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We studied the role of floristic composition and associational resistance in shrub dynamics by comparing spatial patterns of shrub cover after prescribed burning in neighbouring grassland communities with different palatability. The study focused on the shrub Cytisus balansae ssp. europaeus (G. López and Jarvis) Muñoz Garmendia. Seven two-dimensional transects (20 × 0.5 m) were established to monitor shrub cover for at least 10 years after prescribed burning. Shrub cover and spatial patterns were assessed in each transect. Floristic similarity between transects and Cytisus associations with different species were estimated. Over an entire transect, shrub cover and shrub scale of pattern and patch size were lowest in the unpalatable Festuca eskia grasslands and highest in F. paniculata grasslands. At short distances, we found negative associations between Cytisus and most of the grasses, except for F. nigrescens and Agrostis capillaris, which showed positive associations with Cytisus. Thus, the effects of associational resistance on shrub encroachment were not as marked as expected, F. eskia grasslands showing the lowest shrub encroachment rates after fire. By contrast, Cytisus was positively associated with the most palatable grasses in the site, namely F. nigrescens and A. capillaris. We conclude that differences in floristic composition drive shrub encroachment rates in these spatially heterogeneous communities.  相似文献   

Shrub encroachment into grasslands is ubiquitous but its impact on soil organic C (SOC) remains unclear. In previous work we had observed that shrub encroachment into mesic mountain grasslands increased SOC content. Here we sought the mechanisms of this increase. To this end, we assessed aboveground and belowground production for a conifer shrub (Juniperus communis L), a legume shrub (Cytisus balansae ssp. europaeus (G. López & Jarvis) Muñoz Garmendia) and grass (Festuca eskia Ramond ex DC), together with decomposition rates for both aboveground litter and roots. Belowground C net inputs do not clearly explain SOC increase: grass root production was higher than that of either shrub and the decomposition rate of grass roots was the lowest. Aboveground C net inputs were only slightly greater in shrubs than in grass, but the decomposition rate of litter of both shrubs was much lower than that of grass. The decomposition of conifer litter was N-limited, whereas that of legume shrub litter was P-limited. Thus we conclude that the SOC increases after shrub encroachment into mesic grasslands probably as a result of higher recalcitrance of shrub aboveground litter relative to grass litter.  相似文献   

Semi-natural grasslands are key habitats for biodiversity conservation in Central Europe. Shrub encroachment is one of the most threatening drivers of grassland degradation and affects soil properties, microclimate, and vegetation with possible impacts on higher trophic levels. We aimed to analyse the impact of shrub encroachment with broom (Cytisus scoparius) on carabid beetle diversity, species composition, and functional traits. In a field study on dry grasslands on the island of Hiddensee (Germany) we studied 15 sites along a gradient of increasing broom encroachment and classified them into three dry grassland types with low, medium, and high shrub cover. Our results provide evidence that shrub encroachment initially has positive effects on species richness and activity densities of dry grassland carabids. Carabid species composition differed among differently shrub-covered dry grassland types, and sites with low and high shrub cover were each characterised by unique carabid assemblages. The species composition of sites with a medium shrub biomass had a transitional character and contained species which are typical for open dry grassland, but also shared species with sites with a high shrub cover. Among functional trait parameters investigated, especially the body size of carabid beetles was related to environmental parameters associated with shrub encroachment. Body size was positively correlated to shrub biomass and soil humidity, but negatively to temperature. Eurytopy values of carabids were related to high litter cover, i.e. habitat generalist (eurytopic) species mainly occurred in densely shrub-encroached sites. In order to preserve unique carabid assemblages of open dry grasslands with stenotopic and smaller species, it is most important to prevent a shrub encroachment higher than about 60% cover. For management we suggest extensive grazing (by cattle, sheep or horses) to prevent shrub encroachment on dry grasslands. In areas with high shrub cover additionally the use of goats or mechanical removal of shrubs might be necessary.  相似文献   

