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Summary This study followed the time course of urinary taurine and hypotaurine excretion after two-thirds hepatectomy in rats. The excretion of both taurine and hypotaurine was elevated during 18th following the hepatectomy, with maximal excretion during the first 6h. Twelve and 24h after partial hepatectomy, the hepatic hypotaurine concentration was increased but liver taurine did not differ significantly from controls. No changes were observed in hypotaurine and taurine concentrations of heart, kidney, lung, muscle tissue and spleen. We postulate that partial hepatectomy induces a rapid increase of hepatic (hypo)taurine synthesis from precursor amino acids. The increased (hypo)taurine concentrations spill over into urine.  相似文献   

Summary The synthesis of taurine fromN-acetylcysteine has been examined in ratsin vivo and in rat hepatocyte suspensionsin vitro. In ratsin vivo, administration ofN-acetylcysteine significantly increased urinary taurine (3 fold) 24h after dosing and liver glutathione levels. Liver taurine was not increased significantly. In hepatocytes incubated in the presence ofN-acetylcysteine, glutathione concentration increased to a maximum after 1 hour but the increase was not dependent on the concentration ofN-acetylcysteine. In contrast, after an initial lag phase, taurine synthesis increased in relation to the concentration ofN-acetylcysteine and continued for 3 hours. Glutathione synthesis seems to be preferential to taurine synthesis. Taurine synthesis from cysteine sulphinate was greater and from hypotaurine was greatest and maximal after 1 hour. Implications for the mechanism of protection byN-acetylcysteine are discussed.  相似文献   

Karlodinium veneficum is a cosmopolitan dinoflagellate with a worldwide distribution in mesohaline temperate waters. The toxins from K. veneficum, or karlotoxins (KmTxs), which have been implicated in fish kill events, have been purified from monoalgal cultures, and shown to possess hemolytic, cytotoxic and ichthyotoxic activities. Three karlotoxins (KmTx 1–1, KmTx 1–3 and KmTx 2) have been isolated from two different North American strains of K. veneficum and characterized using liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry (LC–MS). KmTx 1 karlotoxins have a UV absorption maximum (λmax 225 nm) at lower wavelengths than KmTx 2 karlotoxins (λmax 235 nm). The exact masses and predicted empirical formulae for the karlotoxins (KmTx 1–1, 1308.8210, C67H120O24; KmTx 1–3, 1322.8637, and C69H126O23; KmTx 2, 1344.7938, C67H121ClO24) were determined using high resolution mass spectrometry. Although the individual toxins produce a single peak in reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), MS revealed congeners co-eluting within each peak. These congeners could be separated under normal phase chromatography and revealed a single hydroxylation being responsible for the mass differences. Multistage MS (MSn) showed that the three KmTxs and their congeners share a large portion of their structures including an identical 907 amu core fragment.

These data were used to develop a quantitative LC–MS assay for karlotoxins from cultures and environmental samples. The sensitivity afforded by MS detection compared to UV absorbance allowed toxin quantification at 0.2 ng when injected on column. Aqueous solutions of karlotoxins were found to quantitatively adsorb to PTFE and nylon membrane filters. Aliquots from whole cultures or environmental samples could be concentrated and desalted by adsorption to PTFE syringe filters and karlotoxins eluted with methanol for analysis by LC–MS. This simplified solid phase cleanup afforded new data indicating that each karlotoxin may also exist as sulfated derivatives and also provided a rapid detection method for karlotoxin from environmental samples and whole cultures.  相似文献   

Summary l-Cysteine is mainly metabolized to sulfate and taurine through cysteinesulfinate pathway. Alternatively, sulfate is formed in rat liver mitochondria via 3-mercaptopyruvate pathway. Intraperitoneal administration of 5 mmol ofl-cysteine per kg of body weight resulted in the increase in sulfate and taurine (plus hypotaurine) excretion in the 24-h urine, which corresponded to 45.3 and 29.3%, respectively, ofl-cysteine administered. Subcutaneous injection of (aminooxy)acetate, a potent inhibitor of transaminases, together withl-cysteine halved the sulfate excretion and doubled the taurine excretion. In vitro sulfate formation froml-cysteine and froml-cysteinesulfinate in rat liver mitochondria was inhibited by (aminooxy)-acetate. The sulfate-forming activity of liver mitochondria obtained from rats injected with (aminooxy) acetate was also inhibited. These results indicate that the transamination reaction is crucial in sulfate formation and in the regulation of sulfur metabolism. Sulfur equilibrium in mammals was discussed.  相似文献   

