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Proteins, exons and molecular evolution   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
S K Holland  C C Blake 《Bio Systems》1987,20(2):181-206
The discovery of the eukaryotic gene structure has prompted research into the potential relationship between protein structure and function and the corresponding exon/intron patterns. The exon shuffling hypothesis put forward by Gilbert and Blake suggests the encodement of structural and functional protein elements by exons which can recombine to create novel proteins. This provides an explanation for the relatively rapid evolution of proteins from a few primordial molecules. As the number of gene and protein structures increases, evidence of exon shuffling is becoming more apparent and examples are presented both from modern multi-domain proteins and ancient proteins. Recent work into the chemical properties and catalytic functions of RNA have led to hypotheses based upon the early existence of RNA. These theories suggest that the split gene structure originated in the primordial soup as a result of random RNA synthesis. Stable regions of RNA, or exons, were utilised as primitive enzymes. In response to selective pressures for information storage, the activity was directly transferred from the RNA enzymes or ribozymes, to proteins. These short polypeptides fused together to create larger proteins with a wide range of functions. Recent research into RNA processing and exon size, discussed in this review, provides a clearer insight into the evolutionary development of the gene and protein structure.  相似文献   

Graham A 《Current biology : CB》2005,15(18):R764-R766
The skeleton of the neck and shoulders has undergone alterations during evolution, but muscle connectivity has not. A recent study suggests this is a result of neural crest cells defining attachment points and thus muscle connectivity.  相似文献   

Allelic genealogy and human evolution   总被引:25,自引:7,他引:18  
Genetic variation at most loci examined in human populations indicates that the (effective) population size has been approximately 10(4) for the past 1 Myr and that individuals have been genetically united rather tightly. Also suggested is that the population size has never dropped to a few individuals, even in a single generation. These impose important requirements for the hypotheses for the origin of modern humans: a relatively large population size and frequent migration if populations were geographically subdivided. Any hypothesis that assumes a small number of founding individuals throughout the late Pleistocene can be rejected. Extraordinary polymorphism at some loci of the major histocompatibility complex (Mhc) rules out the past action of severe bottlenecks, or the so-called founder principle, which invokes only a small number of founding individuals when a new species emerges. This conclusion may be extended to the 35-Myr-old history of the human lineage, because some polymorphism at Mhc loci seems to have lasted that long. Furthermore, although the population structure prior to the late Pleistocene is less clear, owing to the insensitivity of Mhc alleles, even to low levels of migration, the nature of Mhc polymorphism suggests that the effective size of populations leading to humans was as large as 10(5). Hence, the effective population size of humans might have become somewhat smaller in most of the late Pleistocene. The reduction could be due either to the then adverse environment in the Old World and/or to the increased migration rate. It is also argued that population explosion fostered by the agriculture revolution has had significant effects on incorporating new alleles into human populations.   相似文献   

Nup96 is involved in a lethal hybrid incompatibility between 2 fruit fly species, Drosophila melanogaster and Drosophila simulans. Recurrent adaptive evolution drove the rapid functional divergence of Nup96 in both the D. melanogaster and the D. simulans lineages. Functional divergence of Nup96 between these 2 species is unexpected as Nup96 encodes part of the Nup107 subcomplex, an architectural component of nuclear pore complexes, the macromolecular channels in nuclear envelopes that mediate nucleocytoplasmic traffic in all eukaryotes. Here we study the evolutionary histories of 5 of Nup96's protein interactors--3 stable Nup107 subcomplex proteins (Nup75, Nup107, and Nup133) and 2 mobile nucleoporins (Nup98 and Nup153)--and show that all 5 have experienced recurrent adaptive evolution. These results are consistent with selection-driven coevolution among molecular interactors within species causing the incidental evolution of incompatible interactions seen in hybrids between species. We suggest that genetic conflict-driven processes may have contributed to the rapid molecular evolution of Nup107 subcomplex genes.  相似文献   

Prigent SR  Rajpurohit S 《Fly》2007,1(5):297-302
A century ago a little fly with red eyes was first used for genetic studies. That insignificant fly, called at that time Drosophila ampelophila, revolutionized biology while becoming the model we know today under the name of Drosophila melanogaster. Since then its study has never ceased, but the field of interest has somewhat changed during the century. To caricature a little, today we essentially learn from Drosophila meetings that the fly has a brain! It is true that the fly is a tremendous model organism for neurobiology. But this fly is, in fact, an appropriate and recognized model for the whole of biology. Indeed, Drosophila meetings are exceptional opportunities to gather biologists of diverse backgrounds together. There we not only learn about the latest improvements in our field of interest, but surely appreciate learning another bit of biology. From this biological melting pot has emerged a culture very specific to the fly community. Thus besides neurobiology, cell biology and development, a diversity of other research fields exist; they all have their own place in the cultural and historical dimension of the "drosophila" model. Several communications from those diverse research fields were presented at the 8th Japanese Drosophila Research Conference (JDRC8) and are briefly covered here. We believe it more judicious to call the model "drosophila" without a capital initial, as the model has never really been limited to only the Drosophila genus. The vernacular name "drosophila" is currently used to designate any fly of the Drosophilidae family and we believe the term more appropriate than "small fruit fly" or "vinegar fly" to better include the species and ecological diversity of the model.  相似文献   