Spatial distribution of palatable and unpalatable plants can influence the foraging behaviour of herbivores, thereby changing plant‐damage probabilities. Moreover, the immediate proximity to certain plants can benefit other plants that grow below them, where toxicity or spines act as a physical barrier or concealment against herbivores. This paper presents the results of a multi‐scale experiment performed to test the effect of shrubs as protectors of tree saplings against herbivores and the mechanism involved in Mediterranean ecosystems. We performed a factorial design in two mountain ranges, similar in physiognomy and vegetation, planting saplings of a palatable tree, the maple (Acer opalus subsp. granatense), and an unpalatable tree, the black pine (Pinus nigra), under three different types of shrubs. We considered four experimental microhabitats: highly palatable shrub (Amelanchier ovalis), palatable but spiny shrub (Crataegus monogyna or Prunus ramburii), unpalatable spiny shrub (Berberis vulgaris subsp. australis) and control (gaps of bare soil without shrubs). Three main factors were found to determine the probability of sapling attack: sapling palatability, experimental microhabitat and plot. Palatable saplings (maples) were browsed much more than unpalatable ones (pines). The degree of protection provided by the shrub proved greater as its palatability decreased with respect to sapling palatability, the unpalatable spiny shrub being the safest microhabitat for palatable saplings and bare soil for unpalatable ones. The differences found in number of attacked saplings between plots may be attributable to differences in herbivore pressure. The community context in which interaction takes place, namely the characteristics of the neighbours and the intensity of herbivore pressure, are determining factors for understanding and predicting the damage undergone by a target plant species. The mechanism that best explains these results is associational avoidance of saplings that grow near to unpalatable shrubs. It is necessary to introduce this neighbour effect in theoretical models and food‐web approaches that analyse the plant–herbivore relationships, since it can strongly determine not only the intensity of the interaction, but also the spatial distribution and diversity of the plant community.  相似文献   

Shrub encroachment frequently occurs in arid and semi-arid grasslands worldwide and affects the regional carbon balance. Many previous studies have revealed the effects of shrub encroachment on bulk carbon content of grasslands, but molecular evidence is surprisingly lacking. In this study, we examined the chemical composition of plant tissues and soil organic carbon (SOC), and soil microbial communities to identify the effects of shrub (Caragana microphylla) encroachment on SOC storage in the top layer (0–10 cm) along a gradient of natural shrub cover in the grasslands of Inner Mongolia. We found that SOC in the shrub patches was derived mainly from leaves, whereas SOC in the grassy matrix was composed of a mixture of fresh root- and leaf-derived compounds. Compared with pure grassland, the SOC decreased by 29% in the shrub-encroached grasslands (SEGs), and this decrease was enhanced by increasing shrub cover. We also found that free lipids and lignin-derived phenols increased while the ratios of ω-C18/∑C18 and suberin/cutin decreased with increasing shrub cover. In addition, the ratios of fungal to bacterial phospholipid fatty acids (PLFAs) and gram-negative to gram-positive bacterial PLFAs decreased with increasing shrub cover. These results indicate that the encroachment of nitrogen-rich legume shrubs can lead to carbon loss by altering the chemical composition of plant inputs as well as the soil microbial community in grassland ecosystems.  相似文献   

Shrub encroachment of grasslands is a transformative ecological process by which native woody species increase in cover and frequency and replace the herbaceous community. Mechanisms of encroachment are typically assessed using temporal data or experimental manipulations, with few large spatial assessments of shrub physiology. In a mesic grassland in North America, we measured inter- and intra-annual variability in leaf δ13C in Cornus drummondii across a grassland landscape with varying fire frequency, presence of large grazers and topographic variability. This assessment of changes in individual shrub physiology is the largest spatial and temporal assessment recorded to date. Despite a doubling of annual rainfall (in 2008 versus 2011), leaf δ13C was statistically similar among and within years from 2008-11 (range of −28 to −27‰). A topography*grazing interaction was present, with higher leaf δ13C in locations that typically have more bare soil and higher sensible heat in the growing season (upland topographic positions and grazed grasslands). Leaf δ13C from slopes varied among grazing contrasts, with upland and slope leaf δ13C more similar in ungrazed locations, while slopes and lowlands were more similar in grazed locations. In 2011, canopy greenness (normalized difference vegetation index – NDVI) was assessed at the centroid of individual shrubs using high-resolution hyperspectral imagery. Canopy greenness was highest mid-summer, likely reflecting temporal periods when C assimilation rates were highest. Similar to patterns seen in leaf δ13C, NDVI was highest in locations that typically experience lowest sensible heat (lowlands and ungrazed). The ability of Cornus drummondii to decouple leaf physiological responses from climate variability and fire frequency is a likely contributor to the increase in cover and frequency of this shrub species in mesic grassland and may be generalizable to other grasslands undergoing woody encroachment.  相似文献   

