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The class Prasinophyceae (Chlorophyta) contains some photosynthetic eukaryotic ultraplankton species characterized by containing prasinoxanthin. The existence and abundance of these organisms can be estimated by the diagnostic pigment. We detected the unique pigments of prasinoxanthin-containing Prasinophyceae in Jiaozhou Bay, China using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). This was the first finding of this kind in Chinese seas. Using the ratio of prasinoxanthin to chlorophyll a, the abundance of prasinoxanthin-containing Prasinophyceae has been calculated. The average contribution of prasinoxanthin-containing Prasinophyceae to the chlorophyll a pool was 8.5% and 17.0% in May and August 2004 in Jiaozhou Bay, and the maximums were 25.9% and 36.3%. Size fractionated pigment analysis suggested that more than 80% of prasinoxanthin were in the fraction of 2-20 μm. According to the results of pigment and morphological analysis, the possible genera of prasinoxanthin-containing Prasinophyceae and the reasons for causing this high abundant phytoplankton in Jiaozhou Bay were discussed. This kind of phytoplankton can not be discovered in traditional biological investigation, but its contribution to the coastal ecosystem is significant enough to be studied further.  相似文献   

胶州湾六丝钝尾虾虎鱼的摄食生态特征   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
根据2011年2-11月在胶州湾海域进行的4个季节的底拖网调查,共收集624尾六丝钝尾虾虎鱼样品进行胃含物分析,对其摄食生态进行了初步研究.结果表明:六丝钝尾虾虎鱼摄食的饵料种类有40余种,其中优势饵料生物有日本鼓虾、经氏壳蛞蝓和细螯虾等.其食物组成存在明显的季节变化,除在4个季节均大量摄食虾类外,春季主要摄食腹足类,夏季主要以鱼类为食,秋季主要摄食虾类,冬季摄食桡足类和端足类等小型甲壳生物的比例较高,这主要与胶州湾饵料生物种类和数量的季节性变化有关.随着体长的增长,六丝钝尾虾虎鱼摄食的饵料生物由小型的桡足类逐渐转变为个体较大的经氏壳蛞蝓、绒毛细足蟹和日本鼓虾等,食物组成呈现出明显的体长变化.典范对应分析(CCA)表明,水温和盐度是影响六丝钝尾虾虎鱼摄食的主要因素,其次是体长和pH.  相似文献   

Scanning electron microscopy of the surfaces of the seaweeds Laminaria japonica, haploid Porphyra yezoensis, Ulva pertusa and the diploid conchocelis of P. yezoensis and P. haitanensis revealed Vibrio and Micrococcus to be abundant on the surfaces of U. pertusa and P. yezoensis. Vibrio, Flavobacterium, Pseudomonas, Staphylococcus, Bacillus, Corynebacterium and other genera were isolated from the surfaces of L. japonica.D. Duan and X. Fei are with the Experimental Marine Biology Laboratory, Institute of Oceanology, Academia Sinica, Qingdao, 266071, China L. Xu and H. Xu are with the Department of Marine Biology, Ocean University of Qingdao, Qingdao, 266003, China.  相似文献   

夏季胶州湾微型浮游动物摄食初步研究   总被引:20,自引:1,他引:20  
2002年6月至7月间对胶州湾内、外和港口3个典型站位进行了微型浮游动物对浮游植物的摄食研究.按陆基半现场方式进行了4次稀释法实验,对湾外相同的站位进行了两次实验,对湾内和港口各进行了一次实验,获取了研究站位浮游植物和微型浮游动物种类、丰度、体积转换浮游植物碳含量、碳/叶绿素比率、浮游植物净生长率、微型浮游动物摄食率、对潜在初级生产力的摄食压力、对浮游植物现存量的摄食压力以及碳摄食通量等参数.湾外和湾内站位的浮游植物组成相似,优势种为新月柱鞘藻(Cylindrotheca closterium)和中肋骨条藻(Skeletonema costatum),港口浮游植物优势种类为中肋骨条藻、浮动湾角藻(Eucampia zodiacus)和旋链角毛藻(Chaetoceros curvisetus).湾外微型浮游动物的优势种为百乐拟铃虫(Tintinnopsis beroidea),而在湾内为百乐拟铃虫和急游虫(Strombidium sp.),港口主要为急游虫,也有少数的百乐拟铃虫.微型浮游动物对浮游植物的摄食率和对潜在初级生产力的摄食压力,在湾内最高,其次在湾外,港口最低.微型浮游动物对浮游植物的摄食率,在湾外,分别为0.96和1.20d^-1,在湾内为1.33d^-1,在港口为0.36d^-1.微型浮游动物对潜在初级生产力的摄食压力,在湾外,分别为74%和84%,在湾内为93%,在港口为53%.微型浮游动物的碳摄食通量在港口最高达到281mgC·m^-3·d^-1,在湾内为102mgC·m^-3·d^-1,在湾外最低范围在31~49mgC·m^-3·d^-1.浮游植物的细胞大小和两种微型浮游动物的摄食习性的不同是造成研究站位微型浮游动物摄食率和摄食压力不同的主要原因.同世界其它内湾相比,胶州湾微型浮游动物的摄食压力处于中等水平。  相似文献   

