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为深入了解海南东寨港红树林生态系统微生物多样性及其在氮、磷、硫等代谢循环中的功能特点,本研究采用宏基因组测序,从物种注释与丰度、群落功能及多样性指数等角度,分析红树林淤泥和水体生境中微生物群落结构及生态功能的特异性。结果显示,在淤泥中检测到53个门、909个属的微生物类群,有3个占比超过1%的优势门类,其中变形杆菌门为83.78%,处于绝对优势,其下的12个优势属全部来自变形杆菌门;不动杆菌属是聚磷微生物的主要类群,其在淤泥中含量是水体的107.7倍,硫氧化单胞菌属、脱硫杆菌属是硫化物代谢的主要菌属,主要存在于淤泥生境当中。在水体中检测到64个门、1 522个属,包括13个优势门类、7个优势属;Nitrospinae和硝化螺旋菌门是亚硝酸盐氧化代谢的关键类群,两者在水体中占比分别是淤泥中的28.1倍和6.8倍。多样性评估得知,水体样品中的Shannon Wiener指数和Simpson指数均高于淤泥样品,两样品在属分类学单元上的Simpson指数趋近于1,表明红树林生态系统具有非常高的微生物多样性,水体生境的微生物多样性高于淤泥;亚硝酸盐的微生物代谢循环主要发生在水体生境中,微生物对磷的富集作用和硫化合物的氧化还原代谢主要发生在淤泥生境中。本研究有助于认识东寨港红树林湿地生境中的微生物资源状况,为保护红树林生态系统和开发利用其中的微生物资源提供依据。  相似文献   

免培养法对一热泉细菌多样性的初步研究   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:7  
应用免培养法(Cultureindependent)对云南腾冲热海大滚锅高温热泉中细菌的多样性进行初步的分析。经过克隆筛选,测定了5个克隆的16S rDNA插入片段的近全序列,系统发育分析的结果表明,它们分属于Bacillus、HydrogenobacterPseudomonas,有一个克隆尚难确定其分类地位,它属于Thermodesulfobacteriaceae科,介于Geothermbacterium属和Thermodesulfobacteria属之间。经PCR扩增出上述5个克隆16S rDNA插入序列中及环境样品总DNA中的16S rDNA V8高变区约600bp片段,进行变性梯度电泳(DGGE)。所得电泳图谱和5个序列的系统发育树不仅表明该高温热泉存在着丰富的细菌多样性,还显示了它们是该高温热泉中细菌的优势物种。  相似文献   

The breakthroughs in microbiology have allowed us to come to terms with the microbial resources present in culture collections and in natural environments. The challenge at present is to manage these microbial resources, particularly when one deals with open systems where the dynamics of microbial ecology are predominant. Hence, to properly address the aspects of Microbial Resource Management (MRM), one needs to handle the questions of who is there, who is doing what with whom and how can one adjust, control and/or steer these mixed cultures and communities. It is argued that microbial ecologists and environmental microbiologists need to address a new mind‐set. The Beijerinck axioma that all microorganisms are everywhere should not be presumed to be generally valid. The Darwin based niche assembly concept needs to be supplemented with the neutral theory of Hubbell. The Pareto 80/20 principle is also applicable to the macro‐economies of microbial communities. Finally, the concept of a “stable” microbial community should be replaced by that of a cooperative community continuum. Overall, MRM is at the basis of a number of new developments in domains such as environmental safety and health, renewable energy production, closing environmental cycles and providing new materials. Specific examples such as, for example, pro‐active immuno‐stimulation by means of drinking water, electro‐microbiology, decreasing global warming by implementation of methanotrophs and generation of nano‐biocatalysts are discussed.  相似文献   

新疆泥火山细菌遗传多样性   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
为了解新疆乌苏泥火山细菌多样性,从泥火山泥浆样品中直接提取总DNA,构建了含150个有效转化子的泥火山细菌16S rDNA基因文库,转化子经菌液PCR及HaeⅢ酶切后获得16个不同带型,克隆测序结果表明,其分属于16个不同的分类单元.一部分序列与已知细菌类群的16S rDNA序列相似性较高,归属变形菌门(Proteobacteria),厚壁菌门(Firmicutes),梭杆菌门(Fusobacteria),放线菌门(Actinobacteria);另外一部分序列与已知细菌类群的16S rDNA序列同源性较低,可能代表新的分类单位.研究结果显示,泥火山环境中微生物种群丰富,值得进一步研究.  相似文献   

