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M. L. Tepper  P. R. Gully 《CMAJ》1997,156(12):1737-1738

Iron stores at birth are essential to meet iron needs during the first 4–6 months of life. The present study aimed to investigate iron stores in normal birth weight, healthy, term neonates. Umbilical cord blood samples were collected from apparently normal singleton vaginal deliveries (n=854). Subjects were screened and excluded if C-reactive protein (CRP) > 5 mg/l or α1-acid glycoprotein (AGP) > 1 g/l, preterm (<37 complete weeks), term < 2500g or term > 4000g. In total, 762 samples were included in the study. Serum ferritin, soluble transferrin receptor (sTfR), hepcidin, and erythropoietin (EPO) were measured in umbilical cord blood samples; total body iron (TBI) (mg/kg) was calculated using sTfR and ferritin concentrations. A total of 19.8% newborns were iron deficient (ferritin 35 μg/l) and an additional 46.6% had insufficient iron stores (ferritin < 76 μg/l). There was a positive association between serum ferritin and sTfR, hepcidin, and EPO. Gestational age was positively associated with ferritin, sTfR, EPO, and hepcidin. In conclusion, we demonstrate a high prevalence of insufficient iron stores in a Chinese birth cohort. The value of cord sTfR and TBI in the assessment of iron status in the newborn is questionable, and reference ranges need to be established.  相似文献   

大熊猫初生幼仔体重较轻,仅为正常母体体重的千分之一,平均144.9±40.59 g(张志和和魏辅文,2006).初生体重在70 g以下的幼仔,常被称之为超轻体重幼仔,初生体重超轻、身体瘦弱活动无力,产后无叫声或叫声小是其主要特点.对于体重超轻初生幼仔的育幼,目前有1993年对一例初生体重为61 g的幼仔,在产后两周内采用胃导管喂母初乳、之后采取人工与母兽交替哺育的方法养育存活以及2000年对一只58 g幼仔进行全人工育幼存活7 d的报道(钟顺龙和何光昕,1997,侯蓉等,2000).2006年成都大熊猫繁育研究基地的一只雌性大熊猫产下一对双胞胎,其中一仔初生体重仅51 g,经人工辅助哺育存活,该幼仔是圈养条件下育成的初生体重最轻的大熊猫.现将该例的育幼情况报道于后,以供参考.  相似文献   



There is limited data on the epidemiology of Immune Reconstitution Inflammatory Syndrome (IRIS) in rural sub-Saharan Africa. A prospective observational cohort study was conducted to assess the incidence, clinical characteristics, outcome and predictors of IRIS in rural Mozambique.


One hundred and thirty-six consecutive antiretroviral treatment (ART)-naïve HIV-1-infected patients initiating ART at the Manhiça district hospital were prospectively followed for development of IRIS over 16 months. Survival analysis by Cox regression was performed to identify pre-ART predictors of IRIS development.


Thirty-six patients developed IRIS [26.5%, incidence rate 3.1 cases/100 persons-month of ART (95% CI 2.2–4.3)]. Median time to IRIS onset was 62 days from ART initiation (IQR 35.5–93.5). Twenty-five cases (69.4%) were “unmasking”, 10 (27.8%) were “paradoxical”, and 1 (2.8%) developed a paradoxical worsening followed by the unmasking of another condition. Systemic OI (OI-IRIS) accounted for 47% (17/36) of IRIS cases, predominantly of KS (8 cases) and TB (6 cases) IRIS. Mucocutaneous IRIS manifestations (MC-IRIS) accounted for 53% (19/36) of IRIS events, mostly tinea (9 cases) and herpes simplex infection (3 cases). Multivariate analysis identified two independent predictors of IRIS development: pre-ART CD4 count <50 cells/µl (HR 2.3, 95% CI 1.19–4.44, p = 0.01) and body mass index (BMI) <18.5 (HR 2.15, 95% CI 1.07–4.3, p = 0.03). The pre-cART proportion of activated T-cells, as well as the immunologic and virologic response to ART were not associated with IRIS development. All patients continued on ART, 7 (19.4%) required hospitalization and there were 3 deaths (8.3%) attributable to IRIS.


IRIS is common in patients initiating ART in rural Mozambique. Pre-ART CD4 counts and BMI can easily be assessed at ART initiation in rural sub-Saharan Africa to identify patients at high risk of IRIS, for whom close supervision is warranted.  相似文献   

From December 1983 to June 1985, 162 infants of less than 32 weeks'' gestation or weighing less than 1,500 g, or both, were cared for at the regional neonatal intensive care unit in Leeds. Of the 162, 64 (40%) were born in the unit because their mothers had received antenatal care there, 58 (36%) were born in another hospital and subsequently transferred, and 40 (25%) were transferred in utero because of potential complications. The overall mortalities for each group were 14%, 38%, and 18% respectively. These differences were significant, but when they were corrected for gestation, birth weight, and mode of delivery there was no difference in either the mortality or the incidence of intraventricular haemorrhage in the three study populations. Although there seem to be no distinct advantages of in utero transfer in terms of mortality and morbidity, there are other psychological and emotional advantages.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To compare proportions of low birthweight babies and mean heights of schoolchildren between rural and urban areas at different levels of social deprivation. DESIGN--Cross sectional population based study classifying cases by Townsend material deprivation index of enumeration district of residence and by rural areas, small towns, and large towns. SETTING--Northumberland Health District. SUBJECTS--18,930 singleton infants delivered alive during January 1985 to September 1990 and resident in Northumberland in October 1990; 9055 children aged 5 to 8 1/2 years attending Northumberland schools in the winter of 1989-90. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Odds ratios for birth weight less than 2800 g; difference in mean height measured by standard deviation (SD) score. RESULTS--Between the most deprived and most affluent 20% of enumeration districts the odds ratio for low birth weight adjusted for rural or urban setting was 1.71 (95% confidence interval 1.51 to 1.93) and the difference in mean height -0.232 SD score (-0.290 to -0.174). Between large towns and rural areas the odds ratio for low birth weight adjusted for deprivation was 1.37 (1.23 to 1.53) and the difference in mean height -0.162 SD score (-0.214 to -0.110). Results for small towns were intermediate between large towns and rural areas. CONCLUSIONS--Inequalities in birth weight and height exist in all rural and urban settings between deprived and affluent areas. In addition, there is substantial disadvantage to living in urban areas compared with rural areas which results from social or environmental factors unrelated to current levels of deprivation.  相似文献   