Human tear fluid is a complex mixture containing high concentrations of proteins and is increasingly becoming an important source for studying protein biomarkers of eye-related diseases such as Graves’ ophthalmopathy. Today, the Schirmer tear test is the most widely used technique for tear collection. However, sample handling and protein extraction from these strips have been highly challenging. Cutting and removal of the Schirmer strips after extraction, which may lead to sample loss prior to downstream analysis, are some of the challenges to consider. To address some of these limitations, we have developed a single-unit filter-aided method for both sample handling and protein extraction. In addition, we systematically investigated the most suitable conditions for protein extraction from these strips. Among the different extraction conditions applied, extraction with 100 mM ammonium bicarbonate containing 50 mM NaCl resulted in the highest number of identified proteins using one-dimensional liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC–MS/MS). Moreover, 1526 proteins were identified when the optimized extraction method was combined with two-dimensional LC–MS/MS analysis, demonstrating the applicability of this novel approach to the study of the tear proteome. This dataset of identified proteins represents a comprehensive catalogue of the tear proteome and may serve as a list for future biomarker research.  相似文献   

A simple method is described for determining cysteinesulfinic acid decarboxylase activity in rat tissue. Enzyme preparations from the liver, kidney and brain were incubated with cysteinesulfinic acid substrate in the presence of pyridoxal 5-phosphate. The enzyme product, hypotaurine, was derivatized with o-phthalaldehyde and separated by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (Capsel Pack AG 120A C18 column) using a mobile phase of acetonitrile–water (20:80, v/v) containing 50 mM sodium phosphate buffer (pH 6.0) and detected using a fluorometer (excitation at 360 nm and emission at 455 nm). The method described is reproducible and sensitive enough to determine the activity of cysteinesulfinic acid decarboxylase activity in the liver, kidney and brain. This assay was subsequently used to evaluate the effect of dietary proteins whose sulfur amino acid contents differ. Consistent with reported data, compared to casein and whole egg protein, a dietary protein low in sulfur amino acid (soybean protein) increased cysteinesulfinic acid decarboxylase activity in the liver and kidney. This method is therefore applicable to studies on the dietary regulation of cysteinesulfinic acid decarboxylase in rat tissue.  相似文献   

Significant technological advances in protein chemistry, physics and computer sciences in the last two decades have greatly improved protein separation methodologies, such as electrophoresis and chromatography, and have established mass spectrometry (MS) as an indispensable tool for protein study. The goal of this review is to provide a brief overview of the recent improvements in these methodologies and present examples from their application in proteome analysis and search for disease biomarkers.  相似文献   

A two-dimensional liquid-phase separation scheme coupled with mass spectrometry (MS) is presented for proteomic analysis of cell lysates from normal and malignant breast epithelial cell lines. Liquid-phase separations consist of isoelectric focusing as the first dimension and nonporous silica reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (NPS-RP-HPLC) as the second dimension. Protein quantitation and mass measurement are performed using electrospray ionization-time of flight MS (ESI-TOF MS). Proteins are identified by peptide mass fingerprinting using matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight MS (MALDI-TOF MS) and MALDI-quadrupole time of flight (QTOF)-tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS). Two pH regions with 50-60 unique proteins in each pH range were chosen for analysis. Mass maps were created that allowed visualization of protein quantitation differences between normal and malignant breast epithelial cells. Of the approximately 110 unique proteins observed from mass mapping experiments over the limited pH range, 40 (36%) were positively identified by peptide mass fingerprinting and assigned to bands in the mass maps. Of these 40 proteins, 22 were more highly expressed in one or more of the malignant cell lines. These proteins represent potential breast cancer biomarkers that could aid in diagnosis, therapy, or drug development.  相似文献   