Marine Oligochaeta of Jiaozhou Bay,Yellow Sea coast of China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sixteen species of marine Oligochaeta (8 Tubificidae, 1 Naididae, 6 Enchytraeidae, 1 Megascolecidae) are recorded from the Qingdao area, at about 36° N on the Chinese Yellow Sea coast. Taxonomic remarks are given for most species, of which none appears new to science.Limnodriloides victoriensis Brinkhurst & Baker andEnchytraeus kincaidi Eisen, previously known from the Northeast Pacific, are described from Asia for the first time. These, as well asMonopylephorus rubroniveus Levinsen and aLumbricillus sp., are interpreted as members of a temperate fauna, while all the remaining species have previously been reported from Hong Kong (at about 22° N) and thus are regarded as subtropical/tropical forms in the Yellow Sea.  相似文献   

Abundance and composition of microplankton were studied overa period of 2 years at two depths in Villefranche Bay (LigurianSea, NW Mediterranean Sea). Diatoms dominated the microplanktonin late spring and autumn, whereas dinoflagellates composedthe major part of the microplankton in summer. The silicoflagellateDictyocha fibula and the diatom Thalassionema frauenfeldii dominatedin winter. Ciliates showed low variability throughout the yearwith the lowest abundance in February and an increase whichcoincided with the diatom maxima during autumn in both years.In 1998, the spring bloom (in May) was mainly composed of dinoflagellatesnear the surface and of diatoms in deeper layers. Subsurfacediatom maxima were observed in August–September and November.In 1999, diatoms peaked in May both at the surface and at thedepth of 50 m. They showed a strong maximum in October. Dinoflagellatesand tintinnids showed maxima in early November. Comparisonswith previous studies reveal that (i) changes in species compositionhave not been significant, (ii) the silicoflagellate’sabundance is lower during the present study, (iii) the sequentialspring bloom is composed of a pico-nanoplankton bloom in Marchand microphytoplankton in May, whereas in other western Mediterraneanareas the spring microphytoplankton bloom is reported in Februaryand March, (iv) high water transport through the Corsica channelcoinciding with low or negative winter values of North AtlanticOscillation (NAO) index are associated with the anomalous strongdevelopment of the spring diatom blooms in the Bay of Villefranche,whereas the usual trend is the lack of or weak development ofthe spring diatom bloom. This feature may determine the natureand the fate of primary production and the interannual variabilityin the relative importance of the microbial food web versusthe microbial loop.  相似文献   

