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SNAP receptor (SNARE) complexes bridge opposing membranes to promote membrane fusion within the secretory and endosomal pathways. Because only the exocytic SNARE complexes have been characterized in detail, the structural features shared by SNARE complexes from different fusion steps are not known. We now describe the subunit structure, assembly, and regulation of a quaternary SNARE complex, which appears to mediate an early step in endoplasmic reticulum (ER) to Golgi transport. Purified recombinant syntaxin 5, membrin, and rbet1, three Q-SNAREs, assemble cooperatively to create a high affinity binding site for sec22b, an R-SNARE. The syntaxin 5 amino-terminal domain potently inhibits SNARE complex assembly. The ER/Golgi quaternary complex is remarkably similar to the synaptic complex, suggesting that a common pattern is followed at all transport steps, where three Q-helices assemble to form a high affinity binding site for a fourth R-helix on an opposing membrane. Interestingly, although sec22b binds to the combination of syntaxin 5, membrin, and rbet1, it can only bind if it is present while the others assemble; sec22b cannot bind to a pre-assembled ternary complex of syntaxin 5, membrin, and rbet1. Finally, we demonstrate that the quaternary complex containing sec22b is not an in vitro entity only, but is a bona fide species in living cells.  相似文献   

X Cao  N Ballew    C Barlowe 《The EMBO journal》1998,17(8):2156-2165
ER-to-Golgi transport in yeast may be reproduced in vitro with washed membranes, purified proteins (COPII, Uso1p and LMA1) and energy. COPII coated vesicles that have budded from the ER are freely diffusible but then dock to Golgi membranes upon the addition of Uso1p. LMA1 and Sec18p are required for vesicle fusion after Uso1p function. Here, we report that the docking reaction is sensitive to excess levels of Sec19p (GDI), a treatment that removes the GTPase, Ypt1p. Once docked, however, vesicle fusion is no longer sensitive to GDI. In vitro binding experiments demonstrate that the amount of Uso1p associated with membranes is reduced when incubated with GDI and correlates with the level of membrane-bound Ypt1p, suggesting that this GTPase regulates Uso1p binding to membranes. To determine the influence of SNARE proteins on the vesicle docking step, thermosensitive mutations in Sed5p, Bet1p, Bos1p and Sly1p that prevent ER-to-Golgi transport in vitro at restrictive temperatures were employed. These mutations do not interfere with Uso1p-mediated docking, but block membrane fusion. We propose that an initial vesicle docking event of ER-derived vesicles, termed tethering, depends on Uso1p and Ypt1p but is independent of SNARE proteins.  相似文献   

SNARE proteins control intracellular membrane fusion through formation of membrane-bridging helix bundles of amphipathic SNARE motifs. Repetitive cycles of membrane fusion likely involve repetitive folding/unfolding of the SNARE motif helical structure. Despite these conformational demands, little is known about conformational regulation of SNAREs by other proteins. Here we demonstrate that hsc70 chaperones stimulate in vitro SNARE complex formation among the ER/Golgi SNAREs syntaxin 5, membrin, rbetl and sec22b, under conditions in which assembly is normally inhibited. Thus, molecular chaperones can render the SNARE motif more competent for assembly. Partially purified hsc70 fractions from brain cytosol had higher specific activities than fully purified hsc70, suggesting the involvement of unidentified cofactors. Using chemical crosslinking of cells followed by immunoprecipitation, we found that hsc70 was associated with ER/Golgi SNAREs in vivo. Consistent with a modulatory role for hsc70 in transport, we found that excess hsc70 specifically inhibited ER-to-Golgi transport in permeabilized cells.  相似文献   

Intracellular membrane fusion requires the complex coordination of SNARE, rab/ypt, and rab effector function. In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, fusion of endosome-derived vesicles with the late Golgi depends on a cascade of protein-protein interactions that results in the recruitment to Golgi membranes of a conserved docking complex, VFT. This complex binds to Ypt6-GTP, which is necessary for its localization to the Golgi, and also to the SNARE Tlg1p. We show here that the VFT complex contains a fourth, previously uncharacterized, subunit, Vps51p (Ykr020w). Yeast cells lacking VPS51 have defects in vacuole morphology and recycling of the SNARE Snc1p to the plasma membrane, but still assemble a core VFT complex consisting of Vps52p, Vps53p, and Vps54p that localizes properly to the Golgi. Binding to Ypt6-GTP is a property of Vps52p. In contrast, binding to Tlg1p is mediated by a short sequence at the N terminus of Vps51p. Recent evidence suggests that components of a number of rab/ypt effector complexes share a common, distantly related helical coiled-coil motif. We show that each VFT subunit requires this coiled-coil motif for assembly into the complex.  相似文献   