Many arid and semi‐arid landscapes around the world are affected by a shift from grassland to shrubland vegetation, presumably induced by climate warming, increasing atmospheric CO2 concentrations, and/or changing land use. This major change in vegetation cover is likely sustained by positive feedbacks with the physical environment. Recent research has focused on a feedback with microclimate, whereby cold intolerant shrubs increase the minimum nocturnal temperatures in their surroundings. Despite the rich literature on the impact of land cover change on local climate conditions, changes in microclimate resulting from shrub expansion into desert grasslands have remained poorly investigated. It is unclear to what extent such a feedback can affect the maximum extent of shrub expansion and the configuration of a stable encroachment front. Here, we focus on the case of the northern Chihuahuan desert, where creosotebush (Larrea tridentata) has been replacing grasslands over the past 100–150 years. We use a process‐based coupled atmosphere‐vegetation model to investigate the role of this feedback in sustaining shrub encroachment in the region. Simulations indicate that the feedback allows juvenile shrubs to establish in the grassland during average years and, once established, reduce their vulnerability to freeze‐induced mortality by creating a warmer microclimate. Such a feedback is crucial in extreme cold winters as it may reduce shrub mortality. We identify the existence of a critical zone in the surroundings of the encroachment front, in which vegetation dynamics are bistable: in this zone, vegetation can be stable both as grassland and as shrubland. The existence of these alternative stable states explains why in most cases the shift from grass to shrub cover is found to be abrupt and often difficult to revert.  相似文献   

Encroachment of woody plants into grasslands is a global phenomenon that has substantial impacts on pastoral productivity and ecosystem services. Over the past half century, pastoralists and land management agencies have explored various options to control woody plants in order to improve ecosystem services in shrub‐encroached grasslands. We examined the effectiveness of controlling the encroachment of the shrub Caragana microphylla into grassland in Inner Mongolia, China. We cut and removed all of the aboveground biomass from 450 shrubs, predicting that the effectiveness of this technique to control shrubs would depend on shrub morphology. Specifically, we expected that larger shrubs with more biomass would be more difficult to kill by cutting than smaller shrubs. A year after treatment, we found that cutting killed only 11% of the 450 treated shrubs, and of these, three‐quarters of the locations that they occupied reverted to grasses and one‐quarter to bare soil. Shrubs that survived the cutting treatment produced more stems and leaf biomass, and therefore had a greater leaf to stem ratio. Shrubs that died after cutting had a lower crown area and basal area, and less stem biomass than shrubs that resprouted within 12 months of cutting. There were no effects of shrub height on the fate of treated shrubs. Cutting had no effect on understory plant cover or richness, but reproductive plants were taller under shrubs that were not cut. Overall, our study showed that removing aboveground shrub biomass by cutting is an ineffective technique for “restoring” the original grassland community unless shrubs are very small. Strategic targeting of small shrubs would be a more effective technique for controlling the spread of C. microphylla in the long term.  相似文献   