Allelic expression imbalance (AEI) is an important genetic factor being the cause of differences in phenotypic traits that can be heritable. Studying AEI can be useful in searching for factors that modulate gene expression and help to understand molecular mechanisms underlying phenotypic changes. Although it was commonly recognized in many species and we know many genes show allelic expression imbalance, this phenomena was not studied on a larger scale in cattle. Using the pyrosequencing method we analyzed a set of 29 bovine genes in order to find those that have preferential allelic expression. The study was conducted in three tissues: liver, pituitary and kindey. Out of the studied group of genes 3 of them—LEP (leptin), IGF2 (insulin-like growth factor 2), CCL2 (chemokine C–C motif ligand 2) showed allelic expression imbalance.  相似文献   

Axillary lymph node status is the most important prognostic factor in predicting disease outcome in women with breast cancer. A number of chromosomal aberrations in primary breast tumors have been correlated with lymph node status and clinical outcome, but chromosomal changes particular to metastatic lymph node tumors have not been well studied. DNA samples isolated from laser-microdissected primary breast and metastatic axillary lymph node tumors from 25 women with invasive breast cancer were amplified using 52 microsatellite markers defining 26 chromosomal regions commonly deleted in breast cancer. Levels and patterns of allelic imbalance (AI) within and between breast and lymph node tumors were assessed to identify chromosomal alterations unique to primary or metastatic tumors and to examine the timing of metastatic potential. The overall frequency of AI in primary breast tumors (0.24) was significantly greater (P < 0.001) than that in lymph node tumors (0.10), and congruent AI events were observed for < 20% of informative markers. AI at chromosomes 11q23.3 and 17p13.3 occurred significantly more frequently (P < 0.05) in primary breast tumors alone; no chromosomal regions showed a significantly higher AI frequency in lymph nodes. Higher rates of AI in primary versus metastatic lymph node tumors suggest that acquisition of metastatic potential may be an early event in carcinogenesis, occurring before significant levels of AI accumulate in the primary tumor. In addition, patterns of AI were highly discordant between tumor types, suggesting that additional genetic alterations accumulated independently in the two cell populations.  相似文献   

Chemoperception plays a key role in adaptation and speciation in animals, and the senses of olfaction and gustation are mediated by gene families which show large variation in repertoire size among species. In Drosophila, there are around 60 loci of each type and it is thought that ecological specialization influences repertoire size, with increased pseudogenization of loci. Here, we analyse the size of the gustatory and olfactory repertoires among the genomes of 12 species of Drosophila . We find that repertoire size varies substantially and the loci are evolving by duplication and pseudogenization, with striking examples of lineage-specific duplication. Selection analyses imply that the majority of loci are subject to purifying selection, but this is less strong in gustatory loci and in loci prone to duplication. In contrast to some other studies, we find that few loci show statistically significant evidence of positive selection. Overall genome size is strongly correlated with the proportion of duplicated chemoreceptor loci, but genome size, specialization and endemism may be interrelated in their influence on repertoire size.  相似文献   

Five morphometrical traits (wing and thorax length, ovariole number, and thoracic and female abdomen pigmentation) were investigated in laboratory stocks of 20 species belonging to the Drosophila obscura group (subgenus Sophophora). These species originated from four biogeographical regions and represent all five of the presently recognized, taxonomic subgroups. Size‐related traits (wing and thorax length) were highly variable across species, and interspecific variation explained more than 90% of total variability. In both traditional and phylogenetic analyses, wing size was positively correlated with latitude of origin. These interspecific correlations were however notably weaker than those for intraspecific correlations. Wing/thorax ratio, which may be related to flight capacity, showed little variation. Ovariole number was highly variable (range 27–53) both within and between species, and was positively correlated with the wing/thorax ratio, suggesting that species with relatively large ovaries have relatively low wing loading. Although many species are completely dark, 11 had some regions of light coloration. A light thorax with a median darkening was observed in six species. A variable pigmentation of abdominal tergites, in females only, was found in nine species, belonging to three subgroups only. With respect to both molecular phylogeny and morphometrical evolution, the D. obscura subgroup is probably now the best investigated clade in Drosophila.  相似文献   

