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In vitro folded and the denatured form of PorA P1.6 from Neisseria meningitidis strain M990 were used for immunization studies in mice. Previously, the antigen was isolated from cytoplasmic inclusion bodies, folded and purified. Its immunogenicity without adjuvant appeared to be low. The addition of the adjuvant QuilA, but not of galE lipooligosaccharide, considerably enhanced the immunogenicity. Moreover, when immunized with folded PorA P1.6 plus QuilA, a clear switch towards the IgG2a subclass of antibodies and concomitantly, the appearance of serum bactericidal activity, which is believed to be important for protective immunity, was observed. Hence, a tool for preparing vaccines against serogroup B meningococci devoid of endotoxin is available.  相似文献   

Abstract Fourteen Tn 916 mutants of Neisseria meningitidis strain NMB were identified as auxotrophs. Among these were eight amino acid auxotrophs, with five different phenotypes, and three isolates restricted in carbon source utilization, growing in the presence of glucose but not on L-lactate, D-lactate, pyruvate, or casamino acids as principal carbon sources.  相似文献   

In response to an increase in the number of cases of invasive meningococcal disease (IMD) in northern regions of Greece, a survey was carried out to determine if there was an increase in carriage of Neisseria meningitidis, particularly in areas where there have been increases in immigrant populations from neighbouring countries. The second objective was to determine if there was an increase in the serogroup C:2a:P1.5,2 a phenotype associated with recent outbreaks or changes in antibiotic sensitivities. As carriage of Neisseria lactamica is associated with development of natural immunity to IMD, the third objective was to determine the carriage rate of N. lactamica in this population. Among 3167 individuals tested, meningococci were isolated from 334 (10.5%). Compared with our previous studies, the proportion of meningococcal carriers was significantly increased among children in secondary education (11.3%) (chi2=9.67, P<0.005) and military recruits (37.4%) (chi2=21.11, P<0.000). Only 5/334 (1.5%) isolates expressed the phenotype associated with the increase in IMD in Greece. N. lactamica was isolated from 146/3167 (4.6%) participants. It was isolated from 71/987 (7.2%) children attending primary or nursery schools; however, the highest proportion of carriers (11.3%) was found in the boarding school for young Albanian men. In the 21-59-year age range, the majority of N. lactamica isolates (22/25, 88%) were from women, probably due to closer or more prolonged contact with children in the primary school age range. Smoking was significantly associated with isolation of meningococci from men but not from women. Penicillin-insensitive strains (25/334, 7.5%) were identified in all four regions examined; the majority (14/25, 56%) were obtained from military personnel. We conclude that there was a higher proportion of carriers in the population of northern Greece; however, the increase in carriage rate was not associated with the influx of immigrants from neighbouring countries, and there was not a higher incidence of the C:2a:P1.5,2 strain responsible for increased disease activity in Greece in either the immigrant or local populations.  相似文献   

Two mouse sera against outer membrane proteins from a pathogenic Neisseria meningitidis strain and a commensal N. lactamica strain and two human sera from patients recovering from meningococcal meningitis were used to identify antigens common to pathogenic and commensal Neisseria species. Two major antigens of 55 kDa and 32 kDa, present in all N. meningitidis and N. lactamica strains tested, were demonstrable with all the sera used; the 55-kDa protein was iron-regulated. Demonstration of other common antigens was dependent on the serum used: a 65-kDa antigen was visualised with the human and the mouse anti-N. lactamica sera; a 37-kDa antigen identified as the meningococcal ferric binding protein (FbpA) was only detected with the mouse sera, and two antigens of 83 kDa and 15 kDa were only shown with the mouse anti-N. meningitidis serum. The results demonstrate the existence of several outer membrane antigens common to N. lactamica and N. meningitidis strains, in agreement with the hypothesis that natural immunity against meningitis is partially acquired through colonisation by commensal species, and open new perspectives for the design of vaccine formulations and the development of strategies for vaccination against meningitis.  相似文献   