Abstract: Free-ranging large grazers, such as cattle and horses, are increasingly reintroduced to former agricultural areas in Western Europe in order to restore natural and diverse habitats. In this review we outline mechanisms by which large grazers induce and maintain structural diversity in the vegetation (mosaics of grasslands, shrub thickets and trees). This variation in vegetation structure is considered to be important for the conservation of biodiversity of various plant and animal groups. The process of spatial association with unpalatable plants (as-sociational resistance) enables palatable plants to establish in grasslands maintained by large grazers. In this way, short unattractive (thorny, low quality or toxic) species facilitate taller unattractive shrubs, which facilitate palatable trees, which in turn outshade the species that facilitated their recruitment. Established trees can, therefore, not regenerate under their own canopy, leading to cyclic patch dynamics. Since this cyclic dynamic occurs on a local scale, this contributes to shifting mosaics. The mechanisms involved in creating and maintaining the resulting shifting mosaics are described for temperate flood-plain and heathland ecosystems, including the effects on nutrient transport within grazed landscapes. How grazing leads to shifting mosaics is described in terms of plant functional types, allowing potential generalisation to other ecosystems. The resulting interaction web of grasses, unpalatable forbs and shrubs, palatable light-demanding trees and shade-tolerant trees is discussed, and was found to contain various interesting direct and indirect effects. The key process contributing to spatial diversity in vegetation structure is the alternation of positive (facilitation) interactions between plant species at one life cycle stage, and competitive displacement at another stage. Grazing thus causes directional successional sequences to change to shifting mosaics. The implications of this theory for nature conservation are discussed, including the relevant management problems, possible choices and practical solutions. We conclude that the theoretical framework outlined in this review provides helpful insights when coping with nature conservation issues in temperate woodland habitats.  相似文献   

Shrub encroachment can follow grazing or burning release in páramo grasslands. While encroachment decreases herbaceous species richness in some grassland systems, the effects of this process on the herbaceous community in páramo grasslands are currently unknown. We collected data on shrub cover, herbaceous‐species cover and species composition in a páramo grassland 12 years after release from burning and cattle grazing near Zuleta, Ecuador. Topographic and soil measures were also included as predictor variables of differences in community composition. Contrary to studies in other systems, shrub cover did not have a significant effect on herbaceous‐species richness, whereas shrub‐species richness significantly increased with shrub cover. However, shrub cover was associated with significant shifts in herbaceous–community composition. Most notably, there was an increase in some shade‐tolerant forbs and tall‐statured wetland grasses with increasing shrub cover, and a corresponding decrease in some short‐statured grasses and early successional forbs. These results could indicate that the ameliorative effects of shrubs (e.g. frost and wind protection) in harsh alpine environments may partially compensate for the expected competitive effect of shrubs due to shading.  相似文献   

Changes in land management and reductions in fire frequency have contributed to increased cover of woody species in grasslands worldwide. These shifts in plant community composition have the potential to alter ecosystem function, particularly through changes in soil processes and properties. In semi-arid grasslands, the invasion of shrubs and trees is often accompanied by increases in soil resources and more rapid N and C cycling. We assessed the effects of shrub encroachment in a mesic grassland in Kansas (USA) on soil CO2 flux, extractable inorganic N, and N mineralization beneath shrub communities (Cornus drummondii) and surrounding undisturbed grassland sites. In this study, a shift in plant community composition from grassland to shrubland resulted in a 16% decrease in annual soil CO2 flux(4.78 kg CO2 m–2 year–1 for shrub dominated sites versus 5.84 kg CO2 m–2 year–1 for grassland sites) with no differences in total soil C or N or inorganic N. There was considerable variability in N mineralization rates within sites, which resulted in no overall difference in cumulative N mineralized during this study (4.09 g N m–2 for grassland sites and 3.03 g N m–2 for shrub islands). These results indicate that shrub encroachment into mesic grasslands does not significantly alter N availability (at least initially), but does alter C cycling by decreasing soil CO2 flux.  相似文献   