Two isoforms of the erythrocyte histone H1.a were identified in two conservative flocks of Rhode Island Red chickens and six conservative flocks of ducks. The H1.a1 and H1.a2 isoforms formed three phenotypes (a1, a2 and a1a2) and were electrophoretically similar in the two species. The frequency of phenotype and histone H1.a allele occurrence varied within the genetic groups of birds, but the relatively rare allele a 2 was only detected in chicken and duck strains with colored feathers. Using mass spectrometry, we established that the difference between the measured masses of the duck H1.a isoforms was 156 Da. Since this value corresponds to the mass of the arginine residue alone or to the combined mass of the valine and glycine residues, we believe that the polymorphism of duck histone H1.a might have originated from sequence variation. A mass difference of 1 Da observed between chicken H1.a isoforms corresponded well to the previously detected Glu/Lys substitution (0.9414 Da) at position 117.  相似文献   

Fruit flies (Drosophila and its close relatives, or “drosophilids”) are a group that includes an important model organism, Drosophila melanogaster, and also very diverse species distributed worldwide. Many of these species have black or brown pigmentation patterns on their wings, and have been used as material for evo-devo research. Pigmentation patterns are thought to have evolved rapidly compared with body plans or body shapes; hence they are advantageous model systems for studying evolutionary gains of traits and parallel evolution. Various groups of drosophilids, including genus Idiomyia (Hawaiian Drosophila), have a variety of pigmentations, ranging from simple black pigmentations around crossveins to a single antero-distal spot and a more complex mottled pattern. Pigmentation patterns are sometimes obviously used for sexual displays; however, in some cases they may have other functions. The process of wing formation in Drosophila, the general mechanism of pigmentation formation, and the transport of substances necessary for pigmentation, including melanin precursors, through wing veins are summarized here. Lastly, the evolution of the expression of genes regulating pigmentation patterns, the role of cis-regulatory regions, and the conditions required for the evolutionary emergence of pigmentation patterns are discussed. Future prospects for research on the evolution of wing pigmentation pattern formation in drosophilids are presented, particularly from the point of view of how they compare with other studies of the evolution of new traits.  相似文献   

Photoreceptor cells that were mostly free of extracellular material and suitable for most electrophysiological study procedures were dissociated from whole heads of the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster, by a simple smash technique employing gentle chopping by a razor blade through Parafilm sheets. A variety of commonly available proteolytic and glycolytic digestion enzymes were tested as additions to the basic dissociation procedure described. With the aid of Nomarski interference contrast optics, periodic acid-Schiff staining, and fluorescent labeling and microscopy methods, it was determined that proteolytic enzymatic digestion does little to enhance the dissociation procedure, and instead, often damages the cells that one is attempting to recover. Unexpectedly, certain glycolytic enzymes, when added to the basic procedure, appear to enhance the recovery of intact viable Drosophila photoreceptors that are stripped of most extracellular material. Based on these results, a hypothesis concerning the biochemical nature of the extracellular matrix of the Drosophila retina is proposed. Drosophila photoreceptors are an interesting model system for the study of invertebrate phototransduction and photoreceptor cell biology because of their many well-characterized mutant strains. The technique described here should produce clean viable photoreceptors or ommatidia that respond to light, and that are suitable for patch clamping or cell culture.  相似文献   

In the cross between Drosophila melanogaster females and D. simulans males, hybrid males die at the late larval stage, and the sibling females also die at later stages at high temperatures. Removing the D. simulans allele of the Lethal hybrid rescue gene (Lhr sim ) improves the hybrid incompatibility phenotypes. However, the loss-of-function mutation of Lhr sim (Lhr sim0 ) does not rescue the hybrid males in crosses with several D. melanogaster strains. We first describe the genetic factor possessed by the D. melanogaster strains. It has been suggested that removing the D. melanogaster allele of Lhr (Lhr mel ), that is Lhr mel0 , does not have the hybrid male rescue effect, contrasting to Lhr sim0 . Because the expression level of the Lhr gene is known to be Lhr sim  > Lhr mel in the hybrid, Lhr mel0 may not lead to enough of a reduction in total Lhr expression. Then, there is a possibility that the D. melanogaster factor changes the expression level to Lhr sim  < Lhr mel . But in fact, the expression level was Lhr sim  > Lhr mel in the hybrid irrespectively of the presence of the factor. At last, we showed that Lhr mel0 slightly improves the viability of hybrid females, which was not realized previously. All of the present results are consistent with the allelic asymmetry model of the Lhr gene expression in the hybrid.  相似文献   

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