The functional detection of novel enzymes other than hydrolases from metagenomes is limited since only a very few reliable screening procedures are available that allow the rapid screening of large clone libraries. For the discovery of flavonoid-modifying enzymes in genome and metagenome clone libraries, we have developed a new screening system based on high-performance thin-layer chromatography (HPTLC). This metagenome extract thin-layer chromatography analysis (META) allows the rapid detection of glycosyltransferase (GT) and also other flavonoid-modifying activities. The developed screening method is highly sensitive, and an amount of 4 ng of modified flavonoid molecules can be detected. This novel technology was validated against a control library of 1,920 fosmid clones generated from a single Bacillus cereus isolate and then used to analyze more than 38,000 clones derived from two different metagenomic preparations. Thereby we identified two novel UDP glycosyltransferase (UGT) genes. The metagenome-derived gtfC gene encoded a 52-kDa protein, and the deduced amino acid sequence was weakly similar to sequences of putative UGTs from Fibrisoma and Dyadobacter. GtfC mediated the transfer of different hexose moieties and exhibited high activities on flavones, flavonols, flavanones, and stilbenes and also accepted isoflavones and chalcones. From the control library we identified a novel macroside glycosyltransferase (MGT) with a calculated molecular mass of 46 kDa. The deduced amino acid sequence was highly similar to sequences of MGTs from Bacillus thuringiensis. Recombinant MgtB transferred the sugar residue from UDP-glucose effectively to flavones, flavonols, isoflavones, and flavanones. Moreover, MgtB exhibited high activity on larger flavonoid molecules such as tiliroside.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae, as well as other eukaryotes, preserves fatty acids and sterols in a biologically inert form, as triacylglycerols and steryl esters. The major triacylglycerol lipases of the yeast S. cerevisiae identified so far are Tgl3p, Tgl4p, and Tgl5p (Athenstaedt, K., and Daum, G. (2003) YMR313c/TGL3 encodes a novel triacylglycerol lipase located in lipid particles of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. J. Biol. Chem. 278, 23317–23323; Athenstaedt, K., and Daum, G. (2005) Tgl4p and Tgl5p, two triacylglycerol lipases of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, are localized to lipid particles. J. Biol. Chem. 280, 37301–37309). We observed that upon cultivation on oleic acid, triacylglycerol mobilization did not come to a halt in a yeast strain deficient in all currently known triacylglycerol lipases, indicating the presence of additional not yet characterized lipases/esterases. Functional proteome analysis using lipase and esterase inhibitors revealed a subset of candidate genes for yet unknown hydrolytic enzymes on peroxisomes and lipid droplets. Based on the conserved GXSXG lipase motif, putative functions, and subcellular localizations, a selected number of candidates were characterized by enzyme assays in vitro, gene expression analysis, non-polar lipid analysis, and in vivo triacylglycerol mobilization assays. These investigations led to the identification of Ayr1p as a novel triacylglycerol lipase of yeast lipid droplets and confirmed the hydrolytic potential of the peroxisomal Lpx1p in vivo. Based on these results, we discuss a possible link between lipid storage, lipid mobilization, and peroxisomal utilization of fatty acids as a carbon source.  相似文献   

极端微生物:一种新型的酶资源   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
极端微生物具有自身独特的特点和代谢产物 ,在食品工业、化工、药用工业和环境生物技术领域都有潜在的应用。一些酶已经得到纯化 ,其基因在宿主中已成功克隆。主要介绍和讨论极端微生物的类型、基因组及极端酶类的生产、分离与应用。  相似文献   

腈类物质的生物转化符合绿色化工的要求,具有重要应用潜力。系统阐述了产腈转化酶微生物多样性和生物转化特点。从菌株的分离、产酶及诱导物的种类;酶作用的底物、获得的产物;基因表达、酶的耐受性以及其应用价值等方面进行了比较全面的综述。  相似文献   

The conditions necessary for the establishment and maintenance of Enhanced Biological Phosphate Removal (EBPR) from wastewaters are discussed in the light of our inability to achieve levels of EBPR from artificial sewage in a laboratory‐scale system. Adequate levels of P removal and polyP accumulation by sludge biomass could only be restored by the imposition of stringent anaerobiosis (Eh < –120 mV) and by increasing the short chain fatty acid composition of the influent. Subsequent laboratory‐scale investigations into several possible alternative strategies to achieve enhanced levels of P removal and polyP accumulation from artificial sewage medium indicated that a reduction in the operational pH of the system to approximately 5.5 could achieve comparable levels of P removal under fully‐aerobic conditions. Acid stimulated P uptake and polyP formation might serve as the basis of novel alternative technologies for eutrophication control at wastewater treatment facilities.  相似文献   