We recently identified a novel and transplantable di-acidic motif (EXXD) that facilitates ER export of the Golgi syntaxin SYP31 (type IV protein) and which may function also for type I and type II proteins in plants. By mutagenesis of Arabidopsis thaliana SYP31 and live cell imaging experiments in tobacco leaf epidermal cells, we determined that replacing the MELAD sequence of SYP31 with gagag retained SYP31 in the ER, which demonstrates that the di-acidic motif ELAD is critical for SYP31 ER export. To investigate whether blockage of a Golgi SNARE in the ER have consequences for plant growth, we produced tobacco plants stably overexpressing either the wild type MELAD or the mutant gagag form of SYP31. Whereas tobacco plants overexpressing the wild-type SYP31 developed to set seed, tobacco plants overexpressing the mutant form gagag rapidly became chlorotic, ceased their growth and invariably died after several weeks. This indicated that retention of overexpressed SYP31 in the ER is likely toxic for the secretory pathway and, therefore, plant development. Putative explanations for this observation are discussed taking into account SNARE properties and possible interactions.Key words: plant growth, ER-golgi interface, ER export, Golgi SNAREs, SYP31, SNARE interactions, di-acidic motifSNAREs (soluble N-ethyl-maleimide sensitive factor attachment receptor proteins) are components of the molecular machinery that facilitates vesicular transport in the secretory pathway of eukaryotic cells,1,2 and are critical for numerous plant physiological functions.1,3 SYP31 is a type IV syntaxin localized at the Golgi and it is required for anterograde traffic from the ER to the Golgi.4,5 In the search for putative ER export signals in the sequence of SYP31, we identified a di-acidic motif (M) ELAD(G) of the type EXXD.6 This di-acidic motif was essential for ER export and Golgi targeting of SYP31, and we suggested an interaction of this motif with the COPII machinery (reviewed in ref. 6). To investigate whether blocking a Golgi SNARE in the ER may affect plant growth, we have produced transgenic tobacco plants overexpressing either the wild type MELAD or the mutant gagag form of A. thaliana SYP31.  相似文献   

The yeast COG complex has been proposed to function as a vesicle-tethering complex on an early Golgi compartment, but its role is not fully understood. COG complex mutants exhibit a dramatic reduction in Golgi-specific glycosylation and other defects. Here we show that a strain carrying a COG3 temperature-sensitive allele, cog3-202, clearly exhibited the glycosylation defect while exhibiting nearly normal secretion kinetics. Two Golgi mannosyltransferases, Och1p and Mnn1p, were mislocalized in cog3-202 cells. In cog3-202 cells Och1-HA was found in lighter density membranes than in wild type cells. In sed5(ts) and sft1(ts) strains, Och1p rapidly accumulated in vesicle-like structures consistent with the delivery of Och1p back to the cis-Golgi on retrograde vesicles via a Sed5p/Sft1p-containing SNARE complex. In contrast to cog3-202 cells, the membranes in sed5(ts) cells that contained Och1p were denser than in wild type. Together these results indicate that Och1p does not accumulate in retrograde vesicles in the cog3-202 mutant and are consistent with the COG complex playing a role in sorting of Och1p into retrograde vesicles. In wild type cells Och1p has been shown previously to cycle between the cis-Golgi and minimally as far as the late Golgi. We find that Och1p does not cycle via endosomes during its normal itinerary suggesting that Och1p engages in intra-Golgi cycling only. However, Och1p does use a post-Golgi pathway for degradation because a portion of Och1p was degraded in the vacuole. Most surprisingly, Och1p can use either the carboxypeptidase Y or AP-3 pathways to reach the vacuole for degradation.  相似文献   