The measurement of 5-methyltetrahydrofolic acid (5 MT) blood levels is one of several factors used to diagnose folate deficiency in humans. 5 can be selectively purified from either human plasma or human serum via solid-phase extraction procedures and specifically detected and quantified in the extracts with liquid chromatography/isotope-dilution electrospray-ionization mass spectrometry. Two different, yet complementary, solid-phase extraction-liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry methods have been developed and applied to the quantification of 5 MT from such extracts. One method utilizes the high-affinity folate-binding protein from cow's milk coupled with multiple-reaction-monitoring-mode tandem mass spectrometry while the other method utilizes reversed-phase C(18) extraction followed by selected-ion-monitoring-mode mass spectrometry. The accuracy of each method is assessed through a comparative determination of 5 MT levels in homogenous plasma and serum pools. Additionally, each method is compared and evaluated against the "total folate" results provided by routine radioassay and microbiological assay determinations. On the basis of the experimental data presented in this report, it is suggested that both methods have the capacity to serve as potential reference methods for the quantification of circulating 5MT in plasma or serum.  相似文献   

Summary Male Sprague-Dawley rats received TAU supplementation (1.5% in drinking water) or TAU deficient diets for 4 weeks to test for a possible neuroprotective role of TAU in KA-induced (10 mg/kg s.c.) seizures. TAU supplementation significantly increased serum and hippocampal TAU levels, but not TAU content in temporal cortex or striatum. TAU deficient diets did not attenuate serum or tissue TAU levels. Dietary TAU supplementation failed to decrease the number or latency of partial or clonic-tonic seizures or wet dog shakes, whereas a TAU deficient diet decreased the number of clonictonic and partial seizures. This study does not support previous observations of an anticonvulsant effect of TAU against KA-induced seizures. KAtreatment decreased 2-adrenergic receptor binding sites and TAU content in the temporal cortex across all dietary treatment groups, supporting previous evidence of severe KA-induced damage and neuronal loss in this brain region.  相似文献   

Summary.  Sulfate and taurine are major end products of sulfur-containing amino acid metabolism in mammals including humans, and they are excreted in urine. Average excretions (μmol/mg of creatinine) in the morning urine of 58 female college students were: total (free plus ester) sulfate (a), 12.53 ± 3.85; free sulfate, 11.57 ± 3.69; taurine, 0.78 ± 0.53. Ratio of total sulfate and taurine was 10 : 0.6. Regression lines obtained by plotting total sulfate, free sulfate, or total sulfate plus taurine against urea have shown that the former excretions are significantly correlated with urea excretion. Excretion of total sulfate at zero point of urea excretion (b) was 5.30, which corresponded to 42.3% of average excretion (12.53) and was assumed to be derived from dietary sulfate. The difference 7.23 (a − b) seemed to be derived from sulfur-containing amino acids. It was pointed out that the difference of average sulfate excretion and sulfate excretion at zero urea excretion, namely a − b, was appropriate for the metabolic index of sulfur-containing amino acids of the group examined. As free sulfate constituted 92.3% of total sulfate, excretion of ester sulfate was at a constant level, and that of taurine was not significantly correlated with urea excretion, the value of free sulfate corresponding to the value a − b of total sulfate mentioned above seemed to be a reliable and convenient index in the assessment of sulfur-containing amino acid metabolism. Received December 3, 2001 Accepted January 2, 2002 Published online August 30, 2002 Authors' address: Dr. Toshihiko Ubuka, Department of Clinical Nutrition, Kawasaki University of Medical Welfare, Kurashiki Okayama, 701-0193 Japan, E-mail: ubukatos@mw.kawasaki-m.ac.jp  相似文献   

A robust, rapid, selective and sensitive liquid chromatography-negative atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (LC-(APCI(-))-MS-MS) method has been developed for the quantification of mometasone furoate (MF) in human plasma utilizing a solid-phase extraction clean-up step and 13C-fluticasone propionate as internal standard. The intra- and inter-day coefficients of variation were < or = 15% and the lower limit of quantification (LLOQ) was 15 pg/ml. This method is ideally suited for pharmacokinetic investigations of low MF levels following inhalation of MF.  相似文献   