游离酶经过固定化后,稳定性和环境耐受性得到提高,在食品、医药、化工、环境和皮革等领域可以很好的提高酶的利用率并降低生产成本,具有极大的应用潜力。新型交联剂在固定化酶工艺的应用极大推进了固定化酶研究的深入。借助新型交联剂聚乙二醇二缩水甘油醚(PEGDGE),利用氨基载体LX-1000HA固定化海洋假丝酵母脂肪酶,结合单因素和正交试验优化得到交联及固定化条件为:交联温度30℃,交联2h,交联剂浓度0.75%,pH7.0,加酶量800U,载体量0.5g,固定化2h,固定化温度45℃。根据上述最佳固定化工艺,制备得到固定化酶LX-1000HA-PEGDGE-CRL在最适条件下测得酶活达到160.81U/g,约为此前制备的固定化酶LX-1000HA-GA-CRL(由LX-1000HA和戊二醛交联脂肪酶得到)和LX-1000EA-PEGDGE-CRL(由短链氨基载体LX-1000EA和PEGDGE交联脂肪酶得到)酶活的2倍,发现固定化酶LX-1000HA-PEGDGE-CRL的最适反应温度相比于游离酶提高15℃;在70℃的环境中3h后酶活仍存留70%;循环使用6次后残留65%左右的酶活;酸碱耐受性和储存稳定性也表现良好,4℃保存30天后剩余约70%的初始酶活。同时,将制备的固定化酶LX-1000HA-PEGDGE-CRL与游离酶、固定化酶LX-1000HA-GA-CRL、固定化酶LX-1000EA-PEGDGE-CRL进行了比较,发现固定化酶LX-1000HA-PEGDGE-CRL在温度耐受性和重复使用性等方面具有更好的使用效果。  相似文献   

宏基因组克隆--微生物活性物质筛选的新途径   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  
阎冰  洪葵  许云  马超 《微生物学通报》2005,32(1):113-117
在现有技术条件下自然界存在的微生物95%以上未能培养,采用传统的分离培养筛选的途径寻找新的微生物生物活性物质受到局限;宏基因组是特定小生境中全部微小生物遗传物质的总和,直接抽提环境样品中的总DNA,利用适宜的载体克隆到替代宿主细胞中构建宏基因组文库,通过外源基因赋予宿主细胞的新性状或基于某些已知DNA序列筛选,寻找新的生物活性物质或基因,极大地扩展了微生物资源的利用空间,增加了获得新的生物活性物质的机会。  相似文献   

Aerobic, alkaliphilic to alkalitolerant and mesophilic bacteria were isolated and characterized from soil and sediment samples collected from Bigeum Island, South Korea. The total numbers of microorganisms in the soil and sediment samples were found to be 103–105 cfu/g and 102–107 cfu/g, respectively. A total of 163 isolates were isolated and subjected to further characterization on the basis of pH, temperature and salt tolerance. Among the 163 isolates, 54 were selected based on their tolerance attributes to temperature, pH and NaCl. Out of the 54 isolates, 27 were further selected based on their multiple tolerance ability and enzyme profile and were subjected to 16S rRNA gene sequencing and phylogenetic analysis. The latter indicated that most of the Bigeum Island isolates were related to the phylum Actinobacteria. The phylogenetic tree based on 16S rRNA gene sequences placed the 27 isolates into 9 different major bacterial genera, each genus comprising pure cultures that shared ≤97% sequence identity and 18 putative novel species. Most of the strains were alkalitolerant and mesophilic, and produced biotechnologically important enzymes at alkaline pH.  相似文献   

Marine bacteria are an important and relatively unexplored resource for novel microbial products. In this review, we discuss a number of issues relevant to the industrial potential of marine microorganisms including how marine and terrestrial bacteria differ, both physiologically and taxonomically, and what constitute reasonable expectations of the biosynthetic capabilities of marine bacteria relative to terrestrial bacteria and to marine macroorganisms. Also discussed is the concept that bacterial associations with marine plants and animals, which range from casual encounters to obligate symbioses, provide unique opportunities for bacterial adaptation. It is proposed that some of these adaptations would not be selected for in the absence of environmental parameters associated with the host, and that these adaptations can include the biosynthesis of unique metabolic products.  相似文献   

Marine sponges as microbial fermenters   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The discovery of phylogenetically complex, yet highly sponge-specific microbial communities in marine sponges, including novel lineages and even candidate phyla, came as a surprise. At the same time, unique research opportunities opened up, because the microorganisms of sponges are in many ways more accessible than those of seawater. Accordingly, we consider sponges as microbial fermenters that provide exciting new avenues in marine microbiology and biotechnology. This review covers recent findings regarding diversity, biogeography and population dynamics of sponge-associated microbiota, and the data are discussed within the larger context of the microbiology of the ocean.  相似文献   