SNAREs on transport vesicles and target membranes are required for vesicle targeting and fusion. Here we describe a novel yeast protein with a typical SNARE motif but with low overall amino acid homologies to other SNAREs. The protein localized to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and was therefore named Use1p (unconventional SNARE in the ER). A temperature-sensitive use1 mutant was generated. use1 mutant cells accumulated the ER forms of carboxypeptidase Y and invertase. More specific assays revealed that use1 mutant cells were defective in retrograde traffic to the ER. This was supported by strong genetic interactions between USE1 and the genes encoding SNAREs in retrograde traffic to the ER. Antibodies directed against Use1p co-immunoprecipitated the SNAREs Ufe1p, myc-Sec20p and Sec22p, which form a SNARE complex required for retrograde traffic from the Golgi to the ER, but neither Bos1p nor Bet1p (members of the SNARE complex in anterograde traffic to the Golgi). Therefore, we conclude that Use1p is a novel SNARE protein that functions in retrograde traffic from the Golgi to the ER.  相似文献   

Assembly of SNAREs (soluble N:-ethylmaleimide- sensitive factor attachment protein receptors) mediates membrane fusions in all eukaryotic cells. The synaptic SNARE complex is represented by a twisted bundle of four alpha-helices. Leucine zipper-like layers extend through the length of the complex except for an asymmetric and ionic middle layer formed by three glutamines (Q) and one arginine (R). We have examined the functional consequences of Q-R exchanges in the conserved middle layer using the exocytotic SNAREs of yeast as a model. Exchanging Q for R in Sso2p drastically reduces cell growth and protein secretion. When a 3Q/1R ratio is restored by a mirror R-->Q substitution in the R-SNARE Snc2p, wild-type functionality is observed. Secretion is near normal when all four helices contain Q, but defects become apparent when additional mutations are present in other layers. Using molecular dynamics free energy perturbation simulations, these findings are rationalized in structural and energetic terms. We conclude that the asymmetric arrangement of the polar amino acids in the central layer is essential for normal function of SNAREs in membrane fusion.  相似文献   

Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) quality control (ERQC) components retain and degrade misfolded proteins, and our results have found that the degradation of the soluble ERQC substrates CPY* and PrA* but not membrane spanning ERQC substrates requires transport between the ER and Golgi. Stabilization of these misfolded soluble proteins was seen in cells lacking Erv29p, a probable Golgi localized protein that cycles through the ER by means of a di-lysine ER retrieval motif (KKKIY). Cells lacking Erv29p also displayed severely retarded ER exit kinetics for a subset of correctly folded proteins. We suggest that Erv29p is likely involved in cargo loading of a subset of proteins, including soluble misfolded proteins, into vesicles for ER exit. The stabilization of soluble ERQC substrates in both erv29Delta cells and sec mutants blocked in either ER exit (sec12) or vesicle delivery to the Golgi (sec18) suggests that ER-Golgi transport is required for ERQC and reveals a new aspect of the degradative mechanism.  相似文献   

In mammalian cells, the Golgi apparatus and endoplasmic reticulum have typical structures during interphase: stacked cisternae located adjacent to the nucleus and a network of interconnected tubules throughout the cytoplasm, respectively. At mitosis their architectures disappear and are reassembled in daughter cells. p97, an AAA-ATPase, mediates membrane fusion and is required for reassembly of these organelles. In the p97-mediated membrane fusion, p47 was identified as an essential cofactor, through which p97 binds to a SNARE, syntaxin5. A second essential cofactor, VCIP135, was identified as a p97/p47/syntaxin5-interacting protein. Several lines of recent evidence suggest that ubiquitination may be implicated in the p97/p47 pathway; p47 binds to monoubiquitinated proteins and VCIP135 shows a deubiquitinating activity in vitro. For the cell-cycle regulation of the p97/p47 pathway, it has been reported that the localization and phosphorylation-dephosphorylation of p47 are crucial. In this review, we describe the components involved in the p97-mediated membrane fusion and discuss the regulation of the fusion pathway.  相似文献   

The GTPase Arl3p is required to recruit a second GTPase, Arl1p, to the Golgi in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Arl1p binds to the GRIP domain, which is present in a number of long coiled-coil proteins or 'golgins'. Here we show that Arl3p is not myristoylated like most members of the Arf family, but is instead amino-terminally acetylated by the NatC complex. Targeting of Arl3p also requires a Golgi membrane protein Sys1p. The human homologues of Arl3p (Arf-related protein 1 (ARFRP1)) and Sys1p (hSys1) can be isolated in a complex after chemical cross-linking. This suggests that the targeting of ARFRP1/Arl3p to the Golgi is mediated by a direct interaction between its acetylated N terminus and Sys1p/hSys1.  相似文献   