The Chilean matorral is characterized by multispecific shrub clumps in dry areas but has a continuous canopy in wetter sites. It has been hypothesized that this difference is due to easier recolonization of open patches by shrub seedlings under more mesic conditions. Within the mesic range of the matorral we designed a field experiment to compare shrub seedling emergence, growth, and survival under the closed canopy of a secondary forest versus three types of open patches: burned, cleared of shrubs but with a herbaceous layer present, and clear without a herbaceous layer. After the first summer, survival of Quillaja saponaria seedlings was 75% in the burned site, 30% in the cleared patch without herbaceous vegetation, and 15% with herbaceous vegetation present, whereas there was 0% survival under the secondary forest canopy. After eight years, the percentages had dropped to: 22%, 12% and 3%, respectively. These results contrast strongly with the seedling establishment patterns in drier areas of the matorral where early seedling survival is higher under the shade of large shrubs. In the experimental mesic sites, seedlings did best on the burned site, not only in terms of survival, but also in terms of growth. After one year, seedling mean height was 10.2 cm in the burned site, whereas 3.8 cm and 5.3 cm in the cleared patches without and with herbaceous respectively. After eight years, mean height differences between treatments had increased further: 147.7 cm in the burned site, 40.3 cm in the cleared patch without herbaceous cover and 13 cm in the cleared patch with herbs. Our results indicate that the facilitative effect of nurse shrubs on seedling establishment found in dry ranges of the matorral is less important in more mesic sites. This difference may explain the continuous shrub cover in relatively mesic areas as opposed to the characteristic patchy structure of the matorral in its drier range.  相似文献   

One of the most important changes taking place in drylands worldwide is the increase of the cover and dominance of shrubs in areas formerly devoid of them (shrub encroachment). A large body of research has evaluated the causes and consequences of shrub encroachment for both ecosystem structure and functioning. However, there are virtually no studies evaluating how shrub encroachment affects the ability of ecosystems to maintain multiple functions and services simultaneously (multifunctionality). We aimed to do so by gathering data from ten ecosystem functions linked to the maintenance of primary production and nutrient cycling and storage (organic C, activity of β-glucosidase, pentoses, hexoses, total N, total available N, amino acids, proteins, available inorganic P, and phosphatase activity), and summarizing them in a multifunctionality index (M). We assessed how climate, species richness, anthropic factors (distance to the nearest town, sandy and asphalted road, and human population in the nearest town at several historical periods) and encroachment by sprouting shrubs impacted both the functions in isolation and M along a regional (ca. 350 km) gradient in Mediterranean grasslands and shrublands dominated by a non-sprouting shrub. Values of M were higher in those grasslands and shrublands containing sprouting shrubs (43 and 62%, respectively). A similar response was found when analyzing the different functions in isolation, as encroachment by sprouting shrubs increased functions by 2–80% compared to unencroached areas. Encroachment was the main driver of changes in M along the regional gradient evaluated, followed by anthropic factors and species richness. Climate had little effects on M in comparison to the other factors studied. Similar responses were observed when evaluating the functions in isolation. Overall, our results showed that M was higher at sites with higher sprouting shrub cover, longer distance to roads and higher perennial plant species richness. Our study is the first documenting that ecosystem multifunctionality in shrublands is enhanced by encroaching shrubs differing in size and leaf attributes. Our findings reinforce the idea that encroachment effects on ecosystem functioning cannot be generalized, and that are largely dependent on the traits of the encroaching shrub relative to those of the species being replaced.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Although habitat attributes of black-tailed prairie dog (Cynomys ludovicianus) colonies have been described for central and northern portions of the species' geographic range, little is known about these associations at the southern edge of this species' distribution. Because high-quality habitats are expected to be scarcer at the edge of the species' geographic range, different patterns of habitat selection might emerge in these populations. We analyzed habitat selection by black-tailed prairie dogs in a human-disturbed mosaic of desert grasslands and shrublands in northwestern Chihuahua, Mexico. We contrasted 151 used and 133 unused habitat units producing 11 case-control logistic regression models to explain site occupancy by prairie dogs with different combinations of environmental variables. Prairie dogs from Chihuahua occupy sites similar in most respects to sites in more northern regions, although these prairie dogs appear to be more tolerant of increased shrub density and reduced herbage cover. We found that site occupancy was best modeled by positive effects of soil moisture level, cover of forbs, cover of unpalatable vegetation, cover of bare ground, and amount of prairie-dog colony area within 1 km and by the inverse of altitude, shrub density, herbage height, and amount of hostile habitat within 1 km. The 2 most significant variables were herbage height and shrub density, which might reflect the prominent role that visibility plays in habitat selection by prairie dogs. In contrast, we found weak evidence that human features have significant impacts on site occupancy by prairie dogs. Our results support the prediction that environmental conditions of sites used by prairie dogs in edge regions partially differ from those observed in more northern latitudes. We suggest that reserve managers focus conservation efforts on areas with short vegetation, low density of shrubs, and high herbage cover, conditions that could be promoted by controlled burns, herbage mowing, and mechanical removal of shrubs.  相似文献   