Bacterial anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox) is an important process in the marine nitrogen cycle. Because ongoing eutrophication of coastal bays contributes significantly to the formation of low-oxygen zones, monitoring of the anammox bacterial community offers a unique opportunity for assessment of anthropogenic perturbations in these environments. The current study used targeting of 16S rRNA and hzo genes to characterize the composition and structure of the anammox bacterial community in the sediments of the eutrophic Jiaozhou Bay, thereby unraveling their diversity, abundance, and distribution. Abundance and distribution of hzo genes revealed a greater taxonomic diversity in Jiaozhou Bay, including several novel clades of anammox bacteria. In contrast, the targeting of 16S rRNA genes verified the presence of only “Candidatus Scalindua,” albeit with a high microdiversity. The genus “Ca. Scalindua” comprised the apparent majority of active sediment anammox bacteria. Multivariate statistical analyses indicated a heterogeneous distribution of the anammox bacterial assemblages in Jiaozhou Bay. Of all environmental parameters investigated, sediment organic C/organic N (OrgC/OrgN), nitrite concentration, and sediment median grain size were found to impact the composition, structure, and distribution of the sediment anammox bacterial community. Analysis of Pearson correlations between environmental factors and abundance of 16S rRNA and hzo genes as determined by fluorescent real-time PCR suggests that the local nitrite concentration is the key regulator of the abundance of anammox bacteria in Jiaozhou Bay sediments.Anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox, NH4+ + NO2 → N2 + 2H2O) was proposed as a missing N transformation pathway decades ago. It was found 20 years later to be mediated by bacteria in artificial environments, such as anaerobic wastewater processing systems (see reference 32 and references therein). Anammox in natural environments was found even more recently, mainly in O2-limited environments such as marine sediments (28, 51, 54, 67, 69) and hypoxic or anoxic waters (10, 25, 39-42). Because anammox may remove as much as 30 to 70% of fixed N from the oceans (3, 9, 64), this process is potentially as important as denitrification for N loss and bioremediation (41, 42, 73). These findings have significantly changed our understanding of the budget of the marine and global N cycles as well as involved pathways and their evolution (24, 32, 35, 72). Studies indicate variable anammox contributions to local or regional N loss (41, 42, 73), probably due to distinct environmental conditions that may influence the composition, abundance, and distribution of the anammox bacteria. However, the interactions of anammox bacteria with their environment are still poorly understood.The chemolithoautotrophic anammox bacteria (64, 66) comprise the new Brocadiaceae family in the Planctomycetales, for which five Candidatus genera have been described (see references 32 and 37 and references therein): “Candidatus Kuenenia,” “Candidatus Brocadia,” “Candidatus Scalindua,” “Candidatus Anammoxoglobus,” and “Candidatus Jettenia. Due to the difficulty of cultivation and isolation, anammox bacteria are not yet in pure culture. Molecular detection by using DNA probes or PCR primers targeting the anammox bacterial 16S rRNA genes has thus been the main approach for the detection of anammox bacteria and community analyses (58). However, these studies revealed unexpected target sequence diversity and led to the realization that due to biased coverage and specificity of most of the PCR primers (2, 8), the in situ diversity of anammox bacteria was likely missed. Thus, the use of additional marker genes for phylogenetic analysis was suggested in hopes of better capturing the diversity of this environmentally important group of bacteria. By analogy to molecular ecological studies of aerobic ammonia oxidizers, most recent studies have attempted to include anammox bacterium-specific functional genes. All anammox bacteria employ hydrazine oxidoreductase (HZO) (= [Hzo]3) to oxidize hydrazine to N2 as the main source for a useable reductant, which enables them to generate proton-motive force for energy production (32, 36, 65). Phylogenetic analyses of Hzo protein sequences revealed three sequence clusters, of which the cladistic structure of cluster 1 is in agreement with the anammox bacterial 16S rRNA gene phylogeny (57). The hzo genes have emerged as an alternative phylogenetic and functional marker for characterization of anammox bacterial communities (43, 44, 57), allowing the 16S rRNA gene-based investigation methods to be corroborated and improved.The contribution of anammox to the removal of fixed N is highly variable in estuarine and coastal sediments (50). For instance, anammox may be an important pathway for the removal of excess N (23) or nearly negligible (48, 54, 67, 68). This difference may be attributable to a difference in the structure and composition of anammox bacterial communities, in particular how the abundance of individual cohorts depends on particular environmental conditions. Anthropogenic disturbance with variable source and intensity of eutrophication and pollution may further complicate the anammox bacterium-environment relationship.Jiaozhou Bay is a large semienclosed water body of the temperate Yellow Sea in China. Eutrophication has become its most serious environmental problem, along with red tides (harmful algal blooms), species loss, and contamination with toxic chemicals and harmful microbes (14, 15, 21, 61, 71). Due to different sources of pollution and various levels of eutrophication across Jiaozhou Bay (mariculture, municipal and industrial wastewater, crude oil shipyard, etc.), a wide spectrum of environmental conditions may contribute to a widely varying community structure of anammox bacteria. This study used both 16S rRNA and hzo genes as targets to measure their abundance, diversity, and spatial distribution and assess the response of the resident anammox bacterial community to different environmental conditions. Environmental factors with potential for regulating the sediment anammox microbiota are discussed.  相似文献   