Rud3p is a coiled-coil protein of the yeast cis-Golgi. We find that Rud3p is localized to the Golgi via a COOH-terminal domain that is distantly related to the GRIP domain that recruits several coiled-coil proteins to the trans-Golgi by binding the small Arf-like GTPase Arl1p. In contrast, Rud3p binds to the GTPase Arf1p via this COOH-terminal "GRIP-related Arf-binding" (GRAB) domain. Deletion of RUD3 is lethal in the absence of the Golgi GTPase Ypt6p, and a screen of other mutants showing a similar genetic interaction revealed that Golgi targeting of Rud3p also requires Erv14p, a cargo receptor that cycles between the endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi. The one human protein with a GRAB domain, GMAP-210 (CEV14/Trip11/Trip230), is known to be on the cis-Golgi, but the COOH-terminal region that contains the GRAB domain has been reported to bind to centrosomes and gamma-tubulin (Rios, R.M, A. Sanchis, A.M. Tassin, C. Fedriani, and M. Bornens. 2004. Cell. 118:323-335). In contrast, we find that this region binds to the Golgi in a GRAB domain-dependent manner, suggesting that GMAP-210 may not link the Golgi to gamma-tubulin and centrosomes.  相似文献   

Fusion of transport vesicles with their target organelles involves specific membrane proteins, SNAREs, which form tight complexes bridging the membranes to be fused. Evidence from yeast and mammals indicates that Sec1 family proteins act as regulators of membrane fusion by binding to the target membrane SNAREs. In experiments with purified proteins, we now made the observation that the ER to Golgi core SNARE fusion complex could be assembled on syntaxin Sed5p tightly bound to the Sec1-related Sly1p. Sly1p also bound to preassembled SNARE complexes in vitro and was found to be part of a vesicular/target membrane SNARE complex immunoprecipitated from yeast cell lysates. This is in marked contrast to the exocytic SNARE assembly in neuronal cells where high affinity binding of N-Sec1/Munc-18 to syntaxin 1A precluded core SNARE fusion complex formation. We also found that the kinetics of SNARE complex formation in vitro with either Sly1p-bound or free Sed5p was not significantly different. Importantly, several presumably nonphysiological SNARE complexes easily generated with Sed5p did not form when the syntaxin was first bound to Sly1p. This indicates for the first time that a Sec1 family member contributes to the specificity of SNARE complex assembly.  相似文献   

In budding yeast, the secretory pathway is constitutively transporting cargoes such as invertase and α-factor throughout the cell division cycle. However, chitin synthase 2 (Chs2p), another cargo of the secretory pathway, is retained at the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) during mitosis when the mitotic kinase activity is high. Chs2p is exported from the ER to the mother-daughter neck only upon mitotic kinase destruction, indicating that the mitotic kinase activity is critical for the ER retention of Chs2p. However, a key question is whether the mitotic kinase acts directly upon Chs2p to prevent its ER export. We report here that mutation of Ser residues to Glu at 4 perfect CDK1-phosphorylation sites at the N-terminus of Chs2p leads to its retention in the ER when the mitotic kinase activity is absent. Conversely, Ser-to-Ala mutations result in the loss of Chs2p ER retention even when mitotic kinase activity is high. The mere over-expression of the non-destructible form of the mitotic cyclin in G1 cells can confine the wild-type Chs2p but not the Ser-to-Ala mutant in the ER. Furthermore, over-expression of the Ser-to-Ala mutant kills cells. Time-lapsed imaging revealed that Chs2p is exported from the ER rapidly and synchronously to the Golgi upon metaphase release. Our data indicate that direct phosphorylation of Chs2p by the mitotic CDK1 helps restrain it in the ER during mitosis to prevent its rapid export in an untimely manner until after sister chromatid occurs and mitotic exit executed.  相似文献   

In the eukaryotic secretory and endocytic pathways, transport vesicles shuttle cargo among intracellular organelles and to and from the plasma membrane. Cargo delivery entails fusion of the transport vesicle with its target, a process thought to be mediated by membrane bridging SNARE protein complexes. Temporal and spatial control of intracellular trafficking depends in part on regulating the assembly of these complexes. In vitro, SNARE assembly is inhibited by the closed conformation adopted by the syntaxin family of SNAREs. To visualize this closed conformation directly, the X-ray crystal structure of a yeast syntaxin, Sso1p, has been determined and refined to 2.1 A resolution. Mutants designed to destabilize the closed conformation exhibit accelerated rates of SNARE assembly. Our results provide insight into the mechanism of SNARE assembly and its intramolecular and intermolecular regulation.  相似文献   

