temperature. At 11 degrees C, 60% of the cells accumulate with large buds, most of which have two DAPI staining regions in the mother cell. Although mitosis is delayed and nuclear migration is defective in jnm1 mutant, we rarely observe more than two nuclei in a cell, nor do we frequently observe anuclear cells. No loss of viability is observed at 11 degrees C and cells continue to grow exponentially with increased doubling time. At low temperature the large budded cells of jnm1 mutants exhibit extremely long astral microtubules that often wind around the periphery of the cell. jnm1 mutants are not defective in chromosome segregation during mitosis, as assayed by the rate of chromosome loss, or nuclear migration during conjugation, as assayed by the rate of mating and cytoduction. The phenotype of a jnm1 mutant is strikingly similar to that for mutants in the dynein heavy chain gene (Eshel, D., L. A. Urrestarazu, S. Vissers, J.-C. Jauniaux, J. C. van Vliet-Reedijk, R. J. Plants, and I. R. Gibbons. 1993. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 90:11172-11176; Li, Y. Y., E. Yeh, T. Hays, and K. Bloom. 1993. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 90:10096-10100). The JNM1 gene product is predicted to encode a 44-kD protein containing three coiled coil domains. A JNM1:lacZ gene fusion is able to complement the cold sensitivity and microtubule phenotype of a jnm1 deletion strain. This hybrid protein localizes to a single spot in the cell, most often near the spindle pole body in unbudded cells and in the bud in large budded cells. Together these results point to a specific role for Jnm1p in spindle migration, possibly as a subunit or accessory protein for yeast dynein.  相似文献   

Production of RanGTP around chromosomes induces spindle assembly by activating nuclear localization signal (NLS)–containing factors. Here, we show that the NLS protein ISWI, a known chromatin-remodeling ATPase, is a RanGTP-dependent microtubule (MT)-associated protein. Recombinant ISWI induces MT nucleation, stabilization, and bundling in vitro. In Xenopus culture cells and egg extract, ISWI localizes within the nucleus in interphase and on spindles during mitosis. Depletion of ISWI in egg extracts does not affect spindle assembly, but in anaphase spindle MTs disappear and chromosomes do not segregate. We show directly that ISWI is required for the RanGTP-dependent stabilization of MTs during anaphase independently of its effect on chromosomes. ISWI depletion in Drosophila S2 cells induces defects in spindle MTs and chromosome segregation in anaphase, and the cells eventually stop growing. Our results demonstrate that distinctly from its role in spindle assembly, RanGTP maintains spindle MTs in anaphase through the local activation of ISWI and that this is essential for proper chromosome segregation.  相似文献   

Eleven cobalt-tolerant mutants were found to belong to a single complementation group, cot2. In addition to cobalt, the cot2 mutants were found to tolerate increased levels of the divalent cations Zn2+, Mn2+, and Ni2+ as well. All of the cot2 mutants exhibited a wiener-shaped cellular morphology that was exacerbated by the carbon and nitrogen source but was unaffected by metals. The rate of glucose-dependent transport of cobalt into cells was reduced in strains that carry mutations in the COT2 gene. COT2 is not essential for growth. Strains that carry a COT2 allele conferring complete loss of function are viable and exhibit phenotypes similar to those of spontaneous cot2 mutations. The sequence of the COT2 gene shows that it is identical to GRR1, which encodes a protein required for glucose repression. The glucose dependence of the transport defect implies that cot2 mutations affect the link between glucose metabolism and divalent cation active transport.  相似文献   

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