嗜热菌——工业用酶的新来源   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
综述了嗜热菌和极端嗜热菌产生的热稳定性的淀粉酶、纤维素酶、环糊精酶、木聚糖酶、几丁质酶、葡萄糖异构酶、蛋白酶等的研究进展及其在食品、化工、环保等方面的应用前景。  相似文献   

As a result of remarkable progresses of DNA sequencing technology, vast quantities of genomic sequences have been decoded. Homology search for amino acid sequences, such as BLAST, has become a basic tool for assigning functions of genes/proteins when genomic sequences are decoded. Although the homology search has clearly been a powerful and irreplaceable method, the functions of only 50% or fewer of genes can be predicted when a novel genome is decoded. A prediction method independent of the homology search is urgently needed. By analyzing oligonucleotide compositions in genomic sequences, we previously developed a modified Self-Organizing Map ‘BLSOM’ that clustered genomic fragments according to phylotype with no advance knowledge of phylotype. Using BLSOM for di-, tri- and tetrapeptide compositions, we developed a system to enable separation (self-organization) of proteins by function. Analyzing oligopeptide frequencies in proteins previously classified into COGs (clusters of orthologous groups of proteins), BLSOMs could faithfully reproduce the COG classifications. This indicated that proteins, whose functions are unknown because of lack of significant sequence similarity with function-known proteins, can be related to function-known proteins based on similarity in oligopeptide composition. BLSOM was applied to predict functions of vast quantities of proteins derived from mixed genomes in environmental samples.  相似文献   

Metagenomics (also Environmental Genomics, Ecogenomics or Community Genomics) is an emerging approach to studying microbial communities in the environment. This relatively new technique enables studies of organisms that are not easily cultured in a laboratory, thus differing from traditional microbiology that relies almost entirely on cultured organisms. Metagenomics technology thus holds the premise of new depths of understanding of microbes and, importantly, is a new tool for addressing biotechnological problems, without tedious cultivation efforts. DNA sequencing technology has already made a significant breakthrough, and generation of gigabase-pairs of microbial DNA sequences is not posing a challenge any longer. However, conceptual advances in microbial science will not only rely on the availability of innovative sequencing platforms, but also on sequence-independent tools for getting an insight into the functioning of microbial communities. This is an important issue, as we know that even the best annotations of genomes and metagenomes only create hypotheses of the functionality and substrate spectra of encoded proteins which require experimental testing by classical disciplines such as physiology and biochemistry. In this review, we address the following question, how to take advantage of, and how can we improve the, metagenomic technology for accommodating the needs of microbial biologists and enzymologists?  相似文献   

Lecithin:retinol acyltransferase-like proteins, also referred to as HRAS-like tumor suppressors, comprise a vertebrate subfamily of papain-like or NlpC/P60 thiol proteases that function as phospholipid-metabolizing enzymes. HRAS-like tumor suppressor 3, a representative member of this group, plays a key role in regulating triglyceride accumulation and energy expenditure in adipocytes and therefore constitutes a novel pharmacological target for treatment of metabolic disorders causing obesity. Here, we delineate a catalytic mechanism common to lecithin:retinol acyltransferase-like proteins and provide evidence for their alternative robust lipid-dependent acyltransferase enzymatic activity. We also determined high resolution crystal structures of HRAS-like tumor suppressor 2 and 3 to gain insight into their active site architecture. Based on this structural analysis, two conformational states of the catalytic Cys-113 were identified that differ in reactivity and thus could define the catalytic properties of these two proteins. Finally, these structures provide a model for the topology of these enzymes and allow identification of the protein-lipid bilayer interface. This study contributes to the enzymatic and structural understanding of HRAS-like tumor suppressor enzymes.  相似文献   

A large number of nucleoside analogues and 2′-deoxynucleoside triphosphates (dNTP) have been synthesized to interfere with DNA metabolism. However, in vivo the concentration and phosphorylation of these analogues are key limiting factors. In this context, we designed enzymes to switch nucleobases attached to a deoxyribose monophosphate. Active chimeras were made from two distantly related enzymes: a nucleoside deoxyribosyltransferase from lactobacilli and a 5′-monophosphate-2′-deoxyribonucleoside hydrolase from rat. Then their unprecedented activity was further extended to deoxyribose triphosphate, and in vitro biosyntheses could be successfully performed with several base analogues. These new enzymes provide new tools to synthesize dNTP analogues and to deliver them into cells.  相似文献   

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