Arf and Rab family GTPases regulate membrane traffic in cells, yet little is known about how they are targeted to distinct organelles. To identify sequences in Arf-1 necessary for Golgi targeting, we examined the localization of chimeras between Arf-1 and Arf-6. Here, we identify a 16-amino acid sequence in Arf-1 that specifies Golgi targeting and contains a motif (MXXE) that is important for Arf-1 binding to membrin, an ER-Golgi SNARE protein. The MXXE motif is conserved in all Arfs known to localize to the Golgi and enables Arf-1 to localize to the early Golgi. Arf-1 lacking these 16 aa can still localize to the late Golgi where it displays a more rapid Golgi-cytosol cycle than wild-type Arf-1. These studies suggest that membrin recruits Arf-1 to the early Golgi and reveal distinct kinetic cycles for Arf-1 at early and late Golgi determined by different sets of Arf regulators and effectors.  相似文献   

Several complementary approaches have been fruitful in the study of transport from the ER to the Golgi complex in yeast. Mutational analysis has led to the identification of genes required for this process, many of which are now being studied at the molecular and biochemical level. In the case of SEC18, DNA sequence analysis has demonstrated homology to a factor needed for transport in mammalian in vitro systems. In addition, the events that take place at this stage of the secretory pathway have been reconstituted in vitro.  相似文献   

Although studies on endoplasmic reticulum (ER) structure and dynamics have focused on the ER tubule-forming proteins (reticulons and DP1/Yop1p) and the tubule fusion protein atlastin, nothing is known about the proteins and processes that act to counterbalance this machinery. Here we show that Lnp1p, a member of the conserved Lunapark family, plays a role in ER network formation. Lnp1p binds to the reticulons and Yop1p and resides at ER tubule junctions in both yeast and mammalian cells. In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the interaction of Lnp1p with the reticulon protein, Rtn1p, and the localization of Lnp1p to ER junctions are regulated by Sey1p, the yeast orthologue of atlastin. We propose that Lnp1p and Sey1p act antagonistically to balance polygonal network formation. In support of this proposal, we show that the collapsed, densely reticulated ER network in lnp1 Δ cells is partially restored when the GTPase activity of Sey1p is abrogated.  相似文献   

BOS1 and BET1 are required for transport from the ER to the Golgi complex in yeast and genetically interact with each other and a subset of the other genes, whose products function at this stage of the secretory pathway. In a previous study, we reported that BOS1 encodes a putative 27 kDa membrane protein. Here we show that BET1 is structurally similar to the synaptobrevins and identical to the SLY12 gene product. Overexpression of SLY12 compensates for the loss of function of the ras-like GTP-binding protein Ypt1. Both Bos1p and Bet1p are cytoplasmically oriented membrane proteins. Bos1p co-purifies with the ER to Golgi transport vesicles and co-fractionates with Bet1p and the ER membrane.  相似文献   

Dietary long chain fatty acids are absorbed in the intestine, esterified to triacylglycerol, and packaged in the unique lipoprotein of the intestine, the chylomicron. The rate-limiting step in the transit of chylomicrons through the enterocyte is the exit of chylomicrons from the endoplasmic reticulum in prechylomicron transport vesicles (PCTV) that transport chylomicrons to the cis-Golgi. Because chylomicrons are 250 nm in average diameter and lipid absorption is intermittent, we postulated that a unique SNARE pairing would be utilized to fuse PCTV with their target membrane, cis-Golgi. PCTV loaded with [(3)H]triacylglycerol were incubated with cis-Golgi and were separated from the Golgi by a sucrose step gradient. PCTV-chylomicrons acquire apolipoprotein-AI (apoAI) only after fusion with the Golgi. PCTV became isodense with Golgi upon incubation and were considered fused when their cargo chylomicrons acquired apoAI but docked when they did not. PCTV, docked with cis-Golgi, were solubilized in 2% Triton X-100, and proteins were immunoprecipitated using VAMP7 or rBet1 antibodies. In both cases, a 112-kDa complex was identified in nonboiled samples that dissociated upon boiling. The constituents of the complex were VAMP7, syntaxin 5, vti1a, and rBet1. Antibodies to each SNARE component significantly inhibited fusion of PCTV with cis-Golgi. Membrin, Sec22b, and Ykt6 were not found in the 112-kDa complex. We conclude that the PCTV-cis-Golgi SNARE complex is composed of VAMP7, syntaxin 5, Bet1, and vti1a.  相似文献   

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