Chronotype is the temporal preference for activity and sleep during the 24 h day and is linked to mental and physical health, quality of life, and mortality. Later chronotypes, so-called “night owls”, consistently display poorer health outcomes than “larks”. Previous studies have suggested that preterm birth (<37 weeks of gestation) is associated with an earlier chronotype in children, adolescents, and young adults, but studies beyond this age are absent. Our aim was to determine if adults born preterm at very low birth weight (VLBW, ≤1500 g) display different chronotypes than their siblings. We studied VLBW adults, aged 29.9 years (SD 2.8), matched with same-sex term-born siblings as controls. A total of 123 participants, consisting of 53 sibling pairs and 17 unmatched participants, provided actigraphy-derived data on the timing, duration, and quality of sleep from 1640 nights (mean 13.3 per participant, SD 2.7). Mixed effects models provided estimates and significance tests. Compared to their siblings, VLBW adults displayed 27 min earlier sleep midpoint during free days (95% CI: 3 to 51 min, p =.029). This was also reflected in the timing of falling asleep, waking up, and sleep-debt corrected sleep midpoint. The findings were emphasized in VLBW participants born small for gestational age. VLBW adults displayed an earlier chronotype than their siblings still at age 30, which suggests that the earlier chronotype is an enduring individual trait not explained by shared family factors. This preference could provide protection from risks associated with preterm birth.  相似文献   

The frequency of chromosome aberrations in cells cultured from umbilical cord blood was determined for 50 low birth weight (LBW) and 50 normal birth weight (NBW) euploid newborns matched for sex, race, and maternal age. The metaphase spreads had been prepared in the course of an earlier study of frequency of aneuploidy and results are from 72-h cultures, i.e., presumably, at the second division in vitro. There were no significant differences between the two groups in the frequency of cells with chromosome breakage, chromosome gaps, or hyperdiploid cells. There was, however, a significantly higher frequency of hypodiploid cells in the LBW group. The present findings differ from those of others who have reported an increase in chromosome breakage in premature newborns.  相似文献   

This paper examines the distribution of low birth weight (2500 g or less) by gestation time, sex, maternal age, parity (birth order), socioeconomic conditions, and season of birth among 5117 single live births born to Bengali mothers at the Ramakrishna Mission Seva Pratisthan Hospital in Calcutta, India. Preterm infants have low birth weight significantly more often than their full term counterparts. Female infants have low birth weights significantly more often than male infants. The infants of poor mothers have lower birth weights in higher order births more often than infants of higher orders born to well-off mothers. Teenaged mothers produce low birth weight babies significantly more often than older mothers. Although the relationship is not significant, low birth weight infants occur more often among 1st and late born infants and less often among 2nd born infants. The season of birth is not significantly associated with birth weight. Less than 10% of low birth weight infants are pre-term, while the rest are full term. The great majority of low birth weight infants are small-for-gestational-age; the minority are small due to curtailed gestational age. The proportion of infants weighing less than 2001 g is only 9%; this figure tallies closely with earlier studies of India.  相似文献   

This paper uses intergenerational data from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID) to address the black-white difference in propensities toward low birth weight (LBW). We determine that socioeconomic conditions account for some variation in low birth weight across race. Further, while race differences in the risk of low birth weight cannot be explained entirely, we find that the inheritance of parental birth weight status dramatically reduces the black-white gap in low birth weight. Intergenerational legacies of poor infant health explain the largest share of racial disparities in filial birth weight. We then try to assess whether this intergenerational transmission of low birth weight is indeed genetic by using grandparent-fixed effects models to factor out, to a great extent, family socioeconomic circumstances. We find that even within this framework, both father's and mother's birth weight status have an important impact on filial outcomes. However, the degree of inheritance is weaker for African Americans than for other races. Finally, we theorize that the importance of paternal birth weight status implies a genetic association that does not work through the uterine environment but rather through the fetus itself.  相似文献   

This study identified the influences of neonatal and maternal factors on premature birth and low birth weight in New South Wales, Australia. Bivariate and multivariate analyses were used to explore the association of selected neonatal and maternal characteristics with premature birth and low birth weight. The findings of this study showed that premature birth and low birth weight rate significantly varied by infant sex, maternal age, marital status, Aboriginality, parity, maternal smoking behaviour during pregnancy and maternal hypertension. First-born infants, and infants born to mothers aged less than 20 years, or who were single, separated/divorced, Aboriginal or who smoked during the pregnancy, were at increased risk of being premature or of low birth weight. This study also found that risk factors for premature births and low birth weight were similar in both singleton and multiple births. Gestational age was confirmed to be the single most important risk factor for low birth weight. The findings of this study suggest that in order to reduce the incidence of low birth weight and premature births, health improvement strategies should focus on anti-smoking campaigns during pregnancy and other healthcare programmes targeted at the socially disadvantaged populations identified in the study.  相似文献   

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