Studies of abundance, diversity and distribution of antibiotic-resistant bacteria and their resistance determinants are necessary for effective prevention and control of antibiotic resistance and its dissemination, critically important for public health and environment management. In order to gain an understanding of the persistence of resistance in the absence of a specific antibiotic selective pressure, microbiological surveys were carried out to investigate chloramphenicol-resistant bacteria and the chloramphenicol acetyltransferase resistance genes in Jiaozhou Bay after chloramphenicol was banned since 1999 in China. About 0.15–6.70% cultivable bacteria were chloramphenicol resistant, and the highest abundances occurred mainly in the areas near river mouths or sewage processing plants. For the dominant resistant isolates, 14 genera and 25 species were identified, mostly being indigenous estuarine or marine bacteria. Antibiotic-resistant potential human or marine animal pathogens, such as Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Proteus mirabilis and Shewanella algae, were also identified. For the molecular resistance determinants, the cat I and cat III genes could be detected in some of the resistant strains, and they might have the same origins as those from clinical strains as determined via gene sequence analysis. Further investigation about the biological, environmental and anthropogenic mechanisms and their interactions that may contribute to the persistence of antibiotic-resistance in coastal marine waters in the absence of specific antibiotic selective pressure is necessary for tackling this complicated environmental issue.  相似文献   

青岛胶州湾四种类型湿地AM真菌多样性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对青岛胶州湾4种类型湿地(盐田、滩涂、湖泊和河口)中芦苇Phragmites communis、香蒲Typha orientalis和碱蓬Suaeda glauca 根围土壤中丛枝菌根(arbuscular mycorrhizal,AM)真菌进行孢子分离与鉴定,分析湿地生态系统中植物根围AM真菌群落特征。共分离到AM真菌5属10种,包括斗管囊霉属Funneliformis 2种、无梗囊霉属Acaulospora 3种、近明球囊霉属Claroideoglomus 2种、球囊霉属Glomus 1种、巨孢囊霉属Gigaspora 2种,其中,斗管囊霉属Funneliformis及地斗管囊霉Funneliformis geosporum的分离频度和相对多度最高,分别为湿地中AM真菌优势属和优势种。滩涂和河口湿地中植物AM真菌侵染率显著高于湖泊和盐田湿地植物,AM真菌孢子密度以滩涂湿地最高(572个/20mL),湖泊湿地最低(220个/20mL);滩涂湿地的种丰度和Shannon-Wiener指数最高,分别为3.8和1.2。从植物种类来看,AM真菌侵染率总体呈现出香蒲>碱蓬>芦苇,AM真菌孢子密度以香蒲最高,芦苇最低,植物种类对AM真菌种丰度和Shannon-Wiener指数影响不显著(P>0.05)。二因素方差分析和典型RDA相关分析表明,寄主植物种类对AM真菌孢子密度有一定影响,但湿地类型对AM真菌多样性的影响更为显著(P<0.05),胶州湾湿地土壤因子Ca 2+、速效P含量与AM真菌孢子密度、物种丰度和多样性指数显著负相关,而速效K、Na +、pH与其显著正相关。结果表明植物种类主要影响AM真菌孢子密度,AM真菌多样性受植物种类和湿地类型综合影响,滩涂湿地较丰富的AM真菌多样性可能与该湿地较良好的理化性质有关。  相似文献   

胶州湾西部海域大型底栖动物多样性的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了揭示胶州湾最近几年底栖动物多样性的变化, 作者于2003年9月到2004年9月在胶洲湾西部海域5个测站每2个月1次共进行了7个航次采样, 以种类组成、生物量和栖息密度为基础, 对大型底栖动物多样性进行了分析。使用PRIMER软件计算得到以下变量: 群落的物种数(S)、丰富度(D)、Shannon-Wiener物种多样性指数(H')和均匀度指数(J')。结果表明: 位于大沽河口的D站和水道中央的S站的多样性最低; 养殖区内外站位的多样性差异显著; 丰度/生物量曲线表明, 养殖区内的底栖动物群落已经受到了一定程度的扰动。群落物种数(S)和丰富度(D)的季节性变化明显, 春季和秋季较低, 夏季和冬季较高。分析菲律宾蛤仔(Ruditapes philippinarum)增养殖区的站位(D)发现, 多样性指数和丰富度与次级生产力有着负相关的关系。物种多样性指数和丰度/生物量曲线的分析显示, 该研究海域处于一个轻度人为扰动的状态。  相似文献   