Typing of Neisseria meningitidis strains is currently performed with conventional and molecular methods. Our objectives were: first, to develop a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) followed by single-stranded conformation polymorphism (SSCP) analysis of the PorA gene (VR1 region) to distinguish N. meningitidis subtypes and second, to evaluate the method for the identification and characterization of N. meningitidis in patient specimens. SSCP analysis of the VR1 region of the PorA1/2 gene from 126 N. meningitidis strains and 29 clinical samples identified seven SSCP types (SP-1 to SP-7); four strains were not typeable by the method. Classification according to the SSCP methods and serosubtype agreed for 122 of the 126 typeable strains (96.8%). For the 24-culture positive clinical samples, serosubtype and SSCP agreed in all cases. Five samples, which were culture-negative but obtained from children during an apparent outbreak of meningococcal disease in a primary school, presented identical SSCP classification for each sample (SP-2). PCR-SSCP is a rapid and cost-effective method for typing N. meningitidis strains that could provide important early information in the surveillance of suspected meningococcal outbreaks, particularly when culture-negative specimens constitutes the main source of material to analyze.  相似文献   

Abstract The genes encoding transferrin-binding proteins (TBPs) 1 and 2 of Neisseria meningitidis and N. gonorrhoeae were used as model loci in a novel method of cloning (twin N-terminal polymerase chain reaction; TNT-PCR) involving amplification between the 5' ends of two genes. Primers were based on N-terminal amino-acid sequences. A 2.1-kb product amplified from N. meningitidis strain SD (B15 P1.16) was cloned into a plasmid vector and partially sequenced. Translated sequence immediately downstream of the primer at both ends of this product correlated to the additional known N-terminal amino acids of TBP-1 and 2. The protein encoded by the cloned sequence reacted with TBP-2-specific antiserum. The size of products generated in TNT-PCR correlated exactly with the different sized TBP-2 produced by 10 strains of the Neisseria spp. examined, indicating successful cloning of the gene for TBP-2 and showing it to be adjacent to and preceding TBP-1 on the chromosome for both N. meningitidis and N. gonorrhoeae .  相似文献   

Patterns of genetic diversity within populations of human pathogens, shaped by the ecology of host-microbe interactions, contain important information about the epidemiological history of infectious disease. Exploiting this information, however, requires a systematic approach that distinguishes the genetic signal generated by epidemiological processes from the effects of other forces, such as recombination, mutation, and population history. Here, a variety of quantitative techniques were employed to investigate multilocus sequence information from isolate collections of Neisseria meningitidis, a major cause of meningitis and septicemia world wide. This allowed quantitative evaluation of alternative explanations for the observed population structure. A coalescent-based approach was employed to estimate the rate of mutation, the rate of recombination, and the size distribution of recombination fragments from samples from disease-associated and carried meningococci obtained in the Czech Republic in 1993 and a global collection of disease-associated isolates collected globally from 1937 to 1996. The parameter estimates were used to reject a model in which genetic structure arose by chance in small populations, and analysis of molecular variation showed that geographically restricted gene flow was unlikely to be the cause of the genetic structure. The genetic differentiation between disease and carriage isolate collections indicated that, whereas certain genotypes were overrepresented among the disease-isolate collections (the "hyperinvasive" lineages), disease-associated and carried meningococci exhibited remarkably little differentiation at the level of individual nucleotide polymorphisms. In combination, these results indicated the repeated action of natural selection on meningococcal populations, possibly arising from the coevolutionary dynamic of host-pathogen interactions.  相似文献   

The sialylation of the lipooligosaccharide (LOS) of Neisseria meningitidis is mediated by the LOS sialyltransferase enzyme encoded by the lst gene. PCR using four sets of primers that targeted to different regions of the lst gene was used to survey the distribution of lst in different serogroups and LOS immunotypes of N. meningitidis as well as other Neisseria species. While the lst gene was found in N. meningitidis strains regardless of their capsular serogroup and LOS structures, the gene is also found in N. gonorrhoeae, N. lactamica, N. polysaccharea, and N. subflava biovar subflava. The presence of the lst gene in these organisms and the sialylation of their LOS antigens were discussed.  相似文献   