Different hyphenated liquid chromatographic (LC) and mass spectrometric (MS) techniques were investigated in order to set-up a method for the fast, direct analysis of betamethasone in hydrolysed and non-hydrolysed urine using large-volume sample injection. After the optimisation of the LC parameters using a traditional UV detector and of the thermospray and mass spectrometric parameters by flow injection, urine samples (0.5 ml) were submitted to analysis by either LC combined with tandem mass spectrometry (MS–MS), coupled-column LC (LC–LC) combined with single quadrupole MS, and LC–LC–MS–MS. Both the three-step configurations (LC–MS–MS and LC–LC–MS) did not provide satisfactory results: loss of sensitivity was noted in the case of LC–MS–MS (likely due to reduced efficiency in the ionisation of betamethasone in the thermospray owing to the presence of large amounts of matrix interference), while in the case of LC–LC–MS a high chemical noise resulting in insufficient selectivity of detection was observed. On the contrary, LC–LC–MS–MS analysis proved to meet the demand of high speed of analysis (sample throughput, 4.5 h−1), selectivity, and sensitivity (LOQ, 1 ng/ml; LOD, 0.2 ng/ml). Notwithstanding the complex analytical system adopted, the developed procedure was manageable and very robust, provided that at the beginning of each analytical session the performance of the system was controlled by checking the retention time of the analytes on the first analytical column with UV detection and by optimising vaporiser temperature of the thermospray by flow injection.  相似文献   

Alkylresorcinols can be found in high amounts in whole grain cereals, especially in rye. Previously it has not been possible to measure alkylresorcinols in plasma. In this paper a validated gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric method for the quantitative determination of alkylresorcinols with chain lengths of C15:0, C17:0, C19:0, C21:0, and C23:0 in human plasma samples is presented. Other alkylresorcinols may be measured with the method as well, but their assay was not validated in this work. In this work also the amount of alkylresorcinol C25:0 was measured. The pretreatment of plasma samples consists of a simple incubation, an extraction with diethyl ether and a chromatographic purification before the GC-MS analysis. As internal standard an alkylresorcinol C20:0 was used. The validation of the method showed that it fulfilled the reliability criteria. Calibration graphs were linear over the range of 4.1-660pg per injection. The mean recovery percentage was 112+/-10.8%. Our results show that the alkylresorcinols are found in plasma in the same ratio, as found in rye grains, according to literature. The alkylresorcinols were in the unconjugated form. The total amounts of alkylresorcinols in two plasma samples analyzed here were 333 and 381nmol/L.  相似文献   

Summary Two precursors of taurine have been studied: cysteamine and hypotaurine. Cysteamine has been quantified in genital secretions and found in follicular fluids of all species tested. On the contrary cysteamine was not detected (or traces) in tubal fluids of the same species. Addition of 50, 100 or 250M of cysteamine to the maturation medium used in the culturing of bovine oocytes did not improve the cleavage rate nor the embryo's developmental potentialin vitro. Furthermore, at 250M, cysteamine seems to be toxic to the embryo. Addition of 0.5–1 mM hypotaurine to the bovine embryo culture medium improved significantly blastocyst production and quality. The respective roles of these 2 taurine precursors on maturation and embryo development are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The transport of taurine across adult Sprague-Dawley rat small intestine was studied in vitro using small intestinal strips. The kinetics of the transport mechanism were investigated under both steady-state and influx conditions. Our findings were compatible with the presence of two distinct transport mechanisms; a linear non-carrier mediated component and a saturable carrier mediated component, with almost equal contribution from each. The mediated component was found to be largely Na+-dependent and exhibited marked inhibition by B-alanine and structurally related sulfur amino acids.  相似文献   