This paper analyzed the distribution and speciation of seven heavy metals in sediments in Jiaozhou Bay. The ecological risk was assessed using three index approaches (i.e., risk assessment code (RAC), contamination factor (CF), and potential ecological risk index (PERI)) and by a comparison with sediment quality guidelines (Chinese Marine Sediment Quality Standards (CMSQS), and threshold effect level (TEL) and probable effect level (PEL) from the USEPA). Pb, Cr, As, Cu, Zn, and Hg contents at most sites were above the corresponding TEL and Class I criteria (CMSQS) value. Particularly, high contents of Cu, detected at sites S7 (124.5 mg kg?1) and S8 (118.3 mg kg?1), exceeded the respective PEL value, indicating that harmful biological effects might occur. Speciation analysis, individual CF, and RAC calculations suggested that Cd had the highest bioavailable fraction and thus posed a very high risk to aquatic ecosystem; Cu and Zn showed a medium–high risk. Both global CF and PERI analysis indicated a high pollution risk at sites S7, S1, S3, and S2, but the assessments of specific sites were different. The incomplete consistency suggested that it is necessary to consider both total contents and chemical speciation for providing a more realistic appraisal for the risk of heavy metals in sediments.  相似文献   

吕淑果  韩博平  孙松  王旭晨 《生态学报》2009,29(5):2391-2399
胶州湾在2005年夏季发生了中肋骨条藻(Skeletonema costatum ( Grev.) Cleve)藻华,该优势种占细胞总量的比例在两个研究站位(C3站及A5站)分别达到59%和86%.对藻华发生过程中(7月,8月及9月份)的颗粒有机物进行了采样分析,测定了脂肪酸、叶绿素(Chl-a)和颗粒有机碳(POC)的浓度,分析了藻华发生过程中浮游植物和脂肪酸的组成特征,并通过标志脂肪酸对藻华发生过程中颗粒有机物组成的动态变化进行了分析.总脂肪酸浓度同叶绿素和颗粒有机碳浓度一样,在藻华发生期达到最高,两个采样站位(C3站及A5站)分别为29.0μg·L-1及185.5μg·L-1,比藻华发生前和消退后高2~3倍及20倍.胶州湾悬浮颗粒脂肪酸主要包括16:0,14:0,18:0等直链饱和脂肪酸(SSFA),16:1ω7、16:1ω5+ω9、18:1ω9,18:1ω7等单不饱和脂肪酸(MUFA)及以 20:5ω3(DHA)和22:6ω3(EPA)为主的多不饱和脂肪酸(PUFA)和以i-15:0及ai-15:0为主的支链饱和脂肪酸(BSFA).藻华期与发生前相比,脂肪酸中的不饱和组分(MUFA,PUFA)所占比例在两个取样站位均有提高.随着藻华的消退,藻华区域中心的A5 站的SSFA及BSFA比例有大幅提高,而在非藻华中心区域的C3站,不饱和脂肪酸尤其是ω3系列多不饱和脂肪酸(DHA, EPA等)比例的上升非常显著.藻华发生时浮游植物在颗粒有机物中的比重提高.藻华消退后,A5站颗粒有机物中碎屑有机物及细菌所占比重提高,而C3站颗粒有机物中浮游植物的比重仍然很高.浮游植物大量死亡是A5站藻华消退的主要形式,而C3站藻华的消退则可能与浮游动物的摄食有关.  相似文献   