Shrub encroachment in pastoral areas subsequent to land-use changes has become a major problem for biodiversity and pastoral resource conservation. Controlling encroachment by grazing is the most promising prospect at this time, but the impact of small domestic ruminants on the population dynamics of dominant shrubby species is still poorly understood. To control the rapid densification of dominant shrub populations means that we have to focus on the early stages of shrub colonisation. In this paper, we present a modelling approach that includes deterministic matrix modelling to understand demography strategy at the very beginning of shrub population growth and to identify potential targeted life stages for control. We collected demographic data over a period of 5 years on the European dominant shrub, Cytisus scoparius (Scotch broom; Fabaceae), which is often part of the heathlands that establish themselves on former permanent grasslands in Europe. Our results reveal a very high variation in flowering frequency between years and a large contribution of the seed bank to the total number of seedlings that emerge each year. Modelling shows that population growth is very vigorous and is not stopped by repeated “bad years” for seed production. Sensitivity analyses indicate that early life stage survival (seedling, juvenile) has the greatest impact on population growth. These results make it possible to identify juveniles as one of the best targets for control since they combine a high degree of sensitivity in terms of population demography, good palatability for domestic herbivores and easy accessibility within a management schedule.  相似文献   

In the nurse plant syndrome, or nurse association, seedlings (beneficiaries) are associated with adult shrubs/trees (benefactors). This phenomenon has been documented in several regions of the planet. Abiotic stress amelioration (one mechanism of facilitation) is one of the causes of this association. Most of the studies addressing the nurse syndrome have been conducted on spatial scales of a few hectares and have focused on only one or a few species. Moreover, there is an almost complete lack of studies addressing the incidence and characteristics of the nurse phenomenon in the arid Andes of South America. We undertook a first approximation to the study of facilitation in these ecosystems. The study was conducted at local and regional scales and involved the assessment of the spatial distribution of juveniles (seedlings and saplings) of 51 populations of 16 shrub and 12 cactus species in relation to shrub cover at 20 localities of the Prepuna (subtropical Andes of Bolivia and Argentina, 20–26°S). In terms of spatial distribution, the juveniles of most of the populations of shrubs studied were distributed both under the shrubs and in open spaces, thereby showing an apparent indifference to microhabitat. Globose and opuntioid cacti were preferentially distributed below the canopies of shrubs and were usually more associated with the dominant shrub species, which stood out as better potential nurses. The pattern was consistent throughout the region, including the more mesic and arid localities. The fact that Prepuna woody species are capable of establishing in open spaces would confer this region a greater resilience. Our findings further suggest that community dynamics in arid and semi-arid environments are more variable than previously thought.  相似文献   

Todd  S.W.  Hoffman  M.T. 《Plant Ecology》1999,142(1-2):169-178
Changes in plant species richness and community composition were investigated across a fence separating heavily grazed communal and lightly grazed commercial farming systems in Namaqualand, South Africa. No significant differences in plant species richness between communal and commercial farming systems were detected either locally within individual plots or overall across all plots. Within-plot, richness of species tolerant of grazing, such as annuals and geophytes, has increased, while the richness of large palatable shrub species has decreased on the communal rangeland. In terms of plant cover, species' responses to grazing were strongly associated with growth form. Annuals and geophytes formed the majority of grazing increasers, while large, presumably palatable, shrubs and leaf succulents were characteristic grazing decreasers. An investigation into population processes of five shrub species revealed that heavy grazing on the communal rangeland has resulted in: reduced size of palatable shrub species; reduced flower production and seedling recruitment of palatable species; increased density and recruitment of the unpalatable shrub, Galenia africana. Reductions in shrub volume, reproductive output and seedling recruitment were most marked in the palatable shrub Osteospermum sinuatum and were in the order of 90%. The results are further discussed in terms of their relevance to rangeland dynamics and the current land use practices of the region.  相似文献   