Li B  Chen J  Long M 《Analytical biochemistry》2008,380(2):195-201
Anandamide (N-arachidonoylethanolamine, AEA) is an endocannabinoid present in human plasma that is associated with several physiological functions and disease states. Significant variability in AEA plasma concentrations has been reported between studies, because quantification of AEA is fraught with methodological difficulties. A rapid, highly sensitive, robust, specific, and highly reproducible ultra high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (UPLC-MS/MS) method is described here for the analysis of AEA in human plasma. This fully validated method using octa-deuterated AEA (AEA-d8) as an internal standard represents an improvement over previous analyses in terms of run time (4 min), limit of detection (0.055 fmol on column, 18.75 fmol/ml plasma), precision (relative standard deviations of 3.7, 3.9, and 4.8% for 1.66, 6.65, and 133 fmol on column), and accuracy (97.5–104.5%). AEA analysis was linear over the range 0.23 to 19 nM (1.66 to 133 fmol on column). To demonstrate the usefulness of this method for the measurement of AEA levels in clinical samples, plasma samples obtained from female volunteers at different stages of the menstrual cycle and pregnant women were assayed. Plasma AEA concentrations were significantly (P = 0.0078) lower in the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle compared to the follicular phase. In pregnancy, the concentrations were lowest in the first and second trimesters with levels comparable to those observed in the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle and modestly increased in the third trimester. The highest plasma AEA levels were observed in women in active labour, and these were significantly (P = 0.0147) higher than those observed in women at term but not in active labour. Postmenopausal women had AEA concentrations comparable to levels observed during the luteal phase of premenopausal women and were significantly (P = 0.0389) lower than AEA plasma concentrations obtained during the follicular phase. The sensitivity and precision of the validated method described here suggests that this method is suitable for the analysis of AEA in clinical samples and may be utilised for the investigation of biomatrices containing limited amounts of AEA.  相似文献   

A 2-D liquid-phase separation method based on chromatofocusing and nonporous silica RP-HPLC followed by ESI-TOF-MS was used to analyze proteins in whole cell lysates from estrogen-treated and untreated premalignant, estrogen-responsive cell line MCF10AT1 cells. 2-D mass maps in the pH range 4.6-6.0 were generated with good correlation to theoretical M(r) values for intact proteins. Proteins were identified based on intact M(r), pI and PMF, or MS/MS sequencing. About 300 unique proteins were identified and 120 proteins in mass range 5-75 kDa were quantified upon treatment of estrogen. Around 40 proteins were found to be more highly expressed (>four-fold) and 17 were down-regulated (>four-fold) in treated cells. In our study, we found that many altered proteins have characteristics consistent with the development of a malignant phenotype. Some of them have a role in the ras pathway or play an important role in signal pathways. These changed proteins might be essential in the estrogen regulation mechanism. Our study highlights the use of the MCF10AT1 cell line to examine estrogen-induced changes in premalignant breast cells and the ability of the 2-D mass mapping technique to quantitatively study protein expression changes on a proteomic scale.  相似文献   

Successful quantitative mass spectrometry (MS) requires strategies to link the mass spectrometer response to the analyte abundance, with the response being dependent on more factors than just analyte abundance. Label-dependent strategies rely on the incorporation of an isotopically labeled internal standard into the sample. Current label-free strategies (performed without internal standards) are useful for analyzing samples that are unsuitable for isotopic labeling but are less accurate. Here we describe a label-free technique applicable to analysis of products from related genes (isotypes). This approach enables the invariant tryptic peptide sequences within the family to serve as “built-in” internal standards and the isotype-specific peptide sequences to report the amount of the various isotypes. A process of elimination segregates reliably trypsin-released standard and reporter peptides from unreliably released peptides. The specific MS response factors for these reporter and standard peptides can be determined using synthetic peptides. Analysis of HeLa tubulin digests revealed peptides from βI-, βII-, βIII-, βIVb-, and βV-tubulin, eight of which were suitable; along with five standard peptides for quantification of the β-tubulin isotypes. To show the utility of this method, we determined that βI-tubulin represented 77% and βIII-tubulin represented 3.2% of the total HeLa β-tubulin.  相似文献   

In this investigation, a gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS)-based metabolomic protocol for adherent cell cultures was developed using statistical design of experiments. Cell disruption, metabolite extraction, and the GC/MS settings were optimized aiming at a gentle, unbiased, sensitive, and high-throughput metabolomic protocol. Due to the heterogeneity of the metabolome and the inherent selectivity of all analytical techniques, development of unbiased protocols is highly complex. Changing one parameter of the protocol may change the response of many groups of metabolites. In this investigation, statistical design of experiments and multivariate analysis also allowed such interaction effects to be taken into account. The protocol was validated with respect to linear range, precision, and limit of detection in a clonal rat insulinoma cell line (INS-1 832/13). The protocol allowed high-throughput profiling of metabolites covering the major metabolic pathways. The majority of metabolites displayed a linear range from a single well in a 96-well plate up to a 10 cm culture dish. The method allowed a total of 47 analyses to be performed in 24 h.  相似文献   

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