胶州湾西部海域大型底栖动物次级生产力初步研究   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:12  
2003年9月—2004年9月隔月在胶州湾西部的5个站位进行了7个航次的大型底栖动物调查取样.利用Brey经验公式对大型底栖动物的丰度、生物量、次级生产力和P/B值进行研究.结果表明,该海域大型底栖生物年次级生产力平均值为47.34 g·m-2·a-1.平均P/B值为0.58.相关分析表明,叶绿素a是影响次级生产力的重要因子,与南黄海鳀鱼产卵场、渤海及国外相关海域的结果进行比较表明,在局域尺度上叶绿素a是最重要的影响因子,但在区域尺度上次级生产力随水深增加而降低.分析对次级生产力影响最大的菲律宾蛤仔种群的年龄组成发现,该种群主要是由不足1龄、1龄和2龄个体组成.  相似文献   

A strain of Pseliodinium pirum was isolated from Jiaozhou Bay, China, identified based on a recently emended classification, and further characterized for its morphology using light, scanning electron, and transmission electron microscopy, and phylogeny based on SSU and partial LSU rDNA sequences. The pigment composition, life history, and potential effects on aquatic animals were also examined. We observed the typical characteristics of Ceratoperidiniaceae, in which its apical structure complex (ASC) formed a circular loop, and the ASC of our isolate comprised four to five rows of vesicles, and connected with sulcal intrusion. Epifluorescence and transmission electron microscopy revealed a bean‐shaped, centrally located nucleus, with at least 76 chromosomes. Numerous rod‐shaped chloroplasts were in connection to the irregularly shaped pyrenoids. Pigment analysis showed that peridinin was the most abundant among all carotenoids and other pigments. Phylogenetic analyses using maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference indicated that our isolate is conspecific with the entity Cochlodinium cf. helix (accession No. KF245459), but different from Ceratoperidinium, Kirithra, and other unidentified species of the family Ceratoperidiniaceae. Pseliodinium pirum could produce sexual, thin‐walled cyst, with subspherical and spherical shape and smooth surface (without spines or rough projections). The cyst could germinate within 3 days. Bioassays did not show adverse effects of P. pirum on the finfish Oryzias melastigma and the rotifer Brachionus plicatilis, indicating it may not be a harmful species.  相似文献   

Unusually high concentrations of NH4+ (up to 10 μM) were observed in the surface waters of polyhaline Chesapeake Bay during July 2000, supporting elevated rates of simulated in situ integrated primary production (4.6 g C m−2 day−1) and chlorophyll-a (chl-a) specific integrated primary production (56 mg C mg chl-a−1 day−1). These rates were the highest measured in the polyhaline Bay during a 5-year sampling program. Chl-a and the percent contribution of phytoplankton >20 μm to the total phytoplankton increased after the ammonium pulse. We hypothesize that increased wind-driven mixing and a tilting of the pycnocline caused by northeast winds combined to increase the transport of NH4+ from below the pycnocline to the surface water. Summer wind and chl-a data collected in the southern Bay between 1984 and 2000 revealed that chl-a was significantly higher 2 weeks after northeast winds than in years when no northeast wind occurred. Episodic peaks in NH4+ and primary productivity resulting from wind events lasting only a few days are poorly captured by traditional shipboard surveys, but may be detected if sampling is focused on periods when wind forcing favors enhanced NH4+ transport to the surface waters. This process of introduction of NH4+ to the surface water from sediments followed by enhanced primary productivity may help explain some of the phytoplankton blooms that are observed in the polyhaline Bay and other estuaries during summer months.  相似文献   

Microcosms were setup to investigate the possible impact of copper exposure on bacterial community structure and function in sediments of Jiaozhou Bay, China, by culture-independent microbial ecological techniques and community-level physiological profiling. Bacterial 16S rDNA libraries indicated that proportion of the bacteria in phyla Chloroflexi and Acidobacteria decreased, but that of Gammaproteobacteria and Planctomycetes slightly increased in copper-treated sediment. Denaturing gradient gel profiles showed that bacterial communities in control and copper exposed sediments developed into different directions, while the copper exposure did not change the pattern of ammonia oxidizing bacterial community. Microbial community-level physiological profiling revealed an obvious response to copper dosage. The copper pollution caused an acute decrease of carbon utilizing ability as well as bacterial functional diversity; the number of culturable heterotrophic bacteria was reduced by 90 %. This study demonstrated that high copper input would obviously reduce culturable bacterial counts and seriously impact bacterial community function in marine sediments.  相似文献   