Encroachment of woody plants into grasslands has generated considerable interest among ecologists. Syntheses of encroachment effects on ecosystem processes have been limited in extent and confined largely to pastoral land uses or particular geographical regions. We used univariate analyses, meta-analysis and structural equation modelling to test the propositions that (1) shrub encroachment does not necessarily lead to declines in ecosystem functions and (2) shrub traits influence the functional outcome of encroachment. Analyses of 43 ecosystem attributes from 244 case studies worldwide showed that some attributes consistently increased with encroachment (e.g. soil C, N), and others declined (e.g. grass cover, pH), but most exhibited variable responses. Traits of shrubs were associated with significant, though weak, structural and functional outcomes of encroachment. Our review revealed that encroachment had mixed effects on ecosystem structure and functioning at global scales, and that shrub traits influence the functional outcome of encroachment. Thus, a simple designation of encroachment as a process leading to functionally, structurally or contextually degraded ecosystems is not supported by a critical analysis of existing literature. Our results highlight that the commonly established link between shrub encroachment and degradation is not universal.  相似文献   

干旱区绿洲-荒漠过渡带灌丛土壤属性研究   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:15  
以天山北坡绿洲 荒漠过渡带为研究区,选择3种类型的灌丛并采集不同位置和深度的灌丛土壤样品进行分析,研究灌丛土壤资源的聚集效应.结果表明,干旱区绿洲 荒漠过渡带不同类型灌丛对土壤粒度分布的影响不显著,土壤以砂和粉砂为主,红柳+裸地灌丛土壤粒度分布的聚集效应明显;灌丛土壤有机质、全氮和速效钾含量在冠幅下最高,其次为灌丛间低矮植物下,灌丛间裸地最低,呈现出明显的“肥岛”现象;不同灌丛类型和采样位置对土壤盐分离子和总盐含量的变化影响显著,且不同灌丛土壤资源的聚集效应各异;导致不同类型灌丛土壤资源富集率不同的原因有气候因素、灌木分布的土壤环境、灌丛高度和冠幅、灌丛间有无低矮植物等.  相似文献   

Expansion of woody vegetation in grasslands is a worldwide phenomenon with implications for C and N cycling at local, regional and global scales. Although woody encroachment is often accompanied by increased annual net primary production (ANPP) and increased inputs of litter, mesic ecosystems may become sources for C after woody encroachment because stimulation of soil CO2 efflux releases stored soil carbon. Our objective was to determine if young, sandy soils on a barrier island became a sink for C after encroachment of the nitrogen‐fixing shrub Morella cerifera, or if associated stimulation of soil CO2 efflux mitigated increased litterfall. We monitored variations in litterfall in shrub thickets across a chronosequence of shrub expansion and compared those data to previous measurements of ANPP in adjacent grasslands. In the final year, we quantified standing litter C and N pools in shrub thickets and soil organic matter (SOM), soil organic carbon (SOC), soil total nitrogen (TN) and soil CO2 efflux in shrub thickets and adjacent grasslands. Heavy litterfall resulted in a dense litter layer storing an average of 809 g C m?2 and 36 g N m?2. Although soil CO2 efflux was stimulated by shrub encroachment in younger soils, soil CO2 efflux did not vary between shrub thickets and grasslands in the oldest soils and increases in CO2 efflux in shrub thickets did not offset contributions of increased litterfall to SOC. SOC was 3.6–9.8 times higher beneath shrub thickets than in grassland soils and soil TN was 2.5–7.7 times higher under shrub thickets. Accumulation rates of soil and litter C were highest in the youngest thicket at 101 g m?2 yr?1 and declined with increasing thicket age. Expansion of shrubs on barrier islands, which have low levels of soil carbon and high potential for ANPP, has the potential to significantly increase ecosystem C sequestration.  相似文献   

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