Antibiotic treatment prior to transport or admission of patients to hospital has reduced the proportion of patients with invasive meningococcal disease (IMD) from whom Neisseria meningitidis can be isolated by standard microbiological techniques. Assays to detect the crgA gene were used to detect meningococcal DNA by both conventional polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and real-time PCR (RTPCR) in relation to microbiological diagnosis of cases over two years between 2002 and 2003. The sensitivity of both PCR assays for culture-confirmed cases was 93% and the specificity was 98.6%. Agreement between the two PCR assays was 96.2%. The inter- and intra-assay variations and effects of different amounts of DNA on the melting temperatures were examined. The touch-down RTPCR based on SYBR Green I fluorescent dye detected and characterized N. meningitidis in clinical samples within one hour.  相似文献   

Mouse sera against outer membrane proteins from Moraxella catarrhalis, Neisseria meningitidis and Neisseria lactamica, and human sera from both healthy individuals and patients convalescing from meningococcal meningitis were used to identify cross-reactive antigens. Mouse anti-N. meningitidis and anti-N. lactamica sera recognized 77, 62 and 32 kDa outer membrane antigens in M. catarrhalis strains; on the contrary, the meningococcal porin PorB (38-42 kDa) was recognized by one of the two anti-M. catarrhalis sera. Human sera from both healthy individuals and patients convalescing from meningococcal meningitis also showed cross-reactive antibodies against these proteins. The existence of cross-reactive antigens in M. catarrhalis and N. meningitidis (as well as in N. lactamica) could favor the development of natural immunization against both pathogens.  相似文献   

During February and March 1995, a survey of meningococcal carriage in 625 school children was carried out in a suburb of Athens in which there was a large number of ethnic Greeks who had immigrated from Russia beginning in the early 1990s. The objectives of the study were: (1) to determine if factors associated with carriage of meningococci observed in a previous study of Greek school children were similar for the immigrant population; (2) to compare phenotypic characteristics of meningococci from the immigrant population with those isolated from children in Athens. Overall isolation rate for meningococci was 82/625 (13.1%), significantly higher than that found for school children in Athens (5.8%) during the winter of 1990 1991 (5.8%) (chi=25.98, P=0.0000003). By univariate analysis, carriage was not associated with sex, number of individuals per household, blood group, secretor status, socioeconomic level or maternal smoking; however, it was associated with fathers' smoking. The high proportion of men who smoked compared with the low proportion of women smokers might contribute to this finding. The main serogroup of meningococci isolated from this population was A (28%). While serogroup A appears to be more prevalent among Russian and Kurdish immigrants (14%) than among Greek school children or military recruits (4%), there has not been an increase in group A meningococcal disease in Greece. The isolation rate for N. lactamica was high 105/625 (17.3%). A few of these strains bound some of the monoclonal antibodies used for meningococcal serotyping and subtyping, and they are being examined in greater detail.  相似文献   

Meningococcal disease in the Western countries is frequently caused by Neisseria meningitidis serogroup B. Major efforts have been made to develop a safe and efficacious vaccine against this serogroup which is suitable for use in infants and young children. To assess the quality of the immune response after vaccination with candidate vaccines, laboratory correlates of protection are needed. For serogroups A and C, serum bactericidal activity (SBA) is a well established predictor for protection, but for serogroup B other mechanisms besides SBA may also be involved in conferring protection from disease. Several laboratory methods for identification and evaluation of the immunogenicity of possible vaccine antigens are described in this review.  相似文献   

The molecular mechanisms involved in the relatively poor immune response in the elderly are not clearly understood. Qualitative aspects of the immune response could be a possible explanation for the differential response to T-independent antigens in young adults and elderly. This study is directed towards elucidating the differential usage of variable heavy chain by young adult and elderly derived sequences in response to the capsular polysaccharide of Neisseria meningitidis serogroup C. We currently report findings of a preliminary study designed to test the feasibility of a novel approach to isolate antigen-specific B cells. Paramagnetic beads coated with an anti-idiotypic antibody, which mimics the capsular polysaccharide of N. meningitidis serogroup C, were used to select B cells. Analysis of the gene usage data indicates some unexpected differences in the use of variable chain heavy chain in the case of young adult versus elderly sequences. The elderly derived sequences use a more diverse array of VH gene families in contrast to the young adult sequences, where the VH gene family usage is restricted. Nearly half the young adult sequences utilize VH3-15 germline sequence while only 25% of the elderly sequences use this germline sequence. There were interesting differences in the types of JH chain and the composition and length of CDR3 utilized by the two groups. Together, these significant differences may contribute towards the poor immune response to T-independent antigens in the elderly. These data validate the techniques used for these studies and suggest that it is pertinent to use this approach towards future investigations to elucidate gene usage in response to an antigen.  相似文献   