渤海湾浮游纤毛虫丰度和生物量的周年变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
于莹  王宇  张博伦  王硕  徐晓甫  张武昌 《生态学报》2022,42(9):3822-3831
为了解渤海湾浮游纤毛虫丰度、生物量和种类组成的周年变化,于2019年7月-2020年6月在渤海湾一个站位进行每月1次共12个航次浮游纤毛虫样品的采集。样品按照Utermöhl方法进行分析,通过倒置显微镜镜检,计算纤毛虫的丰度和生物量。无壳纤毛虫和砂壳纤毛虫出现峰值的时间不同,无壳纤毛虫丰度和生物量均在4月和8月呈现双峰值,砂壳纤毛虫丰度和生物量均在7月出现单峰值。周年砂壳纤毛虫丰度占纤毛虫总丰度的比例平均为(28.6±32.6)%,5-7月较高,均超过50%。共鉴定砂壳纤毛虫6属21种,其中拟铃虫属(Tintinnopsis)种类最多,6-8月砂壳纤毛虫种类数最高。砂壳纤毛虫种类组成呈现明显的周年变化,温度是驱动砂壳纤毛虫群落周年变化的主要环境因子。砂壳纤毛虫群落Shannon指数的平均值为0.95±0.78,Pielou指数的平均值为0.52±0.34,均在6-8月较高。除无壳纤毛虫外,砂壳纤毛虫丰度、纤毛虫总丰度和砂壳纤毛虫丰度占纤毛虫总丰度的比例均与温度、Chl a浓度呈显著的正相关,与盐度呈显著的负相关。  相似文献   

Zhao JY  Dang H 《Microbial ecology》2012,64(1):187-199
Diversity and prevalence of plasmid-mediated quinolone resistance determinants were investigated in environmental bacteria isolated from surface seawater of Jiaozhou Bay, China. Five qnr gene alleles were identified in 34 isolates by PCR amplification, including qnrA3 gene in a Shewanella algae isolate, qnrB9 gene in a Citrobacter freundii isolate, qnrD gene in 22 Proteus vulgaris isolates, qnrS1 gene in 1 Enterobacter sp. and 4 Klebsiella spp. isolates, and qnrS2 gene in 1 Pseudomonas sp. and 4 Pseudoalteromonas sp. isolates. The qnrC, aac(6')-Ib-cr, and qepA genes could not be detected in this study. The 22 qnrD-positive Proteus vulgaris isolates could be differentiated into four genotypes based on ERIC-PCR assay. The qnrS1 and qnrD genes could be transferred to Escherichia coli J53 Azi(R) or E. coli TOP10 recipient strains using conjugation or transformation methods. Among the 34 qnr-positive isolates, 30 had a single point mutation in the QRDRs of GyrA protein (Ala67Ser, Ser83Ile, or Ser83Thr), indicating that cooperation of chromosome- and plasmid-mediated resistance contributed to the spread and evolution of quinolone resistance in this coastal bay. Eighty-five percent of the isolates were also found to be resistant to ampicillin, and bla(CMY), bla(OXY), bla(SHV), and bla(TEM) genes were detected in five isolates that also harbored the qnrB9 or qnrS1 gene. Our current study is the first identification of qnrS2 gene in Pseudoalteromonas and Pseudomonas strains, and qnrD gene in Proteus vulgaris strains. High prevalence of diverse qnr genes in Jiaozhou Bay indicates that coastal seawater may serve as an important reservoir, natural source, and dissemination vehicle of quinolone resistance determinants.  相似文献   

The diatom flora in a 164 cm long sediment core obtained from Jiaozhou Bay (Yellow Sea, China) was analyzed in order to trace the response of diatoms to environmental changes over the past 100 years. The sediment core was dated by 210Pb and 137Cs and represented approximately 100 years (1899–2001 A.D.). The flora was mainly composed of centric diatoms (59–96%). The concentration of diatoms declined sharply above 30 cm (after ~ 1981 A.D.), while the dominant species changed from Thalassiosira anguste-lineatus, Thalassiosira eccentria, Coscinodiscus excentricus, Coscinodiscus concinnus and Diploneis gorjanovici to Cyclotella stylorum and Paralia sulcata. Species richness decreased slightly, and the cell abundance of warm-water species increased. We argue that these floral changes were probably caused by climate change in combination with eutrophication resulting from aquaculture and sewage discharge.  相似文献   

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