Two type B15 P1.16 strains of Neisseria meningitidis were examined by immunogold electron microscopy for accessibility of two outer membrane protein (OMPs) to monoclonal antibodies. Both strains exhibited cell-to-cell variation of one epitope of the Class 3 OMP (P3.15) and one of the Class 1 OMPs (P1.16) when grown in vitro. One strain, a nasopharyngeal isolate revealed this variation to be growth-phase independent and double labelling of both epitopes showed independent variation. CSF containing N. meningitidis was stored in liquid nitrogen without laboratory processing at the time of isolation of the second strain. Direct analysis of the organisms showed no cell-to-cell variation and immunoglobulin G on the surface. However, while there were similar labelling densities of the Class 1 epitope in vivo compared with either strain grown in vitro, there was a lower labelling density of the Class 3 epitope in vivo that was not caused by freeze-thawing. This reduction may be due to decreased expression of this epitope in vivo which casts doubts on the use of the Class 2/3 OMP as a vaccine candidate.  相似文献   

The CMP-N-acetylneuraminic acid (CMP-NeuNAc) synthetase gene of Neisseria meningitidis group B is located on a 2.3-kb EcoRI fragment within the cps gene cluster. Nucleotide sequence determination of the gene encoding the CMP-NeuNAc synthetase revealed a 515-bp open reading frame that can encode a 18.9-kDA protein. A computer data base scan revealed a 59.4% identity to the CMP-NeuNAc synthetase gene of E. coli K1. Enzymatic activity was confirmed in vitro and in vivo. Transformation of the CMP-NeuNAc defective E. coli K1 strain EV5 with the meningococcal CMP-NeuNAc synthetase could complement the defect in E. coli.  相似文献   

Carriage of non-serogroupable Neisseria meningitidis or Neisseria lactamica induces antibodies protective against meningococcal disease. Antibodies directed against outer membrane proteins are bactericidal and the serotype and subtype outer membrane protein antigens are being examined for their value as vaccine candidates for serogroup B disease. The aim of this study was to examine the effect of carriage of these two Neisseria species among children and young adults on induction of antibodies to outer membrane components from strains causing disease in Greece. Among 53 patients with meningococcal disease, IgG or IgM antibodies were detected by ELISA in 9 of 13 (69%) from whom the bacteria were isolated and 27 of 40 (67%) who were culture-negative. For military recruits (n = 604), the proportion of carriers of meningococci with IgM or IgG to outer membrane proteins was higher than non-carriers, P < 0.05 and P = 0.000000, respectively. Among school children (n = 319), the proportion with IgM or IgG to outer membrane proteins for carriers of meningococci was higher compared with non-carriers, P = 0.000000 and P = 0000043, respectively. Carriage of N. lactamica was not associated with the presence of either IgM or IgG to the outer membrane proteins in the children. The higher proportion of children (50%) with IgM to outer membrane proteins compared with recruits (10%) might reflect more recent exposure and primary immune responses to the bacteria. The lack of association between antibodies to outer membrane proteins and carriage of N. lactamica could reflect observations that the majority of N. lactamica isolates from Greece and other countries do not react with monoclonal typing reagents. Bactericidal antibodies to meningococci associated with high levels of IgG to N. lactamica were found in a previous study; these are thought to be directed to antigens other than outer membrane proteins or capsules and imply antigens such as lipo-oligosaccharide are involved in induction of antibodies cross-reactive with meningococci.